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Boards Wrestling Entertainment: Raw & SD (current rosters in the OP)



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7


    Show Opens with Chris Jericho. He explains how he was attacked last week by Christian without provocation. He says the ref should have known after Christian attacked him he wouldn’t want to cash in MITB and says it the refs’ fault he lost. He demands Teddy long strike out the result of the match, suspend the ref and Give him back his Money in the bank Contract.

    Christian comes out. He says Jericho is the best in the world at what he does; he is the best at whining, the best at complaining, and the best at finding excuses for failure. Christian says Jericho provoked Christian when he got involved in the title match at Summer Slam. Christian wants a rematch against Drew where there is no interference from anyone.

    Edge comes out. he says he beat them both to the punch tonight and he has already spoken to Teddy Long.
    As Christian was the reason Jericho failed to cash in MITB Teddy is feeling generous and is putting Jericho in the title match at night of champions. But he's not alone, the winner of tonights main event also gets a shot too - and Christian you can probably guess its going to be me versus you, one more time to decide the third man in the title match at night of Champions.


    Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. I am a fighting champion, so tonight we are going to have a First Title Defence against a hand Picked opponent.


    World Heavyweight Champion Drew McIntyre v Mystery Opponent.

    Drews mystery opponent is a familier but unknown superstar, his opponent is the same guy who lost two weeks a go to Chris Masters. Unfortunately for the unknown Rookie he didn't have much luck against the champion. A quick roll up attempt resulted in Drew rolling through and straight into a future shock DDT.

    Your winner World Heavyweight Champion. Drew McIntyre

    Post match the rookie is taunted by The Champ, But MVP comes out once again to help the rookie to the back before Drew dishes out any more punishment.

    We are shown a exclusive of Teddy long calling in S.E.S and the Honour Society from last week. CM Punk is going crazy accusing Danielson of causing his Wellness failure and demanding an IC title Shot. Teddy says Danileson and Punk need to be on the three hour raw to settle their differences. On Smackdown Husky Harris will face the World Warrior Low Ki on what is now this week’s Smackdown.

    Match no 2: Alberto Del Rio and John Morrison v Rey Mysterio and JTG

    Alberto makes his way to the ring via a Balck Rolls Royce in an impressive Entrance.
    The high flying Rey Mysterio and Super Fast JTG make an impressive Tag team in the early part of the match. But Alberto Del Rio came out of this match standing Tall. John Morrison missed Star ship pain on JTG but as Del Rio had made the Blind tag he was able to take out Mysterio before locking in his Arm Bar submission on the luckless JTG for the win.

    Winners Del Rio and Jo Mo
    Morrison celebrated this win like he won an oscar while Del Rio just smiled and winked at the camera.

    Backstage Interview:
    Kofi is interviewed; He says that despite two world title matches last week on Smackdown the biggest talking point was not Christian, Chris Jericho or Drew McIntyre, it was Kofi Kingston’s impact. The boom was heard around the WWE universe when Randy Orton got taken down by Kofi Kingston.

    Tonight he gets Orton in match and when its all over, everyone will be talking about what Kofi did this week…………..


    Match No3: Low Ki v Husky Harris

    Husky tries to Overpower Low Ki here but low Ki is to smart and experienced to allow oit to happen. Low Ki was also smart enough to Bring Tyler Black to Ringside to stop any interference from the SES. Attmpted interference from Luke Gallows was nullified when Tyler Black hit a super kick on Gallows after he grabbed Low Ki's leg after Ki was thrown to the ring ropes. Low Ki won this one after turning a Rock Bottom attepmt from Husky into a tornado DDT and following it up with the warriors way.

    A replay of Kofi and Orton is played from last week.

    Kofi Kingston v Randy Orton

    Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, as he poses on the Turnbuckle Mark Henry and Shad Gaspard come down to the ring. Shad rushes the Ring followed by Henry, the Viper strikes quickly with a boot to Gaspard but Henry attacks him from behind. Orton side steps another attack and tries an RKO but Henry pushes him away.
    Then, the music of the Game HHH hits the arena; he is here to help Orton. But he never gets a chance; he is cut off from entering the ring by Kofi Kingston, Kofi knocking HHH off the ring Apron, with Trips landing hard on the Ring Steps.
    Orton uses the distraction to hit an RKO on Shad but once again he is attacked by Henry who hits the World Strongest Slam on Orton. Kofi then hits Trouble in Paradise on Orton sending him outside the Ring.

    Kofi tells Henry to get a Table, Henry Obliges and Kofi sets it up inside the ring close to the corner. He then tells Henry to throw HHH into the ring. They put him on the Table. Kofi climbs onto the top turnbuckle. With a manic look on his face, he then springs off the top rope and Hits a Boom Drop onto HHH.

    The refs make there way out, but it’s too late, Kofi had already made his impact. Kofi, Shad and Henry leave the ring, at the top of the ramp Kofi takes envelopes from his Ring Boots, Hands them to Shad and Henry before heading backstage. The camera zooms back to a crushed looking HHH.


    We get the inevitable Replay of what went down before the break.

    Chris Masters v DH Smith v Vance Archer

    We have a battle of the Power Houses here with Members of three tag teams. After the events of tonight each mans tag team partner(s) is banned from ring side. Masters was arguably the most impressive superstar hitting a huge Jack Hammer on Archer. Archer also had the misfortune to feel the effects of a Baby Bulldog Running Powerslam. But Archer found a way to be vistorious. Wen Masters attempted to get DH Smith into the Master lock Archer was able to smashed a Big Boot to the Back of Masters head and hitting the Mask of Sanity on DH Smith for the win.

    Winner Vance Archer

    Will this Victory set Archer and Hawkins up for a Future Tag Team title Shot?

    Match 4: Michelle McCool v Tiffany
    This is billed as a warm up match for Michelle with the Womens Title/Divas Title Unification match coming up at Night of Champions.

    Before the match gets underway Tiffany is subjected to you smell like trash taunts by the Champ and her bff Layla El. At the beginning of the match Tiffany tried to show Michelle that it would be unwise to look past her. But Michelle showed her own Credentials with a vicious Chop block on Tiff and followed it up with a Heel hook for the submission victory.

    Winner Michelle McCool

    Post Match Michelle Santino comes to the ring to present the Roman Empress with a basin of Water allowing Michelle to “wash off” before Layla El dumps the contents onto the fallen Tiffany.


    For the Final Spot in the World Heavyweight Championship Match at Night of Champions Edge v Christian

    Jericho is on guest Commentary for this one. Oddly for Jericho he praises both men during the match and keeps himself out of their way.

    The match itself turns into a mini classic.
    Both men it signature moves that are not enough to put their opponent away. Edge thought he was about to win this match when he went for the spear but found himself slamming into the ring post. Christian used the chance to hit the Killswitch. As he went for the pin Edge got his leg onto the bottom rope.

    Sensing he needs something big to win Christian then goes to the top rope and leaps high looking for the Frog Splash. But Edge got to his feet and hit a huge spear. Edge was finally able to beat his Brother when it mattered.

    After the match the brothers surprisingly shake hands. Christian tells his brother to win the Belt at night of Champions.

    Winner: The Rated "R" Superstar Edge


    At Night of Champions we will see Edge v Chris Jericho v the Champ Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Title.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to Monday night Raw where JR tells us that tonight we have a 3 hour special and we are going to find out who the number one contenders are going to be for all the BWE Titles at Night of Champions, The night starts off GM Dibiase coming to the ring he has a message for John Cena “ last week John you tried to bite off the hand that chews you will tonight John that hand slaps you back you are in the No.1 contender match tonight for the BWE title it will be you Vs Kane Vs The Undertaker in a triple threat match, he signs off with his trademark laugh
    Evan Bourne Vs Jack Swagger
    Evan bourne is accompanied to the ring by Gail Kim giving his now trademark 2 finger salute to the crowd, JR tells us that after last weeks confrontation between these two men that Bourne went to Dibiase and requested this match.
    Bourne as usual starts with a very quick pace and for a while looks well on top of things but Swagger is able to ground him and work on his legs which stops Bourne’s high flying the finish comes when Bourne goes for a drop kick but Swagger is able to grab Bourne by the ankle and put him into a ankle lock, Bourne has no choice but to tap out.
    Swagger though wont release the ankle lock and Bourne is screaming in pain the honour society runs to the ring to make the save.

    Winner: Jack Swagger
    After the match Bryan Danielson ask Evan Bourne would he join the honour squad but Bournes refuses saying that he has been in BWE a long time before Danielson, Low Ki and Black and poitiing at his Cruserweight title tells Danielson that he has been getting on fine without them, Low ki then says well why not honour that title against me at Night of Champions, Bourne agrees begrungingly

    William Regal vs Miz

    The commonwealth title is on the line and Miz looks like he means business against Regal, But Regal uses all his experience and when needed goes to the outside for a breather, Miz follows him but is only met with a series of European uppercuts and punches it goes back in the ring he puts Miz into a bow and arrow stretch, Miz is able to get out and with a flurry of punches and a vicious drop kick to Regal face looks like he is back on top of things, he puts regal into a front face lock but Regal is able to counter and apply a arm bar the Miz has tapped out, William regal will now go on to the night of champions to face the winner of tonights match between Danielson and Punk.

    Winner: William Regal

    We see Sheamus who has been cornered by Nexus , Wade Barrets gets in his face and tells him that he was watching last week when he abandoned William Regal and left him to the mercy of the Brothers of destruction , just as Nexus were moving in closer Drew McIntrye interrupts them and with a steel chair in hand ask if they have a problem here laddie, Nexus backs off and Barrett tells Drew that the problem will be later tonight when he and his Next pro Chris Jericho tag up to face Drew and Sheamus.
    Maryse Vs Melina

    A total cat fight from start to finish with both woman not holding back anything , A huge boo comes from the crowd as John Morrison makes his way to ringside JR is not sure what the Smackdown star is doing there but it all comes clear
    As he distracts the ref which gives Melina a chance to knock out Maryse with the Divas title and pins her for the win

    Winner : Melina

    We see John Morrison and Melina celebrate when they bump into Joey Mercury, Melina hugs him and ask if the old team are getting back together but Mercury pushes her away and says he is now gone straight edge and will not be leading the life he used to, just then the rest of the SES walk in and CM Punk tells Melina that Serena is now gone from the SES as she strayed from the straight edge lifestyle and he offers ask Melina can he save her, Melina puts her hand in his face tells him she does not think so and walks off with Morrison.
    Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins Vs The Uso’s
    Both these teams have a chance to face Zig Show at night of champions a great match up with it going one way and then another, Archer uses his power to great affect chokeslam Jimmy Uso , Jey runs in but Hawkins takes him to the outside where they battle Archer hits his inverted DDT on Jimmy Uso for the pin and they Archer and Hawkins will now face Zig Show at night of Champions

    Winenr: Hawkins and Archer
    Sheamus & Drew Vs Wade Barrett & Chris Jericho
    Sheamus and Drew come to the ring both wearing kilts Barrett and Jerico are already in the ring awaiting Sheamus and Drew, Sheamus and Jericho starts the match when Sheamus hit him with a powerfull clothesline over the top rope Barrett comes in and takes out Sheamus knee and continues to attack him while on the mat, Drew runs in for the save but while he is battling with Barrett the rest of Nexus come running to the ring the destroy Sheamus and Drew who cant handle the numbers, the king comments on how they will be able to be to compete in the night of champions, Jericho looks very pleased with himself in the middle of the ring celebrating with Nexus.


    Bryan Danielson Vs CM Punk
    Danielson and Punk come to the ring accompanied by there stable mates but the ref send them to the back
    Punk looks furious, The match begins and Danielson goes to shake Punks hands but only gets a slap in return
    Danielson kicks Punk into the mid section and brings him to the corner rope where he issues some stiff chops,
    Punk reverses and gives Danielson some chops of his own and a high kick to the head, it goes to the outside where Punk plants Danielson head onto the announce table he poses in front of the crowd and does not see Danielson who whips him into the steel steps he brings him back into the ring and slaps in the cattle mutilation Punk is close to the ropes and tries to edge his way closer to the ropes, Mercury runs down but Danielson says him he jumps over the top rope and takes out Mercury, he gets back into the ring but Punk has recovered he goes for the GTS but Danielson is able to get reverse it into a DDT and goes back into the cattle mutilation where Punk has to tap out

    Winner: Bryan Danielson

    John Cena Vs The Undertaker Vs Kane
    The brothers of destruction spend a lot of time double teaming Cena who just cant get into the match , the double chokeslam him and then give him the big boot over the rope once Cena is outside Taker and Kane turn on each other knowing there can be only winner the stand in the middle of the ring and exchange blow after blow it goes to the outside where Kane slams taker into the steel railing and kicks him in the mid section, Cena then comes from behind and throughs Kane into the announce table, Cena gets back into the ring and the ref starts his ten count
    Kane and taker barely get in , Taker goes for a big boot to Cena who ducks out of the way and the ref gets it, the ref is out Kane has now get Cena in a choke and is about to slam him with Nexus come through the crowd and get involved Taker battles with Tarver, Young and Sheffield on the outside while Kane is battling with Barrett, Otunga and Slater they hold Kane down and Gabriel hits the 360 splash, they wake up the ref and get out of the ring and Cena pins Kane for the win.

    Winner: John Cena


    As Cena celebrates in the middle of the ring GM Dibiase comes out and tells Cena that he may have won due to the interference of Nexus and he will stick to his word and give Cena a title shot against Sheamus at night of champions but Undertaker and Kane will go one on one next week the winner will join John Cena as the no.1 contender and face Sheamus at a triple threat match at night of champions.
    Night of Champions Card
    WHC Championship
    Drew Vs Edge Vs Jericho
    US/Intercontinetal Championship
    William Regal Vs Bryan Danielson
    Cruserweight title
    Evan Bourne Vs Low Ki
    Tag Team Titles
    Zig Show Vs Hawkins & Archer
    Womens/Diva title
    Michelle McCool Vs Melina
    BWE Title
    Sheamus Vs Cena Vs ????

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown with Night Of Champions only a couple of weeks away we are sure to have a great show tonight, we start the night with Drew McIntrye in the ring he cuts a promo telling the crowd that last
    Monday he tagged with the BWE Champion and Celtic friend Sheamus against Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett but as usual Jericho could not face him man to man and instead made sure his Nexus buddies got involved well tonight Chris I challenge you to a one on one match up.
    No chance thats what you got....No Chance in Hell.....Its the chairmen of the boards Mr.McMahon he struts to the ring and tells Drew that a couple of weeks ago he decided to lay his hands on the boss and for that there will be reprucissions which start tonight, he tells Drew that he will get his match against Chris Jericho but as a warm up to NOC tonight it will also be a triple threat with Drew Vs Jericho Vs HHH oh and Drew if you lose you are going to have to join a very special club.

    ***commercial break***

    Randy Orton Vs John Morrison
    A great start to Smackdown with a fact paced start with both men exchanging European uppercuts until Morrison uses a russian leg sweep on Orton followed by a knee drop to Ortons kidneys, Morrison then goes for a corkscrew moonsault but misses this gives Orton the perfect chance to get into Viper mood he waits for Morrison to get up and RKO.....
    Takes the pin and win


    We see the Roman empire who has come to Rey Mysterios locker room Santino ask Rey is he would like the join his Roman Empire as every empire needs a midget for entertainment, Rey punches Santino but is grabbed by Masters and Khali with Layla and McCool cheering on as Masters puts Rey into the masterlock.
    Finley Vs Jobber
    Jobber is brought to the ring by MVP, Finley is very stiff with the jobber beating him down with punches and kicks he toys around with the jobber for a while and slaps him across the face, Finley comes off the rope and MVP grabs his leg as Finley is having words with MVP in allows the jobber to roll him up and get the 3 count Finley is furios but the jobber gets the win and celebrates with MVP in the ring with a big shout of Oh Ya....


    **dont try this**
    Archer and Hawkins are in the ring they say last Monday night they showed the BWE world that they are the best tag team in the BWE and at NOC they are going to prove this further by winning the BWE Tag titles
    but they have an open challenge for any tag team to face them tongiht
    Edge comes and makes his way to the ring he is followed by Christian and crowd gives a huge pop.
    Hawkins & Archer Vs Edge & Christian
    Edge and Christian are back on the same page and give Archer and Hawkins a lesson in tag team wrestling with some quick tags, Edge gives Archer the spear and when Hawkins tries to get involved he is met with the killswitch, Edge pins Archer for the win and the brothers embrace in the ring.

    Joey Mercury Vs Low Ki
    The newest member of SES is out to impress CM Punk who is at ringside along with Luke Gallows, Mercury never really gets into the match however as Low Ki uses his speed and agility with some vicious kicks to Mercurys back and head, he goes to climb the top rope to hit warriors way but Punk trips him up.
    Punk and Gallows get in the ring and start to beat down on Low Ki the camera goes to back stage where we see Husky Harris as locked the rest of the honour society in the locker room, we are back in the ring as SES continue the beat down Evan Bourne comes to the ring chair in hand and saves Low Ki...he picks Low Ki up and tells him he wants him at his best for NOC.


    Josh Matthews is joined at this time by Kofi Kingston he ask Kofi that why he has this new attitude for the past couple of weeks where is the fun lovin Kofi, Kingston grabs the mic and tells Matthews that he is sick and tired of been the nearly man and never got the respect of fans that Orton or Mysterio got well he no longer cares about there respect or there cheers that he is his own man now and his only thing he cares about is BWE Gold whether it be tag team, World title or Intercontinetal he shoves Matthews and walks off.
    ***preview for night of champions***

    Drew McIntrye Vs Jericho Vs Triple H
    All three men go at it from the start with Drew attacking Jericho but HHH whips Drew into the corner and follows with a knee smash, then Jericho and HHH mix it up while Drew is outside, Jericho hits HHH with a DDT and tries to lock in the walls of Jericho but Drew is able to break it up with a clothesline now HHH is outside and Drew hits Jericho with a perfect drop kick over the top rope he stops to pose in the middle of the ring taking the boos from the crowd , He does not see HHH get back into the ring and when he turns around he is met with a pedigree, HHH goes for the pin Jericho gets back into the ring but does not break up the count he just laughs


    Winner: Triple H

    Mr.McMahon then makes his way to the ring and tells Drew to look at the titanron to see what club he will be joining next week.

    And next week joining the Kiss my ass club Drew McIntrye.........


    Drew cant believe it we end the show with Drew staring at the titantron.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to Monday night Raw we open the show with The Nexus in the ring Wade Barrett cuts a promo on how the Nexus laid a path of destruction in the BWE so that they can get contracts but ever since they got them the BWE managment has never given them a title shot, not a PPV match up and it is rarely any of them even get a singles match up but tonight all that changes as they have spoken to GM Dibiase before they show and after some words of encouragment he has decided to book a Raw Vs Nexus night.
    ***dont try this***

    The Uso's Vs Sheffield & Tarver
    The Raw vs Nexus begins with this tag team battle The Uso are quick off the mark with fast tags and double team when ever they get the oppurtunity but the power of Sheffield turns the tide when he give Jay Uso a clothesline that turns him inside out, when Jimmy tries to get involved Tarver takes him out , Sheffield picks up Jay and hits him with a almighty lariat for the win.

    Winners: Sheffield & Tarver
    Justin Gabriel Vs Yoshi Tatsu
    A very fast paced match but in truth Yoshi Tatsu really got into it , turns out to be a east win and after a superkick to Tatsu, Gabriel is able to climb the ropes for the 360 splash.

    Winner: Justin Gabriel



    We see William Regal who meets the BWE Champion Sheamus, Regal calls him Paddt and ask what the bloody hell is thought he was doing a couple of weeks ago leaving him to those two cretins Kane and Undertaker, Sheamus gets into Regals face and says "listen here fella I just did what you would have done had you got the chance, plus dont think I forgot that you asked your little pansy mate Barrett to have his Nexus group do a number on me tonight well pass on a message to Barrett I have just spoken to Dibiase and he has put us on a 1-1 tonight.
    Heath Slater Vs Primo Colon
    Primo starts off the match really well with a dropkick from the top rope, Primo starts to climb the rope for a second dropkick but Slater gets up quicker then he expected and is able to suplex Primo from the top rope he then takes full control and beats down on Primo before hitting his finisher sweetness for the win.

    Winner: Heath Slater


    We see Wade Barrett congratulate the previous winners of the Nexus group he tells Young and Utunga they are up next against the Zig Show and to go out there and prove that they deserve a title shot.
    Zig Show Vs Otunga & Young
    Otunga and Young look very confident coming to the ring , Otunga starts the match against the The Big show he gets in the ring and slaps the Big Show across the face a big mistake as The Big Show flatens him with a knockout punch Darren young runs in and he is also met with a knockout punch the Big Show tags in Dolp Ziggler who pins Otunga for the win

    Winner: The Zig Show

    We cut backstage where we see Wade Barrett looking at a moniter and he looks furious.

    Sheamus Vs Wade Barrett
    We are back and Sheamus looks like he has a point to prove both men meet in the middle of the ring and trade punches Sheamus kicks Barrett in the med section and follows it up with a whip to the ropes and a clothesline, Barrett gets back into the match up with a lurry of boots to sheamus face while he was stuck in the corner, Barrett then motions for the rest of Nexus to come out when they come from the back the crowds boos turn to cheers as Zig Show, Primo , Tatsu and the Uso come running from the back and battle with the Nexus group as Barrett is distracted looking at this he turns around to meet with Sheamus bicycle kick Sheamus is about to pin him with from nowhere John Cena gets into the ring and hits Sheamus with the attitude adjustment , Barrett gets up and Cena also hits him with the attitude adjustment and leaves the ring laughing.

    No Contest

    The Undertaker Vs Kane
    JR reminds us that this is a No.1 contenders match to see who will be the 3rd competeter for the BWE Title at Night Of Champions, the brother stand nose to nose and eye to eye in the middle of the ring until they unleash and flurry of punches to one another, it then goes outside where taker slams Kanes head into the spannish announce table but Kane comes back with some chops of his own and whips Taker into the steel steps it goes back inside just before the ten count is up Taker then goes Old school on Kane and follows it with a running leg drop, Kane does get back into it with a vicious uppercut to the undertaker and followed by a big boot Kane climbs the ropes but Taker just sits up catches Kane and chokeslams him from the middle rope then plants him with a tombstone for the win.

    Winner: The Undertaker


    The shows ends with Undertaker in the middle of the ring and John Cena comes out from backstage followed by Sheamus as the both stare at one another and the Undertaker.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    BWE Smackdown


    Matt Stryker tells us that our main event has been set as a tag team match where Drew McIntyre will have to team up with Chris Jericho to take on the team of Edge and Christian. We are also reminded that Drew will be forced to join Vince McMahon’s ‘Kiss My Ass’ Club. Mr. McMahon is expected here in New Jersey later on this evening. We start off however, with Ghana’s own Kofi Kingston making his way to the ring, set for one on one action.

    Match One: Kofi Kingston v JTG

    A squash match for Kofi and he wins within 5 minutes using Trouble in Paradise. JTG never really got going. Kofi’s aggression goes one step too far when after the match he hits the finishing move again.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    Kofi grabs a microphone and calls out Randy Orton. He cuts a decent promo saying how he can’t sleep at the moment. All he wants is to get Randy’s ego and smash it against a brick wall. Orton comes out to a good reception and tell Kofi that he can run his mouth all he likes but whenever it has come down to it in the past, he’s always ended up on the receiving end of an RKO. Kofi smiles as Orton makes his way down the ramp. Kofi admits to Orton that he’s had the better of things in the past but suggests that once and for all they try find out who the better man is. He challenges Orton to a street fight at Night of Champions to which Orton accepts. They square up to each other with our commentators saying the roof could blow on this house at any moment. Orton turns to exit the ring but attempts to catch Kofi off guard with a sly RKO, Kofi reverses and hits Orton’s patented move on him, the ultimate insult. The crowd don’t really know how to react this new Kofi with a screw loose.


    *Raw Rebound*

    In GM Teddy Long’s office, Drew McIntyre arrives in demanding that Teddy talks to Vince about his plans for the evening. Teddy tells Drew that even if he wanted to see Drew get out of this one, he wouldn’t dare go above Mr. McMahon’s head on this one. Drew looks Teddy square in the eyes and tells him that he’ll regret this badly before leaving.

    Match Two: Michelle McCool v Tiffany

    As this match kicks off, we are informed that Tiffany requested this rematch after her defeat to Michelle a couple of weeks back. Layla has been banned from ringside. Tiffany does give a good account of herself but is defeated in the end. Michelle calls for Layla to come to the ring and celebrate with her. Layla brings a bottle of wine and they have a glass while bitching about her Night of Champions opponent Melina. As Tiffany gets to her feet, Michelle cracks her in the skull with the glass bottle for good measure. She has to be taken away by EMTs.

    Winner: Michelle McCool

    *Night of Champions Promo*


    When we come back from the ad-break, we see Mr. McMahon step out of a limo and it would appear that he’s heading for ringside.


    He gets a great reception from the New Jersey crowd. He shows a video of Drew attacking him and says that no one has the last laugh over Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He lists the people who have tried to get one over on him and tells of how they all succumbed to the boss in the end. He demands that Drew McIntyre come down here or there will be further consequences such as the stripping of the World Title from his waist. As Drew makes his way down the ring, he looks at the boss with contempt and sheer rage. He makes a feeble attempt to apologize to Vince but Vince says that he’s never been one for unjustified mercy, as he starts to unbuckle his belt. He stops momentarily though. He says that Drew has also disrespected the office of the General Manager on one too many an occasion. Vince offers Teddy Long a front row seat for this show. Teddy makes his way to the ring as Drew is preparing to make his way to Vince’s ring but suddenly out from the crowd comes the BWE Champion Sheamus. He hits the Brough Kick on the Smackdown General Manager before pointing at Mr. McMahon. Vince looks frightened and rightfully so. Drew levels the Chairman with the title belt as Sheamus enters the ring. Drew forces Vince to stand up as Sheamus hits the kick on him as well. The two champions raise each other’s hands as we cut to a commercial.

    Match Three: Archer and Hawkins v The Dudebusters

    Vance and Curt are impressive here and make light work of the Dudebusters, gathering some needed momentum ahead of their title opportunity at Night of Champions. The match is really overshadowed by what happened before the commercial with our commentators in disbelief at the actions of the two world champions. They even make a pass at them basically being from the same country, essentially showing their ignorance for basic geography.

    Winners: Archer & Hawkins

    Josh Matthews is joined in the back by Chris Jericho. He asks him if he has any thoughts about the actions of his partner for tonight, Drew McIntyre. Jericho says the only thing he’s concerned about is Night of Champions and if Drew wants to go messing with the boss then it’s his own decision. He also says that he is the best in the world at what he does and that when he reclaims his World Title at Night of Champions Drew would want to be careful as he may become immediately disposable. Drew arrives on the scene and tells Christian to watch his mouth. He says to just stay out of his way tonight and not to mess up. Josh Matthews asks Drew if he has any comment on the actions of himself and the BWE Champion Sheamus. Drew says there is no chance in hell that a champion of his calibre should be forced to reduce himself to the likes of William Regal or Jim Ross and that he’s already part of a special dynasty anyway. Himself and Sheamus take pride in their heritage and Drew lists similarities between the Irish and the Scots. Jericho interrupts him eventually and says if he wants a history lesson then he should take note of the fact that it was him who beat The Rock and Austin in the same night to become the first ever Undisputed Champion and when he wins the bout at Night of Champions he just might turn his attention to his ginger friend as well in order to repeat just that.

    Match Four: HHH v John Morrison

    HHH is very over with the crowd as Matt Stryker comments about how he seems to be enjoying his time on Smackdown where he’s actually treated with the respect he deserves. John Morrison comes out with a new haircut and new theme music, his heel turn very much so complete. The match itself is excellent with Morrison really bringing his ‘A’ Game. HHH is forced to pull out all the stops here. Morrison misses with Starship Pain but then reverses a Pedigree into a schoolboy, to no avail as HHH kicks out at two. Morrison then misses with a moonsault and HHH doesn’t fool around this time, hitting the Pedigree for the victory.

    Winner: HHH

    At ringside, we get an update on the health of Vince and GM Teddy Long. Vince is recovering in the back but for Teddy it’s a little more serious. The Brough Kick has brought about a concussion and it remains to be seen whether or not he’ll make next week’s show. If it’s the case that he’s unable to make it, Vince has said that he will appoint an interim GM as a temporary replacement.

    Main Event: Edge & Christian v Chris Jericho and Drew McIntyre

    We are graced by the presence of Sheamus who sits with the commentators for this one. When asked about his relationship with Drew he replies that he has plenty of time for the Scots as unlike the Canadians, themselves and the Irish actually put up a fight when they were oppressed. He also tells us that Scotland is the only country that Ireland ever successfully invaded. Edge and Christian come out first and relive old times by posing for the benefit of those with flash photography. Jericho looks a little bit intimidated as he doesn’t really trust his partner. As well as that, both Edge and Christian are chomping at the bit to get their hands on him. He starts in the ring with Christian. Jericho begins to tire as Edge and Christian tag in and tag out, clearly they haven’t forgotten how to work as a formidable team. Jericho goes to tag in Drew but Drew is not interested. Jericho turns around and is met by a spear. Edge covers him for the win.

    Winners: Edge & Christian

    After the match, chaos ensues. Edge and Christian are attacked by Sheamus and Drew and beaten down. The show comes to a close with them two again raising their two belts above into the air. With just one more Smackdown before Night of Champions, what on earth will be the repercussions for their actions tonight? Will Teddy Long be well enough to take charge of this show that seems to be spiralling out of control? Find out next week!!

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Welcome to BWE Raw


    Tonight’s RAW Starts with RAW GM Ted Di Biase in the ring.

    Everyone Knows I don’t like Teddy Long, but what happened to Teddy Last Week and What Happened to The Chairman Vince McMahon was shocking.

    Let’s see the Replay.

    After the Replay the GM orders Sheamus to the ring.

    Sheamus makes his way to the ring with loud Boos in his ears. Upon Entering the Ring Sheamus is told to Explain himself by the GM.

    Listen Di Biase – You May be the GM but I’m the Celtic Warrior, I can do what I like anytime I like. But for your information I didn’t want to go to Smackdown and do what I did, I did it as a favour, you see Ted the most powerful man in the BWE asked me to go to Smackdown and sort out Teddy Long. As it turned out I got a chance to sort out Vinny Mc too. Now Get out of my face fella or I’ll sort you out too.

    How dare you speak to me like That! Sheamus, Tonight you will have to face one of your Night of Champions Opponents the Undertaker in our Main Event!

    Match 1
    William Regal versus R-Truth
    In another Night of Champions Warm Up Match William Regal gets his Chance to Shine Against R-Truth. Truth chose his entrance to debut a new Entrance Song. While this reporter was still trying to figure out what Crunk was, William Regal had already won the match. A suspect looking Punch saw Truth Floored for the Pin. After Sir William had left the scene Truth appealed to the ref but the Ref said he never saw anything.

    Winner: William Regal

    Match 2
    Zig Show and Evan Bourne v Jack Swagger, The Miz and Alex Riley
    The Champions were given a run for their money tonight. Swagger was intent on getting some revenge on Zig Show for costing his chance of a run with the tag belts while Miz and Bourne have had a long running feud. Sadlly for them the Inexperience of NXT Season 2 Rookie Alex Riley would cost them the match. When A melee occured it left Just A-Ri and Big Show in the ring. When Riley tried to Big Show fight show he was Quickly beuried with a Choke Slam. Show then Tagged in Bourne who returned to the ring apron. A Shooting Star Press later and the match was over.

    Winners: Bourne and Zig Show

    Match 3
    Kane v Heath Slat
    Heath Slater attempts to increase his BWE profile by taking down the former Champion Kane. Kane is looking to get some satisfaction after losing out to his brother in Last Weeks No 1 Contender match. Heath tries to use his smaller frame to avoid Kane but Kane eventually Catches Slater right around the Throat.

    Before the Chokeslam can be hit The Remaining Members of Nexus Hit The Ring.

    No Contest

    A 7 on 1 attack Quickly Ensues. But Kane is no normal man and he is able to fight his way out of The Ring. As he tries to escape up the Ramp he is followed by Nexus who tackle him and Take him down. The Beat down continues and ends when Wade Barrett hits Kane hits Kane with The Wasteland in the wasteland area beside the stage. Justin Gabriel then hits the 450 from the stage onto Kane who is flat out on the Concrete Floor at Stage side. This was a powerful display from Nexus and a great Response to Barrett getting an AA from John Cena last week.


    After the commercial we see Kane was stretchered away during the break

    Ted Dibiase Jr and Maryse make their way to the ring flanked by the other fortunate sons Joe Hennig & Brett Dibiase. Dibiase has his newly acquired MITB contract in his hand and informs the BWE universe that he has been in Monte Carlo and Montreal these past few weeks celebrating getting it in style but now he is back to fulfill his dream and the dream that his father never accomplished, cashing in that MITB contract to become a World champion.

    Speaking of his father he says that he is sure that having him as Raw GM and the man who books when and where the champion is competing should lend itself to giving him the perfect opportunity to complete that dream. He then briefly talks about his an Maryse's opponents tonight, he has challenged Bryan Danielson and Michelle McCool to a match as he wants to show that he is no longer a midcarder, Show that he is one his way up the BWE ladder and that champions better get used to losing to him.

    At this point Melina and Regal make their way to the ring and the commentaters quip how the odds are stacked against the two Smackdown champions tonight with a full 4 people at ringside who arent competing tonight but have a vested interest in seeing Smackdowns momentum halted pre the PPV this sunday.

    Dibiase & Maryse vs Bryan Danielson and Michelle McCool

    In what could be regarded as an Upset Di Biase and McCool were able to get the better of The Champions. A lack of Cohesion between Bry and Michelle and a timely distraction from Joe Hennig allowed Maryse to DDT and pin Michelle.

    Winners: Ted Dibiase & Mayse

    Match 5
    John Cena v Matt Hardy

    John Cena was next out for a match. John looked visibly worried after what just happened to Kane obviously wondering if Wade Barrett would be seeking any retribution.
    Cena tried to win this match as quickly as possible trying to get out of the ring and out of danger of a Nexus attack. The Veteran Matt Hardy was smart enough to avoid in some cases reverse Cena’s Pin Attempt. Hardy responded with some big moves and soon Cena had to abandon his quick win strategy. Cena decided it was time to maybe leave the match altogether and get counted out.
    But Matt Hardy is always up for a fight and followed Cena, bringing him back to the ring. This left Cena with no choice but to stand and fight with Hardy.

    When Forced into a Corner Cena responded with some real fight and ended up Dominating Hardy. An AA and STFU later and this match was over. JR asked why Cena has taken so many short cuts lately when he is one of the greatest competitors BWE has ever had. The King even made him his favourite for the BWE title match on PPV.
    Winner: John Cena

    Night of Champions Preview
    Match 6
    The Undertaker v Sheamus
    Before the match Starts, GM Ted Di Biase comes to the stage, You know what I have changed my Mind, Tonights Match is going to be a Handi Cap Match. Ted Di Baise Junior and Joe Hennig make their way to the Ring. They stand side to side with The Undertaker as Sheamus looks Furious. Then Big Red Charges for The Undertaker and hits him With the Polish Hammer. Di Biase and Hennig watch as Sheamus stomps on Taker and then they Take their Position on the Outside of the ring in the Corner Of Sheamus. As the Audience boo again Ted Di Biase Jr just laughs at them.
    The Trio Work over Taker tagging in and Out, In and Out. Eventually Taker mounts a typical come back but then GM Ted Di Bias returns to the stage changing the rules so there is no need to Tag. The Trio then Dominate the Deadman, Hennig Hits a Perfect plex, Di Biase Jr Hits Dream Street and then is left to the Celtic Warrior to Finish off Taker with a Brog Kick for the Pin.

    Winner: Sheamus and the Fortunate Sons.

    As Taker is laid out GM Di Biase enters the ring.

    I guess it’s pretty obvious now who the most powerful man in BWE is. ME! I’m the one who Had Sheamus go to Smackdown; pretend to align himself with the World Champion and Take out The Smackdown GM and the BWE Chairman in one Night!

    His reward was help taking out the Undertaker tonight (Poinys at Fortunate sons).

    At night of Champions I prove my power again when the Cruiserweight Title, the Tag Team Titles stay on RAW while The Women’s Title and Intercontinental Title all join me on Smackdown. And considering my Son is Mr Money in The Bank how long before the World Title is here too?

    The Undertaker Sat up as the GM started his Trademark Laugh but he was Quickly Taken out With The BWE Title Belt.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7



    Before Smackdown Starts we get the RAW Rebound showing the Reveal of Million Dollar Man Ted Di Biase as orchestrator of the Attacks on Teddy Long and Vince McMahon (Footage Of Sheamus and Drew attacking Vince and Teddy is mixed in).

    After the credits and Pyro we are told that Teddy Long is not here tonight but the currently unknown Interim GM has already made tonight’s main event - Edge v CM Punk! Starting us off is Rey Mysterio v Kofi Kingston!

    Match 1
    Mysterio v Kofi

    Rey starts this match on fire but his recent beat down by The Roman Empire catches up with him as he loses his balance when trying to spring board from the ropes. Rey fought on and eventually tried to go to the top rope. But as Rey Hesitated, afraid to stand up, Kofi leaped in the air hitting trouble in paradise for the pin.
    Winner Kofi

    After the break:
    Josh Matthews is in the ring - Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the World Heavyweight Champion Drew McIntyre.

    Drew Makes his way to the big with a smile on his face, as Josh tries to ask Drew a Question Drew tells him to shut up, Josh again tries to speak but Drew again tells him to shut up. Anytime Josh tries to speak he is cut off by Drew. Drew talks up what happened last week- how he avoided the Kiss my ass club. He also had a warning for Ted Di Biase Jr, If Ted tries to cash in on Drew he will Fail Just like Chris Jericho did.

    As Drew moves topic to talk about who tonight’s Interim GM is he is interrupted by Josh again, Drew stops him “I warned you Matthews” - Drew Grabs Josh by the Throat.

    Matthews eventually struggles free and jumps out of the ring and takes a Mic in hand – Drew if you put your hands on me or any other non wrestler you will be stripped of the World Heavyweight Championship, Drew just laughs and says on whose authority yours!

    Josh surprised the BWE Audience with an answer of Yes, my authority, The BWE Board of Directors made me tonight’s Interim GM. I am sick of people like you assaulting announcers and abusing anyone who isn’t bigger than you. So I repeat my stance, if you lay a hand on any of the Referees, Announcers, Divas basically any non male contracted wresters you will be suspended and stripped of your title. Drew went to chase Josh but Josh stood his ground and Drew reacts eventually realises there is nothing he can do. Drew leaves the ringside area and we can only assume the arena too.


    Match 2
    Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins v MVP and Percy Watson

    MVP’s tag team partner for tonight’s match is NXT season 2 rookie Percy Watson. Percy does not have a Smackdown contract yet so he was looking to impress the interim GM in this one and asked MVP to let him start the match. Sadly for MVP this was the most active he would get in the match. Big Vance Archer is in peerless form and was not going to be denied tonight.

    After a competitive exchange between Hawkins and Watson, Archer would be tagged in but Percy declined to tag in MVP. Percy tried to battle the 6ft 8 Vance but Archer didn’t even flinch when Percy hit him with a Punch, Percy tried to retreat to MVP but quickly felt a Big Boot from Vance. Archer then inflicted a series of power moves on Percy before hitting The Mask of Sanity on Percy. Archer then tagged in Hawkins for the top rope Elbow Drop and the Pin, MVP could only look on with head in hand.

    Winners the No 1 Contenders for Tag Team Gold, Archer and Hawkins

    As Archer and Hawkins head to night of Champions to Take on Zig Show for the Tag Belts, Matt Stryker wondered did MVP just realise its time to go back to singles competition rather than mentoring Rookies and Jobbers.


    Punk and Edge run into each other backstage – Edge Tonight I have an offer for you – how about instead of a match, when you come to the ring, I shave your Head and induct you into the Straight Edge Society.

    Edge laughs and mocks the name Straight Edge Society, Straight Edge Society is that some sort of antonym, the world society is linked to civil; there is nothing Civil about a group of thugs dressed like Nazis, Straight well there is nothing straight about your little boys club either. With that in mind there is no place for an Edge in your Group. See you later ChipMunks.

    Match 3
    Low Ki and Danielson v Shad and Henry

    Low Ki and Danielson were presented with this task as a warm up for their respective title matches at night of champions. They were joined at Ringside by Tyler Black who was in action on BWE Superstars.
    The World Warrior and The American Dragon used their skills honed over many Years to Separate Shad from Mark Henry but eventually the world’s strongest man got into the ring. Henry used his sheer size to over power his opponents. When Danielson flew from the top rope he was swatted out of the air. This sent Danielson straight over to his tag partner who tagged in and nailed a two footed soccer style tackle straight to Henry’s knee. Low Ki would go up top and land the warriors way for victory.
    Winners Low Ki and Bryan Danilelson


    Match 4
    Randy Orton v Jobber

    The Jobber was again by himself tonight, we saw a brief glimpse of him backstage before the match talking to MVP who told him he would have to do things on his own from now on.
    The Smackdown Jobber was quickly buried by Randy Here with an Instant RKO. After the pin and with his thirst only partially quenched Randy would then hit an RKO on the Ref! Stryker wondered what Tonight’s GM would think of that?

    Ashley Valance Interviews Kofi Kingston

    That’s was Impressive Randy. Two RKO’s in one night? It’s strange the more you have hit that RKO the past year the more I have found myself respecting you Orton. Your fearlessness is an admirable Quality, so admirable I offered to be your Tag Partner. But of Course you responded with an RKO.
    So I had no choice but to make you feel some trouble in paradise. Last week Randy you showed again what I respect about you, you didn’t hide, you came to the ring and faced me man to man. But I knew you would and I knew you would try an RKO. So I waited and when you tried to strike, I used my speed to hit the RKO on You!
    Randy I can see the rage in your eyes, desperate to get to me one more time. Well Randy – I’m happy with that, now I know you will bring your best I know we will tear the house down live on Pay Per View.
    Happy Birthday BWE, at night of Champions, I deliver a present to you, a match you have to see - Randy Orton v Kofi Kingston– In the Words of the Icon, It will be a Showstopper!

    Match 5
    Christian v John Morrison

    Morrison continued his impressive transition with a victory over the former World Champion. Morrison controlled much of the match but Christian showed his unrivalled resiliency to fight back. With Jo Mo again in control Christian went for the Pendulum Kick but Morrison saw it coming and grabbed Christian Legs before leaping over the top rope. This sent Christians neck first into the top rope, Morrison would re-enter the ring and hit a moonlight drive for the win.

    Winner John Morrison

    Diva’s Layla and Michelle some to the ring and use this opportunity to run down Melina. They show a series of still Images of Melina in Risqué positions and basically run her down, calling her classless and as they are about to call he far worse Melina appears on the stage and runs off McCool and Layla. Michelle left her Title Behind in the panic, as McCool and Layla argue over who was minding the Title Melina poses with the Diva’s and BWE Women’s Title.

    After The Break it’s Vince McMahon on the Titan Tron. On RAW Ted Di Biase, The RAW GM told the world he is the most powerful man in BWE.

    How wrong he is and pretty soon I’m Going to prove it. But At night of champions I am interested to see how his superstars will fare, especially his son Ted Di Baise Jr who has just been added to the card. Ted Jr will defend his Million Dollar Belt against..................HHH!

    HHH’s music hits and soon he is in the ring. HHH speaks - Ted Di Biase, RAW, these little games between you and smackdown will soon be over, you better be ready for me and my friend, HHH takes a Sledgehammer from under the ring and poses for the tv cameras.


    The Main Event – Match 6
    Edge v CM Punk

    CM Punk makes his way to the ring with the Straight Edge Society to a chorus of Boos.
    Edge then comes out to a series of cheers.
    Before the Match Starts Edge Jumps form the ring and Smacks Luke Gallows hard across the face, Edge Jumps back in the ring and hides behind the ref as Luke, Joeyand Husky Storm the ring. The Ref has no choice but to send Luke, Joey and Husky to the Back. As Punk and his Society appeal the decision; Edge takes a seat on the top turnbuckle laughing.
    Eventually the delayed match gets going without the SES at ringside. Punk fired up by Edge’s mocking takes control after a poke to Edge’s eye. Punk sets about wearing down Edges Arm for the Anaconda Vice. Punk would Irish Whip Edge to the turnbuckle and Hit the High Knee; When Punk went for the Running Bulldog Edge was able to push off Punk and Hit an Edgecution. As both men recovered in the ring Drew McIntyre returned to the arena through the crowd. Punk was first to his feet and Drew Kicked Punk Hard out of his way.


    The Kick to Punk was Drew’s Mistake as Husky Harris and Luke Gallows Hit the ring, the distraction caused Drew to be hit with a spear. Edge left the ring as Husky, Joey and Luke Stood over the WHC, Gallows then Hit the Gallows Pole. Punk regained his own footing and hit the GTS on Drew.

    As SES stood over Drew, tonight’s GM Josh Matthews came to the stage, Drew it seems you are involved in so many moments with Outside Interference, so to keep things honest and fair at the PPV meet the special Guest Enforcers for your World Title Defence at Night of Champions, The Straight Edge Society!


    World Heavyweight Championship
    Drew McIntyre (c) v Edge v Chris Jericho

    Staright Edge Society will act as Enforcers

    BWE Title
    Sheamus (c) v John Cena v The Undertaker

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    Zig Show (c) v Archer and Hawkins

    Unification Match: Intercontinental Title and US Title
    Bryan Danielson v William Regal

    Unification Math: Diva's Title and Womens Title
    Michelle Mc Cool v Melina

    Cruiserweight Title:
    Low Ki v Evan Bourne (c)

    Million Dollar Belt
    Ted Di Biase Jnr (Holder) v HHH

    Non Title:
    Orton v Kofi

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt


    BWE Night of Champions

    This sold out crowd rises to their feet as we are treated to a high flying opener.

    Cruserweight Title match - Evan Bourne (c) vs. Low Ki

    JR tells that both Teddy Long and Ted DiBiase have ordered that there's to be no interference in this match. Striker adds that this is probably the only things they agree on.

    The match starts with both men giving their all, Tilt-a-whirls and hurricanranas gallore here. Low Ki begins using his array of kicks to his advantage. About 5 mins in, Low Ki gets Bourne into the turnbuckle and charges at his with a spin kick but Bourne quickly moves leaving Low Ki landing in a heap in the corner. Bourne lifts Low Ki up, gets on his shoulders and delivers a hurricanrana which takes Low Ki outside the ring whilst Bourne hangs on to the top rope. Bourne jumps over the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Low Ki changes his position and effectivly throws Bourne into the security barrier. The ref reaches a 7 count while both men try to get back into the ring. Both men are becoming weary now. After another couple of mins, Low Ki hits an enziguri out of no where that stuns Bourne. Low Ki hits a high knee onto Bourne which knocks him down. Low Ki goes to the top rope and goes for the Warrior's stomp. Bourne just rolls out of the way. Low Ki lands on his feet but Bourne hits a low dropkick to Low Ki's knees and a round house kick. Bourne goes to the top rope but he still looks woozy from the enziguri. He jumps and goes for the Shooting Star Press but Low Ki avoids it. Bourne clearly looks worse for wear and Low Ki goes in for the kill. Low Ki locks in the Dragon Clutch. He applies as much pressure as he can but Bourne somehow gets to the ropes. Low Ki lifts him up, puts him in the corner and locks in the Bite of the Dragon. He breaks it after a 4 count by the ref. Bourne is down and Low Ki heads up to the top rope. He hits the Warrior's stomp and we have a new Cruserweight Champion!!


    Winner and NEW Cruserweight Champion - Low Ki

    After the match, Low Ki stays in the ring to help Bourne up. Bourne looks at Low Ki and proceeds to raise his arm. He knows deep down that he was beaten by the better man tonight.

    Chris Jericho is backstage with Josh Matthews. Jericho promises the BWE Universe that he will take home the gold tonight. Matthews admires his confidence but warns him that he could lose the match without even being pinned. Jericho responds with a DUH but says it shouldn’t matter because he is the best in the world at what he does and he will prove that tonight.

    Unified Tag team titles match - Zig Show (c) vs. Archer and Hawkins

    Hawkins and Ziggler start the match off with Hawkins taking control early on to show that his team aren't showing any nerves on being in their biggest match to date in the BWE. Hawkins and Ziggler exchange some chain wrestling spots which leads to Hawkins throwing Ziggler out of the ring. When Ziggler gets back in the ring, Hawkins and Archer regularly tag in and out to keep each other fresh and to get Ziggler from tagging in Big Show. Hawkins and Archer look to be in control until Ziggler pushes Archer into Hawkins, knocking him off the apron. Ziggler makes the tag to Big Show and Big Show begins to beat down on Archer. Big Show lifts Archer up and hits a press slam on him only for a 2. With Big Show in, Zig Show begin to get into their rhythm and show why their the current tag team champions. Show throws Archer into the turnbuckle and, while Show distracts the ref, Ziggler snaps Archer's neck off the ropes. After 10 minutes, Archer and Hawkins have gotten right back into the match and look to be leaving Night of Champions as new tag team champions. Archer hits The Mask of Sanity onto Ziggler and tags in Hawkins. Hawking throws him into the corner and hits a splash on him. The ref signals something. Hawkins gets up to the top rope and jumps for the elbow drop. Just he jumps, Big Show comes in and hits the knock-out punch mid air onto Hawkins. Show hits Archer off the apron and goes for the cover. 1.....2.....3

    Winners and still Unified tag team champions - Zig Show

    We see a replay off the finish. When Hawkins threw Ziggler into the corner, Show made the blind tag and became the legal man. JR notes that Archer and Hawkins can be proud of their effort tonight and that bigger things are in store for this team.

    Backstage Jack Swagger is interviewed by Todd Grisham who says that this last year could arguably be called the year of Swagger after his monumental rise in the BWE but then asks how Swagger feels considering he isn’t even on the card tonight when ever title in the BWE is being defended. Strangely this question isn’t followed by any aggression on Swaggers behalf but instead his trademark smirk as he says that his not being on the card does not mean they fans won’t see the all American, American tonight. He says that The Undertaker needs to be taken down a peg or two after getting involved in Swaggers business in recent weeks and that he hasn’t forgotten that it was Sheamus who took his BWE title from him and he vows to get some payback on those men.

    Just then The Big Red Machine Kane makes his presence known squaring up to Swagger and simply stating that if he gets involved in his brothers matchup tonight there will be hell to pay and it will be Kane the devils favourite demon that will be dishing it out.

    Divas/Women's Unification Match - Michelle McCool Vs Melina

    McCool comes to the ring accompanied by Santino while Melina has Morrison in her corner. The match starts with both women grappling at each other’s hair, Melina manages to pull McCool's down to the ground by her hair and then head stomps her. She then puts her in the camel clutch, Santino gets up on ring apron to distract ref but Morrison pulls him down and they both begin to battle on the outside, McCool managed to get out of the Camel clutch and roundhouse kicks Melina she then belly to belly suplexes her. She continues to beat down on her but Melina does put her into a schoolboy cradle and gets a two count. In the mean time Morrison and Santino have battled to the back and Layla has now come out she tosses the women’s title into McCool she then gets up on the apron to distract the ref by flaunting her body, McCool hits Melina with the belt and covers her for the win.


    Winner and new unified women’s champion: Michelle McCool

    We are told about the upcoming match which is for the World Heavyweight Championship. We are shown a video of Drew McIntyre's recent surge to the summit of the Smackdown Mountain before the superstars make their way out.

    World Heavyweight Championship- Drew McIntyre (c) v Edge v Chris Jericho

    Staright Edge Society will act as Enforcers


    The S.E.S. are out first and look quite smug with themselves. Punk, Gallows, Harris and Mercury take a side of the ring each. King comments on this, wondering if they’ll be enforcers or lumberjacks. Cole reminds us at home that there are no disqualifications under triple threat rules but Teddy Long is expecting the Straight Edge men to keep order. Before the three men begin the match, Punk grabs the microphone from Justin Roberts and presents an open offer to all three contestants. He tells them that they are all excellent performers and that all three would be welcome in his society if they are willing to accept Straight Edge into their lives. Edge seems to find this particularly funny as he points to the letter ‘R’ on his tights.


    The match begins and Edge finds himself singled out by the two heels. He manages to fight off Drew however and sends the Ayr born man over the top ropes. As Edge and Jericho square off, Drew finds himself surrounded by the S.E.S. members. They don’t attack him but the mind games appear to be affecting the defending champion. Jericho is desperate to regain the title. He tries in vain to lock in the Walls early in the game, it only results in Edge reversing into a number of damaging moves. Edge has to be the favourite early on here. Drew is finally back in the game though. Himself and Jericho manage to get the upper hand over Edge again but an argument ensues when Drew breaks the Walls of Jericho. They go at it with both landing some heavy punches. Jericho shows his technical brilliance though when he counters an attempted Futureshock DDT into a Codebreaker. Edge is waiting for him with the spear though and it connects. Edge looks set to hit it on the champion though until all hell breaks loose. CM Punk removes a large black bag from under the ring as Gallows enters it. Edge, bemused, decided to fight him off but Mercury and Harris arrive in and the numbers game takes over. Edge struggles but is then victim of the GTS. They put him in the black bag which has an S.E.S. logo on it and the four men carry him from the arena, leaving Jericho and McIntyre left on their own. Still reeling from the spear, Jericho walks into a Futureshock DDT that connects this time and Drew is still at the top of the mountain.


    Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Drew McIntyre

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    When we come back from a Hell in a Cell promo, we cut to the parking lot where a van, also with the S.E.S. logo on it is pulling away. Christian is seen running into the parking lot screaming for his brother. He doesn't know what to do and is evidently worried.

    Intercontinental/Unites States Unification Match - Bryan Danielson v William Regal

    Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring.. Danielson grabs a microphone from ringside..

    "Im not sure if many people in the BWE universe actually know this, but William Regal has done more for my career, than any other person ive ever know.. The colors of my trunks are my little personal tribute to the man who trained me, and got me on the road to my place here in the BWE.. Regal is some i not only respect but admire, and tonight i get the chance to finally prove to myself, that im no longer just a protege, now im an equal.."

    Sir William makes his way to the ring with his British Commonwealth Title...

    Both men lock up, with Danielson powering Regal into the ropes, and follows up with the high knee to Regals gut, Danielsons locks in the armbar but Regal makes it to the bottom rope. Sir William rolls out of the ring, and looks on at Danielson with a look of fear, he shakes his head and returns to the ring, Regal pushes Danielson in to the ref and grabs the bass knux from inside his shorts, instantly hitting Bryan with the power of the punch, unfortunately for Regal the semi consious referee see's his actions and instantly disqualifies him..

    Winner.. Bryan Danielson

    Regal grabs a microphone.. " I guess im still British Commonwealth Champion lad"


    In GM Ted DiBiase’s office, his son Ted Jr. is pleading with him to cancel this match. He tells him that he can’t do that but if he checks in his locker, he’s left a little gift for him that may be of assistance to him later on. He rushes off to see what it is.

    Randy Orton v Kofi Kingston
    Match starts off with a lock up and then Randy transitions into a Headlock. Kofi moved towards the rope and using them as a ladder he step up the ring ropes flips himself backwards in the air and locks in a Pin attempt. He almost gets a three count inside a minute of the match starting!

    Kofi then injects some serious pace into the match, hitting two drop kicks and then an Irish Whip into the corner before a running splash that ends with Kofi landing acress Ortons Chest with his legs over the turnbuckle, Kofi with Punches, Kofi rolls backwards and hits a leg sweep on Orton as he moves from the Corner. Kofi then goes for a Boom Drop but Randy moves out of the way.

    Randy Grabs Kofi and hits a signature Back breaker. Orton slows the match pace down as he does the round the world stomps and then some chokes and a head lock. Orton picks Kofi up and hits another Backbreaker, but only gets a two count.

    Kofi drags himself to the ropes as Orton chastises the ref for a slow count, Kofi gets onto the Apron and and tries tp stand up, Orton catches Kofi by the Hair and Pulls him through the 2nd rope, with Kofi's legs propped on the rope Orton hits a sick DDT, but to Ortons distaste its another Kick out by Kofi.

    Orton hits some power moves including a Power slam and out of charachter belly to belly suplex but still can't pin Kofi. An Irish whip into the Corner sees Kofi avoid the unrushing Orton and Kofi hits a Pendulum Kick. Kofi gets some support and goes to the top Rope, High Cross Body by Kofi but Orton Kicks out. Orton then side steps an attempt by Kofi to hit his double chops and pushes him towards the ropes, Kofi bounces off the rope and hits Trouble in Paradise! But WAIT No Orton moved out of the way!

    Orton is waiting for Kofi as he stands Up, RK NO - Kofi holds the top rope sending Orton to the Matt, Orton lands hard on his shoulder, As Orton stands Kofi hits the SOS/Ranhei and gets the PIN!!!


    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    Kofi overcomes Orton
    The crowd cheer for Kofi but there is no Celebration, The Viper gets up and Strikes with an RKO. Orton leaves the ring to cheers and eventually Kofi also leaves to Applause from a Happy BWE Audience.

    A frantic Match!

    Million Dollar Title Match - Ted Di Biase Jnr v HHH


    Ted cuts a promo before the match saying how much of a disgrace it is that he is being forced to defend this title. He tells this Chicago crowd how it’s like an inheritance, royalty if you will. It’s not a title that can simply be taken from him and that the belt is a symbol of how he is better than everyone in this arena here tonight. He goes on to say that HHH is just as much a beneficiary of nepotism as he has been but that the difference is, he is classy, talented and priceless.

    On that note, HHH’s music hits and he charges straight to the ring.
    Ted aims to keep The Game on the ground, focusing on an old knee injury and the more recent ankle injury that he suffered at the hands of Jack Swagger. However, HHH is still a powerhouse and it’s not long before he’s in control. HHH pounds on the head of Ted until the referee begins a count, HHH stops at 4 and a half. Ted rolls to the outside, proclaiming he’s had enough. HHH follows him and makes sure he doesn’t make it far up the ramp. Back in the ring HHH continues his offence. Ted is in desperate need of a breather and manages to pull a tilt-a-whirl slam out of the bag. Ted tries to use the referee as leverage to stand to his feet. All is not clear what is happening but the referee goes outside the ring to Justin Roberts, talking about trivial things. Meanwhile, Ted takes a diamond studded set of brass knuckles from him trunks and catches HHH right in between the eyes. He throws them from the ring and as Mike Chioda returns to the ring, he counts the 1-2-3.

    Winner: Ted DiBiase Jr.

    Ted rushes up the ramp with his father’s belt and what was evidently his father’s gift. HHH sits up with a busted open head looking furious but also bemused. He stares at Chioda who has also made his way up the ramp. It is then that the replay comes up on the screen. A closer inspection shows Ted slipping a wad of cash into Mike Chioda’s hand as he tries to get to his feet. Chioda hides it in his pocket and then appears to need to give a message to the ring announcer. Enough time for Ted Jr. to use the foreign object to get the three count. HHH gets to his feet on seeing this atrocity and points at Chioda, signaling that he’s going to get vengeance.

    Hell In a Cell Promo
    BWE Hell In a Cell is only 2 weeks away!!

    Christian is seen in Teddy Long's office. Teddy says that he's just as annoyed at the SES as he is, that they ruined a fine main event and that there will be consuquences. Teddy also advises Captain Charisma that he talk to Brian Danielson and see if he can help.

    Main Event: BWE Title Match

    The Undertaker vs Sheamus (c) vs John Cena

    This one starts out as a slugfest between these 3 powerhouses with massive rights and lefts all round. As this one develops its clearly going to be a tight contest as each man stops the other from gaining any momentum whenever they get the opportunity including early on when taker goes for an old school rope walk with Cena when Sheamus catches him with a big forearm stopping him. Chinks begin to appear in the competitors armour though when an outside influence is added to the mix in the form of Jack Swagger who slowly makes his way down to the ring seemingly stalking all 3 men according to the commentators.

    Meanwhile back in the ring The Undertaker has once again begun to gain some momentum going to town on John Cena with a number of big clotheslines followed by a big DDT but once more Sheamus tries to kill his momentum this time with a Bróg kick that he has lined up. However taker avoids it at the last moment and sends Sheamus over the top rope (which he is momentarily tangled up in) and to the matt outside. Swagger immediately begins attacking Swagger outside stomping on his ankle while on the inside of the ring the Undertaker continues the beatdown on Cena who really hasn’t had the best of matches so far. We then see two finishing maneuvers at once as first Swagger lock in his anklelock on Sheamus on the outside leaving the Celtic warrior barely able to stand meanwhile The Undertaker delivers a big tombstone piledriver to Cena before going for the 3 count win. Unfortunately for taker Cena is too close to the ring ropes and gets his foot on the bottom rope.

    The commentators comment that it seems that something has snapped inside the Undertaker as he is forced to break the pin as The deadman goes to the outside and picks up a steel chair while dragging his thumb across his throat in an ominous gesture aimed at John Cena. Unfortunately for Taker with Sheamus out of action, Jack Swagger has turned his attention towards The Undertaker and catches him with a big boot which sends that same steel chair crashing into takers skull on the outside. Momentarily all 3 competitors are downed and struggling with Jack Swagger standing tall but its not long before the complexion of the match takes another major turn with the arrival of the Undertakers brother Kane who we are reminded had words of warning for the all American, American earlier tonight.


    As Kane makes his way to ringside Sheamus barely able to hold his own weight on his now injured ankle rolls back into the ring and out of his way as the big red machine makes a beeline for Swagger. Eventually as Taker gets back up we get a second 3 way slugfest with the brothers of destruction going to town on Swagger. However in the ring Cena who despite taking a tombstone earlier now seems to be the healthiest competitor in the matchup - taking it to Sheamus who clearly is still struggling after Swagger’s anklelock earlier. Sheamus goes for a big Bróg Kick on Cena but once again this time due to having to put all his weight on his injured ankle fails to hit the moves and leaves him prone for a big attack of Cena's the attitude adjustment. Then just as Cena is about to go for the 3 count Taker gets back in the ring leaving Kane and Swagger to continue to brawl on the outside, a fact that only now does the referee pick up on going to the outside and ordering both men to the back and when they ignore his orders getting security to escort them away.


    Its during this distraction that the final unexpected combustible element is added to this match up with the leader of Nexus Wade Barrett coming through the crowd and straight into the ring to help out his buddy John Cena who he immediately starts double teaming the Undertaker with. He then delivers his finishing move the Wasteland Slam to Taker leaving him prone on the matt but before he can exit the ring the referee returns and as with Swagger and Kane, orders him out of the ring. He then starts threatening Cena with a disqualification something that Cena argues against so much so that he is actually slow to notice that the referee starts and makes a 3 count. It seems that Sheamus who was flat on the matt had found the where with all to drape his arm over the Undertaker and had now just retained his BWE title. Cena is irate but the same security that has just escorted Barrett, Kane and Swagger away now hold Cena back as The Celtic warrior struggles to get to his feet and makes his way to the back with his BWE title still in his grasp.

    Winner and still BWE Champion: Sheamus


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome to BWE Raw we start the night with the BWE Sheamus in the ring he cuts a promo on how last night he beat the best the BWE has to offer and that he has proved not only is he the greatest BWE Champion of all time but that no one can take his title from him, Just then John Cena's music hits and Cena comes out and tells Sheamus that at last nights Night of Champions he would have left the Champion if it was not for the interference of Wade Barrett and Jack Swagger.
    The lights go out and when they come back on The Undertaker is in the ring with Sheamus he looks him dead in the eye and tells him that at Night of Champions Swagger may have cost him the title but at hell in the cell he will make sure that he finishes the job.

    Ted Dibiase Sr comes out and tells Cena and Undertaker that at Hell in a Cell they will get another shot at the BWE Title but they will joined by Wade Barrett, Kane and Jack Swagger in a 6 max hell in a cell match.
    The crowd gives a huge pop as we head to break.

    ***commercial break***

    Evan Bourne Vs Chavo Guerrero
    We are back and the crowd is still buzzing with the news of the 6 man hell in a cell match they barely get a chance to get back there breath when they are treated to a Evan Bourne masterclass who after losing his cruserweight title last night looks like he has a point to prove against Chavo, Chavo got in very little offence and Bourne was able to dominate the match before hitting air bourne and the win.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    R-Truth Vs David Otunga

    It is pro vs rookie of season 1 of NXT as Otunga tries to show R-Truth how far he has come since joining Nexus, Otunga took control early on in the match but spent too much time posing to the crowd and while his back was turned R-Truth was able to put him into a school boy and got the 3 count, Otunga looked furios with himself.

    Winner: R-Truth



    Josh Matthews is joined by the US Champion Bryan Danielson he asked Bryan what he is doing here in Raw, he tells Josh that he is here to see Regal that last night Regal took the cowards way out to make sure he still left with his title but he is here to challenge him to a rematch a HIAC where there would be no way out of a steel cage.
    Miz Vs Matt Hardy

    Miz looks like he has a point to prove tonight as he tries to battle his way into the US Championship scene once more, he beats down on Hardy from the very beginning taking it to the outside and whipping Hardy into the railing and steel steps the ref tries to get them back in the ring but Miz does not listen and continues his beat down, the ref counts them both out but Miz does not care he contnues on beating down Hardy and takes a steel chair to Hardys back before security separate them and get Miz to the back.


    JR Tells us that he has just been passed some news that GM Ted Dibiase has made tonight main event and it will be a 6 man tag with Sheamus teaming with Jack Swagger and Wade Barrett to face Undertaker , Kane and John Cena.

    **Night of Champions recap**

    We see Wade Barrett laying into Otunga he tells him a couple of weeks ago he lost within seconds to Zig Show and this week he allows R-Truth to out him into a school boy he warns Otunga that he only wants winners in Nexus and with that Tarver begins to leave for his match which is next.
    Primo Colon Vs Micheal Tarver

    Tarver dominates from start to finish and uses his power to his full advantage, Tarver gives Primo multiple jabs and after a huge clothesline he hits jis finisher Tarver lightning and takes the win.

    Winner: Micheal Tarver


    ***dont try this at home***

    Ted Dibiase Jr Vs Yoshi Tatsu

    A total squash match for Dibiase Jr as he does not even break a sweat dispatching Tatsu , The king comments how it is strange that after night of champions that Dibiase did not get a more difficult match.
    After the match Triple H music hits he starts to make his way to the ring when Brett Dibiase and Joe Henning cut him off and start to battle on the outside , Dibiase Jr is screaming at his fortunate sons team mates to get HHH, He does not see Cody Rhodes come through the crowd.
    Rhodes starts to trade punches with Dibiase in the middle of the ring and when he starts to get the upper hands refs and security come down to the ring and seperate both men.

    Sheamus & Swagger & Barrett VS Kane & Taker & Cena

    The brother of destruction do not look happy having Cena on his side the King comments how they would probably prefer it to be a 4 on 2, Swagger and Kane start the match and Kane gives Swagger some punishing blows to the body , He tags in Sheamus who starts with a huge clothesline to Kane and then goes over and punches Taker, Kane grabs Sheamus by the throat but Swagger gets in and kicks Kane in the back.
    Cena finally gets involved and puts Barrett up on his shoulders waiting to hit the AA, But Swagger shots blocks him and grabs Cena's ankle to put him into a ankle lock, Taker and Kane get back into the ring Barrett gets chokeslamed while Kane is met with a brogue kick from Sheamus.
    The match has total broken down the ref has called for the bell both all 6 men are still going at it in the middle of ring, then the Hell in the cell structure is beginning to be lowered from above.
    The show ends with all six men battling and the hell in the cell structure being lowered.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to Smackdown the BWE world is still a buzz after Night Of Champions and they huge main even that was announced for Hell in a cell we open the show with GM Teddy Long in the ring about to cut promo
    He tells the crowd that last night a night of champions his Smackdown superstars proved to the BWE world what he always know, that Smackdown is the number on show in the BWE, He congratulates Michelle McCool and Low Ki in bringing new gold to Smackdown, But he also needs to congratualte Ted Dibiase the GM of BWE second show Raw, he says that he has made a great main event for Hell in a cell but as usual whatever Raw can do Smackdown can do better so tonight he would like to announce the Smackdown main event for Hell in a cell it will be
    Drew McIntrye Vs Chris Jericho Vs Christian Vs Rey Mysterio Vs HHH Vs Randy Orton in a Smackdown 6 man hell in a cell.
    We are back and Matt Stryker and Micheal Cole cannot believe the announcement that was just made and mention they cannot wait for Hell in a cell.
    Low Ki & Tyler Black Vs Shad Romane & Mark Henry
    Our first match begins with the new Cruserweight champ Low Ki facing off against the world strongest man Mark Henry, Low Ki uses his quickness and Henry's size to his full advantage with some vicious kicks to Henry back, Whips Henry into to corner and hits tidal wave he tags in Black but is only met with a boot from Henry who tags in Romane to take some recovery time, Roman begins to dominate Black but a blind tag gets Low Ki back in, Black is able to hit a drop kick on Romane, Low Ki takes full advantage by climbing the top rope and hitting warriors stomp and covers for the win.

    Winners: Tyler Black and Low Ki


    We see Christian looking for the SES he finally bumps into Husky Harris and demands to know where his Brother is, Harris tells him to relax that his brothers in the SES are at this moment in time doing there best to save Edge, But mean while his saviour CM Punk has asked him to come to Smackdown tonight and try save you,Christian looks at him tells him he has no idea what he is on about and how about they just let there actions talk instead of words that he will see him in the ring later.
    Santino Marella Vs John Morrison
    Before the match up we see a clip of NOC of Marella and Morrison battling on the outside during the Melina and McCool match up, this match has barely begun and while Morrison was in full control of the match a huge boo is heard as Chris Masters and Great Khali come down to the ring, they get inside and straight away start beating down on Morrison, a local jobber tries to run down and make the save but was only met with a masterlock, The Roman Empire leave with Morrison and jobber in a heap in middle of the ring.
    ***recap of raw***

    Christain Vs Husky Harris

    The crowd is hugely behind Christian who starts the match by landing a series of blows to Harris med section and uppercut while sliding outside the ring , Christian is well on top of the match and on the way to victory when all the sudden on the titantron we see CM Punk with Gallows and Mercury there is a man tied to a chair with a hood over his head CM Punk ask Christian who does he think it might be he then gets out a Razor turns it and begins to walk towards the hooded man telling prepared to be saved today is going to be the first day of the rest of your life the titantron goes off and Harris is able to attack Christain from behind he hits him with a body slam and then hits his running senton pins him for the win.

    Winner: Husky Harris



    We see Drew McIntrye who has been called into the GMs office Teddy Long tells Drew that after his actions a couple of weeks ago that he should be stripped of the title but instead he has other plans for him which start tonight when he puts his title on the line against Rey Mysterio, he then gets security to escort him out, Holler Holler.
    ***dont try this***

    MVP Vs Kofi Kingston
    The new attitude of Kingston seems to be paying off as MVP does not get much of a chance to get into this match up, and after a flying forearm smash by Kofi MVP looks out of it, Kofi hits the boom drop when MVP gets up he is only met with trouble in paradise, Kofi picks up the win then goes outside for a chair but Percy Watson has grabbed it first Kofi backs off while starring into Watson.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston


    Drew McIntrye (c) Vs Rey Mysterio
    Drew cant believe he has to put his title on the line after a gruelling encounter only a few mights ago and Mysterio is well up for this match his speed is a big advantage as he hits drew with a roundhouse kick and when drew drops to his knee is met by a dropkick all is going very well for Triple H then comes to ringside followed by Randy Orton and then Chris Jericho this now has fully distracted Drew and while he was looking outside Rey tries a inside cradle but Drew escapes and grabs his belt and smashes Rey with it, the ref has no choice but to call the DQ, Triple H, Orton and Jericho begin to get into the ring but Drew high tails it Jericho grabs a mic and tells Drew that at Hell in a Cell there where be no where to run he throughs the mic down and turns around to be met with a Pedigree from Triple H, Who in return gets a RKO from Orton Drew laughs at the top of the ramp as Orton stares him down he does not see Christain come from behind and hit the killswitch the show ends with with Orton alone in the middle of the ring and Christain up on the ramp starring at him.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7


    Show opens with a recap of the show going off air last week while the 6 competitors from the BWE title match at Hell in a cell went toe to toe. Ted Di Biase Snr appears on screen and announces that since the competitors couldn't do three on three properly lets do a triple threat tag match. Taker & Kane v Cena & Barret v Sheamus & Swagger
    Monday Night Miz.
    Special Guest Bryan Danielson.
    Miz takes the opportunity to gloat about how he got Rid of Matt Hardy last week and proved he is a championship Contender.
    Miz then invites out his guest and welcomes Bryan to the Show, it is great to see the IC title on RAW but its a terrible shame the aura of the title can be ruined by the boring presences of Daniel Bryanson or whatever his name is. After some Verbal jousting between the two, William Regals music hits the Arena. William comes out and Blatantly ignores Miz as he addresses Danielson.

    He tells Danielson he doesn't want a Cell match but he does have a counter offer. He tells Danielson to forget titles this is just for Bragging Rights, he wants a Submission Match at Hell in the Cell. Danielson accepts. Mix sticks his nose in laughing at both men saying neither have the personality to draw buys for the PPV. Regal and Bryan look at one another and in Symphony Smack the taste out of Miz mouth. This brings Miz' buddy Alex Riley to the ring and he Attacks Danielson and Regal from Behind. Before all hell breaks lose The GM Ted Di Biase interjects. he sends a ref down to ringside and we are going to have a tag Match after the Break. Regal and Danielson v Miz and Riley.
    Danielson and Regal set about picking apart Riley as soon as they get him in the ring. Its obviously a game of One Upmanship as Riley is left screaming in a number of holds. Miz has to save Riley a few times before he tapped out. Eventually the frustration of being trapped at Ringside gets the Better of Miz and All hell does break out with four Men Brawling. As the ref is about to call a Halt to Proceedings Regal Catches Riley in the Regal Stretch while Miz is Caught in a LeBell lock by Danielson. As Miz and Riley tap out the Ref goes with it and awards the match to Danielson and Regal. As the ref raise there hands Regal knocks Danielson to the ground going for a Regal Stretch but Danielson rolls out and away, standing and saying save it for Sunday!!
    Winners: Regal and Danielson


    Diva's Battle Royal
    All the BWE diva's are in this one. But Smackdowns Natalya who has unfinished business with Laycool is successful and wins the chance to be No.1 contender and challenge Michelle McCool for the Undisputed BWE Diva's Championship.

    Cody Rhodes[SIZE=+0] v Joe Hennig and Brett Di Biase[/SIZE]
    Not for the First time GM Ted Di Biase snr stacked the odds against Cody Rhodes. First banning his Brother form the Arena, then putting him in a handi cap match against Joe Henning and Brett Di Baise. After Cody made his way to the Ring, The GM then went on to announce his son as Special Guest Referee! Before Cody had a chance to get away from the ring and save himself a vicious beat down ensued with the ref aiding his Stablemates. Ted Di biase Jnr even hit the Cobra Clutch Bomb on Cody hard onto the MITB Briefcase Eventually a perfect plex brought the match to a conclusion.
    Winners: Joe and Brett, the Fortunate Sons.
    After the match Ted says he could go to Monte Carlo to celebrate a win for the Fortunate sons but instead they will be the Live Edition of Smackdown to make an offer to HHH.

    Oh and a warning for the BWE and WHC after the hell in the cell matches, I have you in my sights.

    Darren Young (w Gabriel, Slater, Otunga, Tarver and Skip Sheffield at ringside) v Jey Usos (With Jimmy at Ringside)

    Young and Slater overcome the Usos. After Young and Jey uso hit a double Clothesline on each other, both men were hurt in the ring. Otunga distracted the ref and Gabriel nailed Jey Uso with the 450 Splash, Young rolled into the pin and win for Nexus.
    Winner Darren Young (Nexus)
    After the match Nexus say they have a Challenge for Zig Show, they demand a shot at the BWE Tag Team Champions. Ziggler and Show enter the ring. Big Show accepts but warns them they need to pick the two members that can avoid SMACK: Show knocks out Darren Young! Nexus leave the ring in a hurry as Young is sprawled out in the ring.

    Don't foget to get you BWE Champions new T Shirt at BWE.COM

    R-Truth v Evan Bourne
    Bourne faced off against a bigger stronger competitor here who could also match Evan for daring and speed. Bourne determined to show he had some extra tools slowed this match down and worked on Truths leg. This could well be a pointer towards his plans for his rematch with Low KI. Bourne eventually left Turth unable to support his full wright and then wnet about increasing the speed of the match again. A Flying Knee set up the Shooting Star Press and the Impressive Win form the Impressive Superstar.
    Winner: Bourne


    Cody Rhodes is attended to by trainers backstage as Josh Matthews is about to interview Yoshi Tatsu. Cody stops the interview and tells the BWE audience he may have had a beat down tonight but Junior made a mistake, he didn't finish the job. he says he has an older brother, he grew up getting slaps and kicks and into fights but he still grew up to be pretty, he says Junior was protected in cotton wool so its no surprise he needs the likes of Joe Hennig to back him up or money buy his way to MITB. He says he is ready for another fight, and Pretty soon he will be taking Juniors Million Dollar Belt

    Taker & Kane v Cena & Barret v Sheamus & Swagger
    This match to everyones surprise goes much further than last weeks match. The smart teams made by GM Di Biase help the match as each duo has some positive History. What was really showcased was the strenght of the RAW main event scene as we saw multiple combinations of the wrestlers in the ring at one time. Eventually and more to our expectations tha match did break down, as the Brothers of Destruction looked like they were taking control of the match they ended up on the receiving end of a 4 man team of Barret, Swagger, Cena and Sheamus who cleared the ring of Taker and Kane.

    Swagger and Sheamus Quickly turned on Cena and Barrett. The referree for the 2nd time tonight let the rule breaking go on, when The Undertaker and Kane returned to the ring Swagger, Barrett and Cena decided they had enough for tonight and escaped the ring, leaving the Champion alone with the brothers of destruction. A Double Chokeslam sealed Shemaus' faith and he was pinned by Kane as Taker made sure the other competitors were heading for the back. This provided a timely reminder of how vulnerable the Champ will be inside the Steel Cell.

    Winners Kane & Taker

    As we went off the air Swagger, Cena and Barret stood uneasily on the Ramp as The Brothers of Destruction stood nose to nose over, at least for tonight, A fallen Champion

    Extra Matches made for Hell in the Cell.
    Natalya v Michelle Mc Cool (c) for Undisputed BWE Divas Title
    Evan Bourne v Low Ki (c) Cruiserweight Title
    Regal v Danielson - Submission Match
    Zig Show (c) v Nexus - tag titles

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    BWE Smackdown debuts on SyFy


    The show opens with a taste of class. Alberto Del Rio has the ring set up and is running his mouth about how great he is. However, he wants to call out somebody who’s impressed him over the last few weeks. He asks if Kofi Kingston would care to join him in the ring. Bemused, Kofi makes his way to the ring. The crowd is rather hostile towards the Ghanaian native who still seems to have a hell-bent look in his eyes. Del Rio commends Kofi on his ruthlessness these past few weeks. He says that Kofi and him are similar in a way, given that they have both been left off the Hell In A Cell PPV despite them both being on a roll of sorts. He asks if Kofi would like to join with him in order to force their way on to the bill. Kofi says that he’s tired of being perceived as the fun loving Rasta that people seem to think he is. He bellows out that he is first and foremost and African and that secondly, he doesn’t need anyone’s help to make an impact. He instructs the people in the back to play the footage of him beating Randy Orton a few weeks ago. After it’s finished he squares up to Alberto with a sinister smirk on his face. They are then interrupted by GM Teddy Long. He tells them that he actually agrees that both men have been harshly done by In terms of the booking for the main event at Hell In A Cell. He says that the bill is not finished though and that he has just had a wonderful idea. He tells Kofi and Del Rio that they will have a chance of a lifetime to propel themselves to where they both think they should be. He announces that next week’s Smackdown Main Event will be a no. 1 contender’s match for the World Heavyweight Title with the winner gaining a shot at whoever comes out on top in the 6-man Hell in a Cell match. However, they won’t have to wait long to get their hands on each other as he’s placing them in a tag team match tonight with both of them needing to find a tag team partner. As we cut to a commercial they square up again, Kofi looking a lot happier with the developments than Del Rio.


    Match One: Christian v Randy Orton

    A tricky warm up match for these two ahead of HIAC with former world champions going head to head; A back and forth encounter with Orton stealing it via a schoolboy. As he scurries back up the ramp, Christian applauds him but signals that the belt will be back around his waist come Sunday
    Winner: Randy Orton


    Backstage Josh Matthews is joined by the BWE Tag Team Champions, Zig Show. Josh informs them that Nexus have indeed chosen their duo that will compete for the belts at Hell In a Cell, it will be Skip Sheffield and David Otunga. Big Show tells the BWE Universe that it really doesn’t matter which two of the Nexus get in the ring because the result will always be the same. Ziggler cuts in and tells Josh that not only is Zig Show perfection, it’s gigantic perfection.

    Match Two: Low Ki v Justin Gabriel

    Todd Grisham tells us that to his understanding, Justin Gabriel is over here from Raw to try and stake a claim to be included in the cruiserweight title race. This is a fantastic exhibition that deserves a better finish than it gets. As Low Ki attempts his patented stomp, Michael Tarver distracts the referee, allowing Darren Young to botch the move. All of Nexus is now surrounding the ring and the referee calls for the bell when he realizes what has happened. Barrett hits Wasteland followed by Gabriel’s 450 splash. They then cut a promo saying how they thought they’d crash this SyFy debut and show Friday nights that they are not exempt from the wrath of the Nexus. As they leave the ring, we wonder if the cruiserweight champion will make it to Sunday.

    GM Teddy Long is seen on the phone, clearly not happy about the presence of the Nexus on his show. He’s roaring at security to have them escorted off the pre… He stops talking as Nexus barge into his office. He immediately backs down and tells them that they can stay. Nexus then destroy his office, smashing his personal belongings before leaving.

    Raw Rebound

    We see Alberto Del Rio approaching Drew McIntyre. He praises McIntyre and tells him that he would be honoured to face him for the title after they both come out on top in their respective matches over the next week. McIntyre tells him that he’ll be his partner tonight as long as there is no funny stuff, otherwise he’ll Futureshock him so hard that he’ll be sipping his champagne through a straw.

    Match Three: Michelle McCool v Rosa Mendes

    A squash match for McCool ahead of her defense on Sunday. She continues the beat down on Mendes after the match but Natalya comes to her aid. The two don’t break eye contact as we go to a break.
    Winner: Michelle McCool

    Y2J is making his way towards the ring as he prepares to do battle with MVP but he is met by Rey Mysterio. Jericho tells Rey that he has no idea why he’s even in contention, that he will be so far out of his depth come Sunday that he’ll wish he was back in Mexico doing kid’s birthday parties. Not impressed, Mysterio says that Jericho talks a lot of trash given how little he’s achieved of late. Rey reminds him that he was the first ever wrestler not to successfully cash in the Money In The Bank contract. Jericho, bemused at Rey’s bravery, tells Rey that there should be some sort of system in place for the first man eliminated on Sunday. Jericho says that he Is so confident of his ability to walk out champion, that he will gladly put his lifestyle on the line this Sunday. Jericho challenges Rey to do the same, saying that whichever one of them is eliminated first should be suspended until the new year. Mysterio says he’s never backed down from a challenge in his life and that he’d be happy to be rid of Jericho’s arrogance, it’d be like Christmas come early.

    Match Four: Chris Jericho v MVP

    MVP gives a good account of himself but perhaps Jericho’s arrogance is justified as he wraps this one up in under 5 minutes, forcing MVP to tap to the Walls.
    Winner: Chris Jericho


    Main Event:

    Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre are in the ring. Del Rio gets back on the microphone and slates Kofi, saying that he doesn’t have any friends in the locker room so who is his partner? Tony Chimel? Kofi laughs but agrees, he doesn’t have many friends in the back but he’s found a man who doesn’t either, a man who he’s found some common ground with and a man who’ll be especially pleased to get a go at Drew. HHH’s music plays and the crowd is on their feet at HHH and Kofi charge the ring and clean house.

    Once the match settles down it’s a fiery encounter with plenty of hatred all around. Kofi wants at both of these men, one of whom is the champion, the other, his next opponent. Del Rio continuously mocks Kofi throughout the match which infuriates him further. All hell breaks lose then. Del Rio breaks up a pinfall attempt, Kofi goes for him and the two men slug it out outside the ring. Back in the ring, Drew rakes the eyes of The Game and manages to hit Futureshock and grab the win. Kofi and Del Rio are somewhere in the crowd still going at it but Drew McIntyre stands tall tonight as BWE Smackdown’s first show on SyFy comes to an end. Will he stand tall on Sunday? Tune in to see.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Before the opening pyros etc we are treated to a messgae from Raw GM Ted Dibiase. He once again sites his past as a christian minister and how he is proud to be a BWE general manager during the PG era but as he has done so before wants to warn all those at home that there are special occasions in the BWE calender on which he nor anyone else can guarantee a PG environment and tonight is one of those nights. He says that tonight the ring will be surrounded by a steel chain link fence cage structure, with a roof., and that in this type of match there are no countouts and no disqualifications. The only way to win this match is by pinfall or submission. This match type he says is seen only on rare occasions since it is famous for its brutality and potential to end careers, and tonight there will be two of these matches involving 12 BWE Raw and SD wrestlers and that it may not be one for the faint at heart because as we all know anything can and will happen in the BWE.
    No. 1 Contender’s match: Kofi Kingston V Alberto Del Rio

    A fiery encounter from start to finish. Kofi’s on the offensive from the off as he chases Del Rio around the ring. The match hasn’t even officially started yet. However, as Del Rio is getting back into the ring, Ricardo Rodriguez trips Kofi up and he seems to hurt his knee pretty badly. Del Rio drags him into the ring and the referee officially starts the match.

    Del Rio keeps Kofi grounded with his submission and grappling finesse. However, we know that this is a new Kofi who is ruthless in his goals. The crowd start to rally behind Kofi as he tries to scramble to his feet, Del Rio has a crossface chickenwing locked in. Eventually he does break free and heads for the ropes but on his way back he is caught with a huge powerslam which stops his brief momentum and very nearly wins the match for Del Rio. Again Del Rio goes to work on the knee, almost to the brink of disqualification. Del Rio stalks Kofi, looking to lock in the armbar with precision but as he tries to flip the Ghanaian, he counters into an SOS out of the blue. It’s not enough to win the contest though. Kofi’s starting to get on top though and hits his patented ‘Boom Drop’ on Del Rio. It’s time for Trouble in Paradise. Kofi sizes it up but Del Rio moves out of the way and flips him into the armbar submission. Kofi’s in agony but suddenly reverses into an inside cradle to very nearly sneak a win. Del Rio is still the fresher and hits a low spear to the knee of Kofi who falls to the ground writhing in pain. The camera gets a close up of Del Rio’s cocky smirk. He goes to pick up Kofi and sets him up into the German Suplex position but as he launches Kofi over his head, Kofi backflips, lands on his feet and hits Trouble in Paradise to send Del Rio to sleep.

    Winner and new No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship: Kofi Kingston


    As the commentators discuss the match we just witnessed they find themselves interupted by the music of CM Punk and the Straigh Edge Society. Punk makes his way to the ring followed by Husky Harris, Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows who are dragging behind them what seems like a lifeless body with a black sack covering his head. Punk grabs a mic and talks about how its a travesty that him and his new church of Straight Edge saviours to the BWE universe arent on the Hell in a Cell card when Bryan Danielson of the Honour society are in a title unification match. He says that he knows a change is needed but that they arent going to wait to make that change, that tonight the Straight Edge Society will make a statement of intent and change things themselves. He then walks over to the covered up man being propped up by Husky and Gallows and reveals his identity as the rated R Superstar Edge.


    Edge looks totally zoned out and is motionless despite having his eyes open as Punk continues his promo. He says that he decided to wait for this moment because he knew that after all the debauchery and sin the rated R superstar Edge has been a part of down the years that his saving should be a truely momentus affair and that the world should bare witness to this moment. He then pulls out an electric razor which gets a big reaction from the crowd but its a while yet before the razor is put into action as first Gallows raises Edge's lifeless hand while Punk recites his Straight Edge pledge for him after which he shaves Edges long blonde hair clear from his head leaving the audience and commentators in a state of shock. Husky and Gallows then lift edge up onto their shoulders and followed by Mercury carry him away as Punk finishes his promo ominiously by saying the SES are not finished making their statement for the night!

    The Zig Show vs The Nexus (Sheffield & Ortunga)

    The Zig Show start this one strong despite the presence of the rest of Nexus at ringside (minus Barett who is preparing for his title match tonight) with the Big show first delivering a beat down to Skip then to Ortunga before tagging in Ziggler. Slowley the match then begins to even itself out as the distraction of the rest of nexus continues and after a huge Sheffield clothesline it looks like it could be over but Ziggler kicks out after 2 then as quick as he physically could tags back in Show. At which point the largest athlete in the world clearly angerd by all the ringside interaction charges the ring and once more lays waster to both Sheffield and then Ortunga. He knocks Ortunga out of the ring then delivers a hellacious chokeslam to Skip before going for a pin. Before the ref can get to 3 however Heath Slater grabs Sheffields leg and places it on the bottom rope preventing the count. Show completley loses it then and tags Ziggler back in before steeping over the top rope and going to the outside after the other Nexus members. 1 by one Show seems to take them out with big KO punches despite the referee trying to get him back into his corner. Unfortunatley for Show this distraction of the official allows Sheffield and Ortunga double team Ziggler in the ring and then after a Ortunga Spinebuster he succumbs to a 3 count as the referee is usherd back into the ring by Darren Young.

    Winners: The Nexus


    As the commentators try to recap what they have just witnessed we see Christian arrive at the arena and get informed of what has just happened half in shock and obviously incensed he rushes off to who knows where but Micheal Cole suggests perhaps to find the Straight Edge Society.
    Womens Unified Title Championship match
    Michelle McCool Vs Natalya
    The Harts and the Roman Empire have been barred from the ring for this match up and Natalya takes advantage from the start grabbing McCools hair and dragging her around the ring she follows this up with some snap suplexes, McCool looks out of it she then puts McCool into a surfboard that McCool barely escapes by grabbing the rope McCool pokes Natalya in the eye when the ref was not looking and then takes advantage herself with a series of European uppercuts and then a roundhouse kick, Natalya gets up to be met with a big boot and McCool is able to finish with make a diva tap and Natalya does tap out.

    The Winner and still unified womens Champion: Michelle McCool


    Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing the BWE Champion Sheamus he tells Josh that tonight he finally has the chance to show the BWE world that all the best things in this world come from Ireland when he destroys the best that Raw has to throw at him he shoves Josh Matthews and walks away.

    IC/Commonwealth title unification submission match Bryan Danielson vs William Regal

    This one is the technical showpiece of the night with both men trying to ground there apponent to gain the early advantage then moving on to numerous classic wrestling holds. both men seem intent on locking in their submission holds on the other but are constantly met by evasion and counter moves. The Mentor WIlliam Regal seems to gain some momentum and although he cannot apply his regal stretch he does put Danielson in a series of other submmission holds including an indian death lock and a half boston crab where he even applies extra pressure to his opponents head with a knee to the skull. Somehow Danielson is able to break free from all of these holds however greatly frustrating Regal who is then on the backfoot as we witness a revival from the American Dragon.

    This includes a number of his own submission moves including the Danielson Special Double underhook suplex floated over into a crucifix armbar and the Cattle Mutilation double chickenwing hold which Regal is only able to break by reaching the ropes. Then while attempting a big kick Danielson is caught unawares by Regal who rolls him up in what at first seems like a pin but is eventually transitioned into the Regal Streatch. The 2008 King of The Ring winner has Danielson writhing in agony for what seems an age but despite the refs questioning he refuses to submit. Eventually through sheer frustration if anything Regal breaks the hold before with a look of contempt on his face for his opponent Regal heads to the outside where he is seen putting on his infamous Brass knucks. Danielson has had a moments restbite but its not enough to withstand a KO punch from his former mentors knucks and Regal goes straight for the kill with the Ref having not noticed them while checking on the IC champs condition. Regal swings a big right hand but Danielson finds some extra energy from somewhere and is able to evade it, and not only that but grapples the Englishmans arm and takes him down to the mat in the process where he applys his LeBell Lock. Regal resists as long as he can but he eventually taps and we have a new unified champion.

    Winner: Bryan Danielson

    William Regal looks in disbelief with the result but rises to his feet after his and Danielson's eyes meet once more then Regal surprisingly offers his former student his outstreached arm and the two shake before embracing. Danielson looks delighted but that is only momentary as when Regal backs out of the embrace he hits him with a swift shot of the brass kucks and despite the loss the matchup ends like Regal predicted earlier with him standing tall over a beaten down Bryan Danielson.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Teddy Long is backstage with his consultant Vicky Guerrero and after a confrontation with Smackdowns champion Drew Mcintyre where Drew informs him that despite the odds being stacked against him that Teddy will be stuck with him as the World Heavyweight champion on the blue brand she urges him to go home. She says everyone knows that he isn't 100% and that Teddy's blood pressure is through the roof and that witnessing what just happened with Edge cant be helping. reluctantly Teddy agree's and asks Vicky to report what happens in SD's matches tonight. Just after Teddy has left two BWE officials rush into the office looking for him and end up taking Vicky to what they only described as an emergency. Eventually when the cameraman catches up with the 3 of them after rushing down the hall we are met by the gruesome sight of Christian lying in a pool of blood. Vicky after a moments pause begins barking orders for medical personal and an ambulance, then before we return to ringside the camera pans up from Christians near lifeless body (reminiscant of his brother Edge earlier) to show that they are outside the lockeroom of the Straight Edge Society.
    BWE Championship 6 man hell in a cell match
    Sheamus Vs Cena Vs Kane Vs Taker Vs Barrett Vs Swagger
    The crowd give a huge pop when they see the cell structure come down the match begins and not suprisingly the brothers of destructions team up and quickly clear house Taker then goes outside and slams Swagger's head into the steel steps, Kane and Barrett are battling at the other corner with Kane raking Barretts head against the steel cell, Cena has got a chair from underneath the ring and taken it to Sheamus back he then hits Taker next with it Swagger teams up with Cena to beat down Taker until Kane give Swagger the big boot which drives Swagger out the cell door he is followed by Kane who battles with Swagger up the ramp, inside the cell Taker has chokeslammed Cena onto the steel Chair he drags him into the ring but is only met by Barrett who hits Taker with wastelands as he goes for the cover Sheamus just get back in he whips Barrett into the corner and follows up with a clothesline Cena gets back up and grabs Sheamus puts him over his shoulder and hits the AA, As he is about to cover Taker flings him over the ropes goes outside with him and continues his beat down Barrett now takes advantage and goes for the cover on Sheamus he only gets a two count he is frustrated and calls for Nexus to come to the ring , the refs see this and quickly shut the door and lock it again, Nexus are unable to get in Barrett is screaming at ther refs and does not see Taker come back into the ring he who puts him into a tombstone as he makes his RIP sign Sheamus hits him with his brogue kick and covers him, Cena tries to get into the ring but after the beat down from Taker is busted open, the ref counts to three and Sheamus is still the Champion.

    Winner and Still BWE Champion: Sheamus


    While obviously portraying their concern about Christian's wellfare the commentators have now moved on to discussing if they are now going to have a 5 man HIAC match as the competitors begin to make their way out beginning with the champion Drew McIntyre. Eventually all 5 wrestlers are in the ring and then just before the locks are applyed to the cage door CM Punks's Music hits and to everyones amazement, he takes his place as the final man in Smackdowns main event.

    WHC title HIAC match: CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre vs HHH vs Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton

    This match begins at a frantic pace after some very brief posturing from the superstars involved. its a 6man fist fight briefly with no allegiances whatsoever. The match becomes more focussed however once the cell itself is brought into play slowing the pace right down. a big HHH kneesmash for example onto the steel frame nearly puts the champ out of commision early on similarily Rey gets caught while attempting an early 619 and gets tossed directly into the mesh by Randy Orton. Its those two men who seem to be getting on top in the early going of this match up that is atleast until they come fact to face on the outside and HHH like Ted Dibiase Sr did also tonight reminds us that a HIAC match means no disqualification as anything goes in hell in a cell. He does this by producing his old trusted Sledgehammer out from under the ring and ramming it straight into the vipers ribs knocking him down and like he did with Mcintyre temporarily out of the match. Orton is lucky however as Triple H doesent continue his onslaught as he is attacked from behind by Chris Jericho who seemingly hadnt noticed the sledgehammer was in play. Obviously this was a big mistake on Jericho's part.

    After a number of shots to Jericho gut with the handle of the hammer Hunter has him pinned in the corner of the cage by the door where he ties him up for one big swing of the weapon this time aimed squarly at his head. Jericho however ducks just at the last moment and HHH's hammer crashes against the frame of the door actually breaking one of the support beems but not creating an opening in the cell. HHH is momentarily stunned by this and then even moreso by the codebreaker that follows it leaving him in pain outside the ring. Jericho then takes his sledgehammer and himself heads back into the ring to use it on the remaining superstars including CM Punk who has been avoiding confrontation as much as possible so far and Orton who is still recouperating from early attacks from the weapon. However as Jericho gets up onto the apron the Viper uncoils and hits him with a completely unexpected RKO (causing him to drop the foreign object outside the ring and) leaving him prone on the bottom rope, in the perfect position for Rey Mysterio who is just returning to the ring to hit a 619 on him which sends Jericho flying across the ring to where Punk makes a quick pin and 3 count on him. Jericho is eliminated and looks completely dejected as the Cell door is opened for him and security escort him away from the ring. The King wonders if Jericho will live up to his word with Mysterio and if it will be a long time until we see him again.

    The BWE staff are having trouble re-closing the cell door thanks to the damage done earlier by HHH's sledgehammer and this is only worsened as the game is the victom of a big boot from McIntyre getting revenge on Hunter for his earlier actions sending him smashimg into the open door which crashes into the BWE officials kncooking them down. While medical personal see to them the door is left open and McIntyre drags HHH outside to continue the beating by the announce table as Orton, Mysterio and Punk all go at it in the ring. McIntyre looks really dominate as he tosses HHH first agaisnt the announcers table then against the cell before grabbing a monitor out of the commentary table and wrapping its wires around HHH's neck and attempting to choke him out until suddenly his demenour changes as he realises there are now 3 men outside the cell as Randy Orton has left Mysterio and Punk to duke it out in the ring and has just hit McIntyre with a big dropkick sending him stumbling away. then in a moment that bewilders the ssame commentaters that had just been begging McIntyre to leave their table and get back in the ring the big Scott starts to climb the side of the cage in order to get away from Orton. However equally surprising Randy immediatley starts climbing the cage after him. then as HHH regains composure he is left with a choice follow those two mad men up to the top of the cell and god knows what ramifications or return to the ring and once more a BWE superstars mind defies logic as he too starts ascending the cage.

    Back inside the ring Mysterio and Punk are putting on a really great display of counter wrestling with both men using the others own arsenal of moves against them but I think its fair to say that the main attension now is on the roof of the cell where HHH, Randy Orton and WHC Drew Mcintyre are fighting it out exchanging big rights and left often leaving one of them teetering near the edge of the cell (but never so close that it looks like they may actually fall off. the first big move succesfully pulled off on the cell roof is when McIntyre hits his Scot Drop reverse STO on HHH but he doesent have time to gloat as Randy Orton once more snaps into life and hits a devestating RKO to McIntyre on the steel cage. Back in the ring the action hasnt let up either and after the crowd dies down after from the massive pop Orton just got they are witness to the second elimination of the night as Punk hits his GTS go to sleep on Mysterio and the pins him for the 3 count. Despite the enormity of that act however the fans attension is only momentarily off the top of the cage as after a few stomps on HHH keeping him down Orton turns back to McIntyre who is now tring to get up in the corner of the cage and his facial expession changes completley, he can smell blood and so can the fans as they chant "punt, punt, punt, punt". He winds himself up and then goes for the kick but McIntyre rolls out of the way just in time and immediatley starts climbing dow the side of the cage. after almost falling off the edge of the cage due to his momentum Orton regains his composure and follows the champion in climbing down, down to where Mysterio is exciting the cell and once again being escourted away by BWE officials, officals which it seems have fixed the cell door now.

    Drew and Orton continue fighting outside the ring but are eventually ushered back into the cell and it is closed and re-locked after HHH too decends the cell and joins the brawling at ringside. Punk stays in ring once more avoiding confrontation as long as possible but it isnt long before all three men are in the ring with him. Orton continues fighting with McIntyre as Punk tries to take out HHH upon his return to the ring but the game seems to have used his time atop the ring to recouperate somewhat and gets on top in that exchange and is eventually able to hit his pedigree on the straight edge saviour but somehow Punk is able to kick out before the 3 count (micheal Cole sights how he had some restbite while the others where ontop of the cell and just about had to energy to kick out perhaps thanks to that). HHH gestures that he is preparing for a second pedigree when Orton who has temporarilly downed McIntyre with a big right hand hits an amazing third RKO of the night this time on the game HHH. Before he can capitalise however McIntyre catches him unawares with a big future shock. Then as he goes for the pin, CM punk draps an arm over HHH and both Hunter and Randy are eliminated in one swoop.

    The commentators now big up CM Punk saying that he truely has made the impact he promised tonight having already eliminating 3 men in a match he wasnt even scheduled to be part of, however as they speculate about if he could go on to become the new BWE champion, Drew rises to his feet as the one man who has not just suffered an apponents finishing maneuver and takes charge. He fights off some fleeting Punk resistance then delivers not one but two Future shocks before making the 3 count pin.
    Winner: Drew McIntytre


    The Show ends with Drew standing tall in the middle of the ring Kofi comes out starts to applaud points at Drew and makes the sign of a belt around his waist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to Monday night Raw we begin the night with a recap of hell in a cell we see GM Dibiase in the ring who he applauding what he has just seen, the fans are chanting that was awesome, GM comes on the mic and agrees with the fans views he tells the BWE world that all 6 men in the hell in a cell match should be proud of what the achieved but bragging rights is coming up and he needs to decide who will be the no.1 contender for Sheamus title, but before he gets to that he has a challenge for Smackdown GM Teddy Long he challenges him to a 4-4 match up at bragging rights to finally see who is the best show on BWE.
    Now to the issue of the No.1 contender I have decided that it should be the BWE universe who decides the next contender so at the end of Raw a poll will open up for your chance to vote for the next Challenger the choices are as follows John Cena, Kane, Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett,Undertaker.
    The crowd gives a huge pop of approvment.
    Cody Rhodes Vs Brett Dibiase
    Cody looks mad as hell in this match and dominates Brett Dibiase from the start he begins with some european uppercuts and then hits a perfect dropkick to bretts chin, Ted Dibiase comes out from the back to help his brother but Dustin Rhodes is able to stop him by throwing him into the guard rails, meanwhile in the ring Cody continues his dominance and hits the cross rhodes and takes the pin.

    Winner: Cody Rhodes


    After the match Cody grabs a mic and once more challenges Ted Jnr to a match at bragging rights Ted who is now slumped down after his beat down from Dustin Rhodes nods in agreement


    Josh Matthews is interviewing John Cena and ask him what he thinks about this poll and his chances of being picked for the no.1 contender
    Cena tells him that firstly its a joke that he was just not chosed by the GM but he has no worries on the poll as his fans has already made him a box office star and buys all his merchadise and they will do the right thing and vote him the No.1 contender and tonight when he beats the Undertaker in the middle of the ring they will have no choice but to pick him.
    Jack Swagger Vs Kane
    Both men are looking to impress the BWE world with this upcoming poll Kane starts with a vicious uppercut and punches to Swaggers ribs, Swagger fights back with kicks to Kanes legs trying to take down the big man, he continues to concentrate on Kanes leg who now seems to be limping after belly to back suplex by swagger he goes to grab kane ankle for the ankle lock but Kane turns around and kicks him off Swagger comes off the ropes and straight into a chokeslam from Kane who picks up the win.

    Winner: Kane

    We see Evan Bourne who has been called into the GMs office, Dibiase ask Bourne where was he last night when he was supposed to face Low Ki, Bourne apologises and tells Dibiase that he was all tied up with Gail Kim she was showing him her new finisher the finger of doom and he does not remember much after that, Dibiase tells him that because of his actions tonight he will face Justin Gabriel in a No.1 contenders match for the Cruiserweight title.
    The Zig Show is in the ring he issue a challenge to any two members of Nexus to come down face them that they plan to use there rematch clause for bragging rights but first they want to destroy the Nexus slowly
    Zig Show Vs Nexus ( Tarver/Slater)
    Dolph Ziggler and Slater begin the match up with a very quick pace
    Slater with some kicks and flying crossbody , Tarver then gets into ther ring with a huge clothesline on Ziggler it all seems to be going Nexus way until the big Show gets in and clears house, Sheffield and Otunga come down to the ring with the tag belts over there shoulder, Ziggler and Big Show go on to met them half way and battle outside the ref has no chouce but to count to ten meanwhile Tarver and Slater pick up the win and join in the beat down on Zig Show , The Uso run down to make the save Zig Show.

    Winners: Nexus ( Tarver/Slater )


    Wade Barrett is being interviewd and asked what he thinks about the BWE Poll Barrett tells Matthews that of course he will be voted no.1 as the winds have now changed and that everyone loves to see a brit give an Irishman a good hiding with that from nowhere Sheamus delivers his big brogue kick to Barrett and walks pass laughing at a shocked looking matthews.
    Evan Bourne Vs Justin Gabriel
    As expected a high flying encounter with these two men none of them giving a inch Bourne pulls off a hurricrana from the top rope on Gabriel and follows it with air bourne but misses Gabriel takes full advantage and hits his 360 splash but Bourne was too close to the ropes and was able to put his leg on it at the 2 count, Gabriel kicks Bourne out of the ring and follows with a flying cross body over the top rope they get back into the ring Gabriel plants Bourne in the middle of the ring climbs the rope all the sudden Eve Torress comes out and distracts the ref meanwhile Gail Kim has pushed Gabriel off the top rope bourne rolls up him, Eve tells the ref to look behind him who counts to three.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    Bourne celebrates with the divas in the middle of the ring giving his one finger salute.
    John Cena Vs The Undertaker
    Sheamus joins the announce team for this match up and it proves a distraction Cena who spends too much time smack talking to Sheamus as The Undertaker takes the upper hand with a uppercut to Cena and also kick to med section, Cena gets back into the fight with a clothesline followed by the five knuckle shuffle the Undertaker just sits back up and grabs Cena by the throat, he chokeslams him to the mat, Jack Swagger runs jumps up on ringside but Taker is able to punch him off he turns around and is met with a AA from Cena , Sheamus now gets in the ring and hits him with the big brogue kick the ref throws out the match Sheamus stands tall in the middle of the ring the show ends with Kane and the followed by Barrett walking down the ramp with Sheamus calling them down.



    Card for bragging rights so far

    Ted Dibiase Jr Vs Cody Rhodes for million dollar belt
    Low Ki Vs Evan Bourne for Cruserweight title
    Zig Show Vs Nexus for tag titles

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,870 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Part I


    The show opens with WHC Champion Drew in the ring talking about his victory at HIAC that he is still the champion. The new number 1 contender Kofi Kingston makes his way out with microphone in hand and stops at the ramp. He congratulates Drew and tells him that tonight he is ready to take his shot, he drops the mic and prepares to walk down towards the ring. just before Kofi enters the ring out comes HHH with sleghehammer in hand he dont say anything just goes straight for the ring but Drew quickly leaves throw the crowd. Kofi argues and asks HHH what he is doing. Kofi is pedgrieed. HHH stands in the ring takes a mic and says scot boy wherever you are it is time to play the game.

    Teddy Long is backstage looking really shook and unwell. Josh Matthews comes out to him and asks him about HIAC and Christian. Teddy says that Christian is in a bad way and tonight Teddy will find out who was responsible and that he has a feeling he will get a straight answer from the punk he knows did it and walks off.

    Match 1 is Alberto Del Rio V MVP

    Alberto picks up the win in a short but face paced match.

    Kofi is tearing up backstage demanding HHH in match. Teddy trys to calm him down but no avail he pushes Teddy so security takes hold of Kofi and takes him away. Security also check on Teddy.

    The SES music hits and CM Punk, Husky Harris and Luke Gallows make their way to the ring. Punk takes the mic and says that their new recruit Edge while he may have the name is still in need of some more help adapting to the straight-edge lifestyle. Footage is show of a shaven head Edge sitting in a room being read to by Joey Mercury. Edge looks out of it. Punk says that he dominated at HIAC and Drew is only champion because of him. He says it a shame what happened to Christian at HIAC smirking as he says it. I wonder who it could be. With Teddy Long makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and is a little winded after his confrontation with Kofi earlier. He says he knows Punk is responsible for what happened to Christian and that all the peeps here tonight know. There is a huge Christian chant and one girl (*coughs* Liz :p) in audience with a Christian sign seems to be crying as footage of a bruised and bloodied Christian from HIAC is shown. Teddy asks where Edge is and Punk laughs. Punk says he should be the next in line for the WHC title and not Kofi. Punk, Harris and Gallows walk nearer in the ring to Teddy. Teddy announces that tonight's main event will be SES of Punk/Harris and Gallows V Kofi, HHH and WHC Champion Drew and quickly leaves the ring. Punk tells Teddy as he walks up the ramp that he dont look well.

    Match 2 is Morrison and Melina V Santino and Layla

    Morrison and Melina pick up the win after Mc Cool tries to interfere and causes a disqualification. Layla and Michelle argue with Layla telling Michelle she could have won without her help. Layla walks off.


  • Registered Users Posts: 85,870 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Part I


    The show opens with WHC Champion Drew in the ring talking about his victory at HIAC that he is still the champion. The new number 1 contender Kofi Kingston makes his way out with microphone in hand and stops at the ramp. He congratulates Drew and tells him that tonight he is ready to take his shot, he drops the mic and prepares to walk down towards the ring. just before Kofi enters the ring out comes HHH with sleghehammer in hand he dont say anything just goes straight for the ring but Drew quickly leaves throw the crowd. Kofi argues and asks HHH what he is doing. Kofi is pedgrieed. HHH stands in the ring takes a mic and says scot boy wherever you are it is time to play the game.

    Teddy Long is backstage looking really shook and unwell. Josh Matthews comes out to him and asks him about HIAC and Christian. Teddy says that Christian is in a bad way and tonight Teddy will find out who was responsible and that he has a feeling he will get a straight answer from the punk he knows did it and walks off.

    Match 1 is Alberto Del Rio V MVP

    Alberto picks up the win in a short but face paced match.

    Kofi is tearing up backstage demanding HHH in match. Teddy trys to calm him down but no avail he pushes Teddy so security takes hold of Kofi and takes him away. Security also check on Teddy.

    The SES music hits and CM Punk, Husky Harris and Luke Gallows make their way to the ring. Punk takes the mic and says that their new recruit Edge while he may have the name is still in need of some more help adapting to the straight-edge lifestyle. Footage is show of a shaven head Edge sitting in a room being read to by Joey Mercury. Edge looks out of it. Punk says that he dominated at HIAC and Drew is only champion because of him. He says it a shame what happened to Christian at HIAC smirking as he says it. I wonder who it could be. With Teddy Long makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and is a little winded after his confrontation with Kofi earlier. He says he knows Punk is responsible for what happened to Christian and that all the peeps here tonight know. There is a huge Christian chant and one girl (*coughs* Liz :p) in audience with a Christian sign seems to be crying as footage of a bruised and bloodied Christian from HIAC is shown. Teddy asks where Edge is and Punk laughs. Punk says he should be the next in line for the WHC title and not Kofi. Punk, Harris and Gallows walk nearer in the ring to Teddy. Teddy announces that tonight's main event will be SES of Punk/Harris and Gallows V Kofi, HHH and WHC Champion Drew and quickly leaves the ring. Punk tells Teddy as he walks up the ramp that he dont look well.

    Match 2 is Morrison and Melina V Santino and Layla

    Morrison and Melina pick up the win after Mc Cool tries to interfere and causes a disqualification. Layla and Michelle argue with Layla telling Michelle she could have won without her help. Layla walks off.


    Part II

    Match 3 is Cruiserweight Champion Low Ki V Randy Orton

    Low Ki picks up the surprise win after roll. After the match Orton beats up the Cruiserweight champion.

    Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring. The crowd of loud for Rey plentyy of 619s can be heard. He says he didnt win at HIAC but still is happy becuase as Jericho was eliminated first he wont be around here a long while. Some Jericho chants now in the crowd. Rey says he is still in the hunt for the WHC title and promises the fans he will get title again. He says he wants to challenge Drew next week for title. He asks Drew and Teddy to come out. Instead an angry Kofi comes out and attacks Rey. Rey is helped to the back while Kofi stays in the ring. Kofi gets a mic and says he dont want to team with HHH or Drew tonight but Teddy comes out and orders him to he will be suspended. Teddy remains at ringside and joins the announcers for the main event which is next.

    Match 4 SES of Punk, Harris and Gallows V Kofi, HHH and WHC Champion Drew

    Kofi stays in the ring, out next is HHH and finally the WHC champion all 3 are arguing in the ring. Teddy tells them they must tonight work as a team. Out next is the SES who go straight for all three. Punk takes out Drew. Kofi and Gallows also roll out of the ring so Harris and HHH start the match. HHH has the upperhand but the ref is trying to get Punk and Gallows up the their own corner and also Drew and Kofi. Harris makes a tag and now Punk is in he works over HHH good with Harris. Gallows is in next and HHH is trying to make a tag to the team mates but Gallows dont allow. Drew and Kofi are still arguing in their corner. HHH catches Gallows and takes him down and goes for a tag but both Drew and Kofi get off the ring and walk away different sides. Drew tells HHH he is on his own and it is not his game and leaves with the title up the ramp. Teddy tries to reason with Drew and Kofi but no good both leave. All 3 members of SES are working on HHH in the ring. Harris the legal man picks up the win when he pins HHH. Teddy gets the ring and tries to tell the SES to stop but they continue beating on HHH but to no avail. All of a suddenTeddy drops the microphone and starts clutching his chest he collapses as SD closes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    We open tonight show with GM Dibiase in the ring he has an envelope in hand with the results of the BWE Poll, He tells the crowd that the poll results were really suprising and that two men could not be separated so at bragging rights it will be Sheamus Vs The Undertaker Vs Wade Barrett for the BWE Title, John Cenas music hits he comes out looking furios and demands a re-count of that poll , Dibiase tells him that it did not take long to count up his vote as he got a grand total of 0, Oh and John tonight you are going to face KANE........


    Zach Ryder Vs R-Truth
    R-Truth is control from the start and is looking good for the win tonight
    until he hip tosses Ryder straight into the referee, as R-Truth goes to check on the ref Ryder takes full advantage by hitting the Zach attack, Ryder then shakes the ref until he comes around and covers R-Truth for the win.

    winner: zach ryder



    Josh matthews is interviewing the Nexus they say that last week The Uso got in there way and tonight they are going to make them pay
    The Uso's Vs Nexus ( Young/Slater )
    The Uso's begin very well but there is now a huge distraction outside the ring as the rest of Nexus have come down and are getting closer to tamina, Jimmy Uso eventually jumps outside to confront Sheffield but only get a clothesline for his efforts, the ref throws out the match and Nexus jump on the Usos, The Zig show run down for the save and the Nexus leave telling Zig Show there time is coming soon.

    Winners: Via DQ The Usos
    **recap of smackdown**

    Miz Vs Vladimer Kozlov
    William Regal is in Kozlovs corner for this match up and proves to be a huge help as when Miz comes off the ropes Regal grabs his leg the ref does not see it Miz turns to grab Regal, Kozlov goes to attack him from behind the Miz spots him turns and hits the skull crushing finale.

    Winner: The Miz

    After the match the Miz challenges Bryan Danielson and William regal to a triple threat match at bragging right where he can finally prove he is the ultimate wrestler in the BWE.



    We see Ted Jnr with Joe Henning and Brett Dibiase attacking Goldust
    they leave him in a heep and walk off laughing.

    John Cena Vs Kane
    A very physical match up as Cena and Kane lock up Kane hits Cena with some vicious uppercuts and kicks to med section, Cena is able to battle back and works on Kane, it goes to the outside and Kane takes Cenas head to the steel steps, when it finally goes back inside Cena is able to get some momentum going and finally hits the AA, He covers Kane for the win the match is over but Cena goes outside for a chair he goes back in the ring and as he is about to hit Kane with it the lights go out when they come back, The Undertaker is there he has Cena in tombstone position he hits the tombstone as the crowd gives a huge pop.

    Winner:John Cena

    Sheamus Vs Wade Barrett
    A warm up for the bragging right main event as Sheamus and Barrett lock up Sheamus kness Barrett in the gut he works over Barrett and starts to pound his back with heavy punches, Barrett gets some offence in himself and plays to the crowd , he hits Sheamus with a clothesline and awaits for him to get back up and hits it again as he goes for a 3rd chokeslam Sheamus is able to hit him with his brogue kick, Sheamus covers Barrett for the win and them grabs a Irish Flag from the crowd and covers Barrett with it, as he is smack talking Barrett the rest of Nexus run to the ring and beat down on Sheamus, Barrett gets back up and hits Sheamus with Wasteland he grabs the BWE title and holds it aloft, JR comments that we just might see this at bragging rights.


    Card for bragging rights

    BWE Title

    Sheamus Vs Undertaker Vs Barrett


    Drew Vs Kofi

    BWE Tag title

    Nexus Vs Zig Show

    BWE Cruserweight

    Low Ki Vs Evan Bourne

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!

    As the show opens we are shown a recap of how Smackdown went of the air last week with the shocking collapse of SD general manager Theodore Long.

    he commentators then update the BWE universe as to the condition of the GM with a live interview at a local hospital. It is said that Mr Long suffered what is being described as a severe panic attack with symptoms akin to a heart attack last week and has since been recieving round the clock treatments. His condition is described as stable and not life threatening but the stress of managing Smackdown is cited as a direct cause of what happened to him and that it will be a while before a doctor would clear him to return to work.

    as we return Micheal Cole wishes him a speady recovery from everyone at the BWE but also speculates who will now be running Smackdown in Teddys absence. He does however state that before tonights broadcast he did recieve an email from whomever the interm general manager is with the card for tonight. He then announces that not only will we see a seious of matches to decide who will be on team SD and face team Raw at Bragging rights but that tonights main event will see smackdown champion Drew McIntyre team up with the Straight Edge Saviour CM Punk to take on the Hounor society's Bryan Danielson and the number one contender Kofi Kingston.

    The first of those matches is up next with Triple H taking on Husky Harris of the New church of Straight Edge. Husky is accompanied to the ring by both Luke Gallows and Joey Mercury.

    HHH vs Husky Harris

    Due to outside interferance this is quite a difficult match for the game however once the referee orders Gallows and Mercury to the back HHH takes control and eventually despite a valiant effort Husky is overpowerd and made victim of the games Pedigree for the 3 count.

    Winner: Triple H

    Backstage After the match CM Punk is interviewed and asked if that loss will affect the momentum that his group have had recently. Punk not only laughs this off but he runs down his interviewer for the mere notion reminding everyone that at the last PPV he not only eliminated 3 men from the Hell in a Cell main event but he also saved the formerly Rated R Superstar Edge, whom he states we will see in action tonight for the first time since his Straight Edge revival. However Punk does state that this momentum needs to be maintained going forward and that is why he has a proposal for tonights interm general manager that he thinks they will like.

    He says despite their predecessors mistake in not having Punk in the main event at Bragging rights it doesent mean he cant play a part at that event. He mantions how his current nemesis Bryan Danielson of his so called Honour Society has two BWE titles and that at the moment there are two BWE Superstars The Miz and William Regal challenging him to defend them at the next . He says that those odds are not in Smackdowns favour and that He should be added to the mix to ensure that those titles stay with their rightfull owners, Smack and The Straight Edge Society.

    The following is announced as the second Team Smackdown deciding matches

    Randy Orton vs MVP

    A very competitive match between these two wher MVP surprises many by generally having the upper hand throughout. He even looks like he is about to win the match when he goes for his playmaker finisher only for Orton to spring into life hitting an unexpected RKO. the commentators talk about how that move really can be come at almost any moment as Randy picks up the win.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    Backstage BWE Cruiserweight champion Low Ki is interviewed and asked about his Cruiserweight title match at Bragging rights against Evan "2 Fingers Bourne". Low Ki says he has no fear of Bourne and knows the cruiserweight title will stay around his waste if Bourne even has the courage to show up to their match this time. He suggests that indeed its Bourne that fears The World Warrior and that come bragging rights that fear will manifest itself and that he will exploit it.

    Edge vs Tyler Black

    A very competitive matchup between these two is especially notable due to Edge fighting it while clearly not himself. His head shaved of his long blonde hair his facial features are far more apparent and he seems in a complete zone not consentrating on the match at all while fully participating in it. Infact he is really impressing with the wrestling holds he is applying which arent usually part of repetour. CM Punk comes down to ringside during this one and it is his slight distraction that makes Black take his eye off Edge long enough for the former rated R superstar to (now in black trunks) to line up a spear which after execution leads to a 3 count. CM Punk comes in and celebrates with Edge who still seems to be acting odd.

    Winner: Edge

    The team Smackdown line-up now reads: HHH, Randy Orton and Edge

    Backstage Alberto Del Rio can be seen talking smack about Rey Mysterio on his cell phone, he however quickly ends the call switching to spanish when he see's he is on camera and turns with a sinister smile towards the interviewer. He says that tonight he is in a team Smackdown decider against Rey Mysterio and The Worlds Strongest man Mark Henry next in which he says he will prove he is the numbero uno mexican wrestler in the BWE as he watchens Rey Mysterio getting squashed by Henry who he describes as the big fellow before he dismmantles the supposed worlds strongest man with his wrestling expertise. He states that, that is a promise before walking off camera.

    Alberto Del Rio vs Mysterio vs Mark Henry

    This match hasnt even started as a contest as Shad Romane makes his presence known at ringside attacking Mysterio Del Rio then joins in the assualt only for Henry to attack him as all four men brawl by the ring. Eventually they are seperated and Shad removed from ringside and the match begins.

    It too begins like the altercation outside with Del Rio and The Worlds strongest man targetting the Biggest Littleman in the BWE before eventually turning on each other. It is this point unfortunatley that Shad once returns from the back this time with a chain wrapped around his knuckles. The BWE officials are quick off the mark and get to him in te ring before he can use it on anyone but the result is this match is over as the referee has called a no contest ruling.

    Result: No Contest

    All four men dont seem to have had enough of each though and need restraining as everyones attension is drawn to the titantron as the lights dim and things momentarily cool down. On it we see Vicky Guerrero

    After a few near obligitory EXcuse Mes she says that as the official consultant to Smackdown GM teddy Long she has stepped into his rold due whilst he is absent and will not have this behavious on her show. She says that for his interferance in Mark Henrys match tonight Shad has just cost the Worlds Strongest man his place on team SD. She then adds that if Alberto Del Rio wants to call himself the No.1 Mexican wrestler on a show run by someone called Guerrero then he better be ready to prove it and she says that next week in the final Team Smackdown decider it will be Rey Mysterio 1 on 1 with Alberton Del Rio.

    Backstage we see Santino Marello & Chris Masters of the Roman Empire trying to assure Michelle Mcool that Layla her bested bud is still on the same page as her and the Empire and that she will see at the ring tonight. We also see both a very determined looking WHC Drew McItyre and No.1 Contender Kofi Kingston in their dressing rooms psyiching themselves up before tonights main event.

    Michelle McCool vs Nikki Bella

    Nikki is of course accompanied to the Ring by Brie and this match proves much more difficult than anticipated for the unified womans champion as they constantly switch places in the wrong throughout without the referee noticing. Mc Cool still seems slighlty ontop beut gains in confidence when she see's Santino Marella come down to ringside with Layla. McCool calls for her belt and Santino immediatley starts destracting the referee, as he does Layla grabs the unified title and climbes into the ring. However in a shocking turn of events Laylas lays out the womens champion MIchelle McCool and not her oppont with the belt before exiting the ring. Santino looks shocked and confused as he releases the referee who turns to see Nikki Bella pinning the champ 1,2, 3 in this non title matchup.

    Winner: Nikki Bella

    Bryan Danielson Is backstage and is furious about CM Punk who continues to get involved in the Honour societys business be it at Bragging rights or tonight in Tyler Black's team smackdown match. However he states that both tonight and at Braggin rights he is going to be at the end of yet another honourable beating thanks to him and that maybe then Punk will release that he may be straight edge but he is not better than him.

    Kof Kingston & Bryan Danielson vs Drew McIntyre & CM Punk

    This match really emphasising the building rivalries involved with both Danielson and Punk and McIntyre and Kingston desperate to get at each other after most of the match has already gone by the fans are really into it and Punk really takes it to Danielson. The American dragon however counters a move from his apponent and catches him with a Regal Plex then as he tags in Kofi Kingston he ecucutes the LeBell Lock on Punk. Kofi hits the downed and writhing in pain Punk with a boom drop as Danielson releases the hold and gets the win.

    Winners: Kofi Kingston & Bryan danielson

    Kofi then stares a hole into McIntyres eyes at ringside with a smile on his face as Danielson gets into the ring to celebrate with his teamate for the night, but then to everyone surprise Kofi catches Danielson with his Trouble in Paradise roundhouse kick before this returning his glaze to the champion McIntyre and the belt around his wasste. This time Kofi isn't smiling.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    We begin the show tonight with a message from Raw General Manager Ted Dibiase Sr. He states that as much as enjoys getting one over on Teddy Long he wishes his SD a quick recovery and a swift return to the BWE. However despite Teddy's absence he still intends to once more show that his brand is the top dog in the company at bragging rights. He says that his Raw superstars are going to embarass interm general manager Vicky Guerrero's Smackdown team this sunday and that after a series of matchups tonight we will know exactley who will make up the victorious team Raw. Then before introducing the first such match up he also states that Vicky has tried to one up him already by officially adding CM Punk to the Bryan Danielson vs The Miz vs William Regal matchup but that match has yet to be finalised and that he will set the stipulations for that match here tonight.

    the following is announced as the first team Raw elimination match.

    Jack Swagger vs Matt Hardy

    Matt Hardy is moving very slugishly throuout this matchup and Swagger seems ontop from the get go in what turns out to be a surprisingly on sided affair. The all American American who is desperate for a return to the main event scene impresses here hitting Multiple suplex variations and his red white and blue thunderbomb before getting the submission via submissionand his ankle lock to become the first member of team Raw.

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    As we return to the back we are treated to a Wade Barett lead Nexus promo. He not only promises that nexus will continue to make a big impact in the BWE here tonight but that this sunday they will be bringing home the gold as he defeats Sheamus and THe Undertaker for the BWE title and the rest of Nexus ensure that the unified tag titles stay their property.

    Evan Bourne vs Cody Rhodes

    This begins a pretty even contest with both men impressing at differet times and getting near pinfalls. first Bourne (who had been accompanied to the ring by the lovely Gail Kim) hit a standing moonsault which the dashing one kicked out of before later Bourne broke a pin at a 2 count after Cody's cross roads by getting his foot on the bottom rope. It is at this point however that The fortunate sons, Ted & Brett Dibiase and Joe Hennig make their way down to the ring along with Maryse. Maryse immediatly attacked Gail Kim on the outside and it was that distraction that drew Bournes attension and then as he left the ring the referees. This distraction lead to the fotunate sons entering the ring and attacking Cody in a 3 on 1 assault which culminated when Ted hit Dream street on his former partner then they exited the ring. As this happens Maryse finally releases her hold on Gail and all four of them are sent to the back. unawares of what has just happened in the ring Bourne goes straight back on the offensive as he is ushered back into the ring and faces up with the just again vertical Cody Rhodes. A big roundhouse kick later and Cody's legs simply give way and he is left in a shattered heap on the floor after which Bourne while looking at Gail Kim gives his two fingered salute before acending to the top rope and hitting his Air Bourne SSP for the win.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    Matt Hardy is backstage where he forces Josh Matthews to hold his flip camera as he films one of webisodes for youtube. He talks about "The Dirt Sheets", telling the BWE universed what they are and how they seemed to have an unhealthy facination with everything Matt Hardy related. He then starts building up seemingly to whatever his main point is by firstly saying that he knows his true fans know the real Matt Hardy and that everything being said about him isn't true, he says he is not about to lose his job, or in trouble with BWE management over weight issues and that he doesent know what their sources are but that those claims are false. Just then The Million Dollar Raw GM and goes off on Matt for filming another of those blasted videos, he says he has had enough stating that Hardy was a discrace in the ring tonight, is in the worst shape of his life and wont stop tweeting and blogging about his issues. To put it simply Ted states that Matt is no longer deemed to be up to the standard expected of a BWE superstar and the GM has decided to hand him his walking papers. He then literally hands him his pink slip and wishes him all the best in his future endevours before walking down the corridor to his office all the while whilst making one of his trademark Million dollar man laughs.

    John Cena vs Ezekial Jackson

    The return of Big Zeke is quite a surprise in this match as is the later appearance of his former tag partner Vladamir Kozlov at ringside. However if anything the potential reformation of William Regals roundtable group is what leads to Jacksons defeat on his return as the distraction lets Cena get in an unexpected shot to the gut which sets him up for an attitude adjustment which Cena follows up with an STF that makes the big man tap.

    Winner: John Cena

    after a commercial we are informed that HBK, Shaun Micheals on location in Texas is about to give an update on his status within the BWE. He says that for the past few years on doctors advice he has been taking extebded breaks from competition after Wrestlemania in order to prolong his career. This year however he returned from his break too early and one of his injuries had not been properly, and injury that was targetted and worsened to such a degree on Smackdown that he has been unable to return to the ring since. He says that doctors are once again suggesting that he should take a step back from the industry and to be honest at this stage in life with a happy family there in Texas he says that he might just listen to them but says that he will always hold dear the fans and his time in the BWE. However a door is left open for a potential return one day as he does say that he would still love to lace up his boots one final day at a grand occasion like Wrestlemania and give the BWE universea goodbye prefermance from the Showstopper like they have never seen from anyone before.
    As we return to the arena we see Laycool backstage where they just watched HBK's interview. Layla calls him a real champion of the ring, but Michelle takes this the wrong way (as a slight against her) and a verbal altercation insues. McCool says that they had talked and she forgave Layla for her actions on SD but demanded to know what Layla's problem was. She asks is it cos the The Roman Empire chose her and not Layla to adore or that she is the womans champion and not her, before adding that jealousy is not very becoming of a member of Laycool. Layla however takes an unusual for her stance and in a much more serious tone sets McCool straight saying, she doesent care about Santino and his morons, she only cares about the fact that she is the best wrestler in Laycool and that she should be the unified womens champion. Michelle responds "O so you are jealous then" to her but Layla simply says that call it whatever the champion wants she talked to Vicky Guerrero last week and that at bragging rights it will be he vs Michelle McCool for the gold.

    back at ringside the following is announced as the 3rd team Raw selection match.

    Kane vs R-Truth

    This match follows a similar theme to that of our opener tonight with Kane trying to show why he should bounce straight back into the main event picture with an impressive display against one half of the Carolina connection this time R-Truth. After not only a chokeslam but also a Tombstone Piledriver Kane gets the victory and books his place on team Raw while the commentators suggest that unless performances improve maybe Truth could be following in his former partner Matt Hardys footsteps with his job not secure after taking a beating like that.

    Winner: Kane

    Backstage Josh Matthews asks Ted Dibaise Sr about who the 4th man for Raw's bragging rights team is, as he has heard there will not be another deciding match tonight. The GM says that he is going to hand pick the final member of team Raw to join John Cena, Jack Swagger and Kane but that everyone will have to wait till this Sunday to find out who that will be. However right now he says he can announce that in the Bryan Danielson, William, Regal, The Miz and CM Punk fatal four way match at bragging the official stipulation will be as follows. It will be a two fall match, the first to determine the new US/Commonwealth title holder, the second the BWE Intercontinental champion. He then announces that building to that match that up next there will be a Raw versus SD tag team match where SD rivals CM Punk and Bryan Danielson are forced to team against Raw rivals The Miz and William Regal

    The Miz & William Regal vs CM Punk & Bryan Danielson

    This is easily the match of the night with great in ring wrestling from all four men with the Miz especially impressive pulling out some amateur werstling moves against his more experienced opponents. Despite that though its SDs duo who are on top most of the time despite what is obvious annomosity between the two visualised through angry tags and dirty looks only at first. However later when Danielson ignores Punk outstrecthed arm awaiting a tag the straight edge saviours goes nuts and starts berating him. This leads to Danielson refusing to tag in Punk and getting caught by a big Regal clothesline. At which point Punk got into the ring but instead of attacking his partners assaulant he picks Danielson up and delivers a GTS to him in the center of the ring. He then exits the ring and heads to the back. Regal then applies the Regal stretch to Danielson and forces him to tap.

    Winners: The Miz and William Regal

    As Regal celebrates the vctory and the commentators talk about how if this happens on Sunday Regal will have just won a title the Miz makes his way into the ring. Then after a sneak attack from behind and a Skull Crusing finale he stands over Regal and Dansielson screming about how he will be victorious this sunday.

    As Sheamus arrives into the arena he is caught for a quick interview, quick mostly cos the first question angers the fiery Irishman. After being asked what he thought were his odds in the title match this sunday, he sharply reminds everyone that the odds have always been stacked against him afterall he is still fresh off beating 5 other men including his opponents this sunday in a Hell in a Cell match. to put it simply he says he defies odds. Then just as he is leaving his gaze is caught by the Phenom, The Undertaker who is standing at his dressing room door taping up his fists. After a brief staredown the BWE champion makes his way down the corridor towards his dressing room while the commentators question how those two will co-exist on the same team tonight, with their match only 6 days away at bragging rights.

    main event: The Zig Show, Sheamus & The Undertaker vs The Nexus (Wade Barett, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Tarver & Heath Slater)

    This is as JR would say a real slobberknocker right from the start with Nexus leader Wade Barett impressing and going to to toe with not only The Undertaker but also the BWE champion Sheamus in quick succession. However when he tags out to be replaced by Slater at the same time as The Big Show enters the ring things begin to change. Unfortunatly for Taker, Sheamus and the former tag champs, be it after a Chokeslam or Brog kick, the numerical advantage always means someone is there to break up any pin attempt. The Big Show is the first to snap and loose his cool due to the constant interferance and after tagging in The Undertaker heads to the outside to take out the interfering parties himself. Lucky for him it isnt long before he is joined by his partner Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus as The Nexus had swarmed the big man taking him down to his knees fast. Unfortunatly for show though Dolph catches Sheamus with a right hand aimed for Ortunga and infuriates the Irishman who then turns his attension towards the man supposed to be his tag partner tonight. He tosses him head first into the ring steps drawing the referees attension before hitting him with a big brog kick at which point the ref orders Sheamus to the back and in an instant it is as if his team has lost two men with Ziggler completley incompasitated. Not only this but whilst the referees atttension was on Sheamus who now walks off still holding his belt seemingly dismissing this match from his mind, The Nexus have once again used their numeric advantage to get ahead. This time Barett joined the in ring Gabriel in a 2 on 1 assault on the Undertaker while the other 3 members continued the assault on Show. When the referee's attension turned back to the ring Barett was on the ring apron and we wtiness a 450 splash from him onto Taker before Barett is tagged in only to deliver his Wasteland finsher to the deadman before pinning him for the three count. As the show goes off the air he poses standing above Taker making a gesture suggesting that a belt will very soon be around his belt.

    Winners: Wade Barett & The Nexus

    BWE Bragging rights line up as of now:


    BWE championship- Sheamus (c) vs The Undertaker vs Wade Barett
    WHC- Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston
    Team Raw vs Team Smackdown match- John Cena, Jack Swagger, Kane & ??? vs HHH, Orton, Edge & ???
    US/IC match- CM Punk vs Bryan Danielson (c) vs William Regal vs The Miz
    Unified womens match- Layla vs Michelle McCool (c)
    Tag titles match- The Nexus (c) vs The Zig Show
    Cruiserweight championship- Evan Bourne vs Low Ki (c)
    Million dollar title match- Ted Dibiase Jr vs Cody Rhodes

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Opening the show Bryan Danielson cuts a promo on CM Punk stating that his recent actions with regards Edge show that he doesen't get the true meaning of Straight Edge that its about more than just drugs and alcohol, that its a way of living and that unless Punk can realise that that both he and his New church of Straight Edge will continue down a perilous road that is lined only with failure, starting this Sunday when he says Punk will leave Bragging rights empty handed with nothing to brag about after their match up. Afterwards we are treated to his honour society taking on The Roman Empire.

    The Honour Society (Bryan Danielson, Low Ki & Tyler Black) vs The Roman Empire (Santino, Masters & The Great Khali)

    This is an example of comedy wrestling at its best with The Honour Society the perfect straightmen for the slapstick which occurs as Santino, Masters and Khali combine. Eventually however the superior wrestling employed by Danielson and co is too much for The Roman Empire, Tyler Black in particular impressing and stealing the match with a Corkscrew 450° splash on Santino who is sent rolling out of the ring. In the end its the leader of the honour society who gets the win via his Cattle Mutilation Bridging grounded double chickenwing on Masters who quickly taps. He looks strong heading into this sundays PPV

    Winners: The Honour Society

    Backstage Kofi is asked if he can give any indication of how his preperations for this Sunday are going and why did he last week hit his partner Bryan Danielson with his finishing maneuver after the match. Firstly he simply states that if anyone wants to know if he is ready to take on and defeat Drew McIntyre at Bragging rights then they should just watch his match up next. Then as regards his actions last week he says just listen to the crowd, they dont care if it is drew McIntyre or their favourite Bryan Danielson they just love seing Kofi Kingston kick ass.

    Kofi heads out of his dressing room and towards the ring as a recap of what happened last week is shown and rather surprised by what they just saw the Commentators agree after it that yes the crowd did actually pop for Kofis dishonourable turn against Danielson.

    Kofi Kingston vs JTG

    This is essentially a squash match with JTG getting little or no offense in and Kofi looking like a real destructive force before his title shot this Sunday. He hits all his signature moves including his Trouble in Paradise Jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick, the Boom Drop and his SOS Ranhei before getting the 3 count with a Crucifix pin.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    CM Punk is interviewed backstage and has a retort for Bryan Danielson, he says that just like Danielson will learn this Sunday him and his new church go to whatever lenghts they need to whilst staying within straight edge peramiters to get the job done. He might like to talk about honour but it will mean nothing when he, the straight edge saviour is both The US & Intercontinental champion and his new church lead SD into a brighter future, a future with no place for Bryan Danielson and the honour society in it.

    - After this tonights main event is announced as CM Punk, Edge and the WHC Drew McIntyre vs MVP and team SD members HHH & Randy Orton.

    Final team SD elimination match: Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

    The commentators hype this match as not only the final team SD deciding match but also say it will decide the no.1 Mexican wrestler on SD and it starts like the classic bout they suggest it could be. The match getts derailed however after Mysterio attempts a 619 on Del Rio only to get caught in midair by his fellow Mexican before being tossed to the outside. It is here that Alberto Del Rio shows his real hatred of Mysterio something which he simultaniously talks of by grabbing a microphone as he continues a savage beating to Rey on the outside, eventually getting himself disqualified after he uses the end of the Mic as a weapon repeatidly striking Mysterio's skull with it. As The ring announcer officially announces Mysterio the winner via DQ Del Rio can be heard shouting at Rey that this isn't over between them, not by a long shot.

    Winner via DQ: Rey Mysterio

    Backstage interm GM Vicky Guerrero tells everyone that she agrees with Del Rio and that his issues with Mysterio are far from over but she says that if Mysterio can recover from the injuries he has sustained here tonight that he did win due to Del Rio's DQ and as a result will fill the final spot on team SD this Sunday. She also says that Del Rio will pay for his actions but that can wait for now as she announces the Divas action for the night, with No.1 contender Layla taking on the women who defeated the champ last week Nikki Bella. Vicky however also notes that after her interferance last week Brie Bella is banned from ringside.

    Layla vs Nikki Bella

    Michelle McCool comes out and watches this match from the top of the ramp but she isnt ther long as Layla makes quick work of Nikki who without her sister seems far less of a threat. The commentators still question if Layla being able to beat someone who recently beat McCool will help her in the mind games employed before the meat this sunday but the conclusion is who cares when you get to see ladies like layla in the ring. She got the win with her "Layout" Neckbreaker.

    Winner: Layla

    Backstage We see Vicky Guerrero talking to Chavo when suddenly she shoo's him away as what she describes as an important call is coming in for her. After a minutes of "yes"'s and "uh-huh"'s she says "So you have spoken to Dibiase and he agrees?" the seamingly after getting confirmation from the other end of the phone she says "Alright let their arrival be known this sunday at Bragging rights, the night when the BWE will change forever!"

    Drew McIntyre, CM Punk & Edge vs Randy Orton, MVP & HHH

    This match could go either way with momentum swinging from one side to the other many times throughout this bout, many finishers used and many counts interupted and it isnt until outside influence affects the in ring goings on her that things draw near a conclusion. Whilst McIntyre is in the ring Kofi Kingstons music hits and the ghanain superstars comes down to ringside, hiowever the moments he does Drew tags himself out and leaves the ring immediatley to brawl with his challenger at bragging rights. This leaves CM Punk forced to get into the ring with HHH who isolates him and after a number of quick tags (all while Drew and Kofi brawl further and further away from the ring) Punk suffers an RKO, before randy tags back in HHH before going after Edge leaving nobody to interrupt any potential pin attempts including the upcoming one from Hunter aftr he hit the already dizzy Punk with a thudding pedigree.

    Winners: Orton, MVP & HHH

    As we go off the air the commentators speculate how exactly Vicky meant the BWE would change forever this Sunday and if we would then like now see a team lead by HHH victorious as team SD retain the BWE's braging rights trophy.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Bragging Rights

    AS the show opens the commentators run down the list of matches for tonights PPV and question what exactly Vicky Guerrero meant when she said the BWE would change forever tonight. Before they could speculate too much they are given more food for thought though as Shane McMahon makes a surprise appearance making his way into the ring and grabbing a microphone.

    He cuts a promo belittling the idea of bragging rights saying that their is no real competition between Raw and SD and that there has infact not been any real rivalry in wrestling since his father built his empire and destroyed the competition in WCW. However he says that he has just made a deal which will once again bring what the fans really want, real competition! He then signs off by saying that tonight will be the beginning in the biggest chapter in BWE history and that he can guaran-damn-tee that.

    Cruiserweight title match: Low Ki (c) vs Evan Bourne

    Evan bourne gets accomponied to the ring by Gail Kim but tells the diva to go backstage and with for him, he is all business tonight, the begin the match by locking up with Bourne putting Low Ki in a headlock, Low Ki is able to sling Bourne into the ropes but Bourne hits back with a crossbody. Low ki gets up and gives Bourne some knife edge chops and multiple kicks to the body and legs of Bourne , Low ki is in full control until he recieves a roundhouse kick from Bourne. Low Ki has rolled to the outside trying to get a breather but Bourne comes off the rope and hits a suicide dive but Low ki was able to move out of the way in time and Bourne hits the railing. Low Ki climbs up the top of the rope and while Bourne was lying on the outside he hits his warriors stomp, he rolls back into the ring and the ref begins to count out Bourne, Gail Kim comes running down to ringside and tries to help Bourne get back in as the ref is at 8 he looks like he is going to get back in but just collapses a the last second.

    Winner: Low Ki

    Ted Dibiase Sr gives his son a pep talk telling him that the million dollar belt is his inheritance, his legacy and that he cant lose it. He tells him that he's the MITB briefcase holder and is destined for the main event and that this is just a stepping stone. He then starts talking up his surprise 4th man for team Raw, he says that the fans are in for a treat and that he is sure it will be Raw and not SD going home with the bragging rights tonight.

    Million Dollar Title match: Ted Dibiase Jr vs Cody Rhodes

    A relativley short match where both men initially impress with their back and forth interchanges early on but the whole complexion of the match changes when Shatterd dreams plays Cody looks to the ramp expecting to see his brother Goldust coming down the ramp but instead shes him on the titantron. It shows him batterd and bloodied backstage and standing above him can clearly be seen Brett Dibiase and the perfect Son Joe Hennig. Clearly distraught Codys mind isnt on what is happening which allows him to be caught in the million dollar dream which he transitions into his dream street slam before covering Cody for the 3 count. However as if that wasnt enough after the bell Maryse who accompanied Ted to the ring slides in his MITB briefcase which after a moments preperation The fortunate son uses to plant Cody's head onto after a 2nd Dream Street is executed. He then holds his Million Dollar title high over his head smirking before making his way to the back with his lovely companion.

    Winner: Ted Dibiase Jr

    HHH is backstage giving team SD a team talk playing down what Shane McMahon said about the rivalry between SD & Raw and saying now is the time focus on proving the blue brand is the superior brand in the BWE. He says that for 1 night they have to put their individual problems on hold and ensure Smackdown get the win.

    BWE Tag team title match: Nexus (c) vs The Zig Show

    The Nexus are out in force tonight with all members minus Barett at ringside for this bout. Skip and Ortunga are once again on the recieving end of a Big Show beatdown as this one opens and the big man is the legal man. However just like when The Nexus took the belts from them in their last PPV meeting it isnt long before the unofficial numbers game cathes up on the Zig Show and once more its the Big show who snaps potentially costing his team the matchup. After Gabriel dives off the top rope to break up a pinfall attempt Show loses his cool grabbing him around the throat and lifting him up into the air at which point he walks over to the ropes and chokeslams him out of the ring. He then walks over and grabs Ortunga from his corner and chokeslams him into the ring. The referee starts shouting at him to stop as he lifts Skip back up up to his feet before slamming him back onto the mat with another hellacious chokeslam. At this point the ref gets right up in Shows face in what is either incredibly bravery or stupidity telling him that if he doesent stop he will be disqualified, which is exactly what happens after show winds his arm up and delivers a KO punch to the ref.

    Show is distraught with his own actions and picks up the ref and carries him to the back not noticing that his partner Dolph Ziggler is being targetted in a group beating by Nexus this time with a twist. Heath Slater has gotten out a table and set it up in the ring. Sheffield and Ortunga place Ziggler on it and the Nexus round off a successful title defense by watching Justin Gabriel perform a 450 splash onto Ziggler.

    Winners via DQ: the Nexus

    Wade Barett is celebrating with the other Nexus members backstage but quickly gets them to focus as he says that that was only part 1 complete, next is his winning the BWE title in tonights main event.

    US/IC titles match: CM Punk vs Bryan Danielson (c) vs William Regal vs The Miz
    Michael Cole and Matt Stryker join JR and the King for commentary on this match up, Cole talks Danielson chances down saying that he is up against 3 seasoned WWE stars who will teach him a lesson, He might not have been wrong as Punk goes straight for Danielson and it is more like a fight then a wrestling contest the Miz also gets in some kicks but Regal takes care of him with some stiff European uppercuts, The miz is dazed and regal puts him into a german suplex, meanwhile Danielson is able to battle Punk back and is now in the upper hand and dropkicks him to the outside he and regal join forces in the beat down on the Miz, but trouble starts when they both go for the Pin, the start to trade blows, Punk gets back into the ring and double clothesline both Regal and Danielson over the top rope, The Miz stands up from his beat down looks at Punk who out of knowhere picks him up and hits him with the GTS he covers the Miz and wins the 1st fall and with it the US Championship.

    Winner and new US champion: CM Punk
    Danielson looks furios he has just lost a title but has to concentrate he gets back in ring and while Punk is celebrating he puts him into cattle mutilation but Regal breaks it up and put Danielson into a half boston crab , Punk kicks regal in the back of the head and when he gets back up hits him with the GTS but Danielson is able to battle with Punk so he does not get the cover he has taken his eye of Miz however who rolls back into the ring and while Punk and Danielson are battling in the corner he covers Regal for the 1-2-3 and is the new IC Champion.

    Winner and new IC Champion: The Miz

    The Intercontinental title and the US title have now switched brands the commentators note as Team Raw get motivated backstage lead by John Cena but they have questions about who the 4th man will be and seem worried about how good SD are. That is untill the fourth man arrives off camera and they are all left smiling.

    Unified Womens title match: Michelle McCool vs Layla

    Before this match starts McCool grabs a mic and says that her and Layla have had a talk before the match and want to stay BFFs. They know that it was just ego wanting to see who was the best and that no matter who wins their friendly match up next they will still be simply flawless. "Laycool all the way" they say as the bell rings.

    This isnt a long match really and It's Layla who surprises her partner with roll up pin when McCool is trying to go for her Make a Diva Tap heel hook. This results in a 3 count and a new unified BWE womens champion but the two hug after the match and despite the result seem to have lived up to their word and actually put their differences behind them.

    Winner: Layla

    Vicky guerrero is backstage hinting about what Shane McMahon has instore for the BWE when Alberto Del Rio comes into her office and she informs him that his feud with Mysterio has gone on long enough and will end next week in a no disqualification match on Smackdown. Vicky again challenging him to prove his claim of being the no.1 Mexican wrestler on her show. Del Rio says he cant wait till he gets his hands on Rey Mysterio again and seems thrilled with this news which visually vexes Vicky.

    Team Raw (John Cena, Jack Swagger, Kane & ???) vs Team SD (HHH, Randy Orton, Edge & Rey Mysterio)

    This match looks set to begin but as the commentators point out we are still waiting to find out who the 4th member of Team Raw specially recruited by The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase will be be the suddenly we hear a familiar sound from the not too distant past as the glass smashes and Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits as the ratttlesnake makes his way out.

    The crowd are electric for this match now with the atmosphere continuing to build until SCSA gets tagged in. but until then it seems team SD have the edge with HHH and Orton mostly seing them on top. Things look bleak for team Raw as Hunter hits Cena with a Pedigree and then tags in Orton and they only get worse as Orton hits him with an RKO sending him flying first into his own teams turnbuckle (where Austin made a blind tag which the Ref picked up on) and then the ring cavass face first. Unaware of Austins tag in, Swagger then rushes the ring in the hope of stopping a pin attempt but is met by the Viper once more uncoiling and hitting an RKO. Orton is in a zone and with his back to team Raw's corner begins banging the mat with his fists signalling he is readying to strike again. Unfortunatly for him there is another Snake in town, a Rattlesnake and he has now made his way into the ring and when Orton finally rises to his feet and turns around he catches him completely unawares and hits him with a Stone Cold Stunner. The crowd errupt at the sight of this and respond again as HHH charges Austin in the ring only for Austin to avoid his lunge catch him with a kick to the gut which sets him up for the Rattlesnakes second Stunner of the night.

    Mysterio and Edge then try and charge the ring but Kane and a now back to his feet John Cena tackle them taking them out of the ring as Austin watches Orton stumble back to his feet only for him to deliver yet another Stone Cold Stunner to him before pinning him 1-2-3. Team raw has won the bragging Rights in the BWE for 2010.

    Winners Team Raw

    SCSA is interviewed as he gets to the back by Joey Matthews, he's asked what prompted his return for team Raw tonight. Austin says that Raw was in need WHAT! he said Raw was in need WHAT! and Ted Dibiase called up old old stone cold WHAT! I said the GM of Raw called me up (The crowd What!) well I was taking time off from kicking ass in movies WHAT! The Expendable out on DVD Nov 23rd WHAT! so I drank a beer (the crowd What!) and another beer (Crowd again "What!") then i had another 6 pack and came to a decision (What!) Stone Cold Steve Austin was going to come to save the day (What!) and you know what Joey WHAT! im going to be on Raw this monday too (What!) and thats the bottom line cos Stone Cold said so.

    A promo highlighting the feud so far between Kofi Kingston & drew McIntyre is shown as the commentators finally stop talking about the Rattlesnake and start talking up our first world title match of the night.

    WHC title match: Drew McIntyre (c) vs Kofi Kingston

    Two totally different styles here and Drew European smash mouth style seems to be working right from the start with a series of European uppercuts and kicks to Kofi, He has done really well to slow the match right down, He whips Kofi into the corner and runs towards him only to be met with the Pendulum kick, Kofi finally builds up a bit of steam now and while Drew is in the corner Kofi hits him with a drop kick, Drew takes a couple of steps and falls flat on his face. Kofi is then able to hit the boom drop, he awaits Drew to stand up and hits his trouble in paradise he covers Drew and takes the win.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    Sheamus and Wade Barett bump into each other and have a moment of great tension backstage with Big Red looking like he is going to knock the Nexus leader out as he brings how as he puts it England used to rule over Ireland just like he is going to do tonight. Sheamus is able to restrain himself though and insists his BWE title is staying just that HIS.

    Barett is the first to come out for this match up but he is left fuming before the bell even sounds as the referee informs him that the rest of Nexus has been banned from ringside tonight. That GM Ted Dibiase didnt want any interferance in the BWE title match and that if any member of that group did interfere they would have their BWE contracts revoked on the spot.

    BWE title match: Sheamus (c) vs Wade Barett vs The Undertaker

    this match begins a real Slobberknocker with all 3 men unloading big rights and lefts on each other. For a short while both Taker and Sheamus combine their forces to take out the Nexus leader Barett but Sheamus turns on Taker trying to get himself a chance for a pinfall attempt. Shemaus then delivers his Irish Curse backbreaker to Taker before going for an early pin but this is broken up by Wade who has just gotten back to his feet. This sees the start of a trend which continues throughout this match with one man breaking up the pinfall attempt at the last moment after one of the others has deliverd his finisher to the third man. Frustration between all 3 of them begins to grow until Taker hits Barett with a big clothesline taking him to the outside then as he turns to face Sheamus again he is caught with a big Brogue kick sending him too crashing to the outside of the ring.

    On the outside Wade is the first to his feet and grabs the near dazed looking Undertaker and drags him over to the announce table then just before Sheamus joins them on the outside Barett drops Taker onto the announce table using his Wasteland slam. Barett and Sheamus then begin to brawl right infront of the announcers before Barett seemingly gains the advantage with a rake to the eyes of the Irishman. Wade then leads Sheamus back towards the ring and goes to drive his head into the ringpose but Sheamus is able to make him stop by placing his leg on the apron and then by driving an elbow into Barett's mid-section before he himself drives the englishmens head into the turnbuckle. He then rolls Wade back into the ring takes a minute to catch his breath while the undertaker can be viewed struggling to get back on his feet. He then also returns to the ring focussed on Barett.

    Just then a figure dressed all in black decends from the rafters to the ringside carrying and striking the Undertaker with what appears to be a baseball bat. Eventually JR realises who it is and starts going nuts asking why Sting, The Icon, The Franchise of WCW is here in the BWE and attacking the Undertaker who he continues to viciously beat with the bat on the outside.

    Away from the confusion back in the ring are Sheamus and Barett and It's the Irishman who uses this interuption to his advantage. Barett had let the intruder outside the ring take his attension just long enough for The Celtic Warrior to line him up and when Wade tried to turn his attension back towards him he was met by a simply massive Brog kick. After which Sheamus succesfully pinned the leader of Nexus to retain his title.

    Winner: Sheamus

    His celebrations are shortlived however as he is then attacked by two more intruders this time coming into the ring out of the crowd at opposite sides of the ring. after a moment it becomes clear these men are Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles. After an initial beating Sheamus begins to fight back as Wade gets to his feet and also takes it to the the TNA invaders but the BWE men's revival is shortlived as Kurt Angle rushes the ring and after hitting Sheamus with an Olympic slam, his arrival and Stings joining them now in ring ensures the BWE superstars stay down. If that isn't enough the crowd then go nuts as Hulk Hogan's music echoes throughout the arena before the Hulkster makes his way down the ramp with Eric Bischoff by his side. Bischoff hands Hogan a mic as the TNA men stand around them in the ring above the batterd bodies of BWE champion Sheamus, Nexus leader Wade Barett and The Phenom Undertaker and asks the hulkster if he has anything to say, his message is simple "Were back brother!"

    The next time The BWE will be coming live to you on PPV will be BWE Survivor Series be sure not to miss out!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to the 3 hour BWE Raw & Smackdown supershow!


    The show opens with the crowd abuzz and with the Commentators still going nuts after the arrival of TNA superstars during last nights PPV main event. They put two and two together and say that Shane McMahon must have been behind it. They speculation is cut short though as The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase comes out to in his role as Raw GM adress the situation.

    He says that yes he signed off on Shane McMahons cross promotional talent deal but he did not sanction any interferance at Bragging rights. He says that he stook his neck out by going along with Shane on this idea afterall the use of the name TNA used to be banned around these parts. We were told not to consider them rivals and therefore not to mention their talent on air, but as much as I hate saying it the BWE needs a bit of livening up so ive called up stars of the minor league. People who seem to be moaning about our company every other week on their programming yet we never dignify them with a response, that is until now. The fact of the matter is that he says he's sick of having his promotion run down and wants the talent of TNA to put up or shut up, but as far as the interference in Raw's title match at BWE Bragging Rights he wants an explanation and calls out Shane McMahon.

    Shane-O-Mac comes to the ring and after assuring Dibiase that he had nothing to do with the TNA interferance in last nights main event he further explains what he has been involved in. He says that as he elaborated last night he had been in negotiation with another promotion about a cross promotional PPV which would pit their best against the BWEs best. This would be a once off thing never done in modern wrestling and would let all grievences and grudges be bared and as Dibiase adds give the BWE the chance to prove its still the top dog in pro wrestling. Shane then explains that he can now make it official and has TNA presidentDixie Carter & Hulk Hogan standing by. Our attension is then drawn to the titrantron

    Dixie talks about how much of a privelege it is for her to make this groundbreaking appearance on Monday night Raw, but it does sadden her that she has to begin here announcement by apologising to Ted Dibiase Sr. She says that although she understands her wrestlers wanting to make an Impact at breaking rights she didnt order it. she says that she agreed to this talent exchange to show TNA in its true light, a good light, as the real alternative to the BWE and that that wasnt the way she intended to go about it. Instead she says that as part of the deal she signed with Shane McMahon TNA talent would be showcased on Raw & Smackdown building up to a cross promotional Survivor Series PPV. She then says that starts tonight as she has sent TNA talent to the building as they will take part in four different matches tonight.

    Hulk Hogan then starts talking about, how he put the BWF on the map, turned WCW into a ratings machine, then Hulkamania ran wild all over the BWE and now he says he is making TNA into a modern powerhouse. He says that nobody will deny that he is the biggest name in wrestling history and that thats the same today as at any other time. He says that TNA and Hulkamania are going to run wild all over Survivor series just like they did Bragging rights and there is nobody in the BWE who can stop him. Just as Dixie trys to calm him down the glass smashes and out comes BWE Legend Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Austin gets straight into Shane and Dibiase's faces. Stone Cold says that Dibiase asked him to save team Raw at bragging rights and for what (The Crowd: WHAT!) So you and Vince McMahons biggest mistake could bring Hulk Hogan back WHAT! he then turns his attension towards hogan, Hulkamania he says is long and gone and that as far as nobody being able to stop it running wild on Eh-Eh! (Crowd: What!) You see old Stone Cold has one last match in him everyone knows it and ive been saving it up for a special occasion and you know what mister biggest name of all time in wrestling im calling you out What! you see the bottom line is, if you want to make an impact here in the BWE Hulk Hogan then you are going to have to go through me the Rattlesnake (Crowd: What!) What you ask says austin well the what he says is that Hulk Hogan has never beaten the Rattlesnake WHAT! Hulk Hogan has never had the guts to face the Rattlesnake WHAT! Hulk Hogan fears the Rattlesnake! Hulk Hogan knows he isnt better or a bigger name than the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    Hogan trys to interupt Austin but the moment he pauses for even a second is met by a WHAT! from Stone cold leaving him a little bewilderd and spechless. Austin uses this moment to say "if you all want to watch me whip Hulk Hogan's ass all over Survivor series gimme a hell yeah (Crowd:Hell Yeah!). He then simple states to Higan that he should consider himself challenged saying that its the bottom line cos stone cold said so before shocking the audience by giving Shane McMahon a Stone Cold Stunner before rolling out of the ring grabbing a few beers and making his way to the back while drinking them.

    Just as it seems things are about to calm down with Dibiase escorting Shane to the back we are informed that tonights first match will be the first showcasing TNA talent as the former BWE cruiserweight champion Evan Bourne takes on TNA's AJ Styles.

    AJ Styles vs Evan Bourne

    AJ Styles is truely impressive in this bout taking the initiative in it with a Springboard moonsault onto a standing opponent floated over into an inverted DDT otherwise known as his Phenomenom DDT. He continues tha assault with a Brainbuster onto the ring apron. He is in total control and is essentially toying with Bourne when he hits his Styles Clash. After posing over Bourne's lifeless body for a moment AJ finally makes the 3 count pin.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    After the match AJ Styles grabs a mic and says that he is here tonight to make a statement and thats why right now he is challening however is the top man in the BWE to prove it at survivor series. He says he wants Raw top dog, the champion, to accept his challenge. He says that if they want to claim to be the best in the business they should face not only the best but the Phenomenal Most decorated man in TNA AJ Styles.

    Matt & Jeff Hardy appear backstage, Jeff carrying the TNA world title. Joey Matthews says "werent you fired? to Matt to which he responds that he is no longer with the BWE he is with his brother and they want to know 1 thing. Is CM Punk here tonight? Jeff states that he has unfinished business with the straight Edge saviours since his time in the BWE but Joey claims he doesent know where CM Punk is but that as thus is the first of 4 SD&Raw supershows in the build to Survivor series then Punk must be here.

    Ted Dibiase Jr vs MVP

    The MITB contract holder Dibiase is very impressive against his Smackdown counterpart here tonight. the finish comes when Maryse who accompanied him to ringside grabs MVP's foot as he is slingshotted against the rops causing him to stumble straight into Dibiase who get the victory with a quick roll up pinfall.

    Winner: Ted Dibiase Jr

    Backstage we see Hulk Hogan arrive to the arena clearly not in a good mood after SCSA's challenge earlier, he sidesteps the interviewer and makes his way into the GMs office where Shane McMahon can also be seen.

    Elsewhere The Undertaker is shown in a dressing room backstage with a mean grin on his face. He appears to be re-watching last nights main event from bragging rights most specifically the attack he suffered from Sting, the commentators suggest their will be hell to pay tonight for Sting should he be here as we return to ringside action.

    IC title match: the Miz (c) vs Bryan Danielson

    This is a rematch from Bragging rights when as part of a four way match The Miz won the Intercontinental title. Danielson isn't given a fair chance to regain his gold however as the Miz gets himself intentionally counted out then after the match when Danielson chases him down gives the american dragon a Skull Crushing Finale onto the concrete assisted by his NXT season 2 rookie Alex Riley who keeps Danielson subdued. After this The Miz actually goes back to the ring and forces the referee to lift his hand in victory despite the fact that he got himself disqualified.

    Winner via DQ Bryan Danielson

    GM Ted Dibiase announces that they still need to dot the is and cross the ts but that Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Immortal Hulk Hogan looks to be set for Survivor series. He says that its in the spirit of these groundbreaking matchups that he signed the deal with Shane McMahon and Dixie Carter for a cross promotional PPV at Survivor Series. He wants his BWE superstars to thrive and excel due to this added competition and he says that its for those same reasons that tonights next match, the second showcasing TNA talent is set to happen. He says that nexus have only moments to decide which two of them will face TNA's Dudley Boys next and since The Nexus decided to use wood at Bragging rights to keep their tag team titles he says this is going to be a tables match!

    Match official:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin vs "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan, BWE Survivor Series 2010

    Tables match: The Dudley Boyz vs The Nexus

    The Dudley Boyz impress the commentators in this match who say they look as fit as when the first graced the BWE as a tag team as they go at it with Otunga & Slater representing the Nexus. an early 3D is even hit on Slater getting the crowd really going which only increases as Bubba then tells D-Von to "Get the tables!". Unfortunatly for the TNA duo when they head to the outside is when the Nexus numbers game comes into effect. Skip in particular attacks D-Von hard ramming him into the ring steps. This causes the ref to start repremanding the Nexus and saying he will bar them from ringside if they dont stop. He doesent need to however as someone else seems willing to do that job for him as The Big Show comes out and having unfinished business of his own with Nexus starts attacking all those interfering at ringside. The Dudleys take advantage of the confusion by setting up a table in the ring, then after a Diving clothesline (Devon) / Electric chair drop (Ray) combination they call the Deadly Dudleyville Device on Slater, D-Von then picks him back up and helps Bubba set up for a powebomb off the corner through the table which connects for the victory.

    Winners: The Dudley boys

    Mick Foley cuts a promo backstage where he talks about how the term hardcore has lost its meaning in the BWE and that in only a few back on BWE programing he wants to remind people of its true meaning and the place where you can find that true mean, at TNA! he also says that that is the place where you can also find the man who now introduces us to Abyss who simply states that everything is going to change before Foley takes back over on the Mic announcing that next week Abyss will take on the Big Red Machine Kane in a hardcore match.

    before the following match a recap promo of Rey Mysterio's feud with Alberto Del Rio is shown

    NO DQ match: Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

    Having not competed last night at Bragging rights Del Rio is clearly the fresher man and is ontop in the early goings of this grudge match up and after a very impressive Military press dropped into a bridging German suplex Mysterio is struggling and rolls to the outside. Unfortunatly for him in this no disqualification environment there is nothing to stop Del Rio from pursuing him outside and this he does maliciously. He grabs a ring monitor and rams it into Mysterio's head then wraps the wire around the little mans neck and squeezes tight. When he finally releases he doesent give up though and immediatley locks in rolling corss armbar. Mysterio taps but its no use, it has to occur in the ring for it to count so Del Rio finally stops the punishment and picks Mysterio up and tosses him back into the ring. He then takes a moment to compose himself but its amazingly a moment to much as Mysterio catches him coming into the ring leaving him knocked down against the ropes. Mysterio goes for his 619 to complete an unbelievable comeback but ddoesent connect as once again Del rio being the fresher man is up fast and out of the way. Rey doesent quite land on his feet and instead is left open for attack which Del Rio does by hitting a Gutwrench suplex which he transitions back into his rolling cross armbar which Mysterio once again taps to.

    After the match Del Rio can be clearly seen to be talking up his status as the no.1 Mexican wrestler in the BWE.

    Winner: Alberto del Rio

    Backstage Team Laycool Michelle McCool and the new unified womans champion Layla are seen chatting, they seem back to their old selves until something which oddly enough isnt shiney catches their attension. It's a list of all the current TNA talent involved in the cross promotional deal with the BWE. immediatley both women burst out laughing as Michelle points out that "Piggy James" is back. They then seemlessly slip into an old routine deriding poor Mickie James when out of nowhere they are attacked from behind by the group known as The Beautifull People from TNA. Team Laycool are left on the corridor floor in pain as their TNA counterparts leave laughing to themselves.

    Kofi, HHH & Orton vs the Motor City Machine Guns & Kurt Angle

    The BWE men started strong in this match. first HHH looked dominant against Alex Shelley, then Orton against Chris Sabin. Unfortunatly for them for the second time tonight its actually a BWE superstar who causes trouble for one our their own against TNA opposition as Drew McIntyre makes his way to ringside and eventually attacks Kofi Kingston who last night defeated him for his WHC title belt. Now with the numbers game in favour of them we see a different side to the MCMG, with quick tags and a number of impressive double team moves they wear down their BWE opponents. A Falling neckbreaker (Sabin) / Diving crossbody (Shelley) combination they call Skull and Bones signals the end is near. after this they tag in Kurt Angle who immediatley locks in an Anklelock, he looks like he is trying to snap HHHs ankle in two from the sheer intensity in his eyes and eventually while the MCMGs stop Orton from interfering and Kofi and Drew brawl into the back, the game is forced to tap.

    Angle grabs a mic and simple says "Thats 3-0 Woooo!"

    Winners: MCMGs and Kurt Angle

    BWE champion [bSheamus[/b] is interviewed before his match up next and he reminds everyone that despite the interferance in his match last night he did pin Wade Barett 1-2-3, and he did retain his BWE title. He says there should be no disputing who the top dog is on Raw at the moment, he then says that he is now going to emphasise that fact by repeating his achievement from Bragging rights and once more defeating the leader of Nexus.

    Before this match John Cena joins the commentary team, he is in full on heel mode even running down the town they are in while always talking about himself being in the world title picture and that that is why he is out here tonight. He does momentarily sound like the John Cena of old and the crowd sort of stop boing him as he says that if any TNA wrestlers want to interfere in this match then they will have him to deal with. He says that you may hate him and he sure as hell hates you but know John Cena is BWE through and through.

    What has become a sort of Cena interview at commentary is ended however as Wade Barett makes his entrance with the other members of Nexus at his side. Wade is angerd however when he is informed after their interferance earlier tonight and with The Big Shows location unknown the rest of Nexus is banned from ringside. Eventually Wade is calmed down and gets into the ring before the champion makes his entrance.

    Non title match: Wade Barett vs Sheamus

    Cena on commentary notes that Barett seems to have let Nexus getting barred from ringside play on his mind as he doesent seem one hundred percent focussed on Sheamus. The Big Irishman capitalises on this hitting his Irish Curse backbreaker which sends Wade rolling to the outside to catch his breath. Its only then that he realises John Cena is at ringside. He then starts shouting at Cena demanding to know what hes doing here and taunting him to get into the ring. eventually he is subdued and brought back into the ring but with his attension soley on Cena (who actually notes this at the time on commentary) he has payed the BWE champion a huge diservice and made a massive error of judgement, as when Wade finally turn back towards the champ Sheamus hits him with a big Brog kick before getting a 3 count.

    Winner: Sheamus

    Sheamus then grabs a mic and accepts AJ Styles challenge from earlier tonight. He says that if some fellah from TNA wants to come into his gaff, take out a Cruiserweight and call out out Raw's top dog, then he need look no further. He says that at Survivor Series it would be his pleasure to show AJ and all of TNA why he is the champion of the number one wrestling show in America.

    backstage we see John Morrison and RVD come out of a smokey dressing room, before the door swings shut showing a TNA locker room sign on the door Sabu and Brian Kendrick can also be seen in the room. Morrsion and RVD briefly talk about how this cross promotional rivalry doesent have to lead to bad blood, RVD saying that it can be a friendly rivalry cos anytime R-V-D (does the gesture and gets a chant going) is in the ring is a good time. They then talk up the potential of a future match up with those two before we return to the commentators who first future that conversation before the king gets sidetracked talking about how TNA have their own lockeroom already!

    Jeff Hardy flanked by his brother Matt makes his way out to the ring with a microphone in hand. He says that CM Punk had run his mouth for far too long about Hardy after he left the BWE and that he was here to finally shut up the Straight Edge Saviour. He says that if the united states champion has any guts he will come out and face him one on one right now. After a few moments of waiting someone comes out but it isn't CM Punk, it is instead Smackdown interm GM Vicky Guerrero.

    Excuse me!, Excuse me! your not a general manager, you dont book matches, I am! she says, she then informs him that CM Punk isn't here tonight but she assures Hardy that as one of the TNA wrestlers expecting to compete to shocase his promotion he will see action tonight but she has lined up another apponent for him. She states that as this is a Smackdown & Raw supershow she has lined up an old friend of the blue brand to take Punks place tonight, a man who wants to get his hands on the TNA superstars that invaded Bragging Rights and where better to start than with the TNA champion... I give you The Undertaker! The lights dim and The Deadman's entrance begins...

    Jeff Hardy vs The Undertaker

    This one looks like its going to develop into a real great match but it is cut short when the man that The Undertaker really wanted to get his hands on Sting stings makes his appearance. Once more coming from the rafters and once more armed with a Baseball bat Sting takes out the Undertaker at ringside before rolling him back into the ring where he places him perfectly set up for Jeff to hit a Swantom bomb.

    Winner via DQ the Undertaker

    Thinks look bleak for The Undertaker as a repeat of Bragging rights looks on the cards but then John Cena's music hits and the self proclaimed anti-hero charges the ring evening up the numbers. Unfortuntaley Taker is already been esentially taken out of the fight with a number of shots from Stings baseball bat so after a minute or so the TNA men get back ontop and it looks like it will be a bad end to the night for 2 of the BWE's top stars. That is until for the second time tonight we hear the glass smash as Stone Cold charges down the ramp sending the crowd wild. The Undertaker is slowly getting to his feet too so the tables have seemingly been turned on Hardy and Sting who now turn sharply and flee the ring making their way through the crowd and out of the arena. With their enemies vanquished Austin decides it time to celbrate and first shares a beer with his fellow Texan the undertaker before giving one to John Cena, as he does the crowd chant for him to hit Cena with a stunner but as the show ends the BWE men are united.

    Despite the TNA wrestlers getting the best of their matchups tonight JR notes that its the BWE superstars standing tall as we go off air.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to the Second 3 hour BWE Raw & Smackdown supershow!


    Eric Bischoff Opens the show coming out to a rather mixed reaction from the crowd. He says how he didnt think he would ever be back on BWE programming and that he is loving being back. He talks up what he calls his TNA roster and especially talks up TNA champion Jeff Hardy. He then says that his treatment last week was abysmal, stating that he deserved to face CM PUnk last week and that the BWE GMs tried to screw him and TNA by putting him in an impromtune match against the Phenom the Undertaker. He is then joined b is later joined by Raw GM Ted Dibiase seemingly stirred by his comment about the GMs.

    After initially talking about how Bischoff isn't himself showing the respect that he says Hardy deserved by questioning who the GMs book to fight on their own shows however he does agree and together they decide that Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk has to happen as they have unresolved business and that it will happen tonight. Vicky Guerrero then joins them complaining that only she can book Smackdown talent as the interm SD General Manager but that she agrees with the match and it's booked but she says she also has a match of her own to announce as she says Drew McIntyre will face Kofi Kingston later tonight as McIntyre has called in his Bragging rights rematch. With all 3 in agreement they decide it's time to start tonights in ring show with an interpromotional triple threat match.

    Suicide vs Rey Mysterio vs RVD

    This is a great little opener which really gets the crowd going with some incredible highflying. The conclusion comes after a missile dropkcik from Suicide knocks RVD to the outside leaving himself and Mysterio in the ring. When suicide turns around Mysterio catches him with a big kick to the head leaving him lying prone on the bottom rope and in the perfect position for a 619. Mysterio hits it and the crowd go wild but before Mysterio can go for a pin Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet climbs the turnbuckle and then hits a 5 star frog splash on the fallen Suicide. RVD seems to have hurt himself in doing this move though and rolls away holding his stomach as he does Mysterio makes the pin and gets the win.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    backstage Hulk Hogan tells Josh Matthews that tonight he is going to lead a team of TNA wrestlers taking on their BWE counterparts. he talks about how last week a BWE champion, HHH & Orton lost to the Motor City Machine Guns & Kurt Angle, and says that now this week HHH is back with another BWE champion & this time John Cena but Hogan says they will meet the same fate. He then introduces the team he says he will lead (manage) as Kurt Angle, AJ Styles & Mick Foley.

    Before the following match the MCMG make their way down to the ring and set up a coupld of steel chairs in the ring and then microphones in hand cut an on the spot promo in which they declare themselves the best tag team in TNA. They say they are the TNA champions and that that means they are the best tag team period in wrestling because as they put it, the tag team division in the BWE is a joke! That is why they challenge any team in the BWE to a match right now. They didnt expect that call to be answerd by Santino Marello but the it's him and his Roman Empire that make their way down to ringside.

    MCMG vs The Roman Empire

    This is a short match and after the early comedic offense by Santino and to a lesser extent Masters the MCMG take control. The finish comes when their Skull and Bones Falling neckbreaker (Sabin) / Diving crossbody (Shelley) combination on Santino before a three count pinfall.

    Winners: the MCMG

    Kane is interviewed backstage and asked about his matchup as booked last week against Abyss. He calls Abyss an abomination, says that he is nothing but a cheap immotation of Kane and Mick Foley combined and that in their hardcore match he will prove that he isnt fit to be on the same show as the Big Red Machine. He then heads towards the ring because that match is next.

    Hardcore match: Kane vs Abyss

    This match is not confined to the ring long as the two begin to brawl on the outside grabbing weapons as they go. Abyss pulls a steel chair from under the ring and rams it into Kanes gut repeatidly sending him stumbling over the ralling to a section of the arena beside the fans for the cameramen. Abyss follows him with his chair but the next time when he swings for him he is caught by the big boot of Kane which sends the chair straight into Abyss's face. the TNA man stumbles over towards the rampway and looks for a moments restbite as he climbs up onto it but while he is lying just on the edge of the ramp Kane grabs a camera from one of the cameramen and rams it into Abyss head. Abyss is out cold as Kane sets up a production table and the douses it with some sort of a liquid. "its gasoline, it's gasoline!" shout the commentators as Kane then climbs up onto the ramp and lifts Abyss to his feet.

    Abyss seems to be completely unconcious and ready for a terrible fate when his fellow TNA wresters The Dudley Boyz comes to his recue attacking Kane on the ramp. Kane is on a rampage though and after hitting Bubba Ray with a chokeslam and ramming D-Von into the railing causing him to bleed, The Dudleys are left watching as Abyss is Chokeslammed onto the table which Kane has just set alight. Kane's pyro then hits as the big man makes decides not to try and drag Abyss back to the ring for the pin and instead exits the arena.

    No winner

    backstage Bryan Danielson Is being interviewed and is asked about CM Punk and if their history means he will get involved with Punks match up tonight. Danielson says that although he does want to give Punk a beating in the ring but that he will do it in an honourable way and in their own matchup so it wont be tonight. He does however say that he is looking forward to that match and says that he hopes it will remain a 1 on 1, because as Danielson says if any of the rest of CM Punks church of straight edge get involved in that match, he and his honour society will take out the garbage.

    elsewhere Mr Anderson is seen coming out of the GMs office, apparently he has gotten himself a match for next week which he is very pleased about but he refuses an interview as does Kevin Nash after the interviewer is so surprised to see the big man that he misses his opportunity. Nash is wearing NWO colours though and as we return to rinside the commentators speculate if Kevin Nash & Scott Hall are still part of TNA and part of the talent exchange. They say they know that Hulk Hogan is and when those three combine we could have the NWO on BWE soil!

    that notion is put to one side momentarily though as CM Punk makes his way out to the ring in a move reminiscant of last year, wearing Jeff hardy-esque make-up.

    He belittles Jeff Hardy calling him out and runs down the TNA championship by association talking about Jeff hardys extra ciricular activity outside of Wrestling. He talks about how he tried to save Hardy by exposing him to the Straight Edge way but his lifestyle choices lead to him being arrested. He said that he has no past with Drugs or anything that would lead someone astray from the proper path and that that is why he is still in what he calls the premier wrestling promotion in the world the BWE and you Jeff, have moved on to be a mere champion in the minor leagues. A big fish in a small pond that will accomodate your so called "Enigmatic ways". He then surprisingly says however that if Jeff feels that he has some issues with what he said then Punk urges him to come out and face him right now as he has a feeling Hardy will probably be busy by Survivor Series, he even quips that Hardy could be back in court by then. moments later Jeff's music hits and he have ourselves a match

    CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

    A back and forth match up but eventually the TNA champ seems to be getting on top after a sitout jawbreaker on his opponent. he hen goes up to the top rope and hits a legdrop on Punk before going for a roll up pin. Punk rolls it over though and almost steals a victory with a long 2 count. he doesent let up though and locks in his anaconda vice, but hardy is able to force the release by getting to the bottom rope. Punk then gets up and then starts shouting at Hardy to get up and as he does Punk grabs him and sets him up for his GTS but the TNA champ reverses it and catches Punk with a twist of fate. Hardy then goes to the top rope and hits a swanton bomb for the win.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    Ric Flair comes out to a good reaction from but says he isnt going to make this moment about him, he has an announcement to make he then proceeds to tell everyone about the Survivor Series classic match for the upcoming PPV between TNA vs BWE. He names the respective captains as Kurt Angle for TNA, while John Cena of Raw and HHH of SD will act as co-captains for team BWE. He says it will be up to these men to select a 7 man team to face the other promotion at Survivor Series and then says that in honour of this announcement we are going to have what he calls a Diva's demonstration. 7 on 7 TNA Knockouts vs BWE Divas with just one rule switch, tonight itl be a 1 fall match up as its only for demonstration purposes he says Wooo!

    The King is going nuts and Flair is stylin and profiling as he dances up the isle with the TNA knockouts (Madison Rayne, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Tara, Mickie James & Hamada) who are making their entrance soon to be followed by a team of BWE Divas including Layla, Michelle McCool, Natalya, Maryse, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly & Eve

    TNA knockouts vs BWE Divas elimination match

    A short enough match when you consider that all women involved get atleast a small amount of in ring time. the finish comes as the BWE womens champion Layla hits the TNA Knockouts champion Madison Rayne's with her Layout Neckbreaker for a 3 count pinfall.

    Winners: BWE Divas

    backstage Drew McIntyre is interviewed by Josh Matthews about his title rematch tonight. He says that not only will he win the match but for stealing his title away from him even for just 1 week, he will inflict as much hurt as he physically can on Kofi. He says he will beat Kingston until he literally can not take anymore than he will simply take back what is his!

    before the following bout the BWE superstars involved introduce their manager for the night as Stone Cold Steve Austin after listing off his impressive credentials. Similarily and in a retalitary action the TNA men make their emergance and lead by team TNA captain for Survivor Series Kurt Angle they talk up the man who will be acting as their manager for the night, The Immortal, Hulk Hogan who comes out to his NWO music which sets the commentators talking again.

    Sheamus, HHH & Cena w/SCSA vs AJ Styles, Kurt Angle & Mick Foley w/Hulk Hogan

    This is a real back and forth encounter with both teams having sustained periods ontop and with Austin and Hogan getting right up in each others faces and almost coming to blows on multiple occasions. Eventually when Mick Foley is ontop against John Cena and Kurt Angle calls for a tag things begin to wind down. Foley ignores Angle outstrecthed arm and tries to lock in his mandable claw on cena but eventually Cena fights his way out of the hold and after a swift kick to the gut Cena picks Foley up and hits an Attitude Adjustment on him after which he tags in Sheamus. The Irishman slingshots himself off the ring ropes and then hits Foley with a massive brogue kick as he tries to get back to his feet. Sheamus gets the pinfall then as an irate angle stares on at Foley.

    winners: Sheamus, HHH & Cena w/SCSA

    After the match Austin gets right up in Hogans face celebrating with a few brewski's Hogan points to the NWO logo on his chest and says he will kill austin but in response Stone Cold simply flips off hogan before the two are seperated and we go backstage.

    The Icon Sting is sat in a dark room with a microphone in his hand. He talks directly to The Undertaker (who the commentators later say is not here tonight due to the injuries Sting gave him) and says that he is the sole reason he is here. He says that when talk of this temporary merger of talent came up he wanted none of it. He was the franchise Sting, he would never set foot in the BWE, but then he thought of the Undertaker. He says he has watched Taker for years from afar and now was the time to strike. He says he is still the franchisem he has still never signed for the competition but that doesent mean that at Survivor Series I wont beat the living hell out of that competition, because undertaker your on notice, for the first time ever you literally are a deadman walking!

    World Heavyweight championship match: Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntyre

    McIntyre starts this one at a great pace and takes it straight to the champ with a huge chokeslam followed by an equally big boot. He hits Kofi with a snap suplex and goes for a pin but only gets a 2 count. McIntyre then throws Kingston into the turnbuckle before backing up into the opposite one and charging at him. Kofi however is able to hit a Pendulum kick from out of the corner, as a counter to his oncoming opponent and with that the momentum swings. He follows it up with his trouble in paradise kick and takes complete control or so it seemed until McIntyre sweeps his legs from under him knocking him to the floor. the Scot gets up and lifts Kofi up setting him up for his future shock DDT but Kofi fights out of the hold and after a big dropkick and a boom drop he gets a 3 count and has succesfully retained his title. McIntyre is furious with himself.

    winner: Kofi Kingston

    Jeff Hardy comes out after the match and challenges the Victorious Kingston to a 1 on 1 match at Survivor series. TNA Champion vs World Heavyweight champion, prove who is the best. Kofi accepts and we go off news with this blockbuster match now set.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to the third 3 hour BWE Raw & Smackdown supershow!


    Once again the show is opened by Raw GM Ted Dibiase Sr who talks about the monumental Survivor Sereis PPV on the cards in just a few short weeks. He says that he always wants to bring the fans the best possible show and that thats the reason why not only did he sign off on TNA talent in the BWE but also why he is going to adress this next issue. He says since the TNA talent have been on BWE tv a certain group has returned to backstage. He says that he doesent like the uncertainty that comes with this group of men when they are together and thats why he wants to call them out here and book them in a match tonight so he knows exactly where they are. After a moments pause he then calls out Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash.

    The NWOs music plays and out come the trio to a really mixed reaction from the BWE crowd. This segment is kept short however with Nash and Hogan mostly on the mic and generally just consisted of them putting the BWE on notice, that tonight just like TNA they wanted to make an impact on this promotion. They are given the chance then when Dibiase plays Devils advocate and before suggesting the following match, tells the NWO about a group of multiple men, who have wreaked havoc in wrestling, com through the crowd to interfere in matches, won championships and generally run amock. Hogan and Hall in particular have big smiles on their faces until the Raw GM reveals the name of this group as Nexus not the NWO. dibiase even goes as far as hinting that they should now be called the old world order as there is a new group in town before pitching the following idea to the group: Nexus vs the NWO 3 on 3 tonight. After a moments discussion the response is clear "You're on brother!" and tonights main event is set. Dibiase then tells everyone to go prepare for their match tonight as he introduces tonights first contest, an interpromotional tag team constest between the Hart Dynasty and The Motor City Machine Guns.

    MCMG vs The Hart Dynsaty

    A great tag team contest to kick us off with both teams looking good in this one. The match breaks down at one stage with all four men in the ring after 2 tags and after Tyson Kidd is knocked form the ring the MCMGs employ one of the more impressive double team cominations to take out the baby bulldog DH Smith. Sabin holds his opponent in a fireman's carry while Shelley hits a diving double foot stomp onto the prone Smith followed by Sabin hitting a fireman's carry takeover onto Shelley's knees. Sabin who is the legal man then makes a pin as Shelly keeps Tyson Kidd from interfering. 1-2-3.

    After the match the victors grab a set of microphones and lay down a challenge to the BWE tag champs. They say that last week they were part of a team that defeated HHH, Randy Orton and the WHC Kofi Kingston and this week they defeated one of the most recognisable tag teams in the BWE. They say they want a challenge while they are here in the BWE so they want to go against the best and thats why they challenge the BWE tag champs to a match at Survivor series.

    Backstage BWE cruiserweight champion Low Ki bumps into TNA's X-Division champion Jay Lethal and makes a quip about how he used to hold that belt which does not go down well. Lethal is suddenly joined by a number of TNA's other X-Division wrestlers including Amazing Red and the masked man known as Suicide and a vicious beatdown follows that leaves the BWE man in agony and in need of medical attension.

    Low Ki's condition is speculated upon by the commentators then as Lethal makes his way to the ring for his match up next still pumped from what he just participated in.

    Jay Lethal vs Evan Bourne

    Lethal is already warmed up after his backstage antics and starts this one fast. He even gets an early near fall thanks to a Flipping release dragon suplex he executes superby on Bourne but the BWE cruiserweight is able to kick out at 2. At this point things take a turn for the worst as Lethal places him in a figure four and holds him in it for a good few minutes before finally releasing the hold. What followed was a valiant effort from Bourne but he could barely stand under his own wait due to injures he got while in that hold and eventual was layed victum to his opponents Lethal Injection neckbreaker giving the TNA X division champ the win.

    Winner: Jay Lethal

    ---Ad Break

    The commentators then inform us all that John Cena & HHH representing Raw & SD have been appointed as co=captains for team BWE at Survivor series as we go to the backstage where apparently the duo have decided on who should be their first recruit for the team. This is apparent as they approach Randy Orton about issue citing how they need to put past differences aside at this PPV and unite under the BWE Banner. They are surprised how quick they get a yes as Randys attension is drawn to a monitor nearby as Mr Anderson makes his trademark entrance where he introduces himself twice before cutting a promo on Randy.

    He blames Orton for his getting released from the BWE and says that Orton tried to drag his reputation through the mud. He said that his star was rising and that Orton did everything in his power to stop it, to hold him down so that he could be at the top. Just then though he is cut off by Orton who has made his way through the back and out to ringside.

    Orton says he doesent deny that he thought Mr Kennedy or Anderson or whatever he wants to call himself was a liability in the ring but he does note just how quick Ken has started to sound like just another TNA wrestler. He says that each and every week on Impact it is the same former somebodys bemoaning this great company for why there are where they are and none of you ever stop to think maybe its your fault, maybe Ken your not good enough to be in my ring and Ken when you come out into my ring and call me out only one thing is going to happen...with that Orton heads directly towards the ring eyes locked on his advisary and we have a match.

    Randy Orton vs Mr Anderson

    Orton starts this one strong with a number of big right hand before going on to totally dominate Anderson that is until a snap suplex completely steals the moment for the man who refers to himself as an asshole. Anderson surprises many in the arena with how he controls Orton first hitting his Mic check reverso STO then his Green bay plunge before going for a pinfall but the legend killer is able to grab the bottom rope and break the hold. Repeated foot stomps keep the viper down though and give Anderson enough time to ascend to the top rope. It appears that Orton was playing possum however and just as Ken is about to go for a Sentom bomb he springs into life and leaps up into the air to hit an RKO off the top rope leaving Anderson in a heap on the matt. Orton rolls him up for the victory and the aphex preditor in the BWE celebrates another victory.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    As a dejected looking Mr Anderson leaves ringside the commentators talk up Orton and show their relief that finally tonight a BWE superstar has gotten a victory over their TNA opponent. The conversation takes a quick turn though as Jeff Hardy's old BWE music hits and the extreme enigma makes his way down to the ring.

    Hardy grabs a mic and makes a quick promo in which he talks about silencing CM Punk finally last week. He says he proved everything he has said since he left the BWE last week and that maybe now people will recognise him as a true great in this industry. He says that he he is TNA champion for a reason, because he is the best in the world at what he does and that he wants to prove this. To do so he says he has layed down a challenge to the current BWE champion Kofi Kingston. He says that Kofi is a true champion as he obviously also believes that he is the best around and therefore is willing to put test to that claim 1 on 1 at Survivor series. he signs off then by simply asking, BWE champ vs TNA champ at Survivor Series how about it Kofi? you really think you got the guts to face me? he then challenges him to make it official and signing what is later said to be a match contract Hardy drops the microphone and exits the ring to his new TNA music.


    Backstage The Honour Society lead by Bryan Danielson are seeking answers about both the condition of their confidant Low Ki and the status of their match which is supposed to be next from GM Ted Dibiase. Unfortunatley his answer is not to their liking. It seems that a match had been set for tonight between all 3 members of the Honour Socierty and Gallows, Harris & Edge of CM Punk's new church of straight Edge and that now with Low Ki on his way to a local medical facility that match would be a handicap match.

    As we return to ringside and Punk's men make their entrance the commentators talk about how this will be essentially a 4 on 2 matchup with the US champ CM Punk on the sidelines managing his side.

    Handicap match: The new church of straight Edge (Luke Gallows, Husky Harris & Edge) w/CM Punk vs The Honour Society(Bryan Danielson & Tyler Black).

    as the commentators speculate the numbers game does play a big part in this match but initially while it is just one on one in the ring before mutliple tags Danielson and Black are very impressive. Both actually looking like they could win at different times Black after a Spinning lifting inverted DDT on Edge and Danielson with a dragon suplex followed by a small package both resulting in 2 counts. It's around this time that the frequency between the new church's tags increase and CM Punks involvement in the match up heightens as the Honour Society visably begin to tire. Eventually with Gallows now overpowering and holding down Danielson in the ring CM Punks distraction becomes to much for the referee who goes out of the ring to break up a fracas which has broken out between him and Tyler Black. He is in the process of removing Punk from ringside when the straight Edge saviours US title belt is slid into the ring by Husky Harris and then used by Edge to take out the American Dragon. Edge leaves the ring belt in hand just before the referee gets back in and counts 1,2,3 for Gallows who has pinned Danielson.

    Winners: The New Church of Straight Edge

    Punk stops leaving as orderd by the official and gets into the ring to celebrate with his men when his attension is drawn to the ramp as two men make their way towards the ring. Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuinness of TNA stop for a moment as the commentators explain who they are and shots are shown of Danielson being helped back to his feet by Black. Then just as we see a surprising little smile creep across Danielsons face Joe & McGuinness charge the ring where they are soon joined by Black and Danielson in a big 4 on 4 brawl. Eventual CM Punks men back away out of the ring and security seperate the groups, as Punk leads his men to the back Danielson grabs the microphone and says that just like straight Edge, The Honour Society is bigger than just the BWE, he then introduces the two TNA wrestlers who he says Punk should know very well as members of his group before passing the microphone to McGuinness. Nigel says that Punk came from the same place as all of them and that he should know the meaning of honour and yet even in a handicap match Punk has to cheat to win. He says that Punk is a black mark on the reputation of where they came from and how they want to put him in his place and thats why they announce at Survivor Series they will team with their BWE counterparts in a 4 on 4 elimination match. The so called new Church Of Straight Edge vs The Honour Society!

    Backstage BWE champion Sheamus is interviewed by Josh Matthews and asked about AJ Styles and the threat he might pose the fiery Irishman at Survivor Series. Sheamus starts seemingly speaking highly of Styles saying that he will be different to any challenger he has faced so far but then with a smile on his face says because unlike the others it will be no challenge defeating AJ. He then starts running down his TNA opponent calling it a joke that he calls himself Phenominal and even thinks he is on Sheamus's level. He then emphasises that Styles is merely TNA tv champion while he is a world champion and suggests that he is not only going to beat him at Survivor Series but that the fellah they call mr TNA is going to embarass both himself and his company at the PPV as Sheamus says he will take him apart piece by piece.


    D'Angelo Dinero vs Ted Dibiase Jr vs John Morrison vs RVD

    This match is high entertainment and a bit of a spot fest if im honest with Morrison and RVD especially stealing the show and getting a big response from the crowd as a result. The finale in this one comes after the Pope who isnt known for high flying goes to the top rope only to get caught by a roundhouse kick from morrison send him crashing to the outside and actually hits the ralling keeping the fans back. The Perfect son Joe Hennig then comes out but is immediatly taken out by Morrison who perfroms a diving elbow drop of the top rope onto him. Hennig gets back to his feet though and brawls with Morrison and eventually Dinero as the official tries to break them up and get the legal men back into the ring. With his attension on them Maryse takes this opportunity to slide a chair into into the ring for Ted and Dibiase goes to hit RVD with it. RVD counters this however and plants the fortunate son on the canvas with his Van terminator. He follows this up by placing the chair on Dibiase and performing rolling thunder which means the crowd is really hot as he finally puts the chair under Ted and ascends to the top rope for a 5 Star Frogsplash. Dibiase is able to roll out of the way at the last second though and its RVD who hits the chair. Then while obviously struggling himself Dibiase gets to his feet and hits the ECW alumni with dream street before pinning him 1-2-3.

    Winner: Ted dibiase Jr

    The commentators talk about how Dibiase has been on a roll ever since he acquired his MITB contract and how strong he has looked in previous weeks as a promo for BWE Survivor series is aired, it will come to us from the sold out American Airlines Arena in Miami Florida.

    As we return we are met by the music of TNA superstar and Icon, the man they call Sting. He says that all throughout his career people have equated and drawn parralels between him and the BWE's Undertaker. He says that fans always talked of The Singer vs The Undertaker as a dream match but unfortunatley one that would never take place. He explains why by saying that Taker is a company man, he is BWE through and through and would never leave the place he has made his own, but I am the franchise of WCW and TNA and the one man who never signed for the WWE no matter what Vincent Kennedy McMahon offered me. He then says that he will never sign for the BWE but that the cross promotional deal Shane McMahon struck with TNA for Survivor Series has presented him with an opportunity that he isnt going to pass up. He states that he wants to prove that he is better than The Undertaker and knows that after his recent actions towards Taker, the deadman must by if youll exuse the pun dying to get his hands on Sting, therefore he challenges the Undertaker to create that dream match fans have talked about for years at Survivor series in order to do so.

    Almost immediatley after the challenge is laid out the lights go out and The Undertaker's music plays and the Phenom of the BWE makes his way out to ringside. Taker gets into the ring and walks right up to Sting squaring up to him and only topping momentarily to stare right through him before grabbing the microphone. As he takes the Mic he rolls his eyes into the back of his head and with them still back there he lifts the microphone up and says "At Survivor series... your on!" He then breakes his gaze at Sting and rolls his eyes back as he begins talking a bit more normally. He says that his first decade of destruction began at Survivor Series and he thinks it's fitting that the second decade culminate there with his retribution and destruction of Sting. Taker however says that Sting has raised the stakes after his repeated attacks on him with a baseball bat, he has he believes Sting was trying to take him out of commision for good and that Taker will get his vengence. He then says that not only is he willing to face Sting but he is willing to put his career on the line to prove that this is still his yard and questions if the man who refers to himself as The Icon is willing to do the same. Sting agrees to the retirement stipulation and as he does a wide sinister smile goes across the face of the deadman before the lights suddenly go off again. When we return Sting is laid out in the ring and The Undertaker is nowhere to be seen.

    Kurt Angle is backstage talking about how the classic Survivor Series match between the BWE & TNA has been set for the upcoming PPV and how he is recuiting members for team TNA. The first person he approaches and eventually convinces to join team TNA is The Monster Abyss.


    Mickie James vs Layla w/McCool

    Michelle McCool gets into the ring and celebrates with Layla, the referee even lifts both members of Laycools hand up ass he declares Layla the winner but their joy is shortlived.The Beautiful People from TNA once more attack them from the rear, slipping into position unoticed by Laycool due to their over the top celebration of their dubious victory. After a quick beatdown its the TNA knockouts posing over the BWE Divas, that is until the BWE Divas lockeroom empties out into the ringside area led by Natalya and Kelly Kelly and they chase the Beautiful People off.


    Kurt Angle is in the TNA lockeroom and has seemingly signed up Matt Morgan & Jeff Jarett to team TNA at Survivor series. Mick Foley trys to get himself onto the team but Angle says he isnt sure if Foley has still got it in him. Foley is insulted by that and says that next week he has a match and he will prove to the world hes still got it and prove to Angle that he should be on team TNA.

    The most unexpected huge pop of the night came when the NWO music suddenly hit the arena and the otorious trio came out to their classic entrance theme. Once the unexpected hysteria calms down Hogan grabs the mic and admist a loud now mixed reaction says "hey brothers, what ya gonna do when the NWO run wild all over the BWE, you see me, Hall and Nash here have a lot of..." Hogan looks enraged as he is interupted by the music of the Nexus. After a moment or two in a huddle under the titantron all but Wade Barett, David Otunga and Justin Gabriel head to the back while those three star slowly walking towards the ring. Unfortunatley for them as they reach the ring Kevin Nash informs them that, they hadnt finished their pre match promo. He says that he is sad to inform them that they will not be taking on the original NWO tonight. He says the Hulkster has a back strain and wants to take no risks before proving what everybody already knows by beating Stone Cold Steve Austin. Therefore we have had to call up a former member of the NWO for tonights match and he's someone I think you know says Nash before announcing his partner tonight as "The Giant", The Big Show and with that out comes the worlds largest athlete dressed in NWO colours with a major axe to grind with Nexus.

    Nexus vs The NWO

    The Big Show is dominant in this match and it isnt until Hall is tagged in that the Nexus even get any offense in with Barret hitting his wasteland finisher before going for a quick pinfall. Hall kicks out after 2 though as Nash makes his presence known allowing the Big Show to be tagged back in. He throws wade against the ropes where Gabriel tags himself in as show catches Barett with a big boot then while pointing at the Hulkster he goes for the Hulks signature Leg Drop. Gabriel gets in the way and Barett rolls to the outside but all the thanks the south african gets is a massive chokeslam which show follows by pinning him. As Show made the pin Otunga tried to make the save but Nash stopped him with a clothesline, now as the match is over Nash picks him up and delivers a powerbomb.

    winners The NWO

    After the match and with the Nexus destroyed the NWO are celebrating when Kevin Nash turns on the Big Show cracking a steel pipe across the back of his head and taking the big man down. Himself and hall then drag Shows body over to beside Wade Barett as Hogan takes out a can of spray paint and begins to spraypaint NWO across the 2 mens backs, it seems its just TNA NWO tonight though. They only get as far as the N though before the glass smashes and Stone Cold Steve Austin hits the arena closely following by team BWE co-captains John Cena and HHH. The three rush the ring going straight on the attack, Hall and Hogan unfortunatley get away through the crowd and evade capture but Hall isnt as lucky and they are left looking back and watching their comrade suffer a Ston Cold Stunner from the rattlesnake as we go off the air.

    Survivor series lineup so far:

    TNA Champion Jeff Hardy vs WHC Kofi Kingston
    BWE champion Sheamus vs TNA Tv Champ AJ Styles
    Legends match: Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
    Survivor Series classic: Team TNA (capt:Kurt Angle) vs Team BWE (Co-captains: Cena & HHH)
    Icon vs Phenom: The Undertaker vs Sting
    MCMG vs Nexus
    The new chruch of straight Edge vs The honour society (Punk, Gallows, Harris & Edge vs Danielson, Tyler Black, Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuiness)

    there is also rumoured to be an exclusive preshow bout between Laycool and The Beautiful people from TNA which will air live on both &

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to the final pre PPV 3 hour BWE Raw & Smackdown supershow!


    As ths show opens the commentators recap the developments of the past few weeks ever since the TNA wrestlers arrival in the BWE at Bragging Rights including last week when the NWO tried to tag The Big Show and the leader of Nexus Wade Barett with spraypaint. Thankfully for them HHH, John Cena and the man who now makes his way out Stone Cold Steve Austin made the save (which the footage they are viewing back shows).

    Austin says that Hulk Hogan and the NWO like to talk a big game but when push comes to shove Hukalmania wasnt running wild it was running out of the arena to get away from me! Austin says that last week he was sitting in the back drinking beers, whiskey and Vodka with Sheamus and Vladamir Kozlov when he saw Hulk Hogan not only feign an injury to get out of competing but also continiously interupting the match, He said that he couldnt abide that and thats why the Rattlesnake struck. He says that Hogans antics belittle his claim at being the best the industry has ever seen and that this Sunday he will once again show the Hulkster up cos Stone Cold Steve Austin is the toughest SOB in the BWE and thats the bottom line cos stone cold said so.

    The Rattlesnake then suggests that not only will he defeat Hulk Hogan at Survivor Series but that team BWE would annihilate their TNA apponents and as a warm up for that match he is going to act as a guest ring announcer for tonights opening 6 man tag which features the first 3 names on team BWE, HHH, Cena & Randy Orton. As he introduces HHH, he asks the game to bring the DX Game tonight and show Hulk Hogan and the NWO what a real BWE star looks like.

    Matt Morgan & Beer Money vs HHH, Orton & Cena

    As a team Beer money look impressive just as big Matt Morgan does individually but against this star studded BWE team they struggle here. After a number of near falls only to be broken up by interferance you can see the worried look on the TNA stars faces as Matt Morgan gets desperate and tries to turn this into a three on three brawl in the ring by attacking both non legal men Orton & Cena and drawing them in. Unfortunatley for him in the confusion it isnt the TNA wrestlers who benefit, Robert Roode and James Storm suffer an attitude adjustment and an RKO as Morgan himself is hit with a Pedigree before getting pinned 1-2-3 a great start to the night for team BWE.

    winners: HHH, Orton & Cena

    Backstage Kurt Angle bumps into Jack Swagger whilst looking to recruit team TNA members. When Swagger demands an apology Kurt laughs at him saying he should just be pleased to be that close to the man he obvioously idolises. He says that Swagger stole his Anklelock and has tried to steal his entire gimmick for that matter. He says he is the All American, American not Swagger "I'm an Olympic champion dammit!". Swagger however says he will prove he is a superior version of Angle as he informs him of the match booked for tonight. Kurt vs Swagger Anklelock challenge. As Angle leaves annoyed at this news, HHH & John Cena return from their match and give swagger an offer. They say that if he is up for it after he weakens TNA's captain tonight why not help beat him again this Sunday as part of team BWE. Swagger gets one of his trademark smirks across his face as he agrees with the two men.

    Elsewhere Low Ki Is interviewed and when asked about his condition after the vicious attack from the TNA X-Division wrestlers last week admits he is not 100% and therefore will not be wrestling tonight. However he says he will be 100% by Survivor series and issues a challenge to those X-Division wrestlers. He says that him and some other BWE Cruiserweights want a match at Survivor Series, he says they can name the match, whatever it is their on but the simple matter of fact is this wont be a jumping backstage, this will be in the ring and in the ring he says The World Warrior is king!

    MCMG vs The Zig Show

    The MCMG are once more hugely impressive here whilst taking on the most recent challengers for the BWE tag team titles. the TNA tag champs isolate Dolph Ziggler and double team him between tags to such an extent that the referee actually starts questioning if he can continue. Perhaps mistakenly Ziggler says he will fight on as moments later he is caught by a Simultaneous Samoan drop (Storm) / diving neckbreaker (Roode) combination after which he is pinned for a 3 count.

    Winners: MCMG

    Backstage The Beautiful People from TNA are backstage running down the look of BWE Diva's including Laycool when Maryse walks by. They approach her saying that she is the only BWE Diva they have seen with the potential to be a beautiful person. They saw that they think Mayse could go far with their backing and even go as far as offering her the chance to join their side, the TNA side as they face Laycool which they announce will be exclusive on BWE& before Survivor Series. Maryse however laughs them off and says she doesent need anyones help and although she truely is a beautiful person (she adds especially while standing next to them much to their offense) she will prove that fact in a BWE ring tonight, because she says the BWE is the big time in the wrestling Industry and she is the biggest star in womans wrestling.

    Elsewhere we see Kurt Angle offer what he calls a chance at redemption for their loss tonight to the team of Beer Money as he offers them a place on Team TNA for Survivor Series. Without a moments hesitation they accept the offer.

    Before the following match Mick Foley comes to the ring with a microphone in his hand. He talks about how a number of people have recently questioned if he still has what it takes. He says they want to see the hardcore legend, the sadistic Mick Foley in the ring not the lovable joker an author. They think I have mellowed, ME! Mick Foley! well thats just sure mardness, unless im channeling my good friend Dude Love i dont even know the meaning of the word mellow, and since ive been in more a Cactus Jack mood these past few weeks I decided to do something about it. 3 weeks ago Alberto Del Rio made a name for himself as the no.1 mexican wrestler in the BWE in a no disqualification match and Del Rio mick says isnt exactley SD interm GM Vicky Guerrero's favourite person so when I promised to bring the Mick Foley of old for a no holds barred match against Del Rio she jumped at the opportunity. So Mick calls out Del Rio saying that if he wants to make a name for himself now is the chance cos Mick is bringing his A game and says he will prove Kurt and any other disbelievers wrong tonight.

    No holds bared match: Mick Foley vs Alberto Del Rio

    Foley pushes Alberto Del Rio to the limit in this one after the Mexican had a bright in ring start. It isnt long however until both men find themselves brawling outside the ring where despite del Rio's impressive display against Mysterio, Foley seems far more at home. Mick uses everything at his disposal as a weapon starting with the ringbell which he rams into his opponents head afterwhich he tosses Del Rio full force into the ring steps. Its at this point that we see a sadistic smile run across Foleys face as he produces a bag of tumbtacks which he pours all over the ring before returning to the outside and continuing his assualt on Del Rio. Seing the tacs though Alberto seems to get a second wind in order to stay away from them and starts fighting back. He finally breaks lose hand crawls away from the steps foley was trying to drag him up. As he gets to the steel ramp he slowly starts to get to his feet and looks back to check what Foley is doing only to see Mick scurring under the ring eventually emerging with his old friend, a barbed wire bat wrapped in barbed wire. Del Rio's facial expretions at this realisation are priceless and it really seems the man claiming to be the no.1 mexican wrestler has bitten off more than he can chew in this hardcore envirnment as Foley is on him in an instant raking that bat across the back of del rio's head after a few swift kicks stopping the mexicans rise.

    Del Rio has been busted wide up and has a crimson stream running down his forhead as Foley tosses the weapon away and hits a piledriver onto his opponent on the steel ramp. The commentaters are emphasising how Del Rio has never experienced such an extreme match environment as comes with a Mick Foley match before considering his pure wrestling background as Mick then tosses the smackdown man back into the now tac filled ring. Foley then sets Alberto up for a second piledriver this time onto the tacs when Alberto gets a sudden burst of enregy and reverses it tossing Foley over his head and onto the tacs below. Foley is writhing in pain as the amazed comentators talk about hoe Del Rio could actually win this thing. Gingerly he walks over to Foley and looks to be trying for an armbar when Foley grabs him and locks in the mandible claw. He trys to resist but moments later Del Rio taps after giving his all.

    Winner: Mick Foley

    Backstage Jay Lethal Is briefly interviewed by Josh Matthews in which on behalf of TNA's X Division stars he accepts Low Ki's challenge and announced an Ultimate X match at Survivor Series between BWE & TNA stars. As Lethal leaves Josh tries to get a word from The Miz but he is too busy chatting to the Bella Twins he does however drop one nugget of information to the camera, that he the BWE Intercontinental champion is the 5th official member of team BWE.

    Maryse vs Christie Hemme

    Before this match begins Christie Hemme gets on the microphone and pleads with Maryse not to fight her, she says there was an error made and that she should not have been on the list of talent that the BWE GMs can book in competition. She says that things have changed since she was in the BWE, she no longer wrestles under doctors advice. Maryse doesent seem to care however and as her name was on the list and the GMs did book the match the ref starts the match. Hemme's ringrust is very evident and Mayse is all over her and after about a minutes one sided offense she sets her up for her signature French Kiss. She never gets to preform this move though as former TNA knockout and current BWE Diva Gail Kim charges down the ramp and into the ring taking her out. the ref disqualifies Hemme as Maryse is tossed from the ring but the TNA interviewer is saved by Kim who she embraces while Kim and Maryse stare at each other as the segment ends.

    Winner by DQ: Christie Hemme

    As the announcers (Jerry Lawlor in particular) talk about that Diva's confrontation Shane McMahon's music plays and the man who brought TNA & the BWE together at Survivor Series series makes his way to the ring. Shane talks about how much of a monumental night as he puts it Survivor Series will be and how he is proud of being the man that has put this PPV together. He then takes great pleasure in announcing the final Survivor Series card and in doing informs the fans of the final men on bothe team TNA & BWE in the survivor series classic match. It seems Mick Foley has impressed TNA captain Kurt Angle as he rounds off their selection. Similarily his opponent from earlier tonight has done enough to earn a spot on team BWE a team which is completed by the inclusion of Kane.
    BWE Survivor series final card
    TNA Champion Jeff Hardy vs WHC Kofi Kingston
    BWE champion Sheamus vs TNA Tv Champ AJ Styles
    Legends match: Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
    Survivor Series classic: Team TNA (capt:Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarett, Matt Morgan, Mick Foley, Abyss & Beer Money) vs Team BWE (Co-captains: Cena & HHH, Orton, Swagger, Del Rio, Kane, The Miz)
    Icon vs Phenom: The Undertaker vs Sting
    TNA tag champs vs BWE tag champs: MCMG vs Nexus
    Ultimate X match including both BWE Cruiserweight champion Low Ki and TNA X Division champ Jay Lethal
    The new chruch of straight Edge vs The honour society (Punk, Gallows, Harris & Edge vs Danielson, Tyler Black, Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuiness)

    there will also be an exclusive preshow bout between Laycool and The Beautiful people from TNA which will air live on both &

    After the announcement as Shane exits the ring a promo is aired highlighting the long running feud from Smackdown between the Honour Society and CM Punks new church of straight edge. Particular focus is put on how last week TNA's former ROH wrestlers Nigel McGuinness and Samoa Joe joined up with the Honour society evening up the numbers. This week McGuinness is teaming with Danielson as we get the first instance of TNA & the BWE working together during this talent exchange.

    Danielson & McGuinness vs CM Punk & Edge

    This is the first match where Edge no longer seems zoned out, he now seems focused, like he knows what he is doing and is enjoying it. However it seems a less fun loving edge and more a sadistic angry straight edge and in the early goings here it's he who makes the biggest impact after catching McGuinness with an early spear which gave the momentum to his side. This was heightened by the arrival of Husky Harris and Drew Gallows but they dont interfere at first merely watch precidings. Unfortunatley that changes when Nigel McGuinness locks in his London Dungeon submission move on Edge only for Harris to ensure edge got to the bottom rope behind the referees back. Almost immediatley this match breaks down as Samoa Joe and Tyler Black come out to ringside and attack the interfering extras. The supposidly injured (which the commentator points out) Mercury then runs out in their defense only to he himself be attacked by the final member of the honour society who himself is not at 100% Low Ki As this match has turned into a 10 man free for all the referee has no choice but to call for the bell.

    Result: no contest

    The Undertaker Is backstage and he says he has a message for Sting. He says that throuout his 20 years of destruction here in the BWE he has seen every type of challenger possible, from Giants to Olympians, from Legends to Legend Killers from BWE to WCW and all have fallen by the wayside. He says that Sting tried to take him out, injure him and straight up tried to weaken taker before their match this sunday. He then says that the legend of the Icon, The Franchise, Sting will also go by the wayside this Sunday and will Rest IN Peace!

    Anklelock challenge: Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger

    This starts with both men trying to out do the other in terms of amateur wrestling, going for tak downs and trying to get in the other mans head but as the commentators point out they cant win this match up like that and the two all american americans move to a more physical approach which they continuously try to transition into ankle lock attempts. Swagger is the first to seccesfully lock in the hold but Kurt is able to fight his way out of it. One thing Kurt is able to transition into though is a Double leg takedown, transitioned into a suplex. This gives him the advantage and enough time to hit an Olympic Slam on Swagger. Kurt starts shouting woo and takes the straps of his wrestling attire off his shoulders as he seemingly prepares to lock in his ankle lock but as he reaches down Swagger roles him up and eventually applies an ankle lock of his own. Kurt is locked in the hold for what seems a good minute and never taps despite the obvious pain hes in. He is then able to eventually get to the bottom ropes and the hold is broken but Swagger is now seemingly on top although this is the first time he has gotten to his feet since the Olympic slam.

    Kurt can barely stand but at this moment holds his own in a back and forth exchange of big right hands before he shocks Swagger with an Overhead belly to belly suplex seemingly out of nowhere. Swagger gets up quick and looks pissed while executing a sweep kick to Angles alread hurt ankle, knocking him to the floor. He doesent leave him there though as he quickly picks him up and goes for a Gutwrench powerbomb but Kurt is able to reverse out of it and actually rolls Swagger up so that he can apply the ankle lock right in the centre of the ring. After having the hold in for about 30 seconds Angle changes to a standing position while still keeping the hold locked in only now twisted to even further proportions. his moving through allows Swagger to make a move for the rops but Angle quickly drags him into the center of the ring quickly and after another 20 seconds of agony Swagger eventually taps.

    winner Kurt Angle

    Hulk Hogan Is interviewed backstage by his buddy Kevin Nash and makes a statement in response to Stone Cold Steve Austin's comments earlier tonight. He says he did not feign injury last week, he says that he ensured he was 100% fighting fit for Survivor Series when he says he will prove that he and not Austin is the biggest star the wrestling business has ever seen. He says just cos Austin wants to get involved in matches he has no part in doesnt mean the Hulkster will be so stupid. Hogan says that Hulkamania is alive and well in TNA and that this Sunday it will run wild all over Stone Cold Steve Austin and the BWE!

    AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs Sheamus & Kofi Kingston

    Another real back and forth contest in tonights main event which starts to near its finish as Kofi gets isolated in the ring with Hardy and Styles making a number of quick tags. Styles in particular impresses throughout first with a brainbuster onto the ring ropes then back onto the matt against Kingston, then his Stylin' DDT after which he gets a slow 2 count. Eventually Sheamus gets the hot tag as Styles also tages out and he takes out both Styles and then Hardy with big clotheslines before a brogue kick knocks Styles out of the ring. Kofi then climbs onto the top turnbuckle and as Sheamus holds Hardy up in a bearhug Kingston comes up off the corner hitting trouble in paradise. Then Sheamus makes the pin while the ref counts to 3. The BWE champions have a big win going into Survivor Series.

    Winners: Sheamus & Kofi Kinston

    The Irishmans celebrations are shortlived though as TNA superstars Kurt Angle, Jay Lethal & the Motor City Machine Guns make their presence known at ringside having emerged from different areas of the crowd and along with Hardy & Styles begin a big beatdown on the two BWE heavyweight champions after which both Sheamus and Kofi are placed ontop of a table which has been brought into the ring as Jeff Hardy goes to the top rope and performs a Swantom bomb through the wood. As the show ends the 6 TNA stars who will all be in competition this sunday at Survivor Series pose above the broken down bodies of the men who claim to be the best on BWE Smackdown & Raw as the commentators talk about their hope that we will not see such a scene at the PPV.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    I will delete this post and replace it with the months old conclusion to BWE's TNA invasion in a few days but now I'm making an appeal to you, the people who had enough interest to click when you saw this bumped. The BWA needs new writers if it is to return so if you have any interest please state as much in the discussion thread (can be found in the hot links sticky but will also be bumped by me today).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    I will delete this post and replace it with the months old conclusion to BWE's TNA invasion in a few days but now I'm making an appeal to you, the people who had enough interest to click when you saw this bumped. The BWA needs new writers if it is to return so if you have any interest please state as much in the discussion thread (can be found in the hot links sticky but will also be bumped by me today).

    So does the BWE;):pac:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    BWE RAW is Back!! And in the ring is Zack Ryder.. Who has a HUGE announcement for the BWE UNIVERSE..

    "Seriously Bro, tonight is a HUGE, HUGE.. Night for your hero, your Broski... Zack Ryder.. The BWE's Board of Directors have finally seen the Zack Ryder signs in the crowd, they've finally liked me on Facebook, followed me on Twitter... And Bought this T-Shirt Bro.. So i now BWE management have asked me to move my show from Youtube.. To Monday Night Raw.. So let me be the first to introduce you all to my new show... The Bro Show.. And my first ever guest.. My newest Broski of the week...



    Vince McMahon has returned to the BWE and he doesnt look happy.. Ryder goes to shake McMahons hand, but its received with a firm slap to the face, and a loud "Shut the Hell Up" McMahon puts the mic back up to his mouth, but before he says anything he throws the mic at Ryder and leaves the ring, leaving the fans and Ryder very confused..


    Alberto Del Rio vs Chris Masters
    Quick match up with Masters tapping to the Arm Bar..
    Winner Alberto Del Rio

    After the Match up Ricardo Rodriguez hands Del Rio a mic, and the Young Mexican announces he will be the next BWE Champion..


    Smackdown Rebound..
    Shows Edge's Retirement Party, then Edge being announced as the new Smackdown GM, And finally the World title Match at Wrestlemania 27 between Christian and Randy Orton, and Edge hitting Christian with the title, and costing him the Match, Title, and Wrestlemania Moment.. The Vignette ends with the Music of Rated RKO


    US Champion Bryan Danielson comes to the ring with his new Manager/Mentor.. Michael Cole
    My Client, is the Best Wrestler in the World today.. He's finally seen the light, he's finally seen that those internet fu*ktards where the one's holding him back from success, he's in the big leagues now, not in some bingo hall with 200 overweight virgin's screaming "Holy Sh*t" from behind their keyboards. Bryan is now the future of the BWE, and all you idiotic internet geeks can cream yourselves over some other loser.. Now on to more pressing matters, Bryan has beaten everyone who has challenged him so if ANYONE thinks they can beat him, come out here to TAP OR SNAP..


    Mysterio appears from nowhere whilst Danielson is distracted by his music, and hits the 619, sending a serious message of intent to the US Champion


    A video is shown of CM Punks Straight Edge Movement.. and how they've fueded with The Miz and his Mizfits stable..


    CM Punk is joined in the ring by his Straight Edge Movement followers Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Evan Bourne.. "Look around this ring, and wht do you see? 4 Young, Talented, Hungry BWE supestars, with one thing in common.. We've been forced to sit back and watch as the old Dinosaurs who should've been forced in retirement homes decades ago, still hog the limelight, still cling and clutch to their spots while the 4 of us jerk the certain.. Not any more.. The BWE needs this cancer removed, and were the guys to do it..


    Before Punk can Finish he's interupted by a loud and annoying REALLY?? REEEEALLLY?? Punk, you think you four losers should be the ones to take the BWE into the next decade?? Look around you idiots, ive got the 3 best up and coming superstars in the Business, Alex Riley.. Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and Me.. Were the future Punk, Were the Present, and We're the Now.. Just as Miz finishes his last sentence and familar sound has the BWE Universe Booing loudly.. "Can i Have You're Attention Please, I've just receieved an email from the Anonymous General Manager...


    "And I QUOTE....." Next Month is the second annual MITB PPV, and if the 8 of you guys are the future of the BWE, prove it.. At MITB, It'll be you CM Punk, and You Miz, with your 6 stable mates in the MITB Ladder Match with the winner getting a gaurenteed contract, anytime and place.. And tonight all of you can have a warm up match, An 8 man, over the top rope battle royal.. Good Luck Gentlemen"


    Sin Cara vs Tyson Kidd
    Fast hightflying match up with Cruiserweight Champion Cara winning his with the top rope summersault..
    Winner and Still Cruiserweight Champion.. Sin Cara


    HHH comes out to the ring.. No entrance, no water... No Motorhead
    "Since Wrestlemania, all ive heard from the BWE Universe is, when are you coming back to Wrestle? When are you getting back in the ring HHH? Honestly its been all thats on my mind aswell, its been eating away at me like Big Show at a buffet table..

    And my thinking, and thinking, and thinking has lead me to one simple conclusion..

    No i wont come back to the ring, never ever again.And this isnt the typical Ric Flair or Terry Funk style bullsh*t where i come back for one more and then 10 more matches.. Im done, period. And the simple reason is because none of you deserve to see me wrestle, none of you deserve to see HHH inside these ropes ever again.. My whole career the BWE Universe has treated me like a fluke, like a guy who bought his way to the top, as if i never earned my spot or never earned any of my Title wins... Like i was nothing more than a cheap prostitute that fuc*ed my way to the top.. So with that, and i mean this when i say it..Its Game Over...

    A Promo is shown for John Cena's impending return from Injury..


    Main Event.
    CM Punk vs The Miz vs Evan Bourne vs Alex Riley vs John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler vs Drew Mcintyre vs Kofi Kingston
    All superstars quickly begin eliminating each other with just Punk and Miz left, the 2 occupy a corner each, and Punk manages to get Miz on his shoulders and into a GTS position, which he duly hits Miz with and over the top rope, Punk thinking he's won doesnt seem to notice Miz on the apron, and from nowhere he drags Punk over the top rope an on the floor for the win..
    Winner The Miz..


    Miz must be the favourite for MITB with a showing like that says King, and as he celebrates in the ring the BWE Universe boo him rightfully so..
