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Boards Wrestling Entertainment: Raw & SD (current rosters in the OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!!


    We see a replay of the events of the Hell in a Cell match before the music hits. We are told straight away that in the ring tonight there will be a Straight-Edge Ceremony, praising the leader of the S.E.S.

    First out to the ring is our World Heavyweight Champion, Christian. He tells his peeps that he put himself in the most dangerous environment known to man for all of them and that he is proud to stand in the ring as their champion. He says that he cannot rest though as he will have to battle three men at Fatal Four Way. He says that he guarantees victory at the PPV. After some deliberation, his opponent comes to the ring. Ted DiBiase Jr. is fresh off a defeat to Christian’s brother Edge at Over The Limit.

    Match One: Ted DiBiase Jr. v Christian
    A back and forth bout, Christian is visibly tired from the HIAC match. Having hit the Killswitch, Christian rises to be hit by a spear by Edge who had come through the crowd.


    Winner via DQ: Christian

    Edge grabs the microphone. He tells Christian that due to his win last night, he effectively has become Mr. Money In The Bank. He says he can have any match he wants against Christian, at any time but that he has more class than to take the belt off of him now. He tells Christian that he’ll need all the strength in the world as they’ll go head-to-head for the World Heavyweight Championship next week on Smackdown. He adds that while Blood is thicker than water, it’s not a nice sight when it’s escaping from your body at an alarming pace. He announces that they will face each other in a First Blood Match.


    When we return, Matt Stryker discusses the events of the opening segment, stating that next week’s SmackDown will be the biggest SmackDown in history. He belittles Raw, saying that they’ll have some tough job bettering that. He then moves on to the matter of Fatal Four Way, claiming that he was informed during the commercial break of the process by which the opponents of Christian will be determined. General Manager Teddy Long has announced a six man tag team match. The members of the winning team will make up the line up along with either current champion Christian or Edge, who of course he will defend the title against next week. The superstars in contention for a title match will be summoned to the ring to be teamed up.

    Match Two: Natalya v Michelle McCool – Divas Title Match

    A good display from both divas but Natalya is too good for McCool. She forces her to tap out to the Sharpshooter for the win.

    Winner: Natalya

    Santino’s music suddenly hits and he arrives with Masters and Khali by his side. He tells her that he is impressed with her and would like to make her the empress of his empire. She clearly is not keen but she’s backed into a corner as the three men enter the ring. She is prompt to slap Santino which infuriates him. It looks like he’s about to strike her back but to her relief, Smith and Kidd rush to the ring and save her. Unfortunately Kidd gets caught in the Masterlock and Khali locks in the Vicegrip on Smith. Santino has sent a very clear and strong message to the BWE Universe that he and his henchmen are not to be messed with.


    In the office of Teddy Long, Di Biase Jr. storms in saying that he’s had enough of this sub standard show. Long reminds him that his record on Smackdown isn’t all that impressive and that he’d want to be careful about this losing streak that he’s on at present. Long tells Ted that he has a lot of work to do to impress. Di Biase tells Long that this isn’t over and angrily leaves.

    In the ring, there is some sort of podium with the Straight Edge logo on it. Punk’s music hits and he is wearing a robe. His followers surround him. In the ring he cuts a promo about how successful the Straight Edge Society has been to date. He advertises it’s principles, stating that it is about purity, integrity, worthwhile living and honesty. As he says ‘honesty’ however, Danielson cracks a smile and a slight giggle. Punk notices it straight away and asks Danielson why he’s so amused. Danielson refuses to speak but Punk demands an answer. Danielson finally opens up and says that he finds it a bit hypocritical of Punk to be promoting honesty and integrity, given his tactics in the ring. Punk’s eyes open up as if he’s seen a ghost. He’s furious and tells Danielson to go to the back where he will have to be cleansed of his blasphemy later on. Punk carries on with the ceremony. Gallows and Serena are still very much so attached to Punk and are hopelessly hanging on his every word; they clearly adore him and believe in him. Punk concludes by promising to bring the World Heavyweight Title into the S.E.S. at Fatal Four Way.


    *Raw Rebound*

    Match Three: Drew McIntyre v JTG

    A squash match in which Drew hits Futureshock. He looks in good shape and ready to challenge again. One point of note is that at ringside was Tiffany. After the match she embraced him. JTG rose up, she slapped him and Drew hit his finisher again for good measure before they left.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre


    Josh Matthews knocks on the S.E.S. locker room door. There’s a lot of shouting coming from inside. Gallows answers the door and tells Matthews to scram. Clearly all is not well in Punk’s tribe. Eventually Punk storms out of the room in a huff.

    General Manager Teddy Long arrives to the ring and tells the crowd about Fatal Four Way. He begins to call out superstars. Some surprises, some more obvious.
    Rey Mysterio

    CM Punk
    Batista never arrives, much to Long’s confusion. The titantron then changes to a shot of Batista lying motionless on the ground out in the car park. Long re-asserts himself and says that the show must go on. Mysterio and Punk and staring coldly at each other meanwhile. Long says that as a back up for Batista, he needs a favour from a man just back from a break. The crowd go wild as the arena goes dark. The Undertaker arrives to new theme music. He’s still very much the deadman but he’s got shades of the American Bad Ass in him as well. Punk looks terrified now.
    Shad Romane

    And finally, could we please have our Unified Tag Team Champions? John Cena and Randy Orton.

    The six superstars in the ring all look very confused. Long says that the Tag Team Champions will team up with Shad Romane to take on The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio and CM Punk. Long orders an official to the ring and the match gets going.

    Match Four: No 1. Contender Six Man Tag Match
    CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker v John Cena, Randy Orton and Shad Romane

    Clearly people will have to let hostilities go for tonight and work together in order to get into the title match. It’s a crazy bout and the fans are dying to see ‘Taker back in action. People are finding it hard to keep composed though. Mysterio is trying to finish off Shad who wont stay down while Punk is not making a good impression on ‘Taker. Eventually he is tagged in and goes to town on pretty much the entire opposition. However, he is furious when Punk tags himself in. Furious insofar as Chokeslamming Punk all the way to hell. Orton takes advantage however and hits an RKO on Taker. Cena is the legal man and covers Punk for the victory.

    Winners and qualified to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship at Fatal Four Way: John Cena, Randy Orton and Shad Romane.

    A crazy match is brought to a crazy end. Orton and Cena appear to be on the same page, for now but ultimately they both cannot win the biggest prize of them all. Christian will have his hands full, that is for sure. Orton and Cena then turn and hit their RKO-FU on Shad and leave the ring. As we draw to a close, Undertaker looks very frustrated as the Super Powers smile cockily.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    The commentaters open the show with a recap of events post BWE Over The Limits and talk of both how Sheamus is currently in possesion of the BWE title but is not the champion and how the SD vs Raw rivalry seems to continue to grow. The are interupted in this line of discussion though as The celtic Warrior Sheamus's music hits the arena as the Irishman makes his way down to the ring microphone in hand.

    Sheamus talks about how he won Raw's main event at Over The Limits and how the belt he has around his shoulder should rightfully be his. He questions Ted Dibiase's logic in making him have to win another fatal four way match at the next PPV to make it official. However he goes on to state that he is going to do just that becuase the reason he has the title belt now is that nobody can take it from him and he will prove that come Fatal Four Way. Its at this point that The All American American, Jack Swagger comes out to the ring.

    Swagger states that no matter what Sheamus says the result at Over the Limits was made null and void by the Raw GM and that that means he, Jack Swagger is still the world heavyweight champion. Stephanie McMahon who is accompanying Swagger to the ring demands that Sheamus give back Swaggers title stating that its his property. She then goes on to say that in just a few short weeks Sheamus will get the opportunity to prove he is worthy of that belt but until then... Swagger adds "Give back whats mine!"

    Sheamus Ponders this for a moment and just as he is about to respond "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase Sr comes out. Ted says that he did nullify the result at Over The Limits as Sheamus took out his opponents before the match even began. It was a fatal four way match he booked and if Sheamus wants to win the title he will have to do it in the match he as Raw GM books. Then he turns to Swagger and says "you want your title back Jack? well why dont you take it from The Celtic warrior tonight because you two are competing in the same match later on and no doubt he will continue to carry it with him. He then focusses on the match, a match he says will definitley trump anything Teddy Long and SD can offer as we will see all four men from Raws main event at the upcoming Fatal Four Way PPV compete in one match with Jack Swagger & Chris Jericho taking on Sheamus and HHH!

    Dibiase then says he has other business to attend to for now but that he suggests both of them start getting ready for that match now as he turns and heads backstage. As he does Swagger back in the ring turns to once again face Sheamus but in doing so turns straight into a Helacious and unexpected Scissors kick from the big Irishman who then faints attacking steph who quickly exits the ring. Sheamus's music plays as he stands holding the title over the fallen champion as Raw starts in an ominious fashion.

    We follow Ted dibiase as he heads to the backstage area, we see him stop momentarily to talk to Primo Colon. He tells Primo that he is now the last remaining member of the Puerto Rican Nightmare's still employed by the BWE and that he wants to see something from him tonight to prove he deserves his place on the Raw roster.

    *Commercial break*

    Before the following match begins JR notes that Evan Bourne has defended his title more than anyone else in the BWE and is still the only man to hold that belt since it was re-introduced back at Wrestlemania.

    Evan Bourne vs Primo Cruiserweight title match

    Bourne starts this one fast but everything he does seems to be avoided or counterd by Primo who seems to have taken the GM's words to heart as this one begins. After catching Bourne of guard with a big Hurricanrana Primo gets a two count but Bourne kicks out and fight his way to his feet and after a series of impressive kicks hits a big dropkick to take control and leave Primo lying prone on the canvas. He goes for a SSP then but Primo rolls out of the way at the last second before going for a pin on the fallen bourne who once more kicks out after two. Bourne once more gets to his feet but not for long as Primo hits a backstabber on him before once more going for the 3 count. However for a third time the count is broken after a 2 count but this time as Bourne grabs the ring ropes. the champ is being taken to the limit here unexpectidly. Again Primo allows Bourne to his feet before it seems once more going to hit a backstabber on him but Bourne is evasive avoids the move and then catches Primo with a quick roundhouse kick. He follows this up immediatley with a standing moonsault before getting the 3 count that had evaded his opponent so many times.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    Cody Rhodes is being interviewed by Todd Grisham backstage. He is asked about his progress since breaking off from Legacy and going solo. Before answering he reminds Todd that he is also only just getting over an injury that has hampered that progress but yes he will admit he has not really advanced the way he had hoped up the BWE ladder of success recently. He does however state that that will soon be at an end, he says that every great superstar needs a goal, something to aim for and that that is what he has been lacking recently but no more. He says that he has decided that every single one of his matches from now on is simply a tune up for when that whiney so called 'Fortunate Son' Ted Dibiase gets back on Raw. He says that Dibiase turned his back on him when Legacy disbanded even though they had always had each others backs even long before Orton and Legacy but now Dibiase is looking for a new confidant, well fine. Maybe Ted doesent really care all that much about his legacy but one thing he does care about is his million dollar title and Ted... im coming for it!

    At this point Rhodes seems ready to leave but Goldust enters to room and Todd asks Cody how he feels about his choice of tag partners tonight. Goldust however answers on his behalf and says that he knows that Cody has not always agreed with how the greatest character actor of all time...inhale...Goldust... has conducted himself but tonight im going to bring back a role ive not portrayed for a long time. The role of Dustin Rhodes, and brother were next.

    The Zig Show vs Cody & Dustin Rhodes

    These onorthodox tag teams put on a surprisingly good wrestling match with Goldust in particular stealing the show wrestling without the facepaint he was wearing only moments earlier and showing some great technical wrestling ability. He hits a number of suplex combinations on Ziggler culminating when he delivers a Vertical suplex lifted and dropped into a snap swinging neckbreaker. He goes for the pin but unbeknownst to him due to a blind tag the Big Show was now the legal man. Show had entered the ring and knocked Cody off the ring apron with a big boot while Goldust was pinning Ziggler and when he realises the ref isnt counting and gets up to his feet he is knocked straight back down by a thunderous right hand from Show. its a knockout punch and Show gets the 3 count for his team.

    Winner: The Zig Show

    Carlito Colon comes out to the ring with a microphone in hand and says that he is going to host what might be his final ever Carlito's Cabana here tonight (despite there being no cabana set up in the ring). This creates great confusion as the commentaters speak about how they were sure that he was already fired, that his future endevours had been active immediate. Carltio then states that his guest tonight would be none other than Raw GM Ted Dibiase Sr and that Carlito and he says he's sure the entire BWE universe want to know why he would want to deprive them of the man who spits in the face of people who dont want to be cool. He says that he deserves that explanation face to face and that...he is interrupted by the entrance music of The Miz

    The Miz says he objects to Carlito saying he deserves anything, infact he says that carlito is wasting everyones time tonight as you know this time could be filled by someone who umm wasnt fired and no Dibiase is not going to come down here to see you face to face, he has however asked me to deliver you a message. He said that as you are no longer a BWE employee simply by being in the ring right now you have 100% indemnified the BWE for any injuries that happen to you here tonight as only BWE employees should be in the ring. After letting this notion sink in for a second the Miz hits Carlito with a Skull crushing Finale. O and there was one other thing the GM said but ill let him fill you in on this lil gem of a surprise says The Miz.

    Ted Dibiase then appears on the titantron to annouce that Carlito's Cabana was alwyas a ratings killer but with him gone from the BWE, Raw will see the debut of a new in ring talkshow named MNM, Monday Night Miz. We then get a trademark Dibiase laugh as the screen fades to black and we return to the US Champion in the ring who lets us no that his first ever guest on Monday Night Miz next week would be none other than 'The Million Dollar Man' himself and that he would let eveyone know who the next person to lose to the Miz on PPV for the US title will be as he will announce the his opponent for the Fatal four way PPV live on Monday Night Miz.

    Backstage we see Triple H arrive at the arena as Todd Grisham tries to get an interview with him about tonights big tag team main event. HHH simply says that we have a tag match tonight and a fatal four way at the next PPV but sooner or later he will get his hands on Jack Swagger 1 on 1 and that then just like Swagger did to him he will take everything away from the All American American. HHH then pushes past Grisham and makes his way to the lockeroom.

    Kane vs R-Truth w/Matt Hardy

    Kane seems more agitated than usual in this match up and the sight of Matt Hardy at ringside isnt helping things. In the early goings this is used by Truth to his advantage with him using Kane's anger to lure im into holds and his momentum often to exicute maneuvers. eventually however Kane begins to get on top and after a series of power moves including a scoop slam and a Tilt-a-whirl slam he signals for a chokeslam. This is when Matt hardy's presence becomes too much for the big man as Hardy jumps up onto the ring apron and tries to interfere. Kane incensed by this turns his attension to Matt and grabs him around the throat but Hardy squirms out of the hold and off the ring apron. Kane oddly ignores the match he is in though and chases after Hardy eventually catching him and delivering a hellacious chokeslam to him onto the spanish announce table. However while all of this was going on R-Truth was slowley getting back to his feet to realise he has just won via countout as the referee orders the bell rung.

    Winner by countout: R-Truth

    Evan Bourne is interviewed backstage about yet another succesfull cruiserweight title defense. He gives credit to Primo who he says really brought his A game tonight but that the Cruiserweight title is his title and no offense to Primo but its going to take something special for him to lose it. However unlike other champions here in the BWE he does not fear that day as he knows that without tasting defeat his many victories would not be as sweet and thus he defends his Cruiserweight championship against all challengers. Infact he says he is going to go one further than that and not only accept challenges but also make one. He then challenges Rey Mysterio of SD to face him 1on1 for the cruiserweight title at the upcoming Fatal Four Way PPV. He says that despite the currently escalating Raw vs SD rivalry, Mysterio helped him when he didnt have to at Over The Limits warding off the deplorable cheating from The Straight Edge Society and to thank him and to put on a match that he himself (Bourne) has often dreamed about competing in he offers this match to Mysterio and awaits his response this Friday night on BWE Smackdown.

    We then cut to a shot of William Regal who says that he was not biast recently as he joined the other NXT pro's in voting off his rookie Skip Sheffield. He says that he liked Skip but only wants the best of NXT to rise to the BWE proper and suggests that in the upcoming season finale we will see a true NXT level star be born. He is then questioned if he sees anyone in particular as this NXT level star. He answers by mentioning all those who have made it to the final show and highlighting some of their best skills which have already seen some of them appear on Raw, SD or Superstars but if he had to pick anyone it would be his fellow countryman Wade Barett. this is followed by a recap of the penultimate week of NXT.

    As the Divas come out for the following match JR comments about there ring attire suggesting that he knows its the start of Summer and its hot out there but that he wouldent be surprised if this wasnt just an attempt by DiBiase to beat SD in the ratings again. King quips that a man with a background as a Christian minister would never stoop so low before returning to his normal self and shouting, "who cares anyway? here come the puppies!"

    Gail Kim & Alicia Fox vs Melina & Maryse Summer Swimsuit match

    In a non surprisingly short match, The heel divas get the upper hand after Melina pulls Alicia Fox's leg causing her to fall from the ring apron and catch her face on it as she falls to the floor outside the ring. This distracts Kim who is in the ring as she is dismayed by her tag partners predicament. When she refocusses on the match however her apponent Maryse has had ample time to line up her French Kiss DDT which she uses to get the win.

    Winners: Melina & Maryse

    Brett Dibiase enters the GM's office, he talks about how he never got a chance to impress when he previously appeared on Raw but now with his father in charge he wanted to show that he too was a 'Fortunate Son'. Ted Sr signals for him to wait for a moment while he finishes his phone conversation. "Yes, you have it, ill allow the Cruiser match to take place and put the title on the line in the other match, so do we have a deal?..... I told you Everyone has a price Teddy (he laughs as he puts down the phone and turns to his son). He tells Brett he will get his chance to shine but he has to wait a little longer in FCW before then, he tells him that first its his brothers time, then it'l be his. He than announces that he has just negotiated a deal that will see Ted Dibiase Jr return to Raw. He says that at the Fatal Four way PPV, itl be Ted Dibiase Jr vs a superstar of Teddy Longs choice. If Ted wins, he gets to go back to monday night Raw but if Teddy's man wins he will win the Million Dollar title! Brett questions if it was wise putting the Million Dollar Title on the line but his father simply states that although Longs price was high he can guarantee that he will never get payed as Ted Jr will be coming home to Raw after June 20 when he defeats his SD oppononent at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York.

    Before tonights main event we get a promotional video about the man who made his final appearance on Smackdown this past friday and will soon debut on BWE Raw...The Undertaker!

    Sheamus & HHH vs Swagger & Jericho

    HHH is like a man possesed in the early goings of this match up trying to get at Jack Swagger but mostly having to make do with Chris Jericho. the two exchange submissions in the ring but neither tap before their tag partners are able to break the respective figure four and walls of Jericho holds. Sheamus is tagged in and Steph trys to take the title back from his corner but HHH scares her away with an intense stare. Meanwhile Jericho evades a big boot and tags in Swagger who goes straight to work on the Irishman hitting a german suplex he follows up with a corner slingshot splash for a 2 count. Sheamus eventually fights his way to his feet and after reversing an irish whip he sends Swagger crashing into the ring ropes only to be sent directly back into a big Bicycle kick. Unfortunatley for the Irish man Jericho breaks up the pin after 2. Sheamus chases Jericho out of the rings before tagging in HHH, then before he leaves the ring he grabs Swagger lifts him to his feet and then delivers some 'Pale Justice' in the form of his Crucifix powerbomb. He then blocks Jericho entry to the ring as HHH lifts the now barely conscious swagger to his feet and delivers a pedigree to the champ. HHH then covers Swagger and for some small measure of revenge picks up the pinfall victory.

    Winner: HHH & Sheamus

    while HHH and Sheamus celebrate in the ring Steph grabs Swagger and pulls him out of the ring, the two flee to the back but on their way out grabs the BWE title and as they dissapear up the ramp Swagger holds it aloft reminding everyone that despite tonights result he is still the champ.

    Matches booked for fatal four way including Raw superstars thus far:

    BWE title match: Swagger (c) vs HHH vs Sheamus vs Jericho
    Cruiserweight title match: Evan Bourne (Raw) vs Rey Mysterio (SD)
    Trade vs Million dollar belt: Ted Dibiase Jr vs a SD wrestler of Teddy Longs choice
    US title match: the Miz vs tbd

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome to Thursday night Smackdown where tonight we have a great card on show for you
    We open the show with Christian in the ring he says last week Edge after his usual under hand attack from behind told him that he effectively has become Mr. Money In The Bank. He says he can have any match he wants against him, Well Edge brother seems the loss of this title has made you think you are me, as I was Mr. Money in the bank you might remember me cashing it in at Wrestlemania but he will accept his challenge of a first blood match tonight and brother you better bring everything you got.

    Shad Romance/Mark Henry Vs John Morrison/Finlay

    We start off the night with Michael Cole reminding us of the times Shad and Henry interfered in Morrison and Finlay’s matches Morrison especially has a lot to prove here as the team of G-Money cost him his US title.
    this match up fast ends in a farce with both teams just going at it from the start it spills into the crowd and finally to the back before refs and security separate all four men
    Match end in no contest.8921344.jpeg

    Rey Mysterio Vs JTG

    Rey looks on top of his game this week and it is a very fast paced match, JTG gets very little offence in a Rey finishes it easily with a 619 then into dropping da dime.
    Winner Rey Mysterio 4.01

    After the match Rey takes a microphone and says he always respected Evan Bourne as a Wrestler but now he respects him as a man and he gladly accepts his challenge at fatal four way.

    ***commercial break***

    Roman Empire empress search 2010
    The Roman Empire are in the ring Santino has the mic he tells the crowd tonight the Roman Empire well crown a new empress and any Divas from the back are welcome to audition
    First out were the Bella twins but Chris Master did not want them in as they had a bigger chest then him, next out was Mae Young Santino looked quiet shocked but Great Khali had big smile on his face and he whispers something to Santino who just looks at him and says No she cant be our new empress holy Bolognese Mae then leaves but not before Santino gets a big smacker next out comes Michelle McCool but as she gets in the ring Natalya and Hart Dynasty runs to ring Khali and Master however with McCool help is able to clear house and Santino gets on mic and introduces the Roman empires new empress Michelle McCool and challenges Hart Dynasty and Natalya to a 6 person tag match at fatal four way.

    Kofi Kingston Vs Drew McIntyre

    Fast paced match with Kofi getting the early momentum with a lot of high kicks and a flying forearm smash, Kofi is really getting into it and crowd is pumped he goes to the top rope but Tiffany stand up on Apron to distract him while he is looking at Tiffany Drew is able to recover and hit him with a super plex from the top rope he picks up Kofi and hits the future shock for the win.
    Winner: Drew McIntyre 8.10

    ***recap of raw***

    We are back and Matt Stryker is making a snoring noise Michael Cole ask is he Ok in which Matt replies oh sorry I must have dozed off watching that recap of Raw then the SES Music hits out they come CM Punk does not look happy when he gets in the ring he says that tonight Bryan Danielson is going to apologies for his behaviour last week or face the consequences that if he wants to stay straight edge he will start to toe the line
    Punk is furious he goes to punch Danielson but he blocks it and is able to put him in a arm bar
    Serena is screaming at him to stop and Gallows looks unsure what to do eventually the Masked man comes to the ring and separates them Danielson leaves to go to the back where and the rest of straight edge stays with Punk who is holding his elbow with a clear look of pain in his eyes.

    MVP Vs Yoshi Tatsu

    A squash match for the a ever impressing MVP , Yoshi gets in some early attacks but MVP
    Was able to slow the match down to his pace and finish with the play of the day
    Winner MVP: 5.16mvp-499x312.jpg

    ***promo for F4W***

    Teddy Long is now in the ring he invites Ted Dibiase Jr to join him Ted comes down with the Million Dollar belt and Teddy tells him after speaking to his father they have reached an agreement where he puts the Million Dollar belt on line against an opponent of my choice, Well Ted you are indeed a fortunate son but you are not the only fortunate son around here and at F4W you will face Joe Henning , Henning comes to out looks down at Dibiase from the top of the ramp and makes the sign of a belt around his waist,
    Teddy looks and Dibiase Holler Holler fortunate one

    Christian Vs Edge ( first blood match )

    This is the match everyone has been waiting on Edge is first to ring followed by the Champ Christian who has a kendo stick with him he takes it to Edge straight away and breaks it over his back it goes to the outside and Edge slams Christian into steel steps ref checks him he is fine , Edge slams Christian head into announce table he is still OK, As Christian staggers away he picks up a chair and take it to Edge but fails to bust him open, it goes back into the ring both men now have a chair they go to hit one another but only the chairs clash the both drop the chairs , it goes back and forth for a while Christian has a chair stuck between ropes in the corner he goes to Crash Edge into them but Edge counters whit a Irish whip and clothesline, Christian is down Edge sets up his Spear and waits for Christian to get up
    Christian stands Edge goes for Spear but Christian moves out of way and Edge’s head crashes into the steel chair in the corner, the ref checks him and Edge is busted open.
    Winner and still WWE Champion: Christian 14.36

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7


    Hello and Welcome to Monday Night Miz!

    After The Miz talks himself up for a while it’s down to business as GM Ted Di Biase, who is the guest on this brand new show, makes his way to the ring.

    Ted talks about the recent “War” between Smackdown and RAW. He says he can’t wait to See Ted Jr take on Joe Hennig at Fatal 4way and earn his return to RAW. I have you figured out teddy. Despite having the tag team champions on Smackdown you have no depth in your tag division. Thats why you want my son on Smackdown, you want to team him with Joe. Well its not going to happen, and I promise you that here on RAW I am going to build the best tag team division in history.
    Speaking of the tag champs I was able to persuade the BWE officials to allow them appear on RAW tonight. Teddy Long has no clue how to use them. He is so clueless that last week Teddy Long didn’t even have them on the show, so tonight Ted asks the RAW audience to welcome......... The BWE Undiputed Tag team champions John Cena and Randy Orton.

    Now Teddy Long I have a challenge for you I have given Zig Show the night off. I have paid for VIP tickets and got BWE officials approval, Zig Show are on their way to smackdown for this weeks show. Lets see if you do something interesting with your tag team division now.

    “And as promised Miz I have to tell you who your Opponent will be at Fatal 4 Way for the US Title, he is a man that gets fans out of their seats and glued to the tv screens, he basically send the fans into RAP-Ture he is R-Truth”.

    As the Miz goes to respond Ted tells him “I’m Not finished”. “Since our tag team main event was such a ratings winner last week we are going to have another tag match, an even bigger tag team match. A 6 man tag team match”.

    “In our main event you it will be the US Champion the Miz teaming with your fatal 4 way opponent R-Truth and the most decorated superstar in BWE HHH against The WHC Jack Swagger and currently undisputed Tag Champs John Cena and Randy Orton.

    Match 1 Sheamus v William Regal

    Regal is overpowered early by Sheamus but the always cunning Regal retreats to the safety of the ring ropes forcing the ref to create some space between the combatants. To the refs back regal pokes Sheamus in the eye. Now Regal makes sure there is no space between him and Sheamus locking in numerous holds and when he grounds Sheamus stomping on Sheamus’ ankle. Eventually the powerful Celt is able to push Regal away before bashing Regal with a Polish hammer. Sheamus now fully recovered from the eye poke sees his chance to hit the Celtic Cross Back Breaker and follows it up with Bicycle Kick for the Win.

    Winner Sheamus


    Sheamus stays Ringside for our next match taking a steel chair and setting it up at ringside


    Match 2 Evan Bourne v Chris Jericho
    Jericho predictably tires to ground Bourne but its an almost impossible task as the energetic Bourne keeps bouncing to his feet and catching Jericho with Kicks and Flying Knees. Jericho eventually matches fire with fire hitting an Enziguri and Lionsault for a long two count.

    When Bourne rolls to the outside he is followed by Jericho. Jericho squares up to Sheamus and bad mouths him, Sheamus smiles and steps to his right as Bourne charges Jericho from behind sending him crashing into Shemus’ steel chair. Bourne rolls Jericho into the ring and hits the Shooting Star Press to the delight of the crowd.

    Winner Evan Bourne

    BWE slam of the week: Kane putting Hardy through the announce Table. A match between the two is announced for BWE superstars.
    Back stage Ted Di Biase runs into Cody Rhodes.
    Ah Cody I heard what you said about my fortunate son last week you should be careful, I can make things difficult for you if you upset my plans

    Cody laughs “You and you plans, I meant what I said last week, I will take Juniors million dollar belt, Now Senior, why is it you call Ted Jr your fortunate son, You do realise you have more than one son.
    It seems to me you obviously have no respect for your son Brett telling him to stay in FCW. Watching people like you makes me proud about the respect I have for my family with My Dad being a Hall of Famer like you but unlike you a world champion and of course my brother Dustin being one of the most respected performers in the locker room.

    Ted tells Cody he could punish him for running his mouth and make him face Zig Show but they have the night off so he will give him a chance to perform in a singles match against............... his brother Dustin and its next!

    As Cody heads for the ring Ted says he will teach the Rhodes’ about wrestling families.

    Match 3 Cody Rhodes v Dustin Rhodes.
    As the ring bell tolls the Rhodes shake hands. Neither man wants to strike his brother so they lock up. Dustin tries to over power his brother but Cody escapes and hits a drop toe hold. He lets Dustin up and as they square up again Dustin Nods his head and claps his Bro. They lock up again, this time Dustin pushing Cody all the way to the ring corner.

    As they Break respectfully the Ring is rushed by Two Unknown Men.

    They have long greased hair and wear black tights. They beat on both Rhodes’ brothers forcing them to the ground.
    The Ref Calls a No contest

    A Woman also appears at ringside cheering on the attackers who make their way to the top rope on opposing turnbuckles before splashing down onto Cody and Dustin.

    The ever knowledgeable JR tells us that they are the Uso Brothers with Tamina and they have been signed by GM Ted Di Biase before Teddy Long could get to them.

    Match 4 Diva’s Champ Melina v Kelly Kelly.
    Melina wins is a fast time.
    After the match she takes the Mic and Says she has a challenge for the GM, Find me a worthy challenger for the PPV.

    Match 5 Randy Orton / John Cena / Jack Swagger v HHH / R-Truth / The Miz

    As we go deep into the match Swagger and Cena beat down on HHH. Cena spends plenty of time showboating and teasing the BWE audience to the delight of Swagger. Randy Orton shows little interest in all Cena’s messing.
    The Miz not to be outdone by Cena doesn’t even stand on the ring apron waiting for a tag and instead spend most of the match chatting up tonights special announcer Maryse.


    Eventually Truth is tagged in by HHH and unleashes a flurry of attacks on the legal man Swagger, hitting the lie detector. Suddenly Miz shows interest in the match and tags himself in blindly. Truth shows his annoyance as the miz enters the ring and the ref has to hold him back. Orton enters the ring and drags Swagger to the corner and as soon as the ref turns around tags himself in., Miz still busy taunting Truth walks straight into an RKO and Orton pins Miz.

    Winners Orton / Cena / Swagger

    Cena with the spotlight stolen leaves ringside in disgust. As Swagger gets the ref to raise his hand in victory Randy decides it time to RKO the WHC.


    Randy leaves the ring to adoring cheers from the crowd. As Miz recovers from his own RKO he is greeted by a lie Detector from Truth and a HHH pedigree to send the fans home in rapture.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome to BWE superstars as the war between Raw Vs Smackdown is heating up the main event tonight will be Drew McIntyre from Smackdown Vs Raw’s William regal in a battle of Britain
    We open the night Wade Barrett in the ring he states that he finished the career of Mike Knox a few weeks ago and has been in discussions with both Teddy Long and Ted Dibiase about a contract and tonight he will let the BWE Universe know where he is going.

    Chavo Guerrero Vs Primo Colon

    Both men have a lot to prove and there performance shows it Chavo begins the match very well with kicks to primo’s ribs and legs he then takes it to the corner and beats down on Primo the ref separates them but when Primo comes out of corner he is meat by a drop-kick Chavo goes to top rope and goes for Frog splash but is only met by Primo’s knee Chavo gets up holding his ribs only to be met with a backstabber Primo then goes to the top rope and hits a diving headbutt for the three count
    ***recap of raw***

    Backstage we Santino going into the office of G-Money he says the Shad so you wanted to see me
    Shad Romane tells Santino that he is owed money by him as Santino is now using the name Roman Empire and if wants to continue using this name he will have to pay the Dollar, Santino does offer to pay in Lira when Shad refuses he then offers to let Henry and Shad join the Roman Empire free of charge where he will lead them to Gold which is much better then Dollar, Henry grabs Santino and shouts at him who do you think you are dealing with get us our money or face the consequences
    Santino says OK OK just leave it with me
    ***dont try this***
    Croft and Barretta Vs Zig Show

    A total squash match for the ever impressive team of the Zig Show, The Big show started the match against Croft and quickly was able to give him a chokeslam Baretta got involved only to be met with a chokeslam also the show then tags in Ziggler who pins Croft for the win
    Kane Vs Matt Hardy
    This match up was announced last week on Monday night Raw when Kane put Hardy through a table
    Hardy is out for revenge tonight but his ribs are taped up and clearly he looks in pain Kane takes full advantage with punches to his ribs and a big boot he totally dominates Hardy who gets in very little offence Kane finishes Hardy with a choke slam but instead of going for the pin he goes outside and grabs a chair R-Truth runs to ring and pulls Hardy out and they back track together with Kane looking on with a demented look in his eyes.

    Drew McIntyre Vs William Regal
    The battle of Britain begins with both men using stiff upper-cuts , Drew is first to get the upper hand and Irish whips Regal into the corner followed by a clothesline , Drew then hits a snap suplex but Regal rolls out of the ring when Drew goes to get him he is met by a poke in the eye when the ref was not looking Regal is now on top and locks in half Boston crab , Drew eventually gets out and hits a big boot to Regals head then Wade Barrett starts to walk to the ring and watches both Regal and Drew battle it out Drew comes off the rope for a another big boot and then Barrett trips him up he gets into the ring and starts to beat down on Drew with the help of Regal, Ted Dibiase comes on the big screen and laughs out loud saying Teddy I told you everyone has got there price and I always get what I want.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    BWE Smackdown opens with Teddy Long in the ring, "Well playas the war between Smackdown and Raw has reached epic proportions, and at Fatal 4 Way, Raw GM Ted Dibiase will be forced to lose his son for good.. The Forunate Son cant buy his way out of this one, So without further delay let me introduce ya'll to the man who'll not only beat Ted DiBiase, but indeed also Raw..


    The Perfect Son Joe Hennig makes his way to the ring to his father's old theme song, "Thanks Mr Long let me just say im honored to represent both you and Smackdown at the PPV, and can 100% promise another victory for Smackdown" The Million Dollar Man and the Fortunate Son make their way to the ring "Teddy...Teddy.. Teddy your ignorance blinds you, you own stupidity will be your downfall, because at Fatal 4 Way, im going to destroy Joe Hennig and your reputation also.. The Million Dollar Man gets the mic and just laughs his trademark laugh..


    The Zig Show members Dolph Ziggler and the Big Show are shown walking around backstage.. CM Punk, Gallows and the Masked Man jump them from behind hitting both men over the head with steel chairs, CM Punk grabs the fallen Ziggler by the hair and screams "This is my show, didnt you learn your lesson last time you where here?" They walk off leaving the Zig Show unconcious on the concrete..

    A promo is shown for Drew MacIntyre..

    Opening Match
    Drew MacIntyre vs. Local Jobber
    Quick match-up with MacIntyre hitting the Future Shock DDT for the win
    Winner Drew MacIntyre


    After the match, MacIntyre grabs the mic from ringside, theres a reason why im the Chosen One, theres a reason why im the future of the BWE.. Both GMs better take notice because the future is here, the future is Drew MacIntyre. Tiffany cheers him on, as they walk off


    Josh Matthews is backstage in the interview area and he says word has come from the offices of both GM's that at Fatal 4 Way it'll be Luke Gallows and the Masked Man from SES vs the Zig Show in no Disqualification match.. But for now please welcome my guests at this time, the Roman Empire.. "Josh today is an importants days..for the Roman Empire, just like in the original Empire, the greatest city in all the worlds, Roma wasn't built in a day and today we lay the first bricks for our Empire when Michelle wins the Womans Titles" McCool smerks as she walks of with Santino and Chris Masters flex's his chest at a horrified Josh Matthew's.


    Natalya w/The Hart Dynasty vs Michelle McCool w/The Roman Empire

    Natalya and McCool lock up as Santino cheers on from ringside.. Both Chris Masters and DH Smith exchange words and indeed blows at ringside in the insuing chaos Natalya manages to hit a suplex, following up with the Sharpshooter for the win..

    Winner Natalya


    Natayla and the Harts celebrate in the ring when the music of BWE hall of Famer Bret Hart is played sending the audience wild.. The Hitman grabs Natalya's hand and raises it over both their heads.. Bret grabs the mic from ringside "I just wanted to publicaly say how proud of you 3 guys i am, the name the Hart Dynasty is a pretty apt description for you three, just because you guys are really building a Dynasty and making the Hart name an even more important Legacy in the 21st century than i could ever had."


    Randy Orton vs Shad Romane
    Orton stalks his opponent in the ring, and immediately goes for the RKO but Shad just powers out of it, Orton whips Shad into the ropes following up witrh a barrage of stiff chops, Orton then hits the massive knee drop, and has Shad set up for the punt when Mark Henry gets in the ring hitting the Worlds Strongest slam on Orton forcing the ref to call for the bell..

    Winner: Randy Orton


    Shad and Henry continue the beat down on Orton when the music of John Cena plays and the co Tag Champ makes the save for his partner, hitting an FU on both Shad Romane and Mark Henry.. As Cena and Orton celebrate together in the ring..

    Bryan Danielson is in the ring with a microphone


    The crowd is cheering "Dragon.. Dragon" Danielson smiles to the crowd "Since i came to the BWE the one thing ive loved the most, has always
    been everyone of you.. You guys really are awesome, Some of you have also constantly asked me since i first came to the BWE why join SES? Why do you associate yourself with a lowlife hypocrite like CM Punk? Well there was a time once when me and Punk were similar people, we both once believed in Honor, in the spirit of competition, now CM Punk is far more concerned with jumping people from behind and being nothing more than a no good thug.. You see im no longer under the influence of the Straight Edge Society, im no longer blinded by CM Punk's dictatorship"


    CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Serena and the Masked Man come out to interupt Dragon "Bryan your lack of loyality doesnt surprise or even dissappoint me, your lack of faith in Staight Edge is something i'd long been expecting.. Punk gets in the ring with Danielson "From day one i always knew you where using me as your stepping stone in the BWE, hell a small part of me respects that..Knowing your inevatable betrayal was immenant, i went and found a knew follower of Straight Edge, a new follower of the Straight Edge Saviour.. A man you know well Bryan, and a man i know even better.. The newest Straight Edge superstar begins to remove his mask.."Let me introduce you all to.. Low Ki.. Danielson looks shocked as Low Ki joins his mentor in the ring.. "At Fatal 4 Way,im going to knock your teeth down your throat, because being Straight Edge means we're better than you.." Just as Low Ki goes to attack Danielson, Ziggler and Big Show hit the ring, with Big Show hitting CM Punk with the huge punch to the face. And the SES is swiftly removed from the ring with Danielson, Ziggler and the Big Show standing strong..

    Non Title Match.. Edge vs Christian

    Christian takes the early advantage in the match hitting stiff punches to Edge's face, and throws the Rated R Superstar over the top rope with Edge managing to land on theturnbuckle, and somehow he hits the spear through the ropes on to Christian. but only gets the 2 count. Edge with his trademark look of maniacal stress on his face, as he motions for another spear, but somehow Christian manages to counter it into the Killswitch for the win..

    Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion Christian


    After the Match up Christian celebrates with his title in the ring, and soaks up the adulation of the Peeps on the turnbuckle..


    Main Event..
    Zig Show/Bryan Danielson vs SES
    Big Show and Gallows lock up first as the Big Show just powers out of it by pushing the 300 pound Gallows half way across the ring.. CM Punk tags himself in as does Ziggler, who whispers something in Big Shows ear, Big Show just pats Ziggler on the back and leaves the ring, Punk kicks Ziggler in the face and hits a springboard closeline. Following up with an Irish Whip/Bulldog combo for the 2 count as Bryan Danielson forces the near fall. Ziggler rolls over to his corner immediately tagging in Danielson, who hits the running kick on Punk.. Danielson quickly ascends the turnbuckle hitting the flying headbutt, as Big Show delivers punches to Low Ki
    and Gallows at ringside, just as Danielson follows up with the cattle mutilation submission for the win..

    Winners Bryan Danielson, Dolph Zigger and the Big Show..

    After the match the 3 superstars celebrate in the ring as Smackdown comes to a close

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    Welcome to BWE Raw

    We see highlights of last week's main event. The clip closes with HHH giving Miz a pedigree with JR saying "Will this be the fate of Swagger, Sheamus and Jericho at Fatal-4-Way??"

    The Raw intro plays, followed by pyro. We are LIVE in Charlotte, North Carolina for BWE Monday night Raw.

    The BWE Champion Jack Swagger comes out to the ring with Stephanie behind him. Swagger has a booklet in his hand and the BWE Championship proudly draped across his shoulder. We see in the ring that there's a podium with American flags around it. Stephanie proudly introduces Swagger and ask's the audience for respect to be given as Swagger will be giving the Champion's address to the BWE Universe. Swagger goes to the podium as he's getting massive heat from the crowd. Swagger tells us that since he's been BWE Champion here on Raw, the ratings have been going higher and higher. He moves onto the Fatal-4-Way match this Sunday and claims that his title is in no danger of being lost. He runs down Triple H as "Past it", Sheamus as "not showing enough determination" and Jericho, saying that "Jericho is in the match to make up the numbers." He goes on saying that he has shown "more want, more determination, more aggression since he's become champion and that's not going to change because "I'm a 2-time, 2-time All American American and, more importantly, I'm the BWE Champion."

    GM Ted DiBiase comes out to a thunderous ovation. "I see your not too worried about your Fatal-4-Way match this Sunday, Swagger. Maybe it's over confidence, maybe it's pure stupdity, who knows, but tonight, you're going to get a taste as to what's to come as you're going to be in a handicap match. And you'll be facing a team that I can see bringing home the Tag title's here to Raw soon, Zig Show!!!"


    Match 1 - William Regal vs. Yoshi Tatsu

    We see what happend last Thursday on BWE Superstars on WGN America between Regal/McIntyre and Barrett.

    A good even match to start us off. Yoshi tries to quicken the pace up but Regal is keeping him grounded. Regal eventually locks in the Regal stretch but Yoshi makes it to the bottom rope. Regal let's go but Yoshi rolls underneath him, creating some space. Yoshi get's back into the match. Yoshi prepares for "Kar-ay-tay" but Wade Barrett walks out. Wade stands there and looks on at Yoshi. Yoshi turns around to be hit by the "knee trembler" from Regal. 1...2...3

    Winner - William Regal

    We see a replay of the knee trembler which caught Yoshi square in the head. We see Wade Barrett has a smirk on his face as Regal nods at him.

    Backstage, we see the Uso's in a huddle as they prepare for their match, which is next!!


    Match 2 - The Uso's vs. The Dudebuster's

    Easy victory her for the Uso's. Croft and Barreta put up a fight but it wasn't enough as Jimmy and Jey get the win via Frog Splash's

    Winners - The Uso's


    We see Matt Hardy walking around when he bumps into Evan Bourne. Matt wishes Evan good luck for his title match on Sunday. Matt goes onto say how great it is that the Cruserweight championship is back in WWE. Matt ask's Evan if he remember's the days that he was the Cruserweight champion. Evan nods as Matt tell's him, "maybe it's time to get some Mattitude back?"


    We're back and it's time for Raw's newest segment, "Miz TV"!!

    Miz comes out and introduces his guest, R-Truth! Truth comes out to a huge pop. Miz reminds us that Truth is from Charlotte so he's the home town boy. Miz tells us that Truth is as good as the Charlotte Bobcats, rubbish. Both men get in each other's face and start to brawl. Miz hit's the Skull Crushing Finale on Truth and lift's the US Title

    J.R and King preview the Fatal-4-Way card for this Sunday on PPV


    BWE Title Match
    Christian (c) Vs Shad Romane Vs Randy Orton Vs John Cena

    Jack Swagger (c) Vs Sheamus Vs HHH Vs Chris Jericho

    Intercontinetal Title
    Bryan Danielson (c) Vs CM Punk

    Cruiserweight Championship
    Evan Bourne (c) Vs Rey Mysterio

    Roman Empire Vs Hart Dynasty ( 6 person tag )

    Ted Dibiase Jr Vs Joe Henning

    Raw Vs Smackdown
    SES Vs Zig Show

    US Title
    R-Truth vs the Miz

    "The BWE want's to thank TobyMac for "ShowStopper", the official Fatal-4-Way theme song. It's off the album "Tonight", which is available on iTunes"


    Match 3 - Melina vs. Jillian Hall

    Melina grabs the easy win here. She finishes it with the "Sunset Split".

    Winner - Melina

    Melina grabs a mic and claims that no diva is good enough to face her. Maryse comes out, followed by Eve and Gail Kim. Maryse holds up what look's like a contract and signs it. She passes it on to Eve, who signs it, and Gail, who also signs it. Maryse tells Melina that she'll have plenty of opponents as there's going to be a Fatal-4-Way match for the Diva's title. Maryse, Eve, Gail Kim and Melina.


    We see that Ted DiBiase is talking to security men by a door. We hear DiBiase say that sources close to him told him that member's of the SmackDown roster are on their way to Raw. DiBiase tells them to allow no one in.

    Match 4 - Kane vs Matt Hardy

    This is a rematch from last week's edition of Superstars which finished in a DQ. Kane destroy's Matt Hardy but Hardy picks up the win via DQ when Kane doesn't stop attacking him.

    Winner via DQ - Matt Hardy

    R-Truth runs down to help Matt but Miz attacks him from behind. Miz go face to face again. Kane turns around and chokeslam's both Truth and Miz. Hardy is trying to get up but Kane hits a chokeslam on Matt. Kane leaves the ring with 3 broken bodies inside.


    *SmackDown Rebound*


    Main Event - Swagger vs Zig Show in a handicap match

    Match starts off with Swagger controlling Ziggler but soon, the numbers game comes into it. Ziggler and Show frequently tag in each other to keep themselves fresh. Swagger can't seem to bring in any offence. The screen splits in 2 as we cut to backstage where we see men frantically calling DiBiase as they've spotted member's of the SD roster around the building. Back to the match and Ziggler goes for a ZigZag which Swagger holds on to the rope as Ziggler crashes to the mat. Swagger throws Ziggler into Show, which knocks him off the apron. Swagger hits a gut-wrench powerbomb on Ziggler. The crowds attention is turned as 3 people are making their way down to ringside. They have their hoods up but have tickets. Swagger looks on at them and turns around, only to walk into a codebreaker. The ref calls for the bell

    Winner's via DQ - ZigShow

    The 3 people jump the barricade and attack ZigShow. They put down their hoods and reveal themselves. Gallows, Low Ki and Serena. "King, Straight-Edge are here and are attacking Ziggler and Show!! Get some help out here!!!" Member's of security run down but S.E.S. make their way through the crowd and escape leaving Ziggler and Show out. Meanwhile, Jericho attacks Swagger. HHH and Sheamus runs down and they all start beating up on Swagger. HHH gets hit by Sheamus with a Bicycle kick from Sheamus while Sheamus runs into a Codebreaker. Jericho lifts the title as we fade out. JR and King get the final word in. JR asks will this be the final picture at Fatal-4-Way?" King tells SD there will be repercussions to pay for what happend


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!


    Teddy long opens the show by announcing that in honour of this sundays PPV the opening match tonight will be a little taster of what will be in store for us at the PPV as four of the best in the business will go head to head in a fatal four way style exhibition match! He announces those competing in that match to be Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Drew McIntyre and Rey Mysterio. He then goes on to announce that we the BWE fans will also get to see all four men that will compete for SD's WHC at F4W in matches tonight starting with Shad Romane who will team with Mark Henry to take on The Roman Empire after their recent altercation on BWE Superstars and then in tonights main event WHC Christian will be forced to once again team with Edge to take on the current BWE tag team champions and his other two opponents this sunday John Cena and Randy Orton. Then as Teddy is making his way to the back and by doing so allowing the wrestlers in our opener make their entrance he makes his now almost obligitory quip about how that tops anything that Raw was on BWE Raw.

    Kofi Kingston vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre vs Rey Mysterio

    This match starts at a frantic pace and barely lets up throughout its entireity. There are numerous near falls but each time one of the two men not involved in the pinning predicament breaks up the pin attempt. Drew is getting some serious heat from the fans throughout as the heel is really acting up against these fan favourites, raking their eyes and getting a low blow in on Kofi when the refs attension is on Morrison and Rey. This drives Kofi mad and after he gets himself together he seemingly forgets all about the match and focuses on a new goal putting Drew through some serious pain. Drew has just caugh Morrison with a Future Shock DDT when Kofi extracts his revenge hitting him with a big trouble in paradise kick knocking him over the ropes (including the bottom one where Morrison finds himself lying after the attack by Morrison) however Kofi does not let up and dives over the ropes onto Drew before attacking him as the two make their way up the ramp, leaving just Rey and Morrison who is lying prone and ready for a 619 in the ring. Mysterio hits it and follows it up with a west coast pop for the 3 count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    The commentators comment on how this is a big momentum building win before his big cruiserweight title match at BWE Fatal four way against even bourne as Rey helps Morrison back to his feet and shakes his opponents hand, before the following promo is aired as the two exit the ring.

    Rey/Bourne promo

    Santino Marella is interviewed backstage and is asked about Shad Romane's claim that he is owed money for the rights to the "Roman Empire" name. Santino explains how he searched throughout all of the BWE for the greatest legal minds in all of wrestling to help him with this matter but lows and behold he found them rigt back where he started in The Great Khali and Chris Masters (who can now be seen flanking him) and he says that they pointed out 1 interesting fact and thats that theree is no e at the end of their romane empire and that therefore Shad roman is entitled to nothing from them. Chris Masters clearly wants to point out that he has just mixed up the two names but isnt given a chance as Santino continues but we will not take G-Money and the worlds fattest man to court no, instead when as regal willy says we have been besmirched we will settle thinks like men in the ring as we open a can of ass whoop on them tonight.

    The Roman Empire vs Shad & Mark Henry

    Michelle McCool the so called empress of the Roman Empire accompanies them and is with Santino at ringside throughout. This match is relatively quick and despite Masters/Khali getting in some impressive offense against Henry when Shad is tagged in things change as the PPV main eventer shows a dominant strike he has yet to show in the BWE not only manhandling Masters but also the great Khali and in an impressive show of strenght knocks Khali to the putside where he is left immobilised. Santino trys to distract him however and grabs his back leg as he goes for a big boot on Masters at which point Shad tags out and hops over the ring ropes and chases both Santino and McCool around the ring eventually catching Santino around the neck. McCool is relieved as he loses interest in her but this relief is only momentary as she realises Natayla has just jumped over the railing from the crowd and the two Divas begin to brawl. distracted by the carnage that has befallen his teammates Masters is distracted in the ring and this distraction gives Henry the opportunity he needs to hit the worlds strongest slam on the masterpiece for the win.

    Meanwhile on the outside Shad lifts Santino up onto his shoulder before driving him back first into the ring post on the outside, before getting inot the ring and cutting a promo once more about how this is his time and how the entire BWE including his opponents in the WHC main event this sunday need to realise that.

    Winners: Shad & Mark Henry

    *Raw Rebound*

    When we return we see CM Punk and The Straight Edge Society making their way down to ringside. Punk talks up the newest S.E.S member and mentions how he like Punk and Danielson came through the independant wrestling circuit to make their name. He then says that just like Danielson he probably would have found it hard to make it into the BWE if not for the straight edge saviour that is CM Punk but that unlike Danielson he knows that Low Ki will not straw from the flock, that he will stay true to his straight Edge bretherin. Then he slightly deviates from his thoughty process and says he admits that he isnt perfect and perhaps there could still be a place in the Straight Edge Society for Bryan Danielson despite all he has said in recent times. He says that if Danielson repents in the ring this sunday then he will allow him to continue to bask in his straight edge light and that he can think of no better way for Danielson to do that than to lie down for his saviour and let Punk be crowned the new Intercontinental champion. he then finally adds because if Danielson does not do this then he needs to realise that its Punks way or the highway for Danielson as he will be out of the straight Edge society for good!

    That was the last straw Bryan Danielson has had enough and comes out and interupts Punk. He is incensed at the idea that he would lie down for Punk he says that that in itself symbolises what is wrong with Punks leadership of the Straight Edge Society. He says that Punk has no honour and that people cant believe a word that comes out of his mouth, although he does conceed there was truth in one thing Punk said tonight and that was that Punk is not Perfect. He then thinks for a minute pretending to be thinking of what he says Punk used to always say about all the fans, that everyone has a vice... Danielson then says that Punk is no different! this enrages Punk who starts screaming at Danielson "What!, Im the straight edge saviour! what vice?!?"

    thats right says Danielson, your an addict too Punk cos everybody in the back knows your addiction, just ask Kelly Kelly, Maria or Lita, "hell your worse than batista was"...the commentators begin to question what exactley Danielson is suggesting. When Punk orders security down to ringside saying that he spoke to Teddy Long earlier tonight and that Danielson (who just laughs at Punk as this is happening) is banned from ringside tonight during our match. then after Danielson is taken away Punk goes back to introducing Low Ki who he says is about to have his first official (unmasked) BWE match.

    Low Ki vs JTG

    A relatively short match where Low Ki is dominant and eventually picks up an impressive win using his Warrior's Way Diving double foot stomp.

    Winner: Low Ki

    Bryan Danielson is interviewed backstage and asked about the match they just witnessed and his comments earlier he doesent elude to them although he does say that he has the utmost respect for Low Ki's in ring ability, instead he decides to tell Punk that he no longer needs to be watching his back cos Dolph Ziggler told him that he isnt going to stoop to Punks level and invade SD he will settle he differences with the straight Edge Society the honourable way, in the ring on PPV and that he will do it with the 500pd big show in his corner. The then says that just like the beating that he is going to serve up to Punk that the straight edge society will get everything they deserve against the Zig Show on PPV if they continue to follow his (Punks) leadership.

    then the following BWE F4W promo is aired

    John Cena and Randy Orton are talking backstage about how this sunday it will be everyman for themselves but tonight they, the tag team champions, are once again teaming up and they need to be on the same page to weaken the champion before F4W. Orton suggests he would rather take out a fighting fit Christian at F4W but either way he doesent mind because although he agrees that tonight they will need to be on the same page, he says that this sunday 3 letters will be chanted non stop by the BWE fans as he stands tall with the WHC belt... R-K-O (just then an RKO chant breaks out in the arena).

    Ted Dibiase Jr vs MVP w/Joe Hennig at ringside

    as Ted makes his way down to the ring he talks about how he says this will be his last match on BWE Smackdown and how to be honest he wont be happy to see the back of it how... he is interrupted by MVP who charges the ring and knocks him to the ground as this match begins.

    this is a back and forth fairly even confrontation with both men impressing and getting close 2 counts after hitting their respective finishers on each other, Dream Street and The Playmaker. However both men probably went for these moves too early in the match up as their opponents were able to kick out. The finish to this one comes as Joe Hennig the son of Mr Perfect and the man who will face Ted Dibiase in an attempt to win himself a long term SD contract at F4W makes his way down to ringside and gets involved in the matchup trying to attack Dibiase in indoing so actually hands the victory in the match to 'The Fortunate Son' albeit via DQ. Ted then slips out of the ring as MVP shouts his frustration at Hennig for his interference.

    winner: Ted Dibiase by DQ

    Christian is interviewd by Justin Roberts backstage before tonight main event, he is asked if he feels like he has a target on his back this Sunday with literally everyone gunning for his WHC? and hes asked how he feels to be once agaiin forced to team with Edge tonight to take on the tag champs. Christian tells all the E&C fans out there to enjoy tonight because it will be the last time ever he teams with his former brother Edge. He says he is going to show why he is the WHC this sunday as he retains his gold against 3 other SD stars, none of which he quips are Edge and why he was always the true star of that tag team. He then leaves the interview and heads to the ring.

    Elsewhere backstage Shad Romane can be seen preparing to watch the main event on a monitor.

    Edge & Christian vs Cena & Orton

    Cena and Orton are slightly on top throughout this contest as the slightly more cohesive team but the match only starts to draw towards a conclusion after Christian makes a blind tag when Edge does not want to leave the Ring. Infact the Rated R superstar refuses to as the team of E&C completely falls apart and Edge delivers a spear to his own partner before rolling out of the ring and heading for the back. He doesent get the chance though as Orton runs down the ramp after him and drags him back to the ring instead of going for the pin on Christian (this gets a great crowd reaction but vexes Cena who has gotten itno the ring and begun to beat down on the fallen champ). When Orton returns after a brief interchange of punches between him and Edge he hits a snap RKO on Edge causing him to roll to the outside. He then stops Cena beating down on christian again annoying his co-tag champ and helps Christian to his feet only to deliver an RKO to him too. Then as he rises he shapes to deliver a final RKO of the night this time to Cena but stops himself just before he does and instead pins Christian for the 3 counts.

    as Ortons music plays uneasy glances are exchanged by the tag champs who this sunday will face off against each other aswell as the champ and Shad while the commentators comment on how this is an ominious end for the current champion.

    Winners: Cena & Orton

    as the show then ends the following promo which includes the events card airs and the commentators hype this Sundays F4W PPV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome to Fatal 4 way where tonight we have a great card on show for you with 5 titles on the line
    We open the show with a cruiserweight battle with Evan Bourne facing off against Rey Mysterio.

    Evan Bourne (c ) Vs Rey Mysterio

    The commentator's note that this is easily Bourne's toughest challeng since he won the Cruserweight title back at Mania XXVI. Crowd in Long Island, NY completely split on who to go for. Both men exchange some early moves as the crowd warms into the match. We see that the Raw and SmackDown locker room's are looking on and are cheering the brands respective competitors. As the match goes on, the crowd are going on Evan Bourne's side. Bourne hits a quick hurricanrana which sends Rey into the turnbuckles. Bourne goes for a top rope seated hurricanrana but Rey reverses. Rey counters into a powerbomb but only gets a 2. Rey gains momentum by unleashing his array of arsenal on Bourne. At the 10 minute mark, Rey hit's a 619, followed by the West Coast Pop. 1......2..... Bourne reverse's the pin 1....2.... Rey just kick's out. Bourne hits Rey with a kick to the face and drags Rey over to the corner. Bourne climbs and goes for the Shooting Star Press. He jumps but Rey moves outta the way. Rey climbs on to the top rope as Bourne is getting up and hits a seated senton. 1...2.... Bourne get's his arm on the bottom rope. Rey reverse's a suplex attempt by Bourne and trip's Bourne into the rope's. Rey hit's another 619 followed by a splash and this one's over

    Winner and NEW Cruserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

    We see the SD locker room celebrating the victory as Rey and Bourne shake hands

    Low Ki and Luke Gallows (w/Serena) a.k.a Straight Edge Society vs. ZigShow
    Everyone seems interested to see how Low Ki performs on PPV in WWE for the 1st time. Striker notes how Low Ki is like Bryan Danielson is the sense that both men have worked all over the independents but now is their chance to shine in the WWE. Low Ki and Gallows use frequent tags while keeping Ziggler away from Big Show. The crowd don't know who to go for in this. The finish comes when Big Show and Gallows fall to the outside leaving Ziggler and Low Ki alone. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Low Ki holds the rope and Ziggler falls to the ground, the back of his head hitting the mat first. Low Ki climbs the top rope and hits the diving double foot stomp for the 3.
    Winners: Low Ki and Luke Gallows.


    Ted DiBiase vs. Joe Hennig

    We're reminded that if DiBiase wins, he goes back to Raw but if Hennig wins, he gain's a lucrative contract for Friday Night SmackDown. Both men come to the ring. The bell rings and both men lock up. Instantly, they let go and lock up again. Again, they let go. They look around to the crowd, who are booing. Ted looks at Hennig and smirks. Hennig appears to nod and lies down on the mat. Ted makes the pin and he's making his way back to Raw.

    Winner: Ted DiBiase

    Ted helps Hennig up and they hug. Ted grabs a mic and tells us that history has been made tonight. "Not only am I off that second rate show, I'm now back at my home and I'm taking someone back with me to Raw. Ladies and Gentlemen, in case you didn't know, Joe Hennig is the son of BWE Hall of Famer, "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig. I'm the son of BWE Hall of Famer and, in my opinion, the greatest wrestler and gm that ever lived, Ted DiBiase. Some might say we're lucky with the lifes we had growing up but I'd like to say we were something else. Fortunate"


    CM Punk is being interviewed backstage by Todd Grisham who informs him that a current poll is split 50-50 on who they think will win between he and Bryan Danielson tonight. On hearing this Punk goes into a long winded spiel about how he has never been Mr Popular with the BWE universe as he tells it like it is and points out how they are all addicts and need his straight edge lifestyle if they are to be saved from themselves so it does not surprise him that half of them doubt him. He says that 100% of the S.E.S is behind their leader tonight though and thatDanielson will either fall back in line behind his leadership while relinquishing his his Intercontinental title or he will find out why exactley it is his word the S.E.S follow and not Danielsons because he says "I am straight edge, and Bryan I am better than you!"

    ***don’t try this at home***

    Santino Marella is in the centre of the ring flanked by the Roman Empire, Khali, Masters and Michelle McCool are in a line behind him "Tonight the Hart Dynasty, are going to be destroyed by the Roman Empire because, its simples, whats a Dynasty? when yous can have an Empire? Those 3 Hart bambino's, live off the reputations of their familia, but unlike us who are building our own legacy in the BWE..."

    Just then the music of Bret Hart is played and the BWE hall of Famer is joined by the Hart Dynasty, "Santino if you think Tyson, DH and Natalya are livng off my, or any of the other Harts legacys then you really are as stupid as you look, so i guess we'll see who's really building an Empire when the Harts kick you teeth down your throat."

    The Roman Empire vs. The Hart Dynasty
    Natalya and McCool start this off with a headlock, and Natalya immediately hits a massive suplex on Santino's Empiress. She goes over and Tags her cousin DH Smith, and Chris Masters tags himself in, Masters flex's his chest and poses in the centre of the ring as Santino cheers him on at ringside, DH Smith hits a massive running closeline, and lifts Masters up for the delayed verticle suplex, and cover him for the 2 count, Bret motions to Tyson Kidd for the Hart Attack, and he duly obliges as he quickly hits the ring and knocks the Great Khali off the turnbuckle with a massive spinning kick. DH lifts up Masters as Kidd hits the springboard. 1.... 2... 3

    Winners the Hart Dynasty..

    The Harts celebrate with their Uncle Bret at ringside as Santino is furious with the Great Khali in the ring. He screams "This is yoooooooouuuuurrr Faults, You idddioooiticcc giants" The Empire storm off leaving Khali dejected in the ring

    Please welcome Josh Matthews guest at this time.... Sheamus. "Sheamus at last months PPV you won the title but GM Dibiase overturned the decision , are we going to see you win the title tonight? "Well fella, as far as i see it those other 3 dont have a chance in hell of pinning me, but i'll damn well pin everyone one of them, and become the first ever Irish WWE champion, putting myself in my nations history books alongside Fionn Mac Cumhaill, Michael Collins, Eamonn DeValera and all my nations famous warrior heroes.. And fella you can bet on that.." Sheamus walks off

    Bryan Danielson ( c ) Vs CM Punk

    The atmosphere is electric for this match with the fans firmly behind Danielson and Punk really playing into this fact taunting anyone and everyone as the action gets underway.

    Its a surprisingly slow start however as the two lock up and begin trying to technically out wrestle each other at first, that is after it is made very obvious to Punk that Danielson has no intention of lying down for him. First Danielson takes it to Punk with an indian death lock but eventually Punk escapes it and catches Danielson in an arm wrench which he follows by stepping a leg over the wrenched arm and performing a mule kick with the leg below the opponent's face, It is at this point that the pace of the match really increases.

    Punk catches him with a running high knee and then seemingly takes control as he hits a big spinning wheel kick on Danielson which he follows up with a Jumping hammerlock which he twists into a short–range lariat which knocks Danielson clean out of the ring. He does not let up though and after a quick pose in the ring where he trys to silence the crowd (which obviously results in more heat directed his way) he slingshots himself off the ring ropes and makes a suicide dive to the outside but Danielson is just about to avoid it as the momentum in the match turn towards the American Dragon who tosses Punk back into the ring.

    Bryan then shows off a repitoire of Suplexes, from a Tiger, to a Northern lights suplex, each one getting a better reaction than the last from the crowd, he also locks punk into a grounded crucifix and repeatidly strikes him to the head with his elbow but stops as he notices Luke Gallows, Serena and Low Ki make their way down the entrance ramp to ringside. The 3 S.E.S members do not interfere and merely observe but their presence does distract both Danielson and the referee for long enough for Punk to hit a low blow on the American dragon. The Straight Edge Superstar then takes advantage by immediatley going for an hitting a GTS on Danielson as a chorus of boos ring out from the fans. Punk makes a pin 1-2- Kick out! Danielson kicks out to Punks amazement and the crowds delight.

    Punk then reaches down to pick his opponent up for a 2nd GTS but as he does Danielson grabs and locks both Punks arms pulling him to the mat and into his Cattle Mutilation submission move in the centre of the ring. Punk tries to fight against it and work his way to the ropes but to no avail and he is left writhing in agony unable to break the hold, he is screaming at his fellow S.E.S member for assistance but they just look on as Punk eventually taps out and danielson retains his IC title in a match that was about far more than just the belt.

    Winner: Bryan Danielson

    As Danielson celebrates the victory, the S.E.S members simply turn their back on the ring and their fallen leader and make their way to the back as the commentators talk up how interesting it will be to see the fallout of this situation and how Smackdown this week is not one to be missed.

    Miz ( c ) Vs R-Truth

    The crowd are firmly behind R-Truth in this one with the chant of R-Truth echoing around the arena
    But men lock up and r-truth is able to put Miz in a arm bar the Miz rolls outs and retreats to the corner
    R-Truth then hits hip toss from the whip to the ropes and Miz really knows he is in for a battle today
    The Miz finally gets some offence in himself with kicks to the mid section and a snap mare he slowly begins to take control of the match and starts getting a bit cocky with and lets the crowd know he thinks his awesome he may have been too confident too soon as R-Truth goes for the school boy pin the Miz just kicks out and 2, he is furios now and unleashed and tirade of kicks to R-Truth and then a jawbreaker R-Truth is shaken and this gives Miz enough time to hit Skull crushing finale and its all over
    The winner and still US Champion: The Miz.

    Fatal Fourway Match For the BWE Championship
    Jack Swagger vs Chris Jericho vs HHH vs Sheamus

    Swagger makes his way to the ring with both his title and Stephanie in tow, "Swaggers smile isnt as wide as usual, King could the All American American Champion be worried?" points out JR. Jericho is out next to a mixed reaction from the BWE Universe, he occupies a corner in the ring, and starts shouting unaudibles at Stephanie.. The Game is making his way out to a massive ovation from the fans, but the Celtic Warrior ambushes him midway through and throws him into the ring, all four men are now firmly beating the living hell out of each other.

    "By Gawd what a Sloberknocker" Screams Jim Ross, as Sheamus hits a big boot right to the skull of HHH, Sheamus then proceeds to throw the Game over the top rope, and bangs his chest and throws his hands into the air in an obvious sign of his own satisfaction. On the otherside of the ring, Both Swagger and Jericho have been exchanging blows, with The All American American Champion coming out on top, Swagger smiles and turns around to pose but is met with a massive big boot from the Celtic Warrior who covers him... 1...2 and somehow Jericho breaks up the near fall.

    Sheamus now goes after Jericho, hitting him with punches and kicks, just as HHH rolls into the ring and lifts up Swagger for a pedigree, and now HHH covers him 1....2.. But somehow both Sheamus and Jericho this time both break up the near fall.. Jericho hits a Codebreaker on HHH.
    But HHH still has the wearwithall to roll straight out of the ring, but Y2J just follows him out , and both men start using each others heads as battering rams, each skull bouncing off the steel steps and guardrail with a victious stifffness. Back in the ring Sheamus realising hes finally alone with Swaggger goes on the offensive, but Swagger goes for the schoolboy.. 1.... 2..... Sheamus kicks out! Swagger looks shocked, as does Steph, Swagger hesitates andis met again with the Irishmans big boot, 1............ 2............. 3.

    Winner and new BWE Champion Sheamus.

    WHC Fatal 4-Way Match: Christian (c) v Shad Romane v John Cena v Randy Orton

    As is typical with these matches, the early stages are a free for all. However, it's not long before Cena and Orton are working together. After a promising start for Shad he finds himself double teamed by the Unified Tag Team Champions. Christian comes to and helps him out but Orton and Cena easily get the upper hand on him. Orton lines up the champ for a punt kick but Christian is able to roll to safety just in time. To the horror of the crowd, Shad Romane is taken out of the game completely. Cena gives him an Attitude Adjustment through the Spanish announcer's table. He appears to have been injured in the process. In the ring, Orton reverses the Killswitch and hits an RKO but
    his cover is broken up by Cena. Orton lies on the ground staring at his parter in disbelief. It turns into a shoving match with some heavy words, Eventually they square up again but typical of the silent assassin, Orton plants the RKO on Cena for good measure. Christian is up and hits Killswitch for real this time though. He manages to keep the Viper down for the three count.


    Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Christian

    As he celebrates, our commentators applaud his long run as champion so far and declare him the cream of the Smackdown locker room. Up at the entrance ramp though, he is attacked by his brother, Edge with a steel chair. Symbolically, he plants Christian's head on to the chair, gets another one and crushes his brother with the con=chairto before leaving. The crowd are really into this escalating rivalry.


    The show ends with a Plug for next PPV - ""Next time we join you on PPV will be on July 18 in Kansas City, for a brand new BWE PPV called "Money in the Bank". Who will climb the ladder and gain an automatic championship match?? Join us and find out"

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Welcome to BWE RAW


    As we fade in, ex-champion Jack Swagger has arrived in the parking area with Stephanie. He’s walking towards the entrance when all of a sudden of heavy box of tools falls from above and just misses him. Stephanie screams with the fright but Swagger re-composes himself and heads for the arena. We are then given a recollection of last night’s events that saw Swagger lose his BWE Title.

    After the opening credits, Cole and King welcome us to Monday Night Raw and tell us that an explosive Summer was elevated to another level last night as Sheamus became for the first ever Irish born BWE Champion. Then Ted DiBiase’s music hits and the General Manager arrives to a large ovation. In the ring he talks about the inter-brand wars and about how his son showed his class last night along with the entire Raw locker room. He promises Teddy Long that things have only begun from his side and that at the next PPV, Money In The Bank, he’s going to ensure that he tramples all over SmackDown. He issues a wager to Teddy Long stating that he has all the money in the bank he could possibly want but that he wanted his son back on Raw. Now that he has him back, he wants to continue the legacy and bring over Joe Hennig as he was impressed with what he saw. He offers Hennig a Raw contract if he turns up next week. Suddenly, Sheamus’ music hits to a chorus of boos. He tells DiBiase that nobody cares about his little fued with Long or about his missing son over on SmackDown. He tells him that he’s the new BWE champion and that’s the most important thing that needs to be acknowledged. The Celtic Warrior states that he’s the best in the business and that if he knows what’s good for his son then maybe he’d had been best kept over on Friday night’s show. DiBiase blows a fuse saying that Sheamus has some nerve threatening his son like that. He tells him that just for that, he’ll defend his championship tonight….. against THE UNDERTAKER!
    Sheamus is speechless as the GM leaves the ring, still angry at the nerve of the new champion.


    Out in the back, Swagger is at the coffee stand when his phone rings. He answers but his tone of voice suddenly changes as he bellows ‘Who is this?!!!’ He looks shellshocked again as we go to an ad-break.

    Match One: Zig Show v Wade Barrett & William Regal

    Show dominates Regal in the ring but the Knockout Punch is no use as Barrett slyly tags himself in as it happens. Barrett has Regal’s Brass Knuckles and takes him out with them. The referee calls for the bell but the damage has been done as Show is unconscious.

    Winners via DQ: Zig Show

    Barrett helps Regal to his feet and has already made an impact here on Raw.


    Ted DiBiase Jr. is seen backstage with his Million Dollar belt and a smirk on his face. He tells Josh Matthews that it’s good to be home and that being a DiBiase is already having it’s advantages here on Raw. The camera widens to show the Bella twins behind him. He says that his father has decided to give him the night off and that he’s going to enjoy it. R-Truth approaches him and laughs at him saying that if he’s not here to compete then he should wipe that smug look of his face or the Truth will do it for him. Truth challenges him to a match tonight. Ted hesitates but eventually tells the Bella twins that this will just take a minute….

    Ad break

    Match Two: R-Truth v Ted DiBiase Jr.

    A decent showing from both, it’s rather back and forth but Ted’s mind is elsewhere somewhat with the Bella Twins at ringside. He’s eager to impress but ends up walking straight into the Lie Detector as Truth picks up the victory.

    Winner: R-Truth

    Ted looks outraged. As he looks up however, the Bella Twins have left with Truth. Ted is fuming.

    Backstage we see Swagger barging into the GM’s office. He says that he doesn’t understand why Undertaker gets a shot at the belt when he’s barely even around here anymore. He also says that he has a rematch clause and that he’s determined to win his belt back. DiBiase tells Swagger that he just wants to teach Sheamus some respect and that he will get his rematch at a later stage. He looks unimpressed by that answer but is distracted when Dean Malenko runs into the room and explains to Swagger that Stephanie has been found unconscious in corridor. He runs out, the camera follows. Swagger screams that HHH will pay for this. DiBiase tells Swagger however that HHH has the night off tonight so it couldn’t possibly be him. Swagger says that he doesn’t buy that and that he’s going to find him. The camera continues to follow him. Around the corner he bumps into Chris Jericho. He asks Jericho if he’s seen Triple H, Jericho says that he has not but as an old ‘acquaintance’ of Stephanie’s he’ll gladly help him. The two of them set off to look for The Game.

    Match Three: The Uso Brothers v Cody Rhodes & Goldust

    A dynamic and entertaining tag team match is overshadowed by the fact that these two can’t compete for the Tag Team belts on Raw. Michael Cole tells the listening audience that the winner of this match will be chosen to represent Raw in a Tag Team Title match at Money in the Bank. The Uso’s look in control but as Jey is gearing up for a Body Splash, Goldust knocks him from the apron. Cody stalks him and then plants Cross-Rhodes for the victory.

    Winners: Goldust and Cody Rhodes.

    The two brothers embrace as they know now that they have a chance of winning Tag Team gold. The Uso’s however are unhappy and ambush the victors with Steel chairs. King comments that they clearly don’t care for the brand wars in the slightest.



    Backstage, Jericho and Swagger are knocking on doors looking for HHH. They end up down in the Boiler Room where Swagger enters first. Jericho tell him that HHH is probably cowering somewhere in a dark corner out of fear of getting the beating of his life. Swagger agrees. As he goes to check behind the boiler however, Y2J rams him into the boiler and then hits the Codebreaker on him. Jericho gets real close up in his face and tells him that he doesn’t know who attacked Steph but he’s going to make sure that Swagger is not next in line for a BWE Title shot. As Jericho stands up though, he backs into the one man that he could’ve done without seeing, Kane. Kane chokeslams Jericho through a table before turning his attention to Swagger. He tells Swagger that things can go real smoothly from now on. That all he has to do is sign a contract saying that Kane gets a match against Sheamus instead of him and then him and Swagger can go in peace. He tells Swagger that this isn’t personal right not but that if he doesn’t co-operate then it could get that way. Swagger declines which makes Kane furious. He grabs him by the throat, lifts him up and slams him into the boiler again. Swagger finally agrees. Kane pushes a pen and paper into Swagger’s hand, he signs it quickly. Kane tells Swagger that it was nice doing business with him before slamming him into the boiler again for good measure.

    Match Four: Divas Title Match: Melina v Alicia Fox

    During the match, Cole and King talk about how Kane is now the no. 1 contender for the BWE title and that Sheamus will have some battle on his hands keeping the belt. We are reminded that he must go toe to toe with the Deadman tonight. Melina is dominant but is caught in a schoolboy that she can’t kick out of. Alicia Fox surprises the world by stealing the Divas Title. What a night it has been so far.

    Winner and new Divas Champion: Alicia Fox
    [B]Match Five: BWE Title Match - Sheamus v The Undertaker[/B]


    A rare appearance from the Deadman clearly freaks the hell out of the new champion. The early stages of the match are like cat & mouse. Sheamus tries in vain to run from ‘Taker and we see him go old school on the Irishman. However, great awareness allows Sheamus to send him flying over the top rope onto the floor outside and to catch a breather. The tide turns and Sheamus hits an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus then takes him to the outside again where he uses the force of the steel steps and the barriers to wear him down some more. Back in the ring, Sheamus plants the Pump Kick on ’Taker but refuses to go for the cover. He wants to hit the Celtic Cross too. He has ‘Taker in perfect position but he reverses it into a Triangle chokehold. Sheamus is in trouble here. Somehow though, he manages to lift him back up and hit the move after all. He collapses on top of him to get the win.

    Winner and still BWE Champion: Sheamus

    He looks so fatigued but he’s come through a massive first test as BWE Champion. He raises his title aloft but nearly drops it in fear as Kane’s music hits. Cleverly he flees the ring though. Kane helps his brother to his feet as the show comes to a close.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    BWE Smackdown opens with a video package of Fatal 4 Way and Christian retaining his BWE Title.. And the beatdown from Edge

    Michael Cole and Matt Striker welcome us to BWE Smackdown

    The music of the Intercontinental Champion Bryan Danielson is played, and The American Dragon makes his way to the ring to a massive reaction from the BWE universe.. “Today is an unusual day for me, because i have the unfortuante responsibilty of informing you all, that the man you all idiolize.. The man everyone one of you look up to.. And somehow respect.. Your Straight Edge Saviour himself isnt here tonight”

    The crowd cheers loudly.. “Thats right CM Punk isnt here tonight, and do you all want to know, exactly why, CM Punk isnt here tonight? Because he Failed the Wellness Policy! Mr self righteous himself, has proved what everyone , including me always knew all along.. Thats that CM Punk is nothing more than a common, Lier, Fake and Cheat, and this path of arrogance that he has walked for so long has finally been proven to be false, and nothing more tahn a damn lie” Just as Danielson speaks the remaining members of the Straight Edge Society make their way to the ring, Gallows, Serena and Low ki looking nothing but lost and despondant..
    “Well.. let me just start off by saying, to the three of you that it isnt too late for you, it isnt to late for the 3 of you to make a differance, CM Punks dictatorship is over, he now has proven to have zero credibility, in the eyes of the BWE Universe, he has proven that Straight Edge obviously isnt the way for him, but, if you let me, i will take SES to where it should have been all along. And thats as the group who believe in Honor, in the Spirit of Competition, in Loyality.. If you let me i will let you all into a new era of Straight Edge, we’re all now no longer under the influence of Punk, so lets show the world that Straight Edge really means where better than you, starting tonight..” Gallows, Serana and Low Ki shake Danielsons hand and and the 4 Straight Edge Society Members raise their arms in a unified front..

    Opening Match
    Drew MacIntyre vs JTG..
    Very fast paced match up with MacIntyre getting the win with the Futureshock DDT
    Winner Drew MacIntyre
    Where in the office of GM Teddy Long.. Whos on his mobile phone, “Yes Sir, Mr Mahon, i will Sir, no problem” Josh Matthews arrives with a Microphone.. “Well playa’s on the advice of the Chairman of the BWE, at the MiTB PPV in 4 weeks time, we will have not one but two Money in the Bank Ladder matches, one for RAW and one for Smackdown.. And on next weeks show, we will announce the 8 participants for the Smackdown Match.. Holla”

    Josh Matthews is in the Backstage area and please welcome his guest at this time.. The New Cruiserweight Champion.. Rey Mysterio.. “Rey how does it feel to win the title from Raw?” “Josh, i’d be lying if i said i wasnt proud to win the title from Raw, Smackdown has been my home for the last 8 years, and when BWE management reintroduced this title, i immediately had my eye, on this belt, as although im a former World Champion, the Crusierweight divison just like Smackdown will always be my home.” “How do you feel about facing Justin Gabriel tonight?”Says Matthews “Well Josh just like Evan Bourne, i have all the respect in the world for Gabriel, and look forward to facing him, but i just want to say to Evan, I look forward to our rematch..”
    Non Title Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Justin Gabriel
    The match opens with Gabriel shaking Mysterio’s hand, and both superstars both hitting a barrage of stiff kicks and punches with Mysterio coming out on top with a huge Hurricanrana to Gabriel, Mysterio follows up with a springboard senton and the 2 count, Gabriel works his way back into the match with a spinning kick to the face of Rey and a near fall of his own, when out of nowhere Mysterio hits the drop toe hold, and Gabriel is hung up on the second rope, Mysterio signals for the 619 but out of nowhere a group of 6 men hit the ring, and attack Mysterio..
    Winner by DQ Rey Mysterio..

    The 6 men remove their masks and black coats to reveal the former BWE NXT rookies of Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, Davis Otunga, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver and Darren Young, Barrett now with a mic in hand says “You may be wondering why i am still associating myself with my former NXT brethren, especially since i won BWE NXT and have earned a contract on Raw, well guess what? Thats not good enough, my associates and I are better than anyone currently in BWE and we’re here to prove it..” Barrett points for the rookies to place Mysterio on the ground below the turnbuckle... as Justin Gabriel asscends the turnbuckle hitting the 450 splash on the defenceless Rey.. “As far as we see it both GMs have only one choice, hire us all or face the concequences..” The rookies leave the ring and through the crowd, before Teddy Long and the Smackdown lockerroom hit the ring..

    Bryan Danielson vs John Morrison..
    Morrison and Danielson lock up, with Danielson getting the upperhand with stiff kicks, punches and then chops to Morrison, Dragons hits the Irish whip to throw Morrison into the turnbuckle, Morrison cournters and Danielson hits the flip off the turnbuckle, Morrison hits the huge clsoeline, and takes advantage, as the SES cheers on Dragon from ringside, Danielson gets back into the match, and locks in the Cattle Multilation for the submission win..
    Winner Bryan Danielson
    The SES join him in the ring, and Danielson keep repeating “Thats how we do it, thats what straightedge is from now on”
    Edge is in the ring.. “At Fatal 4 Way, i made it my business to make an impact, literally. Hitting Christian with the Con-Chair-to, was the most satisfying feeling and just to indulge myself once again, so now i’ll show it again for anyone who was stupid enough to miss it the first time”
    Edge points to the Titantron where the image of Edge destroying Christian with the steel chair is shown again and again... When we return to Edge in the ring he is laughing with a look of manical satisfaction..
    “Christian at Wrestlemania, you proved to both me and the BWE universe, what we all, always knew all along, and thats that your nothing more than a second rate me, a cheap immitation thats has ridden my coattails for the majority of both our careers. And when you stole my Wrestlemania moment by cashing in the Money in The Bank , the briefcase that i made famous against me, its something i can never forgive and something i can never forget. I am the untimate opportunist and at Money in the Bank, when i win my title back i’ll prove it..” Edge raises his hands in the air
    When out of nowhere he is hit in the back of the skull with a steel chair by Christian, who immedietely hits Edge with The Killswitch.. to the adulation of the BWE universe, Christian grabs a microphone from ringside, he grabs the near unconcious Edge by the scruff of the hair.. “If you think im a second rate you, just what until you see what i do to you in our match at MiTB, oh and i spoke to Teddy Long about our stipulation for the match.. And we both agree, its should be a Tables, ladder and Chairs Match!” “Oh My!” says JR.. Christian Celebrates with the title at the turnbuckle..
    Santino and Chris Masters are in the ring, “Its the times for the return of the Masterlock challenges, and if anyone in the back can beat this Roman God, then they are invited to join our Empire..”Santino and Masters look confident in the ring, until the music of Finley plays and the fighting Irishman makes his way to the ring..
    Masterlock Challenge..
    Chris Masters vs Finlay
    Finlay sits on the chair, Santino cheers on Masters, just as Masters locks it in Hornswaggle kicks Santino in the crotch, allowing the interferance and Finlay to hit Masters over the head with the shalleigh, out of nowhere the Great Khali catches Hornswaggle outside the ring, and chokeslams the midget throught the announce table.. Finlay looks shocked in the ring, Santino gets the microphone again, “This is whats happens, when you mess with the Roman Empire” and they celebrate at the Entrance ramp
    John Cena is shown getting ready in the Lockerroom, when Randy Orton walks in and goes straight up to Cena, and is now literally inches from Cena’s face.. “You, piece of crap, i had Christian beaten on Sunday, but your Goddam ego, had to get in the way as usual, Didnt it Cena?” “Randy im sorry man, if you think id did, it out of lack of loyality man, your wrong, that match was every man for himself you know that, and i promise i’ve got your back man, I’ll prove it in our match with Mark Henry and Shad tonight..” Orton doesnt look too impressed as he storms off leaving Cena with a wry smerk on face..
    Main Event
    John Cena and Randy Orton vs Shad Romane and Mark Henry
    Quick Main event match up with both Cena and Orton dominating the match up and both men hitting their finishers on Henry and Shad, and Cena getting the pin..
    Winners John Cena and Randy Orton..
    After the match Cena hands Orton the titles, Orton looks at the belts and fakes hitting Cena with the RKO, and leaves the ring, and indeed Cena is confused as Smackdown come to an end..

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    Ted Dibiase Sr Opens the show with a promo about what happened with Kane & Jack Swagger last week. He says that although he does not agree with how it was done that Swagger did sign away his rematch. However that he is not going to let Kane just do what he wants stating that this is his show and he will decide who gets to challenge the new BWE champion Sheamus at the upcoming Money in the Bank PPV. Dibiase then goes on to announce that he has booked a no.1 contender match where Kane can earn that title shot he seems to want so much as he faces off against the former champ Swagger in tonights main event.


    He then talks about Steph and how he has orderd her to stay at home to recuperate after the attack on her last week which he says he is still looking into and that if he finds out that a BWE superstar was behind it there will be serious repucussions. He also mentions how HHH will not be there again tonight as he is nursing some injuries that have been nagging him for a long time. He then announces that later tonight he will announce the competitors in Raw's MITB match at the upcoming PPV but first he is going to announce the the newest BWE Raw superstar Joe Hennig who has accepted his offer to come to BWE Raw, Hennig then comes out and joins him where he signs his new Raw contract before making his way to the ring to have his first match on Raw.

    Joe Hennig vs R-Truth

    Hennig is impressive here on his BWE Raw debut but R-Truth seems to be slowley gaining the advantage and after he hits a Corkscrew scissors kick it looks like "The Perfect Son" is going to begin on Raw with a far from perfect result, luckily however he is able to reach the bottom rope as Truth goes for the pin. As the ref points this out to Truth ,Ted Dibiase Jr makes his way down to ringside and moments later when the referee is distracted by Hennig feigning an injury Dibiase catches R-Truth by pulling him down snapping his head off the top ringrope sending him stumbling into Hennig who delivers a perfect-plex for the win.

    Winner: Joe Hennig

    Cody Rhodes Is backstage pacing from side to side, when Goldust enters. He says that he knows Cody wants at Ted Dibiase Jnr since he is now back on Raw but askes him to wait. He says that last week they earned a tag titles shot at the next PPV and that for now Cody's focus should be on that. Cody agrees but says that he shouldent be the only one putting his game face on tonight and insists that Goldust once again remove his make up before their match tonight vs The Zig Show.

    Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs The Zig Show

    The brothers Rhodes show they are a real cohesive team in this one with a number quick tags used to isolate Ziggler from his partner and eventually an extra focussed Cody gets the win via his Cross Rhodes Spinning facebuster.

    Winners: Cody & Dustin Rhodes

    The Miz has a special area set up for tonights Monday Night Miz and after talking himself up for a while, saying how he has made the US title prestigious again by once again having it around his waist he introduces his guest for tonight, another man that has recently won BWE gold, the new BWE heavyweight champion Sheamus. After the Miz makes a few quips about Sheamus's pale skin and queries who he would rather face at BWE MITB, Jack Swagger or Kane, The champ gets right in The MIz's face and tells him that that if he doesent pipe down he will give him a beating he will never forget just like he will whichever fella wins tonights main event at the next PPV. As far as which he would prefer to beat he simply states that he has already beaten Jack Swagger for the title and does not think it would be much of a challenge to do so again.

    Before the following match as he makes his way to the ring Bourne cuts a promo about how he had held the Cruiserweight title ever since it was re-instated back at BWE Wrestlemania. That he defended it against all challengers and even made a few challenges of his own. He says he is desperate to get his title back and after hearing Rey Mysterio offering him a rematch this past week on SD, he says he has two words for the littlest big man in the BWE... You're on! he says at MITB he is cashing in his rematch clause.

    Evan Bourne vs Matt Hardy

    a pretty even contest which is finally decided as Bourne evades a Hardy diving leg drop and then catches Matt with a roundhouse kick before hitting his own signature ariel move the shooting star press on him for the 3 count.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    The Million Dollar Man announces the competitors for Raws MITB match at the upcoming PPV will be, The Miz, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, Ted Dibiase Jr, R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler, The Big Show & the loser of tonights no.1 contender match between Kane & Jack Swagger.

    Before this match Jericho grabs a mic and says that just like at the next PPV when he becomes Mr Money in the Bank he is now going to defeat whoever is put infront of him, however the smile on his face is quickley removed as the lights are dimmed and his opponent is revealed as The Undertaker

    The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho

    After a strong start from taker, Jericho begins to hold his own with the deadman and gets a number of big moves in after slowing Takers momentum with a running enzuigiri included in these were a DDT and a missile dropkick. He then begins to get cocky and starts shouting that he's the best in the world at the top of his voice. However for the 2nd time tonight the Undertaker wipes a smile from his face by sitting up and quickly getting to his feet. As he does Jericho sprints at him attempting to catch him off guard before he can get his guard up but Taker grabs him and pulls him to the ground in his Gogoplata hells gate submission move. Eventually Jericho taps and The deadman is victorious but he refuses to break the hold for another several seconds. Jericho loses his temper as a result of this and starts screaming at Taker saying that he could have seriously injured him at which point taker just grabs him around the throat and Chokeslams him onto the canvas.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    Alicia Fox Is interviewed backstage by Todd Grisham. She is clearly extatic at having just become the divas champion for the first time, however the interview doesent last long before Melina interrupts Fox saying that last week was a fluke and that it wont be long until the Divas title is back where it belongs, around her waist.

    No.1 Contender match: Jack Swagger vs Kane

    If you will excuse the pun, the big red machine Kane is on fire here tonight, he is really showing why he is worthy of being the no.1 contender for Sheamus's title here tonight. he takes all the initiative in this match by countering Swaggers Running knee lift with a Big boot he then delivers a Tilt-a-whirl slam a sidewalk slam and borrowing a page from his brother The Undertakers book he delivers snake eyes to the All American American into the turnbuckle which busts him open. The Referee stops the action momentarily as Swagger who has rolled to the outside is bleeding and the referee has followed him to the outside to check on him. On the other side of the ring shocking everyone is the current BWE champion Sheamus who has just comes through the crowd and made his way into the ring. As Kane turns around he is caught by a big Bicycle kick by the Irishman who then leaves the ring with a big grin on his face, as he does Swagger noticing what has happened quickly gets back into the ring and hits a slingshot splash in the corner, he then makes a pin and gets the 3 count to make him once more the no.1 contender to Sheamus's BWE title.

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    Swagger celebrates the fact that he will get his 1on1 rematch with the man who took his BWE title from him at F4W while Kane stares a hole into Sheamus. The Big Red machine is obviously enraged and no doubt will want to seek retribution on the BWE champ soon enough. The commentators also remind the BWE universe of what Sheamus said earlier tonight, he has already defeated Swagger for the BWE title, they also speculate that maybe he didnt believe that he could do the same against Kane and that, that could explain his actions tonight. Either way The Celtic warrior has made a big angry monsterious enemy here tonight.

    Matches announced for BWE MITB including Raw superstars:

    BWE championship match: Sheamus (c) vs Jack Swagger
    Raw MITB match: The Miz, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, Ted Dibiase Jr, R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler, The Big Show & Kane
    Cruiserweight championship match: Evan Bourne vs Rey Mysterio (c)
    Tag titles match: Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs Cena & Orton (c)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    Welcome to BWE SmackDown!!

    The shows starts as we see a replay of Bryan Danielson becoming the new leader of "Straight Edge" as CM Punk has been suspended due to a Wellness Policy violation. We also see Orton faking an RKO on Cena leaving Cena confused. The SmackDown intro plays...

    We go to Wilkes-Barre, PA for SmackDown. We see that our main event tonight will see John Cena face Rey Mysterio

    In the ring, Teddy Long is standing underneath a blue briefcase hanging 15 feeti in the air. Teddy speaks "Now playas, I told you that I would announce who would be competing in our Money in the Bank match tonight but I figured, why just tell who would be in the matches when we could see who will be in our MitB match. Ya feel me. Now, instead of just telling ye, over the course of the next 2 weeks, playas, there will be a series of qualifying matches to see who will compete in the SmackDown Money in the Bank ladder match at the 1st ever Money in the Bank PPV!! Now believe that, holla!" Our first qualifying match starts now.

    Match 1 - SD MitB Qualifying match - John Morrison vs. JTG

    Very quick paced match here. JTG throws everything he has at Morrison but it isn't enough as Jo Mo hits a Pele kick which stuns JTG. Jo Mo follows up by hitting the Moonlight Drive followed by Starship Pain for the 3.

    Winner and advancing to SD's Money in the Bank ladder match - John Morrison



    Match 2 - Natalya vs. Nicki Bella

    Easy win for Natalya here. The Bella's tried the swap routine but got caught by the ref. Natalya locks in the Sharpshooter and Nicki taps out

    Winner - Natalya


    We see that Natalya will face McCool at Money in the Bank

    The Raw Rebound

    We come back to see Bryan Danielson and Straight Edge in the ring. Danielson has a mic in his hand. " The reign of Punk is over and Straight Edge will keep moving forward. Now Straight Edge is under the control of being honorable, respectful and loyal, there has been a major attitude change. Gone are the days where Straight Edge would just cheat and manipluate people to force Straight Edge into them....."

    A video plays on the titantron. We see surveillance footage of CM Punk at WWE HQ in Stanford, CT. He claims that he was framed and that he would never take any performance enhancers. "Go test my B sample and you'll see that I'm clean. I swear to God, whoever did this to me...."

    The video cuts and we see a very confused looking Straight Edge.

    Out comes Chris Masters and it's time for our 2nd MitB qualifying match.

    Match 3 - SD MitB Qualifying match - Chris Masters (w/ Roman Empire) vs. Low Ki (w/ Straight Edge)

    Masters uses his ground game well here but Low Ki counters with his own array of moves. Low Ki builds up momentum but it's stopped as and Santino trip him up. The ref ejects Santino and empress McCool from ringside. Masters looks stunned as they go to the back. Low Ki grounds Masters and locks in the Dragon Clutch. After a minute of intense pressure, Masters somehow gets to the bottom rope. Low Ki rolls him into position, climbs the top rope and hit the Warrior's Way for the 3.

    Winner and advancing to SD's MitB - Low Ki


    Straight Edge comes into the ring and congratulates Low Ki on his win. Bryan tells Low Ki something we can't hear. Low Ki helps Masters up and offers his hand in a sign of respect. Masters looks, shakes his head and rolls outta the ring. Danielson grabs a mic and tells everyone "What Low Ki did just there shows the true value of Straight Edge and that is Respect. To give respect, you must earn it."


    We see that later tonight will be the return of The Cutting Edge with the special guest being World Heavyweight Champion, Christian!!!

    Backstage, we see Mark Henry and Shad talking about their loss last week in the main event against Cena and Orton. All of a sudden, Wade Barrett and all of the Season 1 rookies from BWE NXT beat down on them. Shad is put threw the catering table while Mark Henry is thrown head first into a tv moniter. Wade takes out $100 and throws it at Shad. "You see, some people just don't get it. We told Teddy Long and Ted DiBiase Sr to hire all of us and we didn't hear anything from them all week. As far as we, the Nexus, are concerned, we'll have to keep making our "statements" until we get what we want."

    Match 4 - SD MitB Qualifying match - Drew McIntyre vs. The Great Khali

    Easy win for Drew. Khali went for the Khali vice-grip but Drew avoided it. Drew hit a chop block followed by the "Futureshock DDT" for the 3

    Winner and advancing to SD's MitB ladder match - Drew McIntyre


    *From the vault - Matt Hardy vs Regal - June 2007*

    Match 5 - SD MitB Qualifying match - Kofi Kingston vs. Shad

    Shad looks distressed from what happend earlier with the Nexus attack and can't focus 100% on the match. Normally Shad would have Mark Henry with him but after the attack, that's not the case tonight. Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise followed by the S.O.S for the 3

    Winner and advancing to SD's MitB ladder match - Kofi Kingston


    Teddy Long comes out and announces that the Money in the Bank PPV looks like this atm:

    - WHC match: Christian (c) vs. Edge - Tables, Ladders and Chairs match
    - SD's Money in the Bank match - John Morrison vs. Low Ki vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston vs. TBD vs. TBD vs. TBD vs. TBD
    - Womens title - Natalya (c) vs. McCool
    - BWE championship match: Sheamus (c) vs Jack Swagger
    - Raw MITB match: The Miz vs. Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Ted Dibiase Jr vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Big Show vs. Kane
    - Cruiserweight championship match: Evan Bourne vs Rey Mysterio (c)
    - Tag titles match: Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs Cena & Orton (c)

    Match 6 - John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio

    Randy Orton joins Cole, Striker and Grisham on commentary. Rey uses his pace to show why he won the Cruserweight title at Fatal 4 Way. Rey is 1 step ahead of Cena in the early part of the match. Cena gets back into the match when he trips Rey up and Rey falls out of the ring and land hard on his left shoulder. Cena focuses in on the left shoulder of Rey. Rey goes for a 619 but can't hold on to the rope. Cena has a smirk on his face but Rey rolls up Cena for the 3.

    Winner - Rey Mysterio


    Rey rolls out of the ring while Orton goes face to face with Cena. Orton looks at him, shakes his head and walks off.


    The Cutting Edge with Christian as the special guest

    We see the ringside area is covered with with tables, ladders and chairs while the World Heavyweight Title is set up above the ring. Edge introduces Christian, who gets a major pop. Edge smirks at Christian and runs him down. He mentions how Christian's career has been a joke compared to his and that Christian really was the Marty Janetty of their team. Christian tells Edge that he is only jealous of the fact that he is the World Heavyweight Champion and that he cashed in on his Money in the Bank contract. Edge stands up and climbs a giant ladder that's set up right underneath where the title is set up and begins to climb. Edge comments that step by step, he will be regaining his World Heavyweight Championship. Edge sits at the top of the ladder and looks at the title. Christian smiles and pushes the ladder. Edge crashes to ringside through tables with chairs atop of them. Christian sets the ladder back up and climbs. Christian unhooks the title and lifts it up. SD finishes with Christian sitting atop the ladder with the title looking down at Edge, who is being attended to by trainers


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    Welcome to BWE Monday Night Raw!!!

    We see the the finish to last week's main event, which saw Jack Swagger beat Kane to become the no.1 contender to Sheamus's BWE Title.

    The Raw intro plays, followed by pyro. We are LIVE in Nashville, TN for BWE Monday Night Raw.

    GM Ted DiBiase Sr comes out. He claims that at Money in the Bank, the Raw superstars will steal the show from SD. He claims that Sheamus vs. Swagger should boost the buyrates up as it's the 1st time they have ever gone 1-on-1 with each other. "Now, there's 2 issues at hand which is why I'm out here. The first is the group calling themselves the Nexus. They're going around making demands and threats about signing them to both brands. What they seems to forget is that I'm the general manager of the no.1 brand in WWE, Raw. With that, I've a lot of important responsibilities. Signing the "Nexus" isn't my main priority but I'll think about it. While I'm thinking over the decision to sign them, I'll make sure they won't get into the building tonight and disrupt tonight's show."

    "The 2nd issue I have is with Kane. Kane, you have been forcing people to do this and that to suit your ways. Last week, you lost your no.1 contenders match to Jack Swagger, meaning you won't get a title shot. However, since you're so desperate to get your hands on him, I'm making this happen. Tonight, in our main event, Kane will go 1-on-1 with Sheamus. However, the BWE Title won't be on the line"


    Match 1 - Joe Hennig vs. Yoshi Tatsu

    "The Perfect's Son" is now on a roll in the BWE. Hennig is very convincing is this match. Yoshi hardly gets in any offence as Hennig dominates him. Hennig gets the win with the "perfect-plex" in this quick opener.

    Winner - Joe Hennig


    Hennig grabs the mic. "That was just.... perfect"

    Backstage, we see Swagger talking to someone on his phone. "Really? Tonight, against him?? OK, That's great, alright thanks" King question's who Swagger was talking to as we head for Commercial



    Did you know that WWE will create more original TV hours this year than Showtime and HBO combined

    We're back and it's time for Diva's action.

    Match 2 - Gail Kim vs. Melina

    Diva's Champion Alicia Fox is at the Announcer's desk for this. Melina looks like she's up her wrestling game to a whole new level in her quest to win back her Diva's Title. Gail put in her best effort but it's not enough as Melina wins with the Sunset split.

    Winner - Melina


    We see that at Money in the Bank, Alicia Fox will put her Diva's title on the line against Melina. Melina signals that the title is hers.

    *****The SmackDown rebound****

    The Miz comes down. JR notes that there's No Monday night Miz tonight as Miz has to put his title on the line as he will be in the Raw Money in the Bank match. His opponent is someone who is also in that match, Matt Hardy.

    Match 3 - US Title Match - Miz (c) vs. Matt Hardy

    Both men get in an even amount of offence to start the match of. Hardy is clearly the crowd favourite but you can hear some Miz fans (who King refers to as Mizfits). Good match between these 2. A number and back-and-forth finishes gets the crowd into this. Miz goes for the "Skull crushing Finale" but hits a "Reverse Twist of Fate" 1...........2............. Miz kicks out. After 15 mins, both men have given their all to become the US Champion. Hardy goes for a victory roll but Miz caries through and hits his own roll-up. 1....2.....3

    Winner and STILL US Champion - The Miz


    We see a replay of the finish with Miz holding onto the ropes for leverage


    Match 4 - R-Truth vs. Dustin "Goldust" Rhodes

    JR tells us this match was put together by Ted Di Biase to help the competitors warm up for their Money in The Bank PPV matches. JR notes that "All of RAW will be behind the Rhodes brothers on the night as thy try to bring home the Unified tag titles"

    Just as this match gets going the Nexus stormed the ring. They take beat down both men in a flurry of kicks and punches.

    Heath Slater picks up R-Truth and sets him up For a Huge Clothesline from Skip Sheffield. Justin Gabriel then ascends the top turnbuckle before hitting the 450 just like he did to Rey Mysterio two weeks ago.

    The Nexus then turn their attention to Goldust who is thrown outside the ring. Barret its his Fireman carry slam on Goldust. The smack of his body on the rubber mat brings screams from the audience.

    Cody Rhodes runs to the ring side area to help is brother but Tarver slams him into the steep ring post.

    Darren Young then pick Goldust back up and David Otunga hits a spinebuster through the announce table.

    Nexus re enter the ring and Wade Barret Takes the mic.
    "And to think BWE officials expected us to change in corridors and Parking lots while these “Veterens” (Pointing to Truth and then Goldust) enjoy proper changing rooms and free catering. They have had their chances to shine and wasted them. They have no place being in the dressing room ahead of young hungry guys like us, never mind on the Money in the bank PPV. Thankfully in the state we left them I can’t see them making the PPV now."
    He hands the Mic to David Otunga, Otunga addresses Ted Di Biase, "despite our statement on Smackdown you never appraoched us to sign us up for RAW. So tonight we thought we would come here and make a statement in person. Our expectations are simple, We DEMAND you Give the 7 of us RAW contracts. Refuse us our contracts and we will continue to make statements like the one we made tonight."
    Barret retakes the Mic, "Ted Di Baise, the winds of change are blowing in BWE, either take measures to protect your show or get blown away in the storm." Matt Hardy and a few others of the Raw locker room run out, forcing the Nexus to leave through the crowd. We see that trainers and EMT's are down attending to Rhodes and Truth. We see a replay of what happened as we head to commercial.

    *Commercial for NXT Season 2, tomorrow 10/9c on SyFy*

    We come back and see that Dustin Rhodes has loaded into an ambulance and that R-Truth is still being attended to in the back. We get another replay of the Nexus assault and the demand for contracts.

    As we return from the replay Cody Rhodes’ NXT rookie is in the ring.
    The King says Husky is replacing Cody Rhodes who is unable to compete after the Nexus Assault.

    Match 5 - Evan Bourne v (NXT Season 2 Rookie) Husky Harris

    Husky is able to overpower Evan as the match begins but evan is able to use his speed to land a spinning heel kick knocking husky to the ground. Evan ascends the top rope and as Husky gets back to his feet Evan flys through the air hitting Husky with flying Knees and follows up with a 2 count pin attempt. As the match progresses Husky lands a big one armed slam when Evan takes to the air once two often. Husky goes for his running reverse splash but Bourne gets out of the way and uses this moment to hit the shooting star press on Harris for the win.

    Winner - Evan Bourne

    After the match Bourne tells the camera he is ready to take his title back at the Money in the Bank PPV.

    We see Jack Swagger is making his way out as we head to commercial


    We come back to see Swagger hand a bit of paper to ring announcer, Justin Roberts. "Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for 1 fall. In the ring, from Perry, Oklahoma, weighing in at 244 lbs, he's the All American American, Jack Swagger!" "And, by order of BWE Management, his opponent, weighing in at 210 lbs, from Long Island, New York, Zach Ryder!"

    Match 6 - Jack Swagger vs. Zach Ryder

    Swagger wins this one in a show of complete dominance and wins with a gut-wrench powerbomb within 30 seconds. Swagger won this with customary "Swagger" and ease.

    Winner - Jack Swagger


    Swagger grabs a mic and cuts a Promo: "Stephanie is still unable to return to RAW after she was attcked back stage two weeks ago. I have searched and searched for an answer and all the evidence leads back to one man, HHH.
    But HHH refuses to answer BWE officials calls or emails asking for proof it wasn’t him. So HHH I demand you return to RAW next week so I can prove it was you that attacked the mother of your children. I know you are supposedly “Injured” and you don’t want to return “Too early” so I will make you an offer you can’t refuse, return next week and in the main event I will put the No 1 Contender-ship up for grab". The arena goes dark and all we can see is the titantron. There's a framed picture of Swagger holding up the BWE title. Something crashes into it and the frame shatters. Someone picks up the picture and rips it in half saying the words "Next.....week"


    We see a graphic for a match next week. All 8 members in the Raw MitB match will take part in a 4-on-4 tag match!!

    Match 7 - Sheamus vs. Kane - Non-title

    Sheamus comes out first. JR notes that this is unusual for a champion to do so. A huge blast of pyro and Kane makes his way out. Kane can't control his rage and beats into Sheamus. Sheamus tries to fend him off but Kane overpowers him. Kane whips Sheamus into the corner and proceedes to unleash a number of punches on him. The referee is trying to get them to break but can't. Kane continues the beatdown. The ref has no other alternative. "Kane, back off him, I'm warning you, I will Disqualify you. 1.....2.....3.....4......5 That's it, ring the bell"

    Winner - Sheamus via DQ

    Kane continues to beat down on Sheamus. Kane rolls Sheamus to the outside and hits a chokeslam on him through the remains of the already shattered announcers table. Swagger comes down but Kane hits a chokeslam on him. Kane grabs Sheamus's title. The Undertaker makes his way out. They both stare down while Kane then looks at the title. The show closes with JR mentioning that "Kane's aim was to make an impression. I think he got the job done tonight"

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7


    Tonights Show opens with news that Christian will Take on John Cena in tonights Main event. What will happen when the World Heavyweight Champion meets One Half of the Tag team Champions. Speaking of the Tag champs GM Teddy Long has an announcement to make regarding the status of the Tag Team Championship Match at Money in the bank.

    On RAW The Nexus made an impact taking out R-Truth and Dustin Rhodes. Now I don't know how hurt R-Truth is but it was confirmed Dustin Rodes will not be able to Compete in the Tag Match scheduled for Money in the Bank. So I have a proposal for a RAW v Smackdown Tag Match to find new No 1 contenders. Not for the first time I have selected The Hart Dynasty to be smackdowns team and Ted Di Biase now its up to you to select a RAW team.

    Oh I almost Forgot, Randy Orton, John Cena I will be entering you both in the Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Holla Holla Holla Players

    Now Lets get the Action Started!

    SOS - Kofi Kingston

    Match 1 Kofi Kingston v Drew McIntye v John Morrison.
    This match features 3 of the Money in Bank Ladder Match competitors. Matt Stryker reminds us there are still two more places up for Grabs.

    All three men want to show they have the capability to win the MITB match. As the match begins Drew McIntyre talks smack to both Kofi and Jo Mo. This turned out to be a foolish move as Jo Mo and Kofi teamed up to beat down on Drew. They unleash a flurry of strikes and Drew is sent to the oustide. We then see Kofi and Morrison go one on one, as they continue to battle they forget about Drew. Kofi goes for and misses Trouble in Paradise opening himself up for Starship Pain. Morrison would miss the move as Drew pulled Kofi from the ring. Drew then jumped into the ring hit the Future Shock DDT and pinned Morrison to steal the win.


    Winner Drew McIntyre.


    As we return from the break Josh Matthews is with Rey Mysterio.


    Rey says he feels pretty good about that win and it was a nice confidence boost leading into his title defence against Evan Bourne. But he also feels very lucky, Lucky that he was able to coempete at all last week because
    Two weeks I he was violently attacked by the Nexus. I still feel pain in my ribs from Justin Gabriel hitting the 450 splash. Tonight Josh Teddy Long had a challenge for Ted Did Biase. Well I have a challenge for Justin Gabriel. Justin leave your Nexus Buddies hiding in the shadows and come to the ring to face me in a one on one match

    Match 2 Santino, Chris Masters and Michelle McCool v Natalya, Tyson Kidd and DH Smith
    Te match began with Chris Masters in the Ring versus Kidd. Santino for some reason decided his time was better spent joining the announce team. He tells us The Great Khali was menat to partner Masters but he was home in Persia so he was stepping in. Matt Stryker tried to tell Santino he should really be up on the ring apron if he was stepping in but realised Santino wouldn't listen. Back in the ring Masters was getting a good beat down by the Harts (To Santino's Shock!). Natalya eventually demanded to be tagged in and Tyson did as he was told. Michelle showed no interest in getting into the Ring but had no choice under the rules of the match so she tagged Masters straight back in. Smith and Kidd hit the Hart Attack for the win.

    Winners The Hart Dynasty

    After the match Santino couldn't see how he lost while Natalya was furious with Michelle. Santino told Natalya if she wanted a piece of Michelle she would have to wait for the PPV with the title on the line.

    Teddy Long is talking to MVP backstage. He promises MVP a MITB Qualifying Match. Shad Gaspard then storms in Teddy's office demanding another shot at the MITB match as he was at a disadvatage after what happened with Nexus Last week. Teddy Makes it Official, after the break it is MVP v Shad.

    ***** Commercial *****


    Match 3 - MVP v Shad - Money in the Bank Qualifying
    Shad unleashes his Power early in the match but his movement is restricted after the nexus attack last week. Noticing this MVP is able to use his speed to hit the 305 for the win.

    Winner and Qualifying for Money in the Bank - MVP

    Rey Mysterio makes his way to the Ring. As the Music for Nexus plays Justin Gabriel appears on the Titantron flanked by Nexus.
    Rey Mysterio two weeks ago you claimed to have repect for me. Rey if you had respect for me why is it that when the Smackdown Roster excluded me from the Locker Room you never tried to help me, in fact some could say you refused to Help. Well Tonight I refuse to compete. When I was on NXT and after signing with Smackdown I was treated like a fool by BWE officials and BWE superstars. When NXT started we agreed to look out for each other and make sure we all got contracts, so Just like Wade Barret, despite having a BWE contract already you won't see me compete till all nexus have contracts. Teddy Long we expect you to deliver....
    The screen then faded out into the Nexus N sign.


    **Commercial Break***.

    As we return JTG makes his way to the ring. Rey I so have repsect for you and I would be honoured if you would face me tonight and allow me to help you prepare for your Match with Evan Bourne. Rey accepts.

    Rey Mysterio V JTG
    A Great Cruiserweight match. Despite his hurting Ribs Rey Mysterio still pulls off many of his trade mark moves. JTG also showed his great potential hitting the Mug Shot.
    After Rey missed a cross body attempt he ended up holding his Ribs. In a surprising Moment JTG hesitated not wanting to add to Reys injury worries. Rey Used the hesitation to his advantage. As JTG went for Da Shout Out Rey would hit hit thr drop toe hold followed up with a 619 and Springboard Splash for the 1-2-3.

    Winner Rey Mysterio

    As the match ends Cole tells us despite Reys possible Injuries he is on a roll leading into the PPV.

    Its time for Intercontinental Champion Bryan Danielson.


    Intercontinental Champion Bryan Danielson (w Low Ki, Gallows and Serena) v Fit Finlay.
    This is a top class TV match full of Mat Based wretstling. Both men picking and working on a limb, Finlay on Danielsons Arm hoping to avoid Cattle Mutilation, Danielson on Finlays Knee to stop Finlay using his extra size. During the match The S.E.S remain seated at ringside, not becoming a distraction. Danielson eventually got the win with a sunset flip.

    Winner Bryan Danielson

    As Danielson and Finlay shake hands a video appear on the Titan Tron.
    Its CM Punk in a doctors surgery. The B sample came back positive? thats impossible doc, test it again there must be something else we can do to prove my innocence, the doc suggests a test on Punks Hair. As Punk runs his hands through his hair we hear him say I am DRUG FREE and I swear whoever did this to me.....

    When we return to the arena we again see a confused Straight Edge Society.

    Main Event World Champ Christian v Cena (Non Title) with Orton at Ringside
    Before the match starts we get another replay of Edge falling from the Ladder and going through a Table last week.
    Orton is again at ringside.
    After some back and forth action the competitors ended up outside the ring. Cena eventually threw Christian into the ring steps and then into the ring. Cena would then show off in Ortons face forgetting about the refs 10 count.

    Winner by Count out Christian.

    Cena in a fit of anger stomed the ring and tried to attack Christian, Orton followed stopping him.

    In the chaos Edge stormed the ring and tried to hit Christian witn a spear but Cena Pushed Orton off himself rigth into Edges path resulting in Orton Getting Speared. Cena then Grabbed the World Champ and hit an Attitude Adjustment before leaving the ring. Edge used the oppertunity to grab a hold of the World Title before placing it on the sprawled out Christian telling him he will be taking back the title at Money in the Bank.



    - WHC match: Christian (c) vs. Edge - Tables, Ladders and Chairs match
    - SD's Money in the Bank match - John Morrison vs. Low Ki vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Cena vs. Orton vs. TBD
    - Womens title - Natalya (c) vs. McCool
    - BWE championship match: Sheamus (c) vs Jack Swagger
    - Raw MITB match: The Miz vs. Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Ted Dibiase Jr vs. R-Truth (If fit) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Big Show vs. Kane
    - Cruiserweight championship match: Evan Bourne vs Rey Mysterio (c)
    - RAW v Smackdown Tag match: RAW team ???? vs Smackdown team Hart DYnasty

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to Monday night Raw we are coming to you live from the American airlines centre in Dallas, TX
    We open the show with GM Ted Dibiase coming to the ring he tells the crowd that this is going to be a huge week in the BWE with the MiTb PPV this sunday and speaking about MiTb tonight all 8 competers will be in a match up but before that he has a message for the group named Nexus he tells them no one makes demands on him he makes demands on others and if they interfere tonight they will be sorry and Teddy long on MiTb this Sunday the Hart Dynasty will have to face the real first family of the BWE the family that brought us Yokozuna, Umanga, The Rock and of course Rikishi plus much more stars I am talking about the Uso's.
    Zach Ryder Vs Yoshi Tatsu
    A very quick paced match with Yoshi getting in a lot of offence early on but Ryder is able to turn the tide and hits the zach attack out of nowhere for the win.

    Winner: Zach Ryder
    ***Commercial break***
    We are back from break and we have 4 of the 8 qualifiers for MiTb facing off with the Zig Show Vs The Carolina Connection.
    Carolina Connection Vs Zig Show
    R-Truth and Matt Hardy use some quick tags and work on Ziggler for the majority of the match all goes well on Ziggler tags in the Big Show who totally dominates both Hardy and Truth and finish comes when the Big Show hits the knockout hook on Truth and gets the pin while Ziggler was keeping Hardy busy.

    Winners: The Zig Show
    ***dont try this at home***

    Evan Bourne Vs Primo
    Evan Bourne looks very impressive in this his warm up for what no doubt will be another breath taking match against Mysterio and MiTb Primo is not at the races at all for this and Bourne takes the win after only 3 mins with his shooting star press.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    Miz / Chris Jericho Vs Kane & Ted Dibiase
    JR Comments that he looks like daddy dearest is taking care of his boy by teaming him with Kane tonight who is very impressive and dominates Miz and Jericho he even double choke slams both of them he then goes to tag in Dibiase who refuses the tag and gets of the apron pointing to his head as to say im too clever for this Kane is furios but does not see Miz come from behind to hit the skull crushing finale and he then tags in Jericho who slaps in the walls of Jericho until Kane taps out.

    Winners: The Miz and Chris Jericho.

    The Dudebusters Vs Regal & Kozlov
    This match up never really begins as the Nexus come down to the ring the Dudebusters are taken out pretty quickly by Slater, Tarver and Otunga while Barrett , Sheffield , Gabriel and Young work on Kozlov and Regal
    Kozlov gets thrown to the outside and Barrett and Sheffield give a clothesline after clothesline to Regal.
    Barrett grabs the mic and tells the crowd that Dibiase should be beggin the Nexus to sign for Raw before Teddy long finally grows a pair and offers them a contract with SD and they want an answer by next Monday or the war between SD and Raw will be nothing compared to the war Nexus rage on the BWE.
    ***promo for Mitb***
    Josh Matthews is joined backstage by the BWE Champion Sheamus he ask Sheamus for his thoughts for this Sundays MiTb match against Jack Swagger he grabs the mic of Matthews and tells him that fella do you think a twerp like Swagger who talks gammy can even get close to beating me well let me tell you this fella this Sunday at MiTb the all American American is going to get a good view of the floor while I wipe him with it.
    Jack Swagger Vs Cody Rhodes
    We are back and we can see Swagger looking up at the titantron he obviously saw the Sheamus interview and he does not look happy he takes it out on Cody Rhodes and totally pumbles him takes him to the outside throws him against the ring post and then to the steel steps the ref has no choice but to DQ swagger but he takes no notice Swagger looks demented and the show ends with Swagger pointing at Cody looking into the camera and says this will be you next week Sheamus.

    card for MitB PPV

    WHC TLC Match: Christian ( c ) Vs Edge

    BWE Title: Sheamus (c) Vs Jack Swagger

    SD Mitb Ladder Match: Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntrye Vs John Morrison Vs Low Ki Vs MVP Vs John Cena Vs Randy Orton Vs TBC

    Raw MitB Ladder Match: Miz Vs Chris Jericho Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Big Show Vs Matt Hardy Vs R-Truth Vs Ted Dibiase Jr Vs Kane

    Cruserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Vs Evan Bourne

    Raw Vs SD Tag match: The Hart Dynasty Vs The Uso's

    Womens title: Natalya Vs Michelle McCool

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    BWE Smackdown.

    Matt Stryker tells the audience on the opening that we are set for huge co- main event tonight. Christian and Edge will both have a warm up ahead of their TLC match at Money in the Bank this Sunday when they take on Randy Orton and John Cena in a non-title Tag Team Match. As well as that, we’re expecting plenty of one-upsmanship from the stars that have qualified for the Smackdown MitB Ladder Match. Finally, there is one last qualifying match for the chance to win the briefcase, details of which we are not sure of yet. All we can tell you is that Teddy Long has promised that this will ensure that the brand warfare is moved to a whole new plain.

    Edge arrives out to the Louisiana crowd. He tells them that for one night only, he will team up with his brother Christian but there will be no posing, no con-chairtos, no nothing. He’s got to be out for himself and keep himself focused for Sunday. He is interrupted by the reigning Tag Team Champions, John Cena and Randy Orton. They tell Edge that while they realize they have the same goal and that only one of them can win the MitB match, they are back on the same page for the evening in order to weaken the main eventers. The two of them approach the ring and Edge is looking a little worried but they are interrupted by the music of the boss, Mr. McMahon.


    He tells them that he doesn’t mean to interrupt their little fiasco but he’s here to address serious business in the form of the Nexus. He tells the WWE Universe that he doesn’t want things to get out of hand and that he has signed all members of the faction up on a year-long contract. He also announces that Nexus members will take part in parts of Money in the Bank. The team of Skip Sheffield and David Otunga will partake in the number one contender’s match for the WWE Unified Tag Team Championships. Furthermore, Justin Gabriel will be added to the Cruiserweight Title Match while Bryan Danielson will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Heath Slater. These conditions have been granted under the understanding that no Nexus star will attack a member of the locker room without provocation. The Nexus are not signed to any particular brand at the moment and that will be for the two General Managers to work out between them. He thanks the crowd for listening and departs.
    Back in the ring, Edge has smartly left through the crowd as Orton and Cena stare at him from the centre of the arena.

    Match One: The Hart Dynasty v Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer

    The Hart Dynasty arrive to a huge ovation. It’s a handy little warm up for them though. After some early dominance from Archer on Kidd, Smith gets tagged in and manages to turn the tables. They pick up the victory courtesy of the Hart Attack.

    Winners: The Hart Dynasty

    After the match, they salute the Smackdown audience who give them a standing ovation. Caught off guard though, they are ambushed by the Uso brothers who beat them down. Archer and Hawkins look on and do nothing. Our commentators curse the Raw invaders and wonder why Archer and Hawkins do nothing.


    *Raw Rebound*

    Teddy Long is backstage being interviewed. When asked if he is concerned about Raw getting one up on them, he says not at all.
    “Playa, let me tell you somethin’. There’s a man on Raw who’s undergone some grave injustices the past few months. A superstar who’s ready for a fresh start but also an opportunity to get back at the people who stabbed him in the back. I’ve managed to secure this man and this steal will have my good buddy Mr. DiBiase losing sleep. When asked who he is talking about, he tells him that he’ll just have to wait and see like everybody else.

    Match Two: Drew McIntyre v MVP

    A decent showing from both but late on the match, Drew appears to fall awkwardly on his ankle. He pleads for mercy from MVP who seems skeptical. Rightly so too as Drew rakes the eyes and then hits Futureshock for the win.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre.

    Afterwards, he laughs to himself briefly but stares at the briefcase above the ring as we fade into a commercial.


    In the locker room, the Hart Dynasty, still reeling from the attack of the Usos, approach Archer and Hawkins and slate them. They say that if they’ve any pride in the blue brand then they’ll cop on to themselves. The two of them scatter quickly as the Hart’s are confronted by Skip Sheffield and David Otunga. They scream at them that they deserve to be in the Tag Team match on Sunday and that management would do well to recognize that. The Hart’s respond by saying that they earn everything they get by merit, not by jumping people. A staredown commences as we are brought back to ringside.

    Match Three: Bryan Danielson v Rey Mysterio

    A non-title match up that is a 5-star performance from both. Towards the climax, Mysterio is knocked to the outside when suddenly, the titantron plays a clip. It’s CM Punk with a message for the world. He assures the crowd again of his innocence and says that he is in the process of getting evidence to prove his innocence and that when he gets to the bottom of this, there will be hell to pay. As Danielson is distracted, Mysterio plants him on the ropes, hits the 619 followed by a hurracanrana into a pinfall for the victory.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio


    Danielson looks on bemused as Mysterio holds his cruiserweight title aloft. Will he still have it come Sunday?

    When we come back from the break, GM Teddy Long arrives to the ring in the Smackdown colours. He looks quite pleased with himself. He tells the audience that this new asset of Friday nights is also the final contestant in the Smackdown MitB match. However, he is interrupted by Drew McIntyre. Drew says nobody cares about some mediocre signing and that whoever it is can just forget about winning the match because it’s written in the stars for him to do so. All of a sudden, the arena goes dark.

    The pop is unimaginable. As he makes his way slowly to the ring, McIntyre shouts at Long ‘Are you f*cking kidding me?’ McIntyre goes for HHH but is caught in the act. After a facebuster, the crowd shouts PEDIGREE and he delivers. Teddy Long announces him as SmackDown’s final entrant in the MitB match. HHH grabs the microphone aggressively and says ‘Swagger, don’t think you’ve gotten off the hook just because I’m not on the same show as you. I’m waging war against you and every rotten employee of the Raw brand.’ He drops the microphone, shakes Long’s hand and raises his hands to a large ovation.

    *Vault Segment involving Jimmy Wang Yang being brilliant*


    Main Event: Randy Orton & John Cena v Edge & Christian

    Christian and Orton begin in the ring but it’s not looking too bright for the champ as Cena and Orton manage to keep him over to their side of the ring. Christian valiantly battles his way back into the match and floors Cena with an Enziguiri. As he inches closer to the tag though, Edge backs away out of reach. Orton comes towards him but Christian hits a drop toe-hold to send him flying into Edge. Christian then tags Edge in himself before rolling out of the ring. Orton is able to recover and hit an RKO.

    Winners: Randy Orton & John Cena

    As Orton raises his hand, Cena is stalking him. He hits an Attitude Adjustment on his partner and smiles. He points at Christian and then signals that the belt will be around his waist soon. All of a sudden though, The Game, HHH is behind him. He Pedigrees Cena before smirking at Christian as the show draws to a close.


    MiTB PPV

    WHC TLC Match: Christian ( c ) Vs Edge

    BWE Title: Sheamus (c) Vs Jack Swagger

    SD Mitb Ladder Match: Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntrye Vs John Morrison Vs Low Ki Vs MVP Vs John Cena Vs Randy Orton Vs Triple H

    Raw MitB Ladder Match: Miz Vs Chris Jericho Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Big Show Vs Matt Hardy Vs R-Truth Vs Ted Dibiase Jr Vs Kane

    Cruserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Vs Evan Bourne Vs Justin Gabriel

    Raw Vs SD Tag match: The Hart Dynasty Vs The Uso's Vs Skip Sheffield & David Otunga

    Womens title: Natalya Vs Michelle McCool

    IC Title Match: Brian Danielson V Heath Slater

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    The PPV intro starts with a rundown of classic MitB moments, including Jeff Hardy's dive on to Edge that breaks the ladder at Mania 23, Benjamin's dive at Mania 24 and 25 and a collage of all MitB winners cashing in and winning the title. We also see previews of Sheamus/Swagger and Edge vs Christian in a TLC match for the WHC. The intro ends with both Raw's and SD's MitB briefcases swaying together with the announcer asking "Which 2 superstars will climb the ladder to glory??"


    "And now, Criss Angel's Mindfreak presents... BWE Money in the Bank". A series of pyro goes off and we are LIVE at the Sprint Center in Kansas City for BWE Money in the Bank. We hear JR's voice greet us with "A total of over 19,000 fans have packed out the Sprint Center to make history here at the 1st ever Money in the Bank PPV. Tonight,


    We see that Raw GM Ted DiBiase is in the ring with a contract in his hand. "For those who didn't see the second rate show in WWE this past Friday, here's a clip of what happend. We see a clip of Triple H on SmackDown declaring war on Swagger and the Raw brand. We come back to the arena and see DiBiase smiling. "Triple H, how stupid do you think I look. What you did on Friday was just plain stupid. I think you forgot to realise that when I came in as Raw general manager back at Survivor Series last year, I made every member of the Raw roster sign new and updated contracts. In it, it stated that no superstar can appear/join the SmackDown roster without written consent of Raw GM, Ted DiBiase. Just because you went over to SD doesn't mean your a SmackDown superstar. I've told BWE management about this and they have agreed that you're still a Raw superstar. Now, firstly Triple H, you're out of SD's MitB match. That's not to only punishment because, for your little outburst on SD about Raw, I'm suspending you until further notice." DiBiase's music plays as he leaves the ring.

    SD's Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntrye Vs John Morrison Vs Low Ki Vs M.V.P Vs John Cena Vs Randy Orton

    All of them make their way out. The SD commentator's still cant get over Raw GM Ted DiBiase's announcement. Striker notes that "now, all the focus is on a small blue briefcase hanging above the ring that has the power to change a man's future".The bell rings and chaos ensues. Kofi goes after Drew, Low Ki attacks M.V.P while Orton and Cena are attacking Jo Mo. Cole and Grisham note how Cena and Orton are still performing as a team while Striker quickly mentions the distention between them. It’s not long before all of them are outside the ring beating the daylights out of each other.The first ladder comes into play when McIntyre charges at Kofi, only for M.V.P to cut him off via a ladder. The action is at a frantic pace with all 7 men giving it their all. Some highlight's include Kofi delivering a splash from on top of a ladder to Cena, Orton, McIntyre, M.V.P and Low Ki. Jo Mo climbs up a ladder and delivers a beautiful moonsault onto everyone on the outside causing all 7 men to be down.

    Both Kofi Kingston and John Morrison are loving this high risk environment. Striker notes that Morrison said to him earlier that he feels as comfortable on top of a ladder as he does on the ground. A couple of minutes in and Low Ki brings in a ladder and is the 1st to try to reach for the briefcase but Orton stops him. Cena makes a climb but doesn't get too far as Kofi stops him. McIntyre brings in another ladder and begins to climb. M.V.P goes after McIntyre while Orton and Jo Mo go up the other ladder. All 4 men are reaching for the title when Cena pushes both ladders, causing Orton to fall to the outside, Jo Mo to be hung on the ropes, M.V.P to crash down and McIntyre to also fall to the outside. Cena makes a climb up but this time, Kofi and Low Ki climb up with Cena. Kofi and Low Ki deliver a suplex on Cena from the top of the ladder. All 7 men are down.

    The action continues with Kofi hitting the Trouble in Paradise on to M.V.P. Kofi turns around to be hit by an RKO from nowhere. Outside the ring, Low Ki is setting up a ladder that lie's from the ring apron onto the Spanish announcer's desks. While we see Low Ki setting these up, in the ring, Kofi climbs only for Cena to throw him straight off the ladder. Kofi lands awkwardly on his right shoulder and rolls out of the ring. Medical personal take him to to the back and we seem to be don to 6. Jo Mo is facing off against Orton while McIntyre and Cena are both fighting on the ladder. Low Ki rolls in and pushes the ladder down, causing both of them to fall off. Low Ki rolls back outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out a 20 foot high ladder. Striker laughs just looking at Low Ki next to a 20ft ladder. Low Ki pushes the ladder in and sets it up over in the corner. Low Ki climbs as the commentators note on how stupid is it to put a ladder nowhere near the briefcase. Outside the ring, McIntyre and M.V.P are Fighting. M.V.P hits paydirt out've nowhere. He rolls McIntyre on to the Ladder. Low Ki looks at the briefcase, McIntyre on the ladder and then the crowd. Low Ki jumps towards McIntyre and hits the Warrior's stomp onto McIntyre, causing the Ladder to snap into 2. We see variable angles of this and Striker cursing how Low Ki ruined his chances.

    Back in the ring, Orton's gone on a bit of a rampage. He sets up the ladder in the corner and whips Cena into it, causing Cena to bounce back out from the impact into a pele kick from Jo Mo. Kofi emerges back into the match with a tapped-up shoulder. Kofi hit's the S.O.S on Cena as Jo Mo climbs to the top rope. Jo Mo hits Starship Pain on Cena. M.V.P is back in and hits the drive-by kick on Orton, knocking him to the outside. In the ring, M.V.P and Jo Mo go up for the briefcase. M.V.P touches the case, knocking it around. Jo Mo catches the case on the rebound and hits it against M.V.P. M.V.P is clearly stunned and Jo Mo hits a kick right to the back of the head, knocking him off the ladder. Kofi slowly makes his way up and Morrison is struggling to unhook it. Jo Mo looks like he has it but Kofi slams his head into the top of the ladder. Kofi holds Jo Mo down and tries to reach above to get the briefcase. Kofi looks to have it but Low Ki jumps from the top-rope and hits a missile drop kick onto the ladder, causing it to buckle and eventually snap. Jo Mo and Kofi both land in a heap on the outside with Low Ki clearly limping in pain after what he's gone through.

    Low Ki gets the 20 ft ladder and begins to set it up. He slowly is making his way up the ladder. Step by step, getting closer to the briefcase. He gets to the top and is trying to reach the briefcase. Orton rolls back in and pushes the ladder. Low Ki falls to the outside while the ladder leans back of the ropes. Orton sets up the ladder, looks up at the case and begins to climb. The crowd are going insane as Randy Orton is going to become SD's Mr Money in the Bank. However, the cheers go to boo's and the Nexus invade the match. Otunga, Sheffield and Slater all beat down on Orton with rains of punches. Barrett lifts Orton up and hits his finisher which Striker informs us is called the Wastelands. Gabriel goes to the top rope and hits a 450 onto Orton. Nexus look around the ring. Everybody is down. They focus their attention onto Cena. They roll Cena onto the ring. Slater and Young hold Cena up while Sheffield is in position to hit the clothesline. They throw Cena towards Sheffield but don't let go. Barrett walks over to Cena, points at the ladder and tells him to climb. Cena has a smirk on his face as he begins to climb. Barrett tells Gabriel and Young to hold the ladder while Otunga, Sheffield, Slater and Tarver keep watch to make sure no-one gets in the ring. Cena is on top of the ladder and unhooks the briefcase


    Winner - John Cena

    Cena looks down towards Nexus, clutching the case. Nexus applaud Cena. Cena gets down from the ladder and nods towards the Nexus as they leave through the audience. Cena holds his briefcase high as we see some of the highlights from the match

    Music plug: "The BWE wishes to thank I Fight Dragons for "Money". It's the official theme song to Money in the Bank and it's off the EP: "Cool is Just a Number", available now on iTunes."


    Bryan Danielson is in the ring flanked by Serena and Gallows, CM Punk your absence from the Straight Edge Society has proven that you were the cancer that riddled us, you were just like the pushers and enablers that you so vocally ridicule and despise. But you see Punk, we've proven that not only are we better than you, but this group is indeed bigger than you, so im willing to extend my hand to you in your darkest hour, and offer you the chance at redemption. Im offering you the opportunity to rejoin Straight Edge, and prove that we, are all human, that we all make mistakes,and that we are virtuous enough to forgive you Punk, and now you can show us all that your on the road to recovery and that Straight Edge saved you Punk, Straight Edge made you a better man, than you could in reality have ever been.. Grasp this chance with both hands Punk, earn the respect of the BWE universe, prove to them all that you are no longer a joke..

    So on to more pressing matters since Heath Slater and his Nexus lowlife scum, havent got the honor or respect to compete in they're respective matches tonight, im issuing an open challenge to everyone in the BWE, come down here and i'll put my title on the line.. And believe me when i say this, you'll Tap or Snap, Serana and Gallows high five Danielson as he warms up in the ring..

    When suddenly the music of CM Punk is played and all 3 SES members look shocked in the ring, Danielson awaits Punk, when out of nowhere the former Straight Edge Saviour hits the GTS and covers Danielson.. 1... 2... 3..

    Winner and New BWE Intercontinental Champion.. CM Punk


    Punk grabs the title and hightails it from the ring, He grabs a microphone from Justin Roberts "After everything i did for the 3 of you, this is how you repay me? I saved the 3 of you from your own medicocrity, i saved the 3 of you from a life of sin..And this is what you do to me? Im an innocent man, and I have the proof, GM Long has given me full reinstantment to the roster, and I'll prove that im still better than you 3 hypocrites, and i'll find the person, who set me up because, Im Straight Edge and dont you fu*king ever forget it.." CM Punk celebrates with the title as the BWE Universe are clearly shocked..

    In a backstage Interview Michelle (Accompanied b Santino) is asked some questions by Josh Matthews. As Josh asks about Michelle's game plan Santino phone rings, instead of silencing it he takes the call and walks away.
    Josh I know in an all out Brawl or technical bout Natalya has advantages over me, if she locks in the sharpshooter I will have an tough task winning. But I have an advantage of my own, I can outsmart Natalya and I have a plan for how to win.

    World Tag Team Title Match.. The Uso's Vs The Hart Dynasty

    Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are giving us the commentary for this Smackdown Vs Raw match before it begins we see a promo of the legacy of both families who now collide, the match has a very fast pace with the Uso showing plenty of promise with fast tags and smack talking the harts, They both double team Tyson kid for what seems a eternity he eventually tags in DH SMith but the ref never saw it as Tamina was distracting him Natalya attacks her outside and Kidd is finally able to tag in Smith who cleans house, when Jimmy Uso gets back in the ring he continues to dominate him and he tags in Tyson Kidd who takes out Jules Uso before hitting the hart attack on Jimmy Uso and the win.


    Winner: 7.42 The Hart Dynasty

    SummerSlam promo: "Ladies and gentlemen, next time we see you on PPV will be from Staples Center in Los Angeles for the 23rd annual SummerSlam event. Trust me, you don't want to miss the biggest event of the summer, BWE SummerSlam, August 15th, only on PPV"


    Natalya Womens Champion v Micheel McCool w Santino.

    As the match is about to Start Santino takes Justin Roberts Microphone and thinking he has done Michelle a favour announces this match will now be a submission match!


    Michelle is shocked as the match is started and Natalya is easily able to over power Michelle. Working on Michelles back with a series of power moves she sets about locking in the Sharpshooter. Michelle to her Credit is able to avoid the move spinning her hips into a pin combination but this is no use!

    Natalya continues to work on Michelle Locking in a Surfboard.

    Michelle enentually escapes when Santino, Not for the First Time tries to distract the Referee. Natalya tired of distractions releases the hold and baseball slides Santino into the guard rail.

    Natalya uses the distraction to try and lock in her knee lock but Natalya proves too strong and is able to shake off the hold.

    Natalya then locks in the Sharpshooter, but as she is about to Tap Layla El enters the ring and hits Natalya with the heel of her boot across the head. As this is a submission match the referee can't DQ McCool. McCool then locks in a modified Triangle Choke on Natalya who is out cold. The referee has no choice but to award the win to Michelle.

    We have a NEW Womens Champion, Michelle McCool.


    As Michelle, Santino and Layla Celebrate JR talks about how Santino really did do the Empress a favour getting the match changed

    In the Back, Swagger interrupts an interview that Josh Matthews is conducting with the Irishman. Swagger tells him to polish the belt for him as it’s going back around his waist. Sheamus laughs in his face, saying that he’s not worried in the slightest. He then tells him that he wont have Stephanie to fight his battles for him tonight either. Swagger responds but is interrupted when Sheamus shouts ‘Alri Hunter what’s the story bud?’ Swagger jumps with the fright but then realizes that Sheamus was just pulling his leg. Sheamus then gets serious and tells Swagger that he should focus on the immediate threat at hand, his Pump Kick knocking his teeth out.

    Cruiserweight Title Match.. Rey Mysterio vs Evan Bourne..

    Both men very sportingly start the bout with a hand-shake but it does not take long to break down with Mysterio and Bourne exchanging arm drags then kicks to the legs, Mysterio takes upper hand with a flying crossbody and then a roundhouse kick to the head, Bourne is not down for long though and hits a hurricrana while rey was sitting on top rope then a roundhouse kick of his own he quickly climbs the rope and goes for air bourne Rey was just able to roll out though Bourne goes between middle rope to catch breath holding his ribs Rey though hits the 619 and then droppin da dime for the pin.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio


    BWE Championship Match: Sheamus v Jack Swagger

    Sheamus enters to a good reception as the pseudo-face in this match. The crowd obviously responded well to his promo earlier on in the evening. Swagger gets plenty of heat and deservedly so for the way that he’s conducted himself over the last few months. However, he seems to have cleared his head as he takes the fight to the champion early on. He tries to keep the Celtic Warrior on the ground, typical of the All American-American. Sheamus manages to overpower him eventually though and gets a burst of adrenaline to do some damage to the back of the challenger, hitting the Irish Curse in the process for a close 2-count. On all fours, Swagger slyly takes the turnbuckle protection off the middle rope in the corner. He attempts to whip Sheamus into it but it’s reversed. Sheamus sizes him up and plants a perfect Pump Kick to floor Swagger.

    Winner and still BWE Champion: Sheamus


    After the match, Sheamus holds the title aloft. Suddenly though, the lights go dark and HHH’s music hits. He makes his way to the ring with a sledgehammer. He stares at Sheamus who gladly steps aside, he’s not his target right now anyway. Sheamus leaves the arena and HHH waits for Swagger to get to his feet. He bursts him open with the sledgehammer and leaves him motionless in the ring before removing his leather jacket to sport a SmackDown t-shirt.
    Raw MitB Ladder Match
    : Miz Vs Chris Jericho Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Big Show Vs Matt Hardy Vs R-Truth Vs Ted Dibiase Jr Vs Kane

    Ted Di Biase is the final competitor to make his way to the ring. He is accompanied to the ring by The Perfect Son Joe Henning who is carrying a Gold Brief Case of his own.

    Early in the match Kane and Big Show find themselves under attck by the other competitors. But they repel the challenge and send the other competitors outside. Somehow during a tussle they both find themselves on the ring apron. Then Dolph Ziggler jumped up behind Kane and hit the Zig Zag on Kane from the ring Apron.

    Kane is down at ringside but Dolph also hurt himself. Ziggler landed hard on his left Arm. Big Show checks on his tag Partner but he has to ask one of the ring side referees to get the Trainers for Dolph. As the other competitors regrouped the action continues in and around the ring while Dolph (Not for the firts time) is escorted away from the ladder match. The King reminds us not to try and replicate anything yopu read about tonight at Home or at Play.

    Di Biase and Truth battle on the outside of the ring.

    In the ring Miz would suffer a twist of fate before Jericho hit the Code Breaker on Hardy. Oustide the ring The Perfect Son Joe Hennig who tries to interfere in the match is choke slammed by Kane.

    There are people down all around the ring and Big Show is suddenly by Himself. He sets up two ladders and tries to climb both ladders. As he does so Ted Di Biase with the Golden Brief Case slides into the ring. Show steps down and Ted Offers him the Golden case if he makes sure Ted Wins. Just as he does this Matt Hardy re enters the ring and Big Show send him flying outside the ring straight onto Kane. Show tells Di Biase to get a move on so Ted climbs the ladder. As he reaches the top and goes for the Contract Show grabs Teds throat and hits a huge Chokeslam in the ring.

    Show sets the ladders back into position and begins to climb, Miz and Truth come Back into the ring and knock show off the ladders. The thump of the 480lb Big Show hitting the Matt echoes around the arena, Show rolls to the outside.

    The Miz and R-Truth fight as they climb either side of a ladder and continue to battle at the top. Jericho sets up another Ladder and climbs to the top. As Miz now tries to knock Jericho off the Ladder Truth Looks at the Briefcase then Looks at the Miz. Truth Grabs the US Champion and Hits a Neckbreaker from high up on the Ladder taking Himself and his long time tormentor the Miz out.

    Chris Jericho is left alone at the top of a ladder in the Centre of the ring, as he looks down at the fallen Miz and Truth he is left with the simple task of claiming the MITB Brief Case.


    Winner RAW Money in the Bank Contract: Chris Jericho
    A promo is shown before the Match, showing the storied history, between these former friends and partners. From their Tag Team days, to their original TLC tag matches, Edges first victory in MiTB and cashing it in on John Cena, Christian's victory in the MiTB match at this years Wrestlemania, and cashing it in that night, the promo is ending with the famous Mick Foley line of "Tables, Ladders and Chairs.. Oh My!"

    BWE World Heavyweight Championship.. Tables,Ladders and Chairs Match.. Edge vs Christian..

    "You think you know me......" Edge is making his way out first to a good reaction from the BWE universe, followed by Christian, and "The Peeps are clearly out in force tonight" says Micheal Cole. as Christian comes out to a massive reaction..

    Both men lock up, as the BWE WHC hangs from the rafters above them. Edge is throw in to the ring rope, and goes for the early Spear but Christian manages to leap frog Edge and counters into a spinning kick to the face. He hits the massive dropkick and follows up with the crossbody, Christian rolls out of the ring and grabs the first chair he sees, Christian poses with the chair and get a massive roar from the BWE crowd, Christian goes for the conchairto but Edge manges to roll out of the way, and hits Christian with a barrage of punches, kicks and chops. Edge rolls out of the ring, grabs a ladder and places it directly below the belt, he slowly assends the ladder, and somehow Christian follows him up there, both men punch each other on the very top of the ladder. But Christian grabs Edge and hits the Killswitch from the top of the ldder, "My God both men are dead" screams Cole. After what seems like a lifetime both men begin to slowly get up, with Christian the first one to get up and he slowly climbs the ladder, unhooks the title and celebrates on top of the ladder..

    Winner and Still BWE World Heavyweight Champion.. Christian.

    The arena goes to black and Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring with the Money in the Bank briefcase, he slowly walks up the ramp, with a massive look of arrongant satisfaction, Jericho finally steps into the ring, grabs a microphone

    "Christian, Christian, Christian, tonight i could take away from your momentary feeling of happiness, i could take away your fleeting feeling of success, but guess what? that would be too easy, that would be too obvious" Christian slowly climbs down from the ladder, and is inches from Jericho's face "Instead im going to cash this in the moment you least expect it, Im the best in the world at what i do, and when i cash this in on you i'll prove..." before he finishes the sentence he hits Christian over the head with the briefcase and grabs the title, the closing image of Money in the Bank is Chris Jericho with the World Heavyweight Title in one hand, and the Briefcase in the other...

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    JR And Jerry Lawlor welcome us to Raw and talk about how anything can happen in the BWE, a fact which was emphasised last night at BWE's first ever Money in the Bank PPV. They then show a brief recap which runs down the events of the previous night. When this is finished airing we are treated to an unexpected surprise as the Music of Smackdowns WHC Christian plays as the blue brands champ makes his way out to the ring to a mixed reactio, half shock and confusion, half popping like mad.

    Christian talks about how its good to see all his Raw peeps again and how now that he is here Raw finally has a credable world champion on the show but states that neither of those are the reason he is here tonight against the orders of his GM Teddy Long. He says the answer to that one is simple, a Raw superstar got in his face at the money in the bank pay per view after he succesfully defended his championship in a TLC match and that he is here to call that man out. Therefore he says without further time wasting "Chris Jericho" im calling you out.

    After a short while waiting for a response chirstian continues to bait the hook for Jericho. He says that at wrestlemania Chris Jericho walked in the World Heavyweight Champion but when all was said and done that night it was he Christian that walked out with the gold. He then says that if Jericho wishes to emulate him and cash in the money in the bank contract to get that title back then now is the time!

    another few seconds pass but eventually we here an entrance theme, but its not Jericho's music. It's the theme for Nexus instead as Wade Barett makes his way out, with David Otunga by his side. Barett ponders if christian was expecting someone else, perhaps his former NXT pro but no now he has got Nexus to deal with. He says that Christian made a big mistake coming here tonight, That Nexus are still looking to prove a point and that he has just given them an apportunity. Just then as Barett and Ortunga reach ringside the rest of Nexus come from different angles through the crowd and blindside Christian knocking him to the mat. Then as he tries to get to his feet he is caught by a big clothesline from Darren Young. Then Otunga hits a spinebuster on him before Barett delivers a fireman's carry slam. Then as Barett is procuring himself a mic Justin Gabriel adds the ! with a 450° splash.

    Barett with the WHC in a broken mess on the floor then states that despite what people are thinking with regards what happened with The Nexus and John Cena last night, they are not attached to the Smackdown brand. The Winds of change have come now and as promised we will continue to make an impact until one of the GMs sees the light and the true power of The Nexus and gives us our rightfull BWE contracts and Respect. He then simply drops the mike as they collectivley exit the ring leaving Christian still lying motionless in the ring.

    Backstage segment---

    Stephanie McMahon is backstage with Jack Swagger for the first time since her attack, she is still visable the worse for wear since the incident. She says that for the 1000th time she didnt see her attacker and suggests that Jack should focus on tonights just announced main event where Swagger will face off against both the main he faced at the PPV last night BWE champion Sheamus and the new Mr Money in the bank Chris Jericho! just as swagger starts talking about the match Steph recieves a phone call and the expression on her face drops as if she has just seen a ghost. She says it was HHH and that he told her to get out of town because he's coming, tonight!

    We return to the ring as Matt Hardy & R-Truth are making their entrance. The Commentators talk about the news they just heard about HHH and Nexus taking out SDs WHC already tonight and say that the night is only beginning cos things arent slowing down with this big tag team match to start out the in ring action. Just as they say this Kane's Music hits and the big Red Machine makes his way out to the ring. He has a microphone in his hand but he keeps his words short. He says that he knows that Sheamus fears him, that he didnt want to face him at Money in The Bank and that he doesent want to face him now, but believe this he says "I will be the next BWE champion" Then he lifts up his arms and bring them down violently as his Pyros go off. As they do the arena goes black and we find out who Kanes tag team partner is tonight when [bThe Undertaker[/b] emrges.

    The Carolina Connection vs The Brothers of destruction

    Hardy & Truth give a valiant effort in this but Kane & Taker are simply too much and without squashing their opponents make quick work of them. Taker delivers a Chokeslam on Truth, tags out then Keep Hardy at bay while Kane puts the final nail in the coffin with a tombstone for the victory.

    Winners: The Undertaker & Kane

    Jack Swagger storms into The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase's office ranting and raving about HHH. Dibiase calms him though reminding him that HHH has been susppended for turning up on SD plus that he already has security on the lookout for Hunter, He says there is no way HHH will be here tonight. He then diverts the conversation towards his ongoing feud with SD and their GM Teddy Long. He says that Raw took a beating at MITB and that now the cruiser and Tag titles are smackdown exclusive titles leaving the only male champions on Raw as Sheamus and The Miz. He says this can not continue and asks Swaggers opinion on which tag teams he thinks are worthy to be sent to SD so as to bring back the gold.

    the Miz comes out with a microphone in hand and reiterates Dibiase's point about him being one of only two men to hold championship gold on Raw at the moment and starts to elaborate on why that is but before he even gets to refer to himself as being Awesome he is interupted by his opponent tonight Evan Bourne

    Evan Bourne vs The Miz

    Bourne doesent seem on his game tonight a fact that the commentators pick up on suggesting that perhaps losing his rematch for the cruiserweight title last night at MITB was playing on his mind. despite that during a brief period of dominance he actually looks like he could put The Miz away as he goes for a SSP. The Miz has this scouted however anc rolls out of the way at the last second. Bourne is in huge pain and stumbles all around the ring grasping his chest but unfortunatley for him he also leaves him wide open and The Miz takes advantage delivering the Skull Crushing finale for the win.

    Winner: The Miz

    Backstage segment----

    Chris Jericho Is warming up for his match tonight, his money in the bank briefcase in clear view behind him, when Ted Dibiase Jr flanked by The Perfect Son Joe Hennig enter the dressing room. Dibiase congratulates Jericho on his voctory in the MITB ladder match, a match he says he intended on winning himself. However he says this can still be a win win situation for both he and Jericho. He says that he is the man with real money in the bank, and says that Jericho can name his price for that suitcase. Surprisingly Jericho doesent dismiss this offer, he says that although the parasites in the audience dont know respect who dibise is, he does. However he says this discussion will have to be put on ice for the moment as he has a match tonight that will prove that he should be no.1 contender, MITB contract or not and that that match needs his attension at the moment.

    Cody Rhodes comes down to the ring and updates the BWE audience of the status of his brother Dustin "Goldust" Rhodes. He says that Goldust will be out of action for atleast 1 more week but as much as a travesty that was it has actually given him an opportunity. He says that now he will complete a vow he made to himself that and be the man to take the Million Dollar title from him now that he is back on Raw. After referring to how Dibiase trying to buy a championship shot off Jericho makes him sick he saus "Ted Get out here!" and within moments his former partner Ted Dibiase Jr comes out, once more flanked by The Perfect son Joe Hennig. Ted says that Cody has done nothing to deserve a shot at his Million Dollar championship, a title too many, his father included have forgotten he has but that if he wants to prove his worth why not try and end the perfect undesputed streak tonight, if you can do that maybe ill give you a shot. "You got it" says Cody and we have our match.

    Cody Rhodes vs Joe Hennig w/Ted Dibiase

    Cody is hugely impressive in this match up but dibiase is a constant distraction throughout. Eventually his presence gets to be too much and Cody tries to attack him only for the referee to physically restrain him pushing him back into the ring. This push actually sends him right into Hennigs path and a Perfect plex follows as Hennig gets the 3 count and continues hisperfect winning streak since coming to Raw. Cody is left not knowing who to blame , Dibiase, The ref or even himself.

    Winner: Joe Hennig

    Backstage segment----
    a pleased looking Melina is seen backstage leaving Ted Dibiase Sr's office but gets a shock as she walks straight into Wade Barett who makes his way intothe GMs office an questions him on if the exus will be recieving contract offers soon. He says that he knows Dibiase must have seen what happend to the Smackdown WHC Christian tonight (he also eludes that The Nexus were also behind the attack on Batista several weeks back) and that he would hate to see the same fate befall a member of the Raw roster, say your son. Dibiase almost squares up to him after this remark and tells him how he disagrees with the tactics the Nexus continue to employ and that he does not want his Raw associated with that. However he then softens his stance as he does conceed that they have made him sit up and take notice and with the fact that Teddy Long may try to one up him by signing them up does mean he cant rule that out. Just then Teds office phone rings and the meeting is quickly ended with Dibiase siting a security issue he has to deal with but saying that "this isnt over".

    Before this match the commentators remind everyone at home of how the GM stated the purpose behind this match was to find a team suitable of going to Smackdown to retrieve the tag team titles

    The Zig Show vs The Uso's

    The Uso's start this bout fast and employ some great double team moves whilst trying their best to isolate Ziggler who despite an early bit of momentum was finding going tough. Eventually however Ziggler is able to tag in The Big Show and the mood suddenly changes. Show dominates and despite being a face truely shows the monstorous poerhouse he can be. eventually he gets the win by going for a Chokeslam on one of the Uso's which forces the other to run in to try and help only to find himself the second part of a double chokeslam.

    Winners: The Zig Show

    *The SD rebound airs showing the New straight Edge Society, this is then mixed in with the image of CM Punk returning to the BWE last night and surprisngly winning the Intercontinental title from Bryan Danielson.
    ---Promo airs suggesting Bret Hart will be at Summerslam----

    Melina Is being interviewed. She talks about how angry she about how not only was her match for the Divas at the MITB PPV bumped to the exclusive preshow slot but that during that match Alicia Fox Feigned an Injury (or so Melina suggests Jr later states). However she states that after speaking to the Raw GM tonight she is glad to announce that that match take place again next week when she says she will take her title back from a fully fit soon to be former champion Alicia Fox.

    As the interview ends Justin roberts spots the BWE Champion Sheamus exiting his dressing room and try to grab a quick word. Sheamus is annoyed that Roberts is blocking his way and asking him about Kane and rippes the microphone out of his grasp. He then simply states that he doesent care which fellah claims to be coming for him, he's the champ and that if you watch tonights main event you will know exactley whythat is. Before leaving he signs out by simply stating "I fear no man".

    Sheamus vs Jericho vs Swagger /HHH interferance

    This one is is a classic triple threat, going back and forth with each man looking like they could win and the extra man always just about being able to break up any pin attempt from the other two. That is however until HHH's music hits an Jack Swagger is totally taken off his game. Hunter can be seen making his way through the crowd and this is the moment Jericho trys to take advantage by hitting a Codebreaker on the distracted Swagger. Unfortunatley for Jericho all that meant is there was no extra man around to break up the pin when Sheamus deliverd his big bicycle kick to him momests later.

    Winner: Sheamus

    Sheamus celebrates but like chris Jericho quickly exits up the ramp, leaving Swagger who is just getting back to his alone in the ring. HHH is upon him immediatley with a number of big right hands and then a spinebuster. He then ushers Swagger to his feet as the crowd call for a Pedigree. Then much to their delight he delivers not one, but two pedigrees to the all American American Jack Swagger before posing above him and in doing so revealing that he is once again sporting a blue SD shirt beneath his leather jacket.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown we start the night with Teddy Long already in the ring he starts to speak about what happened last Monday night when he warned Christian to stay away from Raw as he knew what would happen the those cretins Nexus would get involved well tonight brother your going to face Smackdowns newest signing who has been a free agent since Wrestlemania.
    He also tells the crowd that he has invited HHH to tonights show but unfortuantly he will not be able to compete but will be backstage checking out his future competition and John Cena after your actions at MiTb Randy Orton is not able to compete tonight ye have been stripped of your tag team titles and you are suspended for the night.
    ***commercial break***

    Hawkins & Archer Vs Master & Khali

    A very entertaining match up not least because Michelle McCool and Layla are at ringside cheering on the Roman Empire colleages but this also helps to distract in particular Archer who cant seem to stop looking at Layla this give the Great Khali the chance to lock in the Khali vice grip and its all over

    Winners: The Great Khali & Chris Masters

    Backstage and we see Triple H with his Smackdown shirt walking into Finley who is with Hornswaggle HHH makes a comment that he thought that Finley had gotten lost in some pub some where and he was sure the little leprechaun had went back to the end of his rainbow , Finley gets in his face but only gets a pedigree for his trouble and Hornswaggle legs it.

    Kofi Kingston Vs John Morrison
    A fast paced match by these two men who give there all at MiTb and but that does not stop them from holding back it’s a very even match up with both men getting close 2 counts but Kofi just got the win hitting trouble in paradise to a weary Jo Mo.
    **don’t try this at home***
    In the ring is the new Intercontinetal title holder CM Punk he tells the crowd that he got very little pleasure in defeating Bryan Danielson at MiTb because his name is now dirt in the BWE that he is sick of the parasites in the back looking at him differently that he will clear his name if it’s the last thing that he does he will take any test to prove this and he has a message for Low Ki, Gallows and Serena that he is still there saviour and Bryan Danielson come Summerslam you are going to need a saviour more then ever.
    JTG Vs Drew McIntrye
    The choosen has control of this match from start to finish JTG gets very little chance of any offence
    And McIntrye finishes it very quickly after only 4 mins.

    Winner: Drew McIntrye

    After the match Drew takes the mic and tells the crowd that he may have been robbed by Nexus and Cena during the MiTb match but after speaking Mr.McMahon he is happy to tell them at Summerslam it will be him Vs Christian for the World Heavyweight title that is if Christian can hold onto it that long.
    Backstage we see HHH who has cornered Rey Mysterio and asked him does he wear a mask for the same reason as Kane used to , to hide his hideous face or is it just because you are afraid everyone will figure out you’re the guy that also works in taco bell, all of the sudden HHH looks like he has seen a ghost as he says who is about to enter the ring
    Christian Vs HBK Shawn Michaels
    HBK gets a huge pop from the crowd and Christians face tells it all he was not expecting this the both go hell for leather and crowd really into it then all the sudden Chris Jericho comes out with his briefcase no doubt waiting to cash it in he is not there long though as he is grabbed by Shad Romane and Mark Henry who drag him backstage looks like Christian had a plan up his sleeve back to the match and HBK as the upper hand Christian is down and HBK is tuning up for the super kick when Nexus along with John Cena appear out from the crowd both Christian and HBK try to fight them off the numbers are too much though Sheffield clotheslines HBK out of the ring and Young put him in on the announce table
    Gabriel gets on top rope and hits him with the 450 splash the crowd cant believe it, Barrett and Otunga mean while are giving Christian a barrage of kicks in the corner finally Kofi, Rey, Morrison, JTG and Yoshi Tatsu come down to the rescue.

    The show ends with Michaels not moving under the broken table


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    BWE Raw opens with The Chairman of the Board, Vince McMahon in the centre of the ring.. "BWE is currently in a state of flux, Both Raw and Smackdown are at war from within, both brands are trying to one up each other, and while part of me loves their ruthless aggression, the Billionaire business man, and creater of the BWE, doesnt enjoy the prospect of my company imploding from within.. And theres two men to blame for BWE's potential demise.. GM Long and Dibiase if you'd both be so gracious to join me in my ring" Both GM's make their way to the ring.. "Ted and Teddy, As far as im concerned I've given you both free reign over my shows for the last year.. I've allowed both of you men to statisfy your substantial egos, and play God to the careers of my young superstars. Well guess what? That ends tonight. BWE is about to host the "Biggest Event of the Summer with the annual Summerslam Par Per View" and if I feel either of you dont bring some stability to your respective brands, then you'll leave me with a simple solution. "Your Fired" So with superstars trying to leave brands, tonight you both fix the messes you've both created.. Or else" Vince leaves both GM's worried in the ring.


    Raw returns from the Break in the GMs office, and both Long and Dibiase getting into a heated argument, "I dont care playa, this is as much, your mess as mine, you throw your money around like a sucker, ya hear?" "Dont you talk to me like that, were in this mess together, the way i see it, whoever wants to be on what show, can be where they want" Teddy Long storms out of the office saying "Bring all your guys to the ring playa"

    Summerslam 2010 promo..


    Teddy Long is in the ring with every single Smackdown Superstar flanking him, "Mr Mahon has made it clear playas, the BWE is a mess and its my and Dibiases job to fix this" Suddenly the Raw theme song is played and Dibiase and his Raw Superstars make their way to the ring. They all settle at the entance and congregate under the Titantron "Well Teddy im glad we finally agree on something, as he looks at his superstars, if any of you guys dont want to be on my show, then leave now, your only deadwood as far as im concerned, and the Blue Road to failure awaits you" Teddy Long grabs the mic "Well Playa's if you want to leave Smackdown the choice is yours" All Raw and Smackdown superstars look extremely confused and look around at each other to see who'll jump first.. When out of nowhere ...


    The music of HHH is played and the Game makes his way out, Hunter looks Swagger dead in the eye, gives him a crotch chop and makes his way to the Smackdown superstars in the ring, as he enters the ring he goes straight up to Shawn Michaels and does the "clique" sign as both men embrace..


    Chris Jericho looks around at his Raw Counterparts and makes his way towards the Blue Brand, Finlay and Hornswaggle look at each other and decide to move to pastures Red, Randy Orton looks at Cena and drops his tag title on the ground, as just as he's about to move to Raw, John Cena destroys him, with a massive shot to the head with his MiTB briefcase.. Cena then takes Ortons place on the Red brand.. Both GMs say "This is your final chance to leave" And the camera pans to the audience entrance stiles, as the Nexus members make their way to ring through the crowd. Nexus settles halfway from the ring and entranceway, and whisper amoungst themselves. They look towards Raw and then Smackdown before making their way to Raw, shaking the hands of GM Dibiase..?Ted Dibiase laughs his trademark laugh as Raw cuts to commercial..


    Jim Ross and King say this has been the most shocking and surprising start to a Raw in living memory but announce that tonights Main Event is a stellar one, a number one contenders match for Sheamus's BWE Title between the Brothers of Destruction, The Undertaker vs Kane!

    Opening Match Divas Title Match
    Alicia Fox vs Melina

    Good fast paced match up with both Divas getting in plenty of offence, but out of nowhere Alicia manages to roll up Melina with the help of the bottom rope for support..


    Winner and Still Divas Champion Alicia Fox

    Alicia Celebrates with her title when out of nowhere shes hit over the back of the skull with a steel chair by Maryse, who grabs the title from the fallen Fox and poses with the title in only a way Maryse can..


    In the back Sheamus is walking through the halls when he bumps in Finlay "Alrite Fella," he looks down at his title over his shoulder.. "Looks like i've proven you where the one, holding me back eh Fella? Guess it shows your just like everyone else from Ulster, nothing more than a weak willed parasite, who leeches on to whoever gives them the best chance at survival, doesnt have the intelligence or the strength to fight for its freedom, or its independence.. Eh Fella?" Sheamus laughs to himself looks around, when out of nowhere he hits the big boot to his former tag partners face.. He looks down at his former friend and says "Take it easy Fella"

    Yoshi Tatsu vs Evan Bourne

    Both men lock up, with Bourne hitting the huge hurricanrana, and follows it up the spinning kick to Tatsu's face, Bourne hits the standing moonsault and gets the 2 count, he looks at the top turnbuckle and motions for the shooting star press, which sends the BWE Universe into a frenzy, Bourne hits the SSP and gets the 3 count for the win..

    Winner Evan Bourne


    Bourne gets a microphone from ringside "Rey Mysterio, at MiTB i was seconds away from beating you, and at Summerslam id like the opportunity to face you one last time, because in my heart i know i can beat you Rey, i know i can beat you" Bourne celebrates in the ring and motions for the belt around his waist..


    Please welcome Josh Matthews guest at this time..Wade Barret.. Mr Barrett it looks like you and Nexus are now officially part of Raw, what does this mean for both you, and indeed Raw? "Josh you and everyone of those idiots at home will just have to wait and see, The bigger picture will be revealed when the Nexus feel the time is right.. But how about we personally give you a preview, right here, right now!" The Nexus members circle the BWE announcer and within seconds have beaten him to a pulp.


    William Regal is in the ring with a microphone in hand "Ive been the BWE for an awfully long time, and before coming here i wrestled all over the planet, from Torquay to Timbucktoo and everywhere in between. Ive been Commissioner of Raw and King of the Ring, and Ive earned the respect of everyone in this industry through my hard work and sportsmanship.Unlike a young man, who has earned his success through fluke and self centred arrogance. Miz you've been United States Champion for as long as i can remember, yet you rarely put that beautiful title on the line, so Miz prove to both Me and the BWE Universe that you are indeed a man, and worthy of that Championship gold around your waist." The Miz come to the ring with an extremely angry look on his face "How Dare you talk about me like that you decrepit old prick, theres a reason why people like me are the future of the BWE and old bastards like you relicks of the past, so if you want a little shot why dont you try and earn it, because Immmmm The Mizzzzzz and Immmmmmm...." Before Miz can finish his retarted catchphrase Gm Long appears on the Titantron "Mr Regal, your right, a man of your stature deserves the opportunity to win some gold, so right here, right now it'll be William Regal.. vs The Miz with the United States Title on the line"

    United States Championship Match
    The Miz vs William Regal

    Miz goes for the early offence but is met with reversals from the experienced grappler, Regal throws Miz over the top rope and as the referee counts out Miz, Regal grabs Brass Knux from his shorts and places them over his knuckles behind both the ref and Miz's backs.. Miz slowly gets to his feet, and crawls into the ring, as Miz gets to his feet, from out of nowhere Regal hits Miz with the Power of the punch and locks in an crossface forcing the Miz to tap out.

    Winner and New United States Champion.. Willam Regal


    Just as Justin Roberts announces Regal as United States Champion, Regal grabs the microphone from out of the hands of the ring announcer "How dare you refere to me as United States Champion, from now on you may only refere to me as "The British Commenwealth Champion" Sir William Regal.. Regal stands proudly in the ring as the BWE Universe boo him to high heaven..

    As John Cena is leaving the building Matt Striker runs up to him with a mic "John, John, why did you leave Smackdown and your Tag Partner in such a heap in the ring?" Cena stops looks Striker in the eye, grabs the microphone from his hands, and bounches it off Strikers skull and continues walking..

    Main Event
    Kane vs The Undertaker


    Undertaker and Kane start this one off with massive blows to each other and Kane hits the massive sidewalk slam on Taker and gets the 2 count, Undertaker gets back into the match and hits Kane with snake eyes, following up with Old School, which Kane reverses into the chokeslam and again just a 2 count, he folllows up with the Tombstone and finally gets the 3 count and the huge victory..

    Winner and No 1 Contender.. Kane

    Kane stands motions for his pyro, as the BWE Champion Sheamus makes his way to ring, Sheamus goes up inches to Kanes face, and out of nowhere he hits the big boot to the Big Red Machines face.. Sheamus has is title high in the air as Raw comes to a close..


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    Welcome to BWE SmackDown!!

    We see scenes from last Friday's SmackDown of Nexus and John Cena beating down on the World Heavyweight Champion Christian and SmackDown's newest recruit, HBK Shawn Michaels.

    World Heavyweight Champion Christian is making his way out.


    It's time for the Peep show!!!

    Christian waste's no time and brings out his guest for tonight, SmackDown GM Teddy Long! Teddy goes on about how history was made on the BWE's other show when superstars moved around in decision of who they wanna be with when the war starts. He thanks Chris Jericho and Triple H for moving over to BWE's no1 show. Christian ask's Teddy about Nexus's attack on him and HBK last week. "Now Christian, you know that your my World Heavyweight Champion and I can't have you in danger like that. What Nexus did last week was a sign of cowardliness. I've made sure that tonight, no member's of the Raw roster will be here. Christian, as GM playa, I promose ya." Christian then asks about Drew being the No.1 contender. "What Drew did was unacceptable but, under orders of BWE chairman Vince McMahon, I can't change the match. Drew will be facing you at SummerSlam for your World Heavyweight Championship." Now, we have a great show in store for ye tonight so without further adue, let's the show poppin'.

    M.V.P makes his way out with his NXT season 2 rookie, Percy Watson, behind him as we head to commercial.

    *Commercial break*

    We come back to see M.V.P cutting a promo. "Ever since I got moved to SD, I thought this would benefit me. It hasn't. I've spent more time on NXT helping my guy, Percy, win than I have here. Tonight, I'm issuing an open challenge to take on anyone in the back. If nothing's gonna happen for me, then I'm gonna make something happen. I'm gonna be more ruthless than ever. This is the A show and it's right that M.V.P has to be in game mode" M.V.P waits to see who has answered his call

    Mark Henry makes his way out with Shad behind him. Percy is talking to M.V.P trying to get fired up while Shad just nods at Mark Henry.

    Match 1 - M.V.P (w/Percy Watson) vs. Mark Henry (w/Shad)

    A very solid opening match-up. The match lasts around 10 mins and involves M.V.P attacking Henry's legs to get him down to ground level while Henry uses his power to avoid M.V.P and take control of the match. Striker reminds us of how these 2 did team up together so know most of each moves. The finish comes when M.V.P set up Henry for the drive-by, Shad gets up on the apron. Percy trips Shad causing him to fall off. M.V.P goes back to Henry who hits the World's Strongest Slam onto M.V.P for the 3

    Winner - Mark Henry


    Henry goes out of the ring and throws Percy into the guard-rail. Henry help's up Shad who brushes himself down, get's in the ring and beat's down on M.V.P. Henry joins him when JTG runs down and helps out M.V.P. JTG goes after Shad while M.V.P is trying to battle back against Mark Henry. JTG throws Shad out of the ring. Shad tells Henry to get out of the ring. They both leave while JTG, M.V.P and Percy, who has made his way back into the ring, celebrating.

    *SummerSlam rewind moment *brought to you by Twix*

    We're back and it's time for some Diva's action.

    Match 2 - Natalya vs. Tiffany vs. Kelly Kelly - No.1 contenders match for the Women's title at SummerSlam

    Natalya absolutely dominates in this match although Kelly Kelly and Tiffany had their chances. Tiffany hit a lucha DDT on to Natalya but Kelly hit the K2 onto Tiffany sending her out of the ring. Kelly rolls Natalya up only for Natalya to roll through, get up while holding Kelly's legs and lock in the sharpshooter. Kelly tries in vein to keep going but she has no other choice but to tap.

    Winner and facing McCool at SummerSlam for the Women's title - Natalya


    *Commercial break*

    Alberto del Rio is coming to SmackDown

    IC Champion CM Punk is in the ring. There's no lights, only a spotlight on CM Punk. Punk cuts a promo reminding the crowd of how he was the 1 who created the Straight Edge Society and that, "had it not been for me, the likes of Serena, Luke Gallows, Joey Mercury, Bryan Danielson and Low Ki wouldn't have had the willpower to conquer their lifestyles and the threats to society such as drugs and alcohol. I am the Saviour of the BWE and how does my.... MY Straight Edge Society repay me?? By leaving 1 member of my society tamper with my drug test so I tested positive. I said it last week and I'll say it again.... Bryan Danielson, at SummerSlam, you're gonna need a saviour. I hope all this was worth it because at SummerSlam....." The lights come back on and Bryan Danielson, mic in hand, and the Straight Edge Society are standing behind him. "Punk, I don't need your help in being Straight Edge. Straight Edge isn't just about not drinking or doing drugs, it's also about respect and honor. 2 things that you don't have in your body. At SummerSlam, I'm gladly gonna take you on. This is more than the IC Title, this is...." Punk attacks Danielson as the S.E.S break the apart as we head to the back

    Backstage, we see Rey Mysterio talking to Josh Matthews, who is sporting a black eye and some facial cuts after the Nexus beating he recieved on Raw. Rey said it would be an honor fighting Evan Bourne again and that at SummerSlam, it's going to be Bourne/Mysterio 2.

    *BWE From the Vault - CM Punk vs. John Morrison - Vengeance 2007*

    *Commercial break*

    It's announced that the Unified Tag Team Titles have been declared vacent and that at SummerSlam, there will be a Raw vs. SD match where the winner's will hold the Tag Titles. Over the few weeks, 4 qualifying matches will takes place, 2 on Raw and 2 on SD. The winner's of each brand's 2 matches will face off to see who be be in the match at SummerSlam. The first qualifying match begins right now.

    Match 3 (Tag team tournament Qualifying match)- John Morrison and Kofi Kingston vs. The Roman Empire (Chris Masters and Great Khali)

    Good, even match here between these 2 teams. Kofi and Jo Mo are quickening the pace on Masters while Khali watches on. The finish comes when Jo Mo hits Masters with the Moonlight Drive. Khali comes in to help but Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise, knocking Khali out of the ring. Jo Mo hits the Starship Pain and Kofi and Jo Mo advance to the SD final

    Winners and advancing - Kofi Kingston and John Morrison


    *Raw Rebound*


    We see that next week, Shad and Mark Henry face off against The Hart Dynasty and JTG and M.V.P in a 3 team match where the winners will face John Morrison and Kofi Kingston in the SmackDown final.

    Randy Orton makes his way out to a massive ovation. He cuts a promo on how he knew how Cena was the weak link in the team and was just full of himself. He issues a challenge to Cena to face him 1-on-1 at SummerSlam. "No Nexus, no-one else, just me and you, Cena." Edge makes his way out and runs down Christian and Saying that it was stupid of him to turn down the chance of going to Raw. Teddy Long cuts him off on the titantron. "Now gentleman, both of ye have some issues to sort out and have a lot of build-up anger. The only way I see it is for ye to get rid of some of your anger by having a match."

    Match 4 - Randy Orton vs. Edge

    Orton and Edge pound the $hit outta each other. Edge is clearly up for this but Orton seems to be 1 step ahead. Cole mentions that Orton is at a whole new level for what Cena did. Orton wins this in around 10 mins with a quick and sudden RKO.

    Winner - Randy Orton


    Orton grabs a mic. "Cena, I hope to God you're watching because this is your fate at SummerSlam!!" Orton goes bezerk, throws down the mic and hits a picture-perfect punt on to Edge. Orton then points to the SummerSlam sign on the stage.


    *SummerSlam plug*

    We see Triple H on the phone to someone - "how is he?? That bad?? Hang on, who is this??" ..... Triple H then throws down the phone and breaks it. He packes his case and leaves very quickly. Striker asks "What the hell was the about??"

    Match 5 - Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio (Christian as Special guest Referee)

    Cole said that McIntyre wanted this match and Vince made it but Teddy has included a special guest referee to maintain order, Christian!!. Drew goes right to work on Rey. He's very focused on this match but every-so-often, he looks up at Christian shouting "it's mine!!!". Christian maintains his stance as a ref by being completely imparshall and calling it down the middle.

    The finish comes when Rey goes the 619 but Drew counters, catching Mysterio's legs and throwing him like a rag doll to the mat. Drew gets Rey up and goes the futureshock DDT. Rey rolls through and into a pin. 1....2.....3

    Winner - Rey Mysterio

    Drew is irate at Christian, saying his hand was under the bottom rope. Drew beats down on Christian. Rey tries to help but Drew throws him to the outside. He smacks Rey's head off the announcer's table and into the steel post. Drew gets the bottom part of the steel steps and puts it into the ring. Christian is up and is attacking Drew as he gets back into the ring. Christian sets up for the Kiillswitch on Drew but McIntyre pushes him off. Drew hits a low blow on Christian. He gets Christian up and hits the Futureshock DDT on to him on the steep steps. Drew smirks and looks down on Christian. He gets the WHC and lifts it up over Christian.

    Jericho comes out, applauding with his Money in the Bank briefcase. We go off the air with Christian layed out, Drew looking at the title and Jericho while Y2J is applauding what happened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    BWE Raw spoilers courtesy of
    -- Raw opened with Ted DiBiase in the ring. Ted announces our main event tonight of John Cena vs. Sheamus in a non-title match-up with The Nexis banned from ringside. Cena comes down with the MitB briefcase and Nexus. Cena mention's that since everyone in the ring is a gentleman, maybe they could reach some sort of "agreement" (at this point, Cena motions at the Money in the Bank briefcase). Ted get's up and ask's for Cena and Nexus to go to his office as we head to a break.

    -- Sir Willaim Regal enters the ring. There's a podium with something underneath a black cloth. Regal unveils it to be the brand new British Commenwealth title belt. Regal places the belt proudly on his shoulder. "Last week, i proven to the BWE that not only is the Miz unworthy of possesion of this title, but also unworthy of being in the ring with a gentleman of my stature.. Miz your nothing more than an overrated young pup.." Miz interups Regal mid sentence.. "Regal you beating me was nothing more than a fluke, and when i win my title back tonight i'll prove that.. Because. IM THE MIZ.. AND I'MM AWESOME..."

    -- William Regal bt. Miz to retain the British Commenwealth title. Very entertaining match with both men giving their all. Miz had a couple of chances to win but experience ruled over youth here. Regal won after he hit the knee trembler and locked in the Regal stretch forcing Miz to tap out.

    -- We see that Melina faces off against Maryse tonight where the winner faces Alicia Fox for the Diva's title at SummerSlam.

    -- Maryse vs Melina goes to a DQ finish when Alicia Fox attacks the ref, causing a DQ. Alica beats down on both Melina and Maryse. GM Ted DiBiase is on the titantron and tells us that the Diva;s title will be on the line in a triple threat match at SummerSlam between Maryse, Melina and Alicia Fox

    -- We see Nexus outside GM Ted DiBiase's door as Cena comes out. Cena just metions "A deal's a deal"

    -- Please welcome Josh Matthews guest that this time... The BWE Champion Sheamus.. "Alrite Josh, thats a nice looking black eye you've got there fella, you look as bad as Kane will, after i kicked him in the face with me Brog Kick.. So then Kane last week you beat the Undertaker and now face me at Summerslam. I'll admit, you've had a nice little run over the last few months, but you have nothing on me fella, i've left a trail of bodies on both brands in the last year and at Summerslam, you'll be next.."

    -- Jack Swagger makes his way out to the ring for his match against Yoshi Tatsu. Swagger wins in less than a minute with the complimentary smile still on his face. Swagger addresses HHH, calling him a chicken for leaving Raw but he can understand why. "Hunter, we both know I'm the most superior athlete in the BWE atm so it's no surprise that you want to get away from me as soon as possible." Swagger ends his promo by saying "Just....Ask.......Shawn"

    -- We see a SummerSlam plug and a Chris Jericho DVD plug

    -- Ted DiBiase and Joe Hennig are in action against the Uso's. Jimmy and Jey give their all but it's to no avail as DiBiase hits the Dream-Street on Jey for the 3. They cut a promo n how both of them are perfect

    -- Our main event, John Cena vs. Sheamus, is next. Cena comes out with his MitB briefcase in hand and points at Sheamus's title. Before the bell rings, GM Ted DiBiase comes on stage and announces that John Cena has promised a match against his son, Ted DiBiase for the Money in the Bank before Cena will cash it in sometime in the future. In exchange for Cena's kindness, he has changed the match. It's now John Cena vs Sheamus but it's now a lumberjack match. "We are One" plays and out comes Nexus. DiBiase states that the Nexus are the lumberjacks. Cena/Sheamus turns into a 20 min thriller with a load of near falls and Nexus helping Cena out outside the ring while taking care of Sheamus when he hits the outside. The finish comes when Sheamus sets up for the Brog Kick but The Nexus all stand up on the ring apron. Sheamus is distracted by this. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment for the 3.

    -- After the match, Kane comes out. Barrett whispers something to Cena. Cena nods and himself and the Nexus leave. Kane hits a chokeslam on Sheamus and holds the BWE Title aloft as we head off air

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    I hear voices in my head... "Here comes the BWE's Apex Predator, himself The Viper" Says Michael Cole "You may be wondering why i've come to the ring with my World Tag Team title still around my shoulders? Well its simple, i never lost this belt, nobody ever pinned me, so why should i give it up? Just because John Cena has no loyality to me or Smackdown, even after i carried that son of a bitch for the last 6 months,Cena showed his true colours, well guess what John, at Summerslam it'll be Me and a Partner of my choice, against you and whoever you can convince to trust you.. But one last thing John.. Dont be too surprised when i Punt Kick your Teeth down your throat and End your career with a (Crowd Participation Time) R....K ..... O...


    The music of Kofi Kingston is played and the young African superstar has the BWE universe on its feet.. "Randy i know me and you had our differances in the past, but at Summerslam id love the chance to win the BWE tag titles, and be your partner" Kofi puts his hand out to Orton, who in turn lays out Kofi with a huge RKO which send the BWE wild..

    Opening Match
    Masterlock Challenge..Chris Masters vs Jobber..

    Masters locks in the Masterlock and the local Enhancement Talent taps in seconds, Maters proceeds to throw the young bastard around the ring like the proverbial ragdoll, Masters continues with the submission, forcing the referee to DQ the Masterpiece..

    Winner: Local Jobber


    After the match both Santino and Masters continue the beatdown on the Jobber until The Hart Dynasty come down to make the save for the unknown superstar..


    MVP, JTG and Percy Watson are backstage with Todd Grisham.. "Percy Watson how does it feel to be the favourite amongst the BWE Universe to win NXT Season 2?" "Well Todd, y'know what im sayin, if i was to win NXT season 2 y'know what im sayin, i'd love the chance to face CM Punk for the BWE Intercontinental Title" Why wouldnt you want to face Christian or the Raw World Champion? "Well y'know what im sayin, i'm still a rookie here in the BWE, so I want to earn my opportunities for my successes, i want to fight my way to the top y'know what im sayin? OH Yeah! Hahaha.. " M.V.P how do you feel about your new protege? "Well Percy's won me over with his.." Before he can finish his sentence, Shad and Mark Henry walk up to the Interview area, and a massive brawl insues between all 5 men.. With BWE officials forced to try to seperate all the Wrestlers..


    Alberto Del Rio Debuts Next Week on Smackdown...


    Kelly Kelly vs. Michelle McCool

    Quick match up with McCool hitting the Faith Breaker for the win..
    Winner: Michelle McCool.


    Bryan Danielson is in the ring flanked by his Straight Edge Followers, "Id like to think in the last few months, I.... and We... have together made Straight Edge stronger than it ever was before. And I believe together we have finally brought some legitamacy and honor back to this group, you see CM Punk was a hypocrite, and a lier. His Wellness Policy Failure proved this, and the fact that he somehow manipulated Teddy Long into believing his innocence proves that Punk is a cancer, and a narcissistic manipulater. We know this from experience, as he brainwashed and corrupted us and indeed some of you, for far far too long, well believe me BWE Universe, Straight Edge are no longer here to preach and belittle you, were here to win you over by showing you the way, the right way, the Straight Edge way.. Because Straight Edge means were better than you.. and were better that CM Punk..


    CM Punk is making his way to the ring clapping his hands at Danielson.. "Your right about one thing Danielson, i did fail the Wellness Policy, but unfortunately for you, my innocence was also proven to be true, and my name has been publically cleared, so you 4 disloyal, backstabbing leeches have only proven one thing. Thats your lack of faith in the Straight Edge.. The lifestyle I introduced you all too, you've taken my legacy and tried to soil it.. So i am here to rebuild my Church of Straight Edge, rebuild my legacy.. So from now on "The New Church" will assend higher than the SES ever could.." As Danielson turns around in the ring he's met with a shot to the head from Husky Harris.. Harris rolls out of the ring and joins his Straight Edge Mentor at the ring entrance "Meet the first member of the New Churches Congregation.. The first ever 3rd Generation Straight Edge follower, who'll looking the break free from the shackles of his families addiction, to the BWE spotlight, and addiction to their own egos.. Welcome Husky Harris" Harris and Punk celebrate as Smackdown goes to commercial

    Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison


    Great back and forth match-up, with both men hitting their high flying offence, Mysterio hits the Frog Splash and West Coast Pop for the victory..
    Winner: Rey Mysterio...


    As we come back from commercial, the Arena is completely in darkness with a single spot light pointing to a ladder and at the top of the ladder is Chris Jericho with the Money in the Bank briefcase in his hands..

    "At Money in the Bank, i proved to all of you parasites and hypocrites one simple thing.. Thats that your Icon and Hero Chris Jericho is still the best in the world at what he does..And that im a man of my word.. So why am i back on Smackdown? Its simple you bunch of obnoxious assclowns, at Wrestlemania i was robbed of my World Championship by Edge, but instead of getting the opportunity to win it back, that son of a bitch Christian cashed in his briefcase and won MY WORLD TITLE.. So im back to reclaim whats rightfully mine, im back on my show, to win my title, and nothing... Nothing.. will ever stand in Y2J's way.. Weither its that Assclown Christian, Chew McIntail, a Butcher, a Baker or Candlestick Maker, Im winning back my title sooner rather than later... And no one in the BWE will stand in my way.. Just as Y2J finishes speaking the Music of Drew McIntyre is played as the Brit makes his way to the ring.

    Jericho, you may have that pretty briefcase in your hands but that dont mean Jacksh*t, because when i beat that other washed up old bastard at Summerslam and win my first World Title, you can cash that thing in whenever you want, but theres no way in hell you take my title off me.. Because im Vince McMahons Chosen one.. And im the future of the BWE.. MacIntyre now in the ring, is under the ladder, with Jericho looking quite frightened as MacIntyre teases pushing Jericho and the ladder over.. As we go to Commercial.


    As we come back.. Both men are fighting in the ring as the music of the World Champion Christian comes out to the ring to a massive ovation from the BWE Universe.. "Jericho and MacIntyre, id be lying if i said im not happy to see the two of you kick the living crap out of each other, but im a fighting champion, so i asked Teddy Long to put me in a match right here, right now, against you Drew.. and You Jericho, but let me guareentee you both one thing, im going to knock both you teeth down both your throats since Its for my World Title.. But mainly because Thats... How... I ..Roll.." The BWE Universe are on their feet for Christian's massive announcement..

    Christian vs. Chris Jericho vs. Drew MacIntyre

    All three men start beating the hell out of each other until Christian throws McIntyre over the top rope, Christian and Jericho hit massive chops and kicks to each other, with Jericho hitting the dropkick, and hits the lionsault, Jericho locks in the Walls when out of nowhere Edge hits him over the head with the MiTB briefcase.. Edge proceeds to hit Christian and McIntyre with the case, Edge poses in the ring with both the briefcase and the World title


    Main Event Randy Orton vs HHH..
    Back and forth match with HHH nearly scoring the early pin but Orton reverses into an RKO.. Orton sets up HHH for the top rope DDT and finishes him off with Punt Kick and gets the 1.. 2.. 3


    Winner: Randy Orton

    When completely out of nowhere John Cena hits the ring and sneaks up to Orton hitting the FU, and Jack Swagger appears from out of the crowd and locks in the Ankle lock on HHH.. Swagger and Cena retreat out of the ring with a Microphone.. "I've got my tag partner Orton, Have you got yours?" The closing image of Smackdown is Cena and Swagger with both the BWE tag team championships..


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    As BWE Raw hits the air the commentators talk about how this is the last Raw before the biggest PPV of the Summer and that tonight we have a huge main event pitting Jack Swagger & Sheamus against the unlikely duo of Kane & John Cena. Before all that though they have to introduce tonights opening bout which they say will be between the British Commonwealth champion William Regal & the always explosive John Morrison.

    After William Regal has made his way to the ring however it's The Miz's music that hits the arena. Despite his loss to Regal last week he still believes he should be the man facing him tonight and that he should be the man to restore that title to being wht it should be The US title. Then as regal runs down the Miz and The US in general to big heat another unexpected superstars music plays as the crowd pops for Matt Hardy who makes his way out mic in hand. He says that no matter what he says The Miz had his chance and blew it, he then says that if anyone is qualified to face the new British commonwealth champion it is him one of the greatest European champions ever.

    Then Just as the three get into a heated quarrel Raw GM Ted Dibiase appears on the titantron screen. He states that Matt Hardy will have to wait his turn and that The Miz will have to earn another shot at Regal because tonight it's John Morrisons turn and he has just decided that both Hardy & The Miz are barred from ringside. Security then escourt the two superstars to the backs as John Morrison makes his way out to the ring.

    William regal vs John Morrison

    This is a great little opener in which a victory would surely see John Morrison become no.1 contender to Regals belt. Morrison seems to know the importance a win here could have as he starts the match lightning quick hitting a number of big impressive kicks on his opponent. Morrison seems to be slightly on top in the bout as it progresses but Regal uses his offense wisely working on Morrisons legs softening him up for his regal stretch. It doesent look like he will get the chance to use it though as after a big dropkick Morrison ascends to the top rope and goes for Starship Pain. Regal however moves out of the way at the last moment and then applies his submission finisher to the writhing in pain Morrison who eventually taps out.

    Winner: William regal

    Backstage in the Raw GMs office The Million Dollar Man is seen talking to both his son and the lovely Maryse. Eventually he asks both of them to leave saying that they bothe have matches to prepare for tonight. He stops Ted Jr before he leaves though and requests if he can ask "them" to come in now. After reassuring his son that yes he was sure, Dibiase Jr leaves the room as to the camreas and the commentators are left asking who are they, and what matches will both Ted Jr and Maryse have tonight.


    After the following Superstars (Dolph being accompanied by his tag team partner) make their way down to the ring for tonights second bout, Rey Mysterio makes a surprise appearance on monday night Raw and makes his way down to the commentary booth to get a close look at his Summerslam opponent.

    Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler w/The Big Show

    This is a back and forth contest between these two young BWE stars which looks like it really could go either way.Eventually the finish comes as The Big Show looks to interfere going for a big KO blow of a right hand to Bourne after Ziggler slingshots him into the ringropes. Mysterio however catches The Big Shows arm stopping this from happening. Despite Ziggler still delivering a clothesline to Bourne he is distracted by his tag partner and SD's Mysterio looking like they are about to come to blows on the outside, so much so that he misses Bourne quickly getting to hs feet and then from behing he catches Dolph with a big roundhouse kick that sends him stumbling forward where he collapses in a heap on the ringropes. Once more then Bourne jumps quickly to his feet and gets a great reaction from the crowd as he uses this opportunity to hit Mysterio's patented 619 finisher on Ziggler which he then follows up with a SSP for the 3 count.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    Bourne looks both relieved and delighted with himself as he celebrates he then looks directly at Mysterio and mouths what looks like the word Summerslam before throwing up his signature 2 finger salute. As he does this JR ponders what meaning there might be behind this gesture and if we will be seing it again post match this Sunday at Summerslam. Meanwhile Ziggler who is angry with The Big Show is told that he should have been able to win without Shows help which is something the commentators suggest Mysterio said to Show.

    Kane & John Cena are seen backstage as Kane warns his tag partner for tonights main event that although he has the MITB contract after this Sunday he says he will have the world title. He then says that if Cena plans to survive long enough to Cash that contract against him he better not screw around in their match tonight. Cena just smirks and says Kane has nothing to worry about...for now.
    Elsewhere backstage Maryse is seen on a quest to find the right outfit for her match tonight saying that she wouldent be caught dead in what was given to her. The King however states that no matter what outfit it is, he cant wait for that match

    The Brothers Rhodes (Cody & Goldust) vs The Perfect Sons (Dibiase Jr & Hennig)

    Cody has had long standing issues with Ted and after Joe Hennig cost him his chance to challenge for Dibiase's Million Dollar title recently he didnt want to have any outside interferance this week so took on the two of them with his returning sibling Dustin "Goldust" Rhodes by his side. This was another very even match until a big clothesline from Dibiase (who has just tagged himself out) sent Cody to the outside and lead to all four men being on the outside going at it. Then as the referee is trying to seperate Hennig and Cody on the outside Brett Dibiase comes through the crowd and with his brother Ted double team the opposing legal man Goldust. Eventually after ramming him shoulder first into the ringpost they toss him back into the ring where Joe Hennig has just returning thanks to the Ref gives him a Perfect plex and gets the pinfall victory. The Perfect sons celebrate as Cody is once more left to check on his brother well being.

    Jack Swagger Is in his dressing room with Stephanie McMahon once again asking her if she is okay and if there is anything she needs while assuring here that HHH is on SD now and will not be here tonight. He leaves the dressing room after Steph requests a cold drink and in his hurry catches The Undertaker with his shoulder in the dressing room. When realising his mistake Swagger is surpringly nonchalant about it and is actually disrespectfull of The Deadman who says he need to watch where he's going calling him Son. Swagger says that people used to fear Taker but not anymore, that Taker has achieved nothing since returning expect playing secondl fiddel to his younger brother. Swagger then states that the only man that should be feared around these corridors is the all American American Jack Swagger because after he takes out HHH this sunday everyone whill know just how good he is. Swagger then shockingly turns his back on a now enreged Undertaker totally dismissing him and continues on with his chore as The Phenom stares a hole in the back of his head.

    Elsewhere backstage John Cena can be seen talking to Wade Barett and asking him isn't he happy? Cena says that Barett and Nexus have gotten what they wanted and that this Sunday they can make it public. Wade doesent seem to want to wait till this sunday but shakes cena's hand and smiles as we return to ringside action.

    JR and the King discuss the implications of Nexus at Summerslam and question if they were the "them" that the GM was speaking to earlier, before talking up the two female competitiors that have just made their way to the ring, 2 out of the 3 that will compete for the Divas title at Summerslam. However The Kings attension is soon attracted elsewhere as Maryse makes her way out to the ring as the announcers inform us that she is the special geust referee for the following match.

    Melina vs Alicia Fox with Special Referee Mayrse

    A surprisingly technical bout is developing here with Maryse being seeimingly fair and impartial until Melina accidentally catches the guest ref with her elbow whilst striking Alicia Fox. from that point on Everytime Melina went for a pinfall Mayrse would count exceedingly slowly with the commentators pointing out that the longer this match goes on the only winner will be Maryse with the title match only 6 days away. It does not however go on too long as Melina's frustration boils over when Maryse takes so long to make a count she claims she should have won and attacks the french canadian Diva. This results in a disqualification and a win for Fox but theaction doesent end here as the three continue fighting until BWE staff break it up.

    Winner by DQ: Alicia Fox

    After the match a Summerslam promoairs running down all the matches booked for the PPV including those from Smackdown including Drew vs Christian for the WHC and CM Punk vs Bryan Danielson for the IC title.

    HHH & Randy Orton video messages are played to their BWE Summerslam interpromotional matchup opponents John Cena & Jack Swagger, they finish with HHH promising Swagger that both at Summerslam and here tonight he will find out there are Certain people in the BWE you just dont mess with.


    The commentators hype up the matches including the four men in tonights main event at Summerslam while they make their entrances including John cena who is carrying with him his MITB briefcase and last out Sheamus who is of course carrying the BWE title.

    Main Event: Kane & John Cena Vs Jack Swagger & Sheamus

    All four men look determined to have a stong showing tonight before their matches this sunday and all have early pinfall attempts kicked out of at a 2 count. Sheamus hits a big Bicycle kick on Cena and looks like he might get the victory but Kane breaks up the count attacking the Irishman. Later its Cena who delivers an attidude adjustment to Swagger only for Sheamus to break up his attempted pinfall, before finally its Kanes turn as He chokeslams his opponent this Sunday and goes for the pinfall only for Swagger to reach over the ropes and tag himself in effectively breaking the pin and the quickly he attaks Kane before the big red machine realises who the legal man is. Swagger now ssems to have gotten on top and is wears down Kane seriously before going to tag back in the Celtic Warrior. Just as he does the lights go out and the arena goes dark for what seems like 10 seconds, when they return Sheamus is in the ring looking down out at The Undertaker who has Swagger caught around the throat. He chokeslams him on the outside then leaves ringside with an evil grin on his face. As the ref rushes to the outside to check on Swagger Kane grabs the MITB briefcase from Cena and cracks Sheamus across the skull with it before sliding it into the ring corner and going for the cover. The ref gets back into the ring just in time to count 1-2-3 before Sheamus kicks out. Cena gets into the ring and celebrates the victory while Kane walks over and once more picks up the MITB briefcase but this time its his tag partner form moments ago and the briefcases owner who gets cracked across the back of the head with it as The Big Red Machine celebrates in his own fashion. While he does so his Pyros go off behind him.

    Winners: Kane & John Cena

    As Kane laughs like a madman while holding the MITB briefcase that helped him to victory Sheamus who had gotten back to his sense on the outside sneaks back into the ring and as Kane turns around catches the Big Red Machine with a big bicycle kick. The Celtic warrior is standing tall but Kane was the winner tonight, which of these will be the outcome this Sunday at BWE Summerslam I wonder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    The pyros are going off and with only 48hrs left for the biggest event of the Summer Summerslam Micheal Cole and Matt Stryker welcome us to another edition of Smackdown where we have Drew McIntrye waiting in the ring he tells the crowd that he has heard the talk of how come Drew gets a title shot , that all the guys in the back are asking what has Drew done who has he beaten to get this shot well not that he has anything to show the fans or the guys in the back but he is the chosen one and as so he has spoken to Mr.McMahon who tonight has put him into a triple threat match at his request it will be Drew Vs Edge Vs Chris Jericho.
    Rey Mysterio Vs Finley
    Rey knows he might be in a battle this Sunday against Evan Bourne so Finley proves to be a great warm up match as usual Finley is very physical and Matt Stryker asks the sense in Rey facing a man that would have no problem ending his carear if given a chance but after a strong opening by Finley the match turns in Reys favour the finisher comes when Rey hits the 619 then drops da boom for the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterioimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIehAiMtvJhLG3bjcXJHE_hZE88uxMEwwcuHpEqALP3hafF7c&t=1&usg=__ReKhaT0NBUlx_V1ysenOdaYhzQo=
    Hart Dynasty Vs Romane & Henry
    The two power house of DH Smith and Mark Henry open the match
    with a flurry of punches to one another DH Smith looks to be getting the better of things so Shad comes into the ring only to be meet with a dropkick from Tyson Kid the Harts look on fire tonight but the crowd begin to boo and we see why as Masters and Khali with Santino come down and surround the ring, DH Smith makes a move on Santino who has stood up on the apron as he does this takes his eye away from Mark Henry who hits him from behind , chokeslams him and hits the big splash Tyson kidd can not help as Khali from the outside has a hold of him.

    Winners: Mark Henry & Shad Romane
    We are back from commercial and the new straight edge of CM Punk and Husky Harris is in the ring CM Punk tells the crowd that he has saved Husky Harris and tonight he will introduce a new member to HIS straight Edge family but first he challenge Danielson to a tag match him and Harris vs Danielson and Gallows.
    Danielson & Gallows Vs Punk & Harris
    The match has been accepted and we start it off with Harris and Danielson in the ring Danielson points to Punk to show that he wants him but Harris quickly kicks him in the mid section they battle for while and Harris gets Punk tagged in who shows he has great mat skills and takes Danielson to the ground , he has Danielson in a arm bar but Danielson is able to reverse it puts Punk in one of his own but he is so tired he can only push Punk away and jump over to tag Gallows who gets in the ring and out of knowhere he whips Danielson into the oppposite corner to a waiting Punk and Harris the 3-men begin the beat down until Low Ki runs down to the ring for the save it looks like we have seen the new member of Punks SES....Luke Gallows

    We see Kofi Kingston in the GMs office asking for a match against Randy Orton he tells the GM last week Randy hit me with a RKO out of nowhere well this week I have a boom boom boom for him , Teddy long tells him that he cant have Randy 1 on 1 but to get a partner and he will face him in a tag match so it will be Kofi and his partner vs HHH/Orton
    JTG Vs John Morrison
    A short enough match with JTG after a early flurry and the crowd really getting behind him could not keep up early momentum which give Morrison the chance to take control and take the win after hitting star ship pain.

    Winner: John Morrison
    We see Orton and HHH getting ready for the match Orton gets into HHH's face and tells him that he might not like him and the feeling is mutual but tonight Evolution will have to ride one more time as this Sunday Cena and Swagger will want to tear us apart so how about we put aside or personal issues until after SS the games grabs Randys hand and says the GAME IS ON.....
    Randy Orton & HHH Vs Kofi Kingston & MVP
    A highly entertaining match a Kofi is really hot tonight for Orton he hits him with a flurry of kicks to the legs and works really well with MVP, HHH cannot get into the match up as Kofi and MVP keep Orton in there corner , Kofi hits orton with a flying dropkick and goes to tags in MVP who runs into the ring only to met with a RKO from nowhere as Orton after hitting can barely stand both men start to crawl to there corner MVP just gets there 1st Kofi is on but then Orton tags HHH and Kofis momentum carried him right into a pedigree for the win.

    Edge Vs Drew Vs Jericho
    The world heavyweight champ Christian joins the announce team for this match Jericho and Edge get into it straight away as Edge who still has Jericho MiTb takes Jericho into corner he almost forgets Drew is there but as Drew goes to clothesline Edge from the back, Edge gets out of the way and he clotheslines Jericho instead Edge then throws Drew over the top rope as he does this Jericho is able to hit the codebreaker and goes for the pin but Drew takes Jericho off and hits the Future shock he then goes and pins both Edge and Jericho as both are laid out beside one another for the win.

    Christian gets in the ring and both men have a stare down as the show comes to a end with Edge and Jericho laid out and Christian pointing to his belt starring down and McIntrye.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Summerslam

    The Pyros go off and we are welcomed to The Staples centre by all four of our BWE commentators for the night JR, The King, Michael Cole and Matt Striker. They then take turns running down the card for tonight before we go straight into our opening bout with the Divas from Smackdown.

    BWE Womens title: Michelle McCool Vs Natyla Neidhart
    Michelle McCool is accompanied to the ring by Santino Marella and Layla but ref throws them to the back we can hear screams of mama mia from Santino but his protest go unoticed and he has to go to the back, the match begins with Natayla straight on the attack she shoves McCool to the floor and while grabbing her hair bangs her head on the canvas, McCool is able to counter though and turns Natayla around and start slapping her face while bad mouthing her , they evenually roll to the outside where McCool smashed Neidhart into the ramp Neidhart seems to have injured her knee and McCool takes full advantage with kicks to the knee she rolls her into the ring and gets a 2 count, Tyson Kidd runs down to ringside to McCool tells the ref to get him out of here two while the ref is trying to send Kidd to the back Layla comes runs down and throws a chair in to the ring McCool takes it to Neidharts knee but the ref just turns around and catches McCool before she has the chance to cause damage he DQ's McCool who is furious...the winner is Natalya Neidhart but still womens champion Michelle McCool.

    Winner by DQ: Natayla Neidhart

    Backstage we see Ted Dibiase Jr with his Brother Brett and The Perfect Son Joe Henning. Todd Grisham is standing by and opens the interview by saying that Ted has demanded this time to speak to the BWE universe and questions what exactly it is in relation to. At this point Ted grabs the Microphone from him and dismisses him from their presence threaening a beatdown should he object. He then gestures to Brett and Joe who set up a table beside him and place a silver breiefcase on it beside Dibiase who then states that he is not here to adress the BWE universe (stating that he could by and sell everone in this audience and that they are not worthy of his words) but instead 2 members of the BWE lockeroom, namely John Cena and Chris Jericho. He then says that those two men have money in the bank briefcases but that he has money from the bank in a briefcase... 1 Million Dollars to be exact (he then opens the Silver briefcase which we seee is full of American currency. He says that he knows that a shot at the a world title doesent come cheap and that they had to earn those contracts but that he isn't a cheap man, so if either one of them wants to show up on Monday night Raw and sign that contract over to him he is willing to swap briefcases. 1 days work for 1 million dollars he says... think about it.

    We then return to ringside where JR and the King talk about the implications of what has just been said by Dibiase but they are soon joined by Micheal Cole as the Interpromotional final face off between Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio for the BWE cruiserweight crown is up next, then a brief video is shown highlighting their feud thus far.

    Rey Mysterio (c) Vs Evan Bourne

    The match begins with Rey going to shake hands with Bourne but he only gets the two finger salute in return, JR ask the King does he know anything about this two finger salute, the King tells JR that while in the Diva locker room he did hear a rumour of the origin of the two finger salute and all he can say is he has a new found respect for Bourne, JR comments that the new found respect for Bourne is not shared by Mysterio who has just swepped Bournes legs and hit him with a leg drop he then follows up with a drop kick while Bourne was sitting up , Mysterio seems to have the upper hand in this very fast paced match and when Bourne goes outside for a breather Mysterio jumos from top rope and hits a cross body the crowd are really pumping now , Evan Bourne does get back into it though with vicious kicks to the legs and side he seems to be concentrating on Mysterio's legs to ground him , Bourne goes to the top rope but Mysterio gets to him and hits hurrinrana from top rope Mysterio goes to the top and jumps but Bourne gets his foot up, the match is clearly taking a lot out of these guys and the seem out of there feet so much so that Bourne falls through middle of the rope while attempting a high kick to Mysterios head, Mysterio goes for the 619 straight away but Bourne was playing possom and moves out of the way he grabs Mysterio and sling shots him between the ropes quickly goes to top rope and hits air bourne , go for the cover the refs counts to three and we have a new cruserweight Champion....Evan Bourne...Bourne celebrates with the title and his two finger salute.

    Evan Bourne


    The BWE would like to thank Jet for the official BWE Summerslam 2010 theme tune "Rip it up"
    The Camera's have followed Bourne as he heads backstage celebrating his victory but as he bumps into members of Bryan Danielsons Straight Edge posse he stops and adopts a defensive pose. Danielson however reminds him that this isn't the CM Punk lead Straight Edge Society, that him and his group know their is more to the straight Edge lifestyle and that Bourne needednt fear a jump attack. However Low Ki does interject that although his group currently have their own issues to resolve that one of his main aims when arriving in the BWE was to become the BWE Cruiserweight champion and he assures Bourne that he will still make that dream a reality.

    Back in the ring the commentators remind us that of what happened in Smackdowns womens match as it's now Raw's turn and time for the Divas championship to be defended.

    Divas title match: Melina vs Alicia Fox vs Maryse

    This was a surprisingly short match considering how action packed it was with all 3 Divas getting in a lot of early offense. The culmination to this match however is clearly disputed as Melina pins Maryse for a 3 count as Mayrse herself was pining Alicia fox whose shoulders never left the mat. Maryse is shocked that she hasnt been awarded the Divas title after her French KIss finsher lead to the champ getting pinned but the ref has declared Melina the new champ. Maryse trys to take her frustration out on Melina but the new champ quickly rolls out of the ring and heads to the back belt in toe to celebrate.
    Winner: Melina


    Backstage John cena Is interviewed by Todd Grisham who asks him if he would consider Ted Dibiase JR's proposal from earlier. Cena then acting like a true heel says that he is good enough to win the world title with or without the MITB contract and therefore says that maybe after tonight when he wins the unified tag titles he will consider that proposal. Afterall he says despite having made my money and then some by peddling merchandise to the idiots in the BWE universe down the years, he could always use another million.

    The Smackdown commentary team then question wether Raw's John Cena would really give up a shot at the title for money but it isnt long before they return to promoting action to come tonight and in particular the next match that they say is the culmination of a Straight Edge Summer gone heywire, as Bryan Danielson and CM Punk go 1 on 1. A Promo is then shown highlighting the feud thus far in full.

    CM Punk is in the centre of the ring as we return, with his newest disciple Husky Harris.. "BWE.. Im everything everyone wants to be.. Im a man of virtue and a man who justifies my beliefs by backing it up in every single aspect of my life.. Im better that everyone in the BWE.. Simply by being Straight Edge.. " Punk is interupted by the music of the SES who are making their way to the ring...

    Intercontinental Title Match: CM Punk vs Bryan Danielson

    Punk and Danielson lock up, but a argument breaks out on the outside, with Husky Harris attempting to run into all 3 SES members.. The referee instantly bans everyone from ringside.. Punk seizing the inititave goes for the Roll up on Danielson but only gets a 2 count. Danielson hits Punk with some stiff kicks and chops, and gets a 2 count of his own. Punk somehow throws Danielson into the turnbuckle and follows up with the running Bulldog. Punk sensing victory goes to the outside.. And hits the springboard closeline.. But Danielson catches Punk mid air and somehow locks in the Crossface which Punk has no choice but to Tap Out..

    Winner and New BWE Intercontinental Champion
    Bryan Danielson


    Danielson gets a microphone from ringside "Im better than you Punk... I've always been better than you, and guess what? I always will be better than you..

    Backstage we see the meeting between Raw & SD GMs Ted Dibiase Sr and Teddy Long who are both clearly advisarial towards each other from the get go which is evident even from their stance and posture whilst facing each other. The two after momentarily agreeing about how good a show they have put on together thus far then begin to discuss tonights next match, the big inter brand tag team match with John Cena & Jack swagger against HHH & Randy Orton. They both obviously disagree about what will be the outcome but Teddy Long surprises The Million Dollar Man with how he tries to resolve their dispute. He says that although he might not have the money Dibiase or even his son has he still prosed a little wager, he then proceeded to pull out his wallet takes out a hundred dollar bill and chellenges Dibiase to a bet over the matter. In response Dibiase asks him how much more hes got grabs Long's wallet and empties the rest of the contents totalling nearly 300 dollars out on a table. He then says that if Long puts all that up he will double it, no infact he says he will make it a cool grand to the victor because he says he know The Unified tag belts are coming back home to Raw. Long reluctantly agrees and the two shake hands.

    HHH & Orton vs Swagger & Cena

    This is quite a long match with great psychology throughout which makes up for a lack of early spots. However later they seem to come in a quick flurry beginning when John Cena hits the Attitude adjuster on Randy Orton who has just been raked in the eyes by Cena's partner tonight Jack Swagger. Orton however with the aid of HHH is able to kick out before the three count then as Orton is grogilly getting up to his feet and Cena is peparing for another big move the viper uncoils and hitts an unexpected RKO on him. again however interference from the sidelines and this time Jack Swagger breaks the pin. Swagger then pull Cena to their corner and tags himself in, however at the same time his old advisary HHH gets tagged in and the two go at it with rights and lefts. Instead of staying in Swaggers corner then, seemingly sparked by the rivalry being shown inring Cena heads around the ring and attack Randy Orton at which point The Nexus members come from the crowd and it becomes a massive 8 on one beatdown which soon culminates as Wade Barett under orders from John cena tosses Orton onto a set up table and Justin Gabriel hits a 450 splash on him from a ladder Skip shiefuild had just set up. At this point security arrives and they usher The Nexus to the back after the referee dismisses them from ringside.

    Orton is completely out of action from this point on and despite a valiant effort from HHH the numbers game quickly catches up with him. HHH even hits a pedigree on Swagger but once more the unapposed interferance from Cena is enough to cost the game a pinfall victory. Eventually after a number of quick tags HHH gets worn out and is caught by Cena who delivers his second attitude adjustment of the night this time to HHH after which Cena seing Orton beginning to stir on the outside decides they need to finish this now and tags in Swagger telling him to "Powerbomb him!". Swagger is happy to oblige and hits his signature Gutwrench powerbomb on a now near unconcious Triple H. Then the All American American in what seemed somewhat similar to a previous American hero's actions here in the BWE locked in a very intense looking ankle lock. Randy Orton slowly gets to his feet but the game is writhing in agony in-ring and just as Orton gets back to the ring the game taps and conceeds defeat.

    Winners: Jack Swagger & John Cena

    Backstage Josh Matthews is joined by the BWE Champion, Sheamus. He asks him how he's feeling ahead of the match with the big red machine.

    "Fella, Kane hasn't been champ in 12 years and there's a bloody good reason for that. He's clumsy in the ring and he slow as well. Me? I'm the BWE Champion and I'm a dangerous, dangerous man. I know Kane's weaknesses and I know how to exploit them. There's no way I'm losin' me title, it's me pride and joy. As for Big Red, I'm a bigger, redder machine than he is."

    Matthews then asks him if he's worried about the holders of the MitB contract taking advantage of the difficult fight that he faces.

    "Josh, nothin' worries me. I'm the BWE Champion for a reason. Look at these eyes. Do they look like the eyes of a worried man? Or a confident man? Here, if ye don't know by now pal, watch and see what I do to Kane tonight."

    As Sheamus pushes Josh out of the way Chris Jericho emerges from a dressing room and is caught for an interview backstage, oddly he is dressed for a match. Tonight Josh I am going to take a seat at ringside, watch the carnage unfold and then I am going to walk into the ring Brief case in Hand, cash it in and become World Heavyweight Champion.

    As the Match starts Chris Jericho would make his way to the ring and take a seat beside the announce table.

    WHC title match: Christian vs Drew McIntyre

    The match sees Christian use a variety of moves while Drew is intent on punching, kicking and even scrathching his way to a win. The match takes off after one risky move by Christian. He heads to the middle rope looking to execute his Leaping European Uppper Cut. But Drew saw him coming and was able to push Christian away sending him crashing into the referee. As Drew gets his breath back he rolls outside the ring and we are shown a replay of the ref bump. We see Christians elbow hits the ref hard across the nose leaving him out cold.

    As we return live Drew is back on his feet outside the ring, he starts to dismantle the spanish announce table. Christian would follow Drew and attack him from behind, as Christian pushes Drew away he would charge Drew, but yet again Drew avoids Christian, sending him Crashing straight into into Jericho.

    Drew laughs as he grabs christian and drags him unto The US announce table looking for the futureshock DDT. But Christian reverses it into the Kill switch!

    The crowd cheer approval as Drew hit the table hard, the table managed to survive the impact but Drew doesn't look too good. Christian lifts Drew back into the ring looking for the 3 count but the ref is still down. So Christian throws Drew back outside and decides to place drew on the spanish announce table. Christian then went back in the ring and climbed to the top rope.

    As the BWE audience gets to their feet Christian would go for a frog splash crashing into the announce table, BUT WAIT DREW Moved out of the way. JR wonders how he moved and as we see a replay we see Chris Jericho pulled Drew off the table!

    Jericho now goes into the ring and throws water onto the Referee waking him up, he Demands the ref count to ten. As the ref counts, Drew gets back in the ring while Jericho goes back outside and stands over Christian taunting him.

    Then on 8 Drew went back outside the ring, as the ref restarts the count Jericho is nailed with a boot from Drew who then hits a Future Shock DDT onto the MITB brief case, he then brings Christian back into the ring, hits another Future Shock DDT for the PIN on Christian. We have a NEW World Heavyweight Champion.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    As we the Camera zooms out we see the fallen champion in the ring while Chris Jericho is on the Floor unable to Cash in Money in the Bank, Drew Holds his title aloft to the surprise and boos of the BWE Audience.

    As Drew returns to the back Josh Matthews grabs him for an interview, I am the Chosen one, Chosen by Vince McMahon himself to bring back a mentality of win at all costs in BWE. He told me he looked in my eyes and at how I applied myself and saw I would be World Champion. He was sick of seeing guys like Christian, guys who are only interested in the cheers of the fans. While guys like Jericho gave up trying to be the best in the World. Jericho took his eye of the prize to try and be a rock star. He took his eyes the prize again tonight, he thought he was going to take the easy road and cash in on a fallen Christian.

    Well Drew McIntyre doesn't care about the cheers of the fans, I will never take my eyes off the prize, I will never tire of working hard in the ring and in the gym to be the Best in the World, and I will never tire of looking in the eyes if a beaten opponent.

    Tonight the Prohecy of Vince McMahon and the destiny of Drew McIntyre got fulfilled.

    Wade Barett is backstage flanked by all the other Nexus members with a microphone in his hand. He says that he would like to officially announce to the world that Raw GM Ted Dibiase had the foresight to offer them contracts. He knew that you are either Nexus or against us and he didnt want his brand against the mighty Nexus anymore. He then says that they have repayed that foresight tonight, that they are the reason that Smackdown and Teddy Long lost tonight, and that they promise that tonight wont be the last time Ted Dibiase or Raw earn more money by having the Nexus around. Barett does however say that despite them presenting the Raw GM with a gift tonight, the Raw lockeroom cannot expect the same thing and should all be on alert, they are the new generation in the BWE and they are coming for they rightfull place at the top of the food chain.

    BWE Championship Match: Sheamus (c) v Kane

    Sheamus is out first. He looks a little over-confident but the smug look is wiped off of his face when Kane's pyro hits. Kane watches his harshly on his way to the ring and Sheamus flees the ring to allow Kane to take the centre of attention. JR talks about the roll that Kane has been on in 2010. He has returned to the ruthless monster of old that has seen him re-enter they fray for the biggest prize in the game. Before the match begins though, JR re-iterates the fact that we cannot underestimate the intelligence and ability of the Celtic Warrior.

    The match begins and Kane knocks Sheamus to his feet. He returns to the ring's perimeter again for a moment to re-strategize. When they grapple again however, Kane rushes him into the turnbuckle and begins pummeling him. The referee insists that he stops. He does momentarily before planting a final uppercut that sees Sheamus panned out in the corner. Kane follows through with a running knee and the champ's head smacks off the bottom turnbuckle. Kane signals that he wants to end this now and raises his hand for a chokeslam. Sheamus gets to his feet and his throat is caught. However, he it off and hits an Irish Curse backbreaker to finally get some offence in. Kane sits up straight away though, much to the horror of Sheamus. he snaps out of his bemusement and kicks him in the head to make him stay down. He then locks in a sleeper hold. The crowd is trying to get behind Kane and manage to help him come to his senses. He forces Sheamus to his feet and eventually break the hold. He pushes Sheamus into the ropes but he ducks and BANG! Bróg Kick to the head of the Big Red Machine. One...Two.. Kickout!! Sheamus can't believe it, he was certain he'd done enough there but Kane starts to come to his feet again. Sheamus decides it's Kick no.2 that will end this but as he goes for it, he's caught by Kane who picks him up and throws him across the ring. He then hits a side slam and heads up top. He connects with the flying clothesline and this crowd is on their feet. According to their watch, it's Chokeslam time. Kane seems determined to hit it this time and... he does. Unfortunately for Kane, Sheamus' intelligence and ring-awareness sees him roll out of the ring on to the ground. The referee counts to three and Kane realizes that the Irishman would probably settle for this to go to a countout. Kane rolls to the outside but Sheamus hits a lowblow. The referee didn't spot it due the his closeness to the apron. He then sends Kane into the ring pole, his shoulder taking a battering. Sheamus rolls back into the ring and straight back out again, meaning the referee has to restart at one. As Kane gets to his feet though he catches Sheamus with a big boot. He then picks him up and sends him into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Kane hits another side slam and comes close to a three count. Picking Sheamus up, he attempts to set up the Tombstone Pilerdriver but Sheamus gets out of it and sends Kane into the turnbuckle. On his return, he's met with another Bróg Kick. One..Two..Kickout!!!! Sheamus is absolutely livid with the referee. For good measure, he decided to clobber him. He's starting to snap, he leaves the ring to receive a steel chair. However, Kane gets to his feet and punches the steel chair in his hand and finally catching Sheamus with a Chokeslam. The referee is out cold however and by the time another one has arrived to the ring, Sheamus manages to kick out at two. Kane picks him up again, this time deciding to go for a powerbomb. Sheamus manages to counter again and gets down, JR debates as to whether or not he raked the eyes of Kane. Kane seems to be having trouble with his left eye and Sheamus preys on him before hitting a huge Bróg Kick again. As the referee finally gets to three.

    Winner and still BWE Champion: Sheamus

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    Welcome to Monday night Raw where the whole of BWE is still talking about last nights events at Summerslam what will the fallout be, Sheamus is in the ring with his BWE title been held aloft he cuts a promo how he told the whole BWE Universe what he was going to do to Kane that he was the real Big Red Machine of the BWE and Kane can never be a match for him, just then the Pyros go off and Kane comes down to the ring he faces off with Sheamus who does not flinch, Kane gets in his face and tells him tonight he will destroy him, Sheamus ya you and whos army fella……the lights go off the crowd go wild when they come back on The Undertaker is standing in the ring beside Kane he tells Sheamus tonight he may want to get a friend as he will be facing the brothers of Destruction.
    Zack Ryder Vs Chavo Guerrero
    Chavo begins the match with stiff European uppercuts and takes Ryder to the corner where he rakes his eyes on the ropes, he then hits him with some German suplex Ryder looks in a bad way he is able to get back into the match with a flurry of chops and kicks to chavo the a swinging neckbreaker when Chavo gets up he is only met with the Zack attack....Ryder gets the pin and the win
    Winner:Zack Ryder
    Primo Colon Vs The Miz
    The Miz looks like he is a really bad mood tonight and he sets his sights on Primo Colon pretty quickly, and after a barrage of attacks from the Miz he finally finishes it with his skull crushing finale and picks up the win.
    Winner:The Miz

    ***dont try this at home***


    Sheamus is in the backstage area looking for a partner tonight he bumps into Yoshi Tatsu who seems very excited and the prospect of being Sheamus partner, But Sheamus just looks at him and says don’t be a tool and walks away

    Swagger and Cena are in the ring together holding there tag title they cut a promo on how the destroyed Orton and HHH last night and they will be fighting champions and will defend there titles on both brands and tonight even though they are still exhausted from last nights match up that they are going to defend there titles against two men who they have great Respect for and who might actually give them a match unlike Orton and HHH.
    Cena & Swagger Vs The Dudebusters
    A total squash match with Swagger and Cena basically able to do what they want it end nearlly as quickly as it begin when Swagger made Croft tap out as he had him in the ankle lock.
    Winners: John Cena and Jack Swagger

    After the match Cena invites Ted Dibiase Jr to the ring, Ted comes out with his brother Brett and also Joe Henning with his silver briefcase in hand, when he gets to the ring he ask Cena has he made up his mind Cena tells Dibiase that he will sell his MiTb contract to Dibiase under one condition, Dibiase cannot believe this he tells Cena he is getting a million dollars the easiest money he has made since the Marine and now he has a condition,
    Cena tells Ted to speak to his daddy dearest and if he can guarantee him a title shot at the next PPV his MiTb contract is all yours.


    Nexus seven are in the ring they tell everyone that at Summerslam they showed they can do what they want when they want and if the Raw locker room those not like it then tonight come out and face them in a over the top rope battle royal.

    Nexus Vs Team Raw

    Team raw had Yoshi Tatsu,The Rhodes Brothers,The Uso's and Zig Show in there team the first to go was Tatsu pretty quickly followed by Jimmy Uso both elimannted by Tarver, who himself goes via the Big Show who looks dominate next out is Darren Young who takes Goldust with him, Heath Slater gets rid of Cody Rhodes with Wade Barretts help, Jey Uso is next out as Sheffield dumps him over the top rope that just left the Big Show against 5 of the Nexus he does manage to get rid of Slater and Gabriel but Barrett,Sheffield and Otunga are just about able to push him over the top rope.
    Winners: Nexus


    Sheamus is looking for Evan Bourne to be his tag partner he open Bournes locker room door only to hear a scream from what sounded like Gail Kim to get out he looks in the door and says you are a sick man fella walks away and shakes his head in disbelief, he then walks into William Regal, he ask Regal to be his partner tonight but Regal ask him if he thinks that he is mad, Sheamus points out after 400 years of oppression it’s the least you owe me fella plus we are both champions you the commonwealth champion and me a world champion, the brothers of destruction would be no match for us.
    Matt Hardy Vs Vladimer Kozlov

    A tough match for Matt as Kozlov is on top from the beginning with headbutts to Hardy and the big boot to his chest, Hardy eventually picks up the win after an inside cradle while Kozlov was giving out to the ref for what he considered a slow count.
    Winner: Matt Hardy
    ***promo for smackdown***
    Undertaker & Kane Vs Sheamus & William Regal

    It is what you would expect when the brothers of destruction are in town a total smash mouth match up Regal does his best to make it a wrestling match and brings Kane to the mat with front face locks but Kane is able to easily get out
    , Regal tags in Sheamus and Undertaker comes in and double teams Sheamus with Kane they fling him against the ropes and Sheamus is able to double chokeslam both of them but they just sit up together.
    Sheamus quickly tags in Regal who is only meet with a double chockeslam and brother of destruction take the pin while Sheamus high tails and leaves Regal get a beat down from Taker and Kane.
    Winners: The Undertaker and Kane

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt


    As the tape finishes playing the highlights of the main event, the opening credits hit and we are underway. The audience at home are informed that tonight will be an epic night here in L.A.


    Vince McMahon's music hits the arena and he struts down to the ring, looking more cocky than ever. He's still so over it's ridiculous with people bowing at him. In the ring he welcomes the crowd to the show. He says that he is here purely for business reasons. Vince says that in a month's time we have a PPV coming up called 'Night of Champions'. He says that in the past, every title has been defended and that this will again be the case. However, due to the fact that the Cruiserweight and World Tag Team Titles are defended on both brands, a number one contender will have to be determined. The place where this will happen will be in Salt Lake City, Utah in 10 days where a special 3-Hour Raw will take place. Every member of the WWE locker room will be present and there is where the bill for Night of Champions will really take place.

    Vince is just about to exit the ring when the arena goes dark and we hear the intro of 'Broken Dreams' by Shaman's Harvest. As the song kicks in, so do fireworks and blue and white confetti starts to fall from the ceiling. Out comes the new World Heavyweight Champion, Drew McIntyre. He's all suited up and carries the belt over his shoulder with a proud smirk on his face. Vince decided to wait in the ring. Drew soaks up the moment and prolongs it. He then goes to shake the hand of Mr.McMahon. Vince introduces him to the crowd and he is met with a chorus of boos. Drew takes the microphone and tells the crowd to shut up as this is his moment. He then tells Vince that he is glad that he is here to share his celebration and that he has brought something special.


    A waiter comes to the ring and pours two glasses of fine, 18 year old scotch whiskey. Drew tells Vince thanks for believing in him and giving him the belief he needed to make it to the top of the industry. Vince says that he knows talent when he sees it but sadly he wont be taking any further part in the celebrations. Drew looks baffled as Vince continues to speak. He tells the new champion that now that he has made it to the top, he is on his own. He says that he played his part in helping nurture a fine talent but for now he has to look out for the next Drew McIntyre. Drew's not looking so pleased anymore. He informs the boss that there is one and only one Drew McIntyre and that's the way it will stay. Vince isn't pleased with the tone of McIntyre's voice and tells him to watch his mouth. Drew looks away for a second before connecting with an uppercut to floor the chairman. He towers over him and is about to continue the beatdown on him when Christian's music hits.

    Christian means business and tells Drew that his peeps deserve a better champion than Poo McIntyre. He then shouts 'Go Aberdeen' at Drew who shouts 'I'm from Ayr!' Christian then stops joking about and says that if he wants to throw punches so badly then he's got the perfect idea. He tells him that he's got a rematch clause and that he can't think of any better place to cash it in. Drew says that he was expecting this to happen but it can't tonight as he's got a doctor's note saying that he needs a full week to recover after Summerslam. Vince interrupts at this point and squares up to McIntyre. He tells him that he should fire him right now but that would be too easy. Vince says that if Christian wants to use his rematch clause tonight then he's got it and if Drew decides not to show then he'll strip him of the title. Vince exits the ring as his music hits. Drew's face is one of frustration as Christian looks on with intent.


    As our commentators recap over what's happened so far, Albertio Del Rio makes his way to the ring. He's about 30 seconds into a speech about his heritage when he is interrupted MVP. MVP tells him that everyone has seen and is sick of his promos but we'll see how good he is now.

    Match One: Alberto Del Rio v MVP

    It takes Del Rio a while to settle down into the match but once he does it's a decent contest. MVP is over with the crowd and gets a huge pop for his 'ballin' elbow drop. To his dismay however, an attempted Play of The Day is reversed as Del Rio hits a fabulous Bridge-German Suplex before rolling and locking in an armbar. MVP has no choice but to tap out.

    Winner by Submission: Alberto Del Rio


    When we come back from the break Drew McIntyre barging into GM Teddy Long’s office. He tells Long to postpone the match until next week but Long says he can’t go over the word of the chairman and if he was him then he’d be preparing for his first defence right now. Drew looks angrier than he was earlier.

    Match Two: Edge v John Morrison

    . Before the match, Morrison tells the crowd that he’s sick of languishing in the midcard here on Smackdown and that the WWE Universe has given him no support whatsoever. He tells them all to go to hell and says he’s out for himself. Edge receives a loud pop on his entrance. A spectacular, back and forth match with some great spots. Morrison missed his starship pain though which set up Edge for the Spear to get the victory.

    Winner: Edge


    After the match, John Morrison loses the plot and screams at the audience as he exits the arena. Edge celebrates in the middle of the ring.

    Josh Matthews is joined by Christian in the back. He asks Captain Charisma how he’s feeling ahead of his rematch with Drew McIntyre. Christian says that he’s disappointed in how things ended up at Summerslam and but he’s not going to start blaming anyone for his defeat. As well as that, someone needs to shut Drew up and that he won’t be so much in the mood for celebrating when he falls victim to the Killswitch tonight.

    Back in the ring, Kofi Kingston is calling out the Viper, Randy Orton to confront him about what happened a few weeks ago. Kofi tells Orton that had he chosen him as his tag partner then he’d still have a championship belt over his shoulder but from RKOing him instead, he’s made a powerful enemy. He demands that Orton come out and face him right now. Orton obliges and a referee follows him down to ring shortly after.

    Match Three: Kofi Kingston v Randy Orton

    Kofi’s clearly upset with Orton and takes the offence early on. His aggression gets the better of him though in the end. He pushes Orton to the outside after an attempted RKO and follows him out. Kofi then gets a chair and smashes it against Orton’s skull before hitting Trouble in Paradise for good measure.

    Winner via DQ: Randy Orton

    Kofi exits the arena with a smirk on his face, feeling like he’s achieved retribution to some extent.


    Raw Rebound

    Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring with Low Ki at his side, as well as the IC title that he won back from CM Punk last night. He tells the crowd that Luke Gallows leaving his side has affected him badly and that he’d like to call out the S.E.S. and straighten things out. Danielson says he would like to ask Punk to once again be the Leader of the Straight Edge Society. Low Ki looks shocked and appalled as Punk makes his way to the ring. Danielson applauds Punk as he enters. Punk says that he is a humble man and will always have room in his heart for forgiving those who have strayed off the path he sets them. Low Ki however, grabs Danielson’s microphone and says he’s not having any of it. Low Ki says if he is going to be in a group he wants it to be about more than respecting your body, but about respecting others too, he wants honor. Danielson says thats fine leave, Punk also agrees. Low Ki makes his way up the ramp, shaking his head in disgust. As punk attempts to run down Low Ki, Danielson takes the mic and says hold on Punk… I am also leaving SES. Danielson also believes Respect has to earned but Punk has no respect for anyone. He says he also believes in Honor and today sees the formation of the Honor Society. The Honor Society is about respect and achievements so since he as already taken back the IC title, the Honor Society is moving on. Punk now looks furious with how things have played out. Danielson leaves the ring to join Low Ki at the top of the ramp. He says that Gallows can go where he wants but that he’s always welcome back to his side. However, he has found another man who believes in honor, a man that Punk knows well and a man that will stand up for everything the Honor Society believes in.


    Tyler Black comes out with a long, black robe on with a hood up. When he takes it down, he looks up at Punk with contempt before linking hands with Danielson and Low Ki. They raise their arms as their music plays.

    Vault Segment

    Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship Match – Christian v Drew McIntyre (c )


    Drew reluctantly gets into the match, he’s clearly unhappy with how things have played out. It’s a straight up fight then, Christian still livid at losing his belt last Sunday. He goes to work on drew’s ribs and tries to wear the Scot down. McIntyre however, is resilient and admirably fights back. He reverses and Abdominal Stretch into a neckbreaker and takes control. Christian nearly sneaks a win when he reverses an attempted Futureshock DDT into an inside cradle but McIntyre breaks out of what seems to be a long two count. He quickly goes back to work on Captain Charisma though and regains control. He latches on a camel clutch as he tries to rip Christian’s jaw open. Somehow though, the challenger makes it to the ropes. McIntyre decided its time to try and end this and picks Christian up again with his trademark move in mind. Christian reverses well again and hits the Killswitch. He’s in disbelief though when Drew’s foot is on the bottom rope. In between two minds a little, he decides to pick him up again and try a second one. McIntyre pushes him away though, runs for him but clobbers the referee. Christian hits Killswitch again but there’s no one to count. Eventually a second official arrives down and Christian looks delighted but the referee goes straight toward the ring announcer. We learn that McIntyre has been disqualified due to hitting the referee. Christian pleads with the official as the belt cannot change hands via DQ but to no avail. In a fit of rage, Christian grabs the title and smashes It into the champion’s face before leaving.

    Winner via DQ: Christian

    Drew gets to his feet as he’s alone in the ring. He has a faint smirk on his face as he knows he’s still the champion. However, his joy is shortlived as the pyro gives him the fright of his life. Chris Jericho runs toward the ring with briefcase in hand, he gives it to the official who announces that he is cashing in his MitB contract. Drew can barely stand. Jericho looks cocky as he jumps up on to the apron. But Christian has turned around and is sprinting back down toward him. He knocks him down off the apron and sends him into the steel steps, beats him down and feeds him to Drew. The bell rings as both men are now in the ring. McIntrye hits Futureshock and covers Jericho to retain his title. He then scatters as Christian looks to beat him down again. Christian is left in the ring staring at the Scot who is very pleased with how things have worked out.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    As the show opens and The commentators recap last weeks post Summerslam goings on on Raw, GM Ted Dibiase Sr makes his way to the ring. He says that at Summerslam he got the greatest feeling anyman can get thanks to his Raw superstars and that was the feeling that comes with emptying a rivals wallet. He says that it was a real high and a rush he wanted to experience again so once more he has put a challenge on the table for SD GM Teddy Long. He says that in just a few short weeks every title in the BWE will be defended at Night of champions but that wasnt all as that night we would also now witness two title unification matches. He says just like we saw with the unified tag and cruiser belts Raw superstars will reign supreme as the BWE Divas title and the BWE womens title would become one, as would the Smackdown Intecontinental championship and Raw's British commonwealth title (formerly the US title).

    He says however that this isnt the only blockbuster announcement he will open Raw with as he says that obviously there is a lot of contention over these belts even on each brand themselves so next week he says there will be a 3hr interbrand Raw where all issues will be resolved and the competitors representing each brand will be decided.

    Speaking of which he now begins talking about John Cena who he said should know when he has got a good deal. He references how John got his way with regards the Nexus and was offered a more than generous $1m for his MITB briefcase and yet he was still demanding being made no.1 contender for Night of Champions. Well Dibiase says despite his generousity with his wallet he is not a man to be pushed around but has a compromise for John Cena, he says that next week on the special 3 hour Raw there will be a No.1 contenders match to see who faces Sheamus at the PPV and that Cena had till the end of tonight to decide if he would be happy with the money and a chance to earn his shot next week cos otherwise the money will be off the table. Then just as Dibiase is about to make his way to the back he stops and says o yeah and John, you and Jack Swagger will be defending those tag titles tonight...against The Zig Show!

    As The GM leaves The commentators talk about all the massive implications of what has been announced from Cena's decision to come to the fact that we will have a 3hr Raw next week and SD vs Raw title unification bouts at Night of Champion. eventually they focus on tonights opener as Evan Bourne makes his way to the ring.

    Evan Bourne vs zach Ryder

    After his victory last week against Chavo, Zack Ryder is trying to put himself right into contension for the Cruiserweight belt here tonight in a non title match against the champ and opens very strongly. After an early Swinging neckbreaker he seems to take control catching Bourne before he gets into his stride. He follows this up with his rough ryder lariat before going for the Zack Attack but Bourne is able to reverse out of it and get in some offense of his own starting with an Enzuigiri. Bourne eventually wears Ryder down enough that after a big Hurricanrana he has enough time to hit his Shooting Star Press for the win.

    Winner: Evan Bourne

    Bourne celebrates by going to the top rope and starring right at Gail Kim who had accompanied him to ringside and throwing up his patented 2 finger salute which gets a big pop from a small section of the crowd.

    As we leave ringside the commentators announce another main event level match up for tonight in which BWE champion Sheamus will face both The Undertaker and Kane in a non title triple threat match.

    Evan Bourne is caught on camera backstage with Gail Kim celebrating his victory tonight, Kim can be heard saying how special it was for her that his in ring celebration was aimed solely at her as Jack Swagger walks up to them saying that nobody cares about their sick personal situation and that they were stealing the all America American's airtime. Bourne briefly squares up to him but Swagger is left with his signature smirk as Gail pulls Bourne back and the two back away together. Swagger then looks dead into the camera and says that just like HHH found out last week he is going to show tonight that you dont get in Jack Swaggers business without repucussions.

    As we return from an ad break a recap is shown of all the recent interaction between The Fortunate Sons & The Brothers Rhodes and we see Goldust with his brother Cody beside him in ring as Dibiase Jr's music hits and they make their way out.

    Dibiase Jr w/Brett & Joe Hennig vs Goldust w/Cody Rhodes

    This starts out a pretty even contest with the veteran Goldust more than holding his own, however after a big double axe hammerfrom the 2nd rope he lands awkwardly on one of his feet and is clearly wincing in pain. Dibiase capatilises on this and targets his leg, first knocking him to the ground before delivering a number of elbow drop and foot stomps leaving Goldust barely able to stand. He begins taunting the elder rhodes brother as he tries to hobble away from him and knocks him back down to the mat with a big clothesline. On the apron Cody has had enough and goes to charge the ring but is restrained by the referee, which allows Ted to toss Goldust to the outside where he is dealt a number of rights by Brett Dibiase and a Perfect plex by henning who then rolls him back into the ring. Cody having noticed this sprints around the ring and attacks Dibiase's two cohorts. However in the ring his brother is lying prone and then is hit by Dibiase's Dream Street to put the exclamattion point on a Fortunate Sons victory which is confirmed by the proceeding 3 count victory.

    Winner: Dibiase Jr

    As The Fortunate sons head up the ramp, Cody grabs a mic and calls after Ted Jr, he says that they go a long way back but that its only now he realises how much of a coward Ted really is. He says that he challenged him ages ago for his million dollar title but Ted continues to hide behind his cronies and his fathers money. He then dares Dibiase to prove he isnt a coward (something he is cleary saying on camera he disagrees with) but after a brief stare down Dibiase and co just turn and leave the ringside area.

    As we return backstage we see that everything is set up for this weeks Monday Night Miz as the Miz introduces his guest for the night William Regal. At first The Miz gives what seems like a serious interview and ignoring his own quest to regain what he still refers to as the US championship (despite Regal constantly correcting him) and quizzing the British commonwealth champion on his opponent for tonight Matt Hardy. Regal says its a joke that Hardy considers himself one of the best european champions of BWE history and that the fact that he was even allowed to compete for said belt is also a joke. He then says that he will tonight prove how much of a joke Hardy is before going to Night of Champions and defeating is former trainee Bryan Danielson of SD to become the unified Intercontinental British Commonwealth champion. This is when the Miz interjects with his own agenda and reminds Regal that before then there is the 3hr Raw next week when GM Ted Dibiase has promised that all disputes over those titles will be settled and be it you or Matt Hardy the Miz announces that he will get one last chance to get back his United States title next week thanks to the GM whom he just spoke to. Regal looks incensed but backs away and leaves the interview area as the Miz laughs to himself biefore looking into the camera and signing off with a quiet mouthing of the word AWESOME.

    The Undertaker vs Sheamus vs Kane (non Title)

    The Undertaker comes out first and makes his way down to the ring in his trademark fashion and right as he is removing his hat and coat on the steps is attacked by Sheamus with a steel pipe in hand. Sheamus continues the attack until Kane Music hits and the 2nd big red machine in this match up starts charging down the ramp causing Sheamus to slide into the ring awaiting him. The match officially begins as the two go at it in ring with big right hands in what the commentators point out is reminiscant of Raw's Summerslam main event meanwhiler Taker is recieving some attension at ringside. Eventually the deadman readies himself to get involved in the match and heads back to the ring steps only for another unexpected attack this time from Jack Swagger who comes out of the crowd and catches him with a big suplex off the steps which he follows up with a ankle lock. depite the fact that security seperate the two and Swagger is taken away Kane is distracted by this and Sheamus hits a big brog kick on him as a result. Kane is able to reach the ropes though and this main event standard match continues. Sheamus is on top but when Taker does finally enter the match the match swings towards the brothers of destruction as this is obviously more of a handicap match than a triple threat since no title is on the line. Their double teaming is two much for The Celtic Warrior and after taking a Chokeslam from Kane he rolls out of the ring and after a moment of recovery time grabs his title and simply walks away up the ramp, casuing himself to be Disqualified and the brothers thrist for his head to only increase.

    DQ via countout: Sheamus

    ----Smackdown rebound including the formation of the Honour Society and Christians rematch with Drew McIntyre which ended in disqualification.

    Sheamus is backstage and to say he looks angry is an understatment he barges into the GMs office and confronts Ted Dibiase Sr. He demand an answer fror why he had to face both Undertaker and Kane tonight and why should John Cena walk straight into a no.1 contenders spot for his title. Dibiase trys to calm him by saying that The Undertaker and Kane will see consequences for their post match attack on The celtic Warrior but as far as John Cena was concerned he would have to wait and see what he has lined up for him next week should he accept his offer, but again confirms the angry Irishman that nobody is going to get a shot at his BWE title without earning it. He then says that He has given The Nexus the night off tonight as he didnt want any interferance in the tag title match tonight and that should Cena get a shot at Sheamus somewhere down the line he would do the same thing then also.

    British Commonwealth title match: William Regal vs Matt Hardy

    Hardy is staking his claim to be the man respresenting Raw in the IC/BC title unification bout at Night of Champions. However it really is Regal who is on top in this match and despite a brief period of dominance from Hardy in which he hit a twist of faith for a 2 count this is clearly a deserved title retention. The finish comes when Hardy goes for a diving leg drop but Regal quickly maneuvers out of the way and then catches Hardy who is on the mat in his Stretch submission which Matt taps to.

    Winner: William Regal

    Backstage Josh Matthews is waiting in hope of getting a comment from The Undertaker and Kane following Jack Swaggers interferance in their match and Dibiase's words of warning for the duo. He is instead embroiled in a Divas confrontation instead as Maryse and Melina burst out of the womens dressing room mid tussle which a number of other divas are trying to break up. it is a short lived tussle however as Maryse kicks Melina in the guts as she is being restrained by Jillian Hall and then plants her on the floor with her French Kiss finale. As Josh questions why and what has just happened, Maryse grabs the mic and says that at Nigh of Champions a unified womens champion would be crowned but that there was one problem with that, right now a fraid (pointing down at Melina) is parading around claiming to be the Diva's champion. I pinned the champ 1, 2, 3 not herand next week on the 3hr interbrand Raw i will prove im the best Diva on Raw and should be the one representing Raw at night of champions. She then kicks Josh in the mid section and proceeds to hit him with a French Kiss but not the type he would like to leave him also lying in pain on the ground beside Melina.

    Kane & The Undertaker then emerge from their dressing room and after briefly stopping to observe the carnage on the floor outside make their way down the corrider which leaves the King questioning where they are off to as we return to the in ring action and tonights main event.

    Jack Swagger & John Cena vs The Zig Show

    A real back and forth bout with Dolph Ziggler really stepping up to the plate and making this seem like 4 bonafide main eventers going at it. However it is he in the ring as Cena & Swagger begin to take control. Cena hits him with a fishermans suplex and a five knuckle shuffle while The Big Show looks on desperate for a tag, he isnt looking on long however as Cena hits an attitude adjustment on Ziggler and the only thing stopping a pinfall victory is Shows interferance. Cena picks Ziggler back up and signals for a 2nd attitude adjustment when suddenly the lights momentarily go out before Kane's Pyro hits and The Brothers of Destruction can be seen making their way down the ramp. Swagger seing their arrival hightails it leaving the ring apron and diving over the baracade into the crowd in which Taker and Kane proceed to chase him. This distraction has taken Cena's mind of the match at hand and allowed Ziggler to tag in The Big Show and as Cena proceeds to turn around to focus his attension back on his opponent he is caught by a massive KO punch. Show then pins Cena and has a massive smile on his face as The Zig Show are proclaimed the new unified tag team champions.

    Winners: the Zig Show

    After a brief fit where he screams to high heaven Cena seems to calm himself down but the commentators later question if he is thinking rationally or is he just distraught over losing championship gold as at this point he grabs a mic and says "Dibiase, next week you bring the money and put me in that no.1 contenders match and you've got a deal!"


    The next time the BWE comes to you live on PPV will be Night of Champions, a promo for which plays as we go off the air.

