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Boards Wrestling Entertainment: Raw & SD (current rosters in the OP)



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7


    BWE RAW for 30th November 2009

    Before the intro we have a recap of last weeks RAW focusing on HBK Gaunlet with Swagger becoming No 1 contender in the Main event and the aftermath.

    As we go Live DX Music Hits. HHH and HBK are looking surprisingly happy considering with how things went last week. After getting the ring and doing the normal pyro routine HHH jumps out of the ring and brings out a table. HBK grabs two steel chairs and they sit down at the table.
    HHH says at TLC he has a big tables match where he will get Swagger for putting him throuigh the announce table last week. But tonight they he owes his Buddy HBK a favour for stopping an injustice at BWE Survivor Series. Speaking of Justice we need to investigate the recent actions of one man and as the locker room leaders we will have to pass judgement on him for recent actions.

    A short video of John Cena's recent actions is played ending with his most recent attack on HBK.

    They call out Cena, cena comes out all smiles and when questioned tried to make light of everything that happened saying how he is just stressed and annoyed at losing matches. Cena becomes more serious when asked about how he let Randy Orton and Jack swagger get into his head. Looking at HBK he stops smiling and just says you know what its like HBK, things go someone elses way and eventually you lose your smile. HBK gets out of his chair and stares at Cena, if thats all you have Cena we find you guilty and you will be made to pay. Cena says he has a judgement of his own to deliver at TLC.

    HHH thats a great idea but tonight as part of his sentencing Cena is going to have to deal with the game! Its HHH v Cena in our BWE main event.
    Match 1
    Its the Colons versus Masters and Chavo.

    We are told by Cole that the new RAW GM is intent on showcasing all talent over the next few weeks and the winners of this match will receive a BWE tag team shot next month.

    In a good display of tag team effort by the colons they win a good but sort tag match. Chavo and Masters coulnd't cope with the former unified tag team champions teamwork. The end came when Carlito hit a ruuning dive off the ring apron onto Masters while Primo hit a Top Rope cross body on the distracted Chavo.
    Winners and Decembers No 1 contenders (Post TLC) The colons

    Ted Junior is talking to his dad and cody Rhodes is with them. Ted asks for Himself and Cosy to be out in the US title match at TLC. Ted Snr tell his son he can't do that, I can't show favouritism to anyone least of all you son. I have a match for you already. Tonight you take on the BWE No 1 contender Jack Swagger, " You better go get ready". One more thing tell your so called leader he has a grudge match with Kofi Kingston tonight.
    As Ted junior leaves Cody is called back in by the GM. I can give you a US title shot if you want. Cody says he wants it. The GM tells him to get to the ring as his qualifying match is next.
    Match 2
    Cody Rhodes versus MVP to qualify for the US title match at TLC.
    MVP and Cody have a great contest. Cody used his speed and wrestling instinct to stay away from MVPs power. A Big DDT from cody almost got him an early win but after MVP kicked out Cody slowed the pace down trying to wear down MVP. A Randy Orton style Head lock leads to an MVP fight back. Cody again used his smarts to take MVP down with a chop block as he spins out of an attempted German Suplex. As Cody's confidence grew he tried a varfiety of ways to put MVP down for the count but MVP wouldn't give in. When Cody went to the top rope for a cross body of his own he made a huge mistake.

    The way Primo won his match was fresh in the mind and MVP was able to hit a big Kick on Cody as he was in the air. MVP got the three count. MVP showed tremendous Heart in this match while Cody showed he has learned so much from his encounters with DX and working with Randy Orton.
    MVP is now in the US title match at TLC.

    Ted Di Biase sees the TWGTT and tells them he has some good news. As consolation for not getting a chance at the BWE tag team titles you guys get a shot at a place in the US title match. The Bad news is you have to take on each other.
    Match 3:
    Shelton Benjamin versus Charlie Haas. Evan Bourne was ringside at the announce table for this one.
    A tremedous match that had the fans on the edge of their seats towards the end.
    At the start of the match we saw some big wrestling moves. Haas hit two massive German Suplex on Shelton while Shelton soon responded with a T-Bone Suplex and a shoulder breaker.
    Shelton would then work on Haas' arm. The King talked up the strategy as Haas would now find it hard to lock in a suplex or submission hold on Shelton, Evan said he would do the same thing. The King was right as when haas made a comeback he had to sue a faster pace and more strikes and kicks. Haas went to the top rope looking but was followed by Shelton who jumped to the top rope in trade mark fashion and hit a big top rope arm drag. As Charlie came to his feet hurting he had no defence from the pay dirt.
    Winnner Shelton Benjamin and in US title match at TLC.
    In the Ring
    We get highlights of the end of the match. Benjamin shakes Haas' good hand and then Evan Bourne's comes into the ring to congratulate Shelton on his win. The music of the Miz hits the arena. He makes his way to the ring and points to the entrance ramp, its MVP!.

    Evan and Shelton. I don't like the Miz but I like money. The TLC Pay Per View will be one of the most purchased DVD's in history and I want the royalties. So that makes me want to work with Miz to put on show at TLC. Evan as much as I want your title I also want to work with a guy that can Fly like you to but on a great match for the fans while Shelton Benjamin is a high light reel waiting to Happen

    Miz says, For the record MVP I don't like you either, in fact I don't like Baby Bourne or The Human Negative either. But we have something in common, Since coming to RAW we have all been held back so we need to work together to steal the spotlight at TLC. Are you Guys in or what?
    Money,money,moeny, money!!! Its Daddy Ted Di Biase. Okay guys your in the spotlight now, I admire the way you want to make some money MVP and how all you guys perform so you wnat a chance to steal the show I will give it to you. AT TLC you guys will compete for the US title in a ladder Match! All 4 guys shake hands but nobody turmns their back on his opponent.
    Back from commercial
    We get a recap of hostilities between Orton and Kofi.
    Kofi is interviewed backstage. He tells Orton he is ready to get more hostile. Randy cost him a chance of fighting at Survivor series and tonight Randy will be lucky to survive to the ring bell......

    Match 4
    Randy Orton versus Kofi Kingston
    As Orton makes his way to the ring bet he is attacked by Kofi Kingston. Kofi throws Randy off the ramp and randy is out cold. But Kofi isn't done and he climbs up a scaffold beside the Entrance. Kofi hits a huge boom drop on Orton. The medics come to attend to orton and remove him from ringsidde.

    After the break we see Randy being brought to a car by Legacy refusing Medical Attention. The GM finds them and tells cody to get randy medical attention but that Ted has to face Swagger now. Ted is forced to compete by his dad despite protests he needs to go with Randy.

    Match 5 Jack Swagger versus Legacy's Ted Di Biase

    As the match gets under way it is easy to see Ted's mind is elsewhere. Swagger takes Ted down a couple of times and shouts to the camera warning HHH "No man can out wrestle me". The King says Swagger is Gloating but Ted is in no mind to compete. As Swagger goes for a Belly to Belly suplex and stops to gloat Ted is shook into action. A headbutt by Ted gives him a chance to hit a side russian leg sweep. He goes to the 2nd rope and hits a fist drop on Swagger. He hits a standing fist drop before going for a pin. After Swagger kicks out on two Ted lets Swagger up to try and end this one early wit Dream Street. But its to early and ted ends up with an elbow to the face followed by the Red White and Blue Power Bomb for the Win.

    Winner Jack Swagger

    Ad for BWE superstars where Maryse has challenged Diva's champion to a match on Thursday night.

    Match 6
    Cena v HHH.
    An all out brawl here. Both men beat the living bejaysus out of the other. The action spilled to the oustide where HHH was shoved into the ring post back first. This agrivated the injury sustained last week when Swagger drove HHH trhrough the table. Cena continued to pummell HHH in the lower back. Punches, Kicks and slams. Cena evetnually locked in the STF. After an agonising 30 seconds for HHH he reached the ropes. After breaking the hold Cena allowed HHH to his feet and suffred a big spine buster. Neither man could get to his feet for a few moments but Cena was able to get up first. As HHH used the ring roped to climb Up Cena would again lock in the STF. This time despite HHH having a hold of the ropes Cena refused to break the hold. As the ref rang the bell for a DQ Cena started calling out HBK and released the hold.

    DQ win for HHH

    Post Match HBK made his way to the ring. As he made his way onto the ring apron Cena charged but HHH tripped Cena. HHH showed super human abilities to get to his feet and nail a pedigree on Cena.
    As the show ended HBK and HHH stood over Cena looking perplexed by cena's actions.

    Michale Cole announced Randy Orton did make it to a medical facility and is getting treatment and The King wondered what was going to happen next week.

    BWE Title: HHH Vs Jack Swagger (Tables match)
    John Cena Vs Shawn Michaels
    4 Way US Title match: Evan Bourne Vs the Miz Vs MVP Vs Shelton

    -I wanted to give Kofi an MSG style moment.
    -Continued HHH v Swagger in swaggers match and in HHH's promo
    -Continued HBK and Cena problems but left it Open for a Cena as Heel v HHH as face match down the line.
    -Brough the colons back in
    -wanted a good set of guys for US title match and all guys have the "not getting a great push since going to raw" in common

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,444 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!
    *video package is shown running through matches announced thus far for BWE:TLC, including a newly announced Chairs match for the ECW championship with Champion William Regal defending against Yoshi Tatsu* JR wonders if any SD matches will be added tonight

    The show opens with Straight Edge in the ring. CM punk talks about how people keep booing them despite their best efforts to help them. Punk says that even though they don't appreciate their help, there are others who do. John Morrison comes out with the IC title. He talks about how, over the past few weeks, he's defeated Dolph Ziggler numerous times, and last week, he pinned the champion CM Punk. Ziggler grabs the mic off Punk and interrupts Morrison, saying that Morrison got lucky. Morrison tells Ziggler he'll give him one more shot at the IC title. If Ziggler wins, Morrison can't challenge for the IC title as long as Ziggler is the champ. But if Morrison wins, he wants a WHC Title shot at TLC. Punk accepts on Zigglers behalf

    Backstage segment
    The Hart Dynasty
    walk into Teddy Longs office. They want to know if they'll get their title rematch tonight against The Fighting Irishmen. Teddy says they'll get it at TLC, as The Fighting Irishmen already have a match tonight. But he warns them that it'll be their last chance at the titles for a while, as the titles can be defended on all three brands, and The Colóns became the No.1 Contenders to the titles on Raw this week.

    Christian Vs Drew McIntyre

    Match starts quickly with both pulling off some impressive offense. During the match, R-Truth appears on the stage, and gets the crowd to start chanting "Whats Up?" Drew is stood looking at him, when Christian goes for the Killswitch. But Drew managed to turn it into a Double-arm DDT and pins Christian.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    After the match, Drew stares up at R-Truth. Both men are smiling

    Backstage Interview

    Lance Cade is interviewed by Todd Grisham. He says that tonight, he'll show everyone, and especially Chris Jericho, why Jericho was wrong to just cast him aside and forget about him. He says that Jericho said he didn't need Cade's help. But tonight, Jericho will be begging for help

    The Fighting Irishmen Vs Cryme Tyme (non-title)

    Fairly short match. Sheamus dominates JTG for the majority until JTG tags in Shad. Looks to be swinging towards Cryme Tymes favour until Shad misses with a clothesline and Sheamus hits the big boot.

    Winners: The Fighting Irishmen

    Video Promo

    Batista Vs CM Punk announced as tonights main event in a non-title match

    John Morrison Vs Dolph Ziggler (IC Title match)

    Morrison is one step ahead of Ziggler for the entire match. After a few minutes, Danielson runs down to the ring and distracts the referee. Another man jumps out of the crowd and kicks Morrison, before leaving the ring back through the audience. Ziggler crawls over for the pin... but Morrison manages to get his foot on the rope. Ziggler pulls him away from the ropes and tries to pin him twice more, but Morrison keeps kicking out. As Ziggler picks up Morrison, Morrison managed to hit the Moonlight Drive as Danielson watches from the stage

    Winner and new WHC No.1 Contender: John Morrison

    Video Promo

    Advertisment for the new Jeff Hardy DVD

    Mickie James Vs Layla (No.1 Contenders match for the Womens Championship)

    Short match with Michelle McCool watching from ringside, pacing around the ring. Mickie James goes for the Mickie-DT, but Layla manages to get out of it. A bit more back and forth before Layla hits the neckbreaker

    Winner and still No.1 Contender: Layla

    Mickie is shocked but knows she lost fair and square. She taunts McCool and Layla before leaving. McCool enters the ring and holds the title in front of Laylas face. They end in a stare-down

    Backstage Segment

    Chris Jericho and Lance Cade are both shown walking towards the ring ready for their match. A short promo is shown of their confrontations over the past few weeks

    Chris Jericho Vs Lance Cade

    Match quickly ends up outside the ring, with Jericho using the barriers and ring apron to wear Cade down. Back and forth for a while, with Cade beginning to look really strong. Goes for a Redneck Bomb, but Jericho counters into a Codebreaker. Instead of going for the pin, Jericho grabs Cades legs and puts him in the Walls of Jericho

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Jericho keeps Cade locked in the Walls of Jericho with 5 referees trying to get him to stop. Eventually Jericho lets him go.

    Backstage Segment

    CM Punk is shown talking to someone backstage. Its presumed to be Ziggler or Danielson, until they enter the room from the other side. Camera reveals Punk is talking to the man who attacked Morrison earlier. He tells them that 'they have work to do'

    CM Punk Vs Batista (non-title match)

    Batista starts off strong, refusing to let Punk try to escape from the ring or recover. After a few minutes though, Batista begins to get paranoid and starts looking around him to make sure he's not going to be ambushed. This gives Punk and advantage and he begins to start wearing Batista down with ground attacks and holds. Punk purposefully has Batista in a sleeper hold with Batista facing the stage. Danielson and Ziggler come out onto the stage and point behind them. The man who helped them earlier comes out, dragging a tied-up Rey Mysterio with him, and the three start beating him. Batista tries to escape the sleeper hold. Suddenly the lights go out for a few seconds. When they come back on, Mysterio has vanished and The Undertaker is standing in his place. Batista uses this to recover, and hits Punk with a vicious Batista Bomb

    Winner: Batista

    The action from the stage works its way toward the ring, and Batista and Taker are outnumbered. Punk leaves the ring to grab a chair, but Morrisons music hits and he runs down from the stage. As Morrison enters the ring, he, Batista and Taker get the advantage and begin working on the large man, Danielson and Undertaker respectively. With the rest of the Straight Edge members down, Punk decides he has to retreat, and is left staring from the stage at the team of Batista, Morrison and Undertaker to close the show


    1. Made The Hart Dynasty's rematch for TLC. Winners will go on to face The Colóns on Raw over the following few weeks
    2. Gave McIntyre the win over Christian to continue his push and possible fued with R-Truth. Don't really feel that this damages Christian in any way though
    3. Chris Jericho and Lance Cade can end here if needed, or Cade can seek retribution.
    4. I was tempted to take the IC Title off Morrison, but he only recently won it back, and with the US Title at TLC being a 4-man ladder match, any IC title match at TLC would pale in comparison. Also ended Morrison and Zigglers rivalry, and gave him the match with Punk at TLC. It can be announced on that it'll be a TLC match.
    5. Introduced Luke Gallows/Festus in a different way than WWE. Can be properly announced who he is on next weeks show, I was going for more of a shock factor here.
    6. Layla was still the No.1 Contender, so switched focus to her and McCool for now
    7. As Mysterio is returning to WWE next week, featured him here slightly. Can be declared as still injured or comes back properly soon
    8. Announced ECW Title match for TLC as a Chairs Match. Champion and Challenger can be changed, just picked Regal and Yoshi for now

    Enjoy Folks!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw

    Dx's music hits as the show opens and the Duo make their way down to the ring microphones in hand. The two talk about their matches this sunday at BWE: TLC, when HBK will take on John Cena and HHH will defend his BWE title against Jack Swagger. Hunter claims that with John Cena on a PPV losing streak and Swagger being a "glorified midcarder" its enevitable that this Sunday will be DX's day and that the title will be staying around his waste. then talking Directly to Cena & Swagger HBK states that if they have a problem with that they have two words for them and he throws the mic outta the ring and he and hunter do the DX crotch chops as the crowd shout "Suck It!".

    at this point Finlay's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Sheamus while a recap video of them winning the unified BWE tag titles is played and Lawler emphasises that due to that victory they can now appear on all 3 brands

    Match 1: HHH w/HBK vs Finlay w/Sheamus
    We witness a strong start from Finlay but it isnt long before the BWE champion HHH is on top in this match. Hunter only needs his DX teammate Shaun Michaels help once in this match, that being to fend off the attempted interference from Sheamus after HHH hits Finlay with The Pedigree and goes for the pin. 1-2-3 its over!

    Winner: HHH

    *A Graphic shows tonights main event as Legacy vs Kofi Kingston and a partner of his choosing*

    ----Backstage Segment
    Jamie Noble, who recently announced via his intentions to retire from professional wrestling is backstage saying goodbye to a number of superstars when suddenly he is brutally attacked by a big Espanic looking man, the attack culminates with Noble recieving a Lifting sitout DDT on the concrete floor leaving him bleeding prefusly.

    Match 2: Kelly Kelly vs Melina
    Despite some great early work by Kelly Kelly including a very impressive Headscissors takedown and the Kelly Killer (Handspring back elbow smash) Melina quickly got on top in this match and when she hits her signature "Last call" sunset flip powerbomb we have a fast finish.

    Winner: Melina

    after the match Melina grabs the mic and demands that next week on Raw Gail Kim give her, her rematch for the Diva's title.

    ----Backstage segment
    We see Randy Orton arrive and head straight for the GMs office looking a bit worse for wear and no doubt furious after the attack from Kofi Kingston last week. The Million Dollar Man can see this and immediately informs Orton that he has the night off from in ring action tonight (a big smile creaps across Ortons face until...), however this Sunday at BWE: TLC you will be in action 1on1 vs Kofi Kingston! Orton does not look too pleased at this news and just asks Ted Sr where his son and Cody are before leaving

    Match 3: WGTT vs Primo & Carlito Colon w/Eric Escobar

    The Fighting Irishmen are shown to be watching this backstage on a monitor and see the Colons bring accompanied to the ring by the same man who attacked Noble earlier, he is now identified by Micheal Cole as Eric Escobar. The match is a real back and forth contest with the WGTT getting in some great offense including numerous different types of suplex combinations after which Benjamin has built up quite a lot of momentum and goes to the corner looking to hit a high risk maneuvor. Meanwhile Primo and Haas have begun to fight outside the ring diverting the ref's attension. this is just the chance Escobar needs to get involved as he repeatidly strikes benjamin, giving Carlito an opportunity to recover and capitalise which he does by hitting a backbreaker from the second turnbuckle on Benjamin which he follows with a 3 count pin.

    Winners: Primo & Carlito Colon

    ----Backstage Segment
    no.1 contender Jack Swagger is interviewed by Todd Grisham about how he plans to deal with Mark Henry in their upcoming match. Swagger keeps it simple stating that this Sunday he plans to become the new BWE champion and that if he cant beat Mark Henry, worlds strongest man or not, then he doesent even deserve the chance to compete to be world champion. He then tells everyone including HHH to pay close attension to his match and witness first hand why the All American American will be the next BWE champion.

    Match four Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry
    Swagger is hugely impressive in this match-up but throughout it he is visably struggling anytime he looks to hit his finisher the Red, White and Blue Thunder Bomb on Henry, as he simply cannot lift the worlds strongest man up for it. After several attempts he decides a differnt plan of attack is needed and while still out maneuvering the big big man to avoid his big power attacks he hits Henry with a running Knee lift and then quickly ascends to the top turnbuckle and hits a big Moonsault before going for the cover.

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    ----Backstage Promo
    Josh Matthews tries to interview John Cena backstage but when he mentions Cena's PPV losing streak cena just walks away ending the interview and leaving matthews without someone to question until he spots The Colons and Eric Escobar. He asks about their connection and why Perez attacked Jamie Noble earlier tonight. Escobar says he did it just to make an impact, it was his way of announcing that The Puerto Rican Nightmares are back together at which point Carlito explains that all 3 of them came up together in the WWC in Puerto Rico and had developed quite the reputation as hell razers. He says that himself and Primo had felt like they had kind of lost their edge in the WWE but now re-united with Escobar that it was time for The Puerto Rican Nightmares to reign supreme again

    *a quick promo is shown highlighting the capabilities of all four men in the US title TLC match at the upcoming PPV, it includes last weeks attack by the Miz on The Big Show which Micheal Cole states is the breason the big man is not here tonight*

    Match five: Evan Bourne vs MVP
    A contender for MOTN until the other two combatants in the US title TLC match at this sundays PPV make their presence known at ringside, it seems neither of them are willing to wait till then with the Miz and Benjamin pulling ladders out from under the ring, then getting into the ring and using them as weapons. the four go at it for a few minutes which sees multiple ladder shot to the head and one surprisingly big bump for a non PPV match, with The Miz suplexing Benjamin off the ladder. Eventually the four men are seperated and the aggresion put on hold... until the PPV that is.

    No contest: Double DQ

    ----Backstage Promo
    We see Randy Orton giving Legacy a somewhat unconventional Pep talk in which he runs down their contribution over the last few months and reminds them that if it was not for them he would most likely not be involved with Kofi Kingston at the moment and that tonight is the time for them to make up for all these past indescretions.

    Match Six: Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes vs Kofi and a Mysterio Partner
    Randy Orton accompanies Legacy to the ring and things look bleak for Kofi until his mystery partner is announced, it's John Cena! This catches Legacy off guards and the team of Kingston & cena have the early advantage. They even get a near fall after Kofi hits trouble in paradise on Cody Rhodes but Orton puts Codys foot on the rope to break the three count. Orton continues to interfere giving legacy a clear advantage whilst never doing enough to encur the ref's wrath. Even with the numbers advantage in play Legacy are still very impressive throughout this match, Ted Dibiase in particular who go's toe to toe with Cena trading moves including a Cobra clutch legsweep which gets him a two count. Perhaps it wasnt needed but Kofi entered the ring to break up that count and follows it up with a number of dropkicks on both members of legacy before going for a springboard legdrop on Dibiase who is still down from a previous dropkick. However as Kofi springboards off the ringropes Orton grabs his leg causing him to fall awkwardly on the outside. Rhodes and Dibiase begin to double team Cena, but The Dr of Thuganomics fights back until seing that the ref is now outside checking on Kofi's condition Orton slides into the ring. Immediatley Cena backs off knowing the numbers are too much for him and rolls out of the ring. Kofi is just getting over his fall when he see's cena walk past himself and the ref on the outside as he makes his way towards the ramp. Bemused at what is going on Kofi is caught unawares by Cody as he throws him back into the ring where he gets RKO'd by Orton while the ref is questioning Cena about where he is going. As Cena dissapears into the backstage area the ref gets back into the ring where Ted Dibiase Jr is covering Kofi. 1-2-3 its over.

    Winners: Legacy

    BWE TLC card so far:

    HHH (c) vs Jack swagger - Table match for the BWE title
    CM Punk (c) vs John Morrison - TLC match for the WHC
    Evan Bourne (c) vs MVP vs The Miz vs Shelton Benjamin - Ladder match for the US title
    Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston
    The Fighting Irish (c) vs The Hart Dynasty - Tag team title rematch
    John Cena vs Shaun Micheals
    1 more SD match to be announced exclusive ECW title match Yoshi Tatsu vs William Regal (c)

    1. Made Kofi vs Orton official for TLC
    2. Continued the possible build to both Legacy & Cena face/heel turns.
    3. Kept both HHH and Swagger looking strong going into their PPV match.
    4. Introduced Escobar and the new lil midcard stable "The Puerto Rican Nightmares"
    5. mentioned nobles retirement on air
    6. gave a lil promo of TLC action in the US title contenders matchup.
    7. Brought the Divas title back into the fold as it had been left out of the picture a bit to help build for TLC with no womens matches on the card.... thats probably everything tbh

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    The Show opens with the Music of Christian who gets a good reception on his way to the ring. The Ring is set up for an interview segment.
    “Ladies and Gentleman, and a special hello to all my Peeps, welcome to the Peep Show”. If I may redirect you to the Peeps Plasma to see what happened last week”.
    We see the interference of the Mystery Man in the Jo Mo v Ziggler match, the tying up Rey Mysterio and the Aftermath between Straight Edge, Jo Mo, Taker and Batista.
    “Please welcome CM Punk”.
    Punk Makes his way to the ring with his straight edge following.
    The Peep Show hosted by Christian with his guests CM Punk and Straight Edge.
    “I had two reasons for asking you to be a guest on my show, the first one is I wanted to help out the peeps and find out who this guy is, your mystery friend, he looks like a guy who has eaten plenty of Biscuits and Gravy Over the years”.
    Punk: “That’s cute Christian, you are well aware who the man used to be, he used to be known as Festus, Festus was a guy that had a drug problem, like all the people in the audience tonight, he didn’t have the control to limit his prescription pills, but I helped him, my Straight Edge friends helped him and we were able to unlock him from his demons and bring out the real person inside, unfortunately for the rest of the WWE the man we found is Luke Gallows, and Luke Gallows freed from his demons happens to be a Demon Himself”.
    That brings me to the 2nd question. You guys have formed a nice group, 3 talented guys and a head Nerd. It’s the WWE’s own Nerd herd, That C in your name must stand for Chuck”,


    Anyways Chuck, I thought I should remind you that forming a group is meant to help you outnumber your opposition but you and your “Nerd Herd” have messed it up,
    You keep trying to kill Mysterio, you have managed to infuriate Matt Hardy by beating him up and getting rid of his Brother, you somehow managed to make The animal Batista even more Angry than normal and have continually tried to provoke the Undertaker and you’ve upset John Morrison so much he has challenged you to a TLC match where he gets a shot at your title. That’s 5 guys, there is only 4 of you”,
    Danielson takes the Mic, Did you say Herd? When I think herd I think Cattle, what’s stopping me from locking in the Cattle Mutilation right here right know?
    You know It’s the Mack Militant, coming to get it on….. Teddy Long is here “Hold it there Playa’s you guys are busy enough without making problems without starting something with Christian, at TLC its going to be Punk v Morrison in the TLC match Morrison Requested, oh and Gallows, Ziggler and Danielson you guys will be teaming up to face the team of Rey Mysterio, Batista and The Undertaker.
    Before the commercial we are told the undertaker is in action next.

    On return we get Takers Entrance.
    His opponent is Drew McIntyre!
    Match 1. Undertaker v Drew McIntyre.
    Drew shows impressive skills during this one and tried standing toe to toe in a brawl with the dead man. He almost lived up to his promise as he locking in the double arm DDT position but R-Truth’s Music hit the arena.
    Taker broke the Clinch and hit a tombstone on Drew.
    Match 1 Winner The Undertaker by Pin.
    Back Stage: Teddy is speaking to Matt Hardy. Teddy Complements Hardy for his own work in TLC matches. He asks Hardy to team up with Batista tonight as Rey is not here.
    Jericho burst into Longs Office Teddy Long, are you gone mad, your giving John Morrison a title shot at TLC. I am the star of this show, I should be headlining the main event at TLC and I am the one you shoot be rocketing to the moon.
    Okay player, you want a shot, you are talking about moons and stars, lets see if you can survive a moonlight drive or star ship pain, in our main event you get a shot at John Morrison, if you win I will think about giving you a shot at the title after TLC.

    Match 2: Finlay w/Sheamus versus Tyson Kidd w/David Hart Smith and Natalya
    Match starts in a typical Brawler v Fast man match with Finlay trying to work on Kidd’s legs to slow him down. Kidd surprises Finlay with some Ground holds of his own. When Finlay hit Kidd with a body slam he went for his trusty weapon and this distracted the ref. Before Sheamus could interfere, Smith gets in his face. As the focus returns to the ring Kidd surprises Finlay with a flying knee. He then hits the Springboard Elbow Drop for the win.
    Winner: Tyson Kidd and the Hart Dynasty get some momentum heading to the rematch at TLC.
    Highlights of Cade beating Knox on Superstars
    Match 3: Layla v Michelle (Non Title).
    Layla gets the win here to prove to the champ she is a serious contender for her title.
    Recap of Peep Show and Big Tag match announced for TLC.

    Match 4: Batista and Matt Hardy versus Dolph Ziggler and Bryan Danielson w/ Drew Gallows.
    Danielson and Ziggler worked better as a team but Batista’s power helped his team get the win. The end for Straight Edge came before Gallows had any effect on the match. After the match broke into a four man Brawl, Danielson was thrown to the outside onto Gallows by Batista. Ziggler was thrown into a Big Dave Spear and Hardy got the pin for his team.
    Winners Batista and Matt Hardy

    Backstage: Drew McIntyre is interviewed by Josh Matthews. Drew says he is stronger and smarter than even the great undertaker. Next time they meet he will walk away as the winner. He says he needs to settle the conflict with R-Truth next week as he can’t let anything get in his way of becoming a world champion.

    Match 5, Main Event: John Morrison versus Chris Jericho.
    Before the Ring Bell CM Punk makes his way out to the ring and takes his place at the announce table.
    Morrison and Jericho put on a very good show. The match starts slow with Jericho trying to ground Morrison but Morrison keeps avoiding Jericho’s take down attempts. Eventually Jericho resorts to cheating, as Morrison spins out of a Standing Headlock Jericho grabs Morrison’s Hair and drags him hard to the match. Jericho briefly gloats and starts to pick Morrison Apart working on his lower Back to set up Walls Of Jericho. Punk takes delight is seeing his TLC opponent wore down.

    Jericho gloats more and more leaving a brief opening for Jo Mo to hit a Drop Toe Hold followed by the Capoeira Leg Drop. Morrison uses the opportunity to hit some fast offence including the standing moonsault and Flying Kick off the middle rope. Jo Mo goes for the Moon Light Drive but Jericho holds onto the top Rope.

    Jericho used the chance to lock in a Lion Tamer, the full extended move Jericho Rarely uses anymore. Suddenly Morrison uses the extra Leverage available to grab a leg and reverse the move into a Pin. Morrison quickly grabs the middle Rope and gets the 3 count on Jericho.

    Winner John Morrison

    Post Match:
    Jericho is shocked and the fans are delighted to see Jo Mo win. As this happened CM Punk had left the announce table with a steel chair in hand. He storms the ring with the chair flying. Morrison manages to avoid the chair shot and Punks Lays out Jericho!

    Morrison responds with a van dominator leaving punk sprawled out flat on his back in the middle of the ring.

    Realising the opportunity on front of him Morrison heads out and under the ring and Grabs a huge 15 foot Ladder! He sets it up outside the ring and scales the ladder. The fans call for the big move off the top but Ziggler appears and rescues Punk.

    The title was left behind and as we close the show Morrison climbs back to the top of the ladder holding the IC title and WHC title in the air as the Former IC champ Ziggler stands at the top of the stage holding up the WHC CM Punk.

    - Focused on the start and End parts of the show.
    - I wanted Jo Mo to have a big win.
    - I had Ziggler rescue Punk to raise his profile after taking the Pin in the tag match.
    - Hopefully the teased top of the ladder move after the van daminator is a good way of setting up the TLC match.
    - Brought back the Peep show to introduce Gallows, the TLC match, the Tag match and using Christian for his promo skills.
    - Had Drew lose to taker as there is no shame as Truth distracted him again.
    - Gave Kidd a win so the Harts had something positive going into the rematch.
    - No Diva’s match at TLC so just had Layla beat the champ in a non title match.
    - Chuck is a TV show where he is/was part of the Nerd Herd if anyone wonders what that was about!

    HHH (c) vs Jack swagger - Table match for the BWE title
    CM Punk (c) vs John Morrison - TLC match for the WHC
    Evan Bourne (c) vs MVP vs The Miz vs Shelton Benjamin - Ladder match for the US title
    Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston
    The Fighting Irish (c) vs The Hart Dynasty - Tag team title rematch
    John Cena vs Shaun Micheals
    6 man Tag - Straight Edge (Ziggler, Danielson and Gallows) Vs Undertaker, Batista and Mysterio

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    This is a two part PPV. Dare_2_defy (RAW Matches) and myself (Smackdown) expnded on the matches Michael.etc... hadn't finished but used his ideas for each match.

    Part two is untouched and is Michael.etc...'s work. exclusive ECW title match
    Yoshi Tatsu vs William Regal (c)
    Yoshi Tatsu shows resilience after regal took him to the ground. Regal hit a chop block early doors and Yoshi was left on one leg. Yoshi made a come back near the end and came close to the win after a springboard spinning heel kick off the ropes. Regal would retain when out of nowhere he a big KO punch.
    Post match we see a close op of regals hand. He has what looks like brass knuckles taped into hand tape.
    Regal picks up the win with a slightly tainted victory.
    Winner: William Regal in 8.30

    US Title Ladder Match
    Evan Bourne (c) vs MVP vs The Miz vs Shelton Benjamin
    All 4 men are staring up at the gold as the bell sounds. M.V.P, Bourne and Shelton all go after Miz and knock him to the outside.

    M.V.P and Bourne continue to beat him down while Shelton gets the first ladder. Shelton slides the ladder in the ring and sets it up underneath the belt. Bourne realises what Shelton is doing, runs into the ring and pulls him down. In the ring, Bourne and Shelton are battling while Miz and M.V.P are battling outside.

    M.V.P lays a ladder between the ring-apron and the security barrier while Miz gets a 15ft ladder from under the ring. Miz runs behind M.V.P and gives him the skull-crushing finale on the floor.

    Miz sets up the 15ft ladder outside the ring on front of the announce table.

    In the ring, Shelton is beginning to take control. He hits paydirt from nowhere on Bourne, Bourne rolls to the outside. Benjy sets up a ladder under the belts and begins to climb the ladder. He touches the gold when Miz runs in and stops him.

    M.V.P staggers into the ring and also begins to climb the ladder. Miz and M.V.P superplex Shelton from the top of the ladder down to the ring. All 4 men are down. A replay shows the Miz landing awkwardly from the Superplex, trapping his free arm behind his back as he landed.

    Bourne climbs up the 15ft ladder outside the ring. “Is Bourne going to jump and try to grab the title?”. Bourne climbs up and looks like he is going to leap for the title. MVP souts at bourne calling for the shooting star press "Steal the show man, Steal the show", As the fans join MVP's chant Bourne hits an amazing 15ft Shooting Star Press from ringside onto Miz in the ring. Bourne again rolls from the ring in agony as Miz lays there. M.V.P sets-up 2 smaller ladders so they are adjacent in the ring, and under the belts.

    Shelton and MVP brawl and eventually Bourne comes back in only to be whipped into the turnbuckles by Shelton. From there, Shelton attempts to Monkey-Flip Bourne. As Shelton Monkey Flips Bourne, from the corner, he lands on a ladder and is able to clamber up swiftly. Benjamin attempts to Springboard onto the ladder, but at the same time, M.V.P tips it. Bourne is able to simply side-step onto the top of the second ladder, while Shelton lands on the steps of the falling ladder. Bourne snatches the belt before any challenger can make the save
    Winner: Evan Bourne in 15.25

    The Undertaker, Batista & Rey Mysterio vs Bryan Danielson, Dolph Ziggler & Luke Gallows
    Rey Mysterio demands to start the match when Danielson is standing in the ring. Batista tags out. Danielson charges for Mysterios legs but avoids the take down and hits a hurricanrana on Danielson. Danielson looks embarrassed and tags in Gallows.
    Gallows is able to overpower Rey. Straight edge work over rey for a long time. Taker and Batista grow frustrated watching Rey get beaten down. Eventually Taker goes to enter the ring and the ref stops him. Batista charges the ring and goes for a big spear on Danielson and Hits it!
    Danielson is Pulled to the outside by Ziggler. Batista tries a spear on Gallows, but Luke is able to avoid it and Batista hits the ring post. Batista is left to roll outside the ring and both teams are now a man down,
    Ziggler and Gallows continue the assault on Rey and Taker still isn't able to get into the match.
    Gallows gets the tag to Ziggler. The brief respite allows Mysterio time to attack Ziggler with a combination some strategic kicks. Eventually the drop toe old sets up Ziggler for the 619, Mysterio can't decide whether to tag in Taker or go for the 619. He goes for his patented move but Ziggler gets off the ropes just in time. As Rey stands with his back to the ropes waiting for Dolph to get to his feet Danielson, who was seated against the ring apron, rises up and grabs Rey's mask twisting and tearing, Rey is blinded by his own mask. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag for the win.
    Winners: Straight Edge in 10.90
    Post Match the action is not over, before Staright edge can celebrate Taker hits a big boot to Gallows. Danielson returns to the ring with a steel chair but Batista is back in with a spear. Ziggler is left alone with Taker who chokeslams Ziggler on top of Danielson. He then tombstones Ziggler settling his personal score with staright edge (For now?)

    Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston
    A replay of the VIP lounge on Raw from 2 weeks ago is shown followed by Legacy’s win last Monday night on Raw. “Kofi has a very serious and determined look on him”, “Yes King, this isn’t the fun loving Kofi Kingston we know”. Just before the bell rings, Raw GM Ted DiBiase comes out and tells Kofi and The Legacy won’t interfere in this match as they’re around. Orton looks worried while a smile appears on Kofi’s face. Kofi gets the better start, reversing everything Orton throws at him. Orton can’t believe how quick Kofi is and changes tactics. Kofi goes for a suplex when Orton reverses it and grounds him. Orton gets Kofi in a headlock. “Orton’s smart, he knows by grounding Kofi, it eliminates the majority of Kofi’s offense.” Kofi gets out of it only for Orton to hit an inverted backbreaker. Orton locks in an armbar this time. Kofi again escapes it and Orton is beginning to lose his temper. Kofi begins to get some offense in. He hits a dropkick, a suplex followed by a springboard dropkick. Kofi then hits “the Boom Boom drop”. Kofi sets up for Trouble in Paradise only for Orton to duck it. Orton takes Kofi to the mat. He grounds Kofi and starts to choke him. He lets go at the ref’s 4 count. Orton gets up and uncovers a turnbuckle. Orton gets Kofi up and Irish whip’s him on to the uncovered turnbuckle. Kofi hits it and begins to fall to the mat in pain. Orton catches him with the RKO as he’s falling. 1....2.....Kofi puts a foot on the rope. Orton knows the end is near and prepares for the punt. He runs only to be caught with a small package. 1.....2......3!!

    Winner: Kofi KingstonOrton can’t believe it as Kofi leaves the ring and begins to celebrate with the fans. Suddenly, a fan attacks Kofi. The fan pushes Kofi to the floor as another fan jumps the barricade and begins to attack Kofi. “Who are th....? No, it’s Rhodes and DiBiase, its Legacy!” Rhodes hits Cross-Rhodes while DiBiase hits dream-street on the floor. They roll Kofi into to ring and position him. Orton hits a punt on Kofi. The Legacy leave while EMT's attend to Kofi

    Kof wins clean with a victory roll. After the match, an Orton Punt kick?
    Winner: Kofi Kingston in 16.45

    Tag Title Match
    The Fighting Irish (c) vs The Hart Dynasty
    Finlay starts off the match for his team while DH Smith starts off for the Hart Dynasty. The action is back and forth between the two men, it almost turns into a singles match with neither man able to tag out. Eventually they both tire and in an unusual occurrence both men back off to tag out! Kidd uses his speed to keep away from Sheamus and lands some kicks and a flying elbow knocking Sheamus to the Ground.
    Sheamus gets to his feet quickly and as Kidd comes off the ropes Sheamus hits the polish hammer on kidd. As Sheamus drags Kidd to the corner Finlay makes the blind tag. Sheamus refuses to leave the ring but The referee makes him. The delay gives kidd the chance to tag out. This time it is Finlay who is knocked to the ground as DH Smith comes in like a steam train. Smith then hits the back suplex and goes for the three. Sheamus makes the save, as DH Smith rolls away Shemus kicks Finlay on the side and tells him to get up.
    As the ref makes Sheamus leave the ring again Finlay is lifted up by Smith while Kidd springs off the ropes for the Hart Attack
    Winners and NEW Champions: The Hart Dynasty in 12.30
    Post match Sheamus leaves ringside without acknowledging Finlay at all while the harts celebrate the start of a 2nd Undisputed tag Team Championship reign.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    -Matt Hardy backstage promo, talking about the TLC match. He talks about his history of being in such a match, and the sadness that he is continually overlooked. He’s asked about the chances of each man, and snaps, saying he’s more interested in his own success. He talks about the Royal Rumble, and makes it known that this time, he’s a serious contender. He’s interrupted by Chris Jericho, who claims he’s more overlooked than anyone, and is going to win, and go on to headline Mania. The segment ends with a stare-down between the two.

    BWE Title Tables Match
    HHH (c) vs Jack Swagger
    Both men are slow to their feet, as the crowd are somewhat split over who to cheer. Hunter is first to throw a punch, but the challenger retaliates with equal force. Hunter tries to grab a headlock, but Swagger pushes him off the ropes, and catches him in a Spinebuster! The fans are stunned by the trademark move of the Game being used against him. He attempts to jostle HHH into position for the Red, White and Blue Thunder Bomb, but Trips wriggles free and hit’s a Neckbreaker! He’s slow to his feet, but in control, and hooks Swagger’s arms for the Pedigree. Swagger however, Back-Drops Triple H to the outside! A massive momentum changer, the arena begin to feel that the end must be near. Swagger slides to the outside, and grabs the vunerable champion, hoisting him into the air, before nailing his finishing Thunder Bomb to the floor! The commentators flip- pointing out that in a regular match, Swagger would have pinned the champ, and won the title by this point. Swagger sets up a table at the ringside area, near the crowd barrier, seemingly in control. He slowly drags the lifeless body of the champ in a standing position, and rolls him up onto the edge of the ring. He follows him up, remaining on the outside, and hoists him in the air- for a Back-drop Driver! As they hurtle towards the table however, Triple H rotates his body, just enough to land on top, and splash Swagger through the table with his reversal! It’s over- The Game retains by a whisker.
    Winner: Triple H in 17.55

    John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
    Throughout the course of this epic, back and forth chess-match, Cena becomes increasingly frustrated under the pressure, and Michaels’ ability to outsmart him.
    Cena manages to lock on the STFU whilst Michaels grimaces in pain. Herocically, the Heartbreak kid struggles to the ropes. The ref is ready to break the hold as HBK closes in, but Cena immediately latches it on tighter, and drags Michaels back into the centre of the ring. As Shawn Michaels taps, the ref rings the bell for the Cena victory. But the furious and intense Cena is caught in the moment, and refuses to let go! The referee struggles with him, but to no avail. Eventually, after excruciating pain for Michaels, his opponent releases the hold. While Cena raises his hand in victory, and plays to the fans it is announced that the referee has reversed his decision, due to Cena’s unwillingness to let go of the hold! Cena is irate, and clambers to his feet, before shoving the referee. The ref argues back, and is lifted into the air, for an Attitude Adjustment!
    Winner: Shawn Michaels via Reverse Decision in 21:20

    World Title TLC Match
    CM Punk (c) vs John Morrison
    Crazy, epic war- with Punk being able to capitalise on Morrison crashing and burning one time too many (a’la Jeff Hardy). At one point, Morrison hit’s a nasty Van Terminator on Punk, but damages his own back in the process, as it forces him to land across a ladder!
    The finish comes when both are battling on top of the ladder, exchanging punches. The ladder tips, and Punk comes up short, crashing through a table in the ring, while Morrison is able to land on his feet. Gallows dashes in, but is met with an Enziguri and collapses to the outside. Seizing the opportunity, Morrison lays Punk on a ladder, and goes up for Starship Pain! But the champion rolls off, as Morrison does nothing but smash his own body across the steel. Punk slowly clambers towards the top of the ladder, towards his gold, while Morrison stuggles to compose himself. He’s able to just about climb, but not quick enough to prevent the heel retaining.Punk grabs the gold and in the same movement smacks Jo Mo across the head with the title and he falls to the ground.
    Winner: CM Punk in 24:50
    The show ends with Punk sitting atop the ladder lifting his WHC into the air.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    [font=&quot]BWE RAW[/font]

    [font=&quot]- A re-cap of BWE TLC is played.

    [font=&quot]- The Raw intro is played followed by pyro. We are live for a 3 hour, 2009 Slammy Awards special.[/font]

    [font=&quot]- The 3 announce teams are on-stage as Kelly Kelly tells us who the 2009 announce team of the year are. The nominees are Raw - Cole & King, SD - JR & Grisham, ECW - Matthews & Striker. The winners are....... Striker & Matthews for ECW!!! For 2 consecutive years, ECW has won the announce team of the year Slammy award. The announce teams go down to their respective tables with Striker and Matthews bringing down the Slammy to the ECW announcers table.[/font]

    [font=&quot]- *Are you ready?* - DX makes their way down to the ring. HHH proclaims that Swagger will never get to be the champion because HHH is too clever for him. A replay of the finish of the BWE Title match at TLC is shown. HBK tells us that Cena hasn’t won on PPV since The Bash in July. Cena comes out on to the stage to a chorus of boos. He apologises to the ref for attacking him and tells us that he just wants to be Champ again and that the run he’s on and what Orton’s done to him is frustrating him. GM Ted DiBiase comes out and tells HHH to have the night off. “For our main event, John Cena will take on Shawn Michaels in a rematch of last night’s match. This’s a chairs match!!”[/font]
    [font=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/font]
    [font=&quot]- Ron Simmons comes out to present the Slammy for Tag-Team of the Year. He brings out a special guest, it’s JBL!!! The nominees are The Fighting Irishmen, The Hart Dynasty, Jeri-Show, DX, The World's Strongest Tag-Team, and Cryme Tyme. And the winners are......... the new BWE Unified Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty!!! The Champs come out to collect their Slammy and head down to ringside[/font]

    [font=&quot]Match 1 - the Fighting Irishmen Vs. The Colons[/font]
    [font=&quot]Both teams get to have periods of domination and show some good team work. The end came when Finlay didn't see Carlito make a blind tag on Primo. Primo avoided a clothesline and hit a dropkick to Finlay. Primo goes behind Finlay and tries a back- suplex but Sheamus interrupts. Primo and Sheamus brawl to the outside while Carlito comes in, goes behind Finlay and hits a back-snapper. 1...2...3[/font]

    [font=&quot]Winners: The Colons[/font]
    [font=&quot]Afterwards, the Hart Dynasty is walking up the ramp when Escobar comes out and attacks them. The Colons join in. Kidd’s head is bounced off the set while D.H Smith receives a back-breaker. The fighting Irishmen try to make the save but it’s too late.[/font]
    [font=&quot]Commercial Break*[/font]
    [font=&quot]- Raw GM Ted DiBiase comes out to announce the Slammy for PPV of the Year. The nominees are WrestleMania 25, Backlash, Survivor Series, SummerSlam, Hell in a Cell, Breaking Point. The winner is........Survivor Series. [/font]

    [font=&quot]- Match 2 - Yoshi Tatsu Vs Kozlov w/ Regal as Special guest referee[/font]
    [font=&quot]Basically, a squash match with Yoshi getting a bit of offence in but Kozlov is too much for him. Kozlov wins with the Iron Curtain.[/font]

    [font=&quot]Winner: Vladimir Kozlov[/font]
    [font=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/font]
    [font=&quot]- Hacksaw Jim Duggan comes out to present the Diva of the year Slammy Award. The nominees are: Melina, Mickie James, Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool, and Gail Kim. The winner is.... Mickie James!!!! Mickie comes out to collect her award. [/font]

    [font=&quot]- Match 3 - Diva’s Title match: Gail Kim vs. Melina[/font]
    [font=&quot]Good divas match. Both divas put in a lot of offense. Melina goes for her finisher only for Gail to reverse it into the foot facebreaker. 1...2....3[/font]

    [font=&quot]Winner and still Diva’s champion: Gail Kim[/font]
    [font=&quot]After the match, Melina shows some sportsmanship by raising Gail’s arm and tells us that she’ll go for the title again. [/font]
    [font=&quot]- Teddy Long comes out to present the best finishing manoeuvre of the year. The nominees are: Swagger's Red, White and Blue/ Gut-Wrench Powerbomb, Bourne's SSP, Morrison's Starship Pain, Danielson's Cattle Mutilation, Cena's Attitude Adjustment and HHH's Pedigree. The winner is..... Morrison’s Starship Pain!!!!! Morrison gets his award but he has a match against a member of Straight Edge and it’s for his IC Title[/font]

    [font=&quot]- Match 4 – IC Title match - John Morrison vs. Bryan Danielson[/font]
    [font=&quot]A contender for match of the night. Morrison tried all high-risk moves (including a moonsault from the top rope to the floor where Danielson was) while Danielson came out with all types of submissions (including a crossface chickenwing and the Indian deathlock). Eventually, Morrison comes out with the victory courtesy of Starship Pain[/font]

    [font=&quot]Winner and still IC Champion: John Morrison[/font]
    [font=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/font]
    [font=&quot]- *You think you know me* Edge comes out to a huge pop. Edge tells us that his recovery is going fine & that he’ll be back in the ring soon. He also cuts a promo on Y2J. Edge is here to reveal who the Breakthrough superstar of the year is. The nominees are: Swagger, Danielson, Ziggler, Bourne, Miz, and Sheamus. The winner is.... Jack Swagger!!!! Swagger comes out to a pop and receives his Slammy. He cuts a promo on how he’s so close to living his dream of being BWE champion and will stop at nothing to achieve it. Y2J comes out and interrupts Swagger to tell Edge to never come back to the ring as he’s an injury liability. Jericho goes down to the ring for his match.[/font]

    [font=&quot]Match 5: Chris Jericho Vs M.V.P[/font]
    [font=&quot]An inter-promotional match with Y2J dominating M.V.P. Jericho locks in the walls when Bourne runs down to ringside and distracts the ref. Jericho breaks the hold and trys to get Bourne when M.V.P turns Y2J around and it’s a playmaker. 1...2....3[/font]

    [font=&quot]Winner – M.V.P[/font]
    [font=&quot]After the match, Bourne goes into the ring and congratulates M.V.P on the win. Bourne tells M.V.P that since he’s the champion, he decides who the no 1 contender is. Bourne picks M.V.P to be the new no.1 contender for the US Title. [/font]
    [font=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/font]
    [font=&quot]- Tiffany comes out to give out the Slammy for the Match of the Year. The nominees are: Taker Vs. HBK @ Mania 25, the 2009 Royal Rumble match, Cena vs. Orton vs. Swagger @ HiaC, Cena Vs Edge @ Backlash, Jeff vs. CM Punk @ Summerslam and Team Raw vs. Team SD @ Survivor Series. The winner is..... Taker vs. HBK @ Mania 25. HBK comes out to accept and cuts a promo on John Cena. He goes back to get ready for the main event[/font]
    [font=&quot]- Joes Styles comes out to present the “O.M.G Moment of the year”. The nominees are: Punk cashing in on Jeff at Extreme Rules, The finish of the Triple threat WHC match at HiaC, The finish of HBK/Taker at Mania 25, Cena being chokeslammed through a spotlight at Backlash, Brett DiBiase's run-in at Summerslam, The finish of Team Raw/SmackDown match at Survivor Series. After the nominees are shown, Joey does his usual “Oh My God!!!” phrase. The winner is..... John Cena being chokeslammed through a spotlight at Backlash. Cena comes out saying that he wanted to win a Slammy but not in this way. Cena talks about how he’s gonna destroy HBK tonight in the chairs match. Cena throws the Slammy to the ground and goes backstage.[/font]
    [font=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/font]

    [font=&quot]Match 6 – Kofi Kingston/Jack Swagger vs. the Legacy w/Orton at ring-side[/font]
    [font=&quot]Good tag team match. Kofi and Swagger work well as a team with frequent tags to keep each other fresh. Kofi catches Ted with a crossbody from the top rope. 1...2....Kickout. Cody tags himself in and starts beating down on Kofi. He sets up for Cross-Rhodes but Swagger comes in and gives a quick snap-suplex to Cody. Ted runs in and both men start brawling. Orton slithers into the ring and nails a sudden RKO on Kofi while the ref isn’t looking. The ref turns around. 1.....2....Swagger runs in and breaks up the pin. He drags Kofi over to the corner. Swagger tags himself in and nails Cody with a quick gut-wrench powerbomb. He runs over and knocks Ted off the apron. Swagger pins Cody 1....2...3[/font]

    [font=&quot]Winners: Kofi and Jack Swagger[/font]
    [font=&quot]Orton and Ted enter the ring and start to beat down on Swagger. Ted is helping Cody get up behind Kofi, who’s getting up. Orton goes for an RKO on Kofi but Kofi ducks. Orton RKO’s Ted. Kofi hit’s Trouble in Paradise on Orton while Swagger hits another gut-wrench powerbomb on Cody. [/font]
    [font=&quot]*Commercial break*[/font]
    [font=&quot] Vince McMahon comes out to present the Slammy for Superstar of the year. The nominees are: John Cena, Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and HHH. The Slammy goes to.......... CM Punk. Punk comes out to a lot of boo’s. Punk claims that being Straight Edge has got him to where he’s at: being the leader of Straight Edge, being the WHC and now, the 2009 Superstar of the year. He continues to take pity on anyone who isn’t Straight Edge.[/font]

    [font=&quot]Match 7: Main Event: John Cena vs. HBK in a Chairs Match [/font]
    [font=&quot]Both men come out and HBK gets a great reception while Cena gets booed. The ringside area is full of chairs as the match gets under way. Cena goes straight out of the ring and throws 4 chairs into the ring. HBK goes out to get him only to be hit by Cena. Cena lines HBK against the ring-post and swings with the chair. HBK ducks and the impact from the chair hitting the ring-post sounds like a gun going off. HBK picks up a chair only for Cena to hits his back. Michaels is down. Cena knows about HBK and his back pain and begins to focus on HBK’s back. Cena lifts HBK up and drops him back-first against the security barrier. Cena rolls HBK in. He puts 2 chairs side by side and trys to deliver an Attitude Adjustment. HBK Reserves it into a power slam on to the 2 chairs. HBK picks up a chair and hits Cena over-the-head with it. A small trickle of blood begins to flow from Cenas left eye. HBK sees this and starts to beat down on Cena. HBK gives Cena an inverted atomic drop followed by a slam. HBK puts a chair under Cena and a chair on top of Cena. HBK climbs to the top rope and delivers his elbow drop. He hits it but pays a price. His elbow hit the side of the chair on Cena and is bleeding. HBK sets Cena up for Sweet Chin Music. He misses and Cena gives HBK a low-blow. The ref goes over to attend to Michaels when Cena pushes him out of the way. The ref confronts Cena about this and Cena hits him. The ref calls for the bell. [/font]
    [font=&quot]Winner via DQ: Shawn Michaels
    [font=&quot]Cena goes berserk and throws the ref out of the ring. He lifts HBK up and delivers an Attitude Adjustment to Michaels. Cena sets up a chair and sits down. He wipes away the blood from his eyes while thinking about what he’s done. He gets up and sets another chair beside it. Cena lifts HBK up and gives him an Attitude Adjustment through the 2 chairs. We see a replay of the Attitude Adjustment and see Michaels back took the full brunt of the impact. We come back to see Cena looking down at HBK while thinking back at what he did. HHH comes down to help his partner while Cena walks off. HHH attends to Michaels. HHH gets a mic and claims that he will make sure that Cena will never forget about this.[/font]

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    The Miz comes down to the ring and cuts a promo about how now with Jack swagger having missed his opportunity to break through that glass ceiling and win the BWE championship at the TLC PPV, he believes it should be his time to shine and that he should be the next no.1 contender to HHH's belt because as he puts it he is the Miz and he's Awesome. He goes on to state that so as to prove that he deserves to main event he specifically asked for this next match, where he could showcase exactley how just like he did with the big show, he can take out anybody no matter how big or strong they are.

    Match 1:The Miz vs Mark Henry
    The Miz is impressive here, he works mark Henry's legs while evading his physical attacks and despite suffering a powerslam from the big man he is on top in this match. the Miz hits a reality check and begins gloating towards the crowd about how awesome he is when The Big Show's music hits and Show makes his way to the ring. The Miz backs away into the corner and trys to evade Shows advance but he is caught in a Helacious chokeslam...

    Winner: The Miz as a result of a disqualification

    Big Show grabs the mic that the Miz had earlier and says that The Miz has been running his mouth off and acting above his station for far too long and that now he is going to pay for his actions. He says that the idea of him in the main event is a joke and that that is coming from the next no.1 contender.

    Backstage segment
    The Harts interact with DX backstage, after HBK feigns trying to remember if there was another Hart in the BWE he had any run ins with Natayla refrences how the last time that Hart family member was on Raw DH Smith main eventing BWE Raw and nearly beat HHH. Trips does give him props about the match but points out that main eventers like him know nearly is never enough and they have a lot to learn in the BWE. Tyson Kidd responses instantley however and left DX with something to thimk about, when he pronounced that he already knew something they didnt at which point he got in HBKs face and said that tonight would be a night he would never fortget.

    The Hart Dynasty vs WGTT
    The Puerto Rican Nightmares come to ringside and watch, carlito on commentary as Primo and Eric Perez watch from ringside. the WGTT are as always a very cohesive unit and look really impressive until Charlie Haas picks up an ankle injury. This injury is instantly picked up on by Tyson Kidd whou uses numerous technical holds to worsen it. Several tags later the isolated Haas is forced to tap out when Smith locks him in a Sharpshooter.

    Winners: The Hart Dynasty

    Carlito talks about how impressed he is with the unified tag champs but that their nightmare is only just about to begin. There is a brief stare down between the two groups but nothing happens for now.

    Backstage segment
    Maryse is in the GMs office with Ted Dibiase Sr she says now that she is back on BWE Raw she thinks she should be fighting for the Divas title. Ted says that next raw she will have a no.1 contenders match but refruses to divulge who it would be with. After she leaves his office Teds Son comes in. Ted Sr tells him that he believes that he has big thing ahead of him, that he can see his son doing what he never did and one day that he would be BWE champion, which is why tonight he is testing him vs The Game, HHH! Ted Jr is shocked but before we return to the action we see a grin slowley come across his face.

    Match 3: Kofi Kingston vs MVP vs Evan Bourne

    A stand alone match, noty part of any feud which allows these three men to put on a real contender for MOTN especially US champion Evan Bourne who puts in a great performance but after he misses with a shooting star press and rolls out of the ring he is essentially eliminated from the match as Kofi takes advantage of the situation hitting trouble in paradise on MVP to get the 3 count.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    ....Backstage segment
    Santino is backstage and mentions that the Royal Rumble is on the horizon which is why is choosing this time to announce his plans to rumble with royalty at the next PPV. Tonight though he once more doesent have a match on BWE Raw, he states he feels it is criminal that he and Chris Masters are again overlooked when they have such obvious talents to bring to the show (In the background masters makes his manboobs dance to jingle bells to a great reaction from the crowd).

    Before the next match Jack Swagger comes to the ring microphone in hand and cuts a promo, he talks about how in the last several weeks he has noticed something. He has noticed that the crowd seem unable to control themselves, despite them claiming to want his oponent to win his matches there have been growing swagger chants from them. "Swagger Swagger Swagger" (a small section of the crowd begin to chant along with him) at which point he lets out a trademark Swagger grin and says "dont worry people its okat to like me, at which point Randy Ortons music hits.

    Match 4: Jack Swagger vs Randy Orton
    Orton starts this one slow picking his spots and making swagger work for any opening. He begins wearing Swagger down with multiple neck holds as this pace continues. The crowd are not enjoying this one bit and voice their concern, which leads to Swaggers opening as Orton responds to the crowd by shouting his own abuse back at them. At this point Swagger slips out of a headlock and hits a quick snap suplex on Orton. He follows that up with a number of other variations of Suplexes and a slingshot splash from the corner. The crowd once more start chanting for swagger in small sections but Orton still kicks out after 2. Randy fights his way to his feet though and eventually creates the opportunity for himself to hit an RKO on swagger. Orton leaves it too long before going for the pin but seemingly realising this Randy lets Swagger get up off the canvas and prepares to deliver a punt to his head. At the last second though swagger is able to move out of the way of the punt and in the same movement grabs Orton in a rollup pin for a surprise 3 count.

    Winner: Jack swagger

    Backstage segment
    DX are in the dressing room area but say that they arent in the mood for shilling their DX christmass DVDs and memorbilia which they mention is available at because of what the Hart Dynasty said to them earlier. They both question what could possibly happen what might happen tonight they will never forget but realise they have enough to contend with tonight with their respective matches against ted Dibiase and John Cena. HHH refernces how tough Dibiase was when they faced Legacy while Shawn mentions that although Cena hasnt won a PPV match for a long time on BWE Raw he has still been beating superstars and is always a major threat.

    Match 5: HHH vs Ted Dibiase Jr (non title match)
    Cody Rhodes accompanies Ted to the ring but does not interfere in the match as Ted goes toe to toe with the game. HHH is strong throughout and looks to be gaining momentum a number of times, after hitting a Spinebuster, a DDT and a neckbreaker but each time Tedbiase comes back at him with offense of his own. During one interchange ted gains the upper hand with a quick headbut at hich point he catches HHH in a scoop powerslam. With momentum on his side he hits Hunter with Dream Street and follows it up by locking in the million dollar dream. the hold is locked in for a very long amount of time but the BWE champion refuses to tap out, he trys to get to the ropes but Ted drags him back into the center of the ring. After the ref checks to see if HHH has passed out the champ gets a burst of energy and powers out of the hold, the two exchang punches but after HHH delivers a kick to Dibiase's gut he then hits the pedigree and in an instant it is over. an impressive performance from Dibiase but HHH has shown why he is the champ.

    Winner: HHH

    Backstage segment
    Randy Orton is backstage furious about his result against Jack Swagger, he questions Cody who is trying to calm him down calling Swaggers victory a fluke. He asks him why he was ringside for Teds fight but he didnt have his back tonight? elsewher in GM Ted Dibiase Sr office Ted who has just watched his sons match says that although he is dissapointed with the result, he is proud of Ted Jnrs performance. His phone rings and after listneing to someone on the other end for a bit Ted says that he is sorry but the main event is next so his announcement is going to have to wait until after that match is over.

    Main event match: HBK vs John Cena
    Cena storms the ring during his entrance and attacks HBK straight from the get go. The bell rings and the matches starts with HBK already on the mat whilst Cena stamps a mudhole into him ala Stone Cold Steve Austin. Cena really has the early advantage until HBK hits a shock Sweet chin music out of nowhere. Cena kicks out after a 2 count though having had to no offense previous to that and gets to his feet. The two men begin to brawl with neither man getting the advantage until just like Micheals earlier, John Cena hits his finisher out of nowhere. Just as the ref is about to count to three however HBK gets his foot on the rope. Cena is beside himelf and starts a vicious beatdown on his opponent. After a few minutes of one way traffic Cena picks Micheals up on his shoulders and goes to the corner. He climbs up to the 2nd turnbuckle and is seemingly going to deliver another more extreme Attitude adjuster to HBK. Micheals however comes to life and reverses the situation and in doing so delievers a Tornado DDT to Cena. HBK then gets to his feet and starts tuning up the band. HBK is about to hit Sweet Chin Music... but suddenly Bret Harts Music is played through-out the arena. HBK stops dead looking completely stunned and remembering The Hart Dyanastys words earlier, at which Cena who has had enough time to regain his senses grabs Michelas unaware in a role up pin.

    Winner: John Cena

    Bret Hart appears on the titantron big screen (The crowd goes wild) Bret jokingly says he is sorry if he screwed up the finish to that match, that thats not the sort of thing he would want to be involveed in him but he has something to say, and that is to announce that as of January 4th he will be back on BWE Raw. The camera fixes on HBKs expression, he cant believe what has just happened and then Bret seemingly talking directly to him said so see you soon Buddy o and Merry Christmass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    [FONT=&quot]BWE Tribute to the Troops[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- We see a montage of videos and pictures of the US Army in action in Iraq and Afghanistan. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- We go to Baghdad, Iraq for BWE’s Tribute to the Troops. Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler are commentating on the action from WWE HQ in Stanford; CT. Eve is the ring announcer.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Our main event is HHH vs. Jack Swagger for the BWE Title[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 1: John Morrison/Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler/Chris Jericho[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Good tag - team match with all four men getting a load of offence during the match. The finish came when Jericho got Rey in the Walls of Jericho only for JoMo to hit Y2J with a running knee. Ziggler runs in and hits a Zig-Zag on JoMo. Rey dropkicks Ziggler over the top rope. We see Jericho has a glazed look in his eyes as he’s trying to get up. Rey gives Y2J a hurricanrana and Y2J lands on the middle rope. Rey hits a 619 followed by a splash. 1....2...3[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winners: John Morrison and Rey Mysterio[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]After the match, Rey and JoMo celebrate with the troops.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]* Commercial break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- A video of the BWE superstars and Diva’s in Iraq with the soldiers followed by an ad for the National Guard[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 2: Kofi Kingston vs. John Cena[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Nice pop for Kofi while Cena receives a mixed reception. High-paced match with Kofi going for high-flying moves while Cena struggles to keep Kofi down. Kofi hits a cross-body from the top rope and follows it up with the Boom drop. 1....2....Cena kicks out. Kofi goes on the top rope again and goes for another cross-body. Kofi misses it. Cena locks in the STF to some boo’s. After a minute of pain, Kofi gets to the bottom rope but Cena doesn’t let go off the STF until the ref forces him to. Cena gets up and set’s up Kofi for the Attitude Adjustment. Kofi wearily gets up. Cena lifts Kofi up only for Kofi to go behind Cena and hit’s Trouble in Paradise. 1...2...3[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner: Kofi Kingston[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]We’re shown a replay of the finish. Cena can’t believe that he’s been pinned while Kofi is at ringside with the troops. Cena gets out of the ring and attacks him from behind. Cena gives Kofi the Attitude Adjustment on the floor. Cena walks away.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Eve Torres, the ring announcer for tonight, welcomes Santa Claus. R-Truth then comes out as Santa Claus rapping his song. R-Truth says he can’t do it anymore – people are talking about him. They say Santa has put on a few pounds because we all leave goodies for him. He’s got a sweet tooth and asks them to say “Amen” if they have a sweet tooth. R-Truth then calls for the Divas to come out to appease everyone’s sweet tooth. R-Truth cut a really entertaining promo as Santa. The Bellas, Alicia Fox, Layla, and Kelly Kelly come out handing out gifts. They give kisses and gifts away to the soldiers as R-Truth sings “Jingle Bells.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Vince comes out to a huge pop. He thanks each soldier in attendance and all US soldiers around the world for keeping America safe. “You truly are the real heroes of this world”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 3: Main event – HHH vs. Jack Swagger for the BWE Title[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Another classic match between these two. HHH tries to hit an early pedigree on Swagger only for Swagger to reverse it into a Jack-knife powerbomb attempt. HHH gets out-of the attempt and they both stare at each other. The troops are really into this match. Some good chain-wrestling by Swagger keeps HHH grounded. Swagger tries to quicken the pace but HHH kills the momentum each time. After 15 minutes, Swagger runs into the ropes only to be hit by a face-buster from “The Game”. HHH hits a pedigree. 1....2....Swagger kicks out. HHH gets Swagger back up but Swagger reverses it into a jack-knife powerbomb. 1....2.... HHH kicks out. Swagger gets HHH back up and locks him in a sleeper but “The Game” powers out of it and hits another pedigree out of nowhere. 1...2....Swagger’s foot is on the bottom rope. HHH shouts “game over”. He gets Swagger back up and hits a third pedigree. 1....2....3 [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner and still BWE Champion: HHH[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- A replay of the finish is shown. HHH helps Swagger up and offers a handshake. Swagger accepts as the troops go wild. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]-Michael Cole quickly thanks the artist’s who provided music to the show. We go off the air with Swagger lifting HHH’s arm while
    staring at the BWE Title [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    [FONT=&quot]Raw in 2009: A year in review[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]What a year 2009 has been for Raw. From great matches to guest GM’s, Raw had everything to keep the BWE Universe entertained. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- These three months have mainly been about Randy Orton. Orton punted Vince McMahon in a psychotic rage a week before the Royal Rumble in front of Vince’s daughter, Stephanie. Orton (with help from Cody and Ted) then went on to win the Rumble which gave him an automatic title shot at Mania 25. In the following weeks, Orton made it clear that he wanted to face HHH at Mania 25 and wanted to take out the McMahon family. He RKO’d Stephanie while HHH was handcuffed to the ropes. Orton then proceeded to kiss Stephanie in front of her husband. At No Way Out, Orton faced off against Shane McMahon, who wanted revenge on Orton’s actions on his father. Shane lost the match and received a punt. Orton’s rivalry with HHH became so personal that HHH attacked Orton at his own house. Eventually, these 2 fought at Mania with HHH coming out the victor.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- WHC John Cena faced JBL at the Rumble in which JBL’s “employee” HBK superkicked JBL and then Cena. Cena went on to win the match. JBL claimed HBK cost him the title and faced off against HBK at No Way Out. HBK won and gained his freedom from JBL. HBK went on to face Taker at Mania in a match that stole the show while JBL retired from wrestling after losing the IC Title to Rey Mysterio. Cena lost the WHC in an elimination chamber match at NWO to SD superstar Edge. Cena blackmailed Raw GM Vickie Guerrero to give Cena a title shot after Cena showed footage of Vickie "cheating" on Edge with Edge's opponent at Mania, Big Show. Cena won the triple-threat match to become WHC again[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Chris Jericho went on a rampage to destroy the legends of WWE after Mickey Rourke’s performance in “The Wrestler”. Piper, Flair, Snuka and even Steamboat fell to Y2J. At Mania 25, Jericho faced off against Piper, Snuka and Steamboat in a 3-on-1 handicap match with the Naitch in the corner of the Legends. After beating Team Legends, Y2J gave a code-breaker to Flair. Rourke (who was in attendance at Mania) came into the ring and knocked Jericho out.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Batista made his return to Raw when Vince put him with HHH and Shane McMahon in a 6-man tag team match for the WWE title against Randy Orton’s Legacy at Backlash. Orton’s team won the match and “the reign of Orton” began again on the red brand. Batista set his sights after Orton after HHH was punted after the 6-man tag match and had to be taken away in an ambulance. Batista didn’t win his match against Orton at Judgment Day but he became the new WWE champ in a steel cage match at Extreme Rules. Batista had to forfeit the title the next night after Legacy brutally attacked his arm. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- WWE Chairman Vince McMahon announced that Raw would feature a celebrity guest-host every week. Guest hosts like Seth Green and Shaq have gone on to prove that they can handle the power of being a WWE GM while actually competing in the ring.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- HHH and Orton resumed their feud after the vacated title with a 3-stages of hell match at the Bash. Orton won the first fall (which was a singles match) via DQ due to HHH hitting him with a steel chair. HHH won Fall 2 (Falls-count-anywhere) with the chair and Orton won Fall 3 (Stretcher match) to become the WWE Champion again. Orton retained the title in a triple-threat match at Night of Champions by hitting an RKO on Cena. HHH got frustrated with Legacy and said if 1 person could help him, they’d take down the Legacy. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Cena found himself losing the WHC to Edge in a Last man standing match at Backlash thanks to Big Show choke slamming him through a spot-light. Big-Show and Cena fought at Judgment Day and in a submission match at Extreme Rules. Cena then came across a very cocky Miz, who claimed to have a 7-0 record against Cena. Cena easily beat Miz at The Bash. Cena was in the title seen once again at Night of Champions in a triple-threat match for the WWE Title. He didn’t win the title.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- The face of WWE changed when an unknown consortium called “Boards” bought out the company in the weeks after Summerslam and re-named it the BWE. Since this, many superstars have found themselves in new places and positions.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- HHH got the help of Shawn Michaels and DX reformed once again. In an epic tag team match at Summerslam, DX beat the Legacy. After this, both teams gained wins against each other. At the first BWE PPV, Breaking Point, Legacy beat DX in a no-DQ match with Ted hitting HHH with a sledgehammer for the win. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- The Cena/Orton feud continued at Summerslam, in a match where there were more twists than a confused snake, Orton eventually came out the winner. The feud continued to Breaking Point where, once again, Orton beat Cena, this time forcing Cena to say the words “I quit”. Orton retains at HiaC but loses the title to HHH at BWE Bragging Rights[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Jack Swagger introduced himself as a force to be wreck-end with after gaining a spot in the BWE Title match at HiaC. Although he lost the match, he went on to feud with John Cena.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- A new tag-team tournament was set up after Breaking Point. The teams were: Undertaker & Kane; The Hart Dynasty; Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin; Sheamus & Finlay; DX; Dolph Ziggler & Bryan Danielson; Legacy; Mark Henry & MVP. The eventual winners got a tag team title shot.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Raw gets a new and permanent GM, Ted DiBiase Sr. DiBiase was chosen over Steamboat, Piper and Vickie Guerrero.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Jack Swagger steps up his game and faces HHH for the BWE Title at Survivor Series where he’s narrowly beaten. He faces The Game at TLC in a tables match but, again, Swagger is beaten. Swagger has proved himself in 2009; can he win the BWE Title in 2010? [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Over the course of the last couple of months, John Cena has gone on a downward spiral. He hasn’t won on PPV since the Bash. Cena has begun to turn on all his loyal fans and has developed a mean, ruthless streak in him ever since he broke his own custom-design belt. Cena is now taking out his anger on HBK. Cena gave HBK an Attitude Adjustment through two chairs on Raw after TLC.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- 2009 has been a great year from a lot of the Raw roster, especially the”mid-carders” of the roster. People like Miz, Bourne, Kofi, MVP and Shelton have all exceeded expectations. The 4-man US Title match at TLC shows the commitment of all four men. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]2009 was a great year for BWE Raw but 2010 looks to be even bigger and better for BWE Raw!!![/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]BWE RAW[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Roster
    GM: Ted DiBiase Sr


    BWE Champion - HHH; No 1 Contender - ???
    US champ - Evan Bourne; No 1 Cont - ???
    Diva's Champ – Gail Kim; No 1 Cont – Melina[/FONT]
    DX: HHH and Shawn Michaels - Jack Swagger - John Cena - Randy Orton
    Legacy: Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Brett DiBiase - The Miz - Kofi Kingston - Evan Bourne - Big Show - MVP - Mark Henry –Puerto-Rican Nightmare: Carlito; Primo and Escobar - Chavo -Hornswoggle - Chris Masters - TWGTT: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas - Santino [/FONT]
    Maryse - The Bella's: Brie and Nikki - Melina - Eve - Kelly Kelly - Alicia Fox - Jillian Hall - Gail Kim[/FONT]
    (Thanks to DM-ICE for the roster)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Raw!

    as the show opens the commentators are full of talk about the imminent return of Bret "The Hitman" Hart and how the fans are on the edges of their seats in anticipation. The crowd are already chanting his name, they also state that tonight the BWE are going an extra 20mins.DX, Shaun Micheals & HHH's music hits the arena and as they come out The heartbreak kid gets a mixed reception.

    HBK talks about about his past in the BWE and how he had wanted to leave the past behind him and look only to the future. However it seems one man cant leave that past to rest according to Micheals, and that man is Bret Hart (Big pop). For those of you out there too young to remember he says the BWE big wigs have put together a little reminder for you

    HBk goes on to talk about how he cost him his match with Cena last week, he screwed him. Micheals then states that if Bret is going to drag up the past whilst making a return. Then he doesent want to beat about the bush, so he challenges Bret to prove he is a man and come out and face him man on man right now!

    after a few moments of waiting The Million Dollar man Ted Dibiase comes out. He says that Bret will be here tonight but that as bot HBK & HHH know he hasnt arrived yet. He then lets them know that for wasting time on his show he has decided to book them both in very special matches tonight. First off he states that they will open the show with his son Ted Dibaise and Cody Rhodes vs HBK and then that later tonight in honour of Bret "The Hitman" Hart's return it will be HHH vs The Hart Dynasty. He also mentios that in each match the other DX member will be banned from ringside

    As the GM leaves the ring and is replaced by Legacy who make their entrance Cole questions if Dibiase can do that, King simply says that he's the GM and he can do what he wants. As he left Dibiase also usherd HHH into the back and away from ringside before the match.

    First Match: HBK vs Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes
    HBK is impressive taking on both member of legacy at once but slowly the fact that it is two against one gets to be too much for him and after they combine hitting a double team move whilst Dibiase gets tagged in. It is from this point on that HbK is clearly struggling and soon after DiBiase Jr locks in the Million Dollar Dream which he turns into Dream Street (cobra clutch slam) for the 3 count.

    Winners Via Pinfall: Legacy

    A promo for The Royal Rumble 2010 is played

    ----Backstage Segment----
    Ted Dibiase is on the phone to Vince McMahon, he states that Bret will arrive shortly but that Vince has nothing to worry about and doesent need to come down, because he can handle it. Just then The Miz enters his office and once again stakes his claim for why he should be the new no.1 contender to the BWE title. He refers to how he took out the big show and last week got a win against the worlds strongest man Mark Henry. He of course neglects to mention that was a DQ victory due to Show getting his retributiion on him of course he doesent neglect to point out that he's awesome. Ted says that despite the fact that he knows he shouldent like the Miz he has to admit he is impressed by him so he is going to give him a chance, tonight, infact next he will have a rematch against Mark Henry and if he beats him clean he will have a number one contenders match next week and whoever wins that will get a title shot at The Royal Rumble.

    The miz vs Mark Henry
    As he did last week The Miz starts strong here against The Worlds strongest man. He immediatley starts working the big mans legs whilst evading all henrys big attacks. The Miz wears Henry down and gets a string of 2 counts after hitting both the Reality check and the skull crushing finale and is struggling to get a pinfall victory on Henry. both men grow frustrated and the action heats up as Henry makes a bit of a come back hitting a number of slams before tossing The Miz into a turnbuckle. The Miz goes to the outside holding his back and wincing in pain, The momentum seems to have switched and Mark Henry doesent want the Miz to recuperate so he follows him outside. As he makes his way to the ring apron he leaves himself open for attack and The Miz hit a second Reality check. The Referee begins to count them out but when he gets to 7 mark henry starts getting back to his feet, buts as he does The Miz who is still on the outside pushes him into the ringsteps before rolling back into the ring. The ref gets to a 10 count.

    Winner: The Miz

    Backstage segment----
    A dressing room interview with The Hart Dynasty about Bret's return is interupted by The Puerto Rican Nightmares. They tell the Harts that with all this DX/Bret business they shouldent forget whats important and thats their tag team titles that The Puerto Rican nightmares are no.1 contenders to. They tell The Harts not to bite off more than they can chew tonight because they will get their shot soon. As The Nighmares leave DH Smith gets a message on his phone and informs Tyson Kidd and Natayla "He's here".

    Maryse vs Alicia Fox
    A relativley short match see's Maryse make a winning return to a BWE ring. Fox looks like she may have Maryse's number as the bout begins but after Maryse hits her "French Kiss" snap DDT this one is all over and we have a new no.1 contender to the BWE Divas title.

    Winner: Maryse

    MVP knocks on and enters the GMs office door and when asked what he wants, he states that he deserves to be no.1 contender just as much as The Miz and wants to be in the other match tonight to see who fights for the no.1 contendership. However Dibiase informs him that match has already been set for tonight but that MVP does deserve a chance at championship gold so next week it will be MVP 1 on 1 with United states champion Evan bourne for his belt. MVP leaves happy.

    As MVP leaves Santino Marello Is standing about to knock on the GMs office door. Before Santino can even get a word in Dibiase spots him and says "And you, try winning you match on Superstars before you complain about not getting ring time on Raw again". When Santino enquires who he is facing on Superstars Dibiase points down the hallway to where once again Chris Masters is girating his pecks to a festive song, this time Old Long Syne.

    Before this match its announced that the Winner of the following match will face The Miz, to be the new BWE no.1 contender

    Big Show vs Kofi Kingston
    Kofi starts this match at a million miles an hour hitting Show with a number of big dropkicks and flying forearm smashes. Show trys to slow things down locking in a bearhug on the smaller man but Kofi eventually makes him release it with a backwards headbutt. Kofi again with the advantage keep on the attack and after a few quick kicks hits Show with trouble in paradise. Kofi then goes to hit a Boom drop but from the 2nd turnbuckle this time. He takes a second or two too long with the theatrics before the move and by the time he jumps Show is already back on his feet and is able to catch Kingston in mid-air. The with one big hand wrapped aroung his throat Big Show delivers a huge Chokeslam to Kofi before going for the pin.

    Winner: The Big Show

    ----Backstage interview----
    Jack Swagger is being interviewed by Todd Grisham he talks about how he has risen up through the ranks in the BWE and is now considerd by most to be a bonifide main eventer. He then talks about his upcoming match against other main eventers Cena and Orton and how even the crowd has been won over by the all American American. Swagger then notices Womens champ Gail Kim and says that he's sure even the lovely MS Kim has noticed the fans chanting "Swagger, Swagger, Swagger" every monday night. He then suggests she could do the same if she wanted. At this time new no.1 contender to the Divas title Maryse wals by and suggests that if he wanted a real women and the women who will be holding the divas title long term then he should should look her way. Kim doesent take this well though and the two girls grapple backstage while Swagger just stands back in admiration with one of his trademark smirks on his face.

    Cena vs Orton vs Jack Swagger
    Easily the match of the night as all three men bring their A game today and seemingly take turns dictating the pace. Cena had the early Advantage, then Orton started taking the lead after hitting Cena with an RKO. As the match nears its conclusion however Swagger is the one looking to most likely to be the winner as he hits repeated German, Gutwrench and Vertical suplexes on his opponents and looks like he is building to his Red, White and Blue Thunder bomb. Cena has had enough however and rolls out of the ring after one of the suplexes and gets a steel chair and hits the ring. He wraps it around the back of Swaggers head as he is going to deliver his finisher to Orton. Orton however is left fully functioning and strikes immediatley kicking Cena in the midsection causing him to drop the chair before Orton RKO's Cena onto the same chair.

    Declared a No contest as a result of DQ

    ---Backstage Interview---
    John Cena straight off his match gives an interview in which he promotes The Royal Rumble after being questioned about his health Cena is asked if he has any plans for changing his current PPV streak. He says that The Rumble levels the playing field for all superstars. That no matter how bad their recent record win one match, just one and you get to main event Wrestlemania for the title. This is exactly what Cena states he is going to do as he announces that he is first superstar to officially enter the Royal Rumble. The Interviewer trys to inform him that Santino has already thrown his name into the hat with regards to the rumble but this just serves as a reason for Cena to end the interview as he says he doesent have time for Todd Grisham and his questions.

    ----In Ring Segment---
    GM Ted Dibiase Is standing in the ring as we return, he gives a bit of a History lesson to the audience about who Bret Hart is including another small Bret video package as he builds towards his introduction of the Hitman. He then says that he knows that Bret Hart and the BWE have a lot of issues and that the fans of the BWE have always wanted to see The Bret back in the BWE and that thats why he has was the one who brought The Hitman back and why he can right now introduce Hall of famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

    Dibiase makes his way to the back as the crowd calm down after Bret makes his way to the ring and takes the mic. Bret talks about how he always wanted to come back and address his fans once more on BWE Raw but that Vince McMahon wouldent make that a possibility. Even when he got the guest GM spot Vince limited what he could do. Finally though thanks to The Million dollar man he has finally got that chance to adress the BWE fans and he had fully planned to say one final goodbye to his fans before getting to watch the Hart Dynasty fight in the Raw main event. Unfortunatley one man wont leave their history in the past so that will have to wait cos right now he wants to call out HBK, Shaun Micheals. After a few moments HBK Comes out to once more a quite mixed reaction.

    the two go back and forth about their history in the BWE on the mic for a few minutes and really emphasise to the new fans the significance it played in it. Bret states that he had hoped to be able to put Montreal Survivor series behind him, he was willing to let bygones be bygones and he asks why cant Micheals do the same? Why even though Bret is the one with a grudge to bear is Micheals getting in his business tonight? Micheals says that he is enjoying viewing this old out of shape Hitman (he refers to his having a stroke) since he used to consider him his equal but that the reason is a simple one. Its that ever since that Survivor series in Montreal, he has always wanted to be able to walk out on BWE raw go face to face with Bret and say one thing to him, (he leans in real close beside Bret and says) "I Screwed you Bret!"

    HBk starts laughing at Bret to his face and in doing so lets his guard down as Bret strikes Micheals in the head with the butt of his microphone. HBK is kncoked to the floor and rolls to the outside. He looks completely shocked as he gets back to his feet, he is about to get back into the ring when The Hart Dynasty's Music plays. Bret reminds everyone that The Harts match is next and that Shaun Micheals has been banned from ringside.

    Security escourt HBK away from the ring as The Hart Dynasty make their way to the ring. Natyala joins Bret on the outside of the ring as Smith & Kidd prepare for The Game.

    HHH vs The Hart Dynasty
    The BWE champion HHH is impressive in this match having to not only face both DH Smith & Tyson Kidd but also deal with the distraction of having Natayla and Bret Hart at ringside. Eventually as with his DX partner HBK earlier, the numbers become too much for Hunter and he is distracted by Brets presents which allows The Hart Dynasty to hit their double team finisher the Springboard Hart Attack and get the 3 count.

    Winner: The Hart Dynasty

    Bret & The Hart Dynasty celebrate in the ring to a surprisingly big reaction after defeating the face champion as we go off air.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    [FONT=&quot]BWE SmackDown[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- The BWE intro is played followed by the SmackDown intro. A series of pyro goes off. We are in Louisville, KT for SmackDown[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- GM Teddy Long comes out and proclaims that over the next 3 weeks, a tournament will be held to find the number 1 contender for CM Punk’s WHC. 8 superstars will compete in this tournament. 4 matches will be held tonight where the winners will advance to next week. 2 matches will be held next week (the final-4) and the final will be held on week 3. CM Punk and Straight-Edge comes down to a chorus of boos. Before they can even speak, Teddy cuts them off. He informs Gallows and Ziggler to get ready as they’re taking part in the tournament while Danielson will face John Morrison for the IC Title next week in SmackDown’s main event. “As for Punk, you will be in tag-team action tonight with Danielson but if you try to get involved in any match in the tournament tonight, you will be stripped of the WHC”[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]-Match 1 – Tournament Match 1 - Christian vs. Luke Gallows[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Good back and forth match with Christian constantly trying to up the pace but Gallows always using his power to stop. The finish comes after Christian attempts a kill-switch only for Gallows to lift him up and give him a suplex. Christian reverses this into a kill-switch. 1...2...3[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner and advancing to the “final 4” next week: Christian[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Backstage, we get an interview with Sheamus and Finlay. They tell us that the Puerto-Rican Nightmares have taken their spot in the tag team division “but it doesn’t matter. Whoever are the Champions will have us to deal with.” ” You can be sure that the Fighting Irishmen will be Unified Tag Team Champions when WrestleMania arrives.” They end the segment by issuing an open-invitation to any team for next week to prove how serious they are[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 2 – Mickie James vs. Layla – No.1 contenders match for the Women’s title [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Mickie tries to control the pace of the match by quickness but Layla grounds her. Layla eventually gets the better of Mickie and gets the 1...2...3 and becomes the no.1 contender of McCool’s title. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner and NEW no.1 contender: Layla[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Afterwards, Michelle comes out and mocks Mickie for losing to Layla. Layla laughs but stares at McCool. Michelle tries to beat down on Mickie but Layla stops her. Layla tells McCool that she should be McCool’s next problem and to take her seriously. McCool laughs at walks away.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 3 – Tournament match 2 – Chris Jericho vs. Batista[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]A determined Y2J faces off against Batista. Crowd are mixed for Jericho but cheer for Batista. Jericho gets a good bit of offence in while Batista uses his power to his advantage. After 15 mins, Y2J locks in the Walls of Jericho. It looks like Batista will tap out but he gets to the rope. Jericho has to break the hold at the ref’s 4 count. Jericho drags Batista’s body to the middle of the ring and goes for the lionsault. As Jericho jumps from the ropes, Batista gets up and hits a spinebuster. Batista sets up for the Batista bomb. He gets Y2J up on his shoulders but Jericho jumps down and hits a code-breaker. 1...2....3[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner and advancing to the “Final 4” next week – Chris Jericho[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Batista has a stunned look on his face when he gets up. “Dave Batista can’t believe his hopes for winning the title at the Rumble are over”[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial break* [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- We see the “Raw rebound” of Bret Hart’s return on Raw[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Matt Hardy and R-Truth come out to the ring for their tag-team match against Straight-Edge members CM Punk and Bryan Danielson. Hardy grabs a mic and announces that he got Teddy Long to bring up “1 of his old friends from ECW”. Hardy introduces SmackDown’s newest superstar, Hurricane Helms. Helms comes down and proclaims “the Carolina Connection” (Helms, Truth and Hardy) will be the new dominant team on SmackDown and in the WWE. Truth grabs the mic and proclaims it to be “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. Just before the bell rings, McIntyre makes his way down to the ring. “Right, this is my final time defeating you Truth. I’ve had enough of you. This match is now a 6-man tag match”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 4 – The Carolina Connection vs. Punk, Danielson and McIntyre[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The CC show excellent tag moves while Punk and Danielson struggle trying to team up with McIntyre. Eventually, Punk takes control of the match and starts beating down on Hardy. Punk goes for the GTS in his corner but McIntyre blind-tags himself in. Punk hits the GTS but Helms runs over and takes out Punk with a “Shining Wizard” kick that knocks Punk out of the ring. Danielson grabs Helms and throws him out of the ring Danielson begins to beat down on Helms. McIntyre gets out of the ring to help Punk up but Punk gets up and throws him back in the ring. During all of this, Hardy rolled over to his corner and tagged in truth. McIntyre starts to argue with Punk and doesn’t realise Truth has been tagged in. McIntyre turns around only to be hit by Truth’s “Lie Detector” (Corkscrew flying fore-arm smash). 1....2....3[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winners: The Carolina Connection[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]*Commercial Break*[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 5 – Tournament match 3 – Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Another classic match between these two. The crowd is really on Rey’s side here as Ziggler keeps Rey down with a number of submissions. After 10 mins, Rey kicks Ziggler from behind his back, Rey goes for the 619. It looks like Rey hit it but Ziggler caught Rey’s legs. Ziggler drags Mysterio into the centre of the ring, lifts him up and hits a Zig-Zag. 1....2....Rey kicks out. Ziggler looks for another Zig-Zag but Rey gives Ziggler a hurricanrana into the second rope. Rey hits the 619 followed by a splash. 1....2... Ziggler just kicks out. “Both men are putting on one hell-of-an-effort here”. Rey lifts Ziggler up only to be hit with a Zig-Zag. 1....2...3[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner and advancing to the “final 4” – Dolph Ziggler[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- Ad for this week’s Raw on the USA network followed by the Royal Rumble “I am the One” promo[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]* Commercial Break*[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]- CM Punk is being interviewed by Josh Matthews. Punk goes on to say McIntyre caused their team to lose by “tagging himself in and wanting to be the hero of the team”. Punk says he likes McIntyre but he compares McIntyre in the match tonight to everyone who’s not Straight Edge. “McIntyre acted like any person who is not Straight Edge. He gave in to temptation to be the star of the show and, as usual, it backfired. Being Straight Edge has won me the WHC”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]- Match 6 – Tournament match 4 – the Undertaker vs. John Morrison[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“This match should be a great match. These two have never faced off against each other before.” Jo Mo starts off on the hot foot by attacking Taker with his high-flying moves. “Morrison knows if he can keep the pace up, he has a great chance of advancing.” Eventually, after 15 minutes, Jo Mo begins to get tired. Taker knows this and begins to attack. An Irish-whip into the corner is followed by a splash. Taker then hits old-school. Taker hits a choke-slam. 1...2.... Morrison kicks out. Taker gets up only for Jo Mo to go for a small-package 1....2.... Taker kicks out. Taker gets up and hits the tombstone on Jo Mo 1....2..... Jo Mo incredibly kicks out. Taker appears exhausted and locks in Hells Gates. After a minute of trying to get to the ropes, Jo Mo has no other choice but to tap[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Winner and advancing to the “final 4” – the Undertaker[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Taker leaves the ring signalling that he wants the WHC back. He leaves. Jo Mo wearily gets up. The crowd give him a standing ovation. Danielson runs out to the ring through the crowd with a chair. He goes behind Jo Mo and hits him with the chair. Danielson hits him again with the chair. Danielson rolls out of the ring and gets a mic. Danielson gets Jo Mo up only to hit him across the head with the mic. Jo Mo appears to be cut. Danielson lays Jo Mo next to the mic and locks in Cattle Mutilation. Jo Mo eventually gives up. Danielson picks up the mic and claims by this time next week, Straight Edge will have 2 champions, WHC CM Punk and IC Champ Bryan Danielson. Danielson lifts the IC Title. Rey runs down to try to make the save but Danielson escapes through the crowd. We end with Rey helping Jo Mo while Danielson is laughing[/FONT]

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,444 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Welcome to BWE Raw!
    *video package is shown of Bret Hart's return from last week* Cole and Lawler kick off by discussing how HBK wasn't happy after last weeks show

    Ted DiBiase enters the ring. He announces that tonight, there will be a 'Beat The Clock' challenge. The winner will be able to choose their own entry number for the Rumble. Shawn Michaels comes down to the ring. He tells DiBiase that its unfair that Bret Hart could hit him, yet he's not allowed to hit him back. DiBiase says that Bret isn't medically cleared to wrestle, and if KBK tries anything, he'll be suspended indefinitely. HBK says that if he can't go after Bret, he wants The Hart Dynasty. He wants to be part of the 'Beat The Clock' challenge, and he wants either of The Hart Dynasty.

    Backstage segment
    The Puerto Rican Nightmares
    are shown backstage, arguing about having to wait another week for their title shot. Carlito says that they aren't going to be pushed aside so easily.

    Kofi Kingston Vs John Cena

    Match starts quickly with both pulling off some impressive offense. Pretty even until Kofi hits some quick kicks and knock Cena out of the ring. Knowing time is against him, Kofi pushes Cena back into the ring. As Kofi gets back in, Cena manages to lock in the STF. Kofi resists as long as he can, but this just angers Cena more. Cena tries to lock it in tighter, eventually forcing Kofi to submit

    Winner: John Cena in 6:03

    Kofi grabs his lower back. He may have injured something. He holds out his hand for Cena to help him up, but Cena just walks away. Kofi manages to get up and hobbles up the ramp

    Backstage Interview

    Tyson Kidd is shown walking backstage. He's on the phone to someone. Primo comes up behind him and knocks the phone away. Kidd gets right up in Primo's face in a staredown, before Carlito and Escobar attack him from behind. The beat on him for a minute before running away. DH Smith come from round the corner and sees Kidd, he runs over to help

    The World's Greatest Tag Team Vs Legacy

    Fairly short match. Rhodes hits Hass with the Cross Rhodes before Shelton gets the save. The match descends into a brawl until Rhodes hits another Cross Rhodes on Hass while DiBiase Jr has Shelton in the Million Dollar Dream

    Winners: Legacy

    Video Promo

    The Miz Vs Big Show promo is shown. Winner will face BWE Champion HHH at the Royal Rumble

    Randy Orton Vs Jack Swagger

    Legacy have stayed at ringside following their tag match. Randy Orton tries to get Swagger out of the ring several times, with Legacy eagerly waiting, but Swagger counters each time. With time running out, Orton pushes Swagger into the referee. Rhodes and DiBiase rush in and start attacking Swagger. Swagger manages to throw them both out, but as he turns around, Oron hits the RKO at 5:58. He rolls Swagger over for the pin

    Winner: Randy Orton in 6:06

    Because the referee was still hurt, it took him longer to count. Randy Orton looks furious

    Backstage Interview

    Shawn Michaels is backstage with Josh Matthews. Shawn Michaels says that, with Tyson Kidd out of action for tonight, it'll be The Heartbreak Kidd versus DH Smith in the final Beat The Clock match tonight. Shawn says that 15 years ago, Shawn Michaels entered as No.1, and left as the winner. And the final man he eliminated in the match, was the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith. HBK says that this is fate, and even though he may be 15 years older, he's also 15 wiser, and he will win the Royal Rumble once again.

    MVP Vs Evan Bourne (US Title Match)

    Great reaction for both men. Back and forth, with Bourne putting in a great showing, and surprising MVP on several occasions. MVP goes for the Ballin' Elbow, but Bourne rolls to the outside of the apron. With MVP lying on the ground holding his elbow, Bourne springboards from the top rope at the middle of the ring and hits the SSP

    Winner and still US Champion: Evan Bourne

    Backstage Segment

    The Puerto Rican Nightmares walk into Ted DiBiase's office and demand that they get their title shot next week. DiBiase accepts

    The Miz Vs Big Show (BWE No.1 Contenders match)

    Big Show smiles throughout. He constantly makes a fist with his hand and taunts The Miz. The Miz starts going after Show's knees, but Show tosses him aside each time. The Miz composes himself on the outside before trying again, but gets thrown into the corner and hit with big slaps. Big Show dominates throughout the match, before going for a chokeslam. He lifts The Miz up, but The Miz manages to reverse it into an armbar. Big Show begins to look worried. He throws Miz out of the ring and starts holding his elbow and shaking his arm. As The Miz gets back in, Big Show goes for a knockout punch, but as his arm extends it loses its power and he misses, allowing The Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale

    Winner and new BWE No.1 Contender: The Miz

    The Miz looks estatic as he runs up the stage, knowing Big Show might recover any minute. Big Show stares from the ring holding his elbow.

    Video Package

    Video shown of the previous Beat The Clock times and hyping the Royal Rumble. Cole and Lawler talk about what being able to pick your own entry number means.

    Shawn Michaels Vs DH Smith (Time to beat - 6:03)

    DH Smith knows what this opportunity could mean, and what HBK talked about earlier. He puts in a strong showing with the match being pretty even. Around the 3 minute mark, HHH comes to ringside. He paces around the ring which distracts Smith. HBK is getting the upper hand. Around the 5 minute mark, Bret Hart's music hits, which allows Smith to recover. Hart starts to walk down to the ring, when HHH comes over and gets in his face. The ref goes outside to prevent HHH from hitting Bret Hart. DH Smith hits his finisher, but as he does, Carlito runs down and hits a backstabber. HHH seeing this, backs away from Bret. As DH Smith tries to get up, HBK hits Sweet Chin Music

    Winner: HBK in 5:58

    Bret Hart enters the ring and helps Smith up, as Michaels retreats up the stage with HHH. As they reach the top, Ted DiBiase comes out. He says that the referee raised HBK's hand as the victor, so HBK gets to choose his entry number. HBK grabs the mic, stares at Bret Hart and DH Smith in the ring, and says.....

    Number 1!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!

    We are treated to another Straight Edge promo from the self proclaimed saviour of the BWE universe CM Punk. Punk talks about how he would never suggest that unlike himself and the rest of straight edge (incliding Luke Gallows who accompanies him), Rey Mysterio or dave Batista would have ever taken anything to improve their physique. He jokes that hes sure Batista's veins were always as that size, the size of most of the people in attendance her tonights arms. He goes on to hint that perhaps the reason Batista feels the need to wear Sunglasses even when in an arena and on national television is to hide something, that his eyes cant lie and show how Big dave doesent fit in with a straight edge society and that that is why neither him or Rey Mysterio are even in the running to be the next challenger to his World title. just then Batista's music hits, closley followed by Rey Mysterio's. All these men look dressed to fight and a referee appears.

    CM Punk/Gallows vs Rey/Batista
    Reys chest is still visably a weakness and is taped up after A Zig Zag from Dolph Zigglers exasurbated pre-existing injuries thanks to fellow Straight Edge member Brian Danielson, this is immediatly targetted by CM Punk. he works the little mans mid section and isolates him from his partner the tags in Gallows who delivers a massive jacknife Suplex Rey. The two straight edge members continue to tag in and out while Batista stands on the sidelines desperate for action when suddenly Mysterio hits a snap DDT and scrambles to his corner to give Batista that chance now 1on1 with CM Punk. Mysterio is still in the ring though recovering his breath while Batista makes his presence known hitting a massiveve spear on Punk and tossing gallows who try to interfere to the outside. As Punk gets back to his feet Batista hits a spinebuster on him which unexpectedly leave the champion perfectly place for a rey Mysterio 619 which the masked Mysterio hits with glee. Rey then holds off Gallows as Punk stumbles straight into the Batista Bomb for a 3 counf pin.

    winner: Dave Batista and Rey Mysterio

    The Hart Dynasty are backstage and mention that Bret Hart will be on SD next week with them but that tonight they are 100% behind the female Hart as Natayla is going to beat the Womens champion. Just then Layla walks over but as she does Natalya gets in her face and says that she is next if she gets the womens belt before her. Natalya goes on to state that she is going to prove how serious she is by beating Michelle McCool without the rest of the Hart Dynasty at ringside, only then however does it become apparent to her that it was actually DH Smith Layla had come to talk to and the camera cuts back to the ringside commentators.

    Michelle mcool vs Natayla w/Layla
    McCool and Natayla face off in an even contest at first as just as Natayla seems to be getting on top Michelle McCool reverses an attack into a pinfall manouver which garners a 2 count. Just as Natayla seems to be getting on top no.1 contender to McCool's title Layla comes down to ringside. Despite this distracting McCool Natayla is not happy about this but still uses it to her advantage and when McCool is focussed on Layla she hits her with a german suplex and follows that up by locking in the surfboard submission hold on McCool. After hold out for what seems like an age in this non title match McCool verbally submits

    Winner via submission: Natyla

    Drew McIntyre goes into GM Teddy Long's office, He states that Straight Edge blamed him for their loss last week but that he wanrts to prove that he is just as good as them so he asks Teddy that if Danielson cant beat Morrison for the IC tile then he wants the next shot at it afterall he says, there is only so long a man can beat R-Truth. Teddy retorts by reminding him that the last time both himself and R-Truth were in a match, Truth's side were victorious. However he says that if Mcintyre can defeat R-Truth 1 last time when they face off on Superstars this week he will grant him the next IC title match against whomever is the winner of Danielson vs Morrison is tonight.

    The next match is the first of the Semi-Finals in the no.1 contenders tournament leading into the Royal Rumble.

    The Undertaker vs Dolph Ziggler
    Ziggler frustrates Taker early on evadng all his attacks and working the deadmans legs. Ziggler even grounds Taker and starts to beat away on him but in this position he can no longer avoid Takers counter offense and the dead man is able to grab Ziggler around the throut. Ziggler struggles but Taker works his way to his feet and delivers a huge chokeslam to him causing him to roll out of the ring doesent stop there though as Taker follows him to the outside. Taker throws Ziggler into two sets of ringstep before throwing him back into the ring. Ziggler trys his hardest to get to his feet before Taker is awaiting him but the guy is already almost out on his feet and walks straight into The Undertaker who hits a Tombstone piledriver on him. Once more though Ziggler rolls out of the ring after being hit with this big move but this time the referee begins a countout. At 7 Ziggler seems to have regained his sense and is capable of returning to the ring but he decides nagainst it shakes his head and allows himself to be counted out before heading to the back. Taker makes a gesture suggesting that soon there will be championship gold around he waist again as he is declared the winner.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    Thats 3 members of straight edge who have already lost tonight, things are looking ominous for Danielsons hopes at Intercontinental glory tonigh.

    Jericho is interviewed backstage about the no.1 contender tournament he is in. Jericho says that he had planned to win the Royal Rumble this year but that he is going to let someone else have that scrap from his table because this year he willing be winning a title match at the Rumble. At this point he gets some boo's from the crowd but just uses that to lay into them questioning who would they prefer him or someone preaching at them all the time about how much better than them he is. At which point Todd Grisham quickly asks to clarify if he is talking about the champion or himself at the moment. Jericho just gives him a glaring look an begins to walk away but before he does Christain appears and talks the Mike from Todd, He talks directly to Jerich and refers to the cheers he got as he took the Mic and suggests that is why he and not Jericho is going to be the next champ, that people cheer when a champ enters a room while for Jericho he says they boo. Christian sys his peeps have had enough iof Jericho's big mouth and that tonight he is going to shut it for him.

    Danielson vs John Morrison (IC title match)
    This is a real Match of the night contender and goes back and forth with Danielson surpriising many in the crowd by going toe for toe with Morrison with regards to arial maneuvours while bringing some technical wrestling of his own to proceeding also. It looks as if we might have a new champion until drew McIntyre makes his way down to ringside. Thinking he is here to cost him his shot at the gold after his comments earlier Danielson gets at the ref about his presence at ringside. this slight mistake by danielson is all Morrison needs as the guy hits his Moonlight Drive which he follows up with Starship pain.

    Winner: John Morrison

    After the fight Danielson has to be physically lead away as he tries to get his hands on McIntyre whom he blames for his loss.

    Pre match promo from The Fighting Irish who state that tonight they are going to re-establish that if any team on Smackdown deserves to be fighting for the unified BWE tag team titles then its them. To do so they say, they are going to make an example of this new group they have seen forming who call themselves the Carolina Connection.

    The Fighting Irish vs The Carolina connection
    Finlay and particularily Sheamus look like they mean business here in the opening of the match with the fiery Irishman (Sheamus) really attacking Helms hard, hitting him with a series of big slams. The match is dominated by the two irishmen who both hit their finishers, first Sheamus on Helms then Finlay on Hardy but each time The CC members are close enough to the ropes to break the pin. R-truth who is at ringside the second time pysically puts Hardys foot on the bottom rope. This distraction allows Hardy to get back up while Finlay shouts at Truth who sheamus is now attacking, Hardy hits a quick Twist of fate on the Irishman. he then tags in Helms who immediatly inflicts the Nightmare on Helms Street on Finlay and then goes for the pin while Hardy and Truth restrain Sheamus. 1-2-3! Sheamsus looks incensed.

    Winner: Hardy & Helms

    Inring segment
    GM Teddy Long announces that since HBK got to pick what number he wanted for the Royal Rumble on Raw, a Smackdown superstar should also be given such an opportunity looking towards the PPV. Therefore next week on Smackdown we will have a match to determine who will enter no.30 into the Royal Rumble. He then introduces the competitors of the following match which he announces as the second Semi-Final in the number one contenders tournament.

    Jericho vs Christian (CM Punk on commentary)

    We see a performance which is truely main event standard tonight right from the off from Christian and the crowd really get behind him. He reverses all of Jericho's big attacks 1 by 1 frustrating him hugely. Eventually he hits the Killswitch on Jericho but takes to long to go for the pin and Jericho kicks out at 2. Jericho fights his way to his feet but Christian is still in command and trys for a second Killswitch. jericho reverses Christians finisher this time and hits a Codebreaker and then hits all the finishers he couldent earlier in sequence as he follows the Codebreaker with a lionsault before locking the walls of Jerihco on Christian in the centre of the ring. Chritian trys his hardest not to tap out and get to the ropes but after Jericho drags him back into the center of the ring and locks the hold back in for atleast another full agonising minute Christian taps out.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Jericho celebrates in the ring as the show goes off the air.

    could Chris Jericho live up to his word and be the next champion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,054 ✭✭✭D.Q

    Opening segment- video recap of last week showing Shawn choosing the number one spot in the rumble.


    After the pyro,

    1st segment

    Cole- "Welcome to Bwe raw, we have a HUGE main even for you tonight folks, It will be John Cena teaming up with the Miz, to take on D-Generation X!"

    King-"And on top of that, the Peurto Rican Nightmares are finally getting their long awaited tag team title match against the Hart Dynasty, who with the events of last week in mind, may not be 100% focused on the tag team gold!!"

    The Miz's music hits and he makes his way to the ring, smiling smugly at the crowd

    He grabs a chair and sits (in an arrogant way, backwards? if that makes any sense..) in the middle of the ring. The crowd begins to chant "HHH". This makes him smile wider as he looks around, savouring the moment. He waits until the crowd quietens down.
    "Triple H, Triple H...? Really? REALLY!?"

    He goes on to cut a promo on how long he has waited for this moment, that he can breathe fresh life into the main event scene on BWE raw, how hes finally pressing against the glass ceiling, and at the Royal Rumble that ceiling will be smashed..."because Im the Miz...and I'm..."

    Triple H Music Hits
    He makes his way quickly to the ring, not in ring attire, championship belt in hand. He grabs a mic and gets head to head with Miz.

    He says how he lives for this title, that he is the greatest World Champion of all time. "You may have a lot of the guys in the back fooled Miz, but heres the truth. A glorified reality Tv star, gets a lucky victory over the big show last week, and thinks he can play the game at my level? Heres some REAL reality tv Miz, you are not at my level, and never will be."

    With that, they stand nose to nose in an intense staredown. The miz finally concedes and backs away, HHH sneers at him and turns to leave. As he does the Miz grabs him and hits the Skull Crushing Finale.
    He then grabs the chair he was sitting on and starts to beat HHH's back with it as HHH lies on the ground. Eventually refs pull him off, Miz grabs HHH's title off the ground, walks with it to the titantron and kisses it,before throwing it on the ground to a huge chorus of boo's.

    Commercial Break

    2nd segment

    Rhodes and Dibiase are backstage in the locker room talking furiously.

    Dibiase- "Where the hell is he!? I haven't heard from him since last week!"
    Cody- "I haven't seen Randy that angry in a long time Ted, you know what that title means to him, he needs the rumble"
    Dibiase- "and I suppose we're expected to give it to him, again."
    Cody- "I dont know what he wants, all I know is, he better be here tonight. We can't have Swagger embarassing us like that and getting away with it...did you talk to your dad?"

    Ted Dibiase Snr enters.

    "Boys boys boys. My son comes to me and asks a favour, Randy Orton wants a rematch with swagger... I happily obliged, as any father would. But now it seems your 'great leader' is nowhere to be found. Randy wont be in action tonight boys. You will be taking his place however. Against Kofi Kingston and MVp."

    Back To Ringside

    Evan Bourne Vs Chavo Guerrero.
    A quick enough match up, some smooth cruiserweight action, the momentum swinging both ways, eventually Bourne hits Airbourne to pick up the win.

    Backstage, HHH and HBK are walking into the locker room. Hunter is telling Shawn to keep his focus on the tag match tonight between DX and Cena. As they talk, Bret Hart and the Hart Dynasty enter and tell them that even though they will be defending their gold tonight, they will be keeping a very, very close eye on DX's match. They walk off as bret looks shawn in the eye and says "your time is coming Shawn, what goes around comes around"


    Rhodes/DiBiase Vs MVP/Kofi Kingston

    Starts off slow enough, Legacy keep MVP isolated for long periods of the match, Kofi builds heat on the outside as the crowd anticipate the explosive tag. Finally after DiBiase and MVP collide in the center of the ring, both men are down and MVP dives for the tag as dibiase tags in Rhodes.


    Kofi explodes into the ring,with high paced, high flying moves and clears house, turning the momentum in their favour. DiBiase and MVP are brawling on the outside as Kofi hits his signature moves on Rhodes. Dibiase throws MVP into the steel steps and gets on the apron. This distracts Kofi and Rhodes pounces, hitting CrossRhodes for the pin.

    Legacy begin to beat down on Kofi, clearly trying to make a statement. Just then, Cena's music hits and he charges the ring. The kids in the crowd are going wild as this is the hero that they thought was gone forever. Legacy slide out of the ring and retreat to the back, mouthing at cena all the way. Cena salutes his fans and helps Kofi to his feet. As Kofi stands up, Cena viciously strikes him back down with an elbow to the back of the head. He locks in the STFU, as Kofi screams in agony. As the crowd is shocked into silence, Cena leaves the ring, walking to the back without acknowledging the crowd at all.

    Commercial Break.


    King and Cole talking to camera about the seriousness of Kofi's injury, saying they don't know if he will make the rumble or not.

    Backstage the Colons are talking and getting ready. They talk about tonight being their big shot at the tag titles.

    Mini Royal Rumble, 8 man over the top battle royale.
    Big Show v Swagger v Henry v Escobar v Masters v Benjamin v Haas v Santino

    Messy enough affair as these things are. Sntino instantly charges Henry and is Launched straight over the top rope and out. Benjamin and Haas work as a team, to eliminate masters as swagger works on Escobar. Big SHow pushes Haas and Benjamin out of the ring, and then turns and eliminates Mark Henry, just as Swagger eliminates Escobar. Show and Swagger circle for a while before locking up. Swagger eventually gets the victory as the ducks underneath Show, pulling the top rope down as Big SHow tumbles over it.


    Swagger smiles at big show all the way up the ramp, beating his chest. He doesnt notice Randy Orton coming throught the crowd and lying in wait behind him. As swagger turns around Orton hits a huge RKO. he climbs the turnbuckle and points at the WM logo hanging above his head.


    The Hart Dynasty w/ Bret Hart & Natalya v The Peurto Rican Nightmares for the BWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS

    Old school styles are on display here, as two classic wrestling families lock up against one another. The action flows well, as the Hart Dynasty establish an early advantage, helped in no small part by the distracting presence of Bret Hart and Natalya who are walking around outside, shouting encouragment.

    As Carlito starts to build momentum against Smith, Natalya gets up on the apron, distracting the referee. Carlito walks over and grabs Natalya by the hair. DH smith charges at Carlito, but Carlito ducks, and DH smith clobbers Natalya hard to the ground. Just then HBK's music hits, and Shawn Michaels appears on the ramp. As Tyson kidd runs to meet him, Carlito hits the backstabber on smith and covers him for the pin. Kidd tuened around as he heard the count but it was too late, Shawn smiles and returns to the back as The Colons celebrate their title win in the middle of the ring.

    Dx Vs John Cena / The Miz

    Cena and Miz come out to some real heat from the fans, especially Cena. Dx make their entrance,


    however, tonight they are lacking glowsticks. They seem intense and serious as they make their way to the ring, HHH noticably hurting from the Miz's attack earlier in the night.

    The match starts off with Michaels Vs Miz, Michaels gaining the upperhand. Michaels goes for the elbow drop early on but misses, leaving both men in lying in the ring. As Miz crawls to the corner, and makes the the tag, Cena simply steps off the ropes and walks to the back. Shaking his head and not looking at the fans. Cena is counted out and dx get the victory.

    Miz slides out of the ring, looking from side to side, eying up both members (ha) of DX as he realises he is trapped. Shawn goes to slide out of the ring but HHH stops him saying, he's mine. Shawn shrugs and leaves the ring, going to the back. HHH climbs out of the ring, getting a sledgehammer from underneath. Miz jumps out into the crowd and tries to escape, being closely followed by HHH and his hammer.

    As Shawn makes his way up the ramp, Bret Harts music hits and he walks out alone with a mic.

    "Shawn this feud has gone on too long. Iv come out here man to man to put it right. Im sick of carrying this burden around. Montreal tore my family apart, my own sisters spat at me and cursed me, hell its cost my family members their titles tonight. I want to put an end to it right now. Be men, forgive and forget, and shake hands once and for all"

    He gets closer to Shawn, "Im offering you my hand Shawn, can we move on?"

    Shawn puts his head down, looking remorseful. He smiles around at the crowd, the crowd anticipating the handshake, the heartfelt moment.

    Bret offers Shawn the mic.
    "Bret, Hitman. Youre right, I want to move on. This burden has weighed on me too. Im a changed man now, and so are you. And I just want to say, for montreal, for everything, Im sorry."
    He reaches out and shakes Bret's hand to a massive pop, before hitting Bret with the Sweet Chin Music, laying him out. He grabs the mic and leans over Bret, "Im am sorry Bret, Im sorry it was Goldberg that got to do that first!"

    Raw ends as the paramedics load Bret into a stretcher, as The Hart Dynasty look on concerned.

    Shawn and Bret: Felt I had to seperate Shawna and Hunter as far as their face/heel status goes. Wanted to make Bret the good guy here, while not smearing HHH with the same brush. I know shawn wasnt allowed to hit bret, so i thought this would be a shock.

    Miz: wanted to keep him strong tonight, for HHH at rumble, bit of a more even playing field after Miz laid him out.

    Randy- wanted him and legacy to seem ruthless and focused before the rumble, although there is some resentment with teddy.

    Cena- didnt want him to be an out and out heel. More that he doesnt care about the fans or the company anymore.

    Thats it really, all criticism etc welcome, hope you enjoyed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    BWE SmackDown

    - A promo for the tournament final is shown. Tonight, it’ll be Jericho vs. Taker with the winner facing Punk at the Rumble with the WHC up for grabs.

    - The SmackDown video plays and we’re brought into the arena in South Carolina with some pyrotechnics. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcome us to the show and state that we’re we’re nine days away from the Royal Rumble. “Tonight Matt, we'll tell you some of the SmackDown superstars taken part in the Royal Rumble match”

    - Punk’s music plays and out come Straight-Edge. Punk claims that whoever wins the match tonight will not become champ at the Rumble because neither 1 of them is Straight-Edge. Danielson claims that he was cheated out of winning the title last week by McIntyre and wants him tonight. Teddy Long comes out to tell Danielson that this match will happen right now. Teddy Long calls for a referee and for Straight-Edge to leave the ringside area. McIntyre comes out to a lot of boo’s. As he walks towards the ring, Ziggler smirks at him while walking by.

    *Commercial Break*

    - Match 1: Danielson vs. McIntyre

    Crowd not really sure who to cheer for seeing as both guys are heels. McIntyre tries to ground Danielson which turns out to be a huge mistake. Danielson keeps McIntyre grounded for most of the match with McIntyre getting a bit of offence in. After 5 mins, Danielson applies Cattle Mutilation. McIntyre is about to tap when Jo Mo runs down to the ring. Jo Mo attacks Danielson. The ref calls for the bell.

    Winner via DQ: Drew McIntyre

    Jo Mo and Danielson keep battling with each other. Eventually, McIntyre helps out Jo Mo by throwing Danielson out of the ring. He goes out and hit’s a Scot Drop on Danielson on the floor. McIntyre rolls back into the ring while Jo Mo seems surprised by this. McIntyre lifts Jo Mo’s hand only to give him a Scot Drop. McIntyre grabs a mic and the IC Title and claims the title will be around his waist “Very, very soon”. He puts the title back on the ground, lifts Jo Mo up and hits a Scot Drop on the title. McIntyre leaves with Jo Mo and Danielson out of it.

    - The Raw rebound is shown

    *Commercial Break*

    - Match 2 – R-Truth (w/Matt and Helms) vs. Finlay (w/Sheamus)

    “The Fighting Irishmen look for some revenge after what happened last week”. We are shown a replay of the finish of last week’s Tag match. This is a good back and forth match with the crowd really behind R-Truth. Finlay tries the ground and pound approach while Truth tries to avoid it with some unique counters. After 10 mins, the finish comes when Sheamus trys to throw Finlay’s shillelagh into the ring. Finlay picks up the shillelagh only to see Matt and Helms attacking Sheamus. Finlay decides to help out his team-mate only for Truth to turn him around. Truth hits a scissors-kick for the 1...2...3

    Winner: R-Truth

    - Striker notes that the Carolina Connection is now 3-0 since their formation. “Can anyone stop the CC??” We see a frustrated Finlay shouting at Sheamus as we head to a commercial

    *Commercial Break*

    - Match 3 – Layla vs. Mickie James

    McCool is on commentary for this. She continues to make fun of Mickie James losing to Layla. McCool doesn’t take Layla as a serious competitor for the Women’s title. Eventually Mickie gets the 1.....2.......3 with her DDT.

    Winner: Mickie James

    - McCool comes into to ring to confront Mickie when Natalya runs down and attacks McCool. Natalya and Mickie both attack McCool and begin to show good tag-team moves. Layla gets up and attacks Mickie throwing her out of the ring. Natalya gets Layla and locks in the SharpShooter. McCool hits a heel-kick on Natalya which releases the hold. McCool then hits a faith-breaker on Natalya. McCool helps Layla up. Layla accepts the helping hand by McCool but looks on at McCool’s Women’s title.

    - Backstage interview with Y2J. Jericho tells us that he’s the best in the world at what he does and he’s sick of all the parasites “fans” who constantly cheer for the Undertaker. He claims that he’ll defeat the Deadman tonight and will claim what’s his at the Rumble, the World Heavyweight Title. Just as the interview is ending, Christian walks past. Y2J stops Christian and tells him that last week wasn’t a fluke. He then shows him a Canadian Dollar. He asks him does he remember what happened with this before. He called Christian a worthless person and a liar who’ll never be at the level Jericho is at now.

    *Commercial break*

    - Match 4 – Batista (w/Rey) vs. JTG (w/ Shad)

    This was a basic 3 minute squash match. JTG started off hot but Batista stopped his momentum dead with a spear. Batista then hits a spinebuster and the Batista Bomb for the 1....2......3

    Winner: Batista

    After the match, Batista gets the mic and claims that he’ll win the Rumble. Rey takes the mic and claims that he’ll win the Rumble. Batista smirks at Rey but get very serious with Rey. Batista said that He’ the Rumble and leaves.

    * Commercial Break*

    - The Hart Dynasty are in the back cutting a promo. They thank HBK for super-kicking Bret on Monday and ruining the chance for the crowd to see “The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be” tonight. The Hart Dynasty said they’ll leave a surprise for HBK and DX at Raw on Monday.

    - GM Teddy Long comes out. He states that it was unfair that Raw could host a match where the winner takes a Royal-Rumble number. “Next week, we are gonna have a 10-man over-the-top-rope battle royale where the winner will take whatever number they want in the Rumble”

    - Match 5 – CM Punk (w/Straight Edge) vs. Christian

    Christian is very weary of Straight Edge during the match as Danielson, Ziggler and Gallows each take a side of the ring. Punk is laughing at this but the ref orders Straight Edge to the back before they cause trouble. Punk looks distraught as Danielson, Ziggler and Gallows have to leave. Christian goes behind Punk and hits the Killswitch. 1....2....3

    Winner: Christian

    Christian can’t believe he won. He gets on the mic and claims he has 1 win against the Champ now. “Next week, I’m gonna win the battle royale and I’m gonna go on to win the Rumble. I’ll then win the title at WrestleMania XXVI.”

    *Commercial Break*

    - Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are in the ring listing out who’ll be in the Rumble match from the SmackDown side as of now:
    - Batista; - Rey Mysterio; - Christian; - Danielson; -Ziggler; -Gallows; -John Morrison; -Matt Hardy; - Sheamus; -Finlay
    They say the list might change next week.

    - Match 6 – Tournament Final – Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker

    Jericho looks intimidated when Taker comes out. “We should be in for a classic here”. A slow start here with Taker controlling the early part of the match. About 10 mins into the match, the action spills to the outside. Jericho is knocked through the ropes with a kick straight to the head. Taker runs to the ropes and hits a suicide dive.

    *Commercial Break*

    We come back to see Jericho controlling the match. The pace has picked up. We see a replay of Taker’s dive on Jericho. During the commercial, Taker lifted Y2J up only for Jericho to send him into the steel steps knees first. We are back to Jericho trying to get the Walls of Jericho locked in. Taker keeps trying to break it which only hurt’s his leg even more. After 10 mins, Jericho hits the code-breaker. 1...2....Taker just kicks out. Y2J is getting very cocky now. He mocks Taker’s taunt of the finger across the throat. He lifts Taker up for a tombstone. Taker reverses his weight and flips Jericho into a tombstone position. Taker hits the tombstone but rolls away in agony holding his right knee. The ref counts as both men are down 7......8........9.... Taker and Jericho just get up. Taker gets Jericho for a chokeslam only for Jericho to counter into a codebreaker. 1....2.... Taker kicks out again. The crowd are standing as they can’t believe what happened. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho in the centre of the ring but Taker reverses it into Hell’s Gates. 1 minutes goes by, then 2, 3 and 4. After 4 minutes, Y2J eventually taps out.

    Winner and No 1 contender for the WHC: The Undertaker.

    “What a match we’ve just witnessed”. We go off the air with Punk on the ramp staring at Taker holding the title aloft.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Monday Night Raw opens with a video package of what went down, last week between Bret The Hitman Hart and The HeartBreak Kid Shawn Michaels..

    Pyro Goes off in the arena. And Michael Cole and Jerry Lawlor welcome us to BWE Raw

    I Think im cute, I know im sexy.... Shawn Michaels is making his way to the ring, to a loud chorus of boo's and "YOU SCREWED BRET" echo's around the arena.. Michaels smirks and says "twice" and laughs.. The crowd gets louder and HBK soaks up the heat, He finally says "For the last week, everyone in the BWE Universe has said to me, Why Shawn Why?? And I thought you were a changed man, HBK?." Well guess what.. Some things never change, its no secret that ive never respected Bret, I hated the guy then and I hate him even more now. He treated me and all of you like fools when he left 13 years ago.. He was the one who left BWE for Ted Turners millions.. Not me. Ive always stayed loyal to you fans, putting my body on the line every night to live up to being "The Showstopper"
    And i know in my heart i did the right thing.. For the BWE.. For Me.. And all of you. Yeah i screwed Bret. but only because that son a bitch doesnt deserve to be trusted. And as God as my witness, Im not one bit sorry for any of his.Hell id do it all again...And for all the people who doubt me, i dont need your forgiveness, I dont care about losing your respect because i've chosen the righteous path along time ago. (In a sarcastic vocal tone) And if your not down with that,Ive got 5 words for ya... I DONT GIVE A ****...

    HBK leaves the ring, the crowd viciously shouting You Suck at him..


    Michael Cole Announces that GM Dibiase has made an 6 Diva Over the Top
    rope Battle Royal. With the winner getting a title shot at the Royal Rumble..

    And a Last Chance Saloon Match, between Two, Four Man Tag Teams with the winners earning their spots in The Royal Rumble..


    WGTT are waiting in the ring for the new Tag Champs.. Primo and Haas start the match off, some counters and near falls, before Hass tags Shelton. Now both men work over Primo behind the refs back.Primo makes the hot tag to Carlito, who cleans house, and is about to hit the backstabber on Shelton when.... The Hart Dynasty hit the ring swinging at everybody in sight with chairshots.. They hit the Hart Attack on a vunerable Primo.With Microphones in hand the Harts proceed to say "That in 6 Days the Tag titles will return to Calgary and their rightful owners"


    Josh Matthews is backstage and "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome his guest at this time.." The Miz. "Hit the bricks, Pee-Wee" Miz grabs the mic and Matthews walks away dejected... "Ive been in the BWE for a while now,and i admit for a little while i was a joke, i associated myself with a loser, someone who thinks hes the singer in some ****ty band from the 60s no-ones ever heard of.But now the jokes over, and its time for The Miz to be taken seriously, because at The Rumble on Sunday The Miz finally reaches his pontential.. because hes The Miz..and hes AWEEESOMME....

    HHH walks up Miz slowly..,clapping sarcastically.. Oh Jiz, This Sunday theres only one thing happening.. and thats me knocking your teeth down your throat.. And thats not some reality show B.S.. thats the truth.. Because im The Game.. and im.. Unstopable, HHH walks away leaving Miz seething..

    Bourne starts things off with some stiff/quick kicks to the guts.. and Hurricaranas Masters, then hits the standing moonsault and a 2 count.. Masters fights back but Bourne is able to hit the Shooting Star Press for the win.

    Before the ad break a promo is shown for the BWE Hall of Fame, and that the first pick will be announced live next Monday Night by Vince McMahon personally.. Jerry Lawlor jokingly says maybe it'll be you picked Michael. Cole responds with that'd be a vintage night for Michael Cole..indeed.

    Back live and Brie Bella, Jillian Hall, Eve, Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox are waiting in the ring as Maryse makes her entrance.. Jillian is first to go, quickly followed by Brie, all four women occupy a corner each, before racing towards each other.. A cat fight between Kelly Kelly and Maryse sends The King over the edge, with screams of PUPPIES, PUPPIES. Kelly is soon over the ropes with A Fox not too far behind, Leaving Eve and Maryse as the final 2, but Maryse manages to headscissor Eve over the ropes.. Gail Kim Looks on from the ramp as we go to commercial.


    Randy Orton is shown backstage leaving the GMs office. . Orton doesnt look too happy. He moves down the corridor, punching the wall sporadically, Making his way towards Legacys dressing room, slamming the door behind him..

    JACK SWAGGER is in the ring, Last week...I proved i have what it takes to
    win the Rumble. I have what it takes to be the last man standing.. Swagger shows highlights of the 8 man over the top rope battle royal He won last week, Swagger is now grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat.. You see not only am i the greatest athlete ever step foot in a BWE ring and The All American American, but now my monumental win has forced people to take notice of me..Important people. Im obviously the future of this business, and when i win the Rumble next Sunday., im going to Main Event Wrestlemania..


    Back and forth match with Legacy controlling much of the match by taging regularly, eventually Kofi gives his team the upperhand, with Mark Henry scoring the pin on Cody Rhodes with the Worlds strongest slam.. Afterwards A hightlight package of past Royal Rumbles is shown...and Cole/King run through the card for Sunday.

    In the Main Event..

    Randy Orton makes his way to the ring... and then his opponent, John Cena makes his way out..The crowd are Boo-ing him to the high hills as he makes his way to the ring.. As soon as the ref rings the bell, he then makes a gesture of screw this and proceeds to make his way back up the ramp. As the Ref then counts to 10 and awards the match to Orton. Kofi Kingston is waiting behind the curtain for Cena. Kofi looking for retribution for Cena's attack last week, with both men now fighting,slowly moving towards the ring. Legacy make they're way out towards the carnage and brawl with both Kingston and Cena.. Legacy and Orton in a united front stand over the equally defeated Cena and Kofi..


    In the backstage area BWE officals are rushing to the aid of an unconcious Shawn Michaels, HBK is face down on the concrete drapped in a Canadian Flag, HHH comes to his friends aid, " Shawn, Shawn, are you ok buddy? Shawn wake up man? somebody get paramedics.. BWE Raw goes off the air to the image of a bloodied HBK,

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,444 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    BWE SmackDown

    - A video promo for the Royal Rumble is shown. The show opens with Teddy Long in the ring. He reminds everyone that tonight, there will be a 10-man Battle Royal and the winner can choose his own entry number. He announces the competitors as:
    Rey Mysterio
    Drew McIntrye
    John Morrison
    And a surprise 10th entrant

    Jericho's music hits and he walks down to ring. He tells Teddy Long that since he's not in the title match at the Rumble, he wants to be in the Battle Royal. Teddy Long says that he will be in the Rumble as one of Smackdowns entrants, but the 10 entrants for the Battle Royal have already been picked. Jericho states that he had to go to hospital after last week, as he was in the Hell's Gate for about 4 minutes, and the referee should have stopped the match earlier. He says that, as Smackdown's most valuable asset and the only one who truly deserves to be in the main event at Wrestlemania, that Teddy should have done more to protect him. And that unless he wants Jericho to sue him for allowing Undertaker to use such a violent move, he should be included in the Battle Royal.

    Teddy ponders this, and says that as a compromise, Jericho can choose one of the other entrants to face tonight. And if Jericho defeats them, he'll win their place in the Battle Royal. Jericho smiles and says he wants to fight Ziggler

    *Commercial Break*

    - Match 1: Carolina Connection vs. Kane & Mike Knox

    Grisham and Striker call this 'A Handicap match of speed vs strength'. CC start off well by making quick tags and making hit-and-run attacks. Eventually, Mike Knox manages to isolate Helms and they work him over for a few minutes before he manages to tag in Hardy. All 5 end up in the ring before R-Truth and Knox go over the top rope together. As Kane is lifting Helms up for a chokeslam, Hardy grabs his neck and hits a Twist of Fate as Kane is slamming Helms down. All three end up on the mat, before Hardy throws his arm over Kane

    Winner: Carolina Connection

    R-Truth returns to the ring as Carolina Connection stand victorious. Striker notes that this has been 4 wins in a row. Beginners luck, or are they truly a force to be reckoned with?

    - The Raw rebound is shown

    *Commercial Break*

    - Match 2 – Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler w/ Gallows

    Ziggler comes out with Gallows, hoping that since he only has one other member of Straightedge, he'll be able to stay at ringside. But Jericho starts complaining to the referee, who finally orders Gallows backstage. The match goes back and forth until Ziggler climbs the turnbuckle and gets thrown off by Jericho. Jericho begins taunting Ziggler, slapping him in the back of the head as he tries to get up. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. Ziggler tries to reach the ropes, before Christian's music hits. Jericho releases the hold and stares at the stage, before Ziggler rolls him up from behind. 1...2... kickout at 2! As they both get back up to their feet, Jericho hits a quick Code-Breaker

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Jericho looks pleased but also shocked at how it happened

    *Commercial Break*

    Backstage Interview

    Josh Matthews is backstage with CM Punk. Punk says that tonight, Taker will face Gallows one on one. He says that Gallows will demonstrate what drugs can do a person. Gallows will hit Taker so hard, Taker won't be able to see straight. Gallows is going to hit him so hard, Taker will be weak, and begging for mercy. Gallows will hit him so hard, Taker will be in excruciating pain. And ultimately, Gallows will hit Taker so hard, Taker... will rest in peace.

    - Match 3 – Michelle McCool & Layla vs. Mickie James and Natalya

    Layla and Natalya begin the match going back and forth. Mickie and Natalya show some good teamwork and keep Layla from tagging out. After Layla and Natalya both clothesline each other, Layla manages to crawl over to the corner, but McCool backs off from the apron and refuses to tag out. As Layla turns round, Mickie had tagged back in and hits a Mick Kick

    Winners: Mickie James and Natalya

    After the match, McCool grabs her title and walks up the stage without turning round. Grisham notes that on Sunday, Layla will have her chance for revenge by taking McCool's title

    * Commercial Break*

    - Jericho is walking backstage when he notices Christian standing and smiling. Christian says how weird it was that Christian's music played during Jericho's match. As Jericho starts to walk away, Christian asks why he didn't choose to face him tonight. Jericho tells him that Straightedge probably had some plan to win the Battle Royal, so he had to take them out. But out of everyone else in the match, Christian doesn't worry him. Jericho walks away as Christian looks furious

    - Match 5 – Gallows vs. Undertaker

    Gallows looks unafraid of Taker, and gets in some good offence. The match goes back and forth, before knocking Taker out of the ring. They end up brawling outside the ring.

    Draw due to Double Countout

    As Taker and Gallows keep brawling, CM Punk runs down and hits Taker from behind with the title. Punk and Gallows shout at Taker for a while before walking up the ramp. Lightning and flames strike the stage just before they reach it. They turn around to see Taker holding out his hand towards the stage. He then signals a belt being around his waist

    *Commercial Break*

    - Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are in the ring listing out who’ll be in the Rumble match from the SmackDown side:
    - Batista; - Rey Mysterio; - Christian; - Danielson; -Ziggler; -Gallows; -John Morrison; -Matt Hardy; - Sheamus; -Finlay; - Chris Jericho; - Drew McIntyre; - And the surprise 10th entrant in tonights Battle Royal
    They run through the rest of the Royal Rumble card, before announcing that the 10-man Battle Royal is about to begin, with the winner getting to choose his own number

    - Match 6 – Battle Royal

    Batista, Rey Mysterio, Christian, Danielson, Jericho, Drew McIntrye, John Morrison, Sheamus and Finlay all make their way to the ring. They stare each other down, before the music hits for the 10th man

    Striker: OH MY GOD.... IT'S.... THE GREAT KHALI!

    The Great Khali makes his way down to the ring. The others all look at each other shocked. They never factored Khali as being a possibility. As Khali enters, the match begins.

    Khali eliminates Rey almost instantly
    Batista, seeing this, attacks Khali
    McIntyre and Danielson try to eliminate Morrison, but Danielson eliminates McIntyre instead
    Sheamus and Finlay work on Christian
    Jericho starts trying to throw Batista out, while Khali eliminates Morrison and McIntyre at the same time
    Finlay tries to hold Christian against the ropes, while Sheamus goes for the big boot. But Christian pulls Finlay into the way and Sheamus accidently knocks Finlay out
    Jericho, Batista, Christian and Sheamus eliminate Khali together
    Batista tries to throw Sheamus out, but Christian manages to throw Batista over too, eliminating them both
    As soon as Christian turns round, Jericho hits a CodeBreaker. He then pulls Christian over to the ropes and tries to lift him over, but Christian manages to hold on and get back in under the bottom rope. They brawl for a bit before they end up back at the ropes. Christian ends up standing on the outside of the apron. As Jericho goes for a springboard dropkick from the corner, Christian pulls the top rope down. Jericho lands on the rope and bounces out of the ring

    Winner: Christian

    Todd Grisham enters the ring where Christian is celebrating. Christian tells him that he is going to prove to everyone that he belongs in the main event, that he has worked hard all his life and he deserves this. Grisham asks what entry number he wants. Christian says 'The most winners have been Number 27. I'm not that superstitious, so I'll go No.28'

    As he's talking to Grisham, Jericho attacks him from behind. He leaves Christian lying in the middle of the ring as the show closes

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to the BWE Royal Rumble

    A Promo outlining the history of the rumble plays as the show opens. The Commentators talk through the nights card before announcing that up first is the Divas title match from Smackdown.

    Divas title match: McCool vs Layla
    A quick start from Layla is quicly squashed by McCool as she delivers a snap DDT to Layla. McCool starts taunting Layla at this point, saying she isnt a worthy challenger to her and that nobody in the WWE i as good as her. At this point Natayla makes her way down to ringside to overview proceedings. This distracts McCool who misses the opportunity to continue the non verbal assualt on Layla who instead gets back to her feet and hits an unaware McCool with a neckbreaker. Layla however does not miss her chance to continue the assault as she delivers a number of low dropkicks before tossing McCool out of the ring. Natayla on the outside picks McCool up and goes to toss her back into the ring but in what she claims is an accident she sends the divas champ shoulder first into the ringpost. after a second attempt Natayla gets her back into the ring where the waiting Layla hits her with a second neckbreaker.

    Winner: Layla

    Backstage we see Raw and SD GMs Ted Dibiase & Teddy Long trying to settle into their new shared office. Quickly the two get drawn into an escalating game of one up manship announcing matches for their next shows before quickly changing their plans when they hear who the other announces in a match. Teddy Long finally wins this battle though when he announces that he is going to make a match for right here tonight for the Intercontinental title. He ten reminds everone that since Drew McIntyre won his match on Superstars with K-Kwik he earned the right to be next in line for the IC belt and that shot at the gold vs John Morrison will be next!

    Outside in the backstage are we see Josh Matthews interviewing all 3 members of Legacy. Orton refers to how the three of them can work together in the rumble match as they did previously when he won the Rumble. However he then emphaises to Ted & Cody that when it gets down to just the 3 of them then it will be every man for himself because they need to know he is going to Wrestlemania to become the champ if he has to go through them or not.

    IC Title Match: Morrison vs Drew McIntyre
    This match is a real back and forth contest untl a number of big dropkicks (one of which pushes Drew into the ref who is knocked out of the ring) from Morrison give him enough Momentum to hit the Moonlight Drive after which he goes for his patented Starship pain finisher but Drew rolls out of the way. McIntyre gets to his feet and goes to pick up Morrison who he signals he is going to deliver the Scot drop tobut suddenly Bryan Danielson comes from the crowd at speed hitting the ring with a steel chair in hand. He swings at McIntyre who he feels cost him the IC title last week but he avoids the blow which instead impacts the rising Morrison directly on his head. while Danielson realises what he did McIntyre capitalises and tosses him to the outside. He then locks in a modified corssface as the ref gets back in position. Morrison taps and we have a new Intercontinental champion!

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    Cena cuts a promo about how he is about to win the Royal Rumble and go on to Wrestlemania when the Undertaker makes his presence known. He recalls how last year he told Shaun Micheals that sometime you have to go through hell to get to heaven , he then says to Cena that if he see's heaven tonight and wins the Royal Rumble then he will have to choose which champion he will face at Wrestlemania and that he should know that after tonight he, the deadman will be one of them and that he would love to make Cena the 19th Victim of his streak.

    ---Bret Hart in ring segment---

    Before their match The Hart Dynasty make their way down to the ring with Bret Hart by their side. He cuts a promo which is first about his memories of the Royal Rumble and how great it is to be here to view both it and The Hart Dynasty regain their tag titles first hand. It then however turns to recent events as he refers to HBK and calls him as a coward. He says that he only hit him with sweet chin music because he knows that there is no chance of them ever going one on one again. He says that he had been willing to put the past behind him when he returned to the BWE but that that wasnt enough for HBK, that HBK had to win his own little last battle in his war with him, but he warns him that that the war is not over! and that he will see him on Raw. During this promo he also refers to Mr McMahon who he mentions that he's surprised has been avoiding coming on Raw since his return.

    Tag Titles Match: The Puerto Rican Nightmares vs The Hart Dynasty
    There are a lot of early tags in this match but the Harts have the advantage and the commentators note that Bret being at ringside has nullified the effect that Eric Escobar usually has. Tyson Kidd slingshots Primo against the ropes and as he comes back tosses him to the outside but Carlito makes a blind tag. On the outside Primo has landed on Bret. This distracts DH Smith and Kidd and gives Carlito the opportunity to hit a backstabber he then makes a pin and uses the rops for leverage when doing so. 1-2-3 the Nightmares retain.

    Winner: The Puerto Rican Nightmares

    ----Backstage segment---
    Michelle McCool is being interviewed, she admits she underestimated Layla tonight but says that if it were not for Natayla she would have never lost tonight, she then states that she will have her rematch and she will soon have her title back. Natayla comes over during the interview after her name is mentioned and says to McCool that if she blames then if she is brave enough she should try and get some revenge. Natayla says that any night McCool wants to go 1 on 1 on Smackdown that she will be waiting for her. She does however say that she agree's that Layla will not hold the Diva's title for long, she describes Layla as a transitional champion just keeping the Divas title for her.

    CM Punk pre-promo

    Punk joined by Luke Gallows, talks about how he has saved the members of his straight edge society. He says that before he ,et them they struggled with the temptations that corrupt most people and that now unlike most of the people in attendance Dolph Ziggler, Bryan Danielson & Drew Gallows can truely reach their potential. Punk says that even here in Atlanta there are people capable of taking on the straight edge lifestyle and beating your vices and that tonight he is going to prove this by saving a member of the audience. He then asks the audience "who wants to be saved?" and they go wild at him. One woman in particular jumps the barricade and makes for the ring but is stopped by security. Punk however coercises the security to allow her enter the ring.

    She tells how her name is Serena and how she has suffered in the past taking perscription medication among other vices. She says, she needs and is desperate to be saved. In a tone more generally associated with a religous occasion he gets serena to accept the Straight edge lifestyle and her place in the straight edge society but then asks her to prove her loyalty and symbolise that she has put her past behind her by shaving her head. She does so with an unerving smile on her face and Punk welcomes her to his straight edge society by kissing her on her bald head. Just then the lights go black and the crowd go wild as The Undertaker makes his way to the ring.

    CM Punk vs The Undertaker
    Undertaker begins the match strong and is dominant early on and pulls out all the old favourites, Snake eyes, Old School rope walk etc, perhaps he tries to roll back the years too much as he is left in a pile on the rinside matt after a failed dive through the ropes to the outside which Punk was able to avoid...

    Winner: CM Punk

    DX Promo backstage where they talk about their upcoming matches HHH next for his title and HBK as the first man to enter the royal rumble. As the two talk the camera switches out to the corridor where a crowd is forming. It seems Tatsu from ECW has been attacked and the young superstar has been left unconcious on the ground.

    BWE Title match: HHH vs The Miz
    Despite being alone HHH makes a long DX style entrance, with glowsticks and all in toe but this is cut short when The Miz cuts this short though cutting his entrance short and attacking him before he makes the ring. The Miz throws HHH into the ring steps, then drags him over to the announce table where he uses a monitor as a weapon, first striking HHH across the back of his head with it then choking him with the wire attached to it. Eventually whilst in complete control of the game The Miz decides to start this match and rolls HHH into the ring. Miz continues the assault on the inside including delivering a Reality Check to the champ. He then tries to whip HHH into the ropes but the game reverses it and tosses The Miz back over the ropes to the outside beside the announce table. Miz climbs ont the announce table with HHH in his grasp and signals he is going to hit a Skull crusing finale on the champion on top of the table. Just as he is about to though HHH fights his way out of it, hits a kick to Miz's gut and delivers a pedigree to him on the spanish announce table. After this the end is obviously near as The Miz is clearly suffering from a concussion. A second pedigree this time deliverd in the ring leaves The Miz despite a high impact impressive challenge out for the 3 count.

    Winner: HHH

    Royal Rumble match: 30 man elimination for the right to main event WrestlemaniaM as no.1 contender
    1st hbk
    2nd Bryan Danielson
    The commentators mention how Danielson was trained by HBK as the two shake hands and start the match
    3rd Rey Mysterio
    4th Charlie Haas
    5th Chris Masters
    6th Luke Gallows
    HBK eliminates Haas
    7th Tatsu's music plays but Ziggler comes out
    Straight edge society members Danielson, Gallows and Ziggler begin to team up in an attempt to eliminate HBK and Mysterio
    8th Finlay
    9th Batista
    Batista eliminates Masters and makes the save for Mysterio against straight edge upon his arrival.
    10th William regal
    The commentators mention that Regal has entered the Rumble to bring some prestige back to the ECW title and has said that after he wins the ECW title match will main event Wrestlemania.
    11th Sheamus
    The fighting Irishmen have each others back...for now
    11th Steve Blackman
    Steve Blackman has made a surprise one night only return for the BWE Royal Rumble 2010.
    12th: Shad
    The Fighting Irish & Straight Edge combine to eliminate Batista & rey but Batista hangs onto the ropes while they eliminate Rey.
    13th: Christian
    Shad is eliminated by HBK
    14th: Shelton Benjamin
    15th: Kane
    Kane eliminates Blackman after delivering a number of chokeslams to different competitors in the ring
    16th: Drew McIntyre
    Batista eliminates Ziggler

    currently in the rumble: Batista, Danielson, Gallows, The Fighting Irish, Kane, Christian, McIntyre

    17th: The Great Khali
    Khali decimates the ring when his number is called and with the assist from Straight edge he eliminates the animal Batista. They pull the ring ropes down as Bitista is flung against them. After this however all the remaining men in the ring combine their efforts to work as a unit and eliminate Khali.
    18th: Jericho
    19th: R-Truth
    Finlay elimated by Jericho
    20th: Santino
    R-Truth elimated by McIntyre before he gooes back to fighting Danielson
    21th: RVD
    a Huge crowd POP for RVD making another 1 night only rumble return... that is unless he wins says Cole. Santino's eliminated by Kane
    22th: Big Show
    he elimates Christian on arrival before going toe to toe with the big red machine, meanwhile RVD eliminates Sheamus.
    23rd: Jack swagger
    24th: John Cena
    he gets involved with Kane/Big Show when he hits the ring and eventually eliminates Kane
    25th: Cody Rhodes
    26th: Ted Dibiase
    RVD eliminated by Big Show who chokeslams him over the top rope
    27th: Christian
    28th: Kofi Kingston
    Kofi Eliminates Cody
    29th: Edge
    He elimates himself while eliminating Chris Jericho and denying him his rumble dream. Elsewhere Cena eliminates MVP
    30th: Randy Orton
    Orton & Ted team up to eliminate Kofi
    final eight: Cena, Swagger, Danielson, Randy Orton, Ted Dibiase Jr, HBK, Christian, Big Show

    Christian & Swagger team up to eliminate the big Show. Orton hits cena with an RKO and while he is dizzy Dibiase tosses him over the top rope. Danielson who has been in since the very start of the rumble is eventually eliminated by HBK as a superkick knocks him flying over the top.

    HBK is almost eliminated by Orton but somehow avoids touching the mat and pulls out a trademark skinning of the cat. This leaves Orton open for attack however and Ted Dibiase shocks the BWE universe when he clotheslines Orton over the top rope eliminating him. Orton has to be escourted away by security as he stares a hole into Dibiase, who can be seen reminding Orton that he said it was every man for themselves in the Rumble.

    HBK hits an Inverted atomic drop on Christian who stumbles into Jack Swagger and out of the rumble as athe all American American hits what looks like an Olympic Slam on Christian over the top rope.

    Micheals the man who was the number one entrant into the rumble takes advantage and hits another Sweet Chin Music this time on Swagger. Before he can take advantage however Dibiase comes from behind and hits him with dream street.

    When HBK is on the ground Dibiase locks in the Million Dollar dream while raising Michaels to his feet. He drags him to the ropes. He has him teetering on the top of the ropes when suddenly Swagger springs back into life after the Sweet Chin Music. THe all American American grabs Dibiase and in one swift move elimates both Legacy member Ted Dibiase and the Showstopper HBK. Jack Swagger is going to Wrestlemania!! he looks like he cant believe it himself but with, there it is, that trademark Swagger smile.

    The winner of the royal rumble and new no.1 conter...JACK SWAGGER!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    BWE RAW Opens with a video package of The Royal Rumble.. Ending with the image of Jack Swagger pointing to the Wrestlemania 26 sign..


    And in the Ring is Swagger who is still pointing to the Wrestlemania sign at the top of the Arena, Swagger's trademark smile is now even wider than we have ever seen it before.. " I told you all last week, that I was going to Wrestlemania.." i told you all i was going to be the Main Event.. and now.. I am, not only am I a man of my word but im also a man of action, im the all American American, which not only means im a winner, It means im a born winner, now the future of the BWE, has become the present. so this is my time and my time is now....


    The lights go black and HHH's music hits as he slowly walks up to the ramp.. Well Swagger you did... WHACK... And HHH hits the ground like a led balloon. The Miz is standing over his body with a sledgehammer in hand, which he then throws at the fallen HHH. Mic in hand Miz, now grabbing HHH by the hair says im getting my rematch.. And walks away...


    As we return from commercial.. Cole and King tell us that GM DiBaise has made tonights Main Event a Handicap match between Jack Swagger and The Miz vs HHH


    OPENING MATCH.. Gail Kim and Maryse for the BWE Divas Title Match

    Both ladies start off the match with stiff slaps to the face, Maryse gets the upperhard, kicking Gail and shes in the corner. Gail reverses Maryses advances and goes to the top rope hitting the hurricanrana, getting the 3
    count, our winner and still BWE Divas Champion.. Gail Kim

    We see Vince McMahon walking the Halls of the Arena with a large smile on his face.. as we go to commercial


    NO CHANCE, AND THATS WHAT YOU GOT.... Vince is Strutting his the way to the ring with a vicious stride and a smile that could rival Jack Swaggers earlier tonight.. Well ladies and Gentleman its my pleasure to announce the First inductee in the 2010 BWE Hall of Fame, This man is a Royal Rumble Winner, A BWE World Champion an ECW World Champion, and a genetic jackhammer.. A video reel show this years Inductee is indeed the Chairman of the board.. Vince McMahon himself, we return to a tearful Vince in the ring as the crowd BOO loudly..


    Suddenly the mood of the arena changes as Bret Harts music hits and we see the Hitman making his way to the ring, the camera zooms into the worried look on McMahons face as he takes a large gulp.. Bret takes a mic from Justin Roberts, and walks directly up to Vinces face, turns around and salues the crowd, who are now firmly on their feet.. "Its good to see you too Vinny, im glad to see things have changed much in the last 13 years.. Your ego certainly hasnt deflated thats for damn sure."So what is it you want Bret?.. "Just one thing McMahon... a simple apology, I dont want you to beg and groval, down on your knees like the dog you are.. I dont want you to join the " kiss my ass club" I just want a good ole fashioned simple.. Sorry.. thats it.. Ive been carrying this burden on my back for what feels like a lifetime, every day I look in the mirror and I see this bitter, empty, broken face staring back at me. And thats not how i want to live my life anymore. Im a changed man who's on the road to redemption. And these are my first steps." Bret holds out his hand, Vince now confused looks to his left, then slowly to the right, obviously gauging the audiences reaction. He slowly raises the microphone to his mouth. " Bret the Hitman Hart, The best there is, The best there was, The best there ever will be.. That line summed you up well Bret, you really lived by that motto every day of your life.. Well Bret i am sorry for what happened in Montreal, im sorry for that sincerely. But i had to do, whatever i needed to do, for the well being of my company, and you were collateral damage.. I was in a war, and you were the P.O.W caught in the middle, on enemy lines.. McMahon and Bret proceed to shake hands, with Vince saying "sorry Bret" repeatedly. Shawn Michaels rushes the ring and hits the Sweet Chin Music on Bret, and returns quickly up the ramp to LOUD BOOING.

    Back live we see a recap of what just went down.


    Match number 2 is number 1 contenders match between WGTT vs The Hart Dynasty

    Tyson Kidd and Haas start this match off, both men go at it with puches. Haas suplexes Kidd before tagging in Shelton, who continues to work over Kidds legs. "WGTT working the legs to take out Tysons aerial offence.. vintage Benjamin" says Michael Cole. Kidd throws Shelton over the top rope and hobbles back to the corner, and thus hits the hot tag to DH Smith, who procceds to fly across the ring to knock Charlie Haas off the turnbuckle. Nataylia distracts the Ref long enough for The Harts to hit the Hart Attack on Shelton, and when he turns back around DH Smith already has him covered to score the 3 count, and now have a guaranteed title shot with The Nightmares.. Who have been observing the whole match from a monitor back stage.


    Randy Orton Storms into Legacys dressing room. He goes straight up to Ted Dibaise Jr and grabs him by the throat, and pushes him backwards into some lockers.. " You worthless piece of crap, i should choke the life out of you right here, right now.." Cody Rhodes runs up to Orton and gets in the middle of both men to seperate them, Orton lets Ted go, gives them both an that evil Orton stare. As he slithers from the room in as bad a mood as he had when he first walked in..


    Match Number 3 Non Title Match Evan Bourne VS Chavo Guerrero

    Match starts off with reversals, kicks, near falls, hurricanrana's and we are at a stand off, as the crowd cheers on.. Bourne hits a standing moonsault for the 2 count. Chavo then takes control of the match and hits the triple suplexes before signaling to the top rope and the frog splash.. Just as he reaches the turnbuckle Bourne quickly hits the Frankensteiner, and the SSP fo the win.

    We are Backstage with Josh Matthews and his guest at this time Kofi Kingston..

    "Well Kofi over the last few weeks you and John Cena have been involved in some altercations.. how do you feel about this?" Well Josh, I thought me and him were friends, I though we were tight, I though he had my back, but I guess I was wrong. Cena cared about our friendship as much as he cares for his fans. He thinks he can stab me in the back and i'll just forget about it?? No Way,Hell No, That son of a bitch wants me i'll be in the ring.. waiting for him.."

    Back Live and Kofi is in the ring giving a "come on" hand gesture.. The sound of John Cena's entrance music sends the Arena into a chorus of boos.. Cena runs straight down to the waiting Kofi.. Both men attack each other viciously and before we known it both men are out of the ring and using the announce table as a weapon repeatedly hitting each others head off it. the Referee then double count-outs each man but they proceed to knock lumps out of each other. The agents and referees cant keep Cena and Kofi away from each other as we go to a break.


    The Miz is seen walking to the Ring, Backstage.


    Were back and Miz and Swagger are both in the ring awaiting HHH, The voice of Lemmy from Motorhead, has the crowd on it feet as the shots of the crowd with DX glow sticks is overwhelming. HHH comes out to the stage with a bandaged head and the same sledgehammer Miz used on him earlier in the night. The match starts off with HHH going straight for Miz but he quickly evades HHH and moves to the outside allowing Swagger to hit a clubbing blow to HHH from behind. Miz then takes his place on the turnbuckle, and Swagger is working the injured head and back of HHH, Quick tag to Miz who arrogantly poses over HHH. Miz lifts up HHH who reverses Miz's offence, and goes for the Pedegree, but Swaggers earlier work over HHH's back has left him virtually unable to lift Miz. Who tags Swagger who then hits his finisher on HHH and scores the victory. Miz and Swagger celebrate, but Swagger kicks Miz straight in the guts, and as both HHH and The Miz lay broken in the ring, the closing image of Raw is Jack Swagger in the centre of the ring with the BWE Title in his hands.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!

    CM Punk Opens the Show flanked by Straight Edge member Drew Gallows & the newest recruit Serena. He talks about how he pinned the undertaker for a 3 count again at the Royal Rumble and how in doing so he proved once more that nobody can go toe to toe with the first ever straight edge world champion. He goes on to mention that Undertaker has failed to beat in so many different title matches including what was supposed to be a last chance match at Survivor series. despite that Punk says Taker somehow got left back into the title picture but not now, Punk says that Taker will not get another chance at the title while he is the champion.


    just then Teddy Long's music hits the arena and the GM comes out. Teddy states that it is he and not Punk who will decide who will be getting a title shot. He also reminds The Straight Edge Society that each and every time Punk has faced the Undertaker he has used underhanded tactics to retain the title. The GM goes as far to say that he isnt sure if punk could beat the Undertaker without cheating or the help of Straight Edge and that is why the undertaker will have a chance at the title belts again while Punk holds it, that is if he can win his match tonight, a match that will be a qualifier for the BWE Elimination chamber in just 3 weeks when Punk will have to defend his title against 5 of Smackdowns biggest names inside the demonic chamber structure.


    * A short Promo of the elimination chamber is shown while straight edge clear the ring cleary angered at Teddy Longs announcement, it higlights previous elimination chamber and the physical turmoil that the competitors put themselves through in years gone by *

    -The following is announced as the first qualifying match for the Elimination Chamber match-

    Rey Mysterio vs Drew McIntyre
    Rey puts on a real show in this match pulling off some truely awesome aerial moves but drew fights back and the Intercontinental champion actually seems to be gaining the upper hand until Bryan Danielson and John Morrison who have been feuding
    with McIntyre come down to the ring and get involved. This distraction gives Mysterio the chance to take advantage and after a 619 and a West Coast Pop we have our first challenger for the elimination chamber.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio


    ----Backstage Segment---

    Chris Jericho is being interviewed and has a few choice words for Edge. He says that after he carried Edge while they were tag team champions the so called rated R superstar showed how cheap and low an individual he is by attacking him at the Royal Rumble and costing his dream of headling Wrestlemania. However he states that just like he is going to silence all the uneducated fans in attendance tonight by qualifying for the Elimination Chamber match at the next PPV tonight but if Edge has the cohones to come to the ring after that match and confront him face to face instead of in a sneak attack then he too will prove that everything he has said about Edge is true by putting him back on the shelf and making sure that Edge's Mania dream die's due to another injury.

    Intergender 6 person tag team match

    Sheamus, Finlay & Natayla vs Matt Hardy, Gregory Helms & Michelle McCool w/R-Truth

    BWE Womens champion Layla joins JR & Striker on commentary for this match and watches as two of the Divas interested in challenging her go head to head along with the Carolina connection and The Fighting Irish. the four men speend the majority of time in the ring and are having a very tight match with the CC combating Sheamus & Finlay's power attack with their speed. However it all comes down to the female competitors after natayla and McCool are tagged into action Natayla seems to have the upper hand on McCool though as she hits a german suplex on McCool who then taps out to Nattie's Sharpshooter.

    Winner: The fighting Irish & Natayla


    Backstage Segment

    The Hart Dynasty are being interviewed and talk about how they earned the right to face the Puerto rican Nightmares again for what they call their BWE unified tag team titles on Raw last monday. they go on to state that they will be on Raw again this week alongside Bret Hart and that just like Natayla was tonight he will be the one to have the last laugh this time.

    2nd Elimination Chamber qualifying match

    Batista vs Ziggler

    A relatively short match where despite some early offense from Ziggler Batista wins relatively easily and looks very impressive on his way to qualifying for the Elimination chamber match.

    Winner: Batista


    Backstage segment----

    Edge goes into GM Teddy Long's office and askes to be put in an elimination chamber qualifying match tonight but Teddy refuses citing that all the qualifying matches for EC have already been set for tonight and that in his opinion it would be negligent of him as GM to book Edge in such a match conisdering how early he returned from such a serious injury just to be at the Rumble. He instead informs Edge that he will have to prove his fitness to him before he will book him in a match and therefore he orders him to avoid any physical altercations with Chris Jericho or anyone else for now.

    3rd elimination chamber qualifying match

    The Undetaker vs John Morrison

    CM Punk is watching this match in the lockeroom with the rest of the Straight Edge Society. Taker starts the match strong and really looks like earning himself another title opportunity until out of nowhere Morrison hits him with a superkick which he follows up witrh a Standing shooting star press and then goes for the 3 count but miracilously Taker kicks out after 2. Morrison goes back on the attack but only momentarily as Drew Mcintyre runs down to the ring seeking retribution against Morrison for costing him his chance at the chamber match. Upon seing this CM Punk sends Bryan Danielson out to the ring to even the odds up however just like in the nights opening match the distraction is enough to allow the Undertaker the opportunity to take advantage and as Danielson and McIntyre fight it out outside the ring Taker hits Morrison with the last ride and gets the 3 pinfall victory.
    Winner: The Undertaker


    Backstage Segment----

    Teddy Long is confronted by John Morrison fresh off his match with the undertaker. Morrison says that he would have qualified for the Elimination Chamber match had it not been for the interference of McIntyre and Danielson and thus he deserves another chance. Teddy however reminds him that he did the exact same in the first match of the night costing Drew McIntyre his chance at the Elimination Chamber PPV and that as GM of Smackdown he is not going to have any more of it. It is at this point that Teddy make a blockbuster announcement with regards the Elimination Chamber PPV. He states that at the PPV he will put an end to all this squabbling between Morrison, Danielson & McIntyre in a triple threat match for the Intercontinental title

    4th Elimination chamber qualifying match

    Christian vs Kane

    A fairly short match where Kane seems totally dominant until Christian uses the big mans own momentum to get Kane in a schoolboy pin for the victory.

    Winner: Christian


    Backstage segment----

    The Carolina Connection are backstage talking about how despite their loss tonight none of them have been pinned since the groups formation and they are still on a roll and that next on their hitlist is the Hart Dynasty as they want to take their place as the team currently ranked no.1 on Smackdown and thus the no.1 contenders to the unified tag team titles. At this point The Fighting Irish walk up to them and get right up in their face reminding them that having gotten pinned or not they lost tonight and if anyone is going to become Smackdowns no.1 team it will be them.

    5th Elimination chamber qualifying match

    Chris Jericho vs Luke Gallows

    Jericho does his best to make Gallows look really good and the straight edge member does come accross as a serious threat especially after Edge comes down to the entrance ramp to view the match up close. This makes jericho take his eye temporaily off the ball and allows Luke to hit a number of big moves like a Belly to back suplex and a Sidewalk slam. However his momentum is quelled immediatley as Jericho counter his next attempt at a power move by hitting his own code-breaker after which he locks in the walls of Jericho which Gallows eventually taps out to.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    after thee match Jericho challenges Edge to come down and face him but after a minute long staredown Edge leave while Jericho begins to gloat as the show goes off the air.


    SD matches for the next PPV booked:

    WHC Elimination Chmaber match: CM Punk (c) vs The Undertaker vs Batista vs Mysterio vs Jericho vs Christian

    IC title triple threat: Drew McIntyre (c) vs John Morrison vs Bryan Danielson

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    BWE Raw opens up with a Video package of last Weeks Raw, and the
    situation between Bret Hart, Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels..


    Ted Dibaise welcome us to Raw and tonight were having qualifers for Raws Elimination Chamber match and The EC PPV in 2 weeks.. And the First one is right now..



    The Miz makes his way to the ring, to a loud reaction of the crowd.. and his opponent....The Masterpiece Chris Masters, Both men start of the match with a front headlock with Masters using his superior strenght to push Miz forward, who rolls outof the ring, Masters Taunts Miz by flexing his pecks as Miz watches on from the outside. Masters turns around to do the same to the crowd, Miz quickly sneaks back into the ring and hits the skull crushing finale and scores the victory.. Miz celebrates the win my posing and gesturing for the belt around his waist as we go to commercial.

    Back Live and Randy Orton is walking the halls of the backstage arena, Hes obviously looking for his legacy team mates, he walks up to random WWE staff asking "Wheres Ted?" Eventually Ted walks up to Orton, And the first words out of Ortons mouth are "Its me and you in a qualifer tonight" I know Randy thats why i came looking for you, I know ive screwed up recently but this is my chance tonight to make things right, to make things right between us man" Orton looks through Ted Jr and walks on past him, Ted looks on shaking his head in disbelief..

    As we go to commercial.. Kofi Kinston is in the ring waiting for this EC chamber opponent..



    Back live and MVP is making his way to the ring.. Kofi and MVP shake hands as we get this match underway. MVP starts off the match with kicks to the gut, and Kofi counters back with stiff kicks of his own. Kofi Irish whips MVP into the turnbuckle and goes for the Kronkobuster and BOOM BOOM BOOM, MVP is dazed in the centre of the ring and its Trouble in Paradise, and the win for Kofi Kingston..


    Jack Swagger is in the ring " Well tonight is the night the losers in the back get their chance for the final shots at HHH's title,before he hands it over to me at Wrestlemania.. GM Dibiase has invited me to take part in the Elimination Chamber Match in 13 days time, But i have to decline, because why would i forgo winning the title at the Grand Daddy of them all, for some B show? Why would I? And if somebody happens to beat HHH at EC, Be on notice because your not keeping my title for long.. Swagger smiles widely and leaves the ring. He solutes the crowd at the Titantron, as he turns around to be layed out by HHH and a pedigree.. To the Cheers of the Crowd

    Backstage is Josh Matthews and his guest at this time is.. John Cena, the crowds overwhelming booing can even be heard in the Backstage Interview area also. "Well John tonight your in a quailifer for the EC Match, But before we talk about that i have to ask you, what everyone in the BWE Universe must be thinking. Why have you turned your back on them, and your friends?" Cena puts the mic up to his mouth. Then drops it to the ground in an aggresive manner and just walks away..



    Mark Henry is in the Ring, and Cena makes his way out. The Crowds Boos dont seem to be fazing him. He steps in the ring, looks at the Crowd to his left then his right and kicks Henry straight in the guts, then lifts him up for the Attitude Adjustment, and the 3 count, Cena doesnt even acknowledge the crowd, as he makes his way to the back.


    Smackdown recap
    The Recap end with The Hart Dynasty saying that they'll be Raw on Monday



    Big Show vs Cody Rhodes
    Big Show starts this one off with the big headbutt to Rhodes, Rhodes tries to mount a fight back to Show, but is just swatted off like a fly, and goes for the cover but Rhodes manages to kick out at 2.. Rhodes goes for the drop kick, but is unable to inflict any damage to Show who just counters with the Knock out punch, and the chokeslam, and 1... 2...3 Big Show wins..


    A video is shown in the of the next Inductee into the BWE Hall of Fame class 2010.. The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.. Gm Dibiase is standing at the ramp waving to the crowd as we go to commercial..



    Back live and Ted Jr is in the ring.. As "The Viper" Randy Orton is making is way to the ring. Both men walk up to each other, and are literally inches from each others faces, Orton says something inaudible and both wrestlers take a step backwards.. and Ted Dibiase lies down in the centre of the ring, The crowd are now booing loudly at whats happening before their eyes. Orton soaks up the heat and poses and just as he goes for the cover.. Dibiase rolls up Randy for the 3 count.. and quickly gets out of the ring as Orton breaks down in the ring by kicking the ropes and screaming at Ted Jr.The BWE universe is definitely behind Dibiase now who is firmly smiling at the Titantron..

    Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawlor run though our participants for the BWE Raw Elimination Chamber Match 2010


    The Miz, John Cena, Big Show, Ted Dibiase Jr, Kofi Kingston, and The BWE Champion HHH


    as HBK makes his way out to the ring, The crowd are giving him mixed
    boos and cheers obviously the history between Bret Hart and Shawn is lost on this particular audience..

    "Well here i am again.. Having to explain myself to you people.. My actions lately seem to have divided the BWE Universe, why i dont know? I dont know why nobody sees this from my perspecitive, nobody sees this from behind my fence, everyones so quick to get behind the Hitman....


    Suddenly the music of The Hart Dynesty rises the audience to its feet. DH Smith has a mic in his hand, as Natayla and Tyson Kidd, stand behind him.
    " Well Shawn.. I've been in the BWE for a while now, and in that while I've had the opportunity to get to know you man to man.. And I respect you Shawn, I have respect for everything you've ever done in this business and for how you've treated me when I first came here, as a shy, green 19 year old. Shawn smiles at DH.. That was until you Super Kicked my Uncle in the head.. TWICE.. The crowd are getting more vocal. And that Shawn.. is unforgivable. You see Shawn my Uncle Bret held out an olive branch to you.. And what does he recieve in return? A god damn concussion.. You gave a man who suffered a stroke a concussion you heartless son of a bitch.. Shawn now faking emotion, lifts the mic up to his mouth, shrugs and scarcastically says SORRY?? He then hits the Sweet Chin Music on DH Smith and as he turns around Bret Hart who has come through the crowd and is in the ring. Before HBK can even react The Hitman clobbers HBK over the head with a chairshot that reverberates around the arena very loudly.. As BWE Raw ends the closing image is Bret and the Hart Dynasty standing over the fallen HBK..

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Welcome to BWE SmackDown!

    The camera pans to Jim Ross and Matt Striker at ringside who welcome the viewers to what promises to be an interesting night. Striker reminds the viewers at home that we are now officially on the road to Wrestlemania, the place where dreams can be made, broken or even non-existent. JR steps in and says he is right. Spots are filling up for the year’s event at the Georgia DomeinAtlanta, Georgia. Furthermore, Jim Ross states his excitement that tonight will see the preliminary stages of a tournament that will see the eventual winner walk away with the returning WWE Cruiserweight Title. They discuss how the title brought us great matches over the years and acted as a springboard for one Rey Mysterio. On-Screen is a list of 8 participants expanding across Raw, Smackdown and ECW. The title will be defendable on both brands but the actual final two in the tournament will meet at Wrestlemania 27! The superstars taking part in the tournament will be Yoshi Tatsu, Gregory Helms, Evan Bourne, Jimmy Wang Yang, Chavo Guerrero, Zack Ryder, Kung Fu Naki and Santino Marella. The qualifying matches will be spread out so as not to cause congestion but we look forward to once again seeing the high flyers and the more agile superstars compete for something worthwhile.

    Match One: Cruiserweight Tournament Quarter Final Stage:
    Gregory Helms v Jimmy Wang Yang


    Helms is rid of his Hurricane gimmick as he re-debuts on BWE Smackdown. He takes the microphone and tells the crowd that he holds the record for the longest Cruiserweight Title reign in WWE history and that he is destined to be at Wrestlemania. Wang Yang takes the fight to him early doors, the odd roll up here and there for both and this is cruiserweight action to be proud of. Helms eventually gains the upper and and begins to dominate. He feeds off the boos of the crowd and arrogantly wastes valuable time. This allows Wang Yang to regain some momentum, hitting a pretty dropkick from the top ropes and a heavy DDT to score a near fall. However, after some back and forth cruiserweight action, Helms rakes the eyes of Wang Yang and hits the Nightmare on Helms Street for the win.

    Winner and through to the Cruiserweight Tournament Semi Final: Gregory Helms

    After the usual, mandatory ‘Don’t Try This At Home’ segment, we see General Manager Teddy Long in his office on the phone. He stops talking and his face goes blank. The camera shot widens and Kane is in the room. He bemoans his lack of opportunities, stating that he heard what the commentators were saying about the Wrestlemania bill filling up, and that he wants in. Long informs him that he’s out of chances for competing for the World Heavyweight Title and that he’ll have to wait until after Wrestlemania to even consider that again. Kane then punches a wall, Long tells him to calm down and that he will give him a chance to wrestle on the grandest stage of them all. He pauses for a second and snaps his fingers. He tells Kane that although main eventing Wrestlemania is out of the question, he will be main eventing this evening’s action and that a good performance in the ring will boost his chances of inclusion at Wrestlemania.
    “Kane, tonight… you will go one on one with… your brother.”
    As the crowd screams with excitement, a sick smile breaks onto the Big Red Machine’s face, he leaves the room. Teddy is alone again. He smiles and compliments himself for his initiative.

    Match Two: Beth Phoenix v Natalya
    After her impressive in-ring performance last week, Natalya is after what would be a major feather in her cap; A victory over the returning Glamazon. Phoenix has the crowd on her side but Natalya is proving resilient. As the match progresses, Layla makes her way to the ring knowing that this match will have a big influence on exactly who gets to challenge her for the title next. The divas in the ring are both impressing and unfortunately for the spectators at ringside, the match is brought to a no contest when Michelle McCool appears from the crowd and goes straight for Natalya. Phoenix stops her from causing anymore damage and knocks her to the ground, only to turn around to a blow in the face from Layla, using the belt. She then raises the belt as the three other women lay on the ground around her.

    After the ad-break JR and Striker rewind to last week, re-capping how the Elimation Chamber lineup has taken shape, they hype up the event and state that no man will be the same afterwards. They then state how tonight’s main event will be huge.

    Match Three: The Fighting Irish v The Puerto Rican Nightmares (Non-Title Match)


    The Unified Tag Team Champions are over on SmackDown to determine if there is any worthy opponents on this show. Fresh off a victory last week, Finlay and Sheamus have requested this non-title match to ensure that they are in the running for the belts come Wrestlemania. Carlito and Primo are quite a team and they work great together which is vital as these two powerful paddies are a different kind of opponent to what they’ve been getting over on RAW. After a long, long sleeper-hold from Finlay on Primo, an enziguiri from him sees both men in desperate need of a tag. Finally it comes, usually in these situations a crowd’s roar is enough to suppress and startle the least liked superstar but not this match. Carlito misses Sheamus and then runs straight into a pump kick. Finlay has Primo on the outside as the Celtic Cross is nailed. Carlito aint kicking out and the Tag Champs have suffered a bad defeat here.

    Winners: The Fighting Irish

    Backstage CM Punk is being interview. He is asked whether he is pleased to see Undertaker booked in such a match that could surely take a lot out of him. He comments that he is above such bad sportsmanship but that he has no time for evils. Furthermore, he adds that Kane and Undertaker are from the same side and that he hopes the two evil entities destroy each other tonight. Before he can turn to walk away, he is confronted by Christian. Gallows steps in front of Punk and the two square off. Christian says he doesn’t like how Punk is trying to turn SmackDown into Sunday School and that he’s going to teach him a lesson inside the Elimination Chamber. Before he can say anymore, Gallows says that he needs to learn a lesson – Respect for the savior. Gallows demands a match on the spot and Christian obliges.

    *BWE Vault Segment*

    Match Four: Luke Gallows (w/CM Punk & Serena) v Christian

    Christian is kept on his toes in this one. He needs all his agility to keep the big man on the ground as well as keeping one eye on Punk and Serena. Christian is clearly up for this and looks set for a quick pinfall but CM Punk pulls the referee outside of the ring and starts shouting at him. The referee immediately calls for the bell. Christian shouts ‘what are you doing?’ Punk talks trash back to him enough to distract him. Gallows comes from behind, he is soon joined by Pun and they double team Christian. Punk hits a GTS on him and then has Gallows hold him up and set him up for a smack of the belt for good measure. Punk grabs the microphone, he has that demented look in his eye. He shouts at Christian that those who stand in the way of the Straight Edge Society will rue the day and that goes for everyone in the locker room.


    Main Event: The Undertaker v Kane

    The intense atmosphere has never been as high in BWE SmackDown. The crowd can feel the significance of this main event. A down on is luck younger brother with nothing to lose facing off against a dominant, more successful older brother. Both are monsters with dark pasts and there’s quite a bit of history between the two. The stare down is immense and when the bell rings they exchange powerful right hands. Kane quickly takes the initiative and clearly he feels the need to make an impression. ‘Taker hits back with a vintage flying lariat to turn the tables and then he hits a big boot. Both are winning over the crowd and there’s a huge cheer as Kane heads for the top rope and then connects with a flying clothesline. He is gearing up for the chokeslam but the Phenom slips behind him and hits an inverted DDT. As they both stumble to their feet Chris Jericho appears from the back and begins to make his way to the ring. The brothers of destruction sling it out again until ‘Taker firmly grabs hold of Kane’s throat. Immediately, Kane does the same and there’s a battle to see who can suffocate the other. Eventually the referee breaks it up and this sends Kane spiraling into the official, knocking him down.


    Kane ducks a punch, kicks and attempts a powerbomb but ‘Taker applies the triangle chokehold and Kane is tapping but the official isn’t aware. Jericho sees how conveniently the deadman’s head is placed near the side of the ring and smashes him with a set of brass knuckles. He cracks a cheeky smile and leaves the arena. Kane manages to lift his brother and nail the powerbomb and the referee counts 1, 2, 3.

    Winner: Kane

    The show ends with Jericho standing at the top of the ramp smiling, then leaving. Camera quickly pans to Kane standing over his motionless brother.
    Match set for next week: Yoshi Tatsu v Kung Fu Naki

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to BWE Raw..


    Raws opens with a video package of last weeks Raw. And the situation between Randy Orton and Ted Dibiase Jr. . The Video ends with Dibiaise standing tall over the beaten Orton.

    Michael "Vintage" Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawlor welcome us to Raw tonight Live from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Yes thats right were in the Heart of Hart Country! They inform us that we're firmly on the road to Wrestlemania.. And were just 6 days away from the Elimination Chamber PPV.GM Dibiase has announced the competitors for the match will all face each other tonight in singles matches tonight.. The crowd is already screaming "We Want Bret"


    I HEAR VOICES IN M...... And Randy Orton is making his way to the ring..
    Orton just blankly looks into the audience for a few minutes before he even says anything..
    "Every betrayal contains a perfect moment.. That moment when you know what your doing is for the greater good.. and what your doing is justified. How can Ted Dibiase justify what he has done to me? i've made him what he is today. If it wasnt for me he wouldnt have lasted a week in BWE. I took him under my wing and got him were he is..He earned his spot by riding my coat tails.. And how does he pay me back? First he eliminates me from the Rumble, and now that son of a bitch costs me my spot in The Elimination Chamber"


    Out comes Ted Dibiase to interupt Orton.. "Randy im not going to disgree with anything you've just said.. Hell man its all true, but the one thing im most proud of .. Is the fact i used you, i earned your trust and i used it against you, You see i was sick of living in your shadow, forced to do your dirty work for you.. Because simply put... im better than you Randy, Not only am i a better wrestler than you, im a better person than you too.. Randy Orton makes his way up to the ramp, and him and Dibiase start brawling on the BWE stage as we go to commercial.


    Back live and Kofi Kingston is in the ring waiting for his opponent in the first of the EC matches tonight.. And his opponent is.. JOHN CENA the crowd is fully behind Kofi as Cena is booed the whole way to the ring.Kofi and Cena start this one off with stiff punches and chops to each other. Cena takes the upperhand and Irish whips Kofi into the corner turnbuckle. Cena goes for the shoulder blocker in the corner but Kofi manages to counter into a Kronkobuster, and the springboard lariat for the 2 count. Kofi kicks Cena in the guts and goes for the Boom drop. Cena counters it in to the STFU and Kofi taps.. as Cena rolls out of the ring without even celebrating his victory. Kofi looks dejected in the ring as he came so close to victory..


    Josh Matthews is Backstage with The Miz. Well Miz we are 6 days away from the Elimination Chamber Match... what are you thoughts on this hellacious match? My only thought Josh is me leaving the Elimination Chamber as the BWE Champion and beating that little bitch Swagger at Wrestlemania. If you think i've forgotten what you did to me 2 weeks ago Swagger, just remember.. Karma's a bitch and so are you.. Swagger walks up to the interview area with his trademark smile and a designer suit Ric Flair would be proud of.. He just laughs at The Miz and walks away..



    Gail Kim has join King and Cole at commentary for this Divas No 1 contenders match for the Divas title and a match at EC.

    First out is Kelly Kelly and her opponent is Maryse. We start this one off with Maryse kicking Kelly and slapping her in the face. Maryse hits the DDT on Kelly and Maryse goes for the cover and a 2 count, Gail Lim leaves commentary and distracts Maryse and Kelly scores the victory with the roll up pin. Gail Kim come into the ring and puts her hand out, which Kelly shakes in return , Gail raises her hand in victory, but then kick's Kelly in the guts and leaves the ring with her title..


    Up next is a video package for the next inductee in the BWE Hall of Fame 2010. The Legendary Antonio Inoki.

    The Game is shown walking the halls of the arena as we go to a break



    HHH vs The Miz

    Miz starts this one off but HHH is able to counter into a quick pedigree. But Miz is able to weasel his way out of it, And gets HHH with a Kick to the knees, and a cover for 2, Miz runs to the ropes but HHH returns with a high knee, and hits the pedigree and the victory. Unknown to HHH but Swagger has snuck through the crowd and hits HHH from behind with a steel chair. Swagger grabs HHH's title and a microphone, and announces that "the countdown has begun" and leaves the ring with both HHH and Miz lying defeated in the ring.


    Bret Hart is here and making his way to the ring to a thunderous reception, which clearly has the Hitman moved to tears. "We Love You Bret, We Love You Bret" " I love you guys too. You know when i had my stroke 10 years ago, it was you guys that kept me going. Every single day when i was cooped up in the house, stuck in that goddam wheelchair, it was the beautiful letters and emails you guys sent me that got me up in the morning. And the love of you fans that helped me recover from that stroke. I made a promise to myself when i was in that wheelchair, that someday i would walk again, and that id return to the BWE and walk to this ring just to say thank you to all of you. So thank you all so very much, I love every single one of you. "THANK YOU BRET, THANK YOU BRET" So it's with with a heavy heart i have to say goodbye, i returned to BWE for the closure i've still yet to recieve.. So goodbye and thank you all for your support and love over the last 25 years."


    A promo for BWE NXT is shown.

    And the Main Event for BWE Superstars is announced as Yoshi Tatsu vs Chavo Guerrero in a BWE Cruiserweight Qualifier Match



    Mark Henry vs MVP vs Chris Masters in a Number 1 Contenders Match for the US Title.

    Henry and MVP both go straight for Masters, and stomp him on the ground, Henry turns on MVP and hits the Worlds Strongest slam for the victory.


    We have a run down of The Card so far for Elimination Chamber

    Kelly Kelly vs Gail Kim- BWE Divas Title
    Mark Henry vs Evan Bourne- US Title
    The Jack Swagger Wrestlemania Warm Up Open Challenge
    The Elimination Chamber Match
    HHH vs John Cena vs Big Show vs The Miz vs Kofi Kingston vs Ted Dibiase Jr



    Big Show vs Ted Dibiase Jr in the final Elimination Chamber one on one Match.

    Ted starts off with kicks, punches and a dropkick to Show who is rocked by Dibiase's offence. Dibiase goes for the suplex but is unable to move the Big Show. He then goes for the legsweep and locks in The Million Dollar Dream, Show is about to tap as Randy Orton rushes the ring and hits the RKO on Dibiase.. As Ted Jr lies in the ring Orton has him set up, and is motioning for the punt kick. And hits it viciously on Dibaise. As Orton leaves the ring to both cheers and boo's


    Bret Hart is seen leaving the backstage area, hugging, and shaking Superstars hands.. he goes out to the parking lot where his Limo is waiting for him. And a Black Car comes screeching around the parking lot, which runs Bret over and drives off. Leaving the Hitman lying unconcious on the concreate. Medics and BWE Superstars come rushing to Brets aid as we go off the air to this shocking conclusion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Welcome to BWE SmackDown!


    We open with a recap of last week. The insert shows Jericho’s random assault on The Undertaker and then fades out. As the pyro takes off, the crowd goes berserk knowing that this is the final SmackDown before the much anticipated Elimination Chamber on Sunday. Matt Striker informs the audience at home of what is in store for them tonight, on screen appears a promo for the main event which has been set as a 6-man tag team match involving all 6 Elimination Chamber participants. It will line up as Chris Jericho, CM Punk & Batista v Rey Mysterio, Christian and The Undertaker. JR adds that tempers are sure to flare up as the EC main eventers look to gain an advantage ahead of Sunday’s unique encounter. Suddenly Y2J’s music hits the arena. He arrives suited up as usual. He bears a smug smile.


    In the ring, he claims that last week he proved a point. That The Undertaker can be kept down for a three count and much longer. The events of last week’s main event have given him a much needed piece of mind and he claims that now that he knows Undertaker is susceptible to human pain he will ensure that he suffers heavily in the Elimination Chamber. The boos ring out and Jericho instantly goes on the attack against the 17,000 strong Wisconsin crowd. He slates them for their hypocrisy and vows to become World Heavyweight Champion again on Sunday just to see the sad look on all of their faces. He continues to take cheap shots at the crowd but almost jumps through the roof when he hears Kane’s music and watches as the arena turns red.

    Kane grabs the mic from him and states that he doesn’t appreciate him interfering in his matches. He then demands a match on the spot with Jericho. Jericho takes the mic back and says that he is already booked in a match tonight. Kane doesn’t want to hear it and grabs Jericho’s throat. Luckily for him, Teddy Long’s music hits the arena. Long orders Kane to stop and says that Jericho is right, he does have a match tonight already but concedes that Kane is right to want to face Jericho. He states that next week on SmackDown, Kane can have his match against Y2J. Jericho complains that he will have only have been through a grueling Elimination Chamber match and that it is completely unfair to book him in a match so soon after it. Long tells Jericho that he can either face Kane next week or tonight, ultimately it’s his choice. Jericho concedes defeat in the matter. Kane swings for him but he flees from the ring. Kane does his trademark and the arena goes red once more with Kane looking on at a concerned Y2J.

    *Ad-Break* PLEASE… DON’T TRY THIS.

    Match One: Inter-gender tag team match

    Bryan Danielson & Beth Phoenix v John Morrison & Michelle McCool

    As the teams make their way to the ring, we are informed by our commentators of some developments in relation to the Women’s Title race. JR says that he has been informed that Natalya received a slight neck strain at the hands of Michelle McCool last week and will miss the next two weeks of action. This has prompted Teddy Long to make a Triple-Threat match for the title at EC between Layla, Beth Phoenix and Michelle McCool. The winner will then have their first title defense against Natalya at WrestleMania. Danielson and Morrison can’t wait to get their hands on each other and are just about to kick off the action when Drew McIntyre strolls down and takes a seat at ringside. The action is top notch from Morrison and Danielson. Eventually Phoenix is getting edgy and demands to be tagged in. Danielson obliges but McCool refuses to allow Morrison to tag her in. He argues with her but suddenly Phoenix rolls him up and scored a shock 3-count. Danielson is nearly on the floor laughing and McIntyre comments on the funny side of it too. Morrison squares up to Danielson. As the two of them talk cheap to each other, McIntyre is preying on them but the two of them turn around just in time. They both catch him mid-run and send him flying from the ring. They both raise their hands in the air but then Danielson throws Morrison out of the ring too. He raises the IC title and then throws it back out on to McIntyre.

    Match Two: Cruiserweight Tournament Quarter Final Stage:

    Dolph Ziggler v Kung Fu Naki


    As Ziggler makes his way to the ring, JR informs us that Teddy Long has re-shuffled the Cruiserweight tournament to include Dolph Ziggler and that Yoshi Tatsu has chosen to go to BWE Raw instead. Ziggler cuts his music short and states that this tournament will be a breeze for him. He adds that he feels sorry for Funaki and that hopefully he’ll stick to announcing after a lesson tonight. Funaki enters to a loud pop but as he goes to the turnbuckle to salute the fans, Ziggler attacks him prematurely. The referee officially starts the match and Ziggler controls the early phases. He soaks up the boos from the crowd and momentarily takes his eye off the ball. Funaki comes close with a schoolboy roll-up but Ziggler immediately resumes control with a powerful clothesline. He preys on the helpless Funaki and hits the ZigZag for the 3-count.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler

    Backstage the Straight Edge Society is being interviewed. When asked if he thinks Christian got harshly treated last week, he sniggers. “Christian… how dare he call himself Christian. That name is so synonymous with everything that is wrong with the world, lapsed faith and no respect for higher entities. All Christian had to do was accept CM Punk as his savior and accept Straight-Edge into his life but no, he’s taking the high road. I would have even knighted him ‘Punkstian’.” says Punk. Attention is turned towards tonight’s main event. Punk states that he doesn’t trust anybody except for his loyal followers but he will do whatever it takes to ensure that the World Heavyweight Title stays in the Straight Edge Society. And if that means co-operating with some to weaken others then so be it. With that he leads his followers off, I’m pretty sure I hear them chanting something in Latin.

    Match Three:

    The Fighting Irish v The Carolina Connection (w/Gregory Helms)

    This match has been a few weeks in the making and with the PPV only around the corner both of these teams are dying for a title shot. Hardy takes the mic and claims the CC are on a gold hunt, Helms is on course to win the Cruiserweight belt while himself and Truth WILL win the tag belts before too long. Furthermore, they say that they are sick of Finlay and Sheamus. The Fighting Irish enter to a hostile reception, they look focused and disdain. Finlay and Hardy brawl the early stages out into a stalemate. Following this, Sheamus struggles to keep R-Truth within his grasp. With the Carolina Connection’s unbeaten streak facing off against The Fighting Irish’s high confidence having beaten the tag champs last week, both teams are fighting this one out as if their daughters were outside in the boot of a car. BANG! A pump kick takes R-Truth’s momentum away from him but Hardy is awaiting the Celtic Warrior and he plants a missile dropkick. Referee Mike Chioda is not happy with that level of interference however and proceeds to reprimand Matt. With this distraction taking place, Finlay equals the score and then some by smashing R-Truth with his shillelagh. Sheamus rolls on top of him to score a sneaky 3-count.

    Winners: The Fighting Irish

    Sheamus goes straight for the microphone and claims that this entitles them to a shot at the belts on Sunday. He is interrupted by RAW’s very own Hart Dynasty who say they have every right to be considered too and demand a shot. A short of breath Matt Hardy has a microphone of his own and says that they were cheated out a victory and that this is their first defeat in months so they should be contenders for the belts too. Without further adieu, GM Teddy Long’s face appears on the titantron. He claims that they all have proved their worth a formidable tag teams over the past few weeks and that they all deserve a shot. He says that due to the nature of the PPV this Sunday he sees no reason why he cannot kill 3 birds with one mighty, steel stone. In a never before seen tag team match, The Colons, The Fighting Irish, The Hart Dynasty and The Carolina Connection will all fight for the WWE Unified Tag Team Championship inside the Elimination Chamber.

    Match Four: 6 Man Tag Team Match

    Chris Jericho, CM Punk & Batista v Rey Mysterio, Christian and The Undertaker

    CM Punk and Rey Mysterio get the action underway. Mysterio is as energetic as ever and almost scores a sneaky one with a few roll-up attempts. His momentum is only getting bigger when he receives a sly dig to the back of the head courtesy of Jericho to allow Punk to plant a DDT and tag in the Animal. Batista goes to work on his former friend and Mysterio is really up against it. He keeps it close to his side of the ring and tags Jericho in to work the ribs of Mysterio before being tagged back in again. It seems forever and a day but the master of the 619 finally counters an Irish whip into an impressive Hurricanrana tags in the deadman who is delighted to see that Y2J has been tagged in. Jericho on the other hand is not so delighted to see ‘Taker. Jericho is being mauled by the Deadman and after a couple of near falls ‘Taker is signaling that the end is hear for Jericho. In typical Jericho style however, he rolls out of the ring. Punk confronts him and states that he has to get back in the ring. Jericho denies and pushes him out of the way. Jericho is being counted out as the legal man but Kane suddenly appears and chases him back into the ring. Jericho quickly tries to tag CM Punk who obliges but in the form of a slap to the face. Jericho spins around to be met by a chokeslam but now all hell breaks loose. Batista spears Undertaker heavily but is then met by a dropkick by Rey. Rey hits a 619 which leaves the path clear for Christian who has tagged in Undertaker. CM Punk is still the legal man. He tries to hit a GTS but Christian slips in behind and plants the Killswitch for the win.
    Winners: The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio and Christian.
    All is not settled yet however. A resurgent Jericho ambushes him with the Championship belt. He then catches Mysterio in mid-air with the belt as well. Jericho stands tall as BWE SmackDown draws to a close, he takes the belt with him and sights are set firmly on Elimination Chamber, this Sunday on PPV.


    Matches set for next week:

    Chris Jericho v Kane
    Gregory Helms v Dolph Ziggler

    Elimination Chamber updates:

    WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match
    The Colons (c) v The Carolina Connection v The Fighting Irish v The Hart Dynasty

    WWE Woman’s Title, Triple Threat Match
    Layla (c) v Beth Phoenix v Michelle McCool

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    Elimination chamber opens with Matt Striker, Jerry Lawlor, and Michael Cole welcoming us to the show.
    Randy Orton shown walking out of Big Shows dressing room.

    HHH is also backstage warming up for the Elimination Chamber. And in walks Shawn Michaels.. HHH immediately stops what he's doing and says" Well if it isnt the ghost himself, whats been up with you man, you haven't answered my calls, returned my texts nothing man.." "Sorry Hunter i've been a bit preoccupied lately" "No **** Shawn, well im a bit preoccupied now, so i'll see you later." HHH makes his way to the ring because the Raw Elimination Chamber Match is up next.

    We see a video package detailing the events on Raw leading up to this match


    First out is John Cena

    Next is The Miz

    Then HHH

    Followed by Kofi Kingston.

    First competitor in the ring is Ted Dibiase..

    Next out is..... Randy Orton with a microphone in hand.. "Big Show doesnt seem to be in any position to compete tonight, So im taking his place.." The referees motion that its ok and we start the match off.. Orton goes straight for Dibiase with hard punches and kick's. And goes for the early RKO but Ted is able to counter.. The lights in the Pods signify that our next competitor is Kofi Kingston, Both Kofi and Ted double team Orton, stomping him on the ground. Kofi Irish Whips Orton into the turnbuckle and BOOM BOOM BOOM Orton is dazed. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise and Dibiase follows it up with The Million Dollar Dream and the 3 count.

    Randy Orton is the 1st Elimination

    Kofi and Ted turn their attentions to each other, The Miz is the next entrant. Miz goes straight for Kingston, He then throw's Dibiase over the top ropes and he lands very harshly on the steel. Kofi kicks Miz and throws him over the Ropes too.. Next entrant is John Cena, Cena goes straight after Kingston hits the Attitude Adjustment and

    Kofi Kingston is the 2nd Elimination


    Miz and Dibiase are fighting on the steel outside and Miz is whipped into the glass of HHH's pod. HHH is the final entrant into the ring, he and Cena fight in the ring as Dibiase and Miz continue on the outside. Dibiase hits his finisher on Miz and

    The Miz is the 3rd Elimination

    Dibiase collapses on the steel. HHH hits Cena with a high knee and follow's it up with a huge spinebuster HHH covers him for the 2 count. Cena mounts a comeback and hits the 5 knuckle shuffle.. Cena goes to the top rope and hits the leg drop.. Cena lifts HHH up for the AA but he counts out of it and hits the pedigree. Both men are down in the ring, and Dibiase rolls back in covers Cena for the 3 count

    John Cena is the 4th Elimination

    Ted stomps on HHH lifts him up and HHH counters into another Pedigree and the victory
    Ted Dibiase Jr is the 5th Elimination

    HHH is the Winner..
    After the match HHH struggles to his feet, points to the Wrestlemania sign
    as the crowd cheers on.


    US TITLE MATCH. Evan Bourne vs Mark Henry

    Both men start off with a headlock and Henry pushes Bourne and he literally goes out of the ring.. Bourne shakes himself and returns to the ring. Bourne hits a spinning wheel kick to the face of Henry, he then runs the ropes and hits a flying hurricanrana, Henry is rocked and is knocked off his feet by another kick Bourne follows up with a standing moonsault and a 2 count.. Henry throws Bourne off and hes throw halfway across the ring. Henry hits some crushing offence on Bourne, Goes for the Worlds strongest slam and.. Bourne somehow kicks out.. Henry lifts Bourne again but he counters into a hurricanrana , then quicky assends the turnbuckle, hits the SSP for the victory

    Winner and still US Champion Evan Bourne.


    Women’s title match


    Beth Phoenix v Layla (C) v Michelle McCool

    This match took place early and in the form of a dark match. Fans were treated to three talented Divas, all with different qualities. By enlarge Phoenix dominated the match but got caught out when Layla reversed a powerbomb into a neckbreaker. However, the opportunistic McCool pushed her out of the ring and covered Phoenix to steal the championship and setting up a grudge match with Natalya at WrestleMania. McCool of course injured Natalya on SmackDown a few weeks ago.


    WWE Unified Tag Team Match:
    Elimination Chamber style: The Colons v The Hart Dynasty v The Fighting Irish v The Carolina Connection

    In a never before seen tag team match, the chamber doors are re-sized to accommodate tag teams. Starting off in the ring are The Colons and The Fighting Irish. We are informed by our commentators that there are no tag rules in this match, it is simply a free for all. The Colons start off well and their agility gives them the upper hand in the early stages. Sheamus however manages to counter a body press into a crushing backbreaker and The Fighting Irish begin to double team Primo. Next to enter the fray are The Hart Dynasty. They notice that Carlito is only recovering from that backbreaker and while Primo is helplessly being double teamed they go straight for Carlito. He manages to knock them both down but can only keep them off for so long. After a number of double suplexes and beat downs there is a simultaneous pinfall which sees Carlito and Primo eliminated one after another. We are guaranteed new tag team champions whatever happens. The two sides go at it crazily as The Carolina Connection have their door opened to a loud pop. R-Truth and Hardy imitate poetry in motion like the old Hardy Boyz used to do onto Finlay. It’s all happening so fast now. Sheamus is going one on one with Tyson Kidd as Smith is lying in the corner recovering. Sheamus attempts to body press Kidd but he reverses and sends Sheamus shattering through the glass of one of the doors. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Finlay to eliminate him so Sheamus is now on his own. The Carolina Connection are on a high and go straight for the Hart Dynasty. Smith manages to turn the tables by tossing Truth over his shoulders and onto the steel and Hardy is planted with the Hart Attack to be eliminated. Naturally they go straight for Truth. As they’re double teaming him however, Sheamus is handed a Shillelagh by Finlay. He takes out Kidd and Smith with it and pins Kidd. We’re down to 3. Sheamus then quickly sets Smith up for the Celtic Cross which connects with precision. Smith is out for the three count. Hardy is up to his feet, only just and Sheamus seems pretty happy with himself. He is waiting to hit the Pump Kick but Hardy ducks. He goes for the Twist of Fate but Sheamus pushes him forward into the ropes. On Hardy’s way back towards him the Pump Kick misses again and Hardy scores with the inside cradle to snatch the gold.

    Winners: The Carolina Connection

    Next we see Teddy Long backstage with Natalya. He says that tonight couldn’t have gone better and the rivalry will really sell ‘Mania to the female crowd. They both agree and look pleased, suddenly, Michelle McCool appears and says that Natalya would want to watch herself and that she might not make it to Wrestlemania at all. There and then, Teddy Long informs her that there will be a contract signing next week on SmackDown to ensure fair play running up to WrestleMania. A staredown occurs.

    *WrestleMania Promo*


    Intercontinental Title Match

    Drew McIntyre (c ) v Bryan Danielson v John Morrison

    This match is brought into disrepute immediately as on his way to the ring Morrison is attacked in cold blood by Drew. The match begins with just Danielson and him. After a competitive start to the match and a few near falls for Danielson, Morrison limps his way to the ring but is clearly struggling with his leg. McIntyre nails a powerslam on Danielson but turns around to be met by a flying cross-body by Morrison who then nearly gets disqualified for pummeling too much. Morrison goes for the Starship Pain on Danielson but misses due to his injured leg. Danielson very nearly captures the gold with a roll up only for Morrison to get his leg up on the bottom rope. McIntyre is back up and going and is preying on Danielson for the Future Shock but a counter leads to both men knocking each other onto the ground, pretty badly too. Morrison then applies a cross-face chicken wing on Danielson, imitating his style. Morrison is finding it all very funny and takes his eye off the ball just enough for Danielson to roll him up but the submission is still causing him pain and he is unaware that Morrison’s sholders are still on the ground. The official counts but as his hand hits the ground for the third time he notices Danielson tapout. The bell rings but the referee knows not what to do right away. Another official runs down from the back and informs him to award the title to both men. They look at each other with mass confusion.

    Jack Swagger is in the ring.. " Tonights a big night for me, Firstly i finally know who i'll be beating at Wrestlemania, and secondly GM Dibiase has given me a Wrestlemania warm up match tonight. Wrestlemania is the place where legends are made, where mortals become icons.. And i promise to cement my legacy in 4 weeks time by becoming the first ever "All American American WWE Champion" Swagger smiles widely and awaites his opponent..


    Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring to a very mixed reaction, And the smile is knocked off the face of Swagger.. Before HBK can even enter the ring,Swagger goes on the attack, kicking and punching Michaels.. Swagger goes for the release German Suplex, and HBK is visably rocked. Swagger lifts HBK up but its countered into reverse atomic drop by Michaels. Now Swagger is the one who's struggling. HBK climb's the turnbuckle and hits the big elbow drop on Swagger.. HBK is feeling it and is tuning up the band.. Swagger rises to feet, goes for the kick but Swagger grabs his foot, and hits a spinebuster.and gets the 2 count. Swagger goes for an ankle lock like submission, he pulls HBK away from the ropes, and has it locked in for almost an eternity. But is finally able to get his fingertips to the bottom rope.. Swagger lifts up HBK for the Red, White and Blue bomb... Annnnnd HBK kicks out again. Swagger is clearly frustrated he goes to lift up HBK again but HBK hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere! And this time Swagger kicks out at 2. King says if JR was here he'd say "By Gawd This is a Slobberknocker" Swagger hits the Red, White and Blue bomb again and this time gets the 3 count and the huge victory over Shawn Michaels.


    Backstage we get access to an interview with Batista. Todd Grisham states that he has kept very quiet over the past few weeks and asks for his thoughts on the match tonight. Batista says that he is fully focused and that he is in the right frame of mind to walk away with the gold, no matter when he enters the chamber. He says that it was his aim all along to fade into the background and let the spotlight drift on to his opponents, that people have almost forgotten entirely that he is in this match but that suits him to the ground. He then cooly leaves.


    Back at ringside we get a recap of what has happened since the rumble, ending with Jericho’s celebration at the end of SmackDown. We are ready for the WHC Match!

    SmackDown Main Event – Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

    Rey Mysterio v Batista v CM Punk (c) v The Undertaker v Chris Jericho v Christian


    The two superstars drawn out of the chamber first are Christian and Mysterio. They shake hands and the crowd get behind them for a high-flying beginning to the match. Mysterio sets Christian up for a 6-1-9 early but is tossed to the outside instead. Christian batters his head against the steel cage and wears him down. The lights go off and the random draw chooses CM Punk to come out of the cage. He gets Serena to hand him a microphone from the outside. He tells Christian that he has one more chance to go straight edge and that they can eliminate Mysterio together, then work together. Christian looks away at the crowd for a second and then turns back to Punk to attack him. Punk’s freshness eventually wins out as he starts to gain an advantage over Christian. Punk hits the GTS but receives a Springboard dropkick from Mysterio in the back which sends him flying into the ropes. Now it’s time for the 6-1-9!!!! Bang, it connects. He goes for the leg drop variety of the finisher but Punk isn’t giving his title up that easily and kicks out at two. Third out of the cage is the animal, Batista. He drags Christian out of the ring and immediately sets him up for a Batista Bomb on the outside. Christian manages to get down and roll back into the ring, avoiding what would have been a serious injury. Punk approaches Batista and asks him if he wants to be saved. Batista gives him a cheesy thumbs up but you could see it coming. He stops smiling and turns it to a thumbs down. He kicks Punk and this time connects with a Batista Bomb. Suddenly, Punk is hit with a Killswitch by Christian. Christian decides he wants to pin CM Punk but once again he kicks out. Panicking, Christian covers Batista but he also kicks out. Frustrated with himself, he lets his guard down and ends up being schoolboyed by Mysterio and is eliminated himself.
    Mysterio heads up to the top rope and plants a moonsault on Batista. Batista too is eliminated by the underdog Mysterio. The crowd is really rooting for him at this point in time but Jericho’s entry signals the end of his breather as Y2J goes to work on him. Jericho’s beat down of Mysterio allows Punk to gain a much needed breather. Back to the action and Jericho has a near fall with a DDT. He gets into a cocky mood and taunts The Undertaker, claiming that he’s not afraid of him at all. He turns his attention back to Mysterio and hits a suplex, resulting in another near fall. Punkre-enters the ring and ambushes Jericho, knocking him out of the ring. He picks up Mysterio and plants the GTS on him to eliminate him. Punk picks Jericho up and sets him up for a DDT onto the steel ground but he hesitates to laugh sadistically first, giving Jericho enough time to ram him into the border of the cage. They’re both looking fairly weary as The Undertaker enters the chamber. Easy pickings surely?
    He goes straight for Punk. Punk manages to survive a number of old school moves before he rakes the eyes of the deadman. Punk climbs to the top turnbuckle, and then decides to go higher up on top of a chamber door. Taker rises in typical style and pursues him. He pummels Punk to weaken him and then delivers a Chokeslam to hell back down on to the ring. He then adds a Tombstone for good effect and pins the champ to eliminate him. Undertaker is much fresher than Jericho and looks to be closing in on the championship win. All of a sudden, Kane appears from the back with what appears to be a remote control in his hand. What’s he doing here? Is it for Jericho a week early? The Phenom sidewalk slams him for a near fall but his domination is turned on it’s head when Jericho slips out of a chokeslam and plants a DDT. He turns to Kane and shouts ‘NOW NOW NOW!!!’

    And then it happens. Something falls from above the chamber. It’s two tubes that fit through the steel of the chamber. They pierce the canvas around Undertaker’s arms and he is unable to move his shoulders off of it. Jericho gets up in his face and taunts him again. He then cockily plants his foot upon his chest as the referee counts to three.

    Winner: Chris Jericho


    As the chamber door opens, Kane arrives to the ring. He chokes Undertaker until he is weary and then releases the tubes. He picks him up and Chokeslams him right in the middle of the ring. He screams in his face that he’s going to get rid of him this time once and for all. The camera pans to Jericho who looks delighted with his fortuitous win but then pans back to Kane who picks up Undertaker and Tombstones him onto the steel.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Welcome to BWE Monday Night Raw:

    We see a video package of Raw ending last week merging into the Raw EC match at the PPV last night ending with HHH pointing slowly at the WrestleMania sign, title raised aloft mixed with Bret Hart lying unconcious.

    The opening video is played followed by pyro. We are live in Indiana for Raw. Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler welcome us to the show. Michael Cole receives some news, "I've just been informed that tonight, King, Vince McMahon will address what happend to Bret Hart last week." HHH's music hits and the champ comes out with a slight limp and his wrist is heavily tapped up. He tells us that "last night, I went through 5 men to retain my BWE Title. I'm going to the Main Event at
    WrestleM...." Swagger's music hits and out comes the 2010 Royal Rumble winner.


    Swagger grabs the mic off HHH. "Last night, I beat 1 half of DX at Elimination Chamber. At WrestleMania, I'll beKelly goes for a at the other half making me the first ever All American American WWE Champion." GM and HoF inductee Ted DiBiase comes out to announce that tonight, in our main event, Jack Swagger will face The Miz and HHH will be the special guest referee

    *Ad break*

    Match 1: Diva's Title match - Gail Kim vs. Kelly Kelly

    As Kim comes out, we see a recorded interview by Gail earlier. She apologizes to Kelly about what happend last week saying that was just business. Solid divas match with Gail Kim dominating most of the match with her "Vintage" offence, as Cole calls it. The finish comes when Kelly misses the handspring back elbow as Kim moves out of the way. Kim hits "Eat defat" for the 3

    Winner and still Diva's Champion: Gail Kim


    We see Maryse looking on and laughing backstage. We see the US champion, Evan Bourne is getting ready. "Up next, Evan Bourne will be in tag-team action"

    *Ad break*

    Match 2: Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu vs. M.V.P and Chris Masters

    King informs us that Yoshi agreed to sign a contract with Raw and is the brands newest superstar. Evan starts the match with Masters. Evan quickens the tempo by hitting huricanranna's and kicks while Master's tries to use his power and strength. Master's hits Bourne with a vicious clothesline and makes a tag to M.V.P to begins beating down on Bourne. He hit's the "Ballin'" elbow drop and sets Bourne up for the playmaker. M.V.P is about to hit it when Yoshi comes in and hits a kick right to the back of M.V.P's skull. M.V.P is down while Bourne try's to tag in Yoshi. Bourne makes the tag while M.V.P is slowly trying to get to his corner. Yoshi drags M.V.P towards to center of the ring and lifts him up. Yoshi hits "Kar-At-Ay" on M.V.P while Bourne runs over and knocks Masters off the apron. Bourne then runs off the ropes and hit's a suicide dive on Masters on the outside. Yoshi pins M.V.P for the 3.

    Winners: Yoshi Tatsu and the US Champion, Evan Bourne


    *Ad break*


    Wendi Richter is the next inductee into the BWE Hall of Fame class of 2010

    John Cena comes out to the ring in a chorus of boo's. He says that at WrestleMania, he'll end his run of bad luck on PPV's. He wants to take out "someone special, someone ..... who has never lost at WrestleMania, I want to take on the Undertaker at WrestleMania 26. I want to end my streak of bad luck on PPV's by taking the undefeated streak of the Undertaker at WrestleMania. Taker, I'll be at SmackDown this week and I want an answer". Cena leaves and goes up the ramp. "I hear Voices..." Randy Orton slowly makes his way down the ramp, ignoring Cena, and makes his way into the ring. Orton has a blank stare on him and calls Cody and Ted out to the ring. Legacy come out. Cody follows Ted and stays behind him.Ted tells Orton that he must have forgotten what he said to him last week. A clip of Ted saying that he's better than Orton is shown followed by Ted eliminating Orton at EC. "Sorry Randy, I didn't know that was in there." The crowd begins chanting "DiBiase". Orton's eye begins to twitch as Ted goes face to face him. "Randy, I could beat you right here, right now but I'm going to wait...." Ted points towards the WresltleMania sign "...until WrestleMania". Orton turns away but goes for a quick RKO. DiBiase moves and Randy hits Cody with the RKO. Ted rolls out of the ring as Orton looks on shocked at what he did to Cody


    *Ad break*

    WrestleMania 26 promo with Kevin Rudolf's "I Made It". BWE WrestleMania 26 is now 34 days away.

    Match 3 - Santino vs. Big Show

    Squash match here. Santino tries to lift the Big Show but Show just laughs. Show lifts Santino up for a choke-slam. He goes for a pin but changes his mind at 2. He lets Santino get up before hitting him with a spear. Again, Show goes for a pin but get's up at 2. Show then gets Santino up and hit the knock-out punch. Show gets the 3 count.

    Winner: Big Show

    After the match, Big Show gets a mic and goes on about facing Mayweather at Mania 24. He thought Mayweather was good but Big Show feels he's matured on aboxing level. He compares his punch to that of "Iron" Mike Tyson. Big Show then invites Mike to Raw next week.

    Please, don't try this at home

    Match 4: Kofi vs. Cody Rhodes w/Ted DiBiase

    Cody comes down with Ted on the look out for Randy in case he appears. A great match between 2 future BWE Champions. Early in the match, DiBiase gets himself ejected from ringside for interference. After 15 mins, the finish comes when Cody goes for Cross-Rhodes only for Kofi to get out and hit "Trouble in Paradise" for the win.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    Orton comes down and goes to punt Cody only for Ted to run out to make the save. Orton and Ted both stare-down each other.

    *Ad break*

    Main event - Jack Swagger vs. The Miz (HHH as Special guest ref)

    Swagger and Miz both lock up and it goes into a corner. HHH breaks the lock up by pushing Swagger away. We can see Swagger mouthing "I know what you're doing". HHH responds by attacking him. "WrestleMania has come early, Cole. Swagger and HHH are going at it." The Miz tries to attack Swagger but HHH throws him out of the ring. HHH tells the timekeeper to give him his title. HHH hits a spinebuster on Swagger on the BWE Title. HHH gets Swagger up and gives him a pedigree on the title as refs and EMT's come down to attend Swagger. Triple H grabs a mic and reminds us that the match is still continuing. The Miz gets back in the ring and pins Swagger. 1...2...3

    Winner: The Miz

    Cole and King can't believe what's happend as Triple H tells Swagger "See you at WrestleMania..... if you make it"

    We see a white limo arriving. Vince gets out of the back. Vince will address the Bret situation next!!!


    *Ad break*

    Vince comes out. He get's right to the point: "I know who ran Bret down last week. You see, Bret shouldn't have ever come back to the BWE, even if it was to find closure. Bret screwed Bret and he just can't get over it. You all can't get over it, the United States can't get over it, Canada definetly can't get over it. History is history and to me, Bret was the one who screwed Bret. He couldn't resist 1 more time in the spotlight and it disgusts me to see a pathetic, run down, beat up person like Bret wasting valuable time on my shows. I had to do something to get rid of him and I did it. Bret, if you're watching, it was simply a business decision I had to make." "Can the individual I hired to run Bret down please come out now?" The anticipation is at a fever pitch in the arena. The opening beats of "Sexy Boy" are played and HBK comes out. Everyone is shocked as Vince lifts HBK's arm as we leave Raw for another week


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWE Smackdown!

    We open the show with the new WHC Chris Jericho in the ring with a mic in hand and his newly aquired title belt draped over his shoulder. despite having already been introduced he reintroduces himself to the audience as the new world heavyweight champion and talks about how he is going to main event Wrestlemania. He says that he has backed up everything he he said these past few months, that he was the MVP of his tag team with Edge, that he is the face of Smackdown and that as his title proves he is the very best in the world. At this point Jericho is interupted by the music of CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society.


    Punk says that he is surprised that Jericho is convinced that suggests that he is going to Wrestlemania, he questions if Jericho actually believes that the first ever straight edge BWE world heavyweight champion wouldn['t actually have a rematch clause for the the title. He wants to suggest that if Jericho wants to actually claim he is the best in the world then he needs to stop focussing on what he said, stop focussing on Edge and start focussing on the fact that he is calling in that 1 on 1 rematch tonight!

    Jericho is irate as Punk and his coherts head to the back. He is screaming at them to return when suddenly Edge's music hits and Jericho is silenced. Y2J is transfixed on the entrance ramp when Edge slides into the ring after coming through the crowd and as Jericho turns around he hits his former partner with a huge spear. Edge leaves Jericho writhing in agony and makes his way to the back his a maniacal grin on his face.

    Backstage Segment
    Vince McMahon is in the GMs office with teddy Long who confirms to him that tonights main event will be Chris Jerihco vs CM Punk for the WHC. He also goes on to say thathe has two Money In The Bank qualifiers lined up for tonight. Vince admits he is impressed but says that, that isnt enough so Long announces he will have a IC title match tonight. Vince likes this but is still not entirely convinced and says Smackdown in his opinion still needs something big this week to build towards mania and that he will he here all night to see first hand if Long can deliver.

    Cruiserweight tournament match
    Yoshi Tatsu vs Zack Ryder

    These two former ECW stars, one now on Raw(Tatsu) the other on SD(Ryder), face off to see who can advance in the Cruiserweight tournament. Ryder gets in some good early offense but its Tatsu's unique attacks that emphasised throughout this match as he hits Multiple suplex variations before getting the pinfall via a roundhouse kick.

    Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

    Backstage Segment----

    CM Punk enters the GMs office with Straight Edge member Bryan Danielson by his side. After thanking Long for seing the light and granting his rematch tonight but asks him to use that sound reason now as he says that Bryan danielson cannot defend his Intercontinental championship tonight as he has a concussion after the brutal triple threat match he had at Elimination Chamber and that unlike others Danielson is Straight Edge and is not going to do anything to risk his wellbeing just so that Teddy can impress the Chairman. Long doesent like the way he is being addressed but agrees that Danielson should not compete tonight but he reminds Punk and Danielson that he is not the only man who currently claims to be Intercontinental champion and that John Morrison will instead go 1 on 1 with McIntyre tonight.

    MITB qualifier: Christian vs Luke Gallows

    Christian is pushed to the limit in this match by the Straight Edge enforcer who looks set to go to Wrestlemania in the MITB match when he delivers an Inverted full nelson lifted and dropped into a modified spinebuster. Christian looks out of it but is able to get his foot on the bottom rope to break the count, he then fights his way to his feet. Christian is able to grab the inititive in the match with a Falling inverted DDT. He does not let up his assault for even a minute and eventually hits the Killswitch on Gallows. This isnt enough for Christian though as he climbes to the top rope and hits an unexpected Frogsplash for the win.

    Winner: Christian

    after the match gestures towards the Wrestlemania sign, he's now officially in the Money in the bank match.

    *The Raw Re-bound is shown which includes John Cena's challenge to SD's The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak*

    Backstage Segment----
    Vince is once more in Teddy Long's office. He asks Teddy what he has done to shake things up, what does he have to show him, to wow him. Long responds by saying that along with the new tag team champs in their first match since winning the belts something that could be massive for Wrestlemania and Smackdown is bout to happen right now in the ring!

    We return to the ring as The Undertaker makes his entrance.


    Taker talks about his wrestlemania streak and all the names who have fallen byu the wayside as he has made his way to 17-0. He then refers to John Cena's challenge from monday night Raw. He says that considering Cena's own PPV streak he will have to decline Cena's challenge as he wants the matches in his streak to mean something and its not like John Cena has been proving he is a worthy advisary these past few months. He then goes on to talk about how he plans to hand choose his own challenger at Wrestlemania, when suddenly John Cena comes out of nowhere and takes Taker down with a leaping shoulder block, he then begins a vicious beatdown on the deadman which culminates after he goes to the outside and grabs a chair. He goes to strike the grounded Undertaker but stops in reaction to the crowds boo's. he throws the chair to the mat and seemingly swayed by the crowds reaction goes to help Undertaker to his feet. Instead however he just delivers an attitude adjustment to the deadman onto the chair.

    Cena then grabs the mic and in between a chorus of boo's tells the undertaker that he is going to face Cena at Wrestlemania whether he likes it or not and then announces that Teddy Long has just booked the match for Mania!


    *Ad Break*

    Carolina connection vs The Fighting Irish

    Before this match begins The Carolina connection come out and celebrate being the new unified champions and also announce that they intend on using the freebird rule to defend their tag team titles but they are interupted by the entrance by The Fighting Irish Sheamus & Finlay who state that after they beat them tonight they will be no.1 contenders heading into Wrestlemania.

    Helms is on the sideline in this match as Hardy & Helms suffer a huge beatdown early on particularily from Sheamus. The big Red headed warrior hits an early bicycle kick to Hardy and delivers the Irish Curse to R-Truth. just when it looks like the new champs could suffer a big loss The Puerto Rican Nightmares make their way down to the ring and cause a distraction giving Hardy a chance to recouperate. It isnt long until Helms on the outside comes to blows with Carlito and eventually R-Truth is pulled away from ringside an involved in the brawl. All this is now being viewed from the top of the ramp by The Hart Dynasty who watch as an all out brawl inuses as the match is eventually ends with Sheamus delivering the Celtic Cross Crucifix powerbomb to the isolated Hardy.

    Winners: The Fighting Irish


    Backstage segment

    Womens champion Michelle McCool is talking to Layla, she says she is glad that her friend got a chance to see what it was like to be her and be the womens champion but that now it was wrestlemania time and the real womens champion was back in the saddle. at this point Natayla who was last seem with the Hart Dynasty only moments ago walks into shot and straight up to McCool. Natayla states that its laughable that McCool considerd herself a real champion as she can and intends to teach her just how little she knows about real wrestling by beating her all around every arena she has to until she gets her hands on the womens championship.

    Rey Mysterio confronts Teddy Long about why he and Batista dont have matches tonight. Teddy informs him that he has something big planned for him next week and that Batista is going to be on Raw this week, at this point CM Punk re-enters the GM's office saying he needs to talk about his match. Mysterio is insenced at Punk completly ignoring that he is already talking about him having a match tonight. Punk talks about how Mysterio is beginning to Vex him but that he is willing to spell it out for him. He says that Mysterio doesent have a match because he is a nobody who hides behind a mask to hide who knows what he has done to himself, he says he doesent have a match because unlike Punk he isnt going to be going to Wrestlemania and that Mysterio should get a good seat for his match tonight to see just what a real main eventer looks like. the GM tries to calm the situation and talks to Punk as the focus returns to the ring and the IC title match.

    Drew McIntyre vs Co-IC champion John Morrison

    As McIntyre makes his way to the ring he reminds everyone of how quickly he has risen up the ranks in the BWE and says he will get his belt back. Unfortunatley for The scott after an early Standing shooting star press from Morrison not only leaves Morrison in charge but also seems to have injured McIntye as Morrisons elbow came down hard on his leg. He tries his hardest to continue to compete but Morrison continues the assualt and eventially gets the pin after hitting Starship pain on the immobilised McIntyre.

    Winner: John Morrison


    Backstage segment----

    Josh Matthews is interviewing The Puerto Rican Nightmares, he asks why they got involved in the Carolina connections tag match tonight. Carlito states that they were the champions going into Elimination chamber and that if anyone deserves to be the No.1 contenders it should be them and not The Fighting Irish. Just then DH Smith & Tyson Kidd confront the two and say that they watched the carnage tonight and that he didnt see a single team worthy of wearing the unified tag team belts. Josh then asks them do they think they deserve to be the champs and Smith simply states that they were never beaten in their PPV match that it was Sheamus the man now proclaiming to be one half of the number one contenders that was pinned for the 3 count. Carlito just asks "Where's Teddy Long?" and he Primo & Escobar storm off

    the following match is announced as the 2nd MITB qualifier of the night

    Dolph Ziggler vs Lance Cade
    In a quick match Dolph Ziggler does well to pick up the win while making Cade look good considering how he has dropped off the radar on SD in recent times.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler


    Backstage Segment----

    Teddy Long is seen going back into his office where Carlito and the rest of the the Puerto Rican Assasins are waiting for him. He cuts them off though as he says he has had a long night and isnt in the mood for them. He understands their grievances and says he has a solution, nobody will be happy until they have a match where there is a certain winner and no squabbling over rematches and no no.1 contendership issues and therefore at Wrestlemania there will be an elimination tag match between The Harts, The Fighting Irish, The carolina connection and The Puerto Rican Nightmares. He then orders Carlito & Co out of his office saying he does not want to be disturbed by anyone.

    moments later there is a knock on his door and an angerd Gm says "this better be imprtant to himself" as the chairman of the board Vince McMahon enters and Long's demeanour chnges completely. However he is pleasently surprised as Vince announces how teddy has impressed him tonight and how he is only there to watch tonights main event with him.

    WHC title match: CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

    The crowd is electric for this match and rightly so as Punk and Jericho put on a wrestling clinic. The two are very evenly matched throughout and both even lock in their respective submissions, the anaconda vice and the walls of jericho but both men can get to the ropes to break the hold. It is at this point that Rey Mysterio decides to take up CM Punks advice from earlier tonight and comes down to ringside sets up a steal chair and gets a great view of the action. This clearly distracts Punk and Jericho begins to gain the advantage. At one point Punk starts shouting abuse at Mysterio claiming he is a distraction, after which he tries to turn his attension back to Jericho who catches him off guard with a Codebreaker which he follows up by hitting a lionsault and getting the three count.

    Punk is beside himself as Mysterio just has a good chuckle about what has happened.

    Winner: Chris Jericho
    Rey makes his way to the back but is chased by an enraged Punk leaving Jericho in the ring celebrating a succesful title defense until for the second time tonight Edge makes his way through the crowd and into the ring and once more hits Jericho with a huge spear.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    BWE Raw


    We see a video of the unveiling of HBK being the man of ran down Bret.

    The Raw intro hits, followed by pyro. We are LIVE in Oklahoma City for Monday Night Raw. "Tonight, we hear from HBK on why he ran over Bret Hart and, get this Cole, our main-event tonight will be Jack Swagger vs.... John Cena!!" "King, we have a great night in store and, don't forget, in 27 days time, the Biggest show in Sports Entertainment happens in Phoenix as WrestleMania 26 takes place. Tonight, we have 2 Money in the Bank qualifying matches to come"


    Randy Orton comes out to a small pop. He gets in the ring, grabs a mic and call's Ted and Cody out. The Legacy come out, mics in hand, but stay at the top of the ramp. "Ted..Cody, I picked the 2 of you to join me in becoming one of the most powerful stables in the BWE. We were meant to showcase how WE were the future of the BWE. We were meant to be BETTER than Evoulotion. We......" Ted stops him, "Stop right there, Randy. There was no we between Cody/myself and you. You brought us in to help you win back the BWE Title. You brought us in to save you whenever something went wrong. Basically Randy, You brought us in for yourself. That was the whole purpose of the group, wasn't it??" Cody speaks up, "Randy, we've had enough of being in your shadow. The Legacy still remains but it's now Ted and myself". Orton begins to twitch. Ted speaks "Randy, to prove we're better than you, we challenge you to a match at WrestleMania." "You have 1 week Randy, to decide if your man enough to take us on"


    Money in the Bank - Qualifying match: Kofi Kingston vs. Santino

    Solid match with Kofi dominating most of the match with a lot his "controlled frenzied offence" as Cole calls it. The finish comes when Santino misses "the Cobra" as Kofi moves out of the way. Kofi hits "the Boom drop" followed by "Trouble in Paradise" for the 3

    Winner and advancing to the MitB match at Mania 26: Kofi Kingston


    We see the MitB card so far: Kofi vs. Ziggler vs. Christian


    We see Vince arriving at the arena in his trademark limo. He gets out, then signals for the passenger to get out. Out steps HBK to a massive boo!! Vince tells HBK "Remember what we talked about earlier and we'll be fine"

    Match 2: Rosa Mendez and Zach Ryder vs. Diva's champ Gail Kim and US Champ Evan Bourne

    "Time for some mixed tag action here on Raw, King!". As usual, men face the men, women face the women. Rosa and Gail start us off. Good diva's match between the two with Gail re-acting faster to everything Rosa does. Gail throws Rosa into the corner and prepares for a hurricanrana off the top rope when Ryder makes the blind tag. Ryder gets in the ring as Gail is forced out, losing all of her momentum. Bourne uses a lot of aerial moves to get the advantage on Ryder. Evan gets Ryder down and climbs the top rope. He hits "Air Bourne" and goes for the pin. Rosa comes in and breaks the count. As the ref tries to get Rosa back into the corner, Miz runs through the crowd, into the ring and hits the "Skull crushing finale" in Bourne. Ryder slowly goes for the pin and, this time, Kim breaks up the pin. Ryder rolls over by his corner and tags Rosa in. Rosa hits a running spear on Kim but gets a 2 count. As momentum builds for Ryder and Rosa, Kim hits "Eat defeat" outta nowhere. 1....2.... Ryder distracts the ref. Maryse runs in this time and hits the "French Kiss" on Kim. Rosa tags Ryder in as a weary Bourne makes his way in. Ryder hits the "Zack Attack" on Bourne for the 3

    Winners: Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendez


    Maryse and Miz are standing on the stage, both signaling that they want the belts and pointing at the WrestleMania 26 sign.

    WrestleMania 26 promo with Kevin Rudolf's "I Made It" and AC/DC's "Thunderstruck". BWE WrestleMania 26 is now 27 days away.


    Big Show comes out with a smile on his face. He welcome's to Raw.... "Iron" Mike Tyson

    Mike comes out and thanks Big Show for inviting him. Big Show proposes a boxing match between himself and Tyson at WrestleMania to prove who has the strongest punch and the overall best boxer. Batista's music hits and out comes "The Animal". "I can see that you (Big Show) have clearly forgotton the best boxer that Appeared in WWE. He's had a match at WrestleMania, which is more than Tyson's had and, come to think about it, he beat you in that match Big Show. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome.... Floyd "Money" Mayweather!!!!!!

    Mayweather and his crew of security comes out to a huge pop. Mayweather cuts a promo on Big Show and Tyson. Batista adds to the promo while Big Show and Tyson start arguing at them. Ted DiBiase appears on the big screen to confirm the news that Batista/Mayweather vs. Big Show/Tyson will happen at WrestleMania 26. "Big Show, I knocked you out at Mania 24, I'll do it again at Mania 26". "Next week, here on Raw... the weight-in will take place live!!"


    Please, don't try this at home

    Cole and King run down the Mania card so far.

    Money in the Bank - Qualifying match: Yoshi Tatsu vs. M.V.P vs. Mark Henry vs. Masters

    Straight from the off, Yoshi is flying all over the place taking all 3 men out of the ring. Yoshi then climbs the top rope and does a 450 splash onto all of them


    We're back and Masters is in control of Tatsu while M.V.P and Henry are both out. We see a replay of what happened during the break. M.V.P went for a suicide dive onto Masters outside the ring but M.V.P crashed and burned. Henry tries to get Tatsu out of the ring but Yoshi dodges him and Henry goes over the top rope, landing shoulder first on the apron. EMT's are down with Henry as it looks like his shoulder is dislocated. Back in the ring, Yoshi and M.V.P are double teaming Masters. Yoshi hits Kar-At-Ty and M.V.P throws Masters over the top rope. M.V.P hits the drive-by on Tatsu and gets the 3


    Winner and advancing to the MitB match at Mania 26: M.V.P


    We see the updated MitB card: M.V.P vs. Kofi vs. Ziggler vs. Christian



    Mad Dog Vachon is the next inductee into the BWE Hall of Fame class of 2010

    Vince and HBK come down to the ring. The arena errupts in boo's. People throw drink cartons, ticker tape and even a battery in the ring. HBK takes out a piece of paper from his pocket. McMahon tells the crowd to "SHUT UP!!" and tells them to respect HBK by being quiet. The second Vince hand HBK the mic, the crowd erupts. Chants of "YOU SCREWED BRET, YOU SCREWED BRET!!!" echo loudly around the building. "Ladies and gentleman, I was the one who ran Bret down. From that night in November 1997, all I've heard from you, the BWE fans, is that I screwed Bret. I've given everything that I have into my career to please ye and, for what??, to be constantly treaded like this. I can proudly say that I was the one who screwed Bret and the fact is, I'd do it again.

    The crowd goes haywire and Vince and HBK have shocked looks on their faces. After 30 seconds and no Bret, HBK and Vince start to laugh. "You see, I just screwed ye all there, just like I screwed Bret. Bret, I want you hear next week because I have a proposition of you


    We see a video of what happened between Cena and Taker last week.


    Cena comes out to a lot of boo's. He cuts a promo on Taker's streak saying how pathetic it is and how he'll destroy it when he takes on Taker in 4 weeks time. "Streaks and records don't matter, me defeating Taker does".

    Out comes Swagger signalling that he'll be the next BWE Champion at WrestleMania. "Our main event, Swagger vs. Cena is next"


    Main event: Jack Swagger vs. John Cena

    A great back and forth match with both men getting in a lot of offence. Cena tries for a quick STF but Swagger avoids it and hit's a quick snap-suplex. From there on, Swagger takes control of the match. He slows Cena down and controls the momentum of the match. Headlocks, Waistlocks, suplexs... Swagger hits them all. Cena reverses a head lock and begins to get into the match. After 20 mins, Cena hits the reverse suplex. The lights go out and a bolt of lightning hit's the stage which startles Cena. Cena looks shocked but laughs. He then hits the "5-knuckle shuffle". Cena sets Swagger up for the "Attitude Adjustment" when the lights go out again. Undertaker's gong goes off. When the lights come back on, there's a casket at ringside.


    Cena is shocked. He begins to walk over to it only for Swagger to get him from behind and hits the "gut-wrench powerbomb". Swagger gets the 3

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    Swagger celebrates the win. He see's the casket, gets out of the ring and decides to open it. Triple H sits up out of it and hits Swagger with a sledgehammer. HHH gets out of the casket and proceeds to beat down on Swagger. Triple H hits Swagger again with the sledgehammer. The Game clears the announcer's table and drags Swagger's body on it. Triple H then gives Swagger a pedigree through the announcers table. "Game" grabs a mic and tells Swagger "this is what's going to happen at WrestleMania" He goes into the ring and sees Cena standing across from him. Cena charges at HHH but he gets him with the Sledgehammer. Triple H stars at the sledgehammer


    He drops the sledgehammer and picks up his title thats in the casket. He climbs to the top rope pointing down at Cena and at Swagger. He raises the title as we fade to black


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Results of BWE Smackdown

    Smackdown opened up with a contract signing between Edge and Chris Jericho for the WHC Title at Wrestlemania. Also in the ring were Vince McMahon and Teddy Long.. The segment lasted about 5 minutes with Edge finally spearing Jericho through the table and Vince announcing a Wrestlemania warm up Main Event between both men tonight.. Jericho looked worried but Edge looked his usual maniacal self..

    First match was a MITB qualifing match between The Big Red Machine Kane.. and Luke Gallows w/The Straight Edge Society in toe.
    Very good back and forth match, surpising for two such big guys, Straight Edge tried to distract Kane but this backfired as Gallows then ran into a chokeslam and the victory for Kane

    Winner: Kane

    Vince and Teddy Long are backstage.. With Vince saying he's expecting BIG things from tonights show.. And from Long aswell.. Dolph Ziggler walk's up to Vince and tries to introduce himself.. But McMahon just says "I know who you are, you idiot" and walks off..

    Next match is a Four way between a member of each tag team competiting at Wrestlemania..

    Sheamus vs Matt Hardy vs Carlito vs DH Smith
    No finish to this match as it all breaks down.. First the non competiting members started fighting on the outside, then all tag teams hit their finishers on each other.. And the referee just called for a dq.. The Carolina Connection celebrate with the titles in the ring.. As the other teams leave defeated.

    John Cena is shown walking to the Backstage. Its looks like hes here tonight

    John Cena's in the ring. Undertaker you think you can play mind games with Me? Do you think im scared of you? well Undertaker i have an advantage over everyone else who has fallen to you at Wrestlemania.. Beacuse i know your just a man! i dont believe in all your BS, i dont believe in the Undertaker aura, the only thing i believe in, is me ending your streak, The lights go out. And The Undertaker is behind Cena, gives him the chokeslam, then put's him into the Hell Gates submission which Cena instantly taps out from. The crowd goes wild in the arena as Undertaker poses over the fallen Cena

    Evan Bourne vs Gregory Helms Cruiserweight Semi final
    Evan Bourne wins this one in a fast paced, highflying match, Bourne has the upperhand for most of the match, and finshes Helms with SSP.

    Cruiserweight Finalist Evan Bourne

    CM Punk w/Staight edge vs Rey Mysterio

    Mysterio and Punk have a bruising match with Mysterio getting the victory by DQ as the ref sees Serena hitting Mysterio over the head with the razor box..

    Punk then gets on the mic to say " Mysterio like in life needed the help of outside interference to win, the steroids and the drugs have blinded you Rey, the years of abuse have left you broken and beaten, give your self over to straight edge Mysterio, its not to late for you to walk on the righteous path, The straight edge way"

    Long is backstage on the phone to Vince, all he keeps saying is "Thank you Mr McMahon, Thank you sir, I will, I will, Thank you"

    Main Event..
    Great great match from both Edge and Jericho, plenty of near falls and counters from both men, Jericho manages to get Edge in the Walls of Jericho twice, but both times Edge worms his way out. Finally Edge hits the spear on Jericho and gets the 3 count, the closing image of this weeks Smackdown is Edge standing over the beaten Jericho with the World Heavyweight Championship in hand.. is this to be the closing image from Wrestlemania too??
