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Deportation case mother had fake baby death papers, inquiry told



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,094 ✭✭✭✭javaboy

    dont need to be a judge for that! she lied about FGM just to stay here playing on the gullible irish people who actually listen to her.
    this sort of thing happened in lagos 20 years ago. it very seldom happens now.

    she picked something to use as a tool to manipulate others into getting what she wants. she lied. she is scum.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Dudess wrote: »
    Why do you WANT her to be guilty?

    because you could sail a fully laden aircraft carrier through the holes in her story, and I would rather see the money spent on this case, and others like it, spent on our health service, for example, where Irish Citizens have been known to die on hospital trollies.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Dudess wrote: »
    How can a person be guilty because it's someone's opinion they are?

    Thats why theres such as a thing as evidence.
    And the evidence that she is guilty is mounting up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 benoit08

    I am so angry about this if,if,if it is proven to be correct.Irrespective we need to have a look at our whole asylum system.We spend 300 Million euros a year on our asylum process and 90% of cases are proven to be my mind that is 170million spent needlessly.How many schools,vaccines,hospital beds etc. could that provide?

    We have been constantly dripfed media stories on Pamela and her kids,painting them in a positive light. Not a single journalist has bothered to do some real research on this...much easier to do a shiny happy story about how our facist government want to deport this poor woman and her kids....pathetic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    since FGM is a womens issue, i have to pose a question to the ladies.

    the cost of the scrapped cervical cancer screening programme was estimated to cost 9million Euro per annum

    and the cost of dealing with asylum cases runs at 340million euro per annum

    which would you rather have? because cutbacks the way they are, means you can't have both

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Degsy wrote: »
    What if Mr A arrived in your town from X.
    His first act was to bum a cigarette off you..okay you problem.
    Then Mr B arrives from teh same town,he shows up and asks you for a smoke.
    Then Mr C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L from X show up and start demanding cigarettes from you.
    When you refuse they accuse you of discriminating aganst them because of the town they're from.
    Soon Messrs M,N,O,P and Q show up with thier families.They seem well to do but insist on trying to bumcigarettes off you.They then start complaining that they're not getting enough cigarettes this way and that they shouoldnt have to ask.
    They take court cases demanding the rights to free cigarettes for them and thier families forever.
    Soon the people from X comprise one in ten of your town,they make no attempt to integrate or contribute.
    You mutter to your friends in the pub about these people and you have half the town on your back calling you names for failing in your duty to provide the people from X with cigarettes and anything else they may want.
    They then pass a law outlawing the discussing of scabbing habits,appearance or charecteristics of the people from X so you have to accept it meekly of be ridiculed in public or sent to prison.

    Scabbing for fags and running for your life are slightly differant.
    Degsy wrote: »
    No..we have an obligation (to our own people) to find out if she's telling the truth.
    If she isnt we're well within our rights not to listen to such a story again.
    Anyway,its not up to us to protect people from savagry..we're a small country..we dont have room for all these hard luck cases.
    if they dont agree with waht happensd at home they should attempt to chnage things from withing,not flee with a cock and bull story looking for handouts.

    Oh yes we do have an obligation to help those who seek help. Check out the law.. yea?
    Daroxtar wrote: »
    Did i ask for my member to be mutilated?

    Was chopping off the skin invasive?

    Do i live in the desert?

    Consider this- if the child is going to be giving birth not long after having this procedure then the circumcision is probably the least of her worries.

    yea, she shouldn't worry about it at all, right? Like you knew what invasive was at that age... gtfo...
    Degsy wrote: »
    Nigeria isnt a group,its a country.
    I can generalise about a country if i so choose,everybody else does.
    Or are we NOT allowed to generalise about a country if the inhabitants happen to be black?
    You're actually displaying racism yourself but you dont realise it.
    What you're doing is being patronising towards black people,you think that they cannot sort out thier own affairs(as a race) and that white people like you can fight thier corner for them,obviously from the safety of home.
    This implies that you,as thier spokesman,feel supeirior in some way to the people you think you're defending.

    If you seen a group of people jump off a cliff would you follow? Colour has nothing to do with it... you are the one that brought up the colour issue...
    thebman wrote: »
    I imagine most of the new people on the dole have made PRSI payments are just getting what they put in to the dole.

    You can blame the government for not being responsible with the money they gave them.

    Exactly, you cannot claim social welfare unless you have paid your dues... 10K is SFA.
    thebman wrote: »
    eh, don't people think that taking of parts of other peoples bodies without their permission is wrong?

    Or bullying them into giving permission (not really giving permission in this case) is wrong?

    I would have thought it was a given myself.

    Worryingly enough, nobody gives a damn... they are more worried about their precious taxes being wasted. The same people have no problem with our TD's taking helicopter rides like little children. That's a waste of our taxes too. Our taxes are wasted on a lot more important things than an asylum case.
    chughes wrote: »
    Gerry Ryan talked to Philip Boucher Hayes on his radio show this morning and Philip told Gerry that he investigated this case when it first came to light a few years ago. Philip Boucher Hayes says that he interviewed the Nigerian doctor that helped deliver the child when she was born and also dealt with the aftermath of the FGM procedure. The doctor was able to produce his documentation in relation to both events. Apparently, this doctor has since been approached by a member of the Nigerian military and told not to talk to any more Irish radio journalists. It would seem that there is a conspirancy to mislead and maybe we should not be so quick to judge in this case until we have all the facts.
    Degsy wrote: »
    In my opinion she is guilty.
    I want her to be proved guilty to shut up the tossers who beleive any old nonsense these people spout and call everybody who chooses not to bleive them racists.
    Also,the sooner they chuck her out of the country the better,we dont want any precedents being set and even more people chancing thier arms.

    If more people thought like you we would be living the life, mad max style... How can you want someone to be guilty... she hasn't done anything to you. What you are doing here is displaying your ignorance and losing any credibility you may have had...
    Degsy wrote: »
    Thats why theres such as a thing as evidence.
    And the evidence that she is guilty is mounting up.

    It's actually quite the opposite if you actually took the time to investigate it yourself. It's not that hard really...

    Doctor goes along with her story, doctor now shuts up and won't take any calls from irish news reporters, after this man was visited, possibly intimidated, to change his story. Think about it... for more than a nano second this time...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    benoit08 wrote: »
    I am so angry about this if,if,if it is proven to be correct.Irrespective we need to have a look at our whole asylum system.We spend 300 Million euros a year on our asylum process and 90% of cases are proven to be my mind that is 170million spent needlessly.How many schools,vaccines,hospital beds etc. could that provide?

    We have been constantly dripfed media stories on Pamela and her kids,painting them in a positive light. Not a single journalist has bothered to do some real research on this...much easier to do a shiny happy story about how our facist government want to deport this poor woman and her kids....pathetic.

    Well there has been an investigation...

    Why don't people give out about the hundreds of millions we waste trying to jail corrupt politicians in the farse that is a tribunal? I know why, because nobody gives a damn. People here only give a damn when it is some non irish wasting our money, then all hell breaks lose. Funny how so many people (irish people) get away with wasting tax money and nothing is done about it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Why don't people give out about the hundreds of millions we waste trying to jail corrupt politicians in the farse that is a tribunal? I know why, because nobody gives a damn. People here only give a damn when it is some non irish wasting our money, then all hell breaks lose.

    plenty of people care about it Jude Easy Zipper, just take a trip over to politics and pick a thread.

    What i wonder is, if Pamela Izevbekhai and her two daughters, were the white wife and daughters of a white farmer from zimbabwe, fleeing the renound racist and murderer 'Robert Mugabe' and his regime, would anyone give a shit about their plight if they arrived here looking for asylum ?? I doubt it would make the papers here at all, and they certainly wouldn't be getting any Civic Reception from the Mayor of Sligo either.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 benoit08

    "People here only give a damn when it is some non irish wasting our money, then all hell breaks lose. Funny how so many people (irish people) get away with wasting tax money and nothing is done about it... "

    Do you actually read a newspaper?do you actually believe that? given everything that has been reported in the last few months from politicians to bankers ..three words ANGLO-IRISH-BANK...people are concerned about money being wasted by ALL sections of society...I actually typoed earlier ,it is actually 270 million spent yearly on failed asylum seekers...think about that for a second and how that money would be better spent...I would have no problem if it was spent on e.g overseas aid but it is the sheer waste that sickens needs to be stopped immediately.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Degsy wrote: »
    Thats why theres such as a thing as evidence.
    And the evidence that she is guilty is mounting up.
    Indeed - so that makes it increasingly likely she's guilty, it does not make her guilty.
    marcsignal wrote: »
    What i wonder is, if Pamela Izevbekhai and her two daughters, were the white wife and daughters of a white farmer from zimbabwe, fleeing the renound racist and murderer 'Robert Mugabe' and his regime, would anyone give a shit about their plight if they arrived here looking for asylum ?? I doubt it would make the papers here at all, and they certainly wouldn't be getting any Civic Reception from the Mayor of Sligo either.
    I bet it would - it's a brutal regime. That's what people would be focusing on.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    benoit08 wrote: »
    "People here only give a damn when it is some non irish wasting our money, then all hell breaks lose. Funny how so many people (irish people) get away with wasting tax money and nothing is done about it... "

    Do you actually read a newspaper?do you actually believe that? given everything that has been reported in the last few months from politicians to bankers ..three words ANGLO-IRISH-BANK...people are concerned about money being wasted by ALL sections of society...I actually typoed earlier ,it is actually 270 million spent yearly on failed asylum seekers...think about that for a second and how that money would be better spent...I would have no problem if it was spent on e.g overseas aid but it is the sheer waste that sickens needs to be stopped immediately.

    Declined or successful applications of asylum will still cost the same amount... There seems to be more hype about this story than anglo irish. I don't read newspapers for the amount of crap they spurt out. That's why people are the way they are. Depending on too much crap in the newspapers... I do believe it actually. People will do nothing about it. Talking on the internet amounts to jack sh!t. I bet that more people will actually do something to get this woman out of the country than the corrupt morons out of goverment... ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,740 ✭✭✭chughes

    benoit08 wrote: »
    We have been constantly dripfed media stories on Pamela and her kids,painting them in a positive light. Not a single journalist has bothered to do some real research on this...much easier to do a shiny happy story about how our facist government want to deport this poor woman and her kids....pathetic.

    Does Philip Boucher Hayes' investigation not count as journalistic research ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    How is he going to cast Colm Meaney in this one ??

    He has the afro going on!..


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Dudess wrote: »
    I bet it would - it's a brutal regime. That's what people would be focusing on.

    well ok, assuming it made the papers, how many people do you think would take them seriously ? what kind of response do you they'd get from Rosanna Flynn if they went to RAR for help, pending their imminent deportation ?

    without bringing the thread off topic, it's been my observation that RAR and other champions of Pamelas cause, are both colour and gender blind.

    A male Nigerian infant died here a few years ago following a botched circumcision, and the Nigerian man who performed the operation walked away scott free, because the judge felt, that to pass judgement on such a case would infringe on cultural practices. Are we to assume that male children are not afforded the same protection under the law as Pamelas two daughters ?


    i want to add that i don't approve of FGM, imo it's barbaric, but there's no point in my campaigning to have it banned in Nigeria, because it already is, hence I believe Pamelas story to be a crock.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    marcsignal wrote: »
    i want to add that i don't approve of FGM, imo it's barbaric, but there's no point in my campaigning to have it banned in Nigeria, because it already is, hence I believe Pamelas story to be a crock.

    Your logic is, if it's banned it doesn't happen??? Get a grip.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Your logic is, if it's banned it doesn't happen??? Get a grip.

    so what's your solution ?? assume the responsibility of policing Nigeria by invading the country, and sorting out all of their internal domestic problems ??


    assume the Nigerians are incapable of dealing with their domestic problems and offer anyone else who wants it, a safe haven over here ??

    the person pressuring Pamela Izevbekhai to carry out FGM on her kids is her Mother in Law, so maybe we could invite the Mother in Law over too, and they could all go to a marriage guidance counselor to sort out their domestic squabbles into the bargain?

    all provided by the Irish tax payer of course, and god knows we can afford it right now

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,082 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    I agree, why should we be sorting out all these so called
    cases of FGM. They have been exposed for the most part as fraudulent.

    I can't bame Pamela for using it as an excuse to stay; she wants to stay
    and will do whatever it takes. She has already been to every
    bloody court in the land and Europe and still
    it hasn't been decided.

    I blame us for allowing this to be turned
    into a damn circus. All the bleedin' hearts and the
    civil liberties and the Rosanna Flynn's.

    All simply on ego trips and making a name for themselves!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Nigeria is an oil rich country, under the present circumstances, we should be sending them These

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,082 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Brilliant, and so so true!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,898 ✭✭✭✭seanybiker

    this is a bit of a sweepeing statement, in most place FGM is something that is enforced by the MEN to keep the girls ''clean living virgins'' until marriage and to make sure that sex is more enjoyable for the men as the vagina remains tight after child birth etc.
    Handy. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,233 ✭✭✭ceegee

    Oh yes we do have an obligation to help those who seek help. Check out the law.. yea?

    So Ireland was the first country she landed in? No. So its not our problem

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,608 ✭✭✭Victor_M

    ceegee wrote: »
    So Ireland was the first country she landed in? No. So its not our problem

    Unfortunately there is a loophole called the Dublin convention (handy name) which allows the scammers from Lagos to fly here via as many country's as they like, and as long as they don't step out of the airport for a smoke it doesn't count as stopping in a different country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭satcie101

    female genital mutilation is disgusting, this woman was trying to protect her children as im sure anybody with children or even nieces/ sisters would do.

    if you thought somebody you loved was going to be put through a horiffic ordeal such as this, would you not be willing to do anything to prevent it.

    this woman is brave and is being a responsible parent by standing up to to something that she belives is wrong.

    and who are we to say that the doctor is not telling fibbs, this is a highly controversial subject in africa etc. and perhaps he was just trying to save face and make her look bad because he is ashamed of what happened.

    I agree that FGM is a barbaric act, and yes we should do everything to make people more aware that it happens and stamp out this inhuman ritual. However in a court of law, this women was found to have provided false evidence to support her claim for asylum. She used the claim of FGM to support her case, the problem with this is "the boy who cried wolf" for the following woman who comes along from Nigeria who this really is the case. The genuine victim will have a harder time trying to prove her case and the seriousness of GTM will have been diminished.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    marcsignal wrote: »
    so what's your solution ?? assume the responsibility of policing Nigeria by invading the country, and sorting out all of their internal domestic problems ??


    assume the Nigerians are incapable of dealing with their domestic problems and offer anyone else who wants it, a safe haven over here ??

    the person pressuring Pamela Izevbekhai to carry out FGM on her kids is her Mother in Law, so maybe we could invite the Mother in Law over too, and they could all go to a marriage guidance counselor to sort out their domestic squabbles into the bargain?

    all provided by the Irish tax payer of course, and god knows we can afford it right now

    You give two really sh!tty biased choices... You do what you do now, process the claim, investigate it and take the appropiate action. It's not as simple as pushing them aside to someone else.

    WTF are you talking about "invading" talking about such crap really shows you haven't a clue. Nigeria didn't offer anyone anything, so you are talking complete rubbish. Unreal how you came up with such nonsence.
    walshb wrote: »
    I agree, why should we be sorting out all these so called
    cases of FGM. They have been exposed for the most part as fraudulent.

    I can't bame Pamela for using it as an excuse to stay; she wants to stay
    and will do whatever it takes. She has already been to every
    bloody court in the land and Europe and still
    it hasn't been decided.

    I blame us for allowing this to be turned
    into a damn circus. All the bleedin' hearts and the
    civil liberties and the Rosanna Flynn's.

    All simply on ego trips and making a name for themselves!

    Here we go again... Whine whine whine, it's not our problem... mammy mammy there's an asylum seeker in me kitchen... get it out...

    You have a civilised opinion and you are now a PC freak, a bleedin heart, a gulable fool... GTFO. I would give the chance, the same chance I would give to any of ye, to prove yourself. She has every right to go to the human rights courts. Most of ye won't even know what's going on, just make another generalisation about foreigners. Ireland is full of smug ignorant know it alls...
    ceegee wrote: »
    So Ireland was the first country she landed in? No. So its not our problem

    More whining... it's not our problem... so what, it's not my problem, or yours, but it's somebodies... you suggest to keep moving it on until it just fades away.

    I don't know why she left luxury to live in this sh!thole on the money she is getting... I am sure she would rather be home with her friends and the rest of her family...

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    At this point I would like to remind posters to calm down. Attack the post and not the poster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,082 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Whether or not it's our problem is irrelevant; are we simply to be a haven for every bloody scam in the book
    That can't be allowed. We have a breaking point.

    Pamela had her day, her chance, her case and she was found out.
    When do we act?

    If she stays, then all stay and anyone who arrives stays etc.

    There has to be some law and order and somewhere, someone has to say, ENOUGH!

    BTW, her problem wasn't moved on, ignored or left alone, her problem has
    been thoroughly investigated and acted upon and dealt with, so how anyone
    can suggest we are NOT taking this serious is off the wall.

    Pamela had the full backing of many bodies in her quest
    to stay. Her problem was simply NOT a problem after all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    You give two really sh!tty biased choices... You do what you do now, process the claim, investigate it and take the appropiate action. It's not as simple as pushing them aside to someone else.

    WTF are you talking about "invading" talking about such crap really shows you haven't a clue. Nigeria didn't offer anyone anything, so you are talking complete rubbish. Unreal how you came up with such nonsence.

    The choices I presented to you simply reflect the ludicrious suggestion you made, that Nigerias internal domestic problems have anything to do with us. No more than our domestic problems (Drugs / Gangland / Shootings / Celtic Tiger Kidnappings) have anything to do with Nigeria.

    I say it again, FGM is Illegal in Nigeria. If some people in Nigeria break the law by performing this practice, it is a matter for the Nigerian Police, NOT the Irish Social Welfare System, the Irish Judiciary, OR the Irish Taxpayer.

    end of

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,082 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    No No, Ireland want to constantly interfere and show the foreigners
    how to run their country, when here we can run bloody nothing!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    walshb wrote: »
    Whether or not it's our problem is irrelevant; are we simply to be a haven for every bloody scam in the book
    That can't be allowed. We have a breaking point.

    Pamela had her day, her chance, her case and she was found out.
    When do we act?

    If she stays, then all stay and anyone who arrives stays etc.

    There has to be some law and order and somewhere, someone has to say, ENOUGH!

    BTW, her problem wasn't moved on, ignored or left alone, her problem has
    been thoroughly investigated and acted upon and dealtt with, so how anyone
    can say what

    Firstly, quote where it says she was found out... if you were following the thread you will see that posting untruths will get you banned.

    The case is not closed. Irish courts, what a joke. It's the European human rights courts that will find true justice, and that's what I will settle for.

    If we are open to scams then good for the scammers. Why not if it's so bloody easy. It's the retards in power we need to attack and put right, you you and I know that will never happen, because nobody cares enough to do anything. We whine and bitch about it, but are you really going to do anything about it? No.... that's the answer to that question ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    marcsignal wrote: »
    The choices I presented to you simply reflect the ludicrious suggestion you made, that Nigerias internal domestic problems have anything to do with us. No more than our domestic problems (Drugs / Gangland / Shootings / Celtic Tiger Kidnappings) have anything to do with Nigeria.

    I say it again, FGM is Illegal in Nigeria. If some people in Nigeria break the law by performing this practice, it is a matter for the Nigerian Police, NOT the Irish Social Welfare System, the Irish Judiciary, OR the Irish Taxpayer.

    end of

    Do you know how asylum works? It seems not. I didn't make any ludicrious suggestions. Point them out to me... ;)

    Just because it is illegal doesn't make a differance if it still happens on a pretty large scale...

    Pfft... assumptions assumptions. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

This discussion has been closed.