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Nimrod, the ultimate NWO conspiracy.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    the masons have also split into different factions but there is still the true order among the heretics.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    humanji wrote: »
    God forbid you should ever need to have an adult conversation. Why do people bother going on a public message board when they can't cope with people asking them anything? It's bizarre.

    Or maybe he has an agenda...:rolleyes:
    My agenda is talk about this conspiracy. I've already given much time trying to explain my case to you and separate my beliefs from facts. Your clearly wasting my time.

    I give up. I prefer to deny ignorance and talk about this thread :)

    And yet, the OP claims there is such a secret organisation that nobody talks about and has somehow only come to the fore in recent history. For example, what are the chances of a secret society remaining hidden for thousands of years with only a minimum of information about it's existence being released, when organisations like the Masons are relatively new (well 200 years, but that's not much when compared to 2000), can have huge amounts of information found out about it over such a short amount of time? It just seems highly improbable.
    In your opinion! ! ! ! bear in mind. Watch the space. Please don't put words in my mouth.
    Another quote here blatantly inaccurate.
    Op claims there is such a secret organisation that nobody talks about
    This is your third false error of judgment and third time making up accusation's.

    It's best that Ignore this, it's again trying to defer the thread. Im using my time to research Ok ;)
    Here is something I found on Nimrod, might worth a read. I really can't find anything about Nimrod in great detail. It is said that he is the founder of the original illuminati. In the bible he is deemed the antichrist or follower of satan. Rebel against god. The first king who wanted a NWO. Wanted a one world government. I'll try post more up. The first video I posted on the first page, claims that the decendants of Nimrod are the 33degree masons. I.e the head officials of the secret society. The 33degreee mason's are the ones who have all the knowledge and power in the group. The ones on the bottom of the pyramid know the least and have the least say likewise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Sofa_King Good

    mysterious wrote: »

    Excellent post, you can see that you feel really passionate about the subject..

    I've read and re-read your original post and I have no doubt that there is an interesting concept there. Honestly, I didn't watch the videos or read the links yet didn't want to confuse myself further.

    This is what I can take from it. Please could you correct me on some of this???:confused:

    Pre Genesis (is that pre Adam of Garden of Eden fame?) (virtuous?) Alien Life forms descended onto Earth and either built the Pyramids/Stonehenge etc across the globe or passed on engineering secrets and mathamathical and astrological secrets etc to the worlds new inhabitants.

    At the same time an evil force the Annukai or anti-christ creates an almost equally evil force by the name of Nimrod, who is either proclaimed a King or rises to this point.

    There is a union between the Annukai, Nimrod, and the original initiates of New World orderer cult (humans? or "interdimensional" beings?).

    God of good stands idly by because of the gift of free will for his people, and the aliens have yet to save us.

    All world tragic events in the history of man that aren't acts of God can be directly traced back to this alliance and their masterplan of the ages is about to be fulfilled.
    mysterious wrote: »
    Mystery, re:hard to find info

    If you are interested in the history of period you should look at this

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    mysterious wrote: »
    My agenda is talk about this conspiracy. I've already given much time trying to explain my case to you and separate my beliefs from facts. Your clearly wasting my time.

    I give up. I prefer to deny ignorance and talk about this thread :)

    In your opinion! ! ! ! bear in mind. Watch the space. Please don't put words in my mouth.
    Another quote here blatantly inaccurate.

    This is your third false error of judgment and third time making up accusation's.

    It's best that Ignore this, it's again trying to defer the thread. Im using my time to research Ok ;)
    Here is something I found on Nimrod, might worth a read. I really can't find anything about Nimrod in great detail. It is said that he is the founder of the original illuminati. In the bible he is deemed the antichrist or follower of satan. Rebel against god. The first king who wanted a NWO. Wanted a one world government. I'll try post more up. The first video I posted on the first page, claims that the decendants of Nimrod are the 33degree masons. I.e the head officials of the secret society. The 33degreee mason's are the ones who have all the knowledge and power in the group. The ones on the bottom of the pyramid know the least and have the least say likewise.
    I thought you were ignoring me?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    humanji wrote: »
    I thought you were ignoring me?

    I really think Conan was onto something when he had a go at the snake people.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Excellent post, you can see that you feel really passionate about the subject..

    Thank you Sofa King. It's great to see pleasant people on this thread.
    I like to research as much as I can.

    Pre Genesis (is that pre Adam of Garden of Eden fame?) (virtuous?) Alien Life forms descended onto Earth and either built the Pyramids/Stonehenge etc across the globe or passed on engineering secrets and mathamathical and astrological secrets etc to the worlds new inhabitants.

    Well I've come to my conclusion's on this. From looking at how religion was formed and where it started. What the impact religion has had to humanity's existence over the last two millenia. The connection lies in the ME. The middle east is the centre of the planet in term's, of power, economics, religion, intellegence, technology, war and of course the rich diversity of races and cultures that coincidentely sprang up here. It's Where christianity came from, Islam, Jesus and so on. All have a huge impact on todays dynamics. Even today the world focuses towards the Middleast, whether it be relgion, politics, oil or whatever.

    My intial tieing up with all this is. Is why?
    Why is the ME tied up with this concusion. This is why I feel in my opinion that there is something other than us, determining the event's on this planet. I beleive it's the annukai. They imo. Started it with re engineering homo sapiens.
    1.Two less chromosomes less than other primates.
    2.The RH - blood orignates in only pocket locations in the world.
    The Jews, the Basques, the Celt's and parts of south eastern Europe near the Caparthnian mountains.
    3. Hair and skin and eyes changes also happened around the time of this phenemon between 35,000 years ago to 25,000 years ago.

    Fast forward, Civlizations sprang up, starting with Sumeria where Nimrod rosed up. This is the first evidence of an civlization that started in present day Iraq. The Sumarians believed in godly beings and also believed that the fallen angels mated with us mankind, to give us new DNA. As I've explained a few examples above. Scientist can only say it's a "missing link" Scientist cannot say it was a mutation. RH- blood is alien to this world and no other species whatsoever has this bloodtype! The Other baffling thing is. A few well known historians and truth seekers, Eric von donaken and another famous guy in this field(can't remember his name but I will get him if needed), clearly state the fact. That if you look at babylon and the Egyptian empires. Both very advanced have ancient knowledge that clearly came like a blink of an eye. The Ancient Kabbalah is one well worth to look into ;) and the pysics maths that's designed the pyramids. Another is numbers. Yet you can all say we the people created it. But did we?? Did we create all this advances all together in this region by pot luck? No actual starting or base point. Egyptians as far as we know, "just had the knowledge" but where was it developed, where did it come from? Nobody knows where it came from. Why the precision to build such gigantic structures is another bizzare theory. So many people that ask's questions, realise there is more to be answered and very few today are answered. Therefore there is alot imo still to researched. Most historians are amazed at the rate we evolved and advanced in the last 35,000 year's. It's a pretty amazing feat, to go from tools 35,000ys ago to have the largest man made structure - the pyramids built after it as an example. Heck they can't even build one today as accurate. What I'm saying, there is the idea if you look at how event's played out over the last few thousands years, it does seem like we are been drifted in a certain direction, and it's moving very fast. It's almost like we are pre ordained in all these events to lead to a NWO like an enslaved humanity for the Annukai.

    Pre genisis and the early bible times. Clearly stated godly beings from the heavans came down and manipulated our existence through, our empires, wars, relgion and other such factors. They used these factors to control our existence to their way or there plan. The divide and control method.

    My interpretation "godly beings" is extra terrestial beings from other planets coming down and playing with our existence like pawns are to a chess board.

    Why do I think that? All the major religions started here. Maths, numerology, physics, pyramids, Language to the first cities and so on. The two main rival relgions still fight today. Why? The two biggest relgions again come from the ME. The jews are the choosen ones according to the Bible. No one ask's why? Why is it that the jew's seem to have better luck than other races? Why is it that most of what goes on today seem to negoiate back to the Middle east. Why do the Jews seem to exel in power and wealth over other races. So many question's. Why is that the oil seems to be here in the ME. Is it all really just a coinicidence. You all decide. :)

    Well hope this can help in any way. I'm not quite sure what your asking me though. Pin point one thing and I'll try answer specifically to what your asking me on.

    At the same time an evil force the Annukai or anti-christ creates an almost equally evil force by the name of Nimrod, who is either proclaimed a King or rises to this point.

    There is a union between the Annukai, Nimrod, and the original initiates of New World orderer cult (humans? or "interdimensional" beings?).

    God of good stands idly by because of the gift of free will for his people, and the aliens have yet to save us.

    All world tragic events in the history of man that aren't acts of God can be directly traced back to this alliance and their masterplan of the ages is about to be fulfilled.

    I believe personally we are god, the god is in us all. we just are not aware of our higher power. As I believe the alien races want us to get lost in the physical mundane of life. I.e war, death, limitation, power, greed, thirst and act reptilian if you want to put it. Only use certain parts of our brain. The survival mode of the brain. We have forgotten so much.

    And yes this is the masterplan, and this fits precisely with the NWO agenda, further articulate ways to control the human race. I don't have proof who is actually doing it, or is it the aliens. But all i can surely say it's happening and it's already here.:(

    There is so much information kept hidden IMO. I personally believe that the NWO was created by the E.Ts and are using the governments as chess pieces to move us around like pawns.

    If you are interested in the history of period you should look at this

    Well I hope this give you some idea to where I'm coming from.

    I believe Nimrod, was the beginning of all what's going on today with the NWO.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    mysterious wrote: »

    There is so much information kept hidden IMO. I personally believe that the NWO was created by the E.Ts and are using the governments as chess pieces to move us around like pawns.

    You have it there , right on .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    mysterious wrote: »
    There is so much information kept hidden IMO.

    But you're able to find on Google & youtube? Not that hidden now is it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    But you're able to find on Google & youtube? Not that hidden now is it?

    Actually i have always been very surprised at how much is missing from the internet which i had thought would have been there .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    espinolman wrote: »
    Actually i have always been very surprised at how much is missing from the internet which i had thought would have been there .

    Maybe it just hasn't been made up yet.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    Maybe it just hasn't been made up yet.
    I think anything made up would definitely be allowed on the net no problem , there is much missing and yet so much disinfo on the internet .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    espinolman wrote: »
    I think anything made up would definitely be allowed on the net no problem , there is much missing and yet so much disinfo on the internet .


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Sofa_King Good

    mysterious wrote: »
    I like to research as much as I can.

    Good for you, keep it up! Beware of dark alleys though.

    If you are interested in the esoteric agenda through the ages can I reccomend Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series audio files.h

    But bare in mind that not everything he says is correct.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman


    That's right . Are you trying to make the op in this thread look made up , well i am sorry but this subject is documented and there is evidence - humanoid skulls on display in museums here is some pictures in this link :

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    espinolman wrote: »
    That's right . Are you trying to make the op in this thread look made up

    No, you said
    "I think anything made up would definitely be allowed on the net no problem".

    Its making out that there is a censorship of what goes on the net, and that someone is in control of it, allowing articles.

    What museums are these skulls in?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    No, you said
    "I think anything made up would definitely be allowed on the net no problem".

    Its making out that there is a censorship of what goes on the net, and that someone is in control of it, allowing articles.

    What museums are these skulls in?

    Well when you wrote "Maybe it just hasn't been made up yet." what exactly did you mean by that .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    espinolman wrote: »
    Well when you wrote "Maybe it just hasn't been made up yet." what exactly did you mean by that .

    Exactly what I wrote. Someone hasnt made it up yet, thats why its not on the net.

    What museum are those skulls in? And what do they have them catalogued as?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    What museums are these skulls in?

    Museum regional de ica
    National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru

    here :

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    espinolman wrote: »
    Museum regional de ica
    National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru

    here :

    They have skulls there that were subjected to skull deformation. Incans & Egyptians used to do it. Nothing about aliens though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Sofa_King Good

    If you are interested in the history of period you should look at this

    history of period

    glad I didn't take that class, bloody feminists

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    They have skulls there that were subjected to skull deformation. Incans & Egyptians used to do it. Nothing about aliens though.

    No i don't think its skull deformation , i think it gives some credance to the legends about genetic engineering being used and human-animal hybrids being created .
    Apparently anthropologists have admitted that the shapes of the peruvian skulls is unlike the deformity caused by binding :

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    espinolman wrote: »
    No i don't think its skull deformation , i think it gives some credance to the legends about genetic engineering being used and human-animal hybrids being created .
    Apparently anthropologists have admitted that the shapes of the peruvian skulls is unlike the deformity caused by binding :

    Homo sapiens in itself is a conspiracy, whether you beleive in darwin's theory. BTW. There is nothing shameful to say if we were engineered by aliens'

    It's sounds more logical to what's said in the bible, and other argument's stated. But back to my orginal question. Does anyone see the significance that the ME has had over the world over the last 2,000 years. If so who do you think is responsible for causing this.

    We as a species came up with all these advances alone, or did we actually get outside influence, be it, god, heavanly figure, alien, atlantis or us somewhere else? Could the Annukai be really an alien race trying to enslave us. By starting the civilzations in the ME etc.?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    mysterious wrote: »
    Homo sapiens in itself is a conspiracy, whether you beleive in darwin's theory.

    A species is a conspiracy. Can you explain a bit further

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    A species is a conspiracy. Can you explain a bit further

    I said homo sapiens is a conspiracy.

    Don't alter my words:p:p:p:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    mysterious wrote: »
    I said homo sapiens is a conspiracy.

    Don't alter my words:p:p:p:p

    I'm not altering, if finding it difficult to work out how homo sapiens are a conspiracy. Like saying oak trees are a conspiracy, doesn't make sense.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    I'm not altering, if finding it difficult to work out how homo sapiens are a conspiracy. Like saying oak trees are a conspiracy, doesn't make sense.

    1.We are decended from a missing link.
    2. We have two less chromosomes than evey single primate.
    3. We have a rare blood type in our DNA that is not decended from our first common ancestor the Ryhsus monkey.
    4. As a species we have the most diverse of genetics. Ie. 3 main groups. African american, Asian, Caucasians,
    5. we have four blood types. Most primates only have O, or A.
    6. Homo sapiens survived the cold climate of Europe, even though we were adapted to the sub sararahan/ME cliamtes. Yet the adapted heavier species neanderthal died.
    7. Our eyes, hair, skin changed also.

    I don't want to get off topic again. But I really suggest for you to do research. It seems you only contribution is asking questions all of the time and contributing little to the thread. It is a little unfair, for others constantly giving you answers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭thecommander

    mysterious wrote: »
    1.We are decended from a missing link.
    2. We have two less chromosomes than evey single primate.
    3. We have a rare blood type in our DNA that is not decended from our first common ancestor the Ryhsus monkey.
    4. As a species we have the most diverse of genetics. Ie. 3 main groups. African american, Asian, Caucasians,
    5. we have four blood types. Most primates only have O, or A.
    6. Homo sapiens survived the cold climate of Europe, even though we were adapted to the sub sararahan/ME cliamtes. Yet the adapted heavier species neanderthal died.
    7. Our eyes, hair, skin changed also.

    Some are unresolved questions, others are genetic mutations that happen over time. They're not conspiracies, your getting confused.. I suggest you do your research.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    OK, I'll allow a little leeway here cos I'm genuinley curious about this one, if itsa interestin enough I can split your answer off into a seperate thread later, but go ahead and answer.

    also I'm surprised that it took the thread so long to come around to the

    2000 year old secret society == Catholic Church

    Connection, Hidden in plain sight and all that, course then you have to start loking at the 5-7 thousand year old religions and wonder how their members can exert such an undue influence on World Politics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Discussion on RH- blood split to a seperate thread, as per OP's suggestion

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    Getting back to the op. I think a single world government could lead to something which people would not like to say the least , something which would make communist Russia look like a teddy bears' picnic , and the only hope we have is to have separate governments and keep individual countries completely sovereign .
