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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 10 nerdygirl

    Jennypops wrote: »

    I have been following this thread for ages..signed up to WW in mid Jan and have lost 8lbs so far..not amazing but I seem to be losing it slowly and steadily!! I have friends who have lost twice what I have lost and that did demotivate me a little but I am trying to keep on going and figured that this thread would be a good place to keep track and keep me motivated.
    I am trying to up the ante with walking and have realised how bad I am with little bites and snacks and not tracking them, if its only a mouthful my mind registers it as 'not happening'!! That has to stop and I really want to hit the 1 stone loss mark. I feel like I have such a long way to go but am focusing on a little bit at a time, would just be so nice to get over a stone off...I have about 4 stone to lose.

    Has anyone any tips for exercise- I hate it..I enjoy walking cos I have a dog and he loves getting out and about. I am aiming to get out for two walks a day, one in morning and one in evening and upping the pace. I have noticed that I am not out of breath as easy, altho that is probably becuase I stopped smoking in January as well.

    Hi jennypops,
    I'm a bit of a walking fan too... I can't stand the gym and find it nicer to be outside. Two walks a day is probably plenty so long as that's realistic fir you to get out twice a day. Upping the pace and varying the route works for me.
    I have also started zumba... Wasn't sure it would be for me but such a good laugh as well as a work out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Sorry to hear about your mam finglasgal. Hope everything works out ok!

    Had a bad day today. Started from sleeping through my alarm by an hour and a half :eek: skipped breakfast. Ended up going to the onsite restaurant, had 2 sausages, a rasher, a fried egg and beans (and they were drowned in oil):( Then got the mother of all headaches, started feeling achy in my body and just blergh basically for the whole day and so didnt feel like going for my walk. Ended up eating my first (since November) full fat packet of crisps on the way home from work. Just finished my dinner and have gone 7 points over already and WI is tomorrow :( Disgusted with myself. Was really hoping to be down at least 1.5lb tomorrow to get my 5th silver seven, it has been annoying me for 2 weeks now. Will be so demotivated if I dont get it, have been so good until today..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 ger237

    Didn't get to my class last week:mad: and i've just been all over the place since. Just can't get my head around tracking at all. feeling quite anxious about my weigh in this week. I'm really fed up with this constant struggle starting to feel like my whole life has been about losing weight and failing. quite down.:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Jennypops wrote: »

    I have been following this thread for ages..signed up to WW in mid Jan and have lost 8lbs so far..not amazing but I seem to be losing it slowly and steadily!! I have friends who have lost twice what I have lost and that did demotivate me a little but I am trying to keep on going and figured that this thread would be a good place to keep track and keep me motivated.
    I am trying to up the ante with walking and have realised how bad I am with little bites and snacks and not tracking them, if its only a mouthful my mind registers it as 'not happening'!! That has to stop and I really want to hit the 1 stone loss mark. I feel like I have such a long way to go but am focusing on a little bit at a time, would just be so nice to get over a stone off...I have about 4 stone to lose.

    Has anyone any tips for exercise- I hate it..I enjoy walking cos I have a dog and he loves getting out and about. I am aiming to get out for two walks a day, one in morning and one in evening and upping the pace. I have noticed that I am not out of breath as easy, altho that is probably becuase I stopped smoking in January as well.

    Hi and welcome. I've only lost 4lbs since the start of Jan so it has been slow for me as well. But I'm not giving up. Since it's coming off slowly it's not going back on when I have bad days so I'm glad about that. Keep at it and you will reach your goal eventually :)

    The walking will definitely help. You may not see it on the scales the first week but it should show up the second week. Try swimming or aqua aerobics. It helps your body relax and is very good for weight loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭Jennypops

    ger237 wrote: »
    Didn't get to my class last week:mad: and i've just been all over the place since. Just can't get my head around tracking at all. feeling quite anxious about my weigh in this week. I'm really fed up with this constant struggle starting to feel like my whole life has been about losing weight and failing. quite down.:(

    hey..don't be so hard on yourself- i know it is really hard when you miss a class and it totally puts you out of sorts but just move on from it, whats done is done so just put it behind you and move forward.
    im awful at tracking so i just break my points down into 3 lots, brekkie lunch and dinner and leave 5 over for snacks (or a curly wurly and yoghurt) i tend to lean more towards the same foods as i know whats in them and if i get peckish try and just stick to free stuff or a ww yoghurt.

    sometimes it does feel like life is all about ww and thinking about food BUT in the long run it WILL be worth it, plan ahead for meals, even just a rough idea for the day and week ahead. i find that once you feel in control you dont have that nagging feeling of what to have and you can focus on other things.

    ive been there, losing a bit then putting on even more..a cycle that has been going on for a number of years...til i realised that its not about dieting, but about changing the whole view of food and only choosing to eat what i need, healthy foods and that it is a change for life not just til i get to the magic dont get down or go hard on yourself, its just a bad week..get the next class over with and just go from there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭Jennypops

    yep i have noticed that the bad days, of which i have had a few (sneaky slices of cheesecake and 2 nights out with a lot of beer, followed by a chocolate binge hangover cure) dont seem to be making me go upwards which is fab and im very surprised.

    i feel like i need to really get a bit more going on the exercise front..walking is grand but it does get a bit boring and the routes that i thought before were mega long are actually seeming like nothing to me now..theres nowhere really interesting to walk where i live, just variations on direction round the village!!
    been looking into zumba or pilates..heard great things about pilates and it seems like something i could do..but i reckon zumba would have more of a calorie burning effect.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 ger237

    Thanks Jennypops! Some times I just need to get my positvity from outside.;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Monife wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about your mam finglasgal. Hope everything works out ok!

    Had a bad day today. Started from sleeping through my alarm by an hour and a half :eek: skipped breakfast. Ended up going to the onsite restaurant, had 2 sausages, a rasher, a fried egg and beans (and they were drowned in oil):( Then got the mother of all headaches, started feeling achy in my body and just blergh basically for the whole day and so didnt feel like going for my walk. Ended up eating my first (since November) full fat packet of crisps on the way home from work. Just finished my dinner and have gone 7 points over already and WI is tomorrow :( Disgusted with myself. Was really hoping to be down at least 1.5lb tomorrow to get my 5th silver seven, it has been annoying me for 2 weeks now. Will be so demotivated if I dont get it, have been so good until today..

    Today won't ruin it for you, don't worry. Get back on track tomorrow. You do sometimes need days like you had today, the fact that you slept in might mean you are low in energy and needed a boost!! Think of it like that. Will be looking forward to seeing how you do.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 Slimpickings

    huggiebear wrote: »
    Totally agree with you Arandale!!! in my early 30s my weight was steady enought but now in my early 40s it is much harder to keep off!!!

    Thanks so much for the advice Huggiebear and Arandale !

    I've kind of set myself this 'challenge'....I passed all the Milestones 21, 25, 30, 35.....never finding the 'thin' version of me. Sorry if this sound a bit psyco babble ish:o

    As you've said it's meant to be so much harder again to loose the weight after 40 so it's last chance saloon and this time determination seems to have come from somewhere - must be something of a slow learner ;)

    Anyway one day at a time and onward and downward....can't explain the thrill of getting my first silver seven !!!! Small Goals are definitely not as daunting as the BIG picture.

    So my thanks again and look forward to hearing how your journey is going !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    ger237 wrote: »
    Didn't get to my class last week:mad: and i've just been all over the place since. Just can't get my head around tracking at all. feeling quite anxious about my weigh in this week. I'm really fed up with this constant struggle starting to feel like my whole life has been about losing weight and failing. quite down.:(

    ah, don't feel anxious, you are doing this to feel better not anxious and depressed. SO WHAT if you don't lose anything tomorrow or are up even, it doesn't matter - it's only between you and you! Start again the next day, that is what is important! It's learning exactly that, you have bad days, bad weeks but keep getting back on the track. Think of what you have learnt so far about nutrition, weight loss, exercise and most importantly about you! Give yourself a big slap on the back and keep going or else a kick in the arse and move on :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭Jennypops

    ger237 wrote: »
    Thanks Jennypops! Some times I just need to get my positvity from outside.;)

    I am totally the is so easy for me to just go on a choccie bender if I have a bad day or feel down. I have IBS quite bad and my digestive system has a few issues which thankfully have been manageable enough without medication...but I find the days when I have having pains or a flare up make me feel really down and I just want comfort food.

    Theres always going to be bad days but its forcing yourself out there for a good walk or whatever..that puts you back on track and then, I always find that when I have a good day or have a really long walk with a bit of running thrown in that motivates me even more, must be the hormones released from exercise...its about being in the cycle of eating well and exercising..and when you fall off just getting straight back on.

    You will be fine, get that weigh in over with and onwards and upwards! or should that be downwards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭Caked Karen

    hey guys,

    just back from my first weigh in after starting last week and i lost 8.5 pounds! i am so so happy! i didnt really feel as this was working and then when i seen the scales showing the next stone down i was just thrilled! i dont know if i would have got through it more if i wasnt on here reading so thank you guys for all your posts!!!
    onwards and upwards (or downwards i should say :) )

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 Mollie57

    Yes its harder - try after 50! but it can still be done so dont give up.
    Thanks so much for the advice Huggiebear and Arandale !

    I've kind of set myself this 'challenge'....I passed all the Milestones 21, 25, 30, 35.....never finding the 'thin' version of me. Sorry if this sound a bit psyco babble ish:o

    As you've said it's meant to be so much harder again to loose the weight after 40 so it's last chance saloon and this time determination seems to have come from somewhere - must be something of a slow learner ;)

    Anyway one day at a time and onward and downward....can't explain the thrill of getting my first silver seven !!!! Small Goals are definitely not as daunting as the BIG picture.

    So my thanks again and look forward to hearing how your journey is going !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 72 ✭✭colliewobbles

    Hi all

    I'm no WW leader but all I can say is that everyones weight loss journey is so very different. Don't loose sight on the bigger picture, months down the line you'll be delighted you kept with it.

    It took me 14 weeks to loose my first stone, lost 3lbs my first weigh in and after that it was 1lb a week with a couple of weeks STS, I was so envious of those in our meeting who lost a stone in 6-8 weeks and thought what am I doing wrong but just had to look at it that no 2 people are the same and I'm on my own weightloss journey.

    Tonight at my WI I was down 1.5lbs and I got my 2nd stone, so in total 29lbs, although it has taken me around 10 months to loose this, I'm still chuffed at the result. For me the 2nd stone was much harder to loose than the first loads of STS and then Christmas on top of it but all I can tell myself now is that I am 2stone 1lb lighter than I was this time last year. I've 5lbs to go to goal, I'm going to work at it and if it takes me another 10 months I WILL GET TO GOAL

    Keep it going everyone, we will get there.

    D x

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭foreverandever

    huggiebear wrote: »
    At last my class had the shop book which i bought today and yes the Tilda white and wholegrain basmati is 500g for 14pp so that would leave 60g at 2pp, what a find ..... Where can i get it and how does it Taste!!!!

    It tastes lovely! It doesn't take too long to cook but I always leave it on longer to soak up as much water as possible to bulk it up. It's such good value for points when you compare noodles or pasta

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    hey guys,

    just back from my first weigh in after starting last week and i lost 8.5 pounds! i am so so happy! i didnt really feel as this was working and then when i seen the scales showing the next stone down i was just thrilled! i dont know if i would have got through it more if i wasnt on here reading so thank you guys for all your posts!!!
    onwards and upwards (or downwards i should say :) )

    That is fantastic well done! Great start to keep you motivated :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    My weight loss has been very slow on propoints. I've only lost 4lbs since it started in Jan. My leader has noticed and she mentioned it to me last week. She asked my what my eating pattern was like and because of college timetable it's different everyday. Mon I don't get up until 12 so breakfast is then, Tues it's at 10, Weds at whatever time I get up as I have it off, Thurs at 8 and Fri at 9. So my lunch and dinners are at various times as well. She told me to try and regulate it and make it the same time every day and see do I notice a difference.

    Not sure if this applies to you but it was what she suggested to me as a reason for it being slow. I wouldn't mind it being slow if I was loosing a lb every week but some weeks I sts or it's only 0.5lb. I've readjusted my goals so I'm just gonna take it week by week and aim for a lb a week.

    Good luck with the readjusting. I do eat at regular times - having kids means that we are in a routine in our house. Maybe next week we'll have a better loss. I have arranged a few walks this week with friends to see if that helps.
    happyday wrote: »
    That's great! Less than with the old points system. Its the only thing I know that's gone down. Does anyone know any other things that are less on propoints than on points?

    Our leader mentioned a few things that are better on propoints - cheese, cream & pastry. Don't ever eat cream or pastry, but I am eating a lot more cheese on propoints than on points.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Shoe Lover

    Hi All,

    Had an ok day yesterday. Was bold when I got home from the gym though :-( Had a WW Bagel (4pp) with 2tbsps Nutella (4pp)! But I had 11 points left - Man, it was devine :D Will probably pay for it at WI tomorrow because after it I had a mini caramel bar and a mini crunchie :( A bit annoyed with myself but TOTM and I was just craving chocolate!

    In other news, I'm cooking Turkey Steaks tonight for the first time ever. Anyone any ideas to liven them up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Shoe Lover wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Had an ok day yesterday. Was bold when I got home from the gym though :-( Had a WW Bagel (4pp) with 2tbsps Nutella (4pp)! But I had 11 points left - Man, it was devine :D Will probably pay for it at WI tomorrow because after it I had a mini caramel bar and a mini crunchie :( A bit annoyed with myself but TOTM and I was just craving chocolate!

    In other news, I'm cooking Turkey Steaks tonight for the first time ever. Anyone any ideas to liven them up?

    I usually cut turkey steaks into strips for a stir fry and once browned, add soy sauce and chinese 5 spice (you can get it in tesco) and then loads of veg like broccolli and carrots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 Carolineonecat

    Hi all,well whatever happens today at class I blame m and s meal deal !!!!! Not often a good vegi selection but this week the mushroom risotto, yum !!! Of course I had to take a wee pudding !!!! ha ha .. Wish me luck.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Layla0509

    WI this morning and am down another 2lbs so that's 18lbs since the start of Jan delighted coz I'd quite a few bad days last week but it's the start is a new wk so here we go :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    Layla0509 wrote: »
    WI this morning and am down another 2lbs so that's 18lbs since the start of Jan delighted coz I'd quite a few bad days last week but it's the start is a new wk so here we go :)

    So glad you got a good loss. Some good news to lift your spirits this week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 178 ✭✭boxoff

    Hey, Im down 4 pounds this week, even with two night on the town - delighted! down 17 and a half pounds since mid january! well done to everybody!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Well done on the losses this morning,please let it rub off on me,I've my weigh in at 10.15!

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Well done on the losses everybody!

    I have my WI at 6.30 this evening so wish me luck!

    I think I've been pretty good this week and I climbed Croagh Patrick and walked 8 miles the last 2 days, so I'll be a bit miffed if the scales doesn't reflect the effort!
    Hoping for my 5th silver seven tonight so fingers crossed!

    Good luck to everyone else who has WI tonight!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭eefums

    hey all, long time reader first time poster
    finally got my ass in gear last night and joined, my starting weight is pretty heavy, but i weighed 6.5 pounds lighter on the ww scales than my scales at home so that was a really nice start :D
    so i sat down las night when i came home and i pointed a typical day for me, and for a few meals that I know we will be having this week having done the shopping, it seems to me very bizarrely that i am going to struggle to eat all my points every day dn Im not sure if i will even have t dip into my weekly points?
    Is this normal? Or do you reckon i am doing something worng?

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Whatsyourface

    Just back from my WI and managed to lose 2 pounds and reach my 5% goal- EVEN though i ate half a bowl of eddie rockets super nacho's which is HUGE, and probably over 30pp! I'm so happy with myself though. This time last year i was over 13st. Now i'm 11.8! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    bubbaloo wrote: »
    Hello RedBride and any other newbies who have joined the thread this week.
    There is a whole list of Eddie Rockets foods posted in post # 8595 on page 573 of this thread.

    I am just back from 4 days in Barcelona. I had a great time but ate all around me! :p If my own scales at home is right I have put on about 3 lbs since my WI last Tues! I will find out officially tomorrow night. I was delighted with my WI last week because I was 4 lbs down and that meant I had hit my 2 stone and another 2 lbs with it! But sadly I think I've ruined it again! Hopefully I can pick myself up and lose it again quickly enough.

    Good luck everyone for a new week ahead!

    Well, the good news is that my home scales was wrong and I was down - yes, DOWN - half a pound!! :D
    I know it's only half a pound but it's the right direction. It must have been all the walking in Barcelona.

    Well done everyone on the losses this week.
    I have so far celebrated last night's weight loss with a donut and a slice of cake! :o (There was a coffee morning for a colleague who is retiring so there was loads of yummy food all laid out in front of me - what's a girl to do??)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Bigbonedmyass

    I know I do the same anything I lose a stone and I start thinking I can eat anything I want. I think just follow the advice "Everything in moderation", have the odd takeaway but not every day and not too many sweet things etc but you have a life to lead and maybe if you go up 5 pounds then diet again until you're back down to your goal weight (just like ww gold plan!) After a few weeks you'll find what suits you best!

    Yeah I think I got so engrossed (obsessed!) with the weight loss plan that I feel like the ground is dodgy beneath me now. I need to find the happy balance because as you say 'you have a life to lead'.

    Anyone got some good lunch suggestions that dont involve bread? Ive been eating Ryvita, free salad, ham and velvet crunch for a while now...could do with a change. Thanks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭izzy24

    Hi everyone.. had my wi last night was so relieved to be down 1 lb:D... Really thought i would have been up after the wkend i had... So thats 16lbs since the 1st of february:D....

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