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AK47 wielding idiot on Sky News



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 255 ✭✭Real Steyr Dave


    Ban him!!! Ban him NOW!!!! :eek::eek::eek:


    A good ole shot of humour into a thread never hurt anybody.....

    Until we all had to look at THAT!!!

    I'm not sure whether to laugh or demand you never post that up again! :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 534 ✭✭✭Turncoat

    :eek: Me is horrified. Me goes to check Tony's catalogue to clear my mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Your Wifes a natural!!! better than some of these hosepipers!!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 897 ✭✭✭tonky

    Iceage +1
    I was going to pipe in to say - excellent grouping :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,045 ✭✭✭OzCam

    Puding wrote: »
    I was under the distinct impression that the VCRA is relevant to buying rifs

    Whateverrrr \\\\/\//// ...

    I'm sure the CPS will think of something. :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,659 ✭✭✭CrazyRabbit

    NakedDex wrote: »
    It's not a grey area at all. If an airsoft device, or anything for that matter at all, is wielded in a threatening manner toward any member of the public, that item legally becomes a weapon in the eyes of the authorities. If you smother someone with a pillow, that pillow would be counted as a weapon during the investigation and during the trial.
    If a pillow can be considered a weapon, a poorly handled and publicly brandished replica of one of the worlds most recognised rifles can most certainly be considered a weapon.

    The point Hive is trying to get to (and I'm making a jump at the assumption here, please intervene if I'm wrong) is what can we do here to prevent this situation happening in our country, before it happens at all. He's asking for suggestions on preventative measures rather than reactionary ones for if/when it does happen on our shores.

    /personal opinion
    If you don't think brandishing a replica rifle in public is an example of idiotic behaviour, particularly in a country which has been attacked by terrorists directly in recent times and which has a large armed contingent in their police force structure, then I do worry about your senses.
    /end personal opinion

    What can we do in Ireland? Well, public education on the consequences of brandishing AEG's in public. I'd bet money that teenager didn't realise he could go to prison for a few years for that stunt.

    Of course, that idea of public education was shot down instantly the last time I mentioned it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    we talking advertising? TV, Radio, expensive. A demonstation by say members..the question is, how would that be received. Wrong pitch I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,341 ✭✭✭Fallschirmjager

    well here goes...

    1. The IAA
    Like it or not this is the only show in town to organise a response and a rational organised response is the only way to counteract this. If we run around screaming how unfair it is we are destined for failure. I think it is a very smart move to be ready for these types of issues. waiting for it to happen or worse, hoping it wont, will mean we are unprepared and destined to react in a way that will leave us vulnerable to what the press is trying to do, namely, create news and hype on a slow news day. if we fall into the trap of over reacting we will only add to the problem rather then defuse it.

    2. The Hype
    Obviously the person is breaking the law, and we should support the gardai in the response. Now this area is where the first attack will come: why are people allowed to buy replicas so realistic blah blah blah. The issue is not the replica but the person wielding it and we should take a the position that the person using the replica (or is it?) should be arrested for breaking a number of existing laws. Our second stance should be that we do not need further laws as it is already a serious offence. The addition of more laws will not arrest the person. We need to focus on the illegal activity not the implement. The shops who sell these illegal aegs should be outed by each of us. They are the vulnerable point for thugs getting access to our toys.

    3. The tool of illegal activity
    Criminals, and we should call them this, will use anything. Fighting criminal activity should be the sole focus of the gardia, fighting implements used in that activity is a side show. As we know (but the public wont) an aeg is actually far far less dangerous then, say a knife. The only difference is ours look more impressive. Fighting criminal activity on the look of an implement is failing to attack the source of the problem, namely, the commission of a crime.

    4. big scary guns
    Ireland, like a lot of Europe has been programmed that weapons (and we will be bundled in with this) have some strange evil magical properties whereby they seem to want to hurt law abiding people. Now this is such a low level genetic response by Europeans at this stage (it is used as part of the anti US propaganda by the way as well), led by the press and followed by bottom feeding politicians that anyone who wants to own a weapon, or in our case, one looking like it, is some criminal mastermind in waiting, a secret racist, a militia forming, post apocalypse preparing knuckle dragger. Our counteract to this already exists and this is where we need the help of the non national teams or non nationals. Like me, i have never heard one racist taunt at airsoft, with the odd exception to quotes from movies, which i will be honest i am prone to doing. So our strongest response is one we have and thats the game. I think we should ask the leaders of the teams who were on this board to assist here. The recent post (were they from Thailand?) should be used as an example of how we should all behave. In fact they are probably one of the best organised teams and i would like if they could even present the benefits of airsoft to us all. That whole honour and code ethic is the basis for our response. By way of example, would you like your children to understand fair play, honour, a code of ethics based on friendship and trust and truth or would you like them run wild with people who have few morals, waiting for a drink related incident? One of the best organised organisations in the country is the GAA. That is what they do. They take a violent physical game and teach an honour code around it (well every team except Dublin obviously :D ). As usual, the press and ministers (we know who they are) will focus on the implement...we need to focus on our strong points, the game. Have you ever actually met anyone who played a really good game of airsoft, not come away liking it? I have only met a few who didnt continue to play after a good game but they would have a positive view and can patently see its just another game people can play like golf or rugby or soccer. I think it is imperative that we all start exercising the honour code in airsoft. Anyone who does not - we should see as an attack on the very fundamentals of our game. It is our strongest response to the inevitable anti airsoft brigade. Before on this board,some people expressed the view (he was a chap from the UK as i recall) about aeg safety, how to play, aeg management in a game. That is the person who should help us and the sites on the strict rules for play. I am in no way suggesting, by the way, that the sites do not comply already or that players dont comply, what i am saying is we need a published, simple countrywide response on rules and regulations. As a recall we have some gardai and indeed that chap was in the UK police so we can follow their strict rules on safety. THis should form part of our response. We have a countrywide formal, managed, set of rules we as airsofters comply with. We should be able to point to this as how we play. Again this has been done, by the IAA, but i wonder could each and everyone one of us point out EXACTLY where that is on OUR IAA website? Now before you go finger pointing, that is YOUR job. The IAA will never be any more then a coordinator of these, we cannot expect any more and should not, unless you want to pay support for a team to take that on full time. The issue is people have expected the IAA to do this, to spoon feed people and that is destined for a disastrous failure bordering on the catastrophic. Why?, if we purport to follow a set of rules and blag about how we do, some unscrupulous tv station will go undercover to prove we are not following safety procedures, not following our guidelines and we will be dropped in shark infested waters at that point. So the way we fight this, is each an every airsofter is responsible for the game, responsible for the players left and right of them in the game, BUT more importantly for the game countrywide. An example was the m4 klub (club is the correct spelling) thread. what we saw there to me was horrific, we had a non aisofter thinking the game was some type of realistic counter strike game where he could take a box mag and fire indiscriminately in a cqb game. That feeds the anti airsoft propaganda machine to a point that it would be almost unrecoverable from. If we point to honour, that example would prove its nothing more then talk, and as we all know Irish people in general are very good at talk, but not so hot on implementation. A person adopting that approach to airsoft is spelling doom for our adventure. The impact of a box mag in a cqb game or a game generally points to someone hitting an opponent hundreds of times like some mad laughing psycho. I am not saying they are, but it feeds that impression. THe same incidently could be used on the picture on this thread of someones ass. Add that image and the box mag and you get my message. We need to start viewing posts from the outside in and not the inside out. Now we can go all defensive and angry and disagree, fine, that is your right in this democratic republic, but it still wont change how OTHERS will view it. So think, do you want a picture of your ass on SKY News about how dangerous airsoft is, followed by an image of a box mag firing, because thats what they will do. THe news reporter is not paid for the truth, they are paid for a story. They dont care about the actual facts of airsoft, that is irrelevant and would take longer then the 4 minutes they have to present, so far better to show an ass and a box mag firing. If you think you can control that response, we will fall into the trap of many actors who though they too could control them. It is simply not possible.

    Okay smarty pants, whats the answer?
    well if i had one, i would have written a book and i would be presenting that best seller across the globe, spending my nights with playboy models, impressing them with my linguistic skills. Instead, i am here. THe answer to this conundrum, lies with each of us. We need to take all the work that exists and become aware of it so that anyone who asks, we know EXACTLY where to go. Each game should be treated like it is our last. Each new player should be schooled in how to play to avoid the muppetry that can so easily slip into each game. People not playing with honour should be outed and made a pariah by their own players. We need to do all of these things ourselves, stop expecting someone else to do it. If you disagree with a point or wish it changed, PROPOSE why it should be changed. Ranting and raving here or elsewhere feeds the image we are not in control and that ranting mixed with an aeg is one that will be used against us. We have come along way in airsoft, we have a long way to go, but it is now time for each and everyone of us to own our sport. There is always loads to do, there always will be...but we have to start using what we have now. The answer to this issue is we are not gun wielding morons. We have a game with rules we play religiously by. We have a lot of fun doing it like any other game. We take our game very seriously, each and everyone. We are very friendly to new joiners and show them how to play. We have a huge membership in the airsoft fraternity and have international integration as well. We have a coordinating group we all own. the emphasis there, in case you missed it is...WE....did you see what i did there...WE -- we own the response to this problem, it is what we do each week, its how we play, its how we conduct ourselves, from how we store our aegs to how we get there to how we play the game, to supporting fellow players. I cannot emphasise how strong a response that is. However it is vulnerable in one area...the word WE. If we fail to understand one person cheating, one person going off message is somehow not important and treat it as a bit of a laugh, we will gutted like a fish. Aegs are toys, the way they will remain so, is if we threat them as if they are not, with a respect to fellow citizens, and to show we deserve the right to play because there is no risk. Doing this creates a chasm between us and THEM. The person on the street is nothing to do with us, they are a criminal. By us creating a polar opposite, shows they are demonising a large group of players unfairly.

    So what do you have to do? its simple...WE all have to open our eyes a little bit more, we need to mature up quite a bit IMHO and stop sniping at gaps that in your opinion may exist and realise a formal approach to solving problems is the only way. anything else, is feeding the frenzy.

    however thats all just my opinion obviously.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    i agree that anyone wielding an gun shaped object in public whethjer skirmishing in the wilds of kerry or the streets of sligo is
    a, a threat to airsoft
    b, clearly in breach of public order if not a whole list of offences
    c, an idiot


    i feel that they might be a child who aged 15 walked into a shop bought a "toy" gun and "played " with it

    they are more of a danger to airsoft than any other group because in fact crims have real guns not replicas

    so i re-itterate

    only over 18s only members

    now to those who are responsaible who are under 18 then its simple
    get the dad (or mum) to buy and take responsability for the item

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    I'm going to be honest here and say that ive skipped over most posts, cause no doubt its the same we have read week in week out.

    CrazyRabbit, I might have heard your point a few weeks ago when you mentioned it about advertisement, but I am now completely totally against it.

    Since the Herald front pager...I've noticed a steady increase of people walking into our store, and believe me some of them you just know are not buying to go have a skirmish or to collect, and they get refused.

    But luckily enough, most dirtbags in the local area probably dont buy the herald, although most of them saw the huge front page and came to us.

    Imagine you made a whopper national TV programme, intending to be educational? What you will have is every arsehole and scumbag in the country... ****ing hounding our website or other shops, buying stuff....knowing theres little we can do...since your programme is going to say " yeah there totally legal once your over 18 you dont really need anything" (which is untrue anyways)

    I've already made my views public, and I know Ronan disagrees with them...but I just do not see any logical way, of how you think you can educate, govern and stop someone from performing a numpty act like that England scenario, here in Ireland. Theres just people who are gonig to do it, besides the information I give them over the counter, besides the leaflet I give them with the donts of airsoft, and beside anything else. They have intentions and they are going to use it for it.

    The important thing is that are WE, the proper airsofters of the country, protected enough, are we stable. I really cant see airsoft being banned overnight.... it would be extremely illogical.

    But anyways....pubic education, not going to work in my opinion. And I'd also like to point out to something that was mentioned earlier in a post about being active etc.

    To be totally blunt, I'm not interested in runnning anything, helping anything or doing anything constructive. I want to go out on a sunday/saturday or whenever or play. I dont want to give up my time to chrono,marshal safety briefings and ****. I'll gladly help a noob with a one to one should they ask, but other then that I'm not interested. I've done enough time in stints with boards and councils and **** and I just wanna enjoy my games of skirmishing :)

    So in effect, you can easily critic my points and views, since I'm not going to be arsed enforcing them or "try" to make a difference :)

    As a very wise man once said to me about organising a huge golf event.." The man who wants to be in the powerful position of making change, is the completely wrong man to take control of that change, its the poor bastard whose forced into it, when he doesnt want it, that makes the good change"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,401 ✭✭✭Arcto

    The youth points the gun at another car, which screeches to a halt. The gang then run from the scene, laughing.
    Uhm, so ill take it there is a different version of the video floating around?
    One that includes that bit?

    Also, how do we know the weapon is not real? Why is it automatically an airsoft gun? Maybe its a non fireing prop? Maybe its real? Who knows?

    Maybe tinkerbell is selling cocaine to pre-schoolers?
    Maybe G W bush went into Iraq for reasons beyond oil?


    Unless i completely missed something in the news post that made it 100% an airsoft gun.
    yeah there totally legal once your over 18 you dont really need anything" (which is untrue anyways)

    Thats not untrue, if a 10 year old wanted to buy an AEG, thats perfectly legal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    I wouldnt sell an AEG in my store to a ten year old......

    16 and up with a parent, 18 they can buy on their own.

    If they are under 16, i usually chat with the parent ( if i get a chance) tell them about the dos and donts, and they usually go " o well whats the point if he cant bring it on the road"

    And thats generally when they leave the store.

    Should be 18+ to purchase end of, under 18's shouldnt have these types of thing, it would eliminate nearly half to 3/4 the problems

    from what i hear nearly 9/10 of the prop/airsoft/airgun incidents are caused by under 18 year olds

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    If they are under 16, i usually chat with the parent ( if i get a chance) tell them about the dos and donts, and they usually go " o well whats the point if he cant bring it on the road"

    And thats generally when they leave the store.

    Did anyone else pick up on what Doc just said? :eek:

    Just goes to show that age; although a sometimes-reasonable indicator is still arbitrary and that a muppet is a muppet without common sense regardless of age. I can't believe parents are actually giving you that response

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    Lemming wrote: »
    Did anyone else pick up on what Doc just said? :eek:

    Just goes to show that age; although a sometimes-reasonable indicator is still arbitrary and that a muppet is a muppet without common sense regardless of age. I can't believe parents are actually giving you that response


    i however can believe it

    because they are not classed as not toys

    they are classes (forgive me if im wrong
    ) the same as those high speed rc cars

    if they were classes are adult sporting goods for a sp[ecialist club going market then there'd be no worries

    and yes parents are stupid

  • Registered Users Posts: 908 ✭✭✭Overature

    it was proberly a real AK47, so you airsoft people shouldn't have anything to worry about;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit

    Doubt it TBH, if it was real, the lads wouldnt have gone around in public with it thinking it was just a laugh.

    Real point here is, as said before, that in a scenario where an irish person may do a similar thing here with an airsoft gun, how would that be prevented.

    Best suggestion so far, an instruction sheet given with the gun, an a4 page about the law regarding replicas and brandishing them in public.
    AFAIK some of our lovely retailers do this already, but I hope all of them will.
    The IAA booklet/encyclopedia/information package is on the way and hopefully will cover this, as I imagine hive wants it to.

    Public advertisement of the sport can never really include all the rules and do's and dont's, as they wont be listened to, our retailers continuing to educate at point of purchase, on their websites, and in these leaflets they hand out with their purchases including the legality of replicas in public, will protect us or at least reduce risk to the sport.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    Motosam wrote: »
    Best suggestion so far, an instruction sheet given with the gun, an a4 page about the law regarding replicas and brandishing them in public.

    i said this i got shot down for it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 562 ✭✭✭Busta Hyman

    An example was the m4 klub (club is the correct spelling) thread.

    WTF does my deliberate mis spelling of a word have to do with this thread?

    we had a non aisofter thinking the game was some type of realistic counter strike game where he could take a box mag and fire indiscriminately in a cqb game.

    well a tw@ is a tw@ you cant help that and neither can we but he will learn that he is a twat when he hoses someone in cover and then gets his "pure pwnage" "B00M Headshotz" from the oppo sniper

    The impact of a box mag in a cqb game or a game generally points to someone hitting an opponent hundreds of times like some mad laughing psycho.

    Cummon mid caps hold 100 rnds and hi cap 300 +

    THe same incidently could be used on the picture on this thread of someones ass.

    MY wife shot me. in MY house. with MY consent. with MY airsoft rifle @ 2" from my cheek on full auto and it gave me a welt but no broken skin .......
    i do these experiments so you dont have to

    So think, do you want a picture of your ass on SKY News about how dangerous airsoft is

    and i dont know where to start with that as that photo is my intallectual copyright and they cannot use it without my express permission. and again MY wife shot me. in MY house. with MY consent. with MY airsoft rifle @ 2" from my cheek on full auto and it gave me a welt but no broken skin .......
    so airsoft is only really dangerous if:

    a) you dont wear eye protection

    b) you catch yourself on a peice of glass or rusty nail sans up to date tetanus shot

    c) act like a retarded knuckledragger and run round the streets pointing your airsoft gun @ random ppl while waiting for the armed responce snipers to set up

    i do these experiments so you dont have to

    btw there was a video put on youtube of a group of kids repeatedly throwing a cat from the top floor of a block of flats till the poor thing died after the 4th time . do we ban cats or blocks of flats? no retards are retards simple

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding

    and i dont know where to start with that as that photo is my intallectual copyright and they cannot use it without my express permission. and again MY wife shot me. in MY house. with MY consent. with MY airsoft rifle @ 2" from my cheek on full auto and it gave me a welt but no broken skin .......
    so airsoft is only really dangerous if:

    a) you dont wear eye protection

    b) you catch yourself on a peice of glass or rusty nail sans up to date tetanus shot

    c) act like a retarded knuckledragger and run round the streets pointing your airsoft gun @ random ppl while waiting for the armed responce snipers to set up

    i do these experiments so you dont have to

    btw there was a video put on youtube of a group of kids repeatedly throwing a cat from the top floor of a block of flats till the poor thing died after the 4th time . do we ban cats or blocks of flats? no retards are retards simple

    sorry but what on earth, it does not matter that airsoft is safe and getting shot by one is not going to kill you or even hurt you, and sorry your suggestion that this evidence could be of any use is ridicules and if anything could even be detrimental to airsoft, airsoft safety is not in question,

    and pulling another random act of stupidity of youtube to act as evidence that it does not matter is pointless

    any publicity like this sticks in people minds it does not matter what the facts are but people perception of the facts,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 562 ✭✭✭Busta Hyman

    Puding wrote: »
    it does not matter what the facts are but people perception of the facts,

    well said and what will drive peoples perception of the facts?

    the way the media chooses to tell people to perceive them. will the media

    a: present the cold hard facts in an unbiased way so people can make a learned and informed opinion


    b: sensationalise a fabricated story with the most tenious links to reality or the facts possible

    it doesent matter what we say or do the media is a law unto itself

    n.b. for the record i was just a little miffed at the suggestion that my ass is going to be the doom of the sport thats all really

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭ep1k-w1n

    WTF does my deliberate mis spelling of a word have to do with this thread?

    well a tw@ is a tw@ you cant help that and neither can we but he will learn that he is a twat when he hoses someone in cover and then gets his "pure pwnage" "B00M Headshotz" from the oppo sniper

    Cummon mid caps hold 100 rnds and hi cap 300 +

    MY wife shot me. in MY house. with MY consent. with MY airsoft rifle @ 2" from my cheek on full auto and it gave me a welt but no broken skin .......
    i do these experiments so you dont have to

    and i dont know where to start with that as that photo is my intallectual copyright and they cannot use it without my express permission. and again MY wife shot me. in MY house. with MY consent. with MY airsoft rifle @ 2" from my cheek on full auto and it gave me a welt but no broken skin .......
    so airsoft is only really dangerous if:

    a) you dont wear eye protection

    b) you catch yourself on a peice of glass or rusty nail sans up to date tetanus shot

    c) act like a retarded knuckledragger and run round the streets pointing your airsoft gun @ random ppl while waiting for the armed responce snipers to set up

    i do these experiments so you dont have to

    btw there was a video put on youtube of a group of kids repeatedly throwing a cat from the top floor of a block of flats till the poor thing died after the 4th time . do we ban cats or blocks of flats? no retards are retards simple

    hey are you guys talking about me???
    im not a non-airsofter though, i have 2 guns already and an mp5 winging its way to me from hong wong!:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    owning an aeg dosen't make you an airsofter

    thats the whole point

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭ep1k-w1n

    its an airsoft gun and i own it, therefore i am an airsofter no?
    do i have to join an airsofter asscoiation or something first.
    sorry im new to this forum:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    naw dude

    you just need to be responsaible
    only play with your gear on private areas away from the public preferably sanctioned areas
    make sure your gear is sub 1 joule

    try to fight the urge to abuse lethal bullet

    there's more but i'm not an athourity

    yer grand really just realise there is a lot of fear of idiots ruining airsoft for the rest of us

  • Registered Users Posts: 617 ✭✭✭k99_64

    What has this thread turned into?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 562 ✭✭✭Busta Hyman

    Tigger wrote: »
    there is a lot of fear of idiots ruining airsoft for the rest of us

    i agree but a lot of the issue is out of our hand im afraid

    i own an airsoft gun (well 3 2 cheap crap ones and 1 good 1)

    i will not call myself an airsoft player till i have broke my skirmish cherry

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    k99_64 wrote: »
    What has this thread turned into?

    i'm sorry but its a thread about idiots

    what did you xpet

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    i agree but a lot of the issue is out of our hand im afraid

    i own an airsoft gun (well 3 2 cheap crap ones and 1 good 1)

    i will not call myself an airsoft player till i have broke my skirmish cherry

    well do


    is fun

    even better then you think

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 562 ✭✭✭Busta Hyman

    im sure it is i played a LOT of paintball back in the day and thats why i jumped at this

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭ep1k-w1n

    Tigger wrote: »
    naw dude

    you just need to be responsaible
    only play with your gear on private areas away from the public preferably sanctioned areas
    make sure your gear is sub 1 joule

    try to fight the urge to abuse lethal bullet

    there's more but i'm not an athourity

    yer grand really just realise there is a lot of fear of idiots ruining airsoft for the rest of us

    its a hard urge to fight though:D.
    (he did threaten me though for no reason whatsoever)
    maybe if i pwn him in a skirmish that might be a better solution, to everyones liking.
    i agree but a lot of the issue is out of our hand im afraid

    i own an airsoft gun (well 3 2 cheap crap ones and 1 good 1)

    i will not call myself an airsoft player till i have broke my skirmish cherry

    oh so once i go to HRTA and skirmish im an airsofter, providing i have a legal gun and am responsible.
