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  • 23-12-2005 8:14am
    Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭

    Alright ladies and gentlemen, magic! I would like to know about your magic. Specifically Sapien and Mysteria but anyone else that wants to chime in, please do.

    So, my two Hermetics, you can do magic. Now im not asking for the secrets of the Hermetic order or any such thing. What I am interested in is:

    1 - Roughly, how does magic work?
    2 - What specific magic spells have you cast in the past?
    3 - What were the results?
    4 - How did you get into magic? Did it take some convincing or did you always believe in magic?
    5 - Can anyone do it?
    6 - Why hasn't science accepted the existance of magic if it has tangible/repeatable results?

    Thank you.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    Well Zillah, to me Magick is basically manipulation of Energy to produce a specific result. Can't speak for Sapien, but my path found me rather than vice versa. My original intention was to study medicine, but at 14 I met and was taught yoga by a pupil of Paramahansa Yogananda (who wrote "Autobiography of a Yogi"). I was living in the Caribbean at the time, studied Obeah, Voudon, Santeria & Candomble in the Islands and Venezuela. Then at 17, while holidaying in Amsterdam I met a Hermetic initiate, joined an order and after 5 years (of summers in Amsterdam and practising at home) became an Adept. Then became 3rd degree Wiccan, was invited to join a couple of groups I can't mention in Ibiza, and when I came home set up a research Institute of Parapsychology & Metaphysics in '84 ( you'll have gathered by now that I'm 5,000+yrs old).Currently waiting to see if I get into the U.S. O.T.O.(been in the UK one in the 80's) and Knights Templars. I've taken the bits that suit me from everything I've learned, and formulated my own "Metaphysical Psychology" which I now use solely for teaching and healing, and hopefully to inpire and motivate people. Can't give specific spells in a public forum, but I'd say every spell is successful to a lesser or greater extent, and a lot of contributory factors can affect the outcome. Magick, Psi Energy or whatever you want to call it, is natural and we all possess abilities in this field. But like every talent, e.g. music or art, some people are born with more ability than others. And because it requires dedication, commitment and hard work, some very talented people don't develop it. Magickal Energy flows naturally within us anyway, and often manifests in our daily lives (often cunningly disguised as "coincidence" or dismissed as "imagination". Re Science accepting its existence, we tend to define "Science" as an absolute which it isn't. Many Scientists are open to the concept, many research these fields, and a lot of what has now become Science is, when you analyze it, Magick. Like the ability to change weather. But too many people are afraid to acknowledge this for fear of skepticism. Because it is "natural" it does'nt feel like I'm different to others, or that what I do is unusual. Today's Magick is tomorrow's Science.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    You havn't really answered my questions... (specifically the first three)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    O.K. I'll "spell" it out as you've obviously not really read what i hoped was a helpful reply..
    1. "Magick is manipulation of Energy to produce a specific result"
    2. "Can't give specific spells in a public forum"
    3."Every spell is successful to a lesser or greater extent, and a lot of contributory factors can affect the outcome".
    I'm attempting to cram a lifetime's learning into a few sentences. We are talking about Esoteric, Arcane, Occult studies and those words all mean "hidden or secret". Try asking a priest to explain and prove his work. Sorry, I'd turn you into a frog to prove my point lol but I'm no Uri Geller. I'd prefer to mend a sore back than bend a spoon!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    1 - Roughly, how does magic work?

    Through using your will and engery to work with other engeries.
    It is not a maths forumla. Plus there are things you can not change and should not change the universe doedn't like people messing it about.
    You won't get magic to change the colour of your car, really there are paints
    for that.

    2 - What specific magic spells have you cast in the past?

    That is private and personal matter as I do magical work in a religious context.
    No I am not sharing.

    3 - What were the results?

    As I work with in a religious context invoking my Gods to be guided by them
    there are times I do NOT get what I have worked and willed for same as a child crying for a knife.
    Some times things work out exactly as they should other times it is a case
    of becareful what you wish for as you will get exactly that.

    4 - How did you get into magic? Did it take some convincing or did you always believe in magic?

    I always believe in what I was able to do from a young age wishing and willing
    for something or certain things to happen.
    Then I went of reading and found out that there was a lot more to it then that.

    5 - Can anyone do it?


    There are many, many types of magical workings and areas of magic.
    Some with deity some with out all of then very differnt.
    Some of them work for some people and there are people for whom none of them work.
    It is a talent like singing. anyone can hum and learn all about music and train thier ear but either they can carry a tune well or they can't

    6 - Why hasn't science accepted the existance of magic if it has tangible/repeatable results?

    I would suggest that you go read some of Laurie Cabots books on the science of magic. It is rather funny how the hermetic laws that are seen as laws of magic which was the old science are being reviewed as physists are finding more and more out about wave/particle engery.
    The magical pratices that are connectied with Deity will never be ablt to be confirmed as science would dictate but then again there have been studies
    on the effect of pray on those that are healing after opertaions so who know
    where it will go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Ok so Thaed can't share for religious reasons, but whats holding you back Mysteria? Im not asking for a step by step guide on how to actually do a spell, I mean just vaguely as to whats involved. Do you mix potions, pray to spirits, meditate, what? As for results, can you conjure fire, move things with your mind, heal injuries?

    You define magic as "manipulation of energy to produce a specific result." Surely the vast majority of technology counts as magic by that definition?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    Merry Meet & Bright Yuletide Blessings Thaedydal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Zillah some things you can only understand by doing.
    Each of those is a process and each has a learning curve and insights that you only get by doing.
    They are called the Magic Arts as it is an art that is how everyone does it is
    slightly different.
    If you are really that curious and intrested I suggest you start reading about
    the differnt types of magic and thier histories, then choose one and do some more research and then try one that feels right for you .

    Thank you Mysteria
    May the retrun of the sun bring into you life the warmth and engery for all you need this coming seasons.
    Merry Yule.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Thaedydal wrote:
    Zillah some things you can only understand by doing.

    Thats a bit convenient...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    Glad you got the point re technology/ Magickal Energy. Nothing is holding me back except Spiritual rather than religious reasons. I thought my answer made that clear. What is the point of becoming an initiate and then giving out Arcane knowledge to strangers in public notice boards. you want to know more? Go study like we did. Try reading the works of Eliphas Levi, McGregor Mathers (no not Eminem's dad), Wynn Westcott, Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie,Robert Graves, I could go on and on. Or "The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage", the Necronomicon, the Grimoire of Armadel etc etc etc. It's a little simplistic to expect anyone to explain or prove "Magick", or indeed any field, when you appear to ask questions based on a confirmational bias rather than a real desire to learn for interest in the subject or even love of knowledge!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Zillah wrote:
    Thats a bit convenient...

    No it is decidedly inconvient. If it was concienient and easy everyone would be able to do it.

    It is like making an apple tart.
    You may have the exact resipe that your great granny used,
    and pretty good intstuctions but you will never be able to quanitify just how
    much extra flour is needed to turn the pastry out of the bowl, or how much iis need for kneeding.
    You have to learn the feel of the pastry and learn to know when it will not strech any further.
    You have to learn to be able to judge how much sugar or honey is needed based on the tartness of the apples.
    You have to learn when to take the tart out of the oven based on the look, feel and smell of it not what the timer says.
    And sometimes you only come to know how much of a big mess you have made in the process of doing something is when you have to clean it up.
    And end of the day some people just can't bake at all or make an apple tart with out burning it.

    Despite making damn fine apple tarts I have had some planned that never happend, others fall apart, burn crumble,
    get dropped being taken out of the oven or fallen off the table never to be eaten.

    The sum of the knowledge I have about apple tarts is mine.
    Some of it may seem unnesssary to you, some of it may never happen to you
    some of it will never make sense to you as it will only make sense to me a lone
    or other people who have had the same thing happen to them.

    All of the above can be said about magic.
    It is an art but it is also a craft. Craftspeople don't share thier crafting knowledge with just anyone,
    with other crafters who have some simular experices maybe but not curious passers by.

    It's a bit like Bones trying to get Spook to talk about being dead and Spook replying that they don't have a common frame of reference.
    The same goes with magic.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    I've made it quite clear that Im not asking for any secrets or useable information, I ask just out of curiosity as to what it is you do.

    Can you heal people?
    Can you conjure fire?
    Can you tell the future?

    How would answering any of those questions compromise anything?

    (Bear in mind that you can just say "I don't want to discuss it" and we'll leave it there, but if you are going to discuss it I'm not going to tip toe around the issue.)

    EDIT: Re apple tarts, at least in that scenario that I can understand the process is A - Decide to make a tart, B - Make tart, C -Result; delicious apple tart.

    In regards to magic, my understanding so far is, well, the word "magic" and thats it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    OK. At the risk of sounding conceited (another reason for my reticence) I have publicly (and I really mean publicly) proved Yes to questions I and 3. Re fire, I've never tried to. But have stopped rain when I felt it was absolutely necessary. Real practitioners don't like boasting about their abilities, and don't use them to perform party tricks, to astound people. I have no need to prove myself to anyone. My work speaks for itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Care to hint at how these things were managed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Can you heal people?

    I have done healing work yes, but you can't interfer with another wyrd that
    is the path and the life lessons that other people have to learn and in many cases endure. An it harm none do what you will.

    Can you conjure fire?

    yes , so can my 5 year old daughter when she picked up a box of matches her grandfather left down.
    A lighter will do the same thing just as well.
    Why would you try and create fire via engertic and magicl means is beyond me
    and there is the theory that fire being one of the orginal 5 elements that it can not be created in such a fashion anyway.

    Can you tell the future?

    There are many furtures, we have free will and the choices we make and the things we choose not to do effect out lives every day.
    I do believe that there are certain events and things in our lives that are ment
    to happen to help shape who are to be in this life time and to do with karma.
    Some of these can be diserned.
    Zillah wrote:
    In regards to magic, my understanding so far is, well, the word "magic" and thats it.

    Well then I do suggest you take a good look at Msyteria's last post as she has
    some good recmendations for book there and get reading.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Zillah wrote:
    Care to hint at how these things were managed?

    Same as any other crafts person with application of abilty, talent, knowledge, research and experience.
    Some things are instictive and relfex others are not. That is the way of it.

    I think I have been as forthcoming on this topic as you are going to get Zillah.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    I'm not sure this will be of any help to you, as your detached cynicism contradicts your stubborn persistence and I try to help people who I feel BENEFIT in some way.
    1. Breathing techniques help to induce varying degrees of trance that enable us to access subconscious Energy.
    2. Concentration and focus of Will to a specific intent
    3.Unconditional desire to create positive change
    4. Advanced Visualisation techniques.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    mysteria wrote:
    I'm not sure this will be of any help to you, as your detached cynicism contradicts your stubborn persistence and I try to help people who I feel BENEFIT in some way.

    Thats not fair, and its downright hypocrytical. I might not agree with your beliefs but I don't judge you, I'd like you to do the same.

    And I'm not cynical, I'm sceptical, and there is a very important difference and you'd do well to note that.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I have no knowledge of magic, but this is interesting. I accept what your trying to do Zillah - get magician/wiccans/whatever to 'prove' they can do things not scientifically accepted as possible. Tricky in this arena! But I think the common (erroneous) perception of magic might have more to do with Charmed and Bewitched than real practice. I may be wrong maybe Thaed and Mysteria will correct me, but Id have thought that the effects may be a bit more subtle than they appear on tv, and if not like any discipline it may require years of study.And you really dont want just anyone who reads an internet forum doing it.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    KatieK wrote:
    I have no knowledge of magic, but this is interesting. I accept what your trying to do Zillah - get magician/wiccans/whatever to 'prove' they can do things not scientifically accepted as possible. Tricky in this arena! But I think the common (erroneous) perception of magic might have more to do with Charmed and Bewitched than real practice. I may be wrong maybe Thaed and Mysteria will correct me, but Id have thought that the effects may be a bit more subtle than they appear on tv, and if not like any discipline it may require years of study

    You got my point in a round about sort of way. I don't expect anyone to prove anything. What I was asking for was for people to help me understand how things work outside of Charmed and Bewitched.
    And you really dont want just anyone who reads an internet forum doing it.:)

    I've said repeatidly that I'm not looking for enough details for that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    The last thing anyone would call me is hypocritical, I'm brutally blunt as you've seen. From where I'm standing, Thaedydal and I have really tried to answer your questions in a helpful and informative manner and we just get cynical, confrontational replies.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    Well said, KatyK

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    mysteria wrote:
    The last thing anyone would call me is hypocritical

    Well I do. You're a hypocrite. You condemn me personally for asking questions about your practices, and yet If I were to do the same I'd be lambasted. Hell, your assaulting me for even daring to not instantly accept vague half answers.
    I'm brutally blunt as you've seen. From where I'm standing, Thaedydal and I have really tried to answer your questions in a helpful and informative manner and we just get cynical, confrontational replies.

    I thought that up til now I've been quite polite actually, and I made it quite clear that if you didn't want to discuss it you were under no compulsion to do so. And if you'll become hostile at such imagined provocation then maybe you shouldn't discuss it.

    And once again I'll ask you to note the difference between cynical and sceptical.

    EDIT: :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    mysteria wrote:
    The last thing anyone would call me is hypocritical, I'm brutally blunt as you've seen. From where I'm standing, Thaedydal and I have really tried to answer your questions in a helpful and informative manner and we just get cynical, confrontational replies.
    Mysteria, believe me Zillah and I have argued rings round in a similar way but on a different subject. Ive come to the conclusion that the real problem is trying to discuss a subject like this in an internet forum. Its too hard to say whats really going on as its public, and its very easy to misunderstand someones intention (thats why the smilies are there to soften the blow:) )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    And your qualifications are..........?Don't insult people who have spent time and effort trying to help!End of!

  • Registered Users Posts: 376 ✭✭Ozzy

    In fairness, you didn't answer Zillah's questions... and I don't know how you interpretted any post as being cynical or confrontational when they were neither (in my opinion).

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    mysteria wrote:
    End of!


    Thaed, thank you for sharing, Katie, thank you for proferring your always present olive branch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    Thanks Katy, It's always hard to discuss what appears to be an intangible subject. I know everyone is different, but I for one would be really grateful to anyone who tried to help me understand concepts I knew nothing about. And I can't see the point in personal attacks. Have a very Merry Yuletide & a Prosperous 2006.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,999 ✭✭✭solas

    Zillah, you should start watching star trek.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭mysteria

    In fairness, I did answer the questions.(see my no. 13) and tried to help.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    mysteria wrote:
    And I can't see the point in personal attacks.'re the one that dismissed my questions as cynical and confrontational!

    Sometimes I just don't get people...
    solas wrote:
    Zillah, you should start watching star trek.

    Not in the mood my dear... :mad:

This discussion has been closed.