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University of Limerick.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Whats the story with the Medical Center?
07-09-12 20:54
13 1.5K
Orientation guides 2012! 12
26-06-12 3:39
59 6.3K
Bus from Waterford to UL??
07-09-12 15:44
6 1.5K
Anyone else here doing the First Seven Weeks guide/helper?
06-09-12 16:36
1 463
Repeat exams 2012
07-09-12 16:12
1 676
UL...who's going there? 12
18-08-12 14:42
61 6.9K
Grades and percentages.
06-09-12 20:44
5 1.4K
Flash Mob
06-09-12 11:36
1 558
Clubs and socs recommendations?
03-09-12 19:07
13 1.2K
maths grind
26-04-12 18:24
7 944
Missed orientation
04-09-12 19:55
7 747
Sports Arena Tickets
05-09-12 0:01
4 675
Confused about timetable
05-09-12 12:09
12 1.1K
Paying Fees Online?
03-09-12 21:06
5 612
Can I Get Another 'Confirmation of Successful Online Enrolment' printout?
04-09-12 22:20
0 289
Equine Science in UL
02-07-12 21:52
3 837
first year jobs?
31-08-12 0:56
6 945
Space in campus houses
03-09-12 16:40
2 409
Question about
03-09-12 18:36
2 694
Short internet contracts
03-09-12 18:12
0 322
Freshers week
30-08-12 17:09
10 2.3K
MSc Computational Finance UL 2012/2013
12-07-12 18:13
7 1.4K
online fee payment problem
01-09-12 13:24
1 423
12-01-12 3:32
26 3.2K
Coop and registration fee
02-09-12 19:51
2 442
Erasmus: Should I stay or should I go?
20-08-12 18:18
7 1.1K
Part-time jobs around UL/Castletroy thread
23-08-12 12:18
5 1.6K
Development Levy
31-08-12 16:37
0 286
Laptop for university
28-08-12 20:24
7 840
Free Fees College
28-08-12 18:39
1 457