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The Cuckoo's Nest

alt.stupid for For all things idiotic. Single file fly-overs preferred.

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Dancing Fruit Appreciation Thread.
10-07-08 1:07
11 2.4K
cosmetic surgery problems
30-04-11 0:17
3 719
Pass the cheese please!!!
22-07-07 21:55
9 777
I wandered lonely as a cloud...
30-04-11 0:06
5 721
If you were a Pokemon....
25-04-09 2:06
14 932
Free Gummi Bear porn!!!!!!
16-02-06 0:05
11 1.7K
Huzzah! 12
29-04-11 23:53
33 1.3K
Happy International dance Day!
29-04-11 0:34
5 499
06-04-11 18:20
46 2.2K
My contributions in the Nest this
27-04-11 17:18
7 514
Good Housekeeping with Auntie sNarah #1
27-04-11 17:26
7 653
26-04-11 21:13
19 824
sNarah poll
24-04-11 2:50
16 1.4K
My Sausage Roll Are Back!
22-04-11 13:22
2 568
26-04-11 18:24
5 432
26-04-11 1:41
13 798
What should Stormy call mini-stormy?
19-04-11 0:25
30 1.4K
Stegosaurus, you ****s 12
17-04-11 23:47
36 1.9K
Grafton Street on a Warm Sunny Day.
19-04-11 18:16
20 1.5K
Who is this
18-04-11 16:44
10 939
Where does the weekend go?
16-04-11 13:11
13 802
Irish Masterchef. Can't wait.
19-04-11 21:24
5 820
Ever been Fraped?
17-04-11 10:42
29 1.5K
13-04-11 22:10
2 587
The Adolf Hitler game
06-04-11 1:22
26 1.7K
Fancy Pants
16-04-11 0:43
4 1.2K
You'd be lucky
16-04-11 18:49
12 1K
Answer this!
14-04-11 1:12
15 1.2K
Fear not, It is I!
13-04-11 14:39
18 1.1K
Please fill out my socio-political survey!
13-04-11 21:31
17 1.1K