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A resource for those who are teaching (or want to teach) outside Ireland.
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Code of conduct for parents
03-04-19 19:46
0 420
Hibernia Essentials
11-03-19 12:36
4 1K
Teaching Practice - Dress code
25-03-19 12:13
43 7.5K
Non-Permanent Teachers - What do you do for your summers?
26-03-19 19:23
14 2.1K
DCU Guidance Interview
22-03-19 20:31
5 736
P60 Watch 2019
18-01-19 15:04
25 2.7K
HDip French/Nua Gaeilge in UCC?
17-01-19 13:12
13 2.2K
Jobsharing in Primary - take home pay?
25-03-19 11:37
5 1.8K
Teaching in England and Finishing PME
15-02-19 23:07
2 551
Risks associated with career break
22-03-19 12:12
2 893
Educational initiatives-have they changed your teaching?
22-03-19 9:37
14 1.6K
Information on Droichead programme required, please
24-03-19 13:31
0 229
Job prospects with a 2.2 teaching degree
17-01-19 20:57
17 4.1K
anyone got an impressive CV template for Post Primary ?
20-03-19 10:35
1 597
When do you plan on retiring...?
10-03-19 15:48
42 8.1K
March Increments
16-03-19 12:38
8 1.3K
23-04-18 16:27
119 8.3K
Giving Geography grinds
11-03-19 12:36
11 1.2K
Primary Teacher No Catholic Qualification
15-03-19 13:03
11 848
HEA Survey and Lies by the media
18-02-19 19:54
11 1.5K
Teaching council registration
23-08-18 11:24
7 1.6K
JCT Cluster Day - Doing the same subject twice
05-03-19 9:23
18 1.5K
A career in secondary school teaching?
07-03-19 20:16
28 3.8K
Transition Year Music Module
12-03-19 15:23
2 230
28-01-19 22:26
38 5.5K
moving from IOT to University
12-02-19 23:06
6 1K
Mathematical terms in Irish glossary
04-03-19 16:58
4 2.8K
PhD/ Doctorate in Education
25-02-19 17:01
6 1.4K
Junior Cycle "reform": waffle and box-ticking exercises everywhere.
03-02-19 23:26
44 6.5K
TEACHER SURVEY: Does technology affect children's education?
01-03-19 11:30
0 282