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Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Science fiction and fantasy discussions.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
David Eddings RIP
09-06-09 19:12
7 1.1K
Alastair Reynolds signs 10-book deal
22-06-09 23:41
5 674
Looking for a good fantasy series Try
06-02-09 20:43
8 1.4K
A song of ice and fire tv show?Any new news?
16-06-09 0:04
2 677
Good News Everyone!
08-06-09 8:38
1 636
Do you like both Sci-Fi AND Fantasy genres?
06-06-09 11:57
18 1.2K
Name that book!
19-05-09 18:08
4 801
alaster reynolds....a tribute (sci-fi)
18-02-09 2:51
21 2.3K
Favourite System of Magic from Fantasy
31-12-08 21:01
20 2.5K
Black Library - Horus Rising!!!
25-04-09 0:07
0 555
The Love War
24-04-09 16:59
0 523
Robot Nanny Movie ????????
14-03-09 1:14
2 1.1K
What is this film
09-01-09 6:14
8 1.6K
Finding time to read?
03-03-09 14:28
12 925
Which Is The Best Alien?
26-01-09 23:24
11 1.4K
Online Comic Store
03-03-09 18:56
0 559
My Interest in Malazan is waning. (possible spoilers)
02-03-09 23:12
2 709
Old TV Show
13-02-09 23:38
5 920
Philip Jose Farmer RIP
28-02-09 18:45
1 625
Does life exist elsewhere in the universe?
15-02-09 15:49
3 793
Old Sci fi Shows
02-01-09 19:27
7 1K
The book of lost things
26-01-09 21:49
2 759
Angel (tv show)
05-12-08 14:29
1 845
What is this spaceship...?
24-11-08 12:24
17 2.1K
26-12-08 16:17
1 823
scifi christmass
18-12-08 15:00
0 645
09-12-08 3:22
7 866
Sci-fi 'creator' Forrest Ackerman RIP
08-12-08 15:44
0 637
V - 1980's Scifi Series is being remade
14-10-08 14:05
7 2.3K
Return of the Crimson Guard - Ian Cameron Esselmont
20-05-08 21:02
13 2K