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Pets & Pet Care

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Goldfish acting strange
09-06-05 20:44
4 564
Cat is attacking my dogs
09-06-05 16:16
12 714
Dog Licence Money - Where Does it Go?
09-06-05 13:20
1 478
The untrainable house-dog!
09-06-05 12:34
2 570
Wild cat's
09-06-05 8:58
7 1.2K
My cat won't stop meowing
08-06-05 15:11
29 939
Cavalier King Charles
07-06-05 20:35
4 778
Cat Hair/Grass Ball
07-06-05 20:30
1 594
Name that puppy!
07-06-05 17:17
10 753
Miniature Dogs
07-06-05 12:30
5 797
Spay & Neuter Week!
02-06-05 19:18
9 572
pet/animal training ?
01-06-05 17:37
5 526
Guppies & Neons 12
01-06-05 16:25
34 2.1K
Lost Dog
01-06-05 2:01
6 501
Cat acting really weird
01-06-05 1:59
7 535
beginner tropical fish tank 12
31-05-05 23:42
47 2.2K
Fighting goldfish
31-05-05 20:47
4 509
Terrapin - new home needed
31-05-05 20:45
11 1.1K
Dog with lice
30-05-05 19:52
4 467
Dog in Pain
27-05-05 21:35
8 483
Looking for Beagles
27-05-05 20:25
1 699
German Shepherd Terrors
27-05-05 18:42
4 540
Boarding cats
26-05-05 13:53
7 437
A spray that stop dogs eating stuff
25-05-05 16:19
8 1.1K
Dog barking next door,
24-05-05 15:18
4 452
[WANTED] Ferrets?
23-05-05 19:35
0 336
cat+leather furniture?
23-05-05 14:22
9 644
22-05-05 2:03
0 800
Microchipping pets?
20-05-05 21:36
17 688
Homer Rip
20-05-05 12:51
8 457