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Just outta curiosity
17-04-07 10:10
6 678
Pom rescue?
15-04-07 21:59
1 515
Guinea Pig Sales
11-04-07 2:05
1 585
Dog on Middleton duel carriageway.
16-04-07 0:10
3 516
Agressive spaniel
15-04-07 22:39
11 599
Reptiles in Ireland
22-01-07 11:31
4 754
15-04-07 1:25
3 533
Falsly Accused?
14-04-07 18:24
10 715
Adult home wanted for Westie
14-04-07 15:37
8 708
Might be made get rid of dog. Need help please
15-04-07 21:28
10 838
Dalmtian Breeders!
15-04-07 19:26
11 1.9K
St Dane/Great Bernard
15-04-07 8:33
25 1.7K
Electronic Retaining Fences - Cruel or Not ?
15-04-07 0:03
28 2.7K
cat's away
12-04-07 18:24
4 594
Its a Dogs Life.
13-04-07 16:40
6 576
dog dominating cat problem
14-04-07 11:22
6 1.9K
11-04-07 20:02
4 532
Dog left alone(what to do?)
14-04-07 0:56
24 1.5K
Renting with Pets
27-03-07 8:45
11 1K
2 Questions!?
13-04-07 11:20
8 552
puppy training classes wicklow/wexford??
11-04-07 12:40
2 1.2K
rescue dog
11-04-07 15:33
11 603
Anxious shih tzu
10-04-07 19:26
2 491
Cat's toilet habits
11-04-07 10:21
4 576
08-04-07 18:05
12 676
Pub Quiz and Raffle Fundraiser
10-04-07 12:20
2 362
Pet food recall in USA
04-04-07 15:24
2 534
Cesar Millan
10-04-07 23:41
27 1.2K
Hi there.
05-04-07 19:11
18 1.1K
Outrageous prices!
05-04-07 21:03
24 1.4K