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A Cat problem.
26-04-09 15:52
1 312
Strange little creature
23-04-09 22:36
16 1.1K
Fish Tank,beginner.
25-04-09 11:54
5 575
saying 'no' to a dog
23-04-09 18:27
9 874
Urgent Help on Importing Dog from Russia
23-04-09 10:36
3 995
Is MyDog Sick?
23-04-09 23:30
11 980
My poor Toby
04-04-09 19:53
15 1.4K
long haired german pointer
25-04-09 20:48
0 371
Supreme cat show
25-04-09 13:50
0 580
false pregnancy with a husky
23-04-09 22:54
8 2.1K
looking for a dropper dog
24-04-09 17:32
0 632
Cat sitting in their own home.
24-03-09 15:04
4 579
For Sale: Fold Flat Training Crate Dog
22-04-09 20:32
7 551
Sick Guinea Pig
23-04-09 21:33
3 413
Land Rollers
24-04-09 11:59
2 559
Will a German Shepherd fit in this
24-04-09 10:09
2 544
Pat Kenny show
24-04-09 11:31
1 438
Puppy keeps pulling on lead - help!
23-04-09 12:56
7 728
Dogs saved from the pound 12
03-04-09 0:03
31 3.1K
Horndog german shepard ? How to stop ??
24-04-09 0:09
1 448
New Kittens Advice Please.
23-04-09 15:18
4 722
Leaky pets =P
21-04-09 20:12
5 461
Does your cat love your armpit?
23-04-09 19:24
2 382
Crazy Poodle Photos
23-04-09 8:56
5 557
Burmese Mountain Dog
23-04-09 19:09
2 612
Where to get an igloo kennel?
23-04-09 11:51
2 512
over-protective dog
23-04-09 11:28
22 1.1K
Bargain Alerts for Pet Food ?
24-03-09 13:23
19 1.5K
Anxiety Medicine
23-04-09 11:43
4 492
Ashtown Dog Pound opening hours?
23-04-09 17:25
2 2.8K