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Electric Picnic
20-07-11 9:02
3 584
Gigs in Galway?
25-04-11 22:56
6 1.6K
Worst gig in years 123
16-12-10 17:17
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Need new music
18-07-11 14:52
2 667
Oceansize - Frames
13-07-11 0:34
1 2.2K
Does anyone know what this music is?
18-07-11 13:32
0 44
The Other Davies Brother - BBC4 tonight
15-07-11 14:30
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Kodály Music Society of Ireland
17-07-11 10:45
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Love Street
17-07-11 6:37
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Can you SING? €1500 Prize Fund!
15-07-11 10:57
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Song name please??!!
16-07-11 8:46
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15-05-06 1:44
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KISS Survey
15-07-11 17:14
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Albums of Your Year
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buying records in Ireland
18-01-10 12:58
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What's your favourite album cover?
13-07-11 13:48
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The best thing at Oxegen
09-07-11 17:09
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Good Dub!
02-07-11 16:31
3 835
Break up Songs 12
01-06-11 23:50
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Kings of Leon
12-06-11 10:00
6 1.2K
Who is the most overrated band? 12...56
14-06-11 15:39
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Wurzel of the band Motorhead has died
13-07-11 11:45
3 551
justin bieber-love or hate?
12-07-11 15:19
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Mix tape/cd???
05-07-11 17:53
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Need Support !
11-07-11 23:36
0 300
The sounds of Africa America
11-07-11 18:18
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The Greatness of Lowell George
10-07-11 22:32
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Can't figure out this song!! Can YOU help?
10-07-11 21:52
0 107
What's the best version of the Hokey Cokey?
09-07-11 3:30
3 655
Galway Guitar Sessions
09-07-11 15:49
0 45