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Mobile phones and personal digital assistants.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is it possible to amend mobile phone software.
16-11-18 17:58
4 405
my eir mobile wont work in N.I.
15-11-18 17:06
4 403
Beat sim only plan or prepay in Dublin
13-11-18 10:26
3 537
Eir Customer Service- ha ha ha! BRUTAL
13-11-18 3:04
0 212
Are three that bad?
17-10-18 0:49
10 881
Phone Recommendation
11-11-18 15:53
5 471
best deal at the moment for Samsung J5
06-11-18 11:40
1 220
Sim plan for kid's tablet
04-11-18 10:33
3 416
Tesco mobile
30-10-18 18:57
2 1.1K
digital detox - dumbphone options
30-10-18 14:05
2 315
Bluetooth car phone problem.
30-10-18 1:02
4 301
Subscription message from 57721
17-08-18 17:18
6 2.7K
How is Virgin Media coverage ?
24-10-18 16:19
1 265
Family mobile deals?
26-10-18 17:03
1 307
dongle to tablet
26-10-18 12:18
1 168
Three vs. Vodafone
29-09-18 12:01
9 748
Contract Change Notification from Provider
24-10-18 14:10
1 198
SIM need to port to Three, which one?
24-10-18 11:38
0 139
Virgin Mobile network quality and other recommendations
21-10-18 1:50
3 310
how do you use a nano sim in a micro sim phone?
20-10-18 10:53
6 415
2 Years of Problems
18-07-18 13:03
7 455
Huawei P20 compatible with Nokia CK-7W?
14-10-18 21:46
6 341
Looking to get screens refurbished in Ireland
13-10-18 12:13
0 195
HTC M8 problem dialling calls
11-10-18 20:16
3 197
Tesco 4g no better than normal signal!
10-10-18 9:20
3 302
Microsoft Credentials
10-10-18 8:16
3 215
Guarantee Problem with ebay seller ''ionorchard''
08-10-18 23:34
3 283
Virgin won't let me port to Vodafone
21-09-18 10:54
5 513
Looking for a pay-as-you-go deal - suggestions please?
06-10-18 18:48
1 296
Two address.
06-10-18 12:25
15 439