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Long Term Illness

This forum is for the discussion of issues related to long term illness.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
blood test cost
14-02-13 20:59
7 1.9K
15-02-13 13:57
0 469
Best possible professional to see for brain damage?
14-02-13 18:09
7 696
Other people's attitudes
26-01-13 23:56
11 2.2K
Pcos, thyroid & ibs
27-08-12 18:31
6 956
Social Anxiety
25-01-12 8:27
6 2.8K
Tumour scans misreading
09-02-13 22:18
4 589
Finding a decent brand of 5htp in the UK.
03-02-13 21:20
5 2.8K
Colonoscopy questions?
05-02-13 17:32
1 752
Gastric Band Surgery
05-10-10 12:05
9 1.9K
Having ibs is ruining my life :( 12...910
28-11-11 23:51
296 56K
Bipolar and Associated Conditions
24-01-13 20:43
6 977
Epileptic Fit - Sudden disinterest in nailbiting!
29-01-13 18:26
4 595
27-01-13 19:39
1 477
Blood work query
25-01-13 16:22
5 665
Chelation heavy metal detoxification in Ireland
31-01-13 17:12
0 456
29-01-13 5:24
1 621
Phones for elderly
29-01-13 0:32
0 206
12-09-12 11:49
3 927
Aviva Healthcare = Be Warned
21-01-13 15:58
2 976
Nerve Conduction Test
19-01-13 16:06
4 2.9K
Allergies driving me nuts!
10-01-13 1:17
9 764
Gynecomastia/male boobs: how effective will surgery be?
19-01-13 21:04
1 590
Back Surgery 123
11-07-11 15:50
76 40.2K
Free heart screening.
20-01-13 22:58
3 607
colonoscopy...getting home
15-01-13 22:16
10 1.7K
Anyone else got Bronchiectasis
19-01-13 23:04
0 395
Lupus diagnosis at 34 weeks pregnant!!
17-01-13 12:26
0 518
SVT also known as supraventricular tachycardia
13-08-09 12:13
6 2.3K
IBS Diagnosis.
13-01-13 2:16
2 716