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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

LGBT issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Could gays save marriage?
09-01-05 21:03
0 356
Expulsion Wasn't End for Gay Student in Texas
09-01-05 4:36
2 433
When and why was gandalf made a moderator
08-01-05 16:53
2 418
Gay news (05/01/2005)
06-01-05 0:55
3 378
05-01-05 12:09
4 775
California - Civil Partnerships in all but name
04-01-05 21:59
0 334
Virginia: The dark ages are upon thee
04-01-05 21:22
0 369
This is killing me
04-01-05 15:59
10 830
Fag Facts
04-01-05 13:00
2 534
[article] Arkansas Judge Voids Gay Foster Parents Ban
30-12-04 15:07
0 336
[article] U.S. Medical college bans gay group
30-12-04 15:02
0 344
Jesus - Not the only gay in the Village
29-12-04 22:28
12 408
San Francisco reporter sneaks into ex-gay ranks.
29-12-04 2:22
5 598
Saying No to 'I Do' - What now for Gay Marriage in the U.S.
28-12-04 13:34
0 299
Gay cleric accuses church of giving in to buillies
27-12-04 20:22
0 426
Pope on gay marriage - "agressive attempt to legally undermine the family"
26-12-04 13:45
15 775
The Homosexual Agenda
26-12-04 13:33
17 987
Newfoundland clears way for same-sex marriage
22-12-04 17:12
0 349
Mr Gay UK 2004
20-12-04 17:17
17 1K
7 short words - Same Sex marriage prohibited in Ireland
17-12-04 17:13
9 1.2K
Report on Homophobic bullying in schools
17-12-04 16:01
10 1.5K
Best Greatest Hits Party CD
14-12-04 3:44
22 844
Gay guy - straight friend
14-12-04 0:53
11 2.5K
Gay rights group gets official EU status
13-12-04 23:35
2 664
EU public consultation on the creation of a Fundamental Rights Agency
12-12-04 14:37
4 414
Same-sex couples win rights in Israel
11-12-04 5:50
2 387
France pushes through bill to deal with homophobia
10-12-04 23:12
6 539
Teacher Sues Gay Mom Over Classroom Discipline Charge
09-12-04 23:14
6 563
Paragraph 173
09-12-04 20:25
0 384
The Irish Times - "Making A Nonsense Of Marriage"
09-12-04 12:01
16 1.4K