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County Kildare.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Naas - Ipad screen
26-04-16 21:17
5 320
Pyrite Newbridge
28-04-16 13:09
6 854
anyone got a spare aec account number?
29-04-16 9:00
3 229
Recommend Hairdresser for Highlights & Cut - Leixlip/Lucan/Celbridge/Maynooth
27-04-16 8:37
1 307
monread heights Naas
13-01-15 18:45
20 6.1K
Jewelry engraving Celbridge/Maynooth/Leixlip
26-04-16 17:45
1 752
Hairdressers in naas
23-04-16 9:05
6 777
Naas to Ballsbridge
17-04-16 8:07
6 528
Wonderful Barn . Land 'Sold'?
23-04-16 13:21
0 430
Bin bag disposal
02-02-16 20:25
8 1.2K
Secondary schools Naas
17-04-16 16:14
6 1.4K
Dance lessons in Newbridge/Naas area
20-04-16 11:52
2 212
Helicopter Maynooth Sunday 16th
18-04-16 6:20
10 1.1K
Sexual Assualt Monasterevin
09-04-16 23:38
14 2.5K
Newbridge - Roseberry Hill
15-04-16 14:25
1 579
Moving to Naas - Advice
10-04-16 23:21
7 2.5K
Traffic calming for Celbridge announced by Minister for Transport
13-02-13 15:50
23 4.1K
Childcare/Playschool in Newbridge
10-04-16 9:01
2 834
Finesse Maynooth ,
03-04-16 22:37
2 918
How do you use the "Tesco carpark launderette" in Maynooth?
04-04-16 18:32
7 8.3K
Magee barracks kildare town
10-04-16 12:31
1 649
garda helicopter straffan
09-04-16 9:17
0 495
Arthur's Way launched
03-08-14 12:26
11 2.4K
Summer camp for boy child aged 4.5 Newbridge/ Naas area
08-04-16 9:17
0 359
Tyres/Mechanic in Leixlip/Maynooth area
25-08-09 13:02
15 13.2K
Celbridge - Looking for Gardener/Tree cutting Recommendation
05-04-16 13:18
2 537
Playschool in Celbridge
04-04-16 11:16
0 549
Curragh Junior Chess
01-04-16 17:39
0 410
broadband celbridge
31-03-16 12:28
4 486
Daylight Canalside Assault/s At Leixlip
29-03-16 19:59
2 697