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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Splitters and location of same
15-05-04 15:42
6 556
Eircom to introduce flat-rate packages
14-05-04 17:54
12 1.3K
Lobby group hails group broadband plans
14-05-04 14:29
7 918
BB For Schools, WHY Do I suspect Large Scale Vsat Rollouts
13-05-04 17:56
6 609
ESATBT bundles
13-05-04 10:40
5 610
development of broadband access in rural and remote areas
12-05-04 15:59
0 479
Leased Line
12-05-04 12:10
3 407
3.5Ghz - and the winners are.... 123
12-05-04 10:43
72 3.9K
Ireland offline website?
11-05-04 20:09
3 654
UTV port transfer incompetence
11-05-04 9:53
2 451
How to get info from Eircom on exchange repairs?
10-05-04 20:42
5 557
And the rest of Europe shalt learn from our Ennis
10-05-04 14:20
3 607
Smart Telecom LLU
08-05-04 13:53
6 1K
New Eircom Wholesale Website
08-05-04 10:52
3 620
IOL Nolimits question
07-05-04 17:16
2 336
Broadband rankings letting us down
06-05-04 17:39
11 958
Light at end of regulation tunnel?
06-05-04 17:23
21 930
Estonia embraces web without wires
06-05-04 13:31
0 287
Eircom Eirconartists
05-05-04 15:08
12 817
Diallers - responsibility for installation
05-05-04 13:50
15 3.3K
eircom trialing satelite broadband?
29-04-04 15:22
10 816
BT is scrapping its broadband pre-registration
29-04-04 14:32
8 766
John Doherty outs ComReg as worthy of straight jacket
29-04-04 2:05
1 665
ComReg refuse to withdraw their flawed DQ brochure
28-04-04 18:10
9 680
Moving south =)
28-04-04 13:43
8 536
Carphonewarehouse - eircom BB €100 back offer
28-04-04 12:38
6 563
Ordering a new line...
27-04-04 23:18
1 420
Winback Again
27-04-04 14:42
2 331
ISDN based "always on Internet" 12
27-04-04 12:04
32 1.4K
Eircon Vulnerable scheme
27-04-04 11:35
8 614