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Help Desk Archive

Help Desk Archive
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Change of surname in vehicle registration certificate
17-05-23 8:42
1 71
Soccer forum ban still not lifted - weeks - late March - now May - technical issue/oversight/ploy?
16-05-23 20:14
4 121
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
16-05-23 15:05
1 71
Unsubscribe from thread/threads.
15-05-23 14:07
2 51
The email that I got for a ban stated I had indulged in a personal attack, a second email said it ?
11-05-23 20:02
16 1.4K
USA Mass Shooting stories/violence in US “mega thread”
09-05-23 21:33
50 1.3K
Illness Benefit & Disability Benefit
09-05-23 14:32
0 21
Desktop version on Mobile
09-05-23 1:33
3 61
Thread display not refreshing
08-05-23 15:23
1 21
Advertisement Ad stuck on right of my reading pane.. can I get rid??
08-05-23 8:28
2 81
How do I Close my account
05-05-23 15:32
2 151
Unsolved Irish Mysteries ‐ AH
05-05-23 13:10
3 192
Invalidity pension
04-05-23 15:02
3 282
Order of posts.
03-05-23 11:48
1 51
how to download a version of an old irish phone book
01-05-23 16:25
1 122
General CA trolls - it's embarrassing 12...56
30-04-23 21:01
279 7.4K
28-04-23 8:56
21 781
Is the learning to drive forum gone?
25-04-23 6:37
1 121
Boards Bookmarks
24-04-23 6:26
1 61
Transport support
23-04-23 10:00
0 31
Interest rates
21-04-23 11:08
0 21
20-04-23 15:18
8 201
I was banned and my threads deleted. For what reason?
20-04-23 13:50
2 361
Ring Doorbell to Techwood TV
19-04-23 18:47
0 21
Electric versus power shower
19-04-23 15:15
3 91
17-04-23 18:40
3 361
Does anyone have a 2021 form 11 pdf please? Thanks
17-04-23 13:13
1 61
How do I mute notifications from a discussion?
17-04-23 11:48
9 131
Leaking solid fuel boiler
16-04-23 10:06
1 31
Live music
15-04-23 23:22
0 21