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Digital Art, Design & Animation

Topics that include digital image editing, graphic design and animation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
looking for animation
22-03-12 2:38
4 1.3K
Can anyone tell me what typeface this is?
03-04-12 13:34
4 891
Distance learning graphic design
24-03-12 8:40
10 3K
PhotoShop/PaintShop request
07-03-12 16:56
9 1.7K
Music Player App
28-03-12 15:41
7 764
Motion Graphics
01-04-12 16:13
0 810
App developer
31-03-12 8:55
0 586
What font is this?
30-03-12 11:15
3 775
Numbering Software
21-03-12 15:16
5 1.1K
Moving a shopping cart ex WP to Joomla?
26-03-12 1:51
3 1K
Graphic Design Work Experience - Dublin
26-01-12 16:31
6 2.6K
2 illustrator advice requests
17-03-12 19:43
6 973
Portfolio Site
18-05-11 8:56
17 3.1K
Photoshopper required please!
21-03-12 10:11
4 869
20-03-12 16:17
0 489
Foam board printing
06-03-12 17:33
4 1.1K
devianART critiques
15-03-12 3:18
5 982
Poster for college FYP.
16-03-12 11:05
3 778
help needed adobe flash
15-03-12 18:21
0 866
Feedback needed on my website please :)
07-03-12 1:48
12 1.3K
Quark or Indesign industry standard?
08-03-12 10:31
4 1.3K
DigiPak Cardboard printing?
06-03-12 22:54
2 1.1K
wilhelm scream
08-03-12 10:24
0 570
New portfolio layout.
17-11-11 21:26
11 1.8K
Can someone do me a poster
24-02-12 11:59
4 1K
22-02-12 0:14
9 1.5K
Pictures for a Website
13-02-12 15:58
8 1.1K
Where to start.
01-03-12 11:18
5 1.2K
Question about keyline and Adobe InDesign
11-11-11 0:09
5 2.3K
How to make a image/video "bounce" to the beat on Windows 7
02-03-12 14:44
0 935