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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
28-11-07 21:39
9 1.1K
Beware when buying new Opel Astra Hatch
01-12-07 5:35
3 950
Where to buy a high-end HP Laptop in Dublin?
02-12-07 1:31
1 5.9K
Sales of Work
01-12-07 20:52
0 399
Bundling of Products
01-12-07 12:17
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ps3 scam advise
30-11-07 16:11
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AIB CreditCards
28-11-07 21:32
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Taxi charges?
28-11-07 21:17
19 1.6K
Ups Idiots!
30-11-07 13:01
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New Consumer Services site
30-11-07 17:44
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Three Customer Support
27-11-07 12:42
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StrawberryNet - Customs
29-11-07 12:06
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Virgin ignoring my e-mails?
29-11-07 17:22
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€500 note; legal tender...? 123
24-11-07 21:46
61 6.6K
acer 7520
28-11-07 0:00
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Hotel Rip off!
28-11-07 14:17
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Sky cancellation issue
27-11-07 0:07
7 1.5K
27-11-07 23:21
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Trouble with Chorus Broadband
27-11-07 11:35
2 485
esb bill
26-11-07 23:39
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esb billing
27-11-07 13:04
2 350
How long before I can use my cheque?
26-11-07 13:15
6 958
Super Valu wouldn't sell Beer at price in advert
20-11-07 22:00
26 3.2K
Just recieved a Gillette Fusion in the post - WTF?
26-11-07 15:45
8 1.1K
Prepay "free" credit
25-11-07 21:55
7 861
Return an Item in M&S
26-11-07 13:16
3 705
contacting eircom
26-11-07 1:08
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Minimum Withrawal: AIB
25-11-07 17:00
5 1.1K
Receipts fade over time
24-11-07 22:50
7 847
fedex delivery query
25-11-07 19:02
1 627