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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
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Xmas tree prices
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10-12-07 11:48
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Tesco- Argos code on Item
08-12-07 23:30
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06-12-07 19:56
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Argos - returning stuff
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06-12-07 19:31
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Training class
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False Advertising
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Bord Gais not listening!
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FAO: Legal experts...
06-12-07 2:13
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04-12-07 14:49
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Russell Hobbs Kettle Recall
30-11-07 23:25
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When does late night shopping begin for the Christmas period?
05-12-07 20:46
0 17
Am I entitled to a new TV?
03-12-07 14:38
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How safe is internet banking?
02-12-07 22:30
26 2.1K
Bargain Kitchens Tallaght
25-06-07 22:16
14 4.7K Follow Up; The Rip Off Thread
16-11-07 12:38
26 7K
think buying irish this christmas and then shop online..
23-11-07 13:13
14 1.6K
Trying to cancel furniture order - where do I stand?
30-11-07 20:59
17 1.3K
Bit miffed with Xtravision
03-12-07 18:29
5 765
tax off study aid? laptop
03-12-07 23:23
0 495