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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Bill contract issue
15-10-22 5:47
2 191
An post problem
10-10-22 10:10
15 632
PayPal sending offer emails with click button
09-10-22 12:22
7 221
Electric Ireland - They Have Removed Previous Years Comparison Tool
08-10-22 13:58
2 183
Legally can I do anything
07-10-22 17:45
9 912
Faulty Meter Readings
04-10-22 14:02
13 468
Lidl prices don't include VAT?
03-10-22 17:01
7 783 return lost in transit by Anpost express post.
03-10-22 12:54
24 1.2K
Getting a Refund
03-10-22 11:46
3 323
Moved: Mortgage query
02-10-22 9:46
0 1
Electric Ireland meter reading
01-10-22 17:04
1 162
Washed Salad Bags and Bowls - Quality gone very poor in 2022
30-09-22 10:07
15 625
New Eir ripoff - charging €12 for a paper bill. 123
30-09-22 0:21
70 2.3K
Old GBP Notes useless after end of September.
29-09-22 15:04
8 551
An Post -addresspal
29-09-22 10:23
5 220
Energia direct debit with revoult
28-09-22 14:45
5 137
New owner receiving old bills
28-09-22 13:15
3 242
What are my options on faulty watch
28-09-22 12:42
14 412
Aldi Adverts - Naming Competitors in Pricing
27-09-22 19:12
15 663
Buying from UK
26-09-22 20:39
4 215
Switching Energy Suppliers
19-09-22 21:57
4 324
Childcare provider won't issue full refund despite changing terms of service
19-09-22 12:15
21 1.1K
The cost of home heating oil
18-09-22 22:05
13 1.1K
Understanding cent per kWh energy rates
15-09-22 11:43
6 301
SuperValu discriminating against elderly or those without a modern mobile
14-09-22 22:05
30 1.9K
Ticketmaster purchase/small claims court
14-09-22 16:13
4 332
Ann post delayed / lost my parcel that I have returned to samsung
12-09-22 11:52
9 374
bord gais energy / can I switch as new customer?
11-09-22 12:31
2 176
Samsung Ireland mobile return
09-09-22 7:57
15 787
Sold a defective item from AliExpress, no way of proving device doesn't work
07-09-22 20:11
1 141