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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
R4i not working
04-05-11 12:43
1 674
Anyone have Action Replay for the PS2?
04-05-11 21:02
4 597
modded original xbox ftp'ing problem
30-04-11 7:17
5 1.6K
PS3 Exploits - Linux 12
20-02-11 18:36
59 6.3K
03-05-11 21:03
0 422
FTPing to a TEST PS2?
03-05-11 11:49
4 647
Looking to get a ps2 chipped
29-04-11 19:16
1 485
Xbox and Action Replay Problem
29-04-11 19:10
0 488
if you have a modded xbox reply to me
28-04-11 16:21
5 533
wii softmod
27-03-11 14:18
11 1.5K
Banned XBOX360s now UNBANNED ??
27-04-11 7:58
3 620
New Xbox 360 product - what are you opinions?
25-04-11 23:05
7 1.1K
Help needed sourcing fast acekard 2i
26-04-11 15:28
0 518
21-04-11 11:09
2 640
WANTED: Someone to do this for me...
26-04-11 7:56
2 514
XCM Cross Fire Converter for Xbox
22-04-11 22:55
2 501
Flashed Rom for snes
25-04-11 1:23
0 377
multi console/or custom consoles
24-04-11 22:59
2 441
Ps1 Emulator on the Psp
21-04-11 1:22
1 603
Dreamcast modding service?
21-04-11 13:06
4 548
New Console - Umove
05-02-11 17:20
3 914
20-04-11 11:19
1 577
Corrupted file on sd or r4 card? Help!
03-04-11 15:49
2 1.5K
problems after flashing with falsh360
16-04-11 14:31
25 2.9K
Is it ok to ask a few modding questions? (multi-platform)
14-04-11 1:42
4 592
Lads any of you use
11-04-11 18:48
3 928
LT+ x360 S-lim Relased ;)
08-04-11 18:30
9 1.1K
PAL Megadrive repair
04-04-11 11:11
6 2.3K
Xbox FTP help: noob question
06-04-11 20:49
8 881
Playing new games on 3.55?
03-04-11 16:18
9 2.2K