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Computers & Technology

Computers and technology.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Voodoo 2000 AGP
31-05-99 13:02
1 559
28-05-99 17:41
0 766
windowblinds (take it)
27-05-99 20:33
6 611
wee lan session next month
26-05-99 11:06
2 619
NT stripe sets under 95?
26-05-99 11:01
1 525
for the network geeks :)
25-05-99 9:01
6 682
Interferance From Dimmers ??? HELP
24-05-99 22:02
1 648
modem question
24-05-99 20:00
4 751
One for the CD-R geniuses...
23-05-99 16:09
0 548
Ati rage
20-05-99 15:30
2 704
Windows log
18-05-99 10:25
0 489
Weird Keyboards
17-05-99 13:21
3 639
RedHat 6 'Looser, muppet' problem
15-05-99 21:25
2 752
modems and network cards
15-05-99 0:57
2 463
Password Protection
14-05-99 11:06
9 742
Minimizing an App to System Tray
13-05-99 16:42
2 629
Which motherboard?
13-05-99 16:12
2 580
Telnet clients for IRC?
13-05-99 14:37
0 563
Telnet clients for IRC
13-05-99 14:37
0 384
Creative Encore DVD Kit
12-05-99 18:15
3 449
Which Vodoo Do you Do
12-05-99 18:11
7 604
Recording Sound (FYP related)
12-05-99 16:07
1 681
11-05-99 14:39
0 494
11-05-99 9:26
1 562
LANs and modems
10-05-99 21:16
5 606
Linux Newbie needs advice:)
10-05-99 20:33
12 656
10-05-99 7:24
11 614
Voodoo3 for £99.
09-05-99 15:25
3 559
Q3 Test for linux
08-05-99 10:03
13 810
Listing running programs
07-05-99 0:52
2 630