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Banking & Insurance & Pensions

Discuss banks, insurance and pension schemes. Not to be used for giving financial advice.
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01-07-06 19:45
1 520
Loan Piaid Off Early
01-07-06 8:34
1 464
Rabodirect website knackered?
28-06-06 23:38
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Interest rates rising again for loans
28-06-06 9:22
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debt trouble advice please??
27-06-06 1:56
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Freeze on student loan
26-06-06 21:22
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Bank loan top other intrest fees question
27-06-06 14:51
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Rabodirect Investments - Anyone made money yet? 123
23-04-06 18:55
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Rental Income
22-06-06 18:56
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Will I have to pay capital gains?
26-06-06 12:42
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Savings Interest Increase??
22-06-06 12:43
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Buying shares for nephew
24-06-06 12:04
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Advice on Buying Stocks
23-06-06 14:25
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PermanentTSB Switch current account - does what it says on the tin?
21-06-06 14:28
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Interest Rate on Credit Balance on AIB Visa
20-06-06 14:11
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Mortgage Question/Help? Thanks
10-06-06 23:02
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Hey Diddle Diddle - Eircom Calling
21-06-06 1:47
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estate agents
09-06-06 8:30
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Self build then sell?
13-06-06 13:26
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Pessimistic investment outlook?
13-06-06 15:19
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CGT on inherited house
20-06-06 9:50
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Actual exchange rates
19-06-06 19:54
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Credit Card Compromised
18-06-06 14:38
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Help with Pensions
15-06-06 10:58
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Setting up company pension plan
19-06-06 17:04
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ETF's vs Mutual funds
18-06-06 17:02
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Newspaper Thread: Post Good Articles Here!!!
25-05-06 12:18
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Investment For A New Graduate
06-06-06 12:19
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Investing using Yen
12-06-06 11:41
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Employee pensions schemes
14-06-06 21:47
2 354