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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Well, yes, it is a plane actually.

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CPL(H) training
19-03-22 21:42
1 102
13-03-22 21:41
0 161
Irish Air Letter back issues
02-03-22 22:24
3 295
Aer Lingus and the covid certs etc
01-03-22 14:53
4 211
Taking the F50 to Donegal
26-02-22 13:30
31 1.4K
Lufthansa in Celbridge.
22-02-22 17:38
11 2.2K
Do airlines limit the number of searches you can do in a timeframe and why?
20-02-22 21:32
4 301
How and why do flights oversell?
13-02-22 20:22
17 501
A vacancy for someone who might be interested
12-02-22 8:16
0 281
Heard of Rumbo?
09-02-22 15:24
1 151
I see Play airlines advertising a lot lately.
09-02-22 8:16
6 291
Small airplanes around Waterford
Answered ✓
05-02-22 10:53
7 341
Military fast jet (Not a phantom) in Weston Airport
30-01-22 0:14
18 1.8K
4 high altitude planes in close pattern today
26-01-22 9:52
12 1K
U.S. airlines warn 5G wireless could wreak havoc with flights
18-01-22 21:37
6 591
Why European Airlines Are Flying Empty Planes
16-01-22 22:39
1 211
Covid-19; Impact on the aviation industry 12...8586
15-01-22 0:23
4.3K 460.6K
1961 Plane crash Dublin airport
12-01-22 8:40
25 7.9K
Is a CAA PPL(H) beneficial if applying for a PPL in Ireland
04-01-22 8:26
2 131
What was that ?
03-01-22 17:36
4 371
EU 261 Compensation
31-12-21 3:26
6 261
Merged: Ryanair flight change - options
23-12-21 19:00
0 31
A321neo V A330 for trans Atlantic flight?
19-12-21 23:15
14 3.6K
Aer lingus on board catering
19-12-21 13:03
48 3.2K
Record transatlatic flights today?
15-12-21 8:43
12 892
AA pulls SNN for 2022
14-12-21 20:40
8 681
Guinness book of records, worlds highest flying kite attempt.
12-12-21 1:52
0 81
North Pole Flight
08-12-21 9:03
4 1.5K
Irish Aviation Museum donation
07-12-21 18:45
5 311
Ryanair ambush of passengers who used chargebacks during Covid
30-11-21 14:06
44 2.4K