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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Reference for landlord!
27-02-14 17:50
10 1.2K
Electricity bill too high?
28-02-14 6:59
2 639
Confirm price of Property
27-02-14 22:35
1 697
Is there a definitive list for what a landlord should provide
27-02-14 21:42
7 685
Argument with landlord, HELP 1234
24-02-14 21:10
99 12.1K
Is there any First Time Buyer Incentives left?
26-02-14 0:10
12 2.6K
Getting extra Rent Supplement for having a child part-time
10-11-12 23:05
24 4.8K
Deposits and first months rent
22-02-14 18:08
15 1.9K
Question regarding lease
26-02-14 12:54
4 544
Highest offer way over asking price?
26-02-14 13:18
18 3.2K
How legally binding is Cork City Councils 'Carer's agreement'?? 12
26-02-14 9:31
32 2.3K
Tips for renting 1 bedroom in D1/D2. Help!
25-02-14 12:58
11 1.2K
Gas or electric heating for apartment?
23-02-14 15:43
14 1.2K
Protest outside Dáil at rent hikes
26-02-14 23:25
2 717
Improving an E1 rated home?
26-02-14 19:06
2 664
Paying off mortgage in lump sum.
24-02-14 19:57
20 3.3K
Would you buy a house without having set foot in it?
25-02-14 16:59
7 1.4K
Property Price Monitoring Sites
24-02-14 23:20
4 743
Part 4 notice on payment window date only?
26-02-14 15:54
6 458
Selling a rented house
26-02-14 13:02
3 582
Looking to move out from our first property, advice on checklist
22-01-14 15:06
11 1.4K
10% Deposit on House Purchase - payable to who?
25-02-14 22:05
8 1.1K
Land Registery Folio
20-02-14 15:36
17 1.4K
Mortgage transfer question
25-02-14 14:01
7 651
Mortgage numbers; new building control; new homes needed in cities
25-02-14 23:47
1 339
Pressure from Receiver 12
22-02-14 18:06
32 2.9K
Giving up a council house
25-02-14 21:28
1 1K
Newcastle, Co. Dublin
21-02-14 14:25
26 10.3K
Estate Agents working on Saturday
24-02-14 21:46
3 650
Mice/Rats in Rented House
24-02-14 19:49
22 4K