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Dublin Marathon 2016 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Sure why not? Count me in. I love running to a plan so why not a marathon plan , if I can get through it without breaking myself I'll be on the startline in October.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs?
    Not much racing I did a paced mile last summer in 7.22 , I've ran a few 5ks My pb from last weekend 24:14

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training?

    How much training do you currently do ?
    I'm on week 11 of the 2016 mentored novices plan, (I like doing things in reverse) , 30 miles last week . 5 days a week. Over 1100 miles in the last year so about 20 per week on average. I've completed the Hal Higdon intermediate Half marathon plan,and done the HM distance five or six times My longest run to date is 14.5 miles but that's a while ago .

    cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.

    No cross training ,

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?

    Get to the startline in one piece and finish in one piece and most importantly still retain my love for running. Time wouldn't be a major consideration for me but I would like to have a good run and finish in a respectable time for my age (I'll be 52) and ability and enjoy it.

    How many days a week can you train?

    I think I Could train 5 days a week and stay fit as I have done that since xmas , Used to do 6 days but I broke myself, knee issues before xmas but nothing since touch wood,

    And what plan do you intend to follow?

    I have the memo plan printed on my fridge for a few months now and was contemplating using it , but I think the consensus from more experienced runners on other threads is to use the boards plan for a first marathon so I'll go with that one I think .

    Why are you running this marathon?

    I have read this thread for the last 3 years and it planted the seed in my head ridiculous and all as I though it was back then. I've never felt I had the base fitness to do it until now. so this is the year for me to give it a lash and see where it takes me.

    I log all my runs here

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    spaceylou wrote: » brain does not compute miles...I will be leading* the subversives in our 42.2km race :P

    *by leading i mostly mean leading from behind, def not from the front of the pack!

    Don't mind them Spaceylou, this thread will be bilingual :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tipping

    Firstly thanks Nop for taking this on and best of luck with it.

    Last year I lurked a lot but resisted the urge (wisely) to join in but at the moment I'm planning on running Dublin at my 1st marathon.
    As a bit of background, 36 years old and running about 2 years, 1st year was the typical injury ravaged overdoing it type of year before putting in a pretty solid year starting from scratch around March 2015.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)

    5k: 19:15 (2015)
    5M: 32:24 (2016)
    10k: 42:30ish (2015)
    10M: 67:05 (2016)
    1/2: 1:33:30 (2015)

    Will be hoping to knock a bit off the 5K to 10k versions of these over the few weeks.

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.

    Currently run 5 days a week about 40 miles total, at the minute this tends to consist of 1 speed, 1 tempo, 1 long, 2 easy.
    This is mostly aimed at the 5k-10k type distances for the next while but the long runs are getting pushed out to 13/14/15 mile territory as part of my preparation. I don't want the long runs to be a major stumbling block when I start and in general I need to work on my endurance anyway. In general the longer runs don't seem to take much out of me (last weeks 15 Miles being a notable exception)

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?

    All of these are very adjustable based on how the training goes but this is what's in my head currently.
    A Goal: 3:15
    B Goal: 3:30
    C Goal: Enjoy the experience and be willing to come back for another one.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?
    5 days a week with possibly a 6th day here and there.
    No idea on the plan yet but considering P&D 55, or may follow something put down by the coaches in the club here. This would have the benefit of doing the long runs with company and so on.

    Why are you running this marathon?
    Just want to see how it goes and tick that box. I reckon I'm starting from a reasonably good place and it may benefit me all round.
    Added benefit of a weekend away from the kids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭Extrasupervery

    This seems like a great resource, thanks for all your effort everyone. I come from a family of avid runners, I'm the youngest and my place for two decades was on the sidelines, the asthmatic 5 foot nothing midget handing out bananas and energy drinks to my siblings and father. A few years ago my unfit, midget mother decided to ditch the sideline and sign up for races herself, I quickly followed, but with a lot less dedication. I signed up for DCM on race day last year, and am still unsure about whether or not I'll be up for it...I enjoy half marathons and 10 milers (shout out to Ballycotton) but I have to work hard to bridge the gap to the 26.2.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)
    I have ran two half marathons before - Clontarf was my fastest (for want of a better word :D ) in 2.27.03. PB for 5k is in and around 30 mins. I've also run 4 10 milers, and a rake of BHAA races but I don't know PBs, I'm not so into times.

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do)

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?
    Finish, just finish.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?
    Three, if I commit to more at this stage I'm setting myself up for failure. I work shifts and find it hard to get any consistency going in a plan - I think Hal Higdon's plan is more realistic for me.

    Why are you running this marathon?
    Because I am done with being on the sideline.

  • Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 26,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Best of luck to everyone giving it a go for the first time this year - you're in for a lot of fun over the next few months! Enjoy it, you only train for and run one first marathon (even if my next one is going to feel like my first again...) :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Well done on fronting up for this very worthwhile experience NOP. If anybody is even thinking about this and has enough foundation work done then get on board. Would strongly recommend on the basis of the advice and company that DCM Novices 2015 thread offered.

    Be prepared to make the effort and to find the time and get along to any of the formal/informal long slow runs (LSR's). Its great to put names to faces.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I have vague plans of making this my first and last marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,340 ✭✭✭TFBubendorfer

    I have vague plans of making this my first and last marathon

    Be careful. That's what I said pretty much exactly 12 years ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Delighted to see this thread up & running. I came across the 2015 novice thread last year while training for my first half marathon & briefly considered running the 2015 DCM. Quickly realised that was never going to happen so hopefully this is my year. I've been running on & off for a few years (more off than on) but it's only really the past year that I've kept it up consistently.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)
    Haven't done a huge number of races. PBs are as follows:
    -5km, 22:48, May 2015 (this was a Marlay parkrun, if they even count as races).
    -Half marathon, 1:56:34, August 2015 (last few kms were disastrous, I vomited twice (on myself:o) but pushed myself to finish below 2hrs. I sat down a few minutes after crossing the finish line, realised I could barely walk when I stood up & had to take a good month off running).
    -10km, 51:22, November 2015.

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do)

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.
    Since last October I've been slowly building up my distance. I found during training for last year's half marathon that after the long runs, my legs would be really really sore afterwards & for the rest of the day. In hindsight, I probably took on too much too soon.
    I've been alternating running either 3 or 4 times per week. The weeks with 3 runs have included threshold runs, hills & long slow runs whereas the weeks with 4 runs have been at a slower more even pace. I've definitely improved in terms of leg soreness, I ran 11 miles last Saturday morning & legs were fine for the rest of the day.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?
    Dream time would be under 4hrs but realistically, under 4hr30mins. I'll see how training goes I guess, even just finishing it might be more realistic.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?
    I'd rather not run more than 4 times a week, but if 5 times is strongly advised in a few months time I may consider it. I haven't fully decided what plan to follow yet. I was half considering Hal Higdon Novice 2 as I'm not sure if Hal Higdon novice 1 would be a bit of a step-back for me in terms of mileage (over the past month or two I've had a few weeks where I've run around or just above 30 miles). Happy to take on board any advice on this:)

    Why are you running this marathon?
    Personal achievement. I decided to make 2016 a year for challenging myself & ticking off as many of my bucket list things as possible.

    Really excited to be a part of this, and thanks so much nop98 for taking on the mentoring role:)

    Hey Pomplamousse, welcome on board. Well done on a good PB over 5k, and of course parkrun PBs count :) and I am still trying to ban the mental image of you finishing that HM!

    HHN1 will indeed be a step back - I agree. You're of course welcome to follow any plan - but can I encourage you to look at the boards plan?

    Your 5k PB and tough-as-nails approach to completing a sub 2h HM suggests plenty of ability and mental strength. But your weak point seems to be endurance. It sounds to be you need to slowly, slowly, slowly build up your endurance base more. But beware, being sore after completing LSRs is a warning sign, you're probably running them too fast. Glad to hear your last 11 miler went without soreness.

    Running your training runs at the right pace is the hardest thing for novice marathoners. Last year, Dubgal hammered on it all the time. Most of your runs, and definitely your LSR will need to be 15-20% slower than your planned marathon pace. A 4-hour marathon is 9:09 min/mi, so add 20% to that to get an idea.

    My advice would be to start monitoring your pace right now.. It's harder than you think - but it will be very worthwhile once the long runs gets longer and longer.

    Welcome on board!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Count me in too.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)
    Yes. I've 6 races done so far this year. I'd be confident that I'll knock more time of 5 and 10km in the next few months.

    2016 PBs
    5km Feb 19:26
    10km March 39:38

    2015 PBs

    Half Marathon September 1:30.29

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.
    Running 6 days a week with two hard sessions the rest are easy runs. Between 55-80km depending on races coming up.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?
    Dream sub 3! But that's crazy talk isn't it? Last year I tried to run DCM but had a DNS with a injury two weeks before the start date. I was aiming for 3:10-3:15 so I guess I should try and aim for the same time but I want to aim for as close to the three hour mark as possible! I'll know better where I'm at when I start longer distance running in July. If I get my half time down to 1:25 in September I'll be confident I can get close to 3 hours mark but who knows how it will go for my first attempt. I'll probably have to up my millage 15km to 20km a week though.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?
    Hopefully I'll still be at it six days a week. Maybe 7 with a day off every 14 days. I'll be following the plan my coach in our club gives me. We haven't really discussed it yet so I'm not sure what it will involve. I'll be taking advise from where ever I can get it.

    Why are you running this marathon?

    I want to see how far I can push myself. I always had the ambition to run a marathon before I hit 30 but never got around to it. I ran a good bit in my 20s but lost my focus as life got in the way and completely gave up running for 5-6 years. I'll be back running two years in September. Last year I think I tried to run DCM to quickly after getting back running and was pushing to hard and picked up a lot of injuries (although not all running related) but it proved invaluable and I'm definitely running a lot smarter and feel in better shape too.

    Hey Coffee Fulled Runner - welcome on board.

    Wow, I don't think we had a Novice of your running pedigree in our class last year. Certainly nobody was talking about sub-3 hours. IIRC jake1970 was closest on the day, but around 3h15 (could be wrong about that).

    I am delighted you're willing to share your experiences with us, but I think you'll find the focus here on "try to complete the run, preferably not in a heap" rather than such ambitious plans and targets.

    For example, I will very strongly encourage rest-days each week. If you can handle 6/7 or even 13/14 days running, then go for it. Running legends on this forum like TFBubendorfer and Ososlo (and I am sure many others) running every day, sometimes more than once a day - but that won't be the case for most Novices. Similarly, the mileage of the plans used here will increase, but nowhere near not as fast as you are intending to climb. That's not said it isn't right for you - but be careful.

    I am also happy to see you have a coach and are running a club. Do share details of your plan once you get it, but if I were you, I would take guidance and advice from your real-life coach. But if you have any queries (or encouragement for the other novices), please chime in.

    One word of caution (I am well aware I am far outside the realm of my experience now, maybe the more experience lads can comment). There was a thread here a while ago, about your HM performances before attempting a sub-3h - I can't find it now, but I recall being discussed that a 1h25 HM does not automatically a sub-3 hour marathon maketh - especially not on your first attempt.

    Discuss your plans and ambitions with your coach, set a conservative goal, and smash it on the day itself (while enjoying your first marathon).

    I'd be following your progress with interest! Welcome on board.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 873 ✭✭✭Casey78

    Best of luck everyone. You never forget your first Marathon. I did my first in 2014 and the novices thread was a great resource.
    I'm hoping to do DCM again this year for my second Marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Great choice of mentor.
    Best of luck nop and all the 2016 novices.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,695 ✭✭✭Chivito550

    Mods, can this thread be given a sticky? For those of us with no interest in this long term thread, it would be better to have it permanently at the top of the main forum, rather than bouncing up and down the main forum at an alarming rate for the next 6 months. Kind of annoying let's be honest. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Chivito550 wrote: »
    Mods, can this thread be given a sticky? For those of us with no interest in this long term thread, it would be better to have it permanently at the top of the main forum, rather than bouncing up and down the main forum at an alarming rate for the next 6 months. Kind of annoying let's be honest. :)

    You can always ignore it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 435 ✭✭Coffee Fulled Runner

    Thanks for the reply nop98 I don't think a sub 3 is possible at my first attempt but I can dream! I'll know where I'm at towards the end of summer and will use my HM time (which is far from accurate way to estimate) what I should be aiming for in Dublin. Last year's goal of 3:10 is probably more realistic but I like to set the bar high.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,196 ✭✭✭MonkstownHoop

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)

    A lot of 10k\5k and 1 half
    5k 22.45 yesterday at a Shamrock Rovers run
    10k 44.50 Last months GIR
    Half 1.53 Wicklow Goal in March

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do)

    No( will occasionally stop for the view and a gel on a nice day on killiney hill :-) )

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.

    Generally 3 days a week anything between 10-20k, with some gym work once or twice a week.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?

    Happy to finish but feel with a good training programme behind me I could push for 4.20 or quicker.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?

    4\5 realistically, will probably look at the boards plan.

    Why are you running this marathon?

    To prove to myself I can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,695 ✭✭✭Chivito550

    annapr wrote: »
    You can always ignore it.

    It's been a sticky every other year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    nop98 wrote: »
    Wow, I don't think we had a Novice of your running pedigree in our class last year. Certainly nobody was talking about sub-3 hours. IIRC jake1970 was closest on the day, but around 3h15 (could be wrong about that).

    Conavitzky ran sub-3:00 in his/her first marathon at DCM last year and showed up on the thread from time to time... PBs at the time were 5k of 17:10 and HM of 1:21 :eek: :cool:

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)
    10k ~55mins, February 27th 2015, Samsung Night run (horribly congested run)
    21k ~2:05, March 12th 2016, Tralee half marathon

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do)
    I try not to take breaks. I find new pains appear all over when I slow down to a walk.

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.
    5k once or twice a week at most. 5-a-side football twice a week.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?
    Under 4 hours would be the dream. I managed to do a half marathon in almost under 2 hours with next to no training so under 4 could be a possibility with some proper training. Realistically, just finishing would be fine. I'm not trying to break any land speed records.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?
    This DCM one seems alright. I could see myself missing a lot of runs here and there due to laziness and life getting in the way. Could do 3/4 days a week. What exactly is cross :pac:

    Why are you running this marathon?
    I run mostly for mental health reasons and I need an excuse to get running more regularly. If I ever feel like **** for no good reason, I go for a run and feel great after sweating out whatever nonsense had me down. I often can't find the motivation though. If I have something to train for, its much easier to get out there. I'm simply a happier person when I run more. I'd like to do a full marathon at some stage in my life too, why not now, tick it off the bucket list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Partyjungle Quote
    I run mostly for mental health reasons and I need an excuse to get running more regularly. If I ever feel like **** for no good reason, I go for a run and feel great after sweating out whatever nonsense had me down. I often can't find the motivation though.

    Think you will find that you are in very good company here and its a chance to develop a more permanent working structure to facilitate physical exercise as a satisfying part of your life.

    Course it wont always feel like that during the marathon itself :D

    Enjoy the experience.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    denis b wrote: »
    Partyjungle Quote
    I run mostly for mental health reasons and I need an excuse to get running more regularly. If I ever feel like **** for no good reason, I go for a run and feel great after sweating out whatever nonsense had me down. I often can't find the motivation though.

    Think you will find that you are in very good company here and its a chance to develop a more permanent working structure to facilitate physical exercise as a satisfying part of your life.

    Course it wont always feel like that during the marathon itself :D

    Enjoy the experience.

    Big plus one to that :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Been keeping an eye out on this thread starting after following a good portion of last years and being inspired by some of the great posts pre and post the big day.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)

    Been running on and off since the start of 2014.

    5k PB 20:50 in the MSB St Patrick's Run this year
    5 mile 36:35 in Raheny in Jan
    10k last time one was the Great Pink Run last August 47:50
    1/2 Marathon 1:44:30 in Clontarf in November

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do) No walk breaks needed in training

    How much training do you currently do ?

    3-4 runs per week anything between 10km-20km...Don't have my mind calibrated to miles yet!

    Two very light gym sessions and a wander around the golf course a couple of times a week.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?

    Main aim is to try and enjoy the day as much as possible (hopefully that is possible);realistic finishing time 3:50 dream time under 3:40

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?

    4 days of running is my aim.

    Have a modified Hal Higdon plan done up but will check the 2 mentioned.

    Why are you running this marathon?

    Been on the bucket list for a while now and want to do one before the big 40! To prove that I can do it and just to experience the atmosphere of it as I watched a good portion of runners go through Chapelizod last year and the atmosphere was too nothch.

    Good luck to all involved and roll on the next few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    nop98 wrote: »
    Hey Coffee Fulled Runner - welcome on board.

    Wow, I don't think we had a Novice of your running pedigree in our class last year. Certainly nobody was talking about sub-3 hours. IIRC jake1970 was closest on the day, but around 3h15 (could be wrong about that).

    I am delighted you're willing to share your experiences with us, but I think you'll find the focus here on "try to complete the run, preferably not in a heap" rather than such ambitious plans and targets.

    For example, I will very strongly encourage rest-days each week. If you can handle 6/7 or even 13/14 days running, then go for it. Running legends on this forum like TFBubendorfer and Ososlo (and I am sure many others) running every day, sometimes more than once a day - but that won't be the case for most Novices. Similarly, the mileage of the plans used here will increase, but nowhere near not as fast as you are intending to climb. That's not said it isn't right for you - but be careful.

    I am also happy to see you have a coach and are running a club. Do share details of your plan once you get it, but if I were you, I would take guidance and advice from your real-life coach. But if you have any queries (or encouragement for the other novices), please chime in.

    One word of caution (I am well aware I am far outside the realm of my experience now, maybe the more experience lads can comment). There was a thread here a while ago, about your HM performances before attempting a sub-3h - I can't find it now, but I recall being discussed that a 1h25 HM does not automatically a sub-3 hour marathon maketh - especially not on your first attempt.

    Discuss your plans and ambitions with your coach, set a conservative goal, and smash it on the day itself (while enjoying your first marathon).

    I'd be following your progress with interest! Welcome on board.

    Hi Coffee Fulled Runner,

    There a sub 3 hr support thread on the main A/R forum that will probably be better placed to give you more specific advise if that is your target.

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭SausageDogDave

    Woo hoo! Thanks Nop and best of luck everyone!

    DCM 2016 was a new year's resolution of mine from Jan 15 when I started running.
    As I really enjoyed running and was inspired by the 2015 novices thread I went ahead and signed up for the Copenhagen Marathon which is happening in 3 weeks (22/5)!... I guess I won't (hopefully) be a Novice strictly speaking. Hopefully that's ok. I've a massive amount to learn

    Have you raced before?
    A few parkruns, 5 miles, 10ks and 2 HMs:
    10K : 53:28 (Nov 15)
    Half Marathon: 2:00:21 (Mar 16)

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training?

    How much training do you currently do ?
    Generally 4 days a week. Distances of 8k or 13k during the week building up 32k at the weekend. Not great at doing cross training.

    What do you want to achieve?
    Finishing and enjoying the experience. Would be nice if Sub 4-hours is doable come October.

    How many days a week can you train?
    4 or 5. Going to follow the Boards Plan as I'd like to try speed work. If I don't like it I 'll revert to HH.

    Why are you running this marathon?
    Initially Motivation. Now because cos it would be epic.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,341 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    Nice one. Was wondering when this thread might pop up, thanks for starting it. I am not a regular poster here by any means. I said a few months back I'd do this, so I better stay true to my word. I've never run more than 10k and fell very much out of sync with running in 2014. Gradually got back into it last year.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)

    The Darkness into Light event in 2014 and 10 park runs spins are my only 'officially' timed events.

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do)


    How much training do you currently do?

    2-3 times per week was the norm earlier this year, only 5k, though. I'm injured at present and haven't run since April 1st. I'm hoping a visit to the GP this week will give me the all clear to start again. Injury kicked in just as I was bring my park run time down, slowly. :mad: Not belting it by any means, but was hoping to get it under 23 minutes, then under 22...eventually.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing

    Under 4 hours, 4:30 is probably more realistic. :cool:

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?

    Some evenings will be tricky as I sometimes do volunteering based on a rota system. Thurs-Sun is generally best for me, diary-wise, but I'll see.

    Probably the Hal one or an app, if I can get it to play podcasts at the same time.

    Why are you running this marathon?

    To mentally and physically challenge myself, I know I can do it if I put in the work. Because my body likes to be outdoors, not stuck in a comfort zone and perhaps to eventually go on to do more sports. On a cycling holiday a while back I was rather outranked (not distance, just general fitness) by iron man/triathlon nerds who were about a decade older than me. I'm sure the atmosphere will be good too.

    Also, so I can motivate myself with unrelated film quotes such as we're gonna need a bigger boat. Don't ask. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭Pomplamousse

    nop98 wrote: »
    Hey Pomplamousse, welcome on board. Well done on a good PB over 5k, and of course parkrun PBs count :) and I am still trying to ban the mental image of you finishing that HM!

    HHN1 will indeed be a step back - I agree. You're of course welcome to follow any plan - but can I encourage you to look at the boards plan?

    Your 5k PB and tough-as-nails approach to completing a sub 2h HM suggests plenty of ability and mental strength. But your weak point seems to be endurance. It sounds to be you need to slowly, slowly, slowly build up your endurance base more. But beware, being sore after completing LSRs is a warning sign, you're probably running them too fast. Glad to hear your last 11 miler went without soreness.

    Running your training runs at the right pace is the hardest thing for novice marathoners. Last year, Dubgal hammered on it all the time. Most of your runs, and definitely your LSR will need to be 15-20% slower than your planned marathon pace. A 4-hour marathon is 9:09 min/mi, so add 20% to that to get an idea.

    My advice would be to start monitoring your pace right now.. It's harder than you think - but it will be very worthwhile once the long runs gets longer and longer.

    Welcome on board!

    Thanks a mill for your response. I agree that endurance is definitely my downfall!!
    I had a look at the boards plan & wasn't sure if it might be a bit too much for me, but sure I'll see how I get on over the next month & then make a decision :)
    I got a Garmin for Christmas so have been using that for monitoring pace. I'm doing my LSRs at around 11-11.30 mins/mile, which I think is probably slower than the pace I was doing during last year's half marathon training, so hopefully the leg soreness stays away. Because spending most of last Summer's Saturdays hobbling around was no fun :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Thanks a mill for your response. I agree that endurance is definitely my downfall!!
    I had a look at the boards plan & wasn't sure if it might be a bit too much for me, but sure I'll see how I get on over the next month & then make a decision :)
    I got a Garmin for Christmas so have been using that for monitoring pace. I'm doing my LSRs at around 11-11.30 mins/mile, which I think is probably slower than the pace I was doing during last year's half marathon training, so hopefully the leg soreness stays away. Because spending most of last Summer's Saturdays hobbling around was no fun :o

    Hey pomplamousse, welcome to a/r! your half PB is similar to mine and my LSR paces were around 10:55-11:20 so your spot on there. As nop has already pointed out in the OP and you'll see this theme throughout the thread as the months go on, keep your easy pace at the lower end of easy and keep them nice and sloooooww. You seem to already be seeing the benefits of that and your legs are thanking you! Best of luck with the training :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭Pomplamousse

    Firedance wrote: »
    Hey pomplamousse, welcome to a/r! your half PB is similar to mine and my LSR paces were around 10:55-11:20 so your spot on there. As nop has already pointed out in the OP and you'll see this theme throughout the thread as the months go on, keep your easy pace at the lower end of easy and keep them nice and sloooooww. You seem to already be seeing the benefits of that and your legs are thanking you! Best of luck with the training :)

    I will keep it slow. And thanks a million:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭babaracus

    I was waiting for this thread to appear, followed last year's one with interest and it was very enjoyable seeing the results on the day after all the hard work people had put in. I m running just less than 2 years, would ahve played a lot of GAA in my youth but nothing since apart from a cycle commute of 7k each way every day. That commute is now gone.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)

    Only a little. A few 5kraces, a good few parkruns and 1 HM.
    5k: 20:20 Parkrun (Aug 2015). 4 sub 21's in total. Never managed to break the magic (for me) 20 mins. I would have been focussing on 5k at that time my times now would not be as good - likely be more late 21's, early 22's but I have not been doing 5ks.

    HM - 1:49:55 (April 2016). Wexford HM very recently. Ran last 5k in 23 mins flat so pacing was not right as I had way too much in reserve at 16k! Was too lacking in confidence to start faster, maybe the result would have been the same, who knows.

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training? (No problem if you do)

    How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.

    4 days a week. 2 X 4 or 5 miles. 1 x 8 miles and 1 LSR at weekend. Longest LSR to date 17 miles at 5:40 pace (Per km!!). Trying to build endurance at moment.

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time? Or just complete it in no specified time?

    Sub 4hrs is the one and only target.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?

    Currently running 4. Can increase to 5. Cross training is not appealing- cannot swim and not keen on gym work or cycling.

    Why are you running this marathon?
    For the challenge.

    I am currently in training for the Waterford marathon in late June, hence up to 17 miles. I am following Hal Higdon Novice 2 for that. Plan is just to get round alive and doing it for the experience. My main assault is on the DCM. I hope that does not preclude me from this thread as I hopefully will have 1 marathon under me belt. I really need help as I am on my own, no training partner or club and could use some assistance and advice! Thank you nop98 for taking the time to run this thread.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 959 ✭✭✭kin9pin

    Very excited to be joining this thread :) I followed the last year's, but it was too early in my "running career" to get involved.

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs?
    HM: 1:57:08 (Clontarf Nov 2015)
    10k: 53:30 (Nov 2015)
    5k: 23:20 (Oct 2015) Not sure what happened here, it's 1:10 faster than anything I've ever run, though I tend to prefer longer runs.

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training?

    How much training do you currently do ?
    I'm currently training for the Clontarf HM on 9th July, following the Garmin level 2 plan. It's not far off the Hal Higdon intermediate, but had the added bonus that I could send straight to my watch :)
    At the moment I'm running 5 times a week, around 30-40km total.

    What do you want to achieve?
    Dream: 3:59:59
    Happy: 4:29:29
    Otherwise just finish! I really have no idea what I can realistically aim for and that's the one thing that worries me. I am usually over-cautious so will only follow the 4 hour pacers if I'm confident of sticking with them.

    How many days a week can you train? And what plan do you intend to follow?
    I should be able to stick to 5 days. Planning on following the boards plan.

    Why are you running this marathon?
    I'm 45 and gave up smoking in October 2014. Started running in December 2014 (first run was 200m before I stopped for breath and my legs turned to jelly!). The marathon kind of completes my whole get fit regime, but I'm hoping I enjoy it enough to do it again.

    Big thanks to nop98 for doing this.
