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Star Trek: Renegades



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,215 ✭✭✭harney

    It looks like CBS has said no to picking this up, however they are thinking to make a web series of 12 episodes per year.

    From the article, something that should cheer people up:
    Walter Koenig has agreed to stay on through Episode 3 which will be the conclusion to the Episode 2 cliffhanger but after that, he plans to retire his Chekov character.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    harney wrote: »
    but after that, he plans to retire his Chekov character. [/I]

    I wonder if CBS had taken the show up would he have made the same decision...not that I'd blame him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭SarahBM

    Just watched the full movie which is available on their Official YouTube channel.
    I am interested to know what people think.
    I think I give it 6/10. Two of my 6 points for pure effort on behalf of the people who made it. I admire their dedication.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭_Tombstone_

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,486 ✭✭✭✭Cookie_Monster

    syklops wrote: »
    And Wrath of Khan was what? Aside from the best Trek movie ever.

    WOK was more like a strategic sub battle than all out action packed phaser splsion-fest; very slow, lots of tension.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,966 ✭✭✭✭syklops

    WOK was more like a strategic sub battle than all out action packed phaser splsion-fest; very slow, lots of tension.

    Star Trek thread rule #1: Whatever your opinion, someone will come along to contradict you.

    You're right, there was no fighting in Wrath of Khan. It was a strategic sub battle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,486 ✭✭✭✭Cookie_Monster

    syklops wrote: »
    Star Trek thread rule #1: Whatever your opinion, someone will come along to contradict you.

    You're right, there was no fighting in Wrath of Khan. It was a strategic sub battle.

    way to miss the point. :rolleyes:

    do you not understand the difference between the types of action in WOK and the new films?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,452 ✭✭✭✭The_Valeyard

    Just watched it tonight, was alright actually, not the best, but watchable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,966 ✭✭✭✭syklops

    way to miss the point. :rolleyes:

    do you not understand the difference between the types of action in WOK and the new films?

    Settle down dude. I didn't miss the point at all.

    Speaking of missing the point, why don't you read the comment I was replying to? What would your response be to that comment?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,966 ✭✭✭✭syklops

    Just watched it tonight, was alright actually, not the best, but watchable.

    So right up there with recent Trek series then?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,452 ✭✭✭✭The_Valeyard

    syklops wrote: »
    So right up there with recent Trek series then?

    Maybe enterprise season 1. But seasons 3-4 of enterprise was brilliant. And I did enjoy the first reboot film.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,791 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    I tried, but gave up 15 mins in.. it's very very cheap feeling and the acting (even from the "names") is poor.

    Maybe I've been spoiled, but Star Trek Continues and Axanar (and it's only a 20 min demo at this point really) is far superior to this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    So, I watched Renegades last thoughts on it are:

    I, like any Trek fan could rip this to shreds quite easily, but I won't - we have to remember it's a fan made film with a limited budget. Based on that, I think it's fair to analyse the film with a softer touch, in comparison to a Hollywood production with a budget the size of a small country's GDP.

    To begin, I didn't think it was great at all, which didn't surprise me really. The plot was a cluster****, & I found myself at several points wondering if I'd missed something, as the story seemed to have taken three steps forward instead of one, several times. The idea was decent, but to pull it all off in 90 mins was asking a LOT, and for me, they didn't/couldn't. This needed a simple but engaging plot, but instead they chose a grandiose path that for me was a major planning error.

    The plot was also further ruined by the same thing that ruins many non canon stories, this innate need to link every possible known character together in some way. I feel this film was constrained the minute Koenig & Russ gave the green light to be in it - you instantly have a ludicrous situation of a 150 year old human in the same story as a Vulcan from a completely different era - it just doesn't work, not for anyone who takes Trek seriously imo. To have Admiral Chekov at that age running Starfleet Security, colluding with Commander Tuvok who runs Section 31...just screams of badly written fan fiction, & I found it hard to put that aside during the film.

    Does nobody ask why Admiral Checkov (head of Starfleet Security) is often alone in his office with a hacker and an assassin for most of the film?? Barring an odd visit from Admiral Paris, Chekov doesn't seem to have many visitors or security around him, considering his important position. His grand daughter had zero point in the film, Zimmerman had zero point in the film, and it all seemed to convolute the plot.

    The pacing felt way off, which I was surprised at considering Russ directed this. The sheer amount of fly-by scenes to connect the dots was something else. There was no no natural flow to the film at all, and it seemed to awkwardly connect different scenes with dozens of fly by shots, be it of the Icarus, or the Archer, or the enemy ship etc. Scenes would sometimes clunkily jump from one to another, and it felt like I had to concentrate quite hard to keep up with who was on screen now, where is the scene now, are we here, are we there!

    The music was fantastic in it I must admit. It almost has undertones of Horners stunning Wrath of Khan soundtrack, & really helped to balance out the films other weaker elements.

    The special effects in this were a mixed bag, some of the effects were actually quite decent (Echeb's arm for example, or the Icarus too looked pretty great), however, other effects were downright awful (the Archer up close actually got pixelated in one scene, some of the phaser fire was shockingly bad where I've seen better on youtube). The space battles were weak for me, if you added it all up it's probably 15 mins of ships throwing photon torpedoes at each other with nothing really resulting from it. The ship phaser fire didn't look great at all, the photons didn't look great, the sound effects for these weren't great, and it felt every bit like a cheap cgi fest really.

    The acting, unfortunately echoes the special effects. Some performances were good (Koenig, Russ, Intiraymi, Furlong, Nemec & Graham were solid). Others were decent but had no real point in the film (Picardo springs to mind). Chekovs grand daughter and her friend were awful, and had zero point in the film, some of the crew of the Icarus too were quite bad also. Nice to see Furlong in something after all these years, I didn't even recognise him until near the end of the film!

    I feel this had real potential, but this ever present drive to get as many 'names' together & link them all, despite vast age differences is what severely limits the credibility of any story. Having names on board is great for publicity, but the cost is too high if you ask me. If it absolutely HAD to have Russ & Koenig in it, then the obvious and most believable plot would involve time travel of some description. They could have explored the late TMP/pre-TNG era, with Tuvok and co being stranded in time and needing a way to return or something. Anyway, we got what we got. It's clear a TON of effort went into this, & they succeeded in many elements, but unfortunately, failed in many others for me. It was great to see Russ back as Tuvok, he hasn't lost a thing all these years later, and if anything, he should have been in it a lot more.

    3/10 I'm afraid :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    I should also note, by far the worst set was the bridge of the Archer, it was terrible. You get no sense of "yeah, that's the bridge of the ship we just seen on that screen", instead, it's more like "that's the best they could come up with for that cg ship we just seen??". It's seriously like a badly remade Ent-D bridge, built from Ikea kitchen material.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭SarahBM

    But corin nemec was probably the strongest character

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    SarahBM wrote: »
    But corin nemec was probably the strongest character

    Really? I like Nemec, but his role seemed to comprise of shouting orders from the 'bridge' of the fact, the Archer and its entire crew didn't really even need to be in the film. There's only so much Nemec could do with that role, & he did very well considering...but I wouldn't call him the strongest character...the writing and his role simply couldn't allow for that imo

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭SarahBM

    Myrddin wrote: »
    Really? I like Nemec, but his role seemed to comprise of shouting orders from the 'bridge' of the fact, the Archer and its entire crew didn't really even need to be in the film. There's only so much Nemec could do with that role, & he did very well considering...but I wouldn't call him the strongest character...the writing and his role simply couldn't allow for that imo

    Sorry I should clarify I ment peripheral character. Out side of the main gang. The Archer just chased them a bit.
    Zimmerman and the admirals great granddaughter were the most forgettable

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,966 ✭✭✭✭syklops

    way to miss the point. :rolleyes:

    do you not understand the difference between the types of action in WOK and the new films?

    What? Who mentioned the new films?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    SarahBM wrote: »
    Sorry I should clarify I ment peripheral character. Out side of the main gang. The Archer just chased them a bit.
    Zimmerman and the admirals great granddaughter were the most forgettable

    Yeah I'd agree, it's not entirely surprising given Nemec's experience (he was damn good in SG1). Honestly, barring a few "hey get back here" moments, the Archer and its point in the film seemed utterly redundant. It's like they thought, "oh, we gotta have a federation ship in the film so lets do this" or something. It should have focused a lot more on Tuvok's reforming of Section 31, how he knew the crew of the Icarus, how Section 31 worked etc...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭SarahBM

    Myrddin wrote: »
    Yeah I'd agree, it's not entirely surprising given Nemec's experience (he was damn good in SG1). Honestly, barring a few "hey get back here" moments, the Archer and its point in the film seemed utterly redundant. It's like they thought, "oh, we gotta have a federation ship in the film so lets do this" or something. It should have focused a lot more on Tuvok's reforming of Section 31, how he knew the crew of the Icarus, how Section 31 worked etc...

    Plus I would love to know how a bunch of criminals got their hands on a ship like that. And how did that guy not realise he was a hologram. Surely someone would have noticed oi! You never eat or go for a wee!!!

    Plus did I mention I hated the Starfleet uniforms

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    SarahBM wrote: »
    Plus did I mention I hated the Starfleet uniforms

    Ha, I didn't find them top bad...what I did notice though (unless I need to check again), was that the Admirals rank insignia was the same as Captain (four bars).

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I imagine that Nemic and The Archer are just being set up as grudging allies in future shows.

    I kinda liked it. The ship CGI was great but some of the green screen and the planets folding would look poor in early fan flicks.

    The premise is good, to be fair. Better than Nu Trek. I did like the foreshadowing about the Federation sending a probe 300 years previous. There obviously is a thought out story arc there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,990 ✭✭✭ItHurtsWhenIP

    Watched it there last night. It wasn't the Trek of my youth, that's for sure. However there were some things that did remind me of that time.
    1. Some of the hand phaser shots were straight from the Battlestar Galactica 1978 blaster sound effect department.
    2. The sound effect of the planet folding was ala Space: 1999.
    3. I wasn't around for this originally :rolleyes:, but did watch the repeats when I was young - The shots of the Icarus landing and departing Syphon really reminded me of the way the ships flew in the likes of Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,737 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    Wow, that was just awful with some decent actors being given the cheesiest lines and what seemed to be rehearsal one-takes mashed together into a big brown mess of a feature-length film :/
    What a jumbled mess of a trek.

    I just hope that Axanar is better than this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,215 ✭✭✭harney

    I watched it, but didn't get around to posting. It wasn't terrible, but something felt missing in it. I'd certainly watch some more. It's a pitty somebody like Netflix can't put together a show.

    It looks like they have started another Kickstarter to create episodes 2 and 3. They've even managed to rope in a few DS9 characters into the next two.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Only Renegades could be so ridiculous to have Terry Farrell star as "Jadzia", wtf like? Interesting that Beltran is on board with this, I thought he fell out of sorts with Trek & its fans no?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭SarahBM

    Myrddin wrote: »
    Only Renegades could be so ridiculous to have Terry Farrell star as "Jadzia", wtf like? Interesting that Beltran is on board with this, I thought he fell out of sorts with Trek & its fans no?

    You're joking! Sure she's dead! Dead Jim!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    SarahBM wrote: »
    You're joking! Sure she's dead! Dead Jim!

    It's worse than that....her brain is gone! (You'll get it eventually :D)
