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Season 6 | Episode 2 | JSS [AMC] [SPOILERS]



  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭clever user name


    I'll keep watching but man, this episode was dumb.

    None of the stuff you mentioned really bothers me. One thing that really bugs me though is Daryl's endless supply of arrows...annoys me more than it should.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,748 ✭✭✭✭Lovely Bloke

    None of the stuff you mentioned really bothers me. One thing that really bugs me though is Daryl's endless supply of arrows...annoys me more than it should.

    He reuses them. He's even been shown reclaiming them from dead walkers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 255 ✭✭mattP

    did yerman drop the photos somewhere outside? I didn't think the photos had anything that in particular would lead anybody to the place

    In the last season finale when Daryl and the gay guy (Aaron?) were trapped in the car they dropped the photos when they were escaping
    Maybe it was out of sheer jealousy, they didn't want another group surviving, or maybe they wanted to take the town

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    To be honest the wolf attackers seemed like nut jobs. Likely sent in by smarter, controlling powerful wolves to scope the place out. Or they were hoping to climb up the wolf ladder by controlling a place like Alexandria. Most of the people still alive in the wild are either a bit unhinged / murderous to begin with or have gone crazy due to the current zombie circumstances.

    I mean look how close Rick and co have gotten to murder etc and they have kids and babies to try and ground them. Haven't seen any other roaming groups with kids.

    It's possible they were scoping the place out for days and saw that half the compound had left for the day and decided to attack then. Even though Alexandria has guns, pretty much nobody left behind knew how to use them. Also was the guy on watch that got set on fire looking inwards instead of out?

    The reason carol was able to sneak up on that guy attacking Morgan is cause she stole the clothes off another wolf.

    On the Morgan note he's a naive idiot. He just saw the consequences of leaving an attacker alive because he got attacked again by the same guy. Then he goes an lets a bunch of them go, knowing they are murderous lunatics. Then he also tells them they've loads of guns! Wtf? Talk about inviting them back for more carnage. Letting some,one go is fine if you are going to keep moving but now they know where you live!

    We still don't know the reasoning behind the wolf pack yet. There definitly seem to be different types in it tho. Smarter, calculating ones, and more physical ones. They all seem to have one goal though and that's to kill as many people as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    To be honest the wolf attackers seemed like nut jobs. Likely sent in by smarter, controlling powerful wolves to scope the place out. Or they were hoping to climb up the wolf ladder by controlling a place like Alexandria. Most of the people still alive in the wild are either a bit unhinged / murderous to begin with or have gone crazy due to the current zombie circumstances.

    I mean look how close Rick and co have gotten to murder etc and they have kids and babies to try and ground them. Haven't seen any other roaming groups with kids.

    It's possible they were scoping the place out for days and saw that half the compound had left for the day and decided to attack then. Even though Alexandria has guns, pretty much nobody left behind knew how to use them. Also was the guy on watch that got set on fire looking inwards instead of out?

    The reason carol was able to sneak up on that guy attacking Morgan is cause she stole the clothes off another wolf.

    On the Morgan note he's a naive idiot. He just saw the consequences of leaving an attacker alive because he got attacked again by the same guy. Then he goes an lets a bunch of them go, knowing they are murderous lunatics. Then he also tells them they've loads of guns! Wtf? Talk about inviting them back for more carnage. Letting some,one go is fine if you are going to keep moving but now they know where you live!

    We still don't know the reasoning behind the wolf pack yet. There definitly seem to be different types in it tho. Smarter, calculating ones, and more physical ones. They all seem to have one goal though and that's to kill as many people as possible.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,050 ✭✭✭✭The Talking Bread

    Fascinating episode. Good to have an episode not centred around Daryll and Rick. was confused by what role the JSS girl had in the episode. Did she just leave the town or was it suggesting she had something to do with the attack? The W people motives are still unclear to me.

    Oh she will be back..........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,050 ✭✭✭✭The Talking Bread

    I think it's entering silly season territory tbh.

    The guy fighting Morgan in the open doesn't spot Carol running towards him from the side with a knife? No peripheral vision on these guys, eh?

    And speaking of Carol, I am willing to accept that she can daub herself in zombie goo and blend in, blow up stuff with gunshots, etc. but I cannot accept that she can behave as she did on this episode where she transformed into Solid Snake. It was ridiculous. I must have missed the episode where Otacon calls on the Codec to explain to her the basics of CQC skills.

    And I like Morgan. I do. But how has he got the skills of a Shaolin Kung Fu master in a matter of months? Who trained him? The old guy from Kill Bill? Beating up four people at once? I mean, come on.

    And with regards the wolves, what was the plan here exactly? 'Hey chaps, let's attack in broad daylight, without artillery, and please make sure to spend lots of time hacking dead bodies to bits whilst ignoring all those people within the vicinity who have, you know, GUNS and stuff? And on that point, I loved how it's only when Morgan points out that his people have, you know, GUNS, that they take the hint and scarper. What, this was news to them?

    And yes I know this is a show about zombies but there has to be some basic attempt to keep things within logical bounds otherwise we might as well have Carol and Morgan stumble upon Metal Gear Rex next week.

    I'll keep watching but man, this episode was dumb.

    The thing about things like Morgan ninja turtle warrior skills and Daryl's endless arrows is that these are things that can't be blamed on the show but are the fault of the comic writers who were merely writing a comic and reality has to be ignored somewhat to make the comic a good read for its target market. Some things you just have to ignore and accept the show is essentially a fantasy thriller and throwing logical questions at certain aspects just makes for a less enjoyable viewing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 436 ✭✭WealthyB

    How can anyone not love Carol.

    She was right that smoking would be the death of Mrs Noodlemayer. Thankfully we never have to hear about that damn "pawsta maker" again :)

    Lastly I'd love to see Carol and Rosanna Davison have a cook off on telly.
    Rosanna could bring a gluten free casserole to the table and Carol could bring a mass homicide-casserole

  • Registered Users Posts: 291 ✭✭granty1987

    Unless i'm mistaken, they now know where the gun stash is as that guy escaped Carol. She did shoot him twice but they zoomed in on the blood on the steps showing that although he was shot, he wasnt dead and he definitely saw the arsenal.

    They'll be back, and a fair bit more focused

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,050 ✭✭✭✭The Talking Bread

    WealthyB wrote: »
    How can anyone not love Carol.

    She was right that smoking would be the death of Mrs Noodlemayer. Thankfully we never have to hear about that damn "pawsta maker" again :)

    Lastly I'd love to see Carol and Rosanna Davison have a cook off on telly.
    Rosanna could bring a gluten free casserole to the table and Carol could bring a mass homicide-casserole

    Tbh I don't think anyone does dislike her! She had a few tetchy moments a few seasons back but ever since being banished by Rick and her performance at Terminus she is up there with Daryl's, Glen, Rick, Michonne and Abraham (as well as Morgan) as my current favourite characters.

    I envisage Heath will be on that list soon enough though. Sure he has great hair!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭Frankie5Angels

    The woman in the armoury, surely there's something left there? She's just been told to shoot anything that comes in and she's left standing there, scared silly and not knowing what's going on. I think she'll shoot someone next episode.

    Morgan is annoying as hell, and weak. He's going to be killed or cost someone their life. Also, does anyone else think they could take a belt off that stick and barely feel it? He's just flinging it around like a toothpick, no effort.

    Not sure what to make of the whole Carol thing. I like how badass she is, but the story is a bit wishy-washy. The thing I think that ruined Carol for me was in season 3/4 when she blew up the big gas tank at Terminus. With a firework rocket. Which flew exactly where she wanted it to from about 100 yards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,197 ✭✭✭maximoose

    Paddy Cow wrote: »
    Excellent episode. Carol saves the day again! How did Morgan get back so quickly though and none of the others did :confused:

    Rick told Morgan to go back after yer man died in ep 1 (Carter?), that's how he was there first.

    Good ep, quite enjoyed it even though Carol has been pushed into silly territory.

    Next week looks like it'll keep up the pace with the main group trying to get back to Alexandria amongst the horde.

    I think we'll def be seeing more of Enid. Possibly involved with the wolves? Why else flesh out her history

    Don't know if it has been mentioned, but episode 4 is another 90-mins episode!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,141 ✭✭✭Yakuza

    I mean look how close Rick and co have gotten to murder etc and they have kids and babies to try and ground them. Haven't seen any other roaming groups with kids.

    Most kills they made were in self-defence or in the heat of battle, but Carol definitely executed the guy that Morgan had on the ground tied up. He wasn't an immediate threat but I guess the Geneva Convention goes out the window during an apocalypse! (Not that I blame her for a second).

    Hopefully Koooorrrrllll will learn his lesson from nearly losing his gun to the guy he clipped in the leg and just put the next person like that down.

    I'd nearly classify those Wolves as sub-human (given the way they were just running around, feverishly hacking away) so putting them down would be (in the parlance of another Z show) "Showing them mercy".

  • Registered Users Posts: 543 ✭✭✭Greyjoy

    Yakuza wrote: »
    Most kills they made were in self-defence or in the heat of battle, but Carol definitely executed the guy that Morgan had on the ground tied up. He wasn't an immediate threat but I guess the Geneva Convention goes out the window during an apocalypse! (Not that I blame her for a second).

    I thought that was actually an incredibly stupid move on Carol's part. They had a prisoner that they could interrogate later to find out some real information about the raiders but instead she executes him even though he's no longer a threat.

    The wolves plan made little to no sense. They just ran around killing people at random (although I must admit the first kill Carol sees through the window was genuinely shocking). I don't think it was a scouting party, after all they already had photos of the town and they were trying to use the truck to ram the gates. If it was just a scouting party then they were worse than useless - all they've accomplished now is to alert the townspeople.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭snowgal

    Yea I think that Carol should have left that one alive too, they could've got some info from him about the wolves...Its so hard to make them out. I have this image that we'll see them in the next episode, a huge gang of crazy people living in another camp...I also think Enid is a wolf member and she'll somehow be involved in saving Rick and co along the line....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,191 ✭✭✭CardBordWindow

    I'm sure they can interrogate the guy Morgan knocked out at the end.
    I doubt he killed him with his stick.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,348 ✭✭✭✭ricero

    In regards to Morgan I think i read somewhere that there will be an entire episode focusing on Morgan and what he was up to in between rick seeing him again in season 3. Probaly shed some light as to why he doesn't like killing people

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,074 ✭✭✭pmasterson95

    I think it's entering silly season territory tbh.

    The guy fighting Morgan in the open doesn't spot Carol running towards him from the side with a knife? No peripheral vision on these guys, eh?

    And speaking of Carol, I am willing to accept that she can daub herself in zombie goo and blend in, blow up stuff with gunshots, etc. but I cannot accept that she can behave as she did on this episode where she transformed into Solid Snake. It was ridiculous. I must have missed the episode where Otacon calls on the Codec to explain to her the basics of CQC skills.

    And I like Morgan. I do. But how has he got the skills of a Shaolin Kung Fu master in a matter of months? Who trained him? The old guy from Kill Bill? Beating up four people at once? I mean, come on.

    And with regards the wolves, what was the plan here exactly? 'Hey chaps, let's attack in broad daylight, without artillery, and please make sure to spend lots of time hacking dead bodies to bits whilst ignoring all those people within the vicinity who have, you know, GUNS and stuff? And on that point, I loved how it's only when Morgan points out that his people have, you know, GUNS, that they take the hint and scarper. What, this was news to them?

    And yes I know this is a show about zombies but there has to be some basic attempt to keep things within logical bounds otherwise we might as well have Carol and Morgan stumble upon Metal Gear Rex next week.

    I'll keep watching but man, this episode was dumb.
    Did you watch the episode? Considering Carol had disguised herself as Aphid why would that Wolf be wary of his colleague?

    Also Wiltshire didnt have guns and look what the Wolves did there. The Alexandrians were sitting ducks. It was Carol, Maggie, Rosita, Carl & Aaron who fought back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,074 ✭✭✭pmasterson95

    Similar those asking about the Wolves you can see from Wiltshire and heard from the long haired Wolf that they just "run through" places. They dont take over or move in. They just destroy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 935 ✭✭✭Whitewinged

    Agreed Carol is getting a bit stupid and Morgan, well its fair enough to let people go but not in this case where they were slaughtering people with axes and ****.

    Noticed how Carl didnt shoot the Wolf guy at blank range like he did with the Governers guy in season 3.

    One of the Wolves said something about how the people shouldnt be here. Maybe thats why they call themselves wolves because they feel people dont belong in the world. I think they are like devil worshippers or something like that maybe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,197 ✭✭✭maximoose

    Was looking at some of the fan timelines, which estimate about 7 month gap between crazy Morgan and his reappearance at Alexandria.

    That enough time to master a Bo staff? :pac:

    I'm kinda hoping Comic/Poss show
    he met and learnt from a certain someone from the Hilltop

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭clever user name

    He reuses them. He's even been shown reclaiming them from dead walkers.

    Yeah I've seen that. But I've also noticed so many times where he's used them when they've been in a bit of a pickle, with no way of retrieving them. He used one in the first episode of this season that was irretrievable. Anyway, just a little annoyance, I'm not sure why :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,055 ✭✭✭muckwarrior

    Why do the wolves have no guns? I mean Rick's group must have come upon dozens, if not hundreds at this stage. Pretty much every other group encountered during the show's history had guns. It's pretty hard to believe that this large group who've been capturing and/or killing people for so long, wouldn't have a single gun between them (until now).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,055 ✭✭✭muckwarrior

    Yeah I've seen that. But I've also noticed so many times where he's used them when they've been in a bit of a pickle, with no way of retrieving them. He used one in the first episode of this season that was irretrievable. Anyway, just a little annoyance, I'm not sure why :pac:

    Pretty sure it's also shown him making new arrows once or twice too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭Flippyfloppy

    ricero wrote: »
    In regards to Morgan I think i read somewhere that there will be an entire episode focusing on Morgan and what he was up to in between rick seeing him again in season 3. Probaly shed some light as to why he doesn't like killing people

    Imo his dislike / inability to kill stems from not being able to shoot his walker wife who kept trying to get into his house. He said in the last episode that he's not 'very good' at killing.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,662 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hyzepher

    Is this the first episode without Rick?

  • Registered Users Posts: 883 ✭✭✭Keplar240B

    None of the stuff you mentioned really bothers me. One thing that really bugs me though is Daryl's endless supply of arrows...annoys me more than it should.

    There are called bolts not arrows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 883 ✭✭✭Keplar240B

    Hyzepher wrote: »
    Is this the first episode without Rick?

    This is the ninth episode of the series that Rick didn't appear.

  • Subscribers Posts: 32,850 ✭✭✭✭5starpool

    On the point of the wolves attack not seeming logical, I think it mirrors what we saw last season after they went to find the black lad who was killed in the revolving doors mother, when that gated community was overrun and decimated by the wolves who obviously didn't try to salvage anything there. I hope we do find what drives them to these levels of insanity (other than they just can) before the arc ends. It might just be as simple as them being largely escaped convicts from a maximum security prison who like killing people at will with no law and order in place. That would be a bit disappointing, but at least somewhat plausible.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 53,262 ✭✭✭✭GavRedKing

    snowgal wrote: »
    Yea I think that Carol should have left that one alive too, they could've got some info from him about the wolves...Its so hard to make them out. I have this image that we'll see them in the next episode, a huge gang of crazy people living in another camp...I also think Enid is a wolf member and she'll somehow be involved in saving Rick and co along the line....

    Agree on this, there was too much focus early on in the episode for a secondary cast member that wasnt going to have an impact at some point.

    The fact shes been in and out of the town too would point towards a spy.

    I assumed that she was a kid of the town whos parents died but it showed her just rocking up to the gate and being left in.
