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happy/happiest moments in your life



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭the_monkey

    Keisha07 wrote: »
    When my son was 8months old he developed meningitis, he was unconscious for a number of days we were warned not to expect too much from him. The day came to take him off the sedative and when he woke up he stared up and cried, he recognized us the best feeling ever and I try remember it every time he sasses us now as a surly 16 year old

    Nice I get emotional reading this !
    I could say the obvious like the birth of my boy , but I'll go for the little things cos they are underrated

    Summer '99 in Cape Cod working on the black as a petrol pump attendant - best job ever !!

    Last year 6am sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon for sunrise - my first time seeing this absolute wonder- I was so at peace and could have died happy

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,156 ✭✭✭✭HugsiePie

    When i got the part in my school play

    Wasnt even a main role just a side character but it was such a f u to the people holding me back at the time making me feel like I couldn't do anything. ...and the fact it was something i had earned. experience no pity no help...i went in there and got it completely on my own merits.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭AstraOwner

    Those summers as a kid. Carefree. Out exploring with mates. Not sure it gets much better than that to be honest.
    Traveling. So many happy memories and times. So much laughter.
    Various periods with exes. All loved up and happiest chap in the world.

    All happy times.

    Not quite happiness but I can't help but remember this one strange feeling of pure contentment as a kid that still sticks in my memory and I'd imagine will forever. Was lying on a round bale in a straw field on a hot summers day with a mate. I remember a feeling of huge contentment. A long time ago now but I've never felt it before or since. It didn't seem to be in relation to my life at the time, just that moment.
    I was far, far too young to be having such thoughts but the huge feeling of contentment led me to believe that I'd be happy if I was to die right there and then. I didn't wish to, but there has never been another moment in my life where I'd have accepted death without a question. And I was content and happy. Bizarre!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,750 ✭✭✭fleet_admiral

    Seeing my son being born, getting married and setting up my own business, all within a year of each oher

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭IrishAlice

    Things like the day I got my degree, my first car, passed my driving test are all in my head but there's one particular moment that even now makes me tear up just a little.

    I had been in a long term relationship and he dumped me for someone else about a month before Christmas. I had said to my sisters how weird it was going to be not having a boyfriend present on Christmas morning (we tend to buy each other lots of small things in my family so I wouldn't be getting a big present)

    Christmas morning came, we all opened our gifts as normal and then a few minutes later all my family came over to me and handed me a brand new mobile phone.

    They all chipped in to buy it for me because they wanted me to have something special for Christmas after everything that had happened.

    The phone doesn't even charge any more and has a broken screen but it's still sitting in my bedside locker. I can't bring myself to throw it away.

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