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Long time weight loss

  • 16-09-2014 10:46pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭

    To anyone who has dieted over several years to lose big numbers (eg 10+ stone),

    How did you stay on track for more than a few weeks? I've 5 stone to lose to get to a healthy weight, not even my target, but it seems like an impossible task. I know not to look at the overall picture but even then that doesn't help.

    I'd love to hear from people who've lost big numbers and how thru stayed focused


  • Registered Users Posts: 31,828 ✭✭✭✭Mars Bar

    Well don't use the word diet for a start. You're gonna be living a healthy lifestyle! :) Not enduring a diet.

    Head on over to the Nutrition and Diet forum and read all the stickies there. There's some superb posters over there who will help you.

    Start with changing one meal at a time to begin with and small walks every day and then build up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,581 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    There a common misconception that eating healthily means leaving behind all the tasty food.

    You don't even need to be a good cook to make a tasty and healthy meal. A couple of basics and you're good to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭ch750536

    August 2013 I went to see a psychologist as my relationship with food was really bad. Basically I got the shakes if I didn't eat, started cold sweats etc. Was completely out of control.

    Education played a big part in my change. The change was slow & permanent. I was never 'on a' anything, I just took control of myself. Zoom forward to now and I'm vegan since May, in full control of what I eat and even gave up fizzy drinks & crisps to prove it (2 weeks).

    Food is something my body needs for nutrition and nothing else. I don't have an emotional attachment to food, it does not make me feel good or solve any of my problems. Each day I see what I need nutritionally and I consume what is needed. Fresh local produce tastes great!

    The biggest single impact on my health is dumping processed foods. I feel so much better now & only eat things that I know are good for me, well, almost. I also believe that many foods are engineered to make you eat more of them.

    Forget diet, forget weight loss. Educate yourself and live a healthy life. This will make you healthier and maybe happier.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,543 ✭✭✭Mick Murdock

    I lost a similar amount of weight (just under 5st) in the past 12-18 months. I took about 10-12 months but could be done in a lot less imo. My two cents.

    It takes dedication. YOU have to WANT to do it for yourself. I lost and gained weight many times over the years because I would get so far (eg. lose 2-3st), get complacent/distracted by my 'social life' and go back to my old ways. Alcohol was more of an issue for me than food but it was a combination of both. Without being a social recluse of course, avoid things you feel might interfere with your progress - that may not be relevant to anybody else!!

    It took you a long time to gain 5 stone and it will take time (but nowhere near as long if you're committed) and hard work to lose it. Don't think of it as 5 stone because that's a long way off. Set yourself a goal to lose half a stone, then a stone, then two stone and so on. Achievement is a great motivator. Have a target in mind for Christmas and work towards that.

    Don't restrict/starve yourself and I'd personally avoid 'diets' because they generally end in failure. I think you follow the Slimming World plan as I read that thread sometimes and your name is familiar. The main benefit I see to SW is the social aspect of the meetings and the public weigh in and potential shaming every week. While it's a good motivator it's not ideal once you stop attending meetings. Watch your pasta/potato and general carb intake on the SW plan. The user KKV seems to have a good grasp of it.

    Learn to cook if you haven't done so already. It's not difficult and you can eat lots of tasty food on a calorie restricted plan. It doesn't cost the earth. Learn and understand what is good and bad and why. Fresh vegetables, fresh meat/fish and spices are your best friends for the foreseeable future. :)

    Limiting the amount of carbs will get you much quicker results. Still eat the things you like just in smaller quantities. Add more veg to take it's place. It's easy to do and it works. Never eat the same stuff day in, day out. That will kill anybody's willpower.

    Obviously diet is the key to weight loss but exercise helped me and kept me focus more than anything. Going from gasping for breath after climbing a few flights of stairs to being able to run 8-10k a few times a week has changed my life. It will make you feel better than 2 litres of Coke and a packet of Hob Nobs ever will. :) Start with walking, cycling or whatever you're comfortable with.

    Stay busy. Having lots of time on your hands is never a good thing if you're trying to avoid 'temptation'. Don't buy what you don't want to eat.

    It will be worth the effort. Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,913 ✭✭✭✭anewme

    ..................Don't think of it as 5 stone because that's a long way off. Set yourself a goal to lose half a stone, then a stone, then two stone and so on. Achievement is a great motivator. Have a target in mind for Christmas and work towards that.

    Stay busy. Having lots of time on your hands is never a good thing if you're trying to avoid 'temptation'. Don't buy what you don't want to eat.

    Great post above. I lost 2.5 stone, which is not a huge amount, but saw me go from 12 stone heaviest to 9.5 stone where I now sit, so as a percentage of my overall body weight,it was quite high.

    When I started, the thought of losing 2.5 stone was daunting, so I broke it down into half stone chunks. When I lost half a stone I regrouped, so to speak and it was if I were starting again from scratch. When you think you only have to lose 7lbs, its achievable. I would not not have been able to do it any other way.

    Stay busy is another great tip, sitting round the house, wine, chocolate or cheese were my downfalls, now I do a gym class at 8pm, so im pottering round before it and then when I come back at 9.30pm i dont bother eating. But because I love love love Blue Cheese, I do keep it in the house and have a square of it, get my hit, so to speak, remember this is a lifestyle change for ever. I could not live if I never thought I would get some blue cheese again, lol. Moderation is key.

    Slimming World is good, to a point. If I were losing 5 stone I would probably do it. But I've outgrown it now. For me personally, I've a better relationship with food now, so am fairly clued up on nutrition and am no longer afraid of food, good fats, carbs, but I try to avoid processed food altogether, and I know some processed foods still feature in Slimming World.

    Good Luck with it.

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