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Due August 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Well my friend had a baby there in June and I just Txt her. only her husband was allowed visit. no one else not even her son.

    However her daughter was born at 9am and she was out at 2pm the next day.

    so I guess it won't be too bad.

    I brought a moses basket sheet with me last time. left the bloody thing behind me too. don't think it's essential mind you.

    and that lis says 3 DOZEN pads. that's THIRTY SIX???? I don't think I used 36 maternity pads in total the last time. I've actually only packed the leftovers from last time. I better buy a pack in casies. I did mean to buy some but boots in cbar had only the thin ones I wanted the big ones. must have a look tomorrow.

    goD I wish it was all over now tbh.

    last time I packed way too much.. This time I prob don't have enough but I wanna be out faster than you can say McDonald's :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    My list says cot sheets too but I didn't pack any cos you'd nearly have to get the cradle ones and I'm not going to be using them at home.

    I have that much bloody stuff in now is crazy. Brought my hospital bag on Sun but most of it I don't need yet. Hubby had to bring me in stuff 4 now. Going to try re-pack my bag 4 after the babies are born this wknd so at least everything else can go home when the time comes!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I'm hoping to be in and out too staticdoor but I'm not sure what the procedure is with a vbac?

    I must ask at my appointment on Friday.

    Cramps are back this evening with a bang. All this and no progress is horrible.

    My oh has a football match this evening and it's like 2hours away. I wasn't sure about him goin and his words were keep your legs crossed till I get back. Well someone is in the dog house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Oh poor you Kaylami hope you get some relief soon x x

    Cheeky fecker he's obviously very brave or stupid :-) oh the dog house for him is right. I'd make him work that off for the whole wknd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Thanks llambert

    I'm sorry for moaning it's just I'm so ready to meet this little lady and these false starts are killing me.

    On the plus side the thunder storm was amazing- last night!

    He just walked in the door with a big sour head on him cos they lost. So I did the sensible thing being the bigger person (literally) and sent him to the Chinese.

    Men can be hormonal little creatures when they want to be!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Ah sure we're all entitled to a moan now...

    Oh I'd love a chinese yum yum. So excited to be allowed out on Sunday for an hour. Can only go across the road so have the choice of supermacs, Mr Waffle or Mix Leaves. Decisions decisions......

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I'd offer to smuggle one to you but it would be very cold.

    Oh tough choice! It's great that they will let you out for a hour. Better that than nothing.

    Are they still planning on keeping you untill you deliver?

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Oh stop I was so excited. Told hubby to bring me in real world clothes and my ghd.

    Yeah have another scan Monday to see if any changes but its not expected to move. After that will be given date. Think it might be somewhere like 5th or 6th. Won't be much earlier than I already expected.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    I'm horrified reading about all the MILs! I guess I'm lucky to have gotten a good one. To be honest she's such a worrier and has so many health issues herself, I just tell her I'm feeling great all the time (lives 2hrs away), she'd only be worrying more otherwise.
    The heat is killing me at the moment, so hot at nighttime. Went to the trouble (and I mean major trouble!) of shaving my legs this evening so that I can wear something short and airy the privacy of my own garden!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    The heat is nuts. its 11.30 at night and still redonk roasting. I hate the heat in real life never mind when pregnant. last pregnancy was july/aug to Apr. much more comfortable!!!!

    my mil is ok I guess. only see her once a week and she knows I won't take no sh!t from her. but very old school. her jaw dropped when my daughter let it slip to her we are havin a boy. apparently we ruined it by finding out :)

    her hubby is a retired garda. dropped her at the door for each of her four deliveries and went over to the tf for pints till it was over. pure old style.

    I'd flake my other half if he tried that!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Here packing my hospital bag, it's practically full already & I have only the baby's stuff and 1towel for me in at this stage!! Think I need a bigger bag, it's basically a carry on airplane size bag.

    Quick question, the list says to pack 6 baby vests - I have long sleeved ones & sleeveless, & short sleeved? What's everyone else packing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Hey shortstuff. I packed short sleeve vests cos they'll have the long sleeve baby grows.

    Don't talk to me about bag size. I have all my stuff squished into carry on size bag and have a massive suitcase for them. Don't know why they make you bring so much we probably won't need/use the half of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I'm the same short sleeved vests long sleeved baby grows.

    I have all our stuff in 2 small bags - and a massive suitcase to leave in my mams full of anything else we might need.

    I don't have a labour bag cos all I need is a nightdress, my fan and my husband.

    Feel totally organised but I'm probably forgetting everything!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Chattastrophe!

    Quick question, the list says to pack 6 baby vests - I have long sleeved ones & sleeveless, & short sleeved? What's everyone else packing?

    Definitely go with sleeveless or short-sleeved, the long-sleeved ones are a complete pain in the ass to put on under babygros (the sleeves roll up on the inside) ... I only really use long-sleeved vests when I'm putting a Tshirt or something on over it, now that he's a bit older. I didn't really use long-sleeved vests at all the first couple of months when he was in babygros most of the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Silly question time- do they have to be the maternity pads or will Always Night-time do? I genuinely can't remember from previous times because my brain has quite simply turned to mush.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    I have both. According to the mammies before me after about a day you switch to the always.

    In laws on the way. Hubby texted to say they'll be a little late as they stopped for dinner. In my mind I'm thinking that's ok you a*s, you enjoy yourself while I sit here cooking your two babies while looking at 4 walls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Llambert hope he didn't keep you waiting too long!

    I prefer the green maternity pads with no plastic or wings! I used one of them across my c section wound as well it was I god send!

    Really restless this evenin can't sit still - I keep hovering ! God my neighbors must hate me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Thanks girls, I'll stick to the short sleeved so!! Yeah the list of stuff is rediculous:) think I might take out half & leave in a bag in the car... Need to get another front opening nightie or 2 for delivery in case the 1st gets soiled early on then I'm done!!

    Babies room is nearly sorted, getting wallpaper Disney mural put up at the weekend, can't wait!!

    Hope your hubbie wasn't too delayed llambert!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    My worry today and yest is my hands and feet are swollen. but I dunno how much swollen is normal and how much is dangerous. my heads fried.

    I did a lot of driving and walking around shops yest. which I'm assuming can account for it?

    feel like a beached whale. 4 weeks from now!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    That's a brilliant tip for the green pads Kaylami. Hope the restless went of you and you got some sleep.

    You're so organised shortstuff. I've nothing done like that. Not sure when it will be done now.

    So one week done here. Loooong week. But at least they are a week longer in their little cocoon. Asked the mw yesterday about the platelets in my blood cos its been mentioned on the rounds in the mornings. They range from 120 - 400. Mine are 125 so on the very low side. They replaced themselves every 10 days so hopefully they come up. I asked what it meant for me. So if they stay low I can't have the epidural for my section and would need to be asleep. They're saying not to worry but easier said than done.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Hi staticdoor - after the intense heat yesterday I'm blown up too, really noticeably all of a sudden, fingers like sausages, ankles like elephants' feet and feeling generally very uncomfortable. I would say if you feel in any way sick today, get yourself checked out, or if you can wait til tomorrow, get your BP and urine checked by your GP. I have a BP monitor at home, was only 20 euro, so I can check that at home myself. You might know someone with one maybe, or you could get one in castlebar. The reason I got one is I had BP issues in previous pregnancies so it really puts my mind at rest to have it at home. Argos have them from 20 euro upwards too.

    Llambert- what a rollercoaster for you, I never heard about this platelets issue before with my 3 previous sections. You're probably thinking 'what next'? Hope they come up again for you, there's a lot of worries that start mounting up right at the end of the pregnancy isn't there, ugh, I'm hanging in there by a thread at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Staticdoor - swelling in hands and feet is normal. At this stage unfortunately even if it does make up look like the elephant mans cousin. If it goes to your face that's when it can become a concern! But def get your bp checked if your worried.

    Llambert - I really hope your platelets come up. One week down the end is in sight. Yes the green pads are great for across your scar. If you have a pillow case to fold up you can press it against the scar to stand up cough or sneeze. The counter pressure really helps. I didn't have stitches though they apparently glued it back together. I was so confused when my dressing came off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭SmokeyEyes

    My worry today and yest is my hands and feet are swollen. but I dunno how much swollen is normal and how much is dangerous. my heads fried.

    I did a lot of driving and walking around shops yest. which I'm assuming can account for it?

    feel like a beached whale. 4 weeks from now!!!!!!

    Over from june thread:-) I had a lot of swelling during pregnancy and was all normal. Kick your feet up for a few hours and you should see a difference...just look out for swelling in face or legs but in this heat it's almost impossible to avoid!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    holy Jesus . about an hour ago u stood up and u swear to god it was like getting an electric shock down below! !!

    now the baby is going mental and I can feel it all down below like shocks!!!!!

    sorry if that's tmi! !

    plus I roared out when it happened himself came running in to see what was happening. . and I shouted "the baby is electrocuting (sp) my vagina. now my 2 yr old is running around shouting vagina. :( 😕

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    I'm so sorry for laughing but I'm in stitches here, especially at the 2yr old!
    I've been getting a few kicks that make me jump off the chair but nothing quite like that! Hope baby moves position soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Oh god static door, your daughters reaction is just hilarious! You poor tho, they don't sound nice, was it just a once off or are you getting these regularly? Hope baby moves to give you some relief

    Went to see planet of the alps last night, not sure if it was the noise or the popcorn but baba was very lively!

    In for my 36week appointment, just been told I'm getting a scan:) Cant wait, pity I wasn't told in advance could have brought someone with me...

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    It's every so often. They not too bad. Just the first one caught me off guard haha

    just been to doc for my 36 wk appt. All grand. He said im more puffy than swollen. Jesus I'd hate to see what I would have looked like yest were I swollen!!!

    piece of mind is great tho. I feel much better today about my "puffiness" haha

    he said danger swelling appears usually ankles and face. but my BP and urine both grand today so all good in the hood!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Staticdoor I'm sorry but your 2year olds reaction is priceless. What your feeling is normal apparently it's commonly called lightning crotch! I think it's a pretty good name for it - does exactly what it says on the tin and all that.

    Glad your appointments went well ladies the end is near!

    I'm being super lazy today got up at 10 went back to bed at 1 and slept untill 4. Oh was left with the kiddies and their hyperactivity - I feel great

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Good move with the kiddies kaylami! A day rest will do you a world of good!

    Baby is measured 3kg so 6.6lb with another 4 weeks to go:o Consultant had another lady in with me as part of a study I signed up for, described me as a perfectly average person with a perfectly average pregnancy!! Guess I'm their benchmark ha:) Took them longer to put my name into the computer than to scan me;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    That's so funny static and God knows I could do with a laugh. Getting those feelings too but nothing as dramatic as yours :-) lucky it wasn't me cos I definitely wouldn't have been as polite!!

    Sounds like you had a lovely day Kaylami. Its nice to do that from time to time. Great weight shortstuff. It was lovely to have the unexpected scan and great that everything is super.

    Had internal scan today. My prof had another doctor in with him cos seemingly I'm an interesting case. I have very severe placenta pervia where it goes all the way over the cerivix. Either why no shifting it so definitely a section at 37 wks. He did explain I am at a high risk of another bleed so i I bleed again he has to weigh up to amount of loss with the advantages of keeping these cooking. I'll get another growth scan the end of the wk.

    Had to get the line that they'd use for surgery changed today. An intern came to do it. It was so bloody sore that my arm started to shake. Eventually I had to tell her it was too sore and had cry number one of the day. She tried another vein but couldn't get the line in and left me. State of my arm after her :-(

    The register changed it this evening. Its gone into the back of my left hand which is already sore after the doc burst a blood vessel there last Sun. I sucked it up but once she left cue cry number two.

    Just a s****e day between it all. Poor hubby trying to console but I was gone past that stage. Its nearly bed time and tomorrow is another day. Not one to wallow for long.

    Sorry for the moan I'm a right whinge bag!!
