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WrestleMania 30 Post PPV Thread - *Spoilers*

  • 07-04-2014 8:44am
    Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭

    So Mania 30 has ended and it's sure to be 1 of the most talked about WrestleMania's in history
    In the Pre Show, The Uso's defeated the Real Americans, El Matadores and Ryback and Curtis Axel in a 4 way elimination match for the tag title.

    A video package reflecting on the history of Wrestlemania is shown.

    Hulk Hogan is out to kick off the show. Hogan is excited to be here. He accidentally calls it the Silverdome. Hogan is quickly corrected and apologizes for the mistake. "I was just thinking about bodyslamming Andre the Giant brother," added Hogan.

    The glass shatters and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's music hits to interrupt Hogan. Austin is out to a huge ovation. Austin and Hogan have a stare down. Austin jokes that it's great to be back here at the "Silverdome" getting a laugh from Hogan and from the crowd. He asks the crowd if they want him to open up a can of whoop ass on Hulk Hogan. The crowd agrees with a hell yeah. Austin leads a "what" chant counting off the Wrestlemania events Hogan was involved with. He said he appreciates everything Hogan has done for this business and they shake hands. Austin said he would love to stay out here and "flap his gums", but tonight is about the current regime of stars.

    The Rock's music hits and he is out next to another huge reaction. The Rock also makes a joke about the Silverdome mistake Hogan made earlier. He talks about looking across the ring and seeing his good buddy Steve Austin and his childhood hero Hulk Hogan. Rock adds that they are the biggest two names in the history of WWE. He talks about Hogan being an inspiration for John Cena and Steve Austin being an inspiration for Daniel Bryan. Rock also takes credit for inspiring so many couples to make babies for witnessing his greatness. The Rock, Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan all drop catchphrases to close the segment. Austin grabs some beer, tosses them to Rock and Hogan and all three men have a toast.

    A video package runs focusing on the rise of Daniel Bryan in WWE.

    Back live, Stephanie McMahon is standing in the middle of the ring. She introduces "the most powerful man in WWE", WWE COO, Triple H.

    Winner Advances to the Main Event
    Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon vs. Daniel Bryan

    Another cool entrance from Triple H this year sitting on a throne with gold chain attire. Huge reaction for Daniel Bryan during his entrance to the ring.

    The bell rings and here we go. Triple H is smiling as the crowd continues to show support for Bryan. Triple H extends his hand early for a handshake. Bryan kicks it away and goes for a roll up early for a two count. Bryan with body shots in the corner and Triple H dodges a kick to the head bailing to the outside. Bryan is now extending his hand smiling at Triple H who is recovering on the outside. Bryan drops Triple H again with a dropkick and headlock takedown. Triple H quickly counters Bryan connecting with a shoulder block. Bryan is back with another headlock takedown. Bryan with uppercuts. Bryan with elbows, body kicks and Triple H breaks it up. Bryan avoids a shot to the steel ring post and dropkicks Triple H to the outside. Bryan follows this up with a jumping DDT to Triple H on the floor. Bryan goes up top, flips and takes out Triple H at the ringside area. Back in the ring, Bryan goes up top and gets crotched. Triple H clears off the main announce table, jumps up with Bryan and drops his arm/shoulder off the side with force. The referee starts the count when Triple H returns to the ring. Bryan rolls back in the ring at 7 and Triple H is back on the attack.

    Triple H is working over the left arm/shoulder of Bryan pulling back with force. Bryan fights to his feet connecting with body shots. Triple H with a knee, charges and Bryan pulls down the top rope as Triple H falls to the outside. Bryan goes for a suicide dive and Triple H catches him with a big right hand through the ropes. Triple H puts the arm of Bryan behind his own back and drops his lower back off the ring apron with a modified back suplex. The referee starts the count. Bryan slides back in around the 9 count. Triple H applies a crossface chicken wing to slow Bryan down and to work over his arm/shoulder once again. Triple H drops Bryan down and locks on the Crossface. Bryan is able to crawl and reach the bottom rope. Bryan with rights. Triple H with rights of his own. Bryan takes Triple H off his feet with a flying forearm. Bryan with kicks to the chest. Triple H breaks it up. Bryan with a german suplex into a bridge for a two count. Bryan hangs on and connects with a second into another two count. Triple H counters a third attempt and attempts another chicken wing. Triple H instead dumps Bryan over his head with an overhead suplex. Triple H gets another two count.

    Both men are up top. Bryan connects with a sunset flip into a powerbomb on Triple H. Bryan with repeated shots to Triple H in the corner and Triple H explodes with a huge clothesline that drops Bryan. Triple H goes for a Pedigree. Bryan counters into a cover for a two count. Bryan catches Triple H with a huge kick to the head. Bryan is up top, jumps and Triple H gets a knee up catching Bryan on the chin. Triple H has another Crossface applied on Bryan. Bryan is trying to pull himself to the bottom rope. Bryan tries to counter out and Triple H keeps it locked in. Bryan flips Triple H on his back and gets a two count. Bryan counters and gets the Yes Lock applied with two fingers. Triple H gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Triple H falls to the outside. Bryan is back up, hits the ropes and connects with a suicide dive on Triple H. Bryan jumps back in and connects with a second dive. Bryan with repeated kicks to the chest of Triple H. Bryan tosses Triple H back in, goes up top, jumps and connects with a huge missile dropkick. Bryan favors his shoulder during the landing. Bryan flips up, kicks to the chest of Triple H and connects with a huge kick to the head. Two count.

    Bryan is firing himself up in the corner. Bryan charges and Triple H catches him with a big spinebuster. Triple H with a Pedigree. Bryan kicks out! Stephanie is shocked at ringside. Triple H can't believe it. Small package by Bryan for a two count. Triple H props Bryan up in the corner and drops some right hands. Triple H gets Bryan ready for a second Pedigree, Bryan counters into a pinfall for two, Triple H keeps the hooks in, Bryan is dropping down to block it and Triple H drops knees to Bryan's head to break it up. Bryan counters a Pedigree and connects with a kick to the head. Triple H avoids another kick to the head. Bryan connects with his flying knee to the head. Bryan covers Triple H and gets the win!

    Winner and advancing to the main event: Daniel Bryan

    After the match, Stephanie McMahon gets in the ring and slaps Bryan a few times. Triple H attacks Bryan, drops his arm over the ring apron, grabs a steel chair and connects the chair with Bryan's shoulder. Stephanie mocks Bryan who is in pain. WWE staff check on Bryan.

    The Shield vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws

    We start with Kane and Dean Ambrose. Ambrose is able to drop Kane with a clothesline as Roman Reigns and Billy Gunn get the tag. Reigns with a jumping clothesline on Gunn. Reigns with a shot to Road Dogg and samoan drop to Kane. Reigns with a big boot to both Gunn and Raod Dogg in the corner. Reigns with a Superman punch to Road Dogg. Kane grabs Reigns when Seth Rollins breaks it up. Rollins with a flip dive taking out Kane. Ambrose tackles Gunn. Ambrose tosses Road Dogg into the barricade. Rollins and Ambrose with double suicide dives to Gunn and Road Dogg. Reigns with a spear to Kane in the ring. Reigns with a double spear to Gunn and Road Dogg. Tag to Rollins. The Shield setup a double powerbomb on The New Age Outlaws and get the pinfall.

    Winners: The Shield

    We get cameos by Sgt. Slaughter, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and Ron Simmons.

    Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

    The ring is already filled with WWE stars. Big Show and Sheamus are out last.

    Order of elimination: Yoshi Tatsu, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, The Great Khali, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater, Mark Henry, Titus O'Neil, The Miz, Santino Marella, Damien Sandow, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Big E, Fandango (who took 30 forearms to the chest from Sheamus on the way out), R-Truth, Tyson Kidd, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus.

    We are down to Big Show and Cesaro. Cesaro counters a chokeslam attempt with some big uppercuts. Cesaro is trying to clothesline Big Show over the top rope. Big Show hangs on and tosses Cesaro over. Cesaro hangs on. Cesaro goes up top and Big Show connects with a huge chop to the chest. Big Show puts Cesaro up on his shoulder, Cesaro jumps up, uppercuts Big Show, lifts him up in a scoop slam and dumps him over the top rope!

    Winner of the first ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Cesaro

    A video package runs hyping John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt.

    John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt w/ The Wyatt Family

    Mark Crozer and The Rels performed "Broken Out in Love" live for The Wyatt Family.

    The bell rings as Luke Harper and Erick Rowan look on from ringside. Bray Wyatt gets down on his knees and yells at John Cena to end this right now. "Be the monster you are John. Finish me! Finish me John!" Cena with a quick headlock takedown on Wyatt. Cena with another headlock takedown. Wyatt with big shots to Cena in the corner. Wyatt with headbutts to Cena repeatedly. Cena with a huge clothesline that dropped Wyatt. Cena jumps on Wyatt dropping a few rights. Wyatt is laughing as Cena unloads on him with some huge shots. Cena with a big kick to the face of Wyatt who continues to keep laughing. Wyatt with a big suplex on Cena tossing him aside. Wyatt mounts Cena and drops big rights. Cena with a big dropkick on Wyatt. Wyatt applies a sleeper on Cena. Cena fights outs and Wyatt adjusts to a headlock. Cena with flying shoulder charges and his twisting powerbomb to plant Wyatt. Cena stands up smiling as the crowd starts booing. Wyatt does his backwards walk to stop Cena in his tracks as he was going for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets in shots on Harper and Rowan and Wyatt then plants Cena with a quick slam. Wyatt with a splash to Cena in the corner.

    Crowd is behind Wyatt. Cena with a twisting tornado DDT off the second rope for a two count. Cena is up top, jumps attempting his leg drop and Wyatt counters into a powerbomb for a two count. Cena comes back landing his twisting powerbomb and Five Knuckle Shuffle combo on Wyatt. Wyatt counters an AA attempt and drops Cena gut first over his knee for another two count. Wyatt is up on the corner with Cena. Cena with headbutts to Wyatt to drop him backwards to the ring. Cena stands up, jumps and takes out the Wyatt Family at ringside. Wyatt runs outside and sends Cena shoulder first into the steel ring steps that go flying. Wyatt picks up the top part of the steel steps, Cena counters and tosses Wyatt aside. Cena picks up the steel steps, looks to drop them over Wyatt, drops them, tosses Wyatt back in the ring and Wyatt drops Cena. The commentators are saying Cena is refusing to stoop to the same level as Wyatt. Wyatt misses a body splash. Cena with an AA. Wyatt kicks out. Harper with a big shot to Cena. Wyatt with a body splash over Cena. Cover and Cena kicks out. Wyatt tosses Cena outside of the ring through the ropes. Cena spears Harper through the timekeepers barricade at ringside.

    Wyatt runs out. Wyatt with kicks to Cena near Harper. Wyatt tosses Cena back in the ring, leans back in the corner and is trying to setup Sister Abigail. Cena counters into an STF. Wyatt reaches the ropes to break it up. Wyatt with Sister Abigail on Cena. Cena kicks out. Wyatt leaves the ring, clears off the Spanish announce table and then brings a steel chair back in the ring. Rowan is now in the ring getting in the face of the referee. Wyatt drops the steel chair near Cena telling him to take it. Wyatt gets down on his knees and says, "Finish me!" Cena hits Rowan instead with the chair. Wyatt with a roll up for a two count. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail. Cena counters and hits the AA. Cena gets the pinfall.

    Winner: John Cena

    Highlights from the Class of 2014 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony is shown. Back live, we are introduced to the inductees: Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Mr. T, Paul Bearer, Carlos Colon, Lita, Razor Ramon and Ultimate Warrior.

    Backstage, we see Daniel Bryan being examined by WWE staff.

    A video package runs hyping The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.

    The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

    WWE had coffins with the names of everyone The Undertaker defeated in the past lining the entrance way. Coffin #22 had Brock Lesnar's name on it and it was lit on fire during Undertaker's entrance.

    The bell rings and here we go. Taker with body shots to Lesnar in the corner. Lesnar with a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex and then clotheslines Taker over the top rope. Taker lands on his feet and stares back up at Lesnar. Taker with rights from the ring apron and Lesnar fights back with jumping knees. Taker drops Lesnar's jaw off the top rope. Taker with more shots to Lesnar in the corner. Taker sends Lesnar shoulder first into the steel ring post. Taker does this a second time. Taker wraps up the left arm of Lesnar, teases some Old School and Lesnar breaks it up with right hands and shoulder charges. Taker sends Lesnar shoulder first into the steel ring post once again and then drops him face first off the steel ring steps at ringside. Taker with a straight right hand that catches Lesnar right on the jaw at ringside. Taker drops a leg over the neck of Lesnar over the ring apron. Taker with snake eyes to Lesnar in the corner. Taker is looking for a chokeslam early. Lesnar counters looking for an F5. Taker counters that sending Lesnar shoulder first into the corner. Taker misses a big boot attempt in the corner when Lesnar moves out of the way.

    Lesnar lifts Taker up by his leg and drives him back first into the floor with force. Back in the ring, Lesnar continues to work over the left leg of Taker. Lesnar drives his knees into the ribs of Taker. Heyman yells at Lesnar to wear down Taker as Lesnar stomps over the legs of Taker. Lesnar with a kick to the back of the leg of Taker at ringside. Taker fires back with a right and Lesnar irish whips Taker into the ring barricade. Back in the ring, Lesnar plants Taker with a quick suplex. Lesnar drops forearms to the back of Taker. Lesnar with repeated body shots to Taker. Taker catches Lesnar with a quick DDT after hitting the ropes. Taker catches Lesnar with a big boot in the corner and follows with right hands. Taker with a splash to Lesnar in the corner, backs up and connects with a second splash. Taker has Lesnar up on his shoulder, snake eyes, hits the ropes and connects with a big boot. Taker drops a quick leg on Lesnar and gets a two count. Taker with a huge chokeslam on Lesnar, cover and Lesnar gets a shoulder up after two. Lesnar with an F5, cover and Taker kicks out after two. Taker pulls Lesnar down and gets the Hell's Gate locked in right away.

    Lesnar lifts up Taker and drops him down in a powerbomb to break up the submission. Lesnar pulls Taker back out, Taker reaches up and pulls Lesnar back down in Hell's Gate. Lesnar lifts up Taker again and drops him down in another powerbomb to break it up. Lesnar gets the Kimura Lock applied. Taker counters and gets the Kimura Lock applied on Lesnar. Taker drops down keeping it locked in as Lesnar screams in pain. Lesnar gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Taker locks the arm up of Lesnar, Lesnar counters Old School, drops Taker on his shoulders and connects with an F5! Taker again kicks out! Lesnar with a german suplex with a release on Taker. Lesnar with a second german suplex. Lesnar with big stomps to Taker in the corner. Lesnar jumps up over Taker in the corner, Taker grabs Lesnar and drops him down in a powerbomb. Taker has Lesnar up and connects with a Tombstone Piledriver. Lesnar kicks out after two. Taker sits up and calls for the end. Lesnar counters, has Taker up on his shoulders and connects with another F5.

    Lesnar hooks the leg and gets the pinfall! The crowd in New Orleans can't believe it!

    Winner: Brock Lesnar

    Paul Heyman rolls in the ring and is completely shocked. We see crowd reactions and everyone inside the Superdome is speechless. Lesnar and Heyman celebrate this huge accomplishment as The Undertaker is now 21-1 at Wrestlemania. After Lesnar and Heyman leave, we see a shot of Undertaker getting up to his knees. He struggles to get to his feet. We see a shot of everyone on commentary standing and clapping for Undertaker. We see Undertaker leaving the ring and taking a walk up the ramp as he receives a huge ovation heading to the back.

    A promo for Wrestlemania 31 on March 25, 2015 in California is shown.

    Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational

    We see all of the WWE Divas already in the ring. WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee is out last.

    One fall to a finish in this one. All of the Divas start brawling to kick things off. Action is all over the place. Emma with a shot to Summer Rae in the corner. Aksana with a spinebuster to Layla. Rosa Mendes with a side slam on Natalya. Naomi with a shot to Rosa. Tamina Snuka takes out Naomi. Eva Marie pushes down Tamina. The Bella Twins double team Tamina with a splash and double dropkick. The Bella's with a suicide dive to other Divas at ringside. Tamina plants Natayla, goes up top and gets tripped up by Naomi. Natayla clotheslines Tamina on the outside and then takes a dropkick from AJ. In the ring, AJ gets her Black Widow submission applied. Naomi taps out.

    Winner and still WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee

    Backstage, Mean Gene Okerlund is with Hulk Hogan. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff walk up to interrupt. Orndorff talks about always being reminded that he lost the match at Wrestlemania 1. Mr. T walks up to interrupt Piper. Hogan wants to bury the hatchet. They all shake hands.

    Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Bob Backlund, Dusty Rhodes and Bret Hart are shown at ringside.

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Triple Threat Match
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

    Rev Theory performed Randy Orton's theme song live. Justin Roberts handled the introductions for the champion Randy Orton and the challengers Batista and Daniel Bryan.

    The bell rings and Daniel Bryan takes out Randy Orton right away with his flying knee. Batista grabs Bryan and Bryan counters a powerbomb into a huricanrana. Batista rolls out. Bryan with shots to Orton in the corner. Orton counters an irish whip and drops Bryan down by his bad shoulder. Batista is back in taking out Orton with a clothesline. Orton with a back breaker on Batista. Orton with a shot to Bryan and Batista clotheslines Orton over the top rope. Batista drops Orton face first off the announce table. Batista sends Orton shoulder first into the steel steps. Batista repeats this sending Orton face first off them this time. Batista separates the steel steps, Orton counters and gives Batista a back body drop over the steps. Orton with a back suplex on Bryan off the ring barricade. Orton does the same to Batista. Orton poses standing on top of the steel steps. Back in the ring, Orton stomps over the body Batista. Orton drops a knee, hooks the leg and Batista kicks out. Bryan comes out of no where with a double missle dropkick taking out both Orton and Batista. Bryan with kicks to the chests of Orton and Batista. Bryan catches Batista with a kick to the head.

    Orton blocks a kick from Bryan and launches him over his head instead. Batista misses a charge on Bryan in the corner. Bryan with corner shots to Orton and Batista going back and forth. Crowd in New Orleans is fired up for Bryan. Bryan is up top with Orton and connects with a top rope huricanrana for a two count. Batista with a suplex on Bryan over the top rope to the outside. Batista is going up top when Orton cuts him off. Orton connects with a superplex on Batista. Bryan comes out of no where connecting on Orton with a flying headbutt. Bryan gets the Yes Lock applied on Orton. We see Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walking out to the ringside area through the crowd. Triple H gets in a shot on the referee to knock him out. Batista with a spinebuster on Bryan. Triple H has referee Scott Armstrong jump in the ring. Batista Bomb on Bryan. Bryan kicks out after two. Batista can't believe it. Triple H and Stephanie are upset at ringside. Batista misses a charge in the corner. Bryan kicks referee Scott Armstrong in the face. Michael Cole reminds us it is No DQ. Bryan with a suicide dive taking out Triple H, Scott Armstrong and even Stephanie McMahon! Triple H is pissed.

    Triple H grabs a sledgehammer and gets back in the ring when Bryan cuts him off. Bryan has the sledgehammer and hits Triple H with it in the head. Bryan rolls up Batista and Orton breaks it up. Orton tosses Bryan out of the ring and hits an uppercut. Batista and Orton are double teaming Bryan at ringside. Batista drops Bryan head first off the ring barricade. We see a shot of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon being taken to the back. Orton nails Bryan in the shoulder using part of the steel steps. Orton and Batista start to clear off the announce table. Batista uses a TV to hit Bryan. A loud "CM PUNK" chant breaks out. Orton has the steel steps setup near the table. Batista has Bryan up with him on the announce table. Batista gets Bryan up for the Batista Bomb and Orton jumps up catching Bryan with a reverse RKO. Orton landed back first over a TV monitor as they crashed through the Spanish announce table. EMT officials are walking out to the ringside area to attend to Daniel Bryan. Batista grabs Orton, trips him up and then sends him back first into the ring barricade. Batista sends Orton face first into the steel ring post as well. Batista contines to work over Orton.

    Back in the ring, Orton almost gets his DDT using the ropes when Batista counters tossing him over the top rope. Orton quickly recovers, trips up Batista and gives him a DDT to the floor from the ring apron. We see a shot of Bryan being taken away on a stretcher. Bryan is removing the straps and climbing off the stretcher. Orton grabs Bryan and sends him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Orton tosses Bryan in the ring and slides back in. Orton is calling for the end with the RKO. Bryan counters and gets the Yes Lock applied. Batista breaks it up. Bryan pulls Batista down and gets him in the Yes Lock. Orton breaks that up. Orton tosses Bryan to the corner and works over Batista in the other. Batista blocks an RKO attempt. Batista takes out Bryan with a spear. Orton with an RKO on Batista. Batista kicks out at 2. Orton can't believe it. Orton backs up looking to punt Batista. Bryan comes out of no where with his flying knee. Batista tosses Bryan out, hooks the leg of Orton and Orton barely kicks out. Batista has Orton up and drops him down in the Batista Bomb. Bryan with a flying knee on Batista! Bryan gets the Yes Lock applied on Batista. Batista taps!

    Winner and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan

    After the match, we see a shot of the huge crowd inside the Superdome chanting "YES! YES! YES!" along with Daniel Bryan. Bryan grabs both of the belts, jumps to the outside and gets on top of the announce table lifting them high as a huge display of pyro goes off. Confetti begins to fill the Superdome. Bryan returns to the ring and holds up the titles in celebration. "For eight long months Daniel Bryan has battled The Autority. And finally tonight, he wins," adds Michael Cole to close out the show. Bryan drops down to his knees and stares down at the titles. He picks them up and has one last big celebration as the PPV goes off the air.

    So Byran is Champion but the Streak has ended with Lesnar being the man to stop it.

    Rate WrestleMania 30 125 votes

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,690 ✭✭✭Mokuba

    Gave it a 9/10.

    A great Wrestlemania that was long overdue considering the poor showings of the past few years. So many memorable moments and so many talking points going into Raw tonight - which I honestly can't wait for. Few thoughts:

    - The opening match was just brilliantly done I felt. I was pumped from the entrances, thought it was a well worked match, loved Stephanie, loved the finish. Started out the show in a great manner. Delighted Bryan got the win so cleanly.

    - Would have liked to see more of The Shield, but it made sense for them to squash the NAO considering how dominant they have been over the past year.

    - I marked out so hard when Cesaro lifted the Big Show. Great moment.

    - Cena/Bray was well done and although some will be sad that Cena went over, the way it was told keeps Bray strong in my mind. Bray going over at Extreme Rules will be just fine. He has really come on a lot from back when he started.

    - The Streak. Wow. Wow. Up there with Hogan joining NWO as one of the biggest moments in history. Pity about the build, and pity about the match. The match isn't anybodies fault, Taker just isn't able to go anymore and without a Punk/Michaels/Bryan in with him you are never going to get a great looking match with him again. Brock being the one is perfectly fine - you have just made a super-mega heel, built up the monster again and can do literally anything with him. In Brock beating the streak you almost transfer the overness that beating Taker would have given someone. Whoever beats Brock will get the same benefits without having to live with a tag that they might not have been able to cope with.

    - Bryan winning was the fairytale ending we have been waiting for, and nobody can take away that Wrestlemania moment. Whatever happens now, he has that on one of the biggest nights in wrestling history. Match was good and for once the authority interference actually aided the story rather than over complicating it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    Thought it was an excellent show. Triple H vs Bryan, taking into account buildup and match quality, was excellent overall. The triple threat match was great and there were moments I thought Batista or Orton might win.

    The preshow was excellent and the Battle Royal was fun with a good ending. Thought Cena-Wyatt had some excellent in-ring psychology. Was very unpredictable enjoyed that one.

    The divas match was.....a divas match. Enough said.

    Would have loved to seen more from the Shield given all their momentum, especially with Roman Reigns. Was a bit of waste.

    Lesnar winning is an incredibly memorable moment. But it is an anti-climax because the match was so poor. If they are going to end the streak, it should be an all out no-disqualification, table-breaking brawl. Instead they hardly left the ring. It was like some kind of an attempt at an MMA match.

    Had Lesnar-Taker delivered a match of the calibre of the last 5 streak matches; and still produced a Lesnar victory; I think we would be talking about a candidate for best WrestleMania ever.

    It's still up there for in-ring, drama, excitement, storytelling, shock, etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,085 ✭✭✭✭Liam O

    I loved the Shield celebrating during the pinfall, all so in sync, might have been a squash but it was entertaining, wouldn't have minded one or two more Rollins spots though. Hopefully they get a good storyline now, maybe a Wyatt family feud?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,045 ✭✭✭✭CSF

    I'm giving 9, but I don't think 10 would be out of the question. Phenomenal PPV and I was surprised by a good number of the results.

  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭MAJR

    It started off well. Hogan, Austin and the Rock had a entertaining opening segment - went on a bit too long for my taste but that's a nitpick - and Bryan/Triple H was a very good match. Then it went downhill a bit when the Shield had pointless squash of Kane and the Outlaws in a match that turn out to be worth nobodies time or money, this was followed by the Andre the Giant Battle Royal which was poorly thought out with too many people involved though there were a few high spots and it had a good ending. Cena/Wyatt told a good story but the crowd weren't into it and the commentary team didn't seem to give a **** either so that didn't really help. Undertaker/Lesnar was bad, period, the worst match I can remember the Undertaker having since the Giant Gonzales, and the ending ruined much of the rest of the card. I don't remember much of the Divas match except for Vicky's voice annoying me because I was still thinking over the outcome of the Undertaker's match. Bryan/Orton/Batista was good and the right man won. And the commentary team was ****.

    I thought it was an alright Wrestlemania but not a good or great one. I gave it a five.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,348 ✭✭✭✭ricero

    9 for me awesome ppv

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 862 ✭✭✭Grand Moff Tarkin

    First match alone could have headlined any other year. The end of the streak and the yes movement will be the big talking points in years to come. For me the entrance of the night has to go to the Wyatt family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭Manning3000

    Enjoyed it more than anything I have seen for ages, I gave it 9, hhh made Bryan look like a million bucks.
    Steph is great at ring side,
    Shield channeling the bullet club was class.
    Wyatt should have went over but enjoyable match,
    Taker Lesnar was not good but I assume it's the injury ppl are talking bout. But it gave us something we have not had in wrestling in so long, a true surprise.
    Cesaro powerslamming show was brilliant and will be seen for years to come.
    And main event was really enjoyable with the long awaited payoff

    Also production of video packages and entrances were class

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Definitely a 9.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭Blue_Dabadee

    9 as well, i can never rate a show 10 out of 10.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 862 ✭✭✭Grand Moff Tarkin

    The power bomb into an RKO was class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,520 ✭✭✭Hashtag_HEEL

    The power bomb into an RKO was class.

    That was a neck breaker technically. Brilliant spot though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    Best Mania in years, the divas match was rubbish as always, the battle royal was a mess but had a great finish. Tag match was short but The Shield looked strong as they should against a bunch of old timers. Bryan got his big win, and a truly, legit, shocking moment that NOBODY expected. Solid 9 for me

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Deadlie

    Really enjoyed it. So many moments of pure brilliance. I thought it flew by too and considering I watched the entire pre-show, that's some achievement on WWEs behalf. Excellent stuff all round.

    And let us not forget also, that we had Kofis best non elimination last night too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 810 ✭✭✭fermanagh_man

    You knew from hogan Austin and the rock it was going to be an awesome PPV

    Well worth the €25

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,191 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Amazed they Bryan won both matches. They for me time and time again with moments where I thought they were going to have him lose, especially in thw main event. Main event was overbooked in isolation but perfectly done after the taker match, it brought the crowd back to life. Finally they got to the moment that most people wanted and Bryan deserved the fact they did it arseways just makes it better.

    The first match with triple.H was excellent as well and I am looking forward to watching again.

    Cesaro got his big moment and along with the above I would have been very happy. But the Bray v Cena match the opening with the three Mega Stars, shield demolishing OAD elevated it to a fantastic PPV.

    Then of course the streak ended, amazing and memorable moment.

    Definite 9

  • Site Banned Posts: 26,456 ✭✭✭✭Nuri Sahin

    Gave it an 8, but it was really an 8.5 though.

    Brilliant Wrestlemania for the most part.

    Bray should have went over and got the W. The match itself I enjoyed, but that finish. Meh.

    I also do wish the 6 man tag got 5 minutes more at least since the Shield certainly deserved more time than they got.

    Brock shouldn't have broken The Streak. Should have been Reigns or someone like that. Didn't expect much from the match itself so won't get worked up over it and judge it harshly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    Gave it an 8 cuz I got really bored in the Taker match and was kinda disappointed with the Shield-NAO. Loved everything else though. Even the Divas match was fun because it was like they were wrestling right after a genocide. Well worth staying upand having to head in for an exam at 9 for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,732 ✭✭✭lertsnim

    Felt they put the wrong match on the pre show. The Divas belonged there.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 779 ✭✭✭Propane Nightmare

    Well worth staying upand having to head in for an exam at 9 for.


    Sort your priorities out dude

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,301 ✭✭✭✭gerrybbadd

    Gave it an 8.

    Trips vs Bryan was a brilliant match.

    Delighted to seenCesaro get the win in the Battle Royal.

    I've never been as shocked as I was when the Streak was broken. I've stayed up for and seen a lot of events live, Screwjob in 97 etc, but I've never been as shocked as when Taker lost last night.

    Triple Threat was decent, it was no HHH vs HBK vs Benoit, but not bad either

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Great ppv! Hopefully the start of a Cesaro push after winning the battle royal.

    The Silverdome was running wild, BROTHER!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,054 ✭✭✭D.Q

    Gave it a ten. Any pay per view that begins with Austin and Rock in the ring together deserves a ten out of ten brother.

    Brilliant moment to open the show and even though I knew Austin would be there in some capacity, still surprised me. Then the network stalled on me so I went to go order it on box office in another room. The box office feed was a bit ahead of the network so when the rock was on my screen I assumed it was a replay of wm 27 or something. A real feel good moment seeing austin and rock back together especially.

    The HHH Bryan match was incredible. HHHs entrance was pretty spectacular as was Bryans as 75,000 fans started chanting yes, an amazing visual. The match itself was well booked, thought the two complimented each other very well as far as their respective sizes and styles go. HHH sold the offense well, allowed bryan to look good, and more importantly, believable and put him over clean in the middle, 1,2,3, the way it should have been. Thought HHH and Steph played their roles to perfection (although steph was getting on my nerves a little bit with the thrash talk)

    The Shield were the big losers on the night really. They looked great and all, but I do feel they deserved more time on the big stage. Tbh I left the room to start making pizzas so missed this entire match. I'm glad the shield aren't breaking up yet, still has plenty of legs in my opinion. They can get involved in angles up and down the card. On a side note, how cool were those face masks!? Was it the first time they have worn those? Interesting to see where they go from here.

    Battle Royal was as expected, bit of a cluster**** until the end. Great moment for Cesaro though, the man is a ****ing animal and this hopefully signals the start of something for him. Think it was a bit premature to break up the real americans, the "we the people" thing was starting to get over big I felt, so again interested to see where they go from here. It'll be a real shame to not have Zeb Coulter on tv as he has been fantastic since joining up with swagger. The guys on review a wai had a bet about the trophy size being a rib on whoever won it, because they would have to carry it around all the airports. Turns out it was a pretty big trophy after all, and I wouldnt fancy having to bring that through every airport on their schedule haha

    Bray and Cena was fine. Bray's entrance was really cool, the band sounded great, unlike Ortons later in the show. Not the best match to look at, but as most said on here, it told a good story. Bray trying to tempt Cena into hitting him with the chair was cool. People might give out about Cena going over (and I was shocked considering he was 3/1 on paddy power earlier in the day) but I think Bray is kept strong and hopefully this continues to Extreme Rules. I think it would be a good idea to debut another member of the wyatt family tonight maybe, freshen things up a little. There probably isnt any plan to do so, just a random thought.

    Undertaker - Lesnar. What is there to say really. Takers entrance as always was fantastic. Chills all round. The match itself kind of killed the crowd. I feel that if they were going to end the streak they should have really sold it as possibly ending. The crowd just didnt believe it was going to end and the slow pace of the match didnt help. I dont blame either guy, the match was a victim of circumstance really. The crowd was quiet throughout. Then the finish.

    Until the day I die I will remember that three count. I couldnt actually believe the ref counted to three. One of THE most shocking moments in wrestling for me. I know we were all laughing at the crowd but Im fairly sure if my tv had of turned into a mirror, I was wearing the same expression. You have to think Taker retires tonight and goes into the hall of fame next year. The guy has absolutely nothing left. A real end of an era and a real shame to see him go. Definitely the best big man of all time.

    I was watching this with a few of my mates, three of which know wrestling and know the streak and what it means, and one guy who doesnt follow it at all so didnt quite grasp the significance. Before the match we were talking about how it was a foregone conclusion etc, I was mentioning how taker was 1/100 etc. Anyway it escalated to the point that the guy who knew nothing about wrestling was like "would one of you give me 50-1 right now on brock lesnar". One of the lads, thinking it was the easiest fiver he would ever make happily took him up on the offer. So that was pretty hilarious. Some sort of payment plan will have to be drawn up.

    Divas. Pizza. AJ. Who cares. Still in shock after taker, didnt take any of it in.

    I was worried the the crowd would be dead for the last match but credit to all three guys, and the booking of the match, they got the crowd back into it at the end. Thought HHH and Stephs presence really helped get the crowd back behind Bryan so that was really well worked. Genuinely thought Orton or Batista would win it at times. The end was great, even though this all kind of fell into their lap with punk leaving etc, an 8 month "build" (inverted commas because this was never really their intention) lead to a happy ending at Wrestlemania. Saw brie bella said on twitter that she wasnt allowed go out and celebrate whcih was a shame.

    all in all, brilliant show. First time in years that I enjoyed a wrestlemania from start to finish. Very very interested to see where they go from here on a lot of different angles. Roll on RAW!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,054 ✭✭✭D.Q

    a double post of that size is a bit much

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,054 ✭✭✭D.Q


    Sort your priorities out dude

    i feel he has his priorities pretty much spot on :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Gave it a 9. Only real problem was the order of the matches. The Divas match and Battle Royale should have been switched. Going from Taker's loss, into the Divas match, and then into the main event killed the crowd for a while. Only the quality of the main event and Bryan's win got them out of it, but the Battle Royale after Takers match probably would have done that sooner.

    The Shield, even though it was a squash match, looked great. The double-triple powerbomb was fantastic. And I'd never heard the Wyatt's theme before. It's fantastic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,116 ✭✭✭Professional Griefer

    One of the best manias ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60,460 ✭✭✭✭Agent Coulson

    Well worth a 9.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    I totally take back what I said about it not feeling like anything special for the 30th Wrestlemania, the buildup certaintly didn't but the show itself was great for the most part.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,054 ✭✭✭D.Q

    By the way, said it at the time but it got lost in the shuffle. I'm not sure if it was Kane n nite or kkv, always mix them up for some reason, but he was definitely one of the fans shown in the reaction shots.
