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Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,230 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Beano wrote: »
    If it has legs they are standing in quicksand.

    Which do you think is more likely

    1. This was a mistake made when the images of the two men were copied
    2. This is all part of a conspiracy and the conspirators hoped that nobody would notice that the two men have identical legs?

    If its a conspiracy it is been run by fools.
    I believe the argument is that no one could possibly be that stupid or make that kind of mistake, therefore the non-conspiracy explanation isn't possible.

    But then at the same time the argument is that the supposed conspirators are dumb enough to make an easily spotted photoshop, then also be stupid enough to leave the missing plane in view in a place that would blow the conspiracy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Nope. I am speculating that this plane could have been rigged up to be a drone by Dov Zakheim and co and smashed into somewhere to be blamed on the Iranian leg-twins as a pretext for an Iranian invasion.

    It would explain Zionist commentators and uber Zionist Rupert Murdoch pushing the Iranian terror angle from the outset.

    When you say "this plane" do you mean the one currently in Tel Aviv or the one that went missing? They are totally different planes.

    I will assume that you mean the plane in Tel Aviv. So you reckon that they will take the plane in Tel Aviv, rig it as a drone, fly it into somewhere important to the Israelis which the israelis can then use as a pretext for war against Iran as they were two iranians onboard the missing plane. As both planes look identical nobody will notice. How do you expect to explain how the missing plane has suddenly reappeared over israel?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    uh-huh, fools.


    I cannot take seriously anybody that describes the israelis as fools. You might not like how they conduct themselves but dont for a second think they are fools.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    King Mob wrote: »
    I believe the argument is that no one could possibly be that stupid or make that kind of mistake, therefore the non-conspiracy explanation isn't possible.

    But then at the same time the argument is that the supposed conspirators are dumb enough to make an easily spotted photoshop, then also be stupid enough to leave the missing plane in view in a place that would blow the conspiracy.

    and at the same time ignoring the fact that the plane in Tel Aviv has been there since november.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,277 ✭✭✭DamagedTrax

    Beano wrote: »
    I cannot take seriously anybody that describes the israelis as fools. You might not like how they conduct themselves but dont for a second think they are fools.

    dangerous, criminal, oppressive... definitely not fools.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭DoesNotCompute

    That would be an incredible coincidence then, right?

    That this defect led to both guys, who just happen to be Iranian, having identical legs, which both just "coincidentally" happen to end up fitting seamlessly into the rest of their respective bodies and the surrounding environment.

    The Malaysian authorities photoshopping evidence is a lot more implausible. Besides, they've shown themselves to be far too incompetent to pull off a massive conspiracy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭DoesNotCompute

    That there is an identical plane sitting in Tel Aviv.

    Does the tail number on the plane in Tel Aviv match with the tail number of MH370?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Does the tail number on the plane in Tel Aviv match with the tail number of MH370?

    No. The one in Tel Aviv is 9M-MRI . The one that crashed was 9M-MRO

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭Scruffy19

    Think I will bounce in with this theory!

    I know that it has been mentioned before in this thread about Diego Garcia! Something popped up on my Facebook (yes i said facebook) page today about this Naval base!

    These are the facts that came from the post:
    * Diego Garcia is a US Military island base in the Indian Ocean
    * Diego Garcia has never been mentioned to the public
    * Diego Garcia has a fully operational runway and Airport
    * Diego Garcia is 2,142 miles from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
    * The island was leased by Britain in 1966. It is due for renewal in 2014
    * Diego Garcia flight co-ordinates were logged into the renown Pilot's Flight Plan Simulator
    * The pilot's flight simulator has 'remote take-over' capabilities
    * The data from the pilot's flight simulator has now been erased
    * Flight MH370 was under 'suspicious cargo' surveillance by the GRU (Russian Main Intelligence)
    * 20 of the passengers work for a leading edge company specializing in futuristic warfare and technology
    * Australian Military Radar Base: The Jindalee Operational Radar Network has the capabilities of detecting movements within a radius of 37,000km
    * Malaysian authorities have pleaded with the US and Australia to release to them information from their top secret radar bases in Australia
    * Island residents of the Maldives (647 miles north of Diego Garcia) reported seeing a huge low flying aircraft heading SOUTH which is the direction of Diego Garcia at 6.15am the morning after it 'disappeared' from radar
    * The time of departure from Kuala Lumpur to the time of the plane's sighting is accurate
    * The National Maldives Defence Force dismissed these eye witness accounts on the premise of no radar detection
    * It is public knowledge that flight MH370 was not detectable, or had lost signal to radar
    * Almost every member of the public had no idea there was an island in the Indian Ocean housing a US Military base and Airport before the above post was shared
    * Diego Garcia has been completely dismissed from the International search, and completely dismissed from public investigative speculation

    There was also information regarding the photo that Phillip Wood (manager at IBM) messaged to someone! The photo was just of a black picture, taken with a Iphone 5! Watch the video at the following page:

    Surely this base would have the best military radar equipment in the world, how could they not pick up a track from a 777 flying in the middle of the Indian Ocean??

    Here is a photo of the Naval base in the indian ocean! Anybody else have any thoughts on this?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭shedweller

    Have a read of this:

    The maldives sighting seems to have fallen by the wayside. I think thats odd. It was strange enough that people saw it there yet its just dismissed or my favourite; "Denied".

    Lots of people deny things but it doesnt mean they didnt happen! Jaysus my kids deny peeing on the toilet seat yet there it is, all over the place!

    Anyway, if the plane did indeed go south then the lack of debris may be due to the plane ditching in the sea with everyone on board dead from lack of oxygen. It wouldnt be the first time a plane landed in somewhat one piece without anyone at the wheel. Look up the cornfield glider. Its all guesswork i suppose.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Scruffy19 wrote: »
    Think I will bounce in with this theory!

    I know that it has been mentioned before in this thread about Diego Garcia! Something popped up on my Facebook (yes i said facebook) page today about this Naval base!

    These are the facts that came from the post:
    * Diego Garcia is a US Military island base in the Indian Ocean
    * Diego Garcia has never been mentioned to the public
    * Diego Garcia has a fully operational runway and Airport
    * Diego Garcia is 2,142 miles from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
    * The island was leased by Britain in 1966. It is due for renewal in 2014
    * Diego Garcia flight co-ordinates were logged into the renown Pilot's Flight Plan Simulator
    * The pilot's flight simulator has 'remote take-over' capabilities
    * The data from the pilot's flight simulator has now been erased
    * Flight MH370 was under 'suspicious cargo' surveillance by the GRU (Russian Main Intelligence)
    * 20 of the passengers work for a leading edge company specializing in futuristic warfare and technology
    * Australian Military Radar Base: The Jindalee Operational Radar Network has the capabilities of detecting movements within a radius of 37,000km
    * Malaysian authorities have pleaded with the US and Australia to release to them information from their top secret radar bases in Australia
    * Island residents of the Maldives (647 miles north of Diego Garcia) reported seeing a huge low flying aircraft heading SOUTH which is the direction of Diego Garcia at 6.15am the morning after it 'disappeared' from radar
    * The time of departure from Kuala Lumpur to the time of the plane's sighting is accurate
    * The National Maldives Defence Force dismissed these eye witness accounts on the premise of no radar detection
    * It is public knowledge that flight MH370 was not detectable, or had lost signal to radar
    * Almost every member of the public had no idea there was an island in the Indian Ocean housing a US Military base and Airport before the above post was shared
    * Diego Garcia has been completely dismissed from the International search, and completely dismissed from public investigative speculation

    There was also information regarding the photo that Phillip Wood (manager at IBM) messaged to someone! The photo was just of a black picture, taken with a Iphone 5! Watch the video at the following page:

    Surely this base would have the best military radar equipment in the world, how could they not pick up a track from a 777 flying in the middle of the Indian Ocean??

    Here is a photo of the Naval base in the indian ocean! Anybody else have any thoughts on this?


    the american base on Diego Garcia is hardly a secret.
    * The pilot's flight simulator has 'remote take-over' capabilities

    So you are saying that the pilots flight simulator has the capabilities to remotely take over a real plane?
    * Australian Military Radar Base: The Jindalee Operational Radar Network has the capabilities of detecting movements within a radius of 37,000km

    I dont think your figure here is correct at all. radar works on line of sight. 37,000 km is beyond this.
    * It is public knowledge that flight MH370 was not detectable, or had lost signal to radar
    The plane turned off its transponder. That does not make it invisible to radar. the plane would still have appeared on military radar just without the identification data that a transponder provides.
    * Almost every member of the public had no idea there was an island in the Indian Ocean housing a US Military base and Airport before the above post was shared

    what the public are aware of is irrelevant. this base was not a secret. The fact that it was available in publicly available flight simulator software would confirm this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    shedweller wrote: »
    Have a read of this:

    The maldives sighting seems to have fallen by the wayside. I think thats odd. It was strange enough that people saw it there yet its just dismissed or my favourite; "Denied".

    Lots of people deny things but it doesnt mean they didnt happen! Jaysus my kids deny peeing on the toilet seat yet there it is, all over the place!

    Anyway, if the plane did indeed go south then the lack of debris may be due to the plane ditching in the sea with everyone on board dead from lack of oxygen. It wouldnt be the first time a plane landed in somewhat one piece without anyone at the wheel. Look up the cornfield glider. Its all guesswork i suppose.

    If the plane landed in the ocean it did not do so in one piece. that is impossible. And please dont mention chesty sullenburger and the plane that landed on the hudson river. The flat calm of the hudson river is totally different to the ocean. and sullenburger was an experienced glider pilot.

    That link you posted is just pure rubbish. A plane flew over pakistan with its transponder turned off and the pakistanis didnt notice? And the plane managed to fly all the way to spain and nobody picked it up? You do realise that turning off the transponder does not make the plane invisible? All it does is stop the transmission of identification data. The plane still appears on radar. And you expect people to believe that the militaries of all the countries en route to spain ignored this unidentified aircraft?

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Beano wrote: »
    When you say "this plane" do you mean the one currently in Tel Aviv or the one that went missing? They are totally different planes.

    I will assume that you mean the plane in Tel Aviv. So you reckon that they will take the plane in Tel Aviv, rig it as a drone, fly it into somewhere important to the Israelis which the israelis can then use as a pretext for war against Iran as they were two iranians onboard the missing plane. As both planes look identical nobody will notice. How do you expect to explain how the missing plane has suddenly reappeared over israel?
    Please try to read my posts properly before you respond to them.

    Speculate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

    Översätt den här sidan

    to think about something and make guesses about it : to form ideas or theories about something usually when there are many things not known about it.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Beano wrote: »
    No. The one in Tel Aviv is 9M-MRI . The one that crashed was 9M-MRO

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    dangerous, criminal, oppressive... definitely not fools.
    I dunno...

    Israel is an ethno-centric, miltaristic, apartheid, racist, and expansionist rogue nuclear-armed state.

    Now that they've already gotten away with etnically cleansing a patch of land and stealing a homeland surely it is foolish to keep on killing defenseless people, stealing their land, torturing their children, chaining up women giving birth, starving them, and imprisoning entire populations (and the list is endless here)?

    The only reason this state can exist now is financial, military and diplomatic support from the US taxpayer. The only reason there is not a massive pushback against this is that the average American idiot has been brainwashed by his Zionist media and the whole thing has been turned on it's head where the Israelis are the friends & victims.

    This support I think has a shelf-life, there will come a point when Americans become aware of the truly ugly nature of their "ally" at which point the whole relationship will implode. I think it is highly foolish for the Israelis to continue to commit such horrible human rights abuses and not take the path of peace. But I digress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,895 ✭✭✭Sacksian

    I dunno...

    Israel is an ethno-centric, miltaristic, apartheid, racist, and expansionist rogue nuclear-armed state.

    Now that they've already gotten away with etnically cleansing a patch of land and stealing a homeland surely it is foolish to keep on killing defenseless people, stealing their land, torturing their children, chaining up women giving birth, starving them, and imprisoning entire populations (and the list is endless here)?

    I think it is highly foolish for the Israelis to continue to commit such horrible human rights abuses and not take the path of peace. But I digress.

    I dunno...seems to be where most threads in this forum end up.

    Whatever the topic, the only constant for some is that Israel is to blame; no matter how ludicrous the mental gymnastics required to reach that conclusion might be.

    This missing plane remains a mystery with massive worldwide interest. In lieu of any interesting or original conspiracy theory, we get: Israel.

    But I digress.

    Just to recap, your hypothesis is that Israel are responsible for this
    missing plane?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Please try to read my posts properly before you respond to them.

    Speculate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

    Översätt den här sidan

    to think about something and make guesses about it : to form ideas or theories about something usually when there are many things not known about it.

    there is a difference between speculation and just making stuff up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Sacksian wrote: »
    I dunno...seems to be where most threads in this forum end up.

    Whatever the topic, the only constant for some is that Israel is to blame; no matter how ludicrous the mental gymnastics required to reach that conclusion might be.

    This missing plane remains a mystery with massive worldwide interest. In lieu of any interesting or original conspiracy theory, we get: Israel.

    But I digress.

    Just to recap, your hypothesis is that Israel are responsible for this
    missing plane?

    Apparently he is speculating rather than forming a hypothesis. Apparently you dont need anything in the way of facts to do the former.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Sacksian wrote: »
    I dunno...seems to be where most threads in this forum end up.

    Whatever the topic, the only constant for some is that Israel is to blame; no matter how ludicrous the mental gymnastics required to reach that conclusion might be.

    This missing plane remains a mystery with massive worldwide interest. In lieu of any interesting or original conspiracy theory, we get: Israel.

    But I digress.

    Just to recap, your hypothesis is that Israel are responsible for this
    missing plane?

    And that "hypothesis" is based solely on the fact that there is an ex air malaysia plane currently stored in tel aviv that looks like the one that crashed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano


    That is the most likely hypothesis based on currently known facts.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭shedweller

    Beano wrote: »
    If the plane landed in the ocean it did not do so in one piece. that is impossible. And please dont mention chesty sullenburger and the plane that landed on the hudson river. The flat calm of the hudson river is totally different to the ocean. and sullenburger was an experienced glider pilot.

    That link you posted is just pure rubbish. A plane flew over pakistan with its transponder turned off and the pakistanis didnt notice? And the plane managed to fly all the way to spain and nobody picked it up? You do realise that turning off the transponder does not make the plane invisible? All it does is stop the transmission of identification data. The plane still appears on radar. And you expect people to believe that the militaries of all the countries en route to spain ignored this unidentified aircraft?
    It was visible on radar all the way to the search area currently off the coast of perth? Thats not what i heard and saw repeated over and over and over on sky news. All they were goj g on about was satellite pings and large circles covering nearly half the earth.
    And cop on with the attitude. I thought that nonsense had gone from here but it appears i was wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    shedweller wrote: »
    It was visible on radar all the way to the search area currently off the coast of perth? Thats not what i heard and saw repeated over and over and over on sky news. All they were goj g on about was satellite pings and large circles covering nearly half the earth.
    And cop on with the attitude. I thought that nonsense had gone from here but it appears i was wrong.

    Where did i say it was visible all the way to the search area? The last ping received gave an indication of heading and the search area was based on an estimation of the planes flight time.

    And if somebody posts total rubbish i'll let them now. I'm happy to engage in reasoned debate but not if people are going to post ridiculous stuff like that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭shedweller

    Beano wrote: »
    Where did i say it was visible all the way to the search area? The last ping received gave an indication of heading and the search area was based on an estimation of the planes flight time.

    And if somebody posts total rubbish i'll let them now. I'm happy to engage in reasoned debate but not if people are going to post ridiculous stuff like that.
    But you do imply the plane was visible on radar. If it was then whoever knows where it went is saying nothing. Would you agree with that?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    shedweller wrote: »
    But you do imply the plane was visible on radar. If it was then whoever knows where it went is saying nothing. Would you agree with that?

    I never implied it was visible on radar. The search area was extrapolated from a satellite ping not a radar ping.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Beano wrote: »
    there is a difference between speculation and just making stuff up.
    Listen for second, because you are beginning to annoy me.

    You can't have a go at someone for speculating when they have actually prefaced their speculation by declaring it as being speculation.

    Apparently we are on different wave lengths here anyway. I have no interest in dick-swinging contests about who is more right. It is a genuine mystery, you don't know what happened anymore than I do. What I have an interest in here, seeing as it's a conspiracy theory forum is discussing speculation with genuinely open-minded people. The more outlandish the more it interests me. Not because I feel an OCD urge to rank the theories in order of probability but because I think it is a good excercise in using our imaginations.

    So if you are looking for debate then I am not your man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭FREETV

    More speculation here, mass abduction possibly and the plane isn't even on the planet anymore?
    If anyone here thinks we are alone in the universe then they are sadly mistaken.
    Food or even genetic experimentation for other species not of this earth?
    There are probably a million or even a billion other species in the universe.
    They could do whatever they wanted to any plane in the air and we could do nothing about it.
    For all we know we could be the most primitive species in the universe. :pac:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,019 ✭✭✭stuar

    No matter what happened to this plane, theres still a cover-up, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim stated yesterday that he signed off on a marconi radar for the Malaysian govt in 1994 while finance minister.
    He accused the Malaysian air force of concealing vital information and stated it was one of the most advanced radar systems in that part of the world (excluding diego garcia).
    It crossed 5 provences in the Malaysian peninsula, yet the Malaysian Military said nothing for days, the question I ask is WHY?

    Malaysia's Anwar accuses government of MH370 cover-up

    He described it as "not only unacceptable but not possible, not feasible" that it could travel across "at least four" Malaysian states undetected, adding: "I believe the government knows more than us".
    "We don't have the sophistication of the United States or Britain but still we have the capacity to protect our borders," he stressed.
    The radar system, based near the South China Sea, covers mainland Malaysia.

    If the plane was simply crashed/hijacked/technical fault/whatever, why didn't the Malaysian air force state what they knew, when they knew it?, they waited days while they and others checked the South China sea, it just doesn't add up that they kept so quiet about this for so long, then eventually admitted that they thought they knew it flew across their airspace.

    It's been noticable since day one that MSM journalists just haven't been asking the questions they should be asking, I don't think anybody with half a brain can seriously say there is no cover-up, yet nobody is saying it.

    China may have picked up a/the signal from the black box, but even that is still a maybe?.

    Just some points that remain elusive up till now and still nobody asking the questions.

    1) The obvious Malaysian military/gov't cover-up, half truths and down right lies, nobody seems to bothered to ask them "WHY?"

    2) The mysterious MH370/MAS370 re-appearance after it "Vanished" and turned, yet somehow tracked the flight over Vietnam then it vanished, how could this be and who put it up there?

    3) The phones that continued to ring for a couple of days after the 8th, I really can't imagine a cell mast at the bottom of the Indian ocean.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭Beano

    Scruffy19 wrote: »
    ...ack picture, taken with a Iphone 5! Watch the video at the following page:


    i think this link will disprove the claims in that link that EXIF data in a photo cannot be faked or changed

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭shedweller

    Beano wrote: »
    i think this link will disprove the claims in that link that EXIF data in a photo cannot be faked or changed
    It also proves that any photos data from anyone can be altered.
    This applies to photos from "the elite" etc. So if theres no data with a pic then alarm bells should ring. Works both ways eh?!
    Bookmarked and remembered for future mud in face episodes!
