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Queing in Ireland



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭Whatsernamex33

    Queuing in Ireland is god awful.

    Standing ages at the bus stop waiting for a bus, bus pulls up, someone appears out of nowhere and hops on before you.
    Waiting in a queue in Tesco at those self service checkouts, there's always the one person who just happens to be walking past with their groceries, notices a checkout free and makes it to the vacant checkout before the first person in line has even noticed.
    You're standing in a queue for ages in a shop, cinema, for a bus, whatever. The person in front takes ages to get their money out. Why not have it ready while you're waiting in that queue, holding people up even more.

    Thing about this is, that no one actually confronts these people. You may complain about it to your friends, yes, but nothing is done, hence it continues to happen. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,715 ✭✭✭seenitall

    If there is one thing I love about living here (there are many, though :)), it has to be the absolutely gorgeous, completely soul-soothing, totally sheeptastic way that the people queue here. I swear folks almost want to let you get ahead of them, they're so fricking nice.

    Compared to where I come from, where people have no problem cutting in the line in front of you all day long. The last time I tried to hold my ground (being a 5'3'' woman), I got physically assaulted (pushed and shoved out of the way) by the cutter-in (a 5'8'' woman), and no one even batted an eyelid.

    Never been so happy to be back in Ireland as I was when I got back that time. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,039 ✭✭✭Hilly Bill

    I dont play Pool or Snooker because of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,678 ✭✭✭jjbrien

    Well the worst example of queuing happened to me in maastricht airport at the weekend when we were waiting for a Ryanair flight back to Dublin there was Irish, German and Dutch people involved in this event. We all line up to have our boarding passes and passports checked. Then they let us sit in this little area with seats. We sat 3 seats away from the door as we had been 3rd in line. The others who were at the end of the line decided hey why dont we try stand in front of everyone else who had been queuing for over an hour. So it doesnt just happen in Ireland. My wife and I stood up and stood in front of these people. Seems people who fly Ryanair dont have manners

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,101 ✭✭✭Weathering

    The dole queue is disgusting

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 545 ✭✭✭Chemical Burn

    You're standing in a queue for ages in a shop, cinema, for a bus, whatever. The person in front takes ages to get their money out. Why not have it ready
    Jesus Christ, this !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 792 ✭✭✭Ziegfeldgirl27

    Was in the bank today and some absolute c*** of a woman stands BESIDE ME in the queue. Get behind me you mad bitch, is this your sneaky way to get in front of me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,180 ✭✭✭hfallada

    There is no harm flooring a few coffin dodgers (aka OAPs) when your getting on the bus. Cmon you look at 95 and the bus driver doesnt to forensically check your bus pass to see your over 65

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭yeppydeppy

    There's a sandwich shop I use in Ballincollig and if you're not there by about 12:20, you'll be stuck in a queue. The cause of the queue isn't the people, it's yer one behind the till. Jaysus she's brutal, talking to people and taking her time over everything. I know you need an aspect of customer service but when the queue is growing with people anxious to
    get back to work or at least not spend lunchtime in a queue: get the finger out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 635 ✭✭✭SEANoftheDEAD

    I always get stuck behind the fúcker who spends an age at the ATM...

    Seriously, how hard is it to enter you're pin, choose an amount to withdraw. Take you're cash and card and get out of the way...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,820 ✭✭✭amacca

    Thing about this is, that no one actually confronts these people. You may complain about it to your friends, yes, but nothing is done, hence it continues to happen. :pac:

    you are right of course

    what the world needs is a good queue vigilante...someone to take the law into their hands and protect the weak queuers by punishing the bad queuers

    q man, mr. q.....the q......hmmmm not there yet, needs a catchier title, something to strike fear into the heart of a would be wallet fumbler

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,691 ✭✭✭michellie

    The worst fukcers are the ones almost touching you standing so close to you. "BACK OFF please!!!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,820 ✭✭✭amacca

    michellie wrote: »
    The worst fukcers are the ones almost touching you standing so close to you. "BACK OFF please!!!"

    I was only trying to get to know you better :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭KuriousOranj

    I always get stuck behind the fúcker who spends an age at the ATM...

    Seriously, how hard is it to enter you're pin, choose an amount to withdraw. Take you're cash and card and get out of the way...

    In my experience it's because the majority of ATM's in this country don't seem to have €20 notes anymore,but instead of helpfully saying this at the amount selection screen it waits until you've selected €20 to tell you so,thus you've to go through the whole thing again and get a €50 out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,911 ✭✭✭bradlente

    I was queueing at the Post Office today behind a man with three kids,All pretty young.
    The oldest,I'd say about 8 or 9,Was hitting random things,Such as a car beside us and the outside wall of the Post office.The younger,About 6 or 7,Was kicking a small pile of loose gravel that had gathered up by the kerb that was spraying different bits of the car,Hitting peoples feet and also going inside the post office(At this stage,We were still outside).Then,When we got in the guy had to leave the smallest one,Who was in a pram,in the middle of the floor of the shop,Because two racks of birthday cards and postcards were beside the queue,And the little fella couldn't help but frisbee a good portion of them across the place.

    The two oldest boys were then having a browse around the other side of the shop,Where the stationary is sold.
    The oldest chap spotted a big tub of erasers,All different colours,Shapes and sizes,And yelled to his father-"Da!You should get that big jar of coloured rubbers,They'd do us for ages.",And I couldn't help but think it a shame that his Da didn't come across such an item a long,long time ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,148 ✭✭✭PizzamanIRL

    I appreciate when I'm queing in a supermarket with 2 things and the person in front of me with 74 things lets me go ahead of them.

    I do not appreciate queing with 2 things and the person in front of me with 74 things does not let me go. They let me wait 10 minutes to make a 10 second transaction.

    I know they have no obligation to let me go. They were there first etc. but I can still complain about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    michellie wrote: »
    The worst fukcers are the ones almost touching you standing so close to you. "BACK OFF please!!!"

    This. I can forgive someone being a bit slow to get the cash out their pocket when paying for things but good god it irks me when someone gets into my personal space.

  • Registered Users Posts: 399 ✭✭solas111

    The people in the queues are not going to change, being human.

    Therefore, you are faced with the choice of having an early appointment with the undertaker following some stress-related incident or ………


    ….could you change instead and become more tolerant of other people?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,264 ✭✭✭lightspeed

    Is it the same in eastern european countries and Russia?

    Just wondering because when that flaming rock thing hit Russia, it was filmed by a front facing camera in a moving car. Apparently, many people in Russia have such cameras in their cars because of the amount of road rage and fraud. It seems that people are quite aggressive in Russia.

    Just wondering if violent arguments break out in queues in Russia much?

    Like it could be worse as imagine if people here lost their patience more often, would it lead to an increase in violence?
    They could call it queue rage.Like road rage except not on a road and more common when people are pissed off in a queue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,776 ✭✭✭Jhcx

    I run in and out of shops if there is a que i leave. Usually the post office is the culprit


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,691 ✭✭✭michellie

    Remmy wrote: »
    This. I can forgive someone being a bit slow to get the cash out their pocket when paying for things but good god it irks me when someone gets into my personal space.

    yep, there is no need to feel or god forbid smell the breath off the person behind you! *vomit*

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,466 ✭✭✭✭bodhrandude

    realies wrote: »
    In portugal when a local is ahead of you, maybe it a bank,shop whatever, May your God grant you patience while they discuss the world and their families and then some.

    Some What?

    If you want to get into it, you got to get out of it. (Hawkwind 1982)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    My mam was queuing in Dunnes to pay for her shopping. There was a woman behind her with a trolley and she kept hitting my mam in the ankles with the trolley. Mam keeps moving forward, lady keeps clipping her ankles. Mam getting angrier and angrier and eventually turns around and says "excuse me, can you not see me, can you please stop hitting me?".
    Lady says "I'm very sorry, I'm visually impaired".
    Mam very embarrassed, hangs her head in shame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,678 ✭✭✭jjbrien

    I always get stuck behind the fúcker who spends an age at the ATM...

    Seriously, how hard is it to enter you're pin, choose an amount to withdraw. Take you're cash and card and get out of the way...

    Oh have you seen the ones who have like 3 different cards and keep putting in different cards to see whats in them and then picks on at the end to take money from

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,681 ✭✭✭ColeTrain

    emer_b wrote: »
    My mam was queuing in Dunnes to pay for her shopping. There was a woman behind her with a trolley and she kept hitting my mam in the ankles with the trolley. Mam keeps moving forward, lady keeps clipping her ankles. Mam getting angrier and angrier and eventually turns around and says "excuse me, can you not see me, can you please stop hitting me?".
    Lady says "I'm very sorry, I'm visually impaired".
    Mam very embarrassed, hangs her head in shame.

    Visually impared maybe but she was probably drunk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,763 ✭✭✭Aglomerado

    Was in the bank today and some absolute c*** of a woman stands BESIDE ME in the queue. Get behind me you mad bitch, is this your sneaky way to get in front of me.
    This happened to me in Debenhams pay queue last week. Except the C*** had a sprogling in a buggy, which must have conferred some sort of right of way on her; I just kept edging forward and she had no choice but to wait her turn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,314 ✭✭✭BOHtox

    The worst is as a cashier and there's a massive queue. Someone comes up to you with a basket full or two and say, "damn I forgot something I'll be back in a sec"... so I scan everything through and wait for them seeing the queue build up even more. They then come back with a half a dozen more things. When they're scanned they ask for a bag. Rather than pack as we I scan them she leaves it till the very last minutes. WTF? She then takes 5 minutes packing and after that she proceeds to look for her clubcard and then the .26 of the subtotal so it's nice and even and the they leave it all on the counter for me to awkwardly try to pick up rather than simply hand it to me! Some people are dícks!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭RATM

    I hate queuing but at least since the invention of the smartphone it has become more tolerable as I can be reading the news or whatever whilst waiting.

    Thing that gets my goat is people who skip queues. Other day in the bank I was first to the security door, it opened and I was standing there letting the three people exit before I entered. Suddenly the women behind me enters while the 3 were coming out just so she could get to the queue inside the bank ahead of me :mad: It was pure ignorance.

    Then earlier today I was queuing at the till in the shop. I left the queue momentarily to grab a packet of crisps from the shelf (better to do this when in the Q rather than when you're at the counter). But in the meantime the lady behind had pushed up as if I was leaving the queue and was now going to go to the end of it over 5 seconds grabbing a packet of crisps. I wasn't having it and said 'excuse me' and pushed my way back in.

    We all hate queuing but some people just make one of lifes little difficulties a lot more intolerable than it really should be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,815 ✭✭✭SimonTemplar

    Typical queueing situation in Ireland:

    There's one till open.
    I'm next
    A second till opens and says "Next Please"
    The person standing in the queue behind me dashes to that second till
    Me: :mad:

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