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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,169 ✭✭✭✭Grayson

    Can your internet service provider block access to certain sites if you request it?

    If so, perhaps the time has come for the government or eircom, upc, vodafone et al to run an awareness campaign on TV and in the papers advising parents of measures they could take.

    Another site would spring up to take it's place. Technology isn't the problem, societies are. And in this case the technology can't be controlled, so we're better off creating awareness about it.
    Well that and making it possible for schools to punish cyber bullying the same way they can punish normal bullying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,073 ✭✭✭gobnaitolunacy

    Q: Where/how do the makers of get their money from the site? Advertising?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,855 ✭✭✭adocholiday

    It's a medium for poisonous little gits to make life horrible for some of their weaker peers. The biggest problem for kids with bullying today is that there is no escape from it. Bullying no longer ends at the home time bell now; mobile phones, facebook,, etc mean that it becomes a persistent thing.

    To those that ask why kids constantly return to this site. Those kids, especially impressionable self conscious young girls, want to be told that they are great, they are pretty etc. The questions that they put up on and facebook clearly show that have confidence and self esteem issues. "What do you think of me?" or "Like if you think I'm pretty", "Rate me from 1-10" .... the list goes on. These anonymous little ****es then use this weakness to completely destroy the op. The vicious circle begins then, the op thinks 'is that really what they think?' and goes back to get more responses.

    These kids want to be accepted and they will take 100 horrible disgusting comments to see 5 good ones. It goes on and on. The reasons for this can be attributed to social pressure, mass media blah blah blah but one thing for sure is that blocking that site would be fruitless.

    It's about parents needing to monitor what's going on and trying to intervene in these things before it becomes another tragedy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    I spoke to my 15 year old niece about this. I can't understand her going on it and opening herself up to abuse like that and I asked her to close her account. I've been asking her for months as have the rest of the family but she just blocked us all from her FB page :(

    Anyway, her reasoning is that the the anonymity means she will get the truth. So she can take the good comments as being genuine as opposed to it just being her mates backing her up. And she thinks she can "learn" from the negative comments. That if everyone is saying she is fat and ugly, then she is and she can change herself to be "better".

    I tried explaining that some people are just plain lousy and want to hurt other people so will say stuff just to be horrible. And that for every 100 nice comments she gets, that one lousy comment will stick with her more and destroy her self esteem.

    I might as well have been talking to the wall though.
