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Disguisted with Pixi Foto

  • 19-09-2012 3:03pm
    Registered Users Posts: 43

    I am absolutely horrified at the way this company conducts itself! I entered a draw and won a free photo. Was over the moon, been very rough year financially and baby is one and never had any professional photo's done of him. So all grand we arrange to go down me, him and the kids. Got there and they encourages us to try lots of difference things. I wanted to get one of the kids together, one of the baby alone, one of all of us and one of me, dp and the baby to see what they were like all at the encouragement of the staff.

    I asked a couple of times about prices and kept getting told "oh we tailor packages to you on the day". Finished photo's and was given a leaflet with when to view the photo's and on it there was a price of over €900 scratch out and special price of €315, so I assumed ok well that must be if you want all the photo's (they took loads I think she was just holding her finger down at one stage click click click you know).

    So went in the following week and she showed me our free one in the biggest size. I was dissapointed that they had pick one in which the baby wasen't smiling when there was another one there that we could buy that had everyone smiling in it. I asked her could we take the smaller one as our free one and was told no, it's the big one you get free which makes one sense cos surely the smaller one is worth less. My partner said when she walked away that he thinks the pick to worse one so you want to buy the other one. Anyway asked her about prices and she said oh they are €35 euro or €55 if you want all the small ones of each photo or 2 for €100 or 3 for €125.

    I was disguisted at the prices (ok maybe some of you will think I should of expected that but on top of the original print an extra €20 just for copies in smaller sizes!) Anyway like I said money very tight but I did love two of the other photos. She kept pushing us to make a decision and said she could only hold the photo's until the next day!!! I was not told I would have to make a decision on the spot. I asked about a deposit and was told if I wanted two then I would have to pay €50 deposit, I mean seriously is half normal for a bloody deposit???

    I told her I would think about it over night and pop back in tomorrow and see if I could borrow some money. I asked to take the free one now as we were going to visit grandmother and wanted to show her and were told, ah well we will keep it until tomorrow for you. I explained I wanted to show it to family and again "well we do keep them together until you decide which ones you want". I got so angry at the treatment that I decided not to take any off them, despite the fact I really loved two of them. We are barely scraping by and had we of been able to put a smaller deposit and pay it off then I would of been able to go with that.

    I really am livid over the whole thing and I will post this on every site and media outlet I can find in case anyone else is as naive as I was going in



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,684 ✭✭✭DaireQuinlan

    hickory99 wrote: »

    Yeah sadly there do seem to be some studios that engage in this sort of bait and switch to get punters in the door and then try the hard sell to get the markup on the prints. Look at it this way, you got a free 8x10 out of it :-)

    Also, for the love of god separate your rant into paragraphs. Otherwise no-one will actually read it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 hickory99

    lol daire I seperated it just for you :) Thanks for reply, ye I'm glad of the free one but like I said I wish it was the one of everyone smiling, I think my partner is right and that they don't pick the best one on purpose you know

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,684 ✭✭✭DaireQuinlan

    hickory99 wrote: »
    lol daire I seperated it just for you :) Thanks for reply, ye I'm glad of the free one but like I said I wish it was the one of everyone smiling, I think my partner is right and that they don't pick the best one on purpose you know

    I'd imagine so, yes. Also this tactic
    She kept pushing us to make a decision and said she could only hold the photo's until the next day!!
    is pretty reprehensible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,943 ✭✭✭IrishHomer

    hickory99 wrote: »
    lol daire I seperated it just for you :) Thanks for reply, ye I'm glad of the free one but like I said I wish it was the one of everyone smiling, I think my partner is right and that they don't pick the best one on purpose you know

    You could buy yourself a decent little camera for half that money and take thousands of photos yourself ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Maybe spell the name of the company properly if you are going to rant about them online otherwise your rant will not be found with a google.

    Yeah, Ive heard of this loads of times. I honestly dont understand why people dont just hire a recommended professional photographer rather than go to these studio places as its long been known the studio places push the hard sell and indulge in sharp practice.

    Personally I wouldnt engage anywhere that didnt have a clear pricelist upfront.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,624 ✭✭✭✭thebaz

    I thought this was going to be a rant against - some of these names can be confusing

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 hickory99

    I changed the names there, I thought the thread would be locked if I put the full name up.

    and ye I wouldn't have gone near them if I hadn't of "won" that draw which I now think it also a stunt.

    Good point about the price of a camera by comparison to buying those photo's though

  • Site Banned Posts: 11 muller21

    my sister had a similar experience. She bought a €50 for her god son to get photos taken. She was 18 at the time and only working part time so she thought this was a great gift. Her god son got all the photos and they got one free and had to pay €100's for the rest of the set. Looks like another case of buyer beware.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,227 ✭✭✭bullpost

    They are pretty crafty by all accounts.

    I was told of a family who went to get some photos taken from one of these.

    The dad was wearing a tee-shirt of his favourite band.

    When they returned to view the images guess what background music was playing :0

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,056 ✭✭✭✭BostonB

    Yeah sadly there do seem to be some studios that engage in this sort of bait and switch to get punters in the door and then try the hard sell to get the markup on the prints. Look at it this way, you got a free 8x10 out of it :-)...

    I think the hard sell these places smacks of sharp practise. Leaves a bad taste certainly. But at the end of the day getting photos done is expensive. People should realise they are being pumped to spend a lot of money and simply say no.

    If you have the money and want them ok. If you don't have the money and poor will power then stay away from these places. For me the free photo isn't worth all the hassle and hard sell you have to sit through.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,250 ✭✭✭pixbyjohn

    Joe Duffy had a whole show on this in the past 2 years. Unfortunately they suck people in unwittingly to part with money through emotional blackmail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 437 ✭✭tororosso

    Sounds bad alright, had a look at their site and they do offer the one free photo. Will pass this info on to anybody asking about them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Stephen P

    Companies like these give photographers a bad name IMO. Not all photographers are out to make a quick buck.
    Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident OP

  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭squareballoon

    Aside from the way the whole thing was handled by Pixifoto what would you expect to pay for your photos bearing in mind that you had a session with different set ups and a gallery of images to choose from?

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    Aside from the way the whole thing was handled by Pixifoto what would you expect to pay for your photos bearing in mind that you had a session with different set ups and a gallery of images to choose from?
    I'm sure these studios have everything set up so they can knock out photos pretty cheaply, it's not really like they have to do full set ups for each customer. The main problem as I see it though is they where not up front about the costs involved. they avoided the question initially and then surprised the customer with the costs when they'd no choice in the matter. In most other industries that kind of behavior is illegal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,392 ✭✭✭AnCatDubh

    OP, I understand your pain. Can I enquire as to where the 'competition' was conducted?

    I've heard of a company known as Venture which if I recall correctly was the Joe Duff Show thing, who were entering you in a competition in the shopping centres around Dublin, and then surprise surprise, you received a phone call that you'd won and just pop in and have your photos taken and your free image would be waiting for you when you come back to view the results. When people came back then a similar story enfolded. So, your experience is not unique and not unique within the industry.

    A few years back we had some family photographs taken. We paid what I think was €90 for the sitting fee (while the photographs were being taken) and had the options thereafter of buying in a number of packages which were available. I think in the end it probably cost a few hundred euro (certainly not thousands), but such a business-customer relationship is one which we knew we were walking into.

    The following is very true;
    BostonB wrote: »
    If you have the money and want them ok. If you don't have the money and poor will power then stay away from these places. For me the free photo isn't worth all the hassle and hard sell you have to sit through.

    or, you are entirely likely to be disappointed / disgusted with whomever you are going to in order to have your photographs taken.

    There are many organisations which are now using those tactics. It is not limited to just photography. Have you of recent times had a free appointment offered with some well known high street flash location opticians? Yup, you'll get the eye test and as a bonus, the prescription written (which they won't give to you but they'll keep it on your file and if you enquire early enough you might even figure what's on it), and then without you requesting, you'll be invited to join their ever so pleasant assistant who'll assist you in checking out the frames. The frames that you haven't as yet indicated that you are looking for.... Oh what a surprise :rolleyes: when you get it across to them that you aren't interested at the moment in acquiring new frames, and they realise their practice of giving a 'free' eye test hasn't worked. But we did get a free eye test out of them and that was all we were committed to.

    To be fair to the company pixi foto, it appears they had an image ready for you. Thereafter, it doesn't appear that they had any other commitment to you, and if their prices were off the wall for you, you just have to chalk it up and walk away. I agree with you, they should have had prices and packages when you arrived or available somewhere beforehand - this particularly as you requested it.

    Just because things are tight at present (which is not unique to you or your circumstances), shouldn't give corporates the right to badger people out of money which they don't have to spend.

    But, their loss. It appears from what you say, that if they had been more reasonable - perhaps allowed you select your free photo, and allowed you select or build a package, put a deposit down, hold them for a reasonable amount of time, that they'd have gotten something financial out of their efforts, but they have got nothing and bad on them for that. It is greed on their part. Again, BostonB's post refers. It is a pity that many other people wouldn't have done like you did and just walked away.

    Whether opticians, or a kiosk operator selling beauty product in the mall isles (i've witnessed some good ones there I can tell you), or photographers,.... it's marketing at the end of the day and "all marketeers are...... " (see google for ending) ;)

    I am interested to ascertain what was the competition,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,268 ✭✭✭✭uck51js9zml2yt

    We got photos taken last year and I went back on my own to collect them.
    I used the line that they could make some money or none.
    They gave me a nice discount rather than get nothing at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 183 ✭✭Strawberry Swan

    That's so unfortunate. What a scummy practice. Good on you for not getting sucked in and giving them the cash for the nicer images which they clearly hoped you would. Technically they fulfilled their end of the bargain but the way they conducted themselves was not decent at all. A prize should be just a prize and that's it but obviously not. Perhaps make a complaint to the organisers of the competition.

  • Site Banned Posts: 957 ✭✭✭leeomurchu

    You should keep your eye on Group on they have specials every now and then for family portraits and photo shoots. I'd say you'd have your choice of pics in a professional set up.

    Pixi photo are all about the sales pitch of course the best pic isn't the free one that'd involve them giving a ****e about their customers. For the money you're gonna be paying you'd pick up a good second hand slr and then you can snap away to your hearts content :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,056 ✭✭✭✭BostonB

    Getting good photos done by a professional is expensive. But you usually see the quality in the photos. These photo booth operations aren't at that level but they usually produce decent photos, that most of us would struggle to achieve. As they are much better practised *than I am anyway) at taking photos. TBH though I prefer the casual shots I get with my DSLR than these photo factories. But its the hard sell really turns me off these kind of photos, regardless of how good they are. for my photos are for capturing something you want to capture. Not reminding you of how calculated the sales process was everytime you look at the photo.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,026 ✭✭✭kelly1

    I had a look at the gallery on their website and I'm not impressed! Lighting leaves a lot to be desired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭kassie

    i had photos taken by pixi fotos of my daughter last year, like that i got "special offer" of €10 for one print but they took loads of pics on the day. My husband and mother went to collect them and ended up paying €100+ for what they came home with... the quality was sh*t, my daughters hand was out of frame for two pics... the only thing they have going for them is the props... but if you were to go to second hand shops or €2 shops you'd get just as nice probs and take the pics yourself!!! If anyone asks me about pixi fotos since this i tell them stay well clear of them! I don't even think their photographers are properly qualified!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,056 ✭✭✭✭BostonB

    Is there a qualification for Photographers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭kassie

    well there are courses/college programmes etc

    I mean their "Join Our Team" section on their website says it all really

    If you feel you possess good communication and interpersonal skills, especially with children, together with a sense of humour and self-motivation, then we have opportunities within our retail areas that may suit you.

    Should you wish to apply for employment please fax or email your CV to the Support Office.

    nothing about requiring any sort of photography skills let alone an interest in photography there!

    They also quote on their website
    PixiFoto is dedicated to providing our customers with quality professional photography at affordable prices.
    both wrong in my experience!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,056 ✭✭✭✭BostonB

    I'm curious what you were expecting? And then not seeing qualifications, did that make a difference? Did you choose not to deal with them? But thats not really the point. You're not paying market rates for a professional Photographer. Its the Big Mac of photos, and priced to what the market will bear.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    kassie wrote: »
    well there are courses/college programmes etc

    I mean their "Join Our Team" section on their website says it all really
    A college education isn't as important with photography, it can help a lot but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of professional photographers have no formal education.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,067 ✭✭✭AnimalRights

    OP I am glad you took none of their photos and I am glad you did this thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    Sorry to resurrect this old thread, just came across it on Google with similar situation to OP. Thought it good to update so people are aware of their tactics being still the same.

    Got a voucher for free photo and free photo shoot. Didn't read their fine print online (the voucher doesn't give much info).
    Ended up exhausting ourselves with outfit changes etc.. at the photo shoot. I actually asked if that was enough but the photographer just kept saying, "oh, we'll just do one with this prop, ... Or this...". I guess they want as many photos as possible to bait you with.
    Then we were only offered one of two of the worst photos as the free one. Hubby even took it off our photo share cos he didn't want anyone seeing the"bad" photo of our baby. We did end up getting a couple as we wanted to use it for thank you cards.
    The nicer photos then were on "offer" at 365 for some half price package. We thought it was crazy price all the same. We got one of their cheaper packages just so we'd have a couple of the shoot pics that were cute of her.
    I looked afterwards online and local photographers were doing better offers and packages for baby shoots.

    Ah well... Lesson learned. Needless to say I binned the rest of the "free vouchers".

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭ella23

    Use the money to get a decent camera, save a little extra if you can for a decent DSLR (I found one a few years ago on eBay for 200 euro).

    You'll get great quality photos, look online for techniques in setting up family shots, and shots of them playing (so many youtube videos on proper settings etc...) You'll be well able for it, and printing only costs 25c-1.00 for a large pic in Harvey norman.

    A lot of cameras have wifi settings on them so you can edit them professionally enough for your purpose on your camera app on the phone.

    I hope this works, ring them and tell them you won't be taking any of the photos. They're a ridiculous company, i've seen their photos, very unimaginative and samey. You'll do far better yourself.

    Best of luck,
    I hope this was some help for you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭peter1892

    I passed one of their outlets recently and Pixifoto appear to have gone out of business (there were signs saying that and most the equipment and branding was gone).
