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Sinn Fein's unpublished agenda?

  • 28-04-2012 12:12am
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 8,224 ✭✭✭

    What are Sinn Feins ultimate aims?

    I ask the question with a naive outlook.
    I look with some simplistic admiration to what has happened in the North, but also at the likes of their recent idiot antics regarding the upcoming referendum, but find Pearse O' Doherty quite bright.

    They will never get a majority vote, but will pick up some Fianna Fail leftover crumbs.
    So what do they seek to achieve? Is Eoghan Harris for example right in his complete denouncements of them in numerous Sunday Indepenent columns?

    What is the biggest fear about Sinn Fein having power?



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,336 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    I have to dismiss the lurking thought that SF in power might order the Irish Army to invade the North. However my objection to them is simply based on their unrealistic populist policies knowing that were they actually in power they would actually make the same decisions as the Government is currently doing.

    While we all know parties don't keep their election promises, SF are blatant in opposing everything while knowing that were they actually in power they would have to impose water charges etc.

    For me they are just to sneaky to trust.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,008 ✭✭✭not yet

    32 county republic....yipeeeeeeeeee

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,483 ✭✭✭Fenian Army

    Eoghan Harris has been mad and delusional for quite a long time - and he's hardly writing from an unbiased position. He changes his politics more often then people change their socks.

    He was in Official Sinn Féin, then the Workers party, then a supporter of FG, then he was involved with the UUP, and who can forget his support of Bertie.

    Or his comments on Mary McAleese? A"tribal time bomb" and also said "if she wins not on a technicality but because so many people gave her their number one, then I am living in a country I no longer understand."

    He slated John Hume for talking with Sinn Féin and called for the Dublin govt to drop all support for him.

    And then of course there was his appearance on the late late bigging up Bertie - he was rewarded for his efforts with a seat in the Seanad.

    He also dismissed the Mahon tribunal as the stuff of "fantasy".

    He also described the men and women of 1916 as "suicide bombers, I mean suicide terrorists".

    I could go on and on but it's clear the man is full of crap and has little in the way of redeeming qualities - although his nicknames amuse me, "Own Arse" and "Harisstotle" in particular.

    He has been critical of Denis O'Brien recently, I'll be surprised if he doesn't change his tune on that front.

    Sinn Féins ultimate aim is to end British rule in Ireland, reunite the terrortory and construct a real republic based on the 1916 proclamation and the Democratic Programme of the first Dáil. This isn't exactly a secret!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,798 ✭✭✭goose2005

    SF's current aims are to hoover up ex-FF voters; everything they're doing now is to pick those votes up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,205 ✭✭✭✭hmmm

    SF are the new FF. A land of comely maidens dancing at the crossroads, begrudgery of those who work for a living, free donkeys for all.

    I wouldn't mind it in the ULA or Workers party or whomever, but what worries me about SF is that behind a facade of pretty young things talking about bank bailouts and the ECB, the leadership of the party is still a group of individuals who brought nothing but death and destruction to this island for 30 years. People might think they are voting for Pearse Doherty, they're getting Adams, McGuinness and their hangers on.

    When I see SF's leadership I can only think of Patsy Gillespie - and if the people at the top of IRA/SF are capable of that I worry about what their real agenda would be with power in the Republic.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 8,224 ✭✭✭Going Forward

    Eoghan Harris has been mad and delusional for quite a long time - and he's hardly writing from an unbiased position. He changes his politics more often then people change their socks.

    He was in Official Sinn Féin, then the Workers party, then a supporter of FG, then he was involved with the UUP, and who can forget his support of Bertie.

    Or his comments on Mary McAleese? A"tribal time bomb" and also said "if she wins not on a technicality but because so many people gave her their number one, then I am living in a country I no longer understand."

    He slated John Hume for talking with Sinn Féin and called for the Dublin govt to drop all support for him.

    And then of course there was his appearance on the late late bigging up Bertie - he was rewarded for his efforts with a seat in the Seanad.

    He also dismissed the Mahon tribunal as the stuff of "fantasy".

    He also described the men and women of 1916 as "suicide bombers, I mean suicide terrorists".

    I could go on and on but it's clear the man is full of crap and has little in the way of redeeming qualities - although his nicknames amuse me, "Own Arse" and "Harisstotle" in particular.

    He has been critical of Denis O'Brien recently, I'll be surprised if he doesn't change his tune on that front.

    Sinn Féins ultimate aim is to end British rule in Ireland, reunite the terrortory and construct a real republic based on the 1916 proclamation and the Democratic Programme of the first Dáil. This isn't exactly a secret!

    And he's very closely related to the new editor of the Sunday Independent!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    hmmm wrote: »
    SF are the new FF. A land of comely maidens dancing at the crossroads, begrudgery of those who work for a living, free donkeys for all.


    I'm glad you took the time to give the party policies a thorough perusal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭Hannibal

    1. Ireland United

    Sinn Féin is a 32-County party striving for an end to partition on the island of Ireland and the establishment of a democratic socialist republic. The achievement of a United Ireland is within our reach and unity offers the best future for all the people of Ireland. In these harsh economic times, it is also the best way forward from a financial and social perspective.
    90 years after partition, as communities divided by the border become increasingly reintegrated, there is a growing pull towards reunification. As old allegiances change and people from loyalist backgrounds consider voting for a republican party because it best represents their social and economic interests, the potential for dialogue with those from the unionist community about their place in a united Ireland becomes possible.
    Key Sinn Féin policies to bring about our goal of a united Ireland
    • A referendum on Irish unity. To be held simultaneously, North and South.
    • Northern representation in the Dáil. The existing 18 Westminster MPs to automatically be accorded membership of the Dáil, with consultative and speaking rights.
    • Voting rights in presidential elections to be extended to citizens in the Six Counties.
    • The integration of public services and infrastructure on an all Ireland basis, enabling people to access services such as health and education nearest to them, regardless of which side of the border they are on.
    • Negotiate the transfer of fiscal powers from Westminster to the north.
    • Coordinate economic planning on an all-Ireland basis. Harmonise taxation policy north and south.
    2. Economy

    Sinn Féin believes people should be put at the heart of an economy. An economy should serve society, not the other way round. We believe a successful economy redistributes wealth via the tax and welfare systems. It sees employment, education and training as a right. And it takes into account all the activity that is not currently measured by modern economies, such as housework, child rearing, caring and volunteering.
    Detailed, intensive economic policy is available on the Sinn Féin website in various pre-budget submissions, alternative economic papers and job creation documents. Our position on bank bondholders (restructure banking debts) are reiterated across the Sinn Féin website.
    The following are the key Sinn Féin economic policies
    • Economies should be ran counter-cyclical. Governments’ should save in the good times (booms) so they can spend in the bad (recessions). We oppose moves from Europe to constitutionally limit national budgets, as this is a fiscal determinant that should be available to sovereign decision-makers.
    • The tax and social welfare systems should be redistributive. Income taxes should be fair and progressive. Governments should not rely on indirect flat taxes like consumption taxes. Welfare should be protected government spending and should be based on achieving a decent living standard for recipients while offering support to assist people re-entering the workforce.
    • The state should provide essential services to the economy (nationalised/state services). There should be a state bank, a state insurance company, state fuel company, state IT company (telephone/broadband etc), state health system, state transport and state schools & universities. Sinn Féin does support private enterprise as being essential to an economy, but we also recognise the hugely important part the state has to play in economic success.
    • We caution against a reliance on foreign direct investment over the growth of indigenous (homegrown) industry. We're not an 'isolationist' party. We recognise the importance of trade and investment. However we do dispute the reliance of the 26-County economy in particular on foreign direct investment to create jobs. The indigenous sector has at times seen its support sacrificed to appease multinational companies based here. We want to redress this imbalance.
    • We support the protection of wages and income. We do not believe in a race-to-the-bottom to improve Ireland's 'competitiveness'. We have strong policies on workers' rights. Workers are the heart of an economy and should be treated as such, not just as a means to a profit. We believe in absolute entitlement to join a trade union and collectively bargain. Sinn Féin policy on workers rights is based on the republican concept of equality as outlined in the 1916 Proclamation and the Democratic Programme.
    • We support the establishment of a 'high-pay' commission, which would ensure the gap between the highest and lower earners in a society did not exceed a specific rate.
    3. Accountability in governance

    We believe in accountable government. We oppose the politics of cronyism, sectarianism and exclusion which has been at the heart of political culture North and South in the past and the present. For too long connections to those in government have allowed certain groups and individuals to enjoy positions of privilege. For too long also the political strength of republican and nationalist parties have been ignored in unionist dominated councils.
    Sinn Féin is clear where we stand and whose interest we stand for. Sinn Féin will smash the golden circles that have for too long been nurtured and protected by the establishment on this island. We need to ensure that there are adequate systems of protection of minorities rights and checks and balances built into the states governance arrangements. We propose absolute accountability and transparency in government and a reform of the electoral system to make it more democratic.
    Key policies
    • Cap public sector pay at realistic rates.
    • End political appointments to state boards
    • Crack down on white collar crime, strengthen laws and give the justice system the necessary resources and legislation to target corporate criminals
    • Change the law to allow for the impeachment, or removal from the Dáil, of any TD involved in corruption, deliberate misuse of public money or fraud.
    • Abolish the Seanad in its current form.
    • Reform the electoral system including a reduction in the voting age to 16.
    • Break up media monopolies to ensure no one media mogul enjoys undue influence over public policy.
    • Sack those in charge of state bodies where they act against the public interest.
    4. Agriculture and Fisheries

    Agriculture and Fisheries are part of the main indigenous economic sector of food production. As such they are essential not only for ensuring food security for this country, but as inputs into food production both for domestic use and as a part of a huge export sector. Republican policy towards these sectors is based on the importance of retaining sovereignty and ensuring that the benefits of food production go both to the primary producers and the Irish population as a whole.
    We have also conducted detailed policy research and produced reports illustrating how the agri food and fisheries sector could provide an engine of development and growth for the future even at a time of economic downturn. However, for that to take place it is essential that we have a radical new strategy based on recovering control over the food sector and lessening the amount of bureaucratic control by Brussels. We would also encourage farmers and fishermen to return to co-operative forms of processing and marketing as a means to ensure a fairer return to producers.
    Sinn Féin is committed to:
    • Reforming the CAP in the interests of income security for small to medium farmers
    • Using indigenous resources and expertise to grow the agri food sector
    • Moving towards higher value production for export
    • Reform of the Common Fisheries Programme to ensure a fairer allocation of quota to Irish fishermen and greater domestic control over the Irish fishery
    • Ending punitive measures aimed at Irish fishermen
    5. Education

    Sinn Féin believes that education is a basic and fundamental human right. Education should be universally available as of right and assist everyone, without exception to develop his or her potential. Free education in the 26-County state is little more than a fantasy. Research carried out by Bank of Ireland Life shows that the cost of sending a child to school, from primary up to third level costs around €70,000. Schools across the state struggle to stay afloat and are relying more and more on donations from hard-pressed parents.
    Sinn Féin's vision for education differs greatly from the two-tier unequal model created by successive right-wing governments. We want a system where equality of opportunity, access and provision is a basic requirement, where no parent is forced to pay for their child to obtain an education. Where the ability for learners to achieve their full potential by having access to those levels of curriculum, those institutions and that type of teaching learning best fitted to deliver such success is a fundamental right. Individuals should be able to do so at any age and any stage of their lives.
    Key Policies
    • Spend at least 6% of GDP on education, in keeping with best international practice.
    • A return to free education. End the system where schools are reliant on voluntary contributions from parents by raising the capitation grants to cover the real cost of running a school.
    • Ensure the construction of an adequate number of schools and universities and the training and employment of the teachers/lecturers needed in these educational centres.
    • Address poverty in the education system by expanding breakfast clubs, school meals and book lending in primary schools and provide adequate grants to third level students.
    • The provision of a sufficient number of language and special needs support teachers.
    • Place a new emphasis in the school curriculum at primary and secondary level on civic education, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and encouragement of voluntary activity across society.
    • No return to tuition fees for third level institutions.
    • An end to the 11+
    6. Local Communities made safe

    People have the right to feel safe in their homes and communities. Sinn Féin's approach to crime is that pre-emption and intervention are the best routes to prevention - that is, we believe tackling poverty, educational disadvantage and mental health issues etc are key to preventing crime at a later stage. However we also have detailed policies on tackling crime as it is committed, whether that is violent or white-collar crime.
    Key policies
    • Preventing a generation of crime. More resources for crime prevention, in particular investment in communities' social infrastructure, parenting support and programmes for children and young people at risk of becoming involved in anti-social and criminal behavior including juvenile diversion. Ensuring regulation and accountability of financial institutions, government and business.
    • Community policing and faster more efficient policing. A reduction in Garda response times and more gardai out on the beat through the civilization of clerical work currently done by trained gardai.
    • Saving prison places for violent offenders. In order to ensure that custodial places are available for dangerous offenders we initiate a move towards alternatives to custody for non-violent offences such as non-payment of fines.
    • Tackling the drugs issue through education, rehabilitation and strong sentences for offenders at the top of the drugs market.
    7. Health

    Sinn Féin believes healthcare is a right. It should be universally provided, free of charge and paid for through a progressive taxation system. It must meet the needs of all citizens and treat them all on a basis of equality. A successful health system has primary and preventative healthcare at its core.
    Key policies
    • A new universal public health system for Ireland that provides care to all free at the point of delivery, on the basis of need alone, and funded from general fair and progressive taxation. In the 26 Counties this will mean an end to the HSE and to the 'two tier system' and will include comprehensive community-based primary health and social care services for all, including General Practitioner and dental services and an abolition of all prescription charges. As a stepping stone to a free universal healthcare system, medical cards to e immediately extended to all those earning on or below the minimum wage.
    • Less bureaucrats, more frontline health workers.
    • An end to public subsidies for private healthcare. Particular to the 26 Counties. Invest all health funding in the public system, immediately end tax breaks for private hospitals and the land gift scheme, phase out public subsidisation of and ultimately replace the private system within an agreed timetable.
    • The delivery of an adequate number of hospitals, bed provision and trained healthcare workers. The use of defunct hotels as 'near hospital' accommodation for before and after procedures and for families of children who are in hospital.
    • An end to the over-centralisation of hospital facilities and a reversal of cutbacks in services at local hospitals.
    • The introduction of an air ambulance fleet.

    this is Sinn Féin's published agenda as freely found on their website.

  • Registered Users Posts: 201 ✭✭Lefticus Loonaticus

    What is the biggest fear about Sinn Fein having power?

    As far as i can see, the biggest fear of having SF in office would be (a) they would put Ireland before europe, and (b) they would actually implement left wing policies.

    Two very dangerous things. Cant have that now, can we =)?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Rojomcdojo wrote: »
    Except when it comes to themselves.

    Let's face it, if Sinn Fein didn't exist it would make very little difference to the Irish political landscape. They are viewed as a joke of a party by all but the most power-hungry and dimwitted alike.

    Whenever questioned, their figures don't add up and Gerry Adams doesn't have a clue about Southern Politics. They simply exist to lie to anyone who will listen to their populist agenda.

    And another informed post that avoids sweeping generalisations and stereotyping.

    I vote for SF. As I'm not going to be in power myself, does this make me "dimwitted"?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,627 ✭✭✭Lawrence1895

    Nodin wrote: »
    And another informed post that avoids sweeping generalisations and stereotyping.

    I vote for SF. As I'm not going to be in power myself, does this make me "dimwitted"?

    What shall I say? I am an active member of SF, considering all the bashing on this site, I should admit myself to a nuthouse ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    As far as i can see, the biggest fear of having SF in office would be (a) they would put Ireland before europe, and (b) they would actually implement left wing policies.

    Two very dangerous things. Cant have that now, can we =)?

    Funny enough, I disagree with them on Europe and always have. Then again, its been pointed out to me that the reasons I've always supported the EU idea (the adoption of a more 'European' economic and social model) have never come to pass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 520 ✭✭✭dpe

    Hmm, ignoring all the other socialist wishful thinking, and getting to the heart of the matter;
    Dotsey wrote: »
    Key Sinn Féin policies to bring about our goal of a united Ireland
    • A referendum on Irish unity. To be held simultaneously, North and South.
    • Northern representation in the Dáil. The existing 18 Westminster MPs to automatically be accorded membership of the Dáil, with consultative and speaking rights.
    • Voting rights in presidential elections to be extended to citizens in the Six Counties.
    • The integration of public services and infrastructure on an all Ireland basis, enabling people to access services such as health and education nearest to them, regardless of which side of the border they are on.
    • Negotiate the transfer of fiscal powers from Westminster to the north.
    • Coordinate economic planning on an all-Ireland basis. Harmonise taxation policy north and south.
    I'm interested in the wording of this; "policies to bring about our goal of a united Ireland". Why are voting rights and integration of public services explicit policies? Surely they are a given if Ireland became a single state? Unless the logic here is to attain those rights prior to unification, I can't see why they're made explicit. Of course, the "negotiate transfer of fiscal powers from Westminster to the north" bit, could be key, but I can't see how that would work hand in hand with a free pass to everyone in South for northern healthcare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,018 ✭✭✭✭murphaph

    Dotsey wrote: »
    The state should provide essential services to the economy (nationalised/state services). There should be a state bank, a state insurance company, state fuel company, state IT company (telephone/broadband etc), state health system, state transport and state schools & universities. Sinn Féin does support private enterprise as being essential to an economy, but we also recognise the hugely important part the state has to play in economic success.

    state bank* = Anglo et al
    state insurance company* = PMPA, Quinn
    state fuel company = Bord na Mona
    state IT company (telephone/broadband etc) = Telecom Eireann
    state health system = HSE
    state transport = CIE
    state schools = 26th place for maths in PISA rankings....

    We don't do "state run" very well in Ireland. More, not less, private sector involvement should be encouraged in our economy with PROPER regulation by the state where appropriate.

    The banks and insurance company failures could and should have been avoided through PROPER regulation which the STATE failed to provide, so why would a STATE run bank be run any better?

    The rest of the list speaks for itself. Basket case heavily unionised companies with absolutely no customer focus. You'd have broadband in every one off house in Donegal and no investment in Cork or Waterford city centres as there'd be no market driving any sort of sensible decision making.

    In short, no thanks SF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 520 ✭✭✭dpe

    murphaph wrote: »

    state bank* = Anglo et al
    state insurance company* = PMPA, Quinn
    state fuel company = Bord na Mona
    state IT company (telephone/broadband etc) = Telecom Eireann
    state health system = HSE
    state transport = CIE
    state schools = 26th place for maths in PISA rankings....

    We don't do "state run" very well in Ireland. More, not less, private sector involvement should be encouraged in our economy with PROPER regulation by the state where appropriate.

    The banks and insurance company failures could and should have been avoided through PROPER regulation which the STATE failed to provide, so why would a STATE run bank be run any better?

    The rest of the list speaks for itself. Basket case heavily unionised companies with absolutely no customer focus. You'd have broadband in every one off house in Donegal and no investment in Cork or Waterford city centres as there'd be no market driving any sort of sensible decision making.

    In short, no thanks SF.

    Actually, the areas they suggest for state ownership aren't that controversial. There's a good argument for state ownership of the telecoms network, even if you leave the retail side to the market. Ditto fuel and even insurance could have a state minimum with added value provided by the market. Problem is Ireland is too small to get good economies of scale in areas like telecoms so an element of state intevention can be desirable to protect and promote a strategic asset. Where state-run enterprises usually turn to crap is in employee relations and when they have to do anything customer-facing.

    I wouldn't expect SF-run nationalised industries to be anything but appalling (they would crumble in front of the unions for a start), but it doesn't mean the principle of state ownership is entirely wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭BFDCH.

    murphaph wrote: »

    state bank* = Anglo et al
    state insurance company* = PMPA, Quinn
    state fuel company = Bord na Mona
    state IT company (telephone/broadband etc) = Telecom Eireann
    state health system = HSE
    state transport = CIE
    state schools = 26th place for maths in PISA rankings....

    We don't do "state run" very well in Ireland. More, not less, private sector involvement should be encouraged in our economy with PROPER regulation by the state where appropriate.

    The banks and insurance company failures could and should have been avoided through PROPER regulation which the STATE failed to provide, so why would a STATE run bank be run any better?

    The rest of the list speaks for itself. Basket case heavily unionised companies with absolutely no customer focus. You'd have broadband in every one off house in Donegal and no investment in Cork or Waterford city centres as there'd be no market driving any sort of sensible decision making.

    In short, no thanks SF.
    I think we were landed with the banks/insurance companies you listed below because of mismanagement in the private sector.
    telecom eireann was a great company when it was in our hands, we had one of the most advanced infrastructures in the world, since it's been privatised it's become a shambles.
    I see you've left out board gas and the esb, both well run and making money- could be better with a bit more guidance involvement from a decent government that invested in renewable energy; possibly tying it in with education in this area.

  • Registered Users Posts: 520 ✭✭✭dpe

    BFDCH. wrote: »
    I think we were landed with the banks/insurance companies you listed below because of mismanagement in the private sector.
    telecom eireann was a great company when it was in our hands, we had one of the most advanced infrastructures in the world, since it's been privatised it's become a shambles.
    I see you've left out board gas and the esb, both well run and making money- could be better with a bit more guidance involvement from a decent government that invested in renewable energy; possibly tying it in with education in this area.

    Sorry but that's simply not true. Telecom Eireann was subject to serial under-investment even before floatation; and a lot of the workforce issues eircom struggles under today (particularly the unionised network engineers) are a direct hangover from the state-owned era. The VCs who've driven eircom into the ground since floatation are the main villains of the piece, but TE carrying on as it was wasn't the answer either.

    As for Bord Gais and ESB, well they certainly do make money, but with an effective monopoly on supply I should bloody well hope so!

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭BFDCH.

    dpe wrote: »
    Sorry but that's simply not true. Telecom Eireann was subject to serial under-investment even before floatation; and a lot of the workforce issues eircom struggles under today (particularly the unionised network engineers) are a direct hangover from the state-owned era. The VCs who've driven eircom into the ground since floatation are the main villains of the piece, but TE carrying on as it was wasn't the answer either.

    As for Bord Gais and ESB, well they certainly do make money, but with an effective monopoly on supply I should bloody well hope so!
    apologies if I was wrong on that point- listened to a lot of rants from a nerd friend of mine who was adamant that we had one of the leading telecoms infrastructures in the world before privatisation and that there is now no investment.

    A secure home base seems to have helped ESB expand overseas- haven't they been involved in powerstation projects abroad?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 BritsOut

    I feel there is a general distrust to Sinn Féin however alot of that distrust is not legitimised and many of those who oppose Sinn Féin focus mainly on the past of certain members within the party and I feel alot of that past is justified in the fact part of our country is under occupation from a foreign threat.

    Jimmycrackcorm's post is a legitimate concern of Sinn Féin I think we can share however alot of the opposition to Sinn Féin is just blatent propoganda.

    I would like our counties back sooner rather than later and with the current government I don't see us ever getting our land back and infact our land is currently occupied by Europe so shouldn't we work on getting the South back before the North?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    murphaph wrote: »

    state bank* = Anglo et al
    state insurance company* = PMPA, Quinn
    state fuel company = Bord na Mona
    state IT company (telephone/broadband etc) = Telecom Eireann
    state health system = HSE
    state transport = CIE
    state schools = 26th place for maths in PISA rankings....

    We don't do "state run" very well in Ireland.

    So lets start doing it better!
    The conservatives in England want to privatise the NHS because it has problems. FF and FG ruined the state bodies from inside!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,109 ✭✭✭Cavehill Red

    Sinn Féins ultimate aim is to end British rule in Ireland, reunite the territory and construct a real republic based on the 1916 proclamation and the Democratic Programme of the first Dáil. This isn't exactly a secret!

    From the above:
    It shall also devolve upon the National Government to seck co-operation of the Governments of other countries in determining a standard of Social and Industrial Legislation with a view to a general and lasting improvement in the conditions under which the working classes live and labour.

    It's annoying to live in a state that can't even spell it's own founding vision correctly in its own official record. Why am I not surprised at this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Kinski

    From the above:

    It's annoying to live in a state that can't even spell it's own founding vision correctly in its own official record. Why am I not surprised at this?

    Maybe they misspelled it on purpose. "We're supposed to do what? 'Seck'? What's secking? Oh no, that's not a word; obviously we don't need to do that bit about improving the conditions of the working class." :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    Kinski wrote: »
    Maybe they misspelled it on purpose. "We're supposed to do what? 'Seck'? What's secking? Oh no, that's not a word; obviously we don't need to do that bit about improving the conditions of the working class." :pac:

    I'm assuming that some civil servant made a typo. If the mistake was in the original record it would have been careless!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Kinski wrote: »
    Maybe they misspelled it on purpose. "We're supposed to do what? 'Seck'? What's secking? Oh no, that's not a word; obviously we don't need to do that bit about improving the conditions of the working class." :pac:

    Oddly enough.....

    a.1.Barren; unprofitable. See Rent seck, under Rent.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Kinski

    Ok, seck is a word, but it's not a verb. I guess we'll never be sure what that passage was supposed to mean...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 BritsOut

    Why focus on an English typo? We're an Irish nation lol. Is féidir liom gaeilge ach níl a thios agam a lán gaeilge :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,018 ✭✭✭✭murphaph

    BritsOut wrote: »
    Is féidir liom gaeilge ach níl a thios agam a lán gaeilge :(
    Why don't you just learn it so? I couldn't speak more than a handful of German in 2009 but I'm fluent now and speak it every day at work and at home. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 BritsOut

    murphaph wrote: »
    Why don't you just learn it so? I couldn't speak more than a handful of German in 2009 but I'm fluent now and speak it every day at work and at home. :)

    There aren't any cost-effective places to learn it where I live :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,109 ✭✭✭Cavehill Red

    BritsOut wrote: »
    Why focus on an English typo? We're an Irish nation lol.

    Because the record is in English, the vast majority of the nation use English as their primary language and because it's effing WRONG. It's shameful. You wouldn't find it in Hansard, you know.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,729 ✭✭✭Pride Fighter

    BFDCH. wrote: »
    apologies if I was wrong on that point- listened to a lot of rants from a nerd friend of mine who was adamant that we had one of the leading telecoms infrastructures in the world before privatisation and that there is now no investment.

    A secure home base seems to have helped ESB expand overseas- haven't they been involved in powerstation projects abroad?

    Your friend was right. The Dargan Report of 1979 found that for the previous 60 years Irish telecommunications was saddled with underinvestment, and old lines. You'd have to wait a year for a phone then.

    Following the criticisms of that report the IDA lobbied government to improve the networks, in order to aid SME's create jobs with a world class telecommunications network. The lobbying paid off and by 1987 the network was completely modernised from analogue to digital technology. Only one year later, Telecom Eireann went into profit for the first ever time. By 1999 when it was privatised, TE became highly profitable, debt free, and in control of one of Europes best telecommunications networks. According to the research of Dassler, Parker and Saal, between 1978 and 1998, telecommunications performance, productivity and efficiency in Ireland surpassed every single European country in that timeperiod.

    It was private companies that underinvested since 1999 and asset stripped Eircom for a quick buck.

    In short, privatisation does not work.
