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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,255 ✭✭✭getz

    I think you need to give more credit to the human brain.

    For instance, I think we can take it that you and I don't know each other, yet I can sense that you are not on a home computer today, you are probably on a phone I psychic? No, I'm observant.

    We have not even scratched the capabilities of the human brain and are only aware of a very small part of its capabilities, but to assume something is supernatural just because you don't understand it is hardly progressive thinking.

    Did you ever consider that it is your mind interpriting what you see in a form you can understand?
    OK ,yes i just do not except everything just because i want to,take my case,over the last six years i have been taking my holidays in ireland,i always go to the same village[its go a very famous name] in south wicklow.two years ago i went to a old cottage that had just been modernized,the cottage still had its old fireplace,over six foot high ,and four adults could stand up in it,it was cold feb afternoon when we arrived, the wood fire was burning,so we settled down to relax,myself my wife and my bulldog,after about ten minutes ,two young girls came into my vision,both to my left, on one side of the fireplace,one was aged about 16y the other about 9 or 10y.both were wearing long dresses ,the kind of thing that girls would have on before WW1,i noticed [in colour] that the older girl was flirting across the fireplace to someone,i looked over to see if my wife or dog had noticed anything,but they were both a sleep,after less than a couple of minutes both the girls vanished,yes like you my first thought that my mind was playing tricks,but just the same i asked the owner/farmer [it was once the family home] if he knew about any ghosts,he said he did not.last year i went back to the village and was approached by a member of that family ,who told me [remember i only asked the owner if he had ghosts,nothing more] who said that two young girls had gone missing during a party and have never been found,and is there anyway i could find out just what had happend to them,by this time it had got round the village that i was some sort of ghost whisperer,one woman approached me with a old and very small cross,and said look what i have found do you think its valuable ?me, its a bit of tin,as i held it i had a strange feeling that this woman had a problem,i said have you had a suicide in one of your bedrooms ?yes she said one of her bedrooms is haunted by a old woman,and no one will go in it ,she said i am at my wits end ,tried a priest without any luck,could i do anything,i told her i am not a expert i cannot help,last time i heard she was putting flowers on the old womans grave, since that time i have seen two more ghosts in cottages in howarth [bronte country] but not both at the same time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,547 ✭✭✭✭Poor Uncle Tom

    For one second, I am not doubting your beliefs, and I am not asking you for proof because if you believe in them no more proof is needed.

    Likewise, I am happy in my stance.

    Really, isn't that all that matters?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 ellen27

    Well Folks,

    close friend of mine was at home on her own (apart from her cat) last night and she woke up about 3am because she felt a presence in the room with her. when it happened the cat got up off the bed and stood in the middle of the room staring at the bedroom door. she continued to do this for 20 mins and didnt make a sound at all.

    So the cat eventually climbed back up on the bed and my friend fell back asleep.. then the freaky part... when she woke up this morning she walked out across the hall way and there was a picture of her passed away gran face down on a table.. This has totally freaked her out and i was wondering is there a logical explanation to all of this??


    Tell your friend to call out for Archangel Michael to protect her throughout the day and night. Theres no harm burning sage around the house either. This will ground the house and only let good spirits in
