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Why do people need to believe in CTS....not a criticism just curious.



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,090 ✭✭✭jill_valentine

    For some folks, I think it's preferable to believe that there is a grander order - and perhaps as importantly, that they have some understanding of it, they're in on it - than to consider the possibility that actually, there might be no bigger plan at all.

    Imagine if nobody's in charge. Imagine if kids can just fall prey to random strangers, or terrorists alone can just kill thousands of unsuspecting civilians, or that global warming really is our fault, and really is going to threaten our whole ecosystem some day.

    What a terrifying, chaotic, incomprehensible universe that would be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭clever_name

    For some folks, I think it's preferable to believe that there is a grander order - and perhaps as importantly, that they have some understanding of it, they're in on it - than to consider the possibility that actually, there might be no bigger plan at all.

    Imagine if nobody's in charge. Imagine if kids can just fall prey to random strangers, or terrorists alone can just kill thousands of unsuspecting civilians, or that global warming really is our fault, and really is going to threaten our whole ecosystem some day.

    What a terrifying, chaotic, incomprehensible universe that would be.

    This is exactly what I would have said if i was good with words and stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    For me it's a combination of the facts presented, evidence, some critical thinking and past experiences. Conspiracies are easy to spot, it's the disinfo (and lots of it) which is harder to discern than the real info usually.

    A more interestring question might be why do people 'need' to believe the official version events, when the evidence is showing them otherwise :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Obelisk wrote: »
    For me it's a combination of the facts presented, evidence, some critical thinking and past experiences. Conspiracies are easy to spot, it's the disinfo (and lots of it) which is harder to discern than the real info usually.

    A more interestring question might be why do people 'need' to believe the official version events, when the evidence is showing them otherwise :pac:

    I would agree with that too. I think the media have played an important part with regard to the disinfo be it intentionally or unintentionally. Personally I find the standard of real investigative journalism nowadays to be pretty poor epsecially across the news stations we would see on a daily basis and in a lot of the papers. I dont think the right/tough questions are asked anymore and certainly not at the right time. It always seems to be reactive as opposed to pro-active.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,090 ✭✭✭jill_valentine

    Obelisk wrote: »
    For me it's a combination of the facts presented, evidence, some critical thinking and past experiences. Conspiracies are easy to spot, it's the disinfo (and lots of it) which is harder to discern than the real info usually.

    A more interestring question might be why do people 'need' to believe the official version events, when the evidence is showing them otherwise :pac:

    Governments do lie a lot, and do frequently obscure terrible things done for the grubbiest of motivations, certainly.

    A healthy dose of skepticism in all regards is one thing; but I've seen too many rabbit hole arguments in these pages to believe that some/many posters here really come to their position by weighing up the available evidence rationally. In many cases, when presented with some evidence or argument that undermines one conspiracy theory, they will only ever look for a new conspiracy to take its place. The possibility that this one - just this one - case might actually be exactly what it appears to be never occurs, or is never seriously considered.

    Reminds me of that old chestnut about a religious man being presented with the implications of dinosaur bones and responding "Ah. But who put them there?"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Imagine if nobody's in charge. Imagine if kids can just fall prey to random strangers, or terrorists alone can just kill thousands of unsuspecting civilians, or that global warming really is our fault, and really is going to threaten our whole ecosystem some day.

    What a terrifying, chaotic, incomprehensible universe that would be.

    Thats a fair point but I dont think those things need to be imagined as you put it. I dont think anyone would argue or disagree with what you are saying there all those things happen the way you have outlined them all over the world on a daily basis. That isnt to say though that other possibilities arent responsible for such things Im sure you can accept that yourself everything isnt a conspiracy I dont belive in a lot of them myself but everything isnt black and white either I dont think or in my opinion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Governments do lie a lot, and do frequently obscure terrible things done for the grubbiest of motivations, certainly.

    A healthy dose of skepticism in all regards is one thing; but I've seen too many rabbit hole arguments in these pages to believe that some/many posters here really come to their position by weighing up the available evidence rationally. In many cases, when presented with some evidence or argument that undermines one conspiracy theory, they will only ever look for a new conspiracy to take its place. The possibility that this one - just this one - case might actually be exactly what it appears to be never occurs, or is never seriously considered.

    Reminds me of that old chestnut about a religious man being presented with the implications of dinosaur bones and responding "Ah. But who put them there?"

    Occasionally one might put a foot in it while speculating on some matters but thats how it goes. I dont much about what was happening with the dinasaurs, but theres a lot going on these days that mush is for sure. Probably its always been this way, thats how it looks anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,155 ✭✭✭✭MrStuffins

    The fact that such a person as a CTer exists is perverse! Surely each case should be taken on it's merits? But of course, it never is with a lot of these people!

    Yes, there are people who will accept the "official" story without putting research into it etc.

    BUT, for every one of these there is a person who will by default stick to a conspiracy when it is presented and refuse to believe the "official" story.

    Why is it that if someone believes in one conspiracy theory, they are very likely to believe them all?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    MrStuffins wrote: »
    Why is it that if someone believes in one conspiracy theory, they are very likely to believe them all?

    I dunno, why?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,155 ✭✭✭✭MrStuffins

    Obelisk wrote: »
    I dunno, why?

    Well.............. I asked the question

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    I was waiting for the punchline...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    MrStuffins wrote: »
    The fact that such a person as a CTer exists is perverse! Surely each case should be taken on it's merits? But of course, it never is with a lot of these people!

    In fairness I don’t think it’s perverse at all although I have an idea at what youre getting at by saying that, I think I understand what you mean but I think the term “conspiracy theory” has somewhat taken on an altogether “different” meaning in the collective physic than its compound definition on a basic level. In today’s world conspiracy theory = nut job/tin foil hat brigade/lizard people brigade whatever. I totally agree that every case should be taken on its own merit and just because one thing turns out to be true or have at least some truth in it does not mean all CT’s are true. You cant think like that everything isn’t a conspiracy things do just happen coincidences do occur but sometimes so does “conspiracy”.

    So Ive been looking into the phrase “conspiracy theory” and from what I can see it was first used or termed in 1909. According to Webster this is the definition of a CT…

    “a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usual powerful conspirators”

    Secret plots by powerful conspirators political or otherwise have happened on many occasions all through recorded history and will probably continue to happen for many years to come. “Usual” I’m not too sure what that refers too although I would hazard a guess it might refer to governments or politicians or people in a position of power to make things happen. Personally I fail to see how such a thing happening either in previous years gone by or in the here and now, why its so hard to hypothesize that it did occur or is likely to happen again. People scam behind the scenes for many reasons these things happen and always will.

    Conspiracy is defined as “ an evil , unlawful , treacherous or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more people ; plot”

    Theory has a number of definitions the ones most pertinent to conspiracy would probably be “abstract reasoning, speculation” or “an assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture “

    When you look at the word conspiracy in its basic definition to me anyways it isn’t hard to believe that in some circumstances that yes “conspiracy theories” do actually occur and have occurred. Again though that isn’t to say that absolutely everything being questioned is in fact a conspiracy because it isn’t for any number of reasons. But to totally dismiss the possibility of such things happening (conspiracies) I think is ignorant and very dangerous.

    I found this list of whistleblowers on Wikipedia and what they blew the whistle on. Plenty of conspiracies highlighted here and blown wide open which you can read about. Everything isn’t a conspiracy though that needs to be pointed out and highlighted I think that’s really important and its true. Its really important because if we get to the stage that everything suspect or unexplained becomes termed a “conspiracy” or is perceived as one then the real conspiracies that truly need exposing like the lies and bs in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq will just be lumped into the “tin foil hat” brigade or whatever. So yeah governments/cabals from all countries from all around the world are capable of evil dastardly skull duggery and more than capable of partaking or hatching a conspiracy for their greedy/wicked gains to which the minions get wind of and then begin to speculate upon, which in turn will morph into a “conspiracy theory” and be discussed by CT'ers:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    MrStuffins wrote: »
    Why is it that if someone believes in one conspiracy theory, they are very likely to believe them all?

    I guess i answered that one in my last post to a large extent.
    A sense of disinfranchisement with the current authority leads them to find a new authority figure in the form of the "new age movement" or conspiracy theories in general.
    So when some news pops up about an incident they will always seek to blame it on the new paradigm of reality in which they live.
    Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong, just as the polar opposite would be for only agreeing with the official news.
    I was like this myself at least for the first year when i started researching and posting here.
    Now i have calmed down alot and use my critical thinking,which i think takes a while to kick in after you stop watching tv and reading newspapers and after you stop taking the CT/new age movements documentaries as most likely true.
    There is programming just as much in the CT documentaries in many cases as there is on regular tv supplied by corps and govs.

    Online research is the best way to learn and keep your critical thinking intact at the same time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    Torakx wrote: »
    Online research is the best way to learn and keep your critical thinking intact at the same time.
    Fair point, but for primary sources of information you are still reliant on journalists who are on the spot. You can't follow everything yourself, be at every event. So either you accept that the facts as reported by mainstream journalism are correct (regardless of the spin put on stories, which you can see and adjust for) or you are totally goosed, as your internet sources are just as reliant on the accounts of mainstream journalism.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    WakeUp wrote: »
    I found this list of whistleblowers on Wikipedia and what they blew the whistle on. Plenty of conspiracies highlighted here and blown wide open which you can read about. Everything isn’t a conspiracy though that needs to be pointed out and highlighted I think that’s really important and its true. Its really important because if we get to the stage that everything suspect or unexplained becomes termed a “conspiracy” or is perceived as one then the real conspiracies that truly need exposing like the lies and bs in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq will just be lumped into the “tin foil hat” brigade or whatever. So yeah governments/cabals from all countries from all around the world are capable of evil dastardly skull duggery and more than capable of partaking or hatching a conspiracy for their greedy/wicked gains to which the minions get wind of and then begin to speculate upon, which in turn will morph into a “conspiracy theory” and be discussed by CT'ers:)
    The fact that conspiracies involving people as powerful as the president of the USA have been revealed by whistleblowers and other means begs the question, where are the whistleblowers for the illuminati/lizards/Rothschild/Masons/Bilderberg/whatever huge global conspiracies that are claimed by some to control us all? After all, these conspiracies are far more complex and must involve so many people - few of whom will wield more power than the POTUSA. Where are the whistleblowers? Why hasn't a shred of proof ever been found?

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭clever_name

    The fact that conspiracies involving people as powerful as the president of the USA have been revealed by whistleblowers and other means begs the question, where are the whistleblowers for the illuminati/lizards/Rothschild/Masons/Bilderberg/whatever huge global conspiracies that are claimed by some to control us all? After all, these conspiracies are far more complex and must involve so many people - few of whom will wield more power than the POTUSA. Where are the whistleblowers? Why hasn't a shred of proof ever been found?

    I know the answer, the NWO lizard people are so powerful that they have used the media that they control to blackout any trace of whistleblowers. So that proves they exist.

    The fact that there is no evidence is all the evidence needed to prove that "something" is going on.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    I wouldnt make fun of peoples psychological issues or mental faculties(including critical judgement).
    Most people have issues in this area and are blissfully unaware of it,i see it quite often in myself(awareness aknowledged tnx :P) and others.

    The important question is, do you?

    That last question could apply also to people just reading this thread and not posting.
    I think its always worthwhile to be introspective now and then.It really helps with keeping the ego in check, to see your own flaws and acknowledge them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    The fact that conspiracies involving people as powerful as the president of the USA have been revealed by whistleblowers and other means begs the question, where are the whistleblowers for the illuminati/lizards/Rothschild/Masons/Bilderberg/whatever huge global conspiracies that are claimed by some to control us all? After all, these conspiracies are far more complex and must involve so many people - few of whom will wield more power than the POTUSA. Where are the whistleblowers? Why hasn't a shred of proof ever been found?

    Who knows maybe one day somebody will come forward we will just have to wait and see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Who knows maybe one day somebody will come forward we will just have to wait and see.

    This guy has come forward (about the Bilderberg group)!

    The Russians gleefully fill their English service with this stuff :pac:

    And here's his speech at the European Parliament!

    Aaww I wanted to see the questions..
