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Extreme Rules aftermath/results *spoilers*

  • 02-05-2011 9:55am
    Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭

    WWE Extreme Rules PPV Opener:

    The show opens with a video package and a live shot to the arena with pyro, etc. Josh Matthews welcomes us to the show and then ring announcer Justin Roberts immediately introduces the first match.

    Last Man Standing Match: Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

    Mason Ryan, David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty accompanies CM Punk for his ring walk. The anonymous GM chimes in and Matthews announces that all members of New Nexus are banned from ringside so Punk and Orton can settle their differences once and for all. Punk tries to unhook one of the corner turnbuckles before the match begins, looking for any advantage he can find. Orton controlling the action early on, as our match is now underway. Punk goes under the ring and comes out with a kendo stick. Punk blasts Orton a few times with the kendo stick. Orton now has the stick and before he can use it, Punk cuts him off. Orton goes for his draped DDT across the middle ropes but Punk counters with a slingshot into the exposed turnbuckle from earlier. Orton eventually makes a comeback, finishing up with a nice powerslam on the floor. Punk nearly got counted out, but made it back in the ring just in time. Back in the ring a few moments later, Punk hits the GTS out of nowhere for a nearfall. Punk sets a chair up in the middle of the ring. Orton avoids Punk's spot and hits the RKO. Punk does a cool chair/ring-post spot onto Orton on the floor. Now this time Orton was nearly counted out. Punk sets up Orton on a table. Punk goes for the GTS on Orton on the table but Orton counters with an RKO. The table did not break. Orton goes for a punt kick on the floor but Punk avoided it and reversed it into a GTS on Orton on the ringside steps. Orton gets back to his feet at 9. Back in the ring, Punk goes to the top rope. Orton cuts him off. Orton nails Punk with the kendo stick several times in a row. Orton hits the RKO on Punk off the top rope. Punk couldn't make it back to his feet by the count of ten. Orton wins.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    Backstage: Teddy Long & Sheamus

    Backstage, Teddy Long informs Sheamus that he'll be defending his U.S. Title tonight in a tables match against Kofi Kingston. Sheamus complains, blah blah blah.

    Tables Match: Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston (U.S. Title)

    A table is set up in the corner and Kingston runs at Sheamus. Sheamus manages to avoid him, which led to Kingston leaping onto the ropes to avoid putting himself through the table. Later on in the contest, while on the outside of the ring, Sheamus was using a table to brace himself as he got back to his feet. While he was doing this, Kingston leaps over the top rope and hits a Boom Drop on Sheamus through the table. And just like this, Kingston wins. New champion.

    Winner and NEW WWE U.S. Champion Kofi Kingston

    Backstage: Todd Grisham & R-Truth

    Backstage, Todd Grisham is with R-Truth. Truth complains about not being booked on the PPV tonight. He talks about conspiracies, he complains about John Morrison, etc.

    Country Whipping Match: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

    Cole comes out wrapped in bubble wrap. Cole cuts a promo tearing down JR and The King, comparing them to Florida-based retirees. Cole is actually going to start the match. Well, that lasted all of two seconds. He got out of there rather quickly. Swagger is in now, along with Lawler, and now we're underway. Lawler was holding his own for the most part before Swagger tagged in Cole. Cole was nervous to get back in the ring. Jim Ross is in now and he goes right at Cole. Swagger interferes to cool JR down a bit. Ross ends up hitting a low-blow on Swagger, and was whipping him when Cole rolled him up for the pin. Cole and Swagger win it.

    Winners: Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

    Falls Count Anywhere Match: Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

    Two guys come out to the ring with Rhodes and hand out paper bags to fans in attendance. Cody tells the fans in the building to put those bags on their heads because you're all extremely ugly. Both guys going at it with rapid-fire offense here in the early goings. Neither man is in any complete control of the contest at this point. Lots of high spots, they're all over the place in this one. Near the end of the match, Mysterio from the top rope sprays mist in Rhodes' face, ala The Great Muta, and then followed it up with a standing 619 and a springboard splash for the clean pinfall victory.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    Backstage: WWE Divas

    Backstage we see the WWE Divas hanging out. Layla apologizes for her actions. Kelly Kelly said they like Michelle McCool less than Layla. Whatever lol.

    Loser Leave's Town Match: Michelle McCool vs. Layla

    Both girls hit some high-impact offensive moves to start things off. Layla took the Styles Clash but counters with a pin attempt of her own to get the victory. Not the longest, or greatest match in the world. After the match, McCool breaks down and cries. The fans starting doing the goodbye song-chant. With that said, Kharma's music hits and out comes the former Awesome Kong. McCool begs her off but Kharma hit the Implant Buster and then laughed like a psycho. She stops and makes a serious face, then lets out another big laugh. The Divas are shown backstage watching on a monitor in disbelief.

    Winner: Layla

    Backstage: Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez

    Backstage we see Alberto Del Rio and his announcer Ricardo Rodriguez working on Del Rio's upcoming ring introductions, modifying it to announce that he is the new World Heavyweight Champion.

    Ladder Match: Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (World Title)

    There are ladders set up all over the ring. Early on, Christian takes a couple of really nasty ladder bumps that left an imediate bruise on his back and side. At a little over ten minutes into the match, Del Rio takes a big back drop bump over the top rope and onto a ladder on the floor outside the ring. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Christian goes to the ropes with a ladder with him. Del Rio gets to his feet, runs to the corner, jumps up and uses the ropes to set up an awesome kick on Christian, who then took another insane bump onto the ladder he had with him. Del Rio takes a shot at setting a ladder up and climbing it to get the belt, but Christian stops him. Christian hit Edge's spear to knock Del Rio off the ladder. Nice tribute spot there. Christian makes a play on the ladder but no dice. Del Rio attempts a flying elbow onto Christian, who was laid across a ladder, but Christian moves just in time, resulting in Del Rio taking a huge bump onto the ladder. Christian goes for the belt, crowd buys into it being the finish, but again no dice. This time, Brodus Clay came out and yanked the ladder out from underneath Christian. Christian hangs onto the ring that holds the belt in the air. Brodus pulls him down off that as well. Christian hits Brodus with a small lader, which resulted in instant bleeding. Christian is also bleeding a tad bit himself. Del Rio locks in the cross arm-breaker out of nowhere. Now Christian is out on the floor and Del Rio sets up a ladder, looking for the finish. He's distracted by a mysterious car horn that sounded. It turns out it was Edge in a jeep that he drove to ringside to distract him. Christian recovers and pushes the ladder over, knocking Del Rio off and onto Brodus. Christian climbs the ladder, pulls the belt down and wins the match. Edge joins Christian in the ring to celebrate.

    Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Christian!

    Lumberjack Match: Big Show & Kane vs. Wade Barrett & Ezekiel Jackson (WWE Tag-Titles)

    Barrett throws Kane to the floor early and their lumberjacks immediately go to work on the Big Red Machine. Big Show comes to help and he along with Kane take out several of the lumberjacks by themselves. Zeke tags in and is destroying Kane so far. In the end, Zeke body slams Big Show and then Barrett voluntarily tags himself back into the match. As soon as he enters, he's met by a big Kane chokeslam and a 1-2-3.

    Winners and STILL WWE Tag-Team Champions Big Show & Kane

    Triple-Threat Cage Match: The Miz vs. John Cena vs. John Morrison (WWE Title)

    The music hits and the cage is lowered. Everyone is in the ring now and our WWE Title main event match is now officially underway. Morrison and Cena went at it early, allowing Miz to take advantage by blindsiding Morrison with a clothesline. Miz now going to work on both guys. A few minutes later, Morrison is the first person to make an attempt to exit the cage. Miz stops him, however. A few minutes after that, Miz and Morrison find themselves battling back and forth on the top of the cage. Cena joins them and he and Morrison team up for a double-superplex on Miz off the top of the cage. Craziness. Morrison hits a huge belly-to-back wheel barrow facebuster on Cena for another big pop from the crowd. Later on, Morrison is on top of the cage. As he goes to escape, Cena and Miz recover inside the ring and return to their feet simaltaneously. No surprise what happened next, Morrison did a crazy dive off the cage back into the ring instead of escaping to win the title. Morrison is looking to escape the cage through the door, however R-Truth comes out and hits a running knee that drives Morrison's head into the ringside steps. Truth enters the ring and continues his beatdown of Morrison. Cena and Miz are still down in the meantime. Truth beats on Morrison some more and then leaves him laying as he escapes the cage. A few moments after, Miz and Cena are both on top of the cage trading punches. Miz is looking to hit a Skull Crushing Finale off the top rope but Cena reverses and hits an Attitude Adjustment off the top rope for a pinfall. New champion. Cena wins.

    Winner and NEW WWE Champion John Cena

    Extreme rules, out of 10; 1 being the worst thing ever endured, 10 being wmX7 level 39 votes

    wintear 1 vote
    mayordenis 1 vote
    SmoshiMAJR 2 votes
    Swarlez 1 vote
    JBnaglfarbigred100 2 votes
    spiritcrusherflahavajRabidlambMachismo FanDercolaCMpunkedOat23smilerfparker kentRidleyAngronIsThisIt???Swift8933 13 votes
    ChittleCianan2leggo[Deleted User]Lord TSCMr. GuappaRiddle101EndaaaaghSamoa JoeD2Dirish_stevo815Pentecostsliotor 13 votes
    AfricaGarseysDM_7baruraDohnny Jeppriffmongous 6 votes



  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 9,629 Mod ✭✭✭✭mayordenis

    Didn't like it really bar the ladder match.

    Sheamus, Punk, Del Rio, Miz, Rhodes all lose (matches and momentum) and Cena, Orton, Mysterio get pointless victories.
    More than anything though the matches were mostly useless, wish I hadn't stayed up for it now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭MAJR

    Nobody gets over at Orton's expense. It's ridiculous. Whenever he has a match I just tune it out because I know he's going to win. Even if someone tries to cheat to beat him he'll still win. Orton doesn't need to win every match, he's established as a top main-event star, he doesn't need to beat everyone or come out on top nine times out of every ten engagements. Punk should have won at least once either at Wrestlemania or at Extreme Rule but he didn't. I dont know if it's Orton using backstage power or bad booking but he's just as bad as Hogan and Triple H for never putting anyone over.

    Sheamus essentially lost just to get the US Title to RAW so that Smackdown didn't have both the US and Intercontinental Title on one brand. Dont know why they didn't have Barrett lose to Kingston considering they actually have recent history together, or just transfer Barrett to RAW but hopefully Sheamus will start picking up momentum on Smackdown and get into the World Title hunt.

    Del Rio probably lost for the same reason, to kept the World Title on Smackdown and not give RAW the two top titles. If they wanted to keep the World Title on Smackdown they shouldn't have transfered Del Rio in the first place. On the other hand it was probably a bit of a "Mysterio for Eddie Guerrero" moment in that Christian won the title where Edge wasn't able to.

    The Miz has had a good run with the WWE title but it had to come to an end sooner or later. It's probably about time for a title change in truth as the Miz hasn't really been the main man on the brand for a while now, ever since the Rock got involved with Cena.

    Cole should have lost and been removed from WWE programming for a while. There is nothing that puts me off a WWE show more than Michael Cole. Being a heel is all well and good but he goes over board from the point of hating him for being a heel to being to the point of just wanting him to shut the hell up and piss off so I can enjoy the show. He was entertaining for a while but considering the fact that he should have lost at Wrestlemania and been off WWE TV for a while after that the whole thing has gone on far too long and lost its appeal entirely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,911 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1


    10 out of 10 :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

    Delighted The Instant Classic finally won a World Title(in wwe anyway).That 1 win will mean more to him than some of his co-workers winning a dozen of them.As happy as I am for him I can't help but feel that Del Rio needs a BIG win badly,he has lost momentum since winning the rumble. He lost to Christian several times now & his first rivalry on Raw needs to see him win.(And not by Countout like he did in the feud ending 2/3 falls match he had with Mysterio).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    I gotta say, I loved Kharma's debut. The theme music, the slow walk, her expression, the finisher, the all combined into something really special. It's not an exagerration to say that it is one of the best debuts I've seen in years.

    I just pray that McCool doesn't get to be the one who finally defeats Kharma.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    I really liked Extreme Rules. Everything was pretty good. Really liked Christian/Del Rio and Cody/Rey. Didn't like that Cena/Orton both finished with near the exact same finish (both off the top rope finisher) as well as the Cole/Swagger vs. King/JR match

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,448 ✭✭✭Garseys

    Overall I enjoyed it.

    Thrilled that Christian is WHC. Very good match between the both of them.

    Glad Layla won, I do not like Michelle at all (Although I do respect that she's probably one of the best divas).

    Disappointed with Super Cena winning and Sheamus losing the US Title. Though both their respected matches were pretty good.

    also why the hell is Cole going over constantly? Let this stupid feud between them end!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,289 ✭✭✭parker kent

    Good matches slightly spoiled by the booking.

    Delighted Christian got the win, but it does continue the negative booking of Del Rio.

    The Cole nonsense needs to stop. We don't want a feud with 3 commentators and Swagger selling for JR.

    I agree Kingston should have got the IC title, not the US title. Sheamus needs to be built up as a believable, creditable main eventer on Smackdown.

    I can see why Cena won. He'll probably hold it for a good while and eventually The Rock will cost him the title. He still continues his series of clusterf**k main events. Miz is lucky he wasn't seriously injured by that botched suplex from JoMo and Morrison.

    Punk is being derailed massively as well. Glad he is away from the Orton feud. Good match, but no doubt as to who would win.

    Cody Rhodes needs to be pushed to the moon. He has it all. Pity he had to lose, but I guess the face goes over in a feud ending match most of the time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    I thought there were lot of positives from the show.

    The match quality was consistently very good. Delighted to see Christian get the big win. Hopefully R-Truth gets a decent heel push after his run-in. Kong's debut was excellent, I'm delighted she's getting to do her stuff on the big stage - I believe her to be one of the best workers in the world, male or female. Cole is such a hero, the bubble wrap gimmick was a legit LOL for me. Cody Rhodes is a guy they should get right behind moving on from here, he has something special about him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭Machismo Fan

    Good show. Kong was great though I hope they don't just feed Gail Kim to her meaninglessly just to try and prove a point. The ladder match and cage match were both excellent and it was another star making performance for Morrison that they probably won't build off. Cody/Rey was alright aside from a few pretty cool spots (though Cody walking away from Rey as Rey was trying to set things up was stupid). I don't like Punk or Orton so I didn't really care and the finish to Kofi/Sheamus was great (though why would the SD GM book his champion in a match against a Raw guy where he could lose the belt to Raw, that made no sense). 7/10.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,289 ✭✭✭parker kent

    You don't like Punk? :eek::eek: Hand in your wrestling-fan-card :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭Machismo Fan

    You don't like Punk? :eek::eek: Hand in your wrestling-fan-card :pac:

    I've never really liked Punk, always found him a little dull and I don't think he's had a great match in WWE besides a few with Mysterio (and Morrison when he won the ECW title).

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,205 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    I really enjoyed the PPV. Deducted one point for DH Smiths Comboy hat and the Tag Team of Show Kane. Deducted another for the Cole stuff continuing but as Christian won I added one to give 9 out of 10.

    Delighted Christian won.

    Agree with Flah, the match Quality was consistently good. I wouldn't pay too much attention to match results as if the match quality is good then how can I complain.

    Sheamus, Kofi, Rey, Cody, Punk, Orton all delivered on the night to make excellent matches. Throw in Christian Del Rio and there are 8 guys who always deliver good matches. Considering Bryan and Ziggler were not on the card WWE looks a much better place going forward (We are up to 10 consistent performers).

    Truths Heel Turn gained some more momentum last night and he could be the break out superstar this year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,504 ✭✭✭barura


    Would watch again. And will do later when my mate is watching it again. :D

    Blew WM out of the water.

    Edit: Also, two Faces as champions? Didn't see that happening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,289 ✭✭✭parker kent

    I've never really liked Punk, always found him a little dull and I don't think he's had a great match in WWE besides a few with Mysterio (and Morrison when he won the ECW title).

    Second best ROH guy in my opinion behind Danielson. Best personality in wrestling. Has the potential to be a Steve Austin type anti-hero face. People just connect with him. His time at the commentary desk shows that.
    DM-ICE wrote: »
    Agree with Flah, the match Quality was consistently good. I wouldn't pay too much attention to match results as if the match quality is good then how can I complain.

    Don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out odd decisions. My enjoyment of Punk/Orton was ruined by having zero doubt as to who would win. Wrestling doesn't have to always be unpredictable, but I just found elements of the booking annoying.

    As a standalone event, it was fine. But wrestling carries on so annoying to see things like Cole/Lawler continue. I guess that will carry on until they have a stipulation match where the loser stops commentating. Which really should have happened at Mania.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,205 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out odd decisions. My enjoyment of Punk/Orton was ruined by having zero doubt as to who would win. Wrestling doesn't have to always be unpredictable, but I just found elements of the booking annoying.

    As a standalone event, it was fine. But wrestling carries on so annoying to see things like Cole/Lawler continue. I guess that will carry on until they have a stipulation match where the loser stops commentating. Which really should have happened at Mania.

    I have no problem with anyone talking about the match results, that's why I didn't reply directly to any comments. In fact I would agree with most comments. All I meant was I, myself, won't complain about the results at this PPV as the match quality was good enough to make up for it in my mind.

    When it comes to cole/lawler stuff I don't even count that as a match to be honest!

    Here is DH Smith - on superstars last week with his cowboy hat - go to 4.05

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,717 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    I gave it an 8. Match quality was good all the way through with Christian's win the obvious highlight of the night. Kharma's debut was well-handled and R-Truth was one of the best things on the show despite not having a match. Cena's win was disappointing but probably the right move in hindsight given the number of heels on the Raw roster.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 758 ✭✭✭davrho

    Never bothered watching it but with the reports here i might order it for 9pm tonight. Sounds like a good show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,448 ✭✭✭Garseys

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    I gave it an 8. Match quality was good all the way through with Christian's win the obvious highlight of the night. Kharma's debut was well-handled and R-Truth was one of the best things on the show despite not having a match. Cena's win was disappointing but probably the right move in hindsight given the number of heels on the Raw roster.

    It's a conspiracy! C-O-N-Spiracy :D

    I lol'd at that.

    Also I forgot the mention Kharmas debut, Well handled. I was legitimately terrified of her in the ring laughing. It's gonna be great to see her destroy the Divas Roster...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,175 ✭✭✭Ridley

    Gave it a 7. Gave Elimination Chamber an 8 and Extreme Rules wasn't as good as that. Predictability let EC down but the threat of the Cole fued continuing, Punk being taken out by the same finish, albeit slower, from WM27 (thought Orton was lining up for a punt to finish the job) and a disinterested crowd sucking the atmosphere out of the room for most of the night spoiled ER for me.

    Still, I'll take it over WM27 and RR2011. Really satisfied with the non big PPVs these days. Unless it turns out Over the Limit sucks then they're alternating between good and "meh.. ahwha?" PPVs.

    I can disagree with Cena winning (think he should have been kept from title as he got more desperate toward his match with Rock as he runs out of time) but it's not something I can blame on the PPV itself.

    Good enough show. If that's the worse it got from here on out I wouldn't be complaining. Much.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,048 ✭✭✭jolley123

    I've never posted on here, but I felt the need after watching that PPV last night. I've been watching wrestling since I was 7yrs old, and it is pitiful how downhill things have gone.

    To think that Stone Cold is a 6 time world champion and the Rock 7 time, yet this Joke Cena is now a 10 time world champion. I'm trying to keep up to date with this business and not give up hope, but it's getting really hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,820 ✭✭✭grames_bond

    Miz is lucky he wasn't seriously injured by that botched suplex from JoMo and Morrison.

    Ah here no need to blame John TWICE for that - cena should take some of it! ;) :pac:

    I did enjoy it! Truths promo was great - finally showing some potential!
    Loved the fact that Layla won - I <3 Layla!!
    "Kharma" was done really well too, good debut!
    Rey vs Cody was class - Cody is another bonafide star in the making!
    Cage match was great - jomo showing his star potential again - he needs to learn how to use a mic though asap! Tired of cena but knew it would happen!
    F*cking delighted Christian won!! Great match - done really well!

    Cole "match" was sh!te - needs to die right now!
    I'm sick of orton - can he put anyone over? It's killing punk!
    Sheamus match ended really well but the result was very obvious!
    Tag team match was thrown together last minute - I know they are setting up a corre split but who could go face?!

    Overall I did enjoy it - it did a job! 8/10 for me!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,888 ✭✭✭Charisteas

    John Cena announces Osama Bin Laden's death to the WWE fans at Extreme Rules last night.

    I posted the video here as it shows Cena with his new Championship belt, so major spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen the PPV yet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,128 ✭✭✭drayme

    This picture is of Brodus not Osama shockingly:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭irish_stevo815

    Just watched it now and I really enjoyed it, was a good solid PPV. 3 new champions in one night, that hasnt happened in a long time.

    Great opener with the Punk/Orton match, was surprised at the result, but didnt mind too much as it was a great last man standing match.
    Highlight of the night (and of the year so far),was Christian finally reaching the top. What a moment, I genuinely felt happy for the man when he was celebrating. Should have definately been the last match on the card as it was an epic match by both men, and would have sent the WWE Universe home happy, but I guess WWE big boys thought seeing Cena win would make people happier.
    I was a bit surprised that Cena did win, it was an ok match, for a cage match. I actually really like the way they are using R-Truth as a heel, should work out well. So now we have Rock back tonight, and Cena as WWE Champion. I wouldnt be surprised if Cena holds the title until Wrestlemania 28 for his match against Rock :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,061 ✭✭✭✭Rjd2

    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    I just pray that McCool doesn't get to be the one who finally defeats Kharma.

    Nah that will be Kelly Kelly in a few weeks time on Superstars.:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭irish_stevo815

    Rjd2 wrote: »
    Nah that will be Kelly Kelly in a few weeks time on Superstars.:pac:

    Nah, they have to set up the team of Kharma & Mark Henry.............imagine all the sh*te comin out of Bookers mouth then :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,403 ✭✭✭spiritcrusher

    Enjoyed that. Enjoyed it a LOT more than I thought I would, so much that I can get over some of the annoying results. Very solid wrestling matches all the way through, except for the commentator's match. Why they insist on continuing this story I don't know (although Cole in bubble wrap was genius!).
    Everything's pretty much been said already, the only thing I'll add (again) is how annoying it is that all these matches get lumped into one ppv pretty much, rarely to be seen again throughout the year. An "extreme" match or two could really liven up other cards considering how capable the wrestlers seem to be with the stipulations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭MAJR

    Nah, they have to set up the team of Kharma & Mark Henry.............imagine all the sh*te comin out of Bookers mouth then :rolleyes:

    And then Kharma gives birth to a hand...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,398 ✭✭✭Riddle101

    Watched it on Sunday was a great oul PPV, and in some ways better then Wrestlmania.

    Here's my My review.
    Randy Orton Vs CM Punk Last Man Standing- Good back and fourth between the two, and nice effort by both. As always Randy Orton goes over, sad that WWE continually buries Punk all the time. But I guess WWE had to have Orton go over, considering they were ending the fued and proberly wanted him to start out on Smackdown strong. 8/10

    Sheamus Vs Kofi Kingston Tables Match- Good match, and a solid performance by both. But it was kind've obvious Kingston was going over, what with the match being made on the night and seen as how Smackdown got both Intercontinetal and US Championships, one had to go back to Raw and I guess Kofi deserved to go over too considering he's being used as a punching bag by both Sheamus and Wade Barrett of the last few weeks. 7/10

    Rey Mysterio Vs Cody Rhodes Falls Count Anywhere- The match was ok for what it was. Some good spots but overall it was a decent showing by both, and I guess it was only fair that Rey went over considering Cody won at Wrestlmania. 7/10

    Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross Vs Jack Swagger and Micheal Cole Tag Team Whipping match(or whatever you call it)- Basically it wasn't anything special, just another way to get Cole over as a heel but overall it was below average. 4/10

    Christian Vs Alberto Del Rio Ladder match- Good match, obviously when Christian is involved in a ladder match it's going to be good, and it was also obvious that Christian was going over too, since like the US/I.C tites, Raw got both WWE and WHC titles, and since Kofi won the I.C belts at earlier in the night it was definetely going to happen. Anyway a strong effort by both guys, and I guess the interference from Brodus Clay kept people on the edge of their seats, until of course Edge came out, which gave Christian enough time to kick ADR off the ladder and grab the belt. Also as a Christian fan I can finally say this. FINALLY Christian has won a World Championship that can be proberly recognised unlike like the TNA title. After years of busting his ass, trying to prove himself, he finally did it and I'm proud of Christian. The guy deserved it. A great moment indeed. 8/10

    Michelle McCool Vs Layla Loser leaves WWE- It was pretty much average, for what it was they did put some effort in to it but it wasn't anything special either. I guess it was really just a way for Kharma to make her debut, which by the way was the highlight of the match. Have to say it was nice way to have Michelle McCool leave, by having Kharma take her out, I guess it was karma for all the wrong Michelle did over the years and while Layla actually apologised for her wrong doings, Michelle didn't. bad karma for McCool, hense Kharma attacking her, or at least that's why I believe she attacked Michelle, on the other hand it could just be Kharma attacking Michelle for no reason just because she's a monster, but then why didn't she squash Layla as well? 5/10

    Kane and Big Show Vs Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson Lumberjack Tag Match- Jobbers would be the best way to describe them as that's all Corre are doing now. After the 5 minute squash at Mania and the 5 minute squash at Extreme Rules, I don't know what Vince was thinking. It's like WWE are letting 5 year olds book them. I suppose it was really just away to show further tension within Corre:rolleyes: but I can't help but wonder who's supposed to be turning face in the group. Is it Jackson? is it Wade? i'd say Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater but nobody is really fousing on them, it seems to be on the other two. Hopefully WWE ends this terrible storyline, and has Wade go solo, becuase he needs to be rid of this group. 3/10

    John Morrison Vs John Cena Vs The Miz Cage Match- Definetely an improvement from the appalling Wrestlemania main event anyway. The match was really consistent and was defientely the Match of the Night. Great showing by all three contestants, espeically Morrison who looked very strong during the match. Great psychology and storytelling as well, which I always appreciate in a wrestling match . R-Truths interference was an obvious one, as we all kind've figured he'd have something to do in it, especially after his interview earlier in the night. Finally Cena winning the WWE Championship again? I'm really sick of him always being in the title scene and was really hoping Miz would retain, but I guess with the load of main event heels that Raw has gotten it's quite obvious that they're all going to be fed to SuperCena. Also I cringed during the interview that he cut before the match. Talking about how he hadn't held the title in 10 months. WOW, there are alot of wrestlers who can't even get close to the World Championship and haven't even won it, yet this guy who now has 10 World Title reigns, and is complaining that he hasn't held it in 10 months. I wonder how Triple H feels considering how he hasn't held the title in 2 years, lol. I know I know, kayfabe and all. 8/10
