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33's Anybody see them everywhere?

  • 09-04-2011 11:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭

    Hello all, first post here.
    I'm just wondering does anybody else see 33's everywhere?.
    This has been going on for a few years now, when I drive out of my estate most days the first car that I need to stop behind has 33 in the reg 90% of the time.
    I wake up and check the time, it's almost always 33 past the hour, I go to the shop and buy random things and the total amount due or change given back will have either €33 or 33cent in it.
    I walk into my own home or somebody else's and first thing I notice is the unset clock on the cooker flashing will be whatever hour and 33 minutes, if I'm driving I keep my eye's on the road but sometimes I will glance in a certain direction and there is a 33 there, or the odometer will have 33 just as I look at it.
    As strange as it seems and unlikely, its true, I do a bit of travelling and 90% of the hotel rooms I get are x33, I stayed in a holiday apartment a few months ago and wasn't too surprised when I was handed key number 33, I do a quickpick on the lotto and it seems theres 33 in every line.

    I mentioned it to my mother a few years ago and she put it down to either exaggeration, madness, lies or whatever, then a few months later she told me it began happening to her.
    It comes for a few weeks or months and then just stops for a few weeks or months, then it starts again.
    It stopped for a few months then a few weeks ago it came back with a vengence, I didn't mention it to anybody, then while talking to my mother she mentioned that it was happening to her again, almost stopped and started again at the same time.
    Theres a website dedicated to this number 33, but to be honest I don't know what it is, but I feel it means something, even what I've just said is really only the tip of the iceberg, 33's just pop out of everywhere.
    To a lesser extent 11:11am/pm is another thing that has been happening to me for longer, I look at the time and almost everyday I see 11:11am/pm, this if I'm rational, I can put down to my body clock being more tuned than I'm aware of, but these 33's are not the same, it's as if they are trying to tell me something, what it is I don't know.

    I am just interested if anybody else experiences this, or have any theories on it, don't be afraid to post anything nomatter how whacky, because this is real and strange, it's almost like they follow me.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭33

    This is the site I came across about 33 while curious one day after a spate of 33's, may seem whacky, but when it happens it's really real.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Boo Radley

    33 wrote: »

    This is the site I came across about 33 while curious one day after a spate of 33's, may seem whacky, but when it happens it's really real.

    I'd suggest confirmation bias:

    Spend a few weeks looking out for the number 22 (or any two digit number for that matter) and see if you notice it everywhere too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,092 ✭✭✭CiaranMT

    ^^ What Boo said.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭33

    Boo Radley wrote: »
    I'd suggest confirmation bias:

    Spend a few weeks looking out for the number 22 (or any two digit number for that matter) and see if you notice it everywhere too.

    I don't go looking for it, it's just impossible to ignore, as I said in my first post hotel rooms, I can look at all the 33's I want but I don't see how it influences a hotel receptionist to issue me with room 33, or apartment 33 or locker 33, and it's not only once or twice this has happened, although I see what your saying about confirmation bias, I have looked into that before and other area's, but it still doesn't account for the amount of them I see, then it stops, for almost a year at one stage, then just began again, confirmation bias would be constant and not come and go as it does.

    Maybe it's the magic number?

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Boo Radley

    33 wrote: »
    I don't go looking for it, it's just impossible to ignore...

    confirmation bias would be constant and not come and go as it does.

    Maybe it's the magic number?

    You don't have to actively look for it to be unconsciously picking it out in your environment. It's like when you buy a new coat and then you suddenly see loads of other people wearing the coat when you never noticed it before. It's not like you're walking around consciously investigating every coat a person is wearing. It is just 'on your mind' and therefore becomes a more salient stimulus than other coats.

    Confirmation bias has nothing to do with it being constant. You will go through phases of seeing it 'everywhere' but like anything you will forget about it, usually when you have more important things on your mind that demand your focused and unconscious attention and hey presto you won't see it.

    Also, there is no such thing as magic.

    Confirmation bias is the explanation you seek, if you really think there is anything more to it I have to declare myself out of this conversation unless you provide a plausible conspiracy theory regarding why you would be handed room # 33 keys especially above anyone else who books into a hotel.

    One more thing, your claims of '90% of the time' have to be bogus to say the least.

    I am not trying to offend you here but I have offered a resonable solution to your problem but you don't seem to grasp what confirmation bias actually is.

    One more thing, when you get a room number that is X33, it is not the number 33. It is something hundred AND 33. This is the definition of confirmation bias.

    I'm going to my bed, good night.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭33

    Boo Radley wrote: »
    You don't have to actively look for it to be unconsciously picking it out in your environment. It's like when you buy a new coat and then you suddenly see loads of other people wearing the coat when you never noticed it before. It's not like you're walking around consciously investigating every coat a person is wearing. It is just 'on your mind' and therefore becomes a more salient stimulus than other coats.

    Confirmation bias has nothing to do with it being constant. You will go through phases of seeing it 'everywhere' but like anything you will forget about it, usually when you have more important things on your mind that demand your focused and unconscious attention and hey presto you won't see it.

    Also, there is no such thing as magic.

    Confirmation bias is the explanation you seek, if you really think there is anything more to it I have to declare myself out of this conversation unless you provide a plausible conspiracy theory regarding why you would be handed room # 33 keys especially above anyone else who books into a hotel.

    One more thing, your claims of '90% of the time' have to be bogus to say the least.

    I am not trying to offend you here but I have offered a resonable solution to your problem but you don't seem to grasp what confirmation bias actually is.

    One more thing, when you get a room number that is X33, it is not the number 33. It is something hundred AND 33. This is the definition of confirmation bias.

    I'm going to my bed, good night.

    Nite Boo, I see what your saying and maybe you are right, and to be honest 90% maybe a little over the top, but not by very much, and as for hotels, in the past 7 hotel rooms I've stayed in 5 were 33, either x = floor number and room 33 or 3rd floor room 3. I can't say why I'm given a room with 33 but it has and does happen.

    Also I know there is no such thing as magic, I wasn't speaking literally.

    And possibly I could have planted it in my mothers head, but it started happening to both of us after a long spell of it not happening at the same time almost, maybe it's nothing as you say, I won't dismiss it, like when I got my car I did notice the same make and model more often I must admit, but this is much more, coincidence possibly, but I was throwing it out there to see what others had to say, you've said your bit and quite possibly your 100% correct, but I saw somebody mention something similar here before so was just getting back to it for that poster to explain a little bit more about where he got the idea from.

    And believe me I have much more important things on my mind at the moment than a number, but it just keeps coming, literally.

    But lets not get into a who's right or wrong here, let other posters have their point of view aswell and see what happens, regarding conspiracy theory on this subject, I admit I dont actually have one and I dont want to put it in paranormal as I'll get everything from ghosts to goolies, which isn't what I'm looking for, I like the different points of view here, including yours, so as I said we wont fall out over this.

    Maybe this will just float down the page and vanish into nothing,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 610 ✭✭✭TerryTibbs!


  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    You should play roulette. Was 33 the number that got Jim Carrey all worked in a forgettable movie a while back?

    I don't think this is why you get 33 on your quick pick but the number is important in freemasonry.

    (I just stole this off the internet, haven't even read it yet. MAybe it might interest you?
    Manly P. Hall refers to this history when writing of the coming world order and the rise of the Phoenix. His understanding of the Phoenix is shared by illumined fraternal orders that have preserved the scattered "sacred" knowledge of the ancients. They anticipate the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes of history. They wait for an age when knowledge will once again descend from heaven. This secret has been hidden in their symbolism and numerology throughout history.

    "In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol ..." The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme p. 87

    "Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony ... spiritually as well as physically ... to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers ..." The Occult Power of Numbers, W. Wynn Westcott , p. 15 Spiritual Numerology, '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being." The Secret of the Illuminati, Elizabeth van Buren, p. 161-2

    33 and 3 are all featured prominently in occult doctrine. The great significance of the number 33 cannot be fully understood unless it is combined with the most important science of Free Masonry, navigation. The compass and square, the most visible symbols of Masonry are also the basic tools of navigation and map making.

    Calculation of speed and location under the heavens is considered to be the highest form of sacred knowledge from antiquity. Navigation unites time with space and the heavens with the earth. The number "3" is essential to this process. Without the geometry of the 3 sided triangle, establishing location and distance on a map or "triangulation" is impossible. Navigation not only predicts the destination of a traveler on the earth but also the time the traveler will arrive. The most powerful secret held by the occult elite is related to this concept taken to a higher level.

    As the navigator can use increments of the earth's latitude and longitude to determine location in space and time, these increments can be measured in the earth itself to reveal the appointed time of humanity's destiny.

    This is why the number 33 and the compass and square are such important symbols of the illumined elite.

    33.33 degrees of the great circle of the earth represents 2012 nautical miles.

    Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man, lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east ... 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian.*

    To be completely accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012 ".9" This corresponds to the year and date that the ancient Mayans of middle America believed their calendar will end, December 21st, 2012. This is also the year their serpent god and founder of civilization, Quetzalcoatle, will return from heaven.

    Does the chosen location of the first connection of heaven with the earth on Mt. Hermon at 33.3rd degrees set in time the final phase of a new world order in 2012? In light of the ancient history of Mt. Hermon, is it possible that the year 2012 might also represent this scenario? But how is the year 2012 anchored in time? Dates and years were commonly measured from the start of the reign of a king or at the founding of a new city in antiquity. Our modern calendar is aligned to the birth of the Messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ, though even this "anchor point" is not fixed absolutely. There is a debate concerning when exactly Jesus was born. Various researchers have placed the time of Christ's birth at 11 BC, 3 BC, and 1 AD. Additionally, our modern calendar was based on earlier versions that were adjusted several times forward or back a number of years by Roman Emperors and Popes. There has already been a 2012 BC in our calendar, though it was not a remarkable year with respect to knowledge.

    Finding a relationship between 2012 AD and the present age may be the critical way to resolve this question. It makes more sense to qualify this future date with references left from the previous encounters of extraterrestrials with humanity. If the sons of God descended to Mt. Hermon with the intention of connecting 33.33 with 2012 navigationally, might they also have placed an additional marker coordinating the year 2012 with their return?

    It appears they did. This is very probably the meaning of the Roswell event. It is a marker consisting of ancient, sacred numbers.

    The impact area near Roswell lays 33° north latitude, at a distance 2,012 miles from the equator.

    When the latitude of the impact site 33° north, is multiplied by the universal mathematical constant PI, (3.1415926572...) the result is 104°, the longitude of the impact site. The value of PI is one of the most important numbers of geometry. Without an understanding of this number, the science of building, architecture and navigation is not possible. Historians actually base one of the classifications of a true civilization on its achievement of PI.

    At Roswell, if PI is multiplied by the latitudes from 33.00 to 33.59, a line with the resultant longitude can be traced showing the precise flight path the disc traveled before impact. This line of coordinates lies south east to North West, exactly in the direction the craft appeared to follow according to eye witnesses recorded in the Roswell Daily Record, July 8th, 1947:

    "... (the) large glowing object zoomed out of the sky from the southeast, going in a northwesterly direction at a high rate of speed...The object came into view from the southeast..."

    The only place on earth where 33° latitude and 104° longitude exist without lying in an ocean, as it does south of the equator, or an uninhabited mountain plateau as it does in the eastern a few miles north west of Roswell, New Mexico, USA. The sacred number 33 multiplied by PI, just happens to produce the location where a flying saucer crashed landed in 1947.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,092 ✭✭✭CiaranMT

    33 wrote: »
    Nite Boo, I see what your saying and maybe you are right, and to be honest 90% maybe a little over the top, but not by very much, and as for hotels, in the past 7 hotel rooms I've stayed in 5 were 33, either x = floor number and room 33 or 3rd floor room 3. I can't say why I'm given a room with 33 but it has and does happen.

    Also I know there is no such thing as magic, I wasn't speaking literally.

    And possibly I could have planted it in my mothers head, but it started happening to both of us after a long spell of it not happening at the same time almost, maybe it's nothing as you say, I won't dismiss it, like when I got my car I did notice the same make and model more often I must admit, but this is much more, coincidence possibly, but I was throwing it out there to see what others had to say, you've said your bit and quite possibly your 100% correct, but I saw somebody mention something similar here before so was just getting back to it for that poster to explain a little bit more about where he got the idea from.

    And believe me I have much more important things on my mind at the moment than a number, but it just keeps coming, literally.

    But lets not get into a who's right or wrong here, let other posters have their point of view aswell and see what happens, regarding conspiracy theory on this subject, I admit I dont actually have one and I dont want to put it in paranormal as I'll get everything from ghosts to goolies, which isn't what I'm looking for, I like the different points of view here, including yours, so as I said we wont fall out over this.

    Maybe this will just float down the page and vanish into nothing,

    But that's not what you're looking for really, confirmation bias is the most likely explanation for the seemingly ubiquitous appearances of 33 for you.

    If you go to ten hotels you can conceivably be given the same room number each time. It becomes more unlikely as you go on, but it's still possible. It's just probability.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 728 ✭✭✭joebucks

    It's a funny phenomenon. I have heard a few of people go on about this and always put it down to confirmation bias but what I find strange is that it is always 23(two threes) 33, 333 or 11.11 that number people who experience confirmation bias see. I have never heard of people only seeing 18 everywhere or 35 or whatever.

    333 seems to feature a bit with musicians

    Check out the flight number-


    Flea from Red Hot Chilli Peppers Twitter!/flea333

    Random tweets by Erykah Badu!/fatbellybella/status/7769314764

    Maybe it's just cause the playing speed of LP's is 33&1/3 RPM

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Its 42..
    you're doing something wrong..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 461 ✭✭Talk E

    The number 9/11 keeps appearing for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,293 ✭✭✭Fuzzy Clam

    The idea that you're 3eeing the 3ame number3 all the time is complete non3ence to be hone3t. Just doe3n't happen!
    Ah, ju3t 3een the time. Gotta go:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,092 ✭✭✭CiaranMT

    Talk E wrote: »
    The number 9/11 keeps appearing for me.

    Surely wouldn't be the conspiracy forums and sites that cover the topic that you may frequent... :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Hookah

    I keep getting the 11:11 thing.

    The number of people who have their car insurance paid up till November is freaking me out.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Hookah wrote: »
    I keep getting the 11:11 thing.

    The number of people who have their car insurance paid up till November is freaking me out.

    Feb 11 Christchurch earthquake
    Mar 11 Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
    April 11 Another Japanese earthquake

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Hookah

    Feb 11 Christchurch earthquake
    Mar 11 Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
    April 11 Another Japanese earthquake


    It's like the new Friday 13th.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭Boxoffrogs

    I turned 33 this year. I live in number 33. My sister also lives in number 33 (different address). My two best friends are 33 too. My Mam and Dad live in number 3 though. 33 will sometimes feature when I go shopping too with change and whatnot but it's just a curiosity. A number is a number is a number to me.

    Oh an my car insurance expires 11/11 too:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭33

    I needed to download f0recast earlier to check the status of an iphone, I went to googled it and got to the download page, when I got there it had been downloaded 3333 times, the confmation bias is powerful stuff.

    I did a screen capture and opened it in paint, I pasted the cap and resized it to 50% and saved it, here it is showing time, date, web address, and numer of times downloaded, I can assure you it was my first time to download it from here.

    Here's the screen cap.

    What I noticed after saving the file to 50% in MS paint, that the size of the new image was 133.3kb in size, again this was not intentional.

    And what I just noticed again totally un intentional and unaware to me was that the screen cap was taken at 16:34, so probably I arrived at the page at 16:33.

    None of this was done with 33 on my mind, the first thing that got my attention was the download number and the rest just happened as I explained.

    I addded the original screen cap also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    33 wrote: »
    I needed to download f0recast earlier to check the status of an iphone, I went to googled it and got to the download page, when I got there it had been downloaded 3333 times, the confmation bias is powerful stuff.

    I did a screen capture and opened it in paint, I pasted the cap and resized it to 50% and saved it, here it is showing time, date, web address, and numer of times downloaded, I can assure you it was my first time to download it from here.

    Here's the screen cap.

    What I noticed after saving the file to 50% in MS paint, that the size of the new image was 133.3kb in size, again this was not intentional.

    And what I just noticed again totally un intentional and unaware to me was that the screen cap was taken at 16:34, so probably I arrived at the page at 16:33.

    None of this was done with 33 on my mind, the first thing that got my attention was the download number and the rest just happened as I explained.

    I addded the original screen cap also.
    But do you not notice how you posted this at 17:25 and it's not your 33rd post? Or how neither of the attachment ID numbers have 33 in them? Or how my own post isn't at 17:33?
    And how many other number combinations have you seen in the last 24 hours and didn't count or notice?

    So yea if you're only noticing the one number and ignoring the misses it will look like it comes up everywhere.
    That's how confirmation bias works.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 901 ✭✭✭EL_Loco

    ask for a different bus route.

    1337 seems to get around alot too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    I grew up in a housing estate and the house number was 37. To this day, that number jumps out at me whenever I see it, and seems to be more prominent than other numbers even though I know that it's a myside bias :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 421 ✭✭Priori

    I wish I saw 33s more often. Bloody things aren't as frequent as they once were. Put it down to cutbacks...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    King Mob wrote: »
    But do you not notice how you posted this at 17:25 and it's not your 33rd post? Or how neither of the attachment ID numbers have 33 in them? Or how my own post isn't at 17:33?
    And how many other number combinations have you seen in the last 24 hours and didn't count or notice?

    So yea if you're only noticing the one number and ignoring the misses it will look like it comes up everywhere.
    That's how confirmation bias works.

    You probably look at the clock 30 times a day, but unless the time has 33 in it, it'll fade from your mind almost instantly. You ignore patterns that don't fit into the one that you're (subconsciously) looking for, and you assign significance when they do.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 728 ✭✭✭joebucks

    Dave! wrote: »

    You probably look at the clock 30 times a day, but unless the time has 33 in it, it'll fade from your mind almost instantly. You ignore patterns that don't fit into the one that you're (subconsciously) looking for, and you assign significance when they do.

    Yes this is understood. What I find strange is that so many people seem to have experience confirmation bias for the number 33. There are songs, blogs, tv show episodes etc dedicated to this number. I haven't come across songs,blogs etc dedicated to just say 37, which My name is Url sees everywhere..
    Why is confirmation bias so common for numbers like 33??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    joebucks wrote: »
    Yes this is understood. What I find strange is that so many people seem to have experience confirmation bias for the number 33. There are songs, blogs, tv show episodes etc dedicated to this number. I haven't come across songs,blogs etc dedicated to just say 37, which My name is Url sees everywhere..
    Why is confirmation bias so common for numbers like 33??
    Well it's probably self-perpetuating to some degree (people read about how common it is to see 33, then it's in their mind and they begin seeing it too!), but I'm not sure that 33 is special. I just googled "seeing number everywhere", and on the first page get people asking about:

    417 and four 1's 1111.
    I see the number 33 everywhere
    I have been seeing the number 44 everywhere or the number 144
    I see the number 11 EVERYWHERE
    I have seen the number 333 everywhere
    Seeing the Number 22 or 222 Everywhere

    11 seems to be more popular than 33!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 728 ✭✭✭joebucks

    Dave! wrote: »
    Well it's probably self-perpetuating to some degree (people read about how common it is to see 33, then it's in their mind and they begin seeing it too!), but I'm not sure that 33 is special. I just googled "seeing number everywhere", and on the first page get people asking about:

    417 and four 1's 1111.
    I see the number 33 everywhere
    I have been seeing the number 44 everywhere or the number 144
    I see the number 11 EVERYWHERE
    I have seen the number 333 everywhere
    Seeing the Number 22 or 222 Everywhere

    11 seems to be more popular than 33!

    yeah people claim 11.11 is to do with a spiritual awakening to do with 2012. It's funny when you type 'seeing number everywhere' into google the options it suggests are 13, 11 and 333 so quite a few people must be searching the same thing. Suggested sites are David Icke and Godlike Productions!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭33

    It's more common than I thought, strange the amount of people seeing 33's and 11's, I know it can be confirmation bias, but why so many 33's and 11's seem to be the most prominant confirmation bias numbers.

    Seeing number 33

    Seeing number 11

    Seeing number 31 (How quick it turns to 33)

    I didn't hear about this 33 thing then start looking for it or notice it, it was when it just kept appearing that I actually bothered looking into it and wasn't aware how common it was and is.

    Can anybody explain why the most common confirmation bias numbers are 11 and 33?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    33 wrote: »
    It's more common than I thought, strange the amount of people seeing 33's and 11's, I know it can be confirmation bias, but why so many 33's and 11's seem to be the most prominant confirmation bias numbers.

    Seeing number 33

    Seeing number 11

    Seeing number 31 (How quick it turns to 33)

    I didn't hear about this 33 thing then start looking for it or notice it, it was when it just kept appearing that I actually bothered looking into it and wasn't aware how common it was and is.

    Can anybody explain why the most common confirmation bias numbers are 11 and 33?
    Because repeated numbers are easier to notice than others. I've seen plenty of threads on 22's as well as 11 and 33. Also 23 features a lot (mostly thanks to Discordians messing with everyone.)
    Higher double numbers are less likely simply because they don't appear in times. So anything less than 55 will be more common and more frequently noticed.

    So what other explanations could there be?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Seeing number 14 gets you more search results than 'seeing number 33', if you're using Google search results to gauge these things... So too does seeing number 12. You going to start attributing significance to those numbers now?
