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Tragic news for all the Masters/ Ryder/ Yoshi/ Primo and Baretta fans...

  • 18-03-2011 6:05am
    Registered Users Posts: 12,038 ✭✭✭✭

    My next pick and my last allowed tag team sees me return to Japan for the duo known as "Golden Combo"

    First off the founder of NJPW, an IWGP Heavyweight Champion, A member of the WCW, WWE, Wrestling observer, Puroresu and Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame and a man who even won the WWF Heavyweight Championship

    I am of course talking about Antonio Inoki
    e_inoki03.jpg[img] vs Vader[/img][img] vs Ali[/img]

    As you can see, he also has some history with a member of roster in the form of Big Van Vader but what does he get up to when he isn't fighting Muhammad Ali or wrestling and promoting NJPW
    In 1990, Inoki traveled to Iraq in "an unofficial one-man diplomatic mission" and successfully negotiated with Saddam Hussein for the release of Japanese hostages before the outbreak of the Gulf War

    But why is he eligable to be taken as part of a tag team:
    As Inoki refused the title his reign is not included nor is it recognized by WWE in its official history, and Backlund is recognized as having one reign from 1978–1983.

    So he is taken with a man whom he tagged with 414 times according to, whom he won the NWA North American Tag Team Championship, World Tag League (1971) and a Best Tag Team Award (1975)
    that man is.....Seiji Sakaguchi


    Sakaguchi appeared in the 1982 American film Forced Vengeance and in the film's climactic fight scene battled star Chuck Norris.

    He also won bronze in the mens balck belt judo world championship where he was accused of throwing a match so as to allow a more rested team mate fight for the gold.

    here they are wrestling each other

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Gorgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakaguchi


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    Welcome to the BWA pre-show

    A lot has changed in the BWA during the past year and before we begin the first BWA Raw of the new season we will quickly recap the goings on of the past 12 months. One thing that has not changed though is The BWA champion Hiroshi Tanahashi, let's have a quick look back at some of the key moments of his 2014.
    In last years Main event for the BWA World Heavyweight Championship, Hiroshi Tanahashi proved his claim of not only being the best Japanese wrestler in the world but being simply The best in the World when he defeated Bret "The Hitman" Hart in a match that over 20% of the boards universe voted best match of 2014. Hart claimed that he was still "The Best there is, The Best there was and the best there ever would be" and that it was a fluke that Tanahashi beat him, but Bret just couldn't get the belt back no matter what he tried including forming a new Hart foundation and using the numbers advantage against the champ.

    To combat against this new greater foe Tanahashi needed backup. The obvious first port of call was the King of Strong Style Shinsuke Nakamura who jumped ship from NJPW and signed for the BWA at the same time as him last year but it was the others who answered his call that shocked the world. Japanese and BWA legends (been drafted to the BWA more times than anyone has been drafted elsewhere) Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi returned in the middle of a PPV main event to not only save Tanahashi and his championship but also to form what many people have referred to as the greatest faction of all time "The Aces of the Universe".

    The following month in a Survivor Series classic The Aces of the Universe defeated The Hart Foundation resulting in them having to leave the BWA. Since then Tanahashi has been going from strength to strength but perhaps his greatest ever challenge is just on the horizon as we once again head into The BWA's peak season and the road to Wrestlepalooza!

    But what about the other members of the Aces of the Universe, how have they fared
    Upon their return the the BWA Misawa & Kobashi couldn't have been anymore over with the BWA fans and they rode a wave of momentum and support straight to championship gold. Unlike in the past however where they fought for individual titles this time as Tanahashi & Nakamura already held the other titles in the company they teamed up and eventually won the BWA tag team titles. Obviously at this point their group held all the gold and as a result the group began being likened to The Four Horsemen.

    Perhaps no longer will they be called the Asian Four Horsemen though as after taking a particularly bad bump to the head during one of his Americanized (Hardcore) Strong Style match ups Nakamura started to act rather erratically. At first the others and in particular Tanahashi showed great concern for him but this just lead to him getting violent with them. Slowly Nakamura started to become what could be simply described as more and more of a d!ck whilst his behaviour became odder and odder. Eventually He parted ways with his former brothers as The King of Strong left the Aces of The Universe

    However there have also been a lot of new faces in the BWA and one man who has chosen the BWA over MNG is a true legend of the squared circle Jerry "The King" Lawler, former BWA chairman (now part of the announce team) Bounty Hunter introduces Lawler to the cameras
    The King: "Last year I was running the show over at MNG promotions and might I say I put on one hell of a show but yes, I have since turned my back on that company and headed to what I can only describe as "a better place to be" here in the BWA. What are my reason for joining the BWA family? well you will have to wait till BWA Raw to find that out but I can announce to you right now is that I will be the man running the show that night in my home town of Memphis!"

    Huge news, The road to Wrestlepalooza V starts in Memphis, Tennessee and the man leading the way for the BWA is hometown boy Jerry "The King" Lawlor! However some eyebrows were raised when he said he had no intentions on bringing any of his former promotions wrestlers to the BWA with him and BH had to ask what all the viewers must have been thinking, What about CM Punk? and what about Big Van Vader?
    Lawler: "With regards CM Punk, any deal to sign him to the BWA would be complicated due to his deal with UFC and would be dealt with by the BWA owners and board of management but I can announce that the board are working on a very very big deal at the moment although I don't believe it will be completed in time for Raw in Memphis.... and with regards Vader I categorically refute any suggestion that I will be offering him a place in the BWA, that will not be happening.

    This confuses the interviewer as PW forums such as had been reporting Big Van Vader to the BWA as a done deal but before he can question that statement the new man booking the show tells him how he wants to introduce a few guys that have joined this years roster for sure starting with
    The Original Shiek Who he says has signed on the dotted line to join the federation after briefly being signed to Beyond Chaos Wrestling
    The Rich Syrian and Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Most Hated Wrestler of the Year truly earned that moniker at a beyond Chaos house show this year when he literally set an opponent on fire. Although officially that federation say they were happy to trade away his contract in return for some unwanted BWA stars the rumour suggests that the fireball stunt among others were done so as to force himself out of the company by creating an image of himself as being too much trouble than he was worth so that he could go to the BWA. There as one of the originators of what became the hardcore wrestling style it is believed he will look to challenge for the King of Strong Style title. Since his departure from that federation there has also been talk that his longtime tag partner and often rival Abdullah The Butcher might follow him

    But He is not the only new face in town with The King now confirming that Jesse "The Body" Ventura who had been working some shows for the BWA has signed a permanent deal.

    Until recently Ventura had been building up quite a firm fan following in the BWA due to his flamboyant style and great Mic skills. Although he would primarily point towards his female following saying they want the things that made him famous, his nicknames "The mouth" and "The Body" and that he was more than happy to give them what they wanted calling himself the unofficial TnA champion of the world even though he would never step foot in the rink a dink federation of the same name. However, since his sueing of Taya Kyle, The wife of the slain "American Sniper" Chris Kyle became public knowledge his crowd reaction has been getting worse and worse with woman in particular turning against him and his womanizing ways

    Lawlor then talks about several other stars who have joined the BWA team this year but all the fans questions which are being relayed to him seem to focus solely on rumours such as the one about how UFC Hall of famer Dan "The Beast" Severn has apparently been talking about the possibility of getting back in a wrestling ring.
    The former UFC Superfight Champion who was also a two time NWA World Heavyweight Championship with his first reign lasting for over four years and yet he is not considered one of the elite in professional wrestling and that has been eating away at him. He had one run with the WWE whom he blames for this saying that his time there was terribly mismanaged by the federation. He wants another shot at the big time in Pro Wrestling and supposedly is the BWA he is targeting.

    When asked about this one The King once again tries to deflect by reminding the announcer that as he said earlier the BWA board and not him are the ones in discussion with the UFC.

    Holy sh!t Lawlor just dropped a bombshell there, he never said earlier that there were any discussions going on with the UFC! Lawler quickly avoids follow up questions though by bringing up another much talked about topic on all the dirt sheets and one that involves the hottest property in all of sports entertainment at this moment Samoa Joe
    After holding the ROH title for a record 21months Samoa Joe headed to TNA looking for competition. When he got there The Samoan Submission Machine embarked upon an 18 month long undefeated streak. TNA tried to resign him as it was obvious he was destined for big things but despite their talk of bringing in talent like Kurt Angle to face him he realized he was better than TNA and moved on to RCW where he continued his undefeated streak and last year won their world title but still he wasn't satisfied. As a result last month when his contract with them ran out he started negotiating with the big boys, MNG, WECWF and the BWA. There have been unconfirmed reports that the WECWF have just dropped out of the running as they could not afford his demands. What is known though is that so far nobody has been able to stop Joe and he is looking to prove that that is because he is the best in the World so I wonder should the World Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi be put on notice? Is Joe BWA bound?

    King says that he is very confident that he can out negotiate his old promotion but is not sure if he will be able to confirm anything in time for the show in Memphis but reassures fans that when he returns home it will be one hell of a show and that he has a number of surprises lined up for them.

    That concluded the pre-taped in studio portion of the pre-show and we now join BWA roving reporter Sean Mooney who is outside the arena tonights show is emanating from talking to fans. If Lawlers UFC slip hadn't already set the Internet alight with rumours then CM Punks recent tweet which was reported everywhere would have and its in relation to this that most fans are speaking about. Here once more is how it was reported by the observer
    CM Punk to walk out on fledgling UFC career?!?

    Rumours are swirling that Phil "CM Punk"Brooks may already have decided that he has had enough of the ultimate fighting world. The chicago native and former ROH, WWE, WECWF & MNG wrestler is shockingly being tipped for a switch back to the squared circle. What sparked all this was a simple tweet moments after Punk was subjected to a rediculous UFC questions and answers session with UFC fans whom punk later described as "Knuckle draggers". The tweet simple stated "heading to the BWA" although this reporter believes Punk may actually be doing something called trolling the internet and the fact that the tweet was accompanied by a picture of 2 tickets to a BWA Raw event may suggest too much is being read into it

    No doubt his presence here tonight will only serve to pour gasoline on them and Oh my gawd I believe we can go now live to Mooney who has CM Punk Ready for interview
    Mooney: Punk, Punk can I just have two seconds of your time

    Punk let's out a big Sigh and stops

    Mooney: Can you tell me if the rumors are true? are you signing to fight with the BWA?

    Punk: (lets out another very clear sigh) Look yeah, I am a UFC fighter, I am not a "Sports entertainer" (Actually does the air quotes), now please can you not bother me anymore as I try to enjoy the show.

    Punk then rejoins the mass queues of people trying to enter the arena for tonights show as Mooney mutters under his breath "what a dick", We hear Punk shout "hey what did you say" as the camera fades to black and the interview ends

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi (WHC)
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi (Tag champ)
    Mitsuharu Misawa (Tag Champ)
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked


    Welcome to BWA Raw!
    Live in Memphis, Tennessee
    On the BWA Raw pre-show (linked) the past year of the promotion was recapped with particular focus being placed on the stable known as "The Aces of the Universe" and the rumours surrounding new talent joining the BWA most notably the UFC's Phil "CM Punk" Brooks who has further fueled speculation by letting it be known that he has front row tickets for tonights show.

    The crowd seem really pumped tonight as the Pyros go off and we prepare for the start of the show but they almost blow the roof off the arena when this music hits and Memphis wrestling Icon Jerry "The King" Lawler comes out.

    There had been a rumour circulating that he might show up tonight but nobody expected him to debut in the BWA by opening the show here and the resulting reception is overwhelming. Eventually the Jerry chants die down enough for him to get on the Mic
    "Thank you, thank you.... you know this is one moment where it really couldn't be more true to say... It's good to be the king! In fact it's great, great to be here in my hometown of Memphis and great to be in my new home The BWA! a place where they are willing to let The King be The King and speak my mind on some issues ive been bottling up recently."

    "Last year I competed and was the booker for a little known promotion called MNG productions... and I did one hell of a job even if I say so myself. Unfortunately once their road to Wrestlemania was gone and out of the way so was the chairman of that organization. He disappeared and left ol Jerry here holding the bag and I tell you that place was a mess, you know what im talking about don't ya Punk? Jerry points to CM Punk who is sat in the front row and whom headlined MNGs Wrestlemania last year. After a little smile Punk nods in agreement.

    "I tell you backstage in that place there were more tragedies than shakespeare coulda come up with, hell he (pointing to Punk again) wouldn't have walked out if that place wasn't so F...f'd up. But now... now I have a chance to put that place behind me, here in the BWA The King will do what the king does best and thats put on one hell of a show for the fine people of Memphis!"

    "O thats right, I'm in charge tonight...(the crowd are loving this)... I'm running the show here in the BWA now and you know what, I think to celebrate that fact we are going to have a World Heavyweight title match right here tonight in Memphis! The BWA World champion Hiroshi Tanahashi will defend his BWA World title against a living legend and a personal friend of mine... Jack Brisco!"

    "And I'm not done yet because I have another surprise lined up for you fine people...

    Just then we hear bellowing throughout the arena "It's time! It's time! It's Vader time!"

    Announcer 1 (good old JD) : No it can't be!
    Announcer 2 (BH): Is this Jerry's surprise ? another guy jumping ship from MNG?
    #JD: My gawd it is, It's the Mastadon, Big Van Vader is here!

    Vader makes his way down to the ring, enters and goes face to face with Lawler who looks like he didn't expect this at all. He then motions for Jerry to give him the microphone. Lawler seems to be asking him something, perhaps wondering what he's doing here but the beast of a man says nothing in return and just continues to demand the mic.

    #BH: Be smart Jerry, give the man what he wants

    It seems Lawler is thinking the same thing as he slowly hands it over and it looks like we are going to hear from Vader as after a few moments of contemplation he raises the mic up but then just as he looks ready to speak the deceptively quick big man spring into action cracking the microphone over Lawler's head. Jerry is sent stumbling backward but isn't out and turns to face his attacker but in doing so turns into a monstrous Lariat. The hometown boy is then the victim of a Vader Slam (Running powerslam) as the boos start to ring out throughout the arena. Unluckily for Lawler though public opinion does not sway Vader as he then ascends the turnbuckle before hitting a Moonsault so impressive the crowd is temporarily silenced. Boos quickly return though as Vader makes his way up the ramp and medical personnel are left to check on Lawler.

    First match: Jerry Brisco vs Julio Fantastico

    On his way to the ring the younger Brisco brother stops to greet CM Punk. As he does he is attacked from behind by Senor fantastico.

    Julio rolls him into the ring and continues the pre-match assault before catching Brisco in a roll-up pin almost immediately when the bell is rung to begin the match. Luckily he kicks out just before the 3 count and then slowly Jerry is able to recover from the heelish attack and perhaps as a result how dominant he is throughout the following match impresses more than you would expect from a match against a so called jobber . It also establishes the younger brisco as a face before as many might predict it is the Figure four leglock which results in his submission victory.

    Winner: Jerry Brisco
    Backstage Segment:
    Mike McGuirk is backstage with Jesse Ventura whose opinion he seeks on Jerry Lawler supposedly being in charge of BWA Raw. Ventura questions what exactly one would call being in control if someone could claim that is what they just saw from the Memphis native adding that he had heard a rumor that the powers that be actually wanted him for the job but knew he would see it as merely a stepping stone to a higher office. McGuirk moves past that though and onto Ventura's own recent controversy and how it has effected how he interacts with he BWA universe.

    Ventura's response may have raised some eyesbrows though:
    " You know what Mike, I would rather be uncomfortable with the truth than to be lied to in comfort. That's just my nature. There might be a god-damned media conspiracy against me cos I sued the American Sniper but you know what... I Won. I was right and that means that with the star f*ckers in the BWA universe it won't change a damn thing as now they can justify cheering me cos the reason i'm here in Memphis tonight is simple... beating some trash and then geting some Ass!

    McGuirk shakes his head disapprovingly as "The Body" walks away

    #BH: Do you believe the balls on that man?
    #JD: Yeah I think i'd reverse the order if I was him considering the standard of women he usually picks up!
    #BH: Beating some ass and getting some t... wait no I mean his comments about The American Hero whose family he sued
    #JD: Shhhh here he comes

    Jesse "The Body" Ventura vs Localo Joberino

    *As Ventura makes his entrance the announcers reference how he has recently been taking a fan out of the audience after his matches to "Celebrate with backstage" and question how much self respect these ladies must have*

    The Body makes short work of the local wrestler and after a few big clotheslines, then finishes him off with his Body Breaker Inverted bearhug.

    Winner: Jesse Ventura

    Ventura then proceeds to act like he has just won the world title, over celebrating his victory and as they have the last few weeks since these antics first began the crowd give him a very mixed reaction with ever increasing boos. Despite that it doesn't take him long to find a attractive young blonde lady wearing a CM Punk shirt who is willing to join his celebration backstage. "You'll do" is what he is heard to exclaim before lifting her over the barricade squeezing the young ladies backside as he does.

    Backstage Segment
    Sean Mooney interviews Yasuhiro Kojima asking him about how Nakamura has been acting a little odd recently and if he knows how to approach such an erratic opponent. Kojima reminds everyone that he is the man who trained Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and The Great Mutoh. He says that they are all household names but Kojima...nobody knows who the hell he is! tonight though he says that will all change and if Nakamura acts even half as erratic in the ring as he has out of it recently then he will exploit itand that beating Nakamura will just be his first step on the road to the top.

    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Yasuhiro Kojima

    If the WHC main event is to top this one it will have some way to go with both fighters pulling out their A game in this match up with Kojima in particular impressing the crowd at first. It was After a full 20mins of back and forth action when the crowd had well and truly gotten into it that He (Kojima) locked in his famed Japanese sleeper hold. It looks like Nakamura is fading and eventually after almost a minute in the hold half of which he spent trying to fight out of it his eyes close and his body posture seems to suggest he's out. The ref raises his hand as the camera zooms in close on him, 1 - arm drops near limp, 2 - The same again is this one over, then as the ref raises his hand for a third time his Nakamura's eyes shoot open wide but with his eyeballs rolled (undertaker like) back so all you can see is white. This image along with the fact that he starts chanting in Japanese sends the ref stumbling back in shock as if he has seen a ghost.

    The refs reaction along with seeing a close up of Nakamuras face on the Titantron also causes Kojima to release the sleeper and step back aghast at what he sees. This was a mistake as seemingly the second he is freed from the hold Nakamuras weird trance like state reverts back to normality and he slingshots himself of the rope before hitting a hugely impressive one leg dropkick to his opponent. Everyone is stunned but Nakamura seems 100% in the moment and as Kojima tries to rise back to his feet he is caught by the Boma Ye Knee strike. 1-2-3!

    Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
    After the match when Kojima finally comes around and gets to a knee...BOOM!...another Boma Ya Knee strike is delivered sending him crashing to the mat and causing many in the arena to fear for his health. Nakamura though is just laughing Maniacally in ring until he suddenly stops and turns his attention back to his fallen countryman. He places one hand on either side of his head and lifts him up by the head. Then while holding him in this position he goes face to face with him and then just like earlier he rolls his eyes back into his head and starts chanting in Japanese.

    A moment later he drops him back to the mat and starts stumbling around a little disorientated himself before heading over to one of the corners where a young Japanese boy hands him a little bag from which he produces an electric razor. He grabs Kojima's head and quickly shaves off big portions of his hair while shouting "I am your lord!" in between some Japanese. Eventually extra referees and security forcefully separate Nakamura from Kojima but as they help the latter to the back Nakamura (who is being held at ringside until his opponent is safely gone) continues to shout the same bilingual phrases at him.

    #BH: Wow... I really don't know what to say about that and it takes a lot to leave me speechless
    #JD: Well lets see what a very special member of the BWA universe in attendance here tonight thought of all that then
    #BH: Good idea, Josh, have you got him Josh?

    Josh Matthews interviews CM Punk
    Josh Matthews: So Punk, can you tell me your thought on what you just witnessed?

    CM Punk: "That was intense... I mean normally I'd tell you this has nothing to do with me and to focus on the product but what can I say... some of that was a little familiar."

    Josh: "What do you mean? I've never seen anything like that before

    Punk: Really? great wrestler, thinks he is a god, shaving heads in the ring... I mean im flattered and all but

    Josh: Are you trying to say that Nakamura was copying what you did previously?

    Punk: well I'm not sure if thats how I would phra...

    Just then the interview is interrupted by none other than Shinsuke Nakamura who pushes Josh out of the way to get to Punk but the security who had been ushering him up the aisle quickly (the moment he gets physical with the interviewer) get between them. There is a brief stare down as Punk seems to laugh off Nakamura while asking him "Yeah and what?" before suddenly Nakamura's head lunges forward and he spits right onto Punks face! after a moment of shock the security is called into action to keep Punk from jumping the barricade and more appear on the scene to force Nakamura who is now once again laughing like a crazy person into the back.

    #BH: Dear god have you ever seen anything like this
    #JD: Never, that is just, thats so...
    #BH: We want to apologize to everyone watching BWA superstars don't usually act like that. I don't know what has gotten into that young man
    #JD: He really has not been himself for some time now but that...

    A quick promo plays hyping next months BWA PPV

    Backstage segment
    Todd Grisham interviews BWA Tag Team Champions Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa and first asks them about what they just witnessed from the former "Ace of The Universe" Shinsuke Nakamura. They emphasize that he is indeed not associated with them anymore and that it was erratic behavior like that which lead to their parting ways but that if they can help him get back on the right track in anyway they would be more than happy to. They talk about how those actions and those they witnessed from Big Van Vader earlier tonight were distasteful to them and that they are all about respect. To show that as BWA tag team champions they are challenging any tag team in all of pro-wrestling who want to challenge them for their titles to come to Raw next week and do so face to face. Whomever will show them that respect will be granted a title match at Wrestlepalooza!

    #BH: Big News there, our first Wrestlepalooza PPV match should be made next week!
    #JD: That's huge news right there, the champs putting the gold on the line on the grandest stage of them all
    #BH: Speaking of the champs, here they come right now

    Mitsuharu Misawa w/Kenta Kobashi vs Steve Duncan

    Misawa seems to be making fairly easy work of the local man Duncan in this bout and to be honest there is little surprise there, Stacy Keibler coming out to ringside though surprises (and pleases ) the audience and BH who she sits next to as she joins commentary. She explains that she is scouting talent and although Misawa does impress especially with a Vertical suplex sitout side powerslam for the 3 count pin. She apparently doesn't seem to see him as the next face of the company which she says she knows under her management her next client will become. Therefore her search will continue.

    Winner: Mitsuharu Misawa

    Backstage Segment
    Kevin Kelly interviews Shinsuke Nakamura about his actions earlier tonight. Stood beside them is Nakamura's opponent from tonights match Yasuhiro Kojima and it seems he has had his new hairdo finished as he now sports a Nakamura-esque partially shaved look. Nakamura is swaying from side to side when Kelly asks him if he would like to apologize to the BWA universe and to CM Punk for his actions tonight eliciting a sudden stop and a look of disdain before he starts screaming その小さな雌犬に謝罪...

    A few seconds after his rant finishes Nakamura grabs the Mic off the interviewer and gives it to Kojima before giving him an order in Japanese 今それを言う!

    Kojima: "Nakamura says (Nakamura screams something), My Lord says that nobody should be talking about CM Punk. He says that what you witnessed out there tonight was only the start and for that ummm (Nakamura:あく!) Piece of scum to suggest he was imitating anyone else sickens him.

    He then looks at Nakamura who screams 最初の犠牲者! before saying "CM Punk will be the first victim"

    #BH: What in the world does that mean?
    #JD: I have no idea but I wouldn't want to mess with that nutjob!
    #BH: Well I am sure the boys on the post show will have a lot to say about that but for now we have a blockbuster main event to get to

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Jack Brisco

    A back and forth match that would be worthy of its place main eventing any PPV let alone the season premier of BWA comes to a close as Brisco hits a sweet vertical suplex and then uncharacteristically goes up top for his diving crossbody but at the last second the champion rolls out of the way. Jack lands hard on his chest which he seemed to injure earlier in the match after a dive (by Tanahashi) through the ring ropes lead to him colliding with the ringside barricade. Tanahashi without missing a beat then ascended the turnbuckle himself and hit his High Fly Flow Frog splash again this causes huge pain to the challengers abdomen and perhaps spotting this Tanahashi decided not to go for the pin but instead locks in a cloverleaf submission which Mascaras eventually taps out to.

    Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi

    That was one hell of a match up but a deserved winner has emerged and Jack Brisco seems unashamed of pointing out he was beaten by the better man on the night and a man who deserves his respect. The two shake hands before Brisco exits the ring leaving the champ in the ring to play us out on his air guitar!

    The crowd have been getting used to see this unique celebration to end PPVs in recent times but on Raw it is a rarity and they are seemingly playing along with him until

    The Arena is plunged into total darkness initially and then as what almost sounds like the Godzilla March plays as a thick smoke fills the arena. This makes it so that absolutely nothing is visible even to those at ringside.

    Eventually the lights return and when the smoke disperses the fans and announcers are shocked to see that both Jack Brisco on the entrance ramp and Tanahashi in the ring are lying unconscious and bloodied. Gerry Brisco comes running out to check on his brother while Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa head straight for the ring to make sure the champ is ok.

    Who caused this? Nobody else is anywhere to be seen!

    Hopefully you can find out next week and find out, Why did Vader attack Lawler? what repercussions will Nakamura face for his actions and words aimed at CM Punk? All this and so much more to find out so make sure to join us next week on BWA Raw when we will also find out who will fact the BWA tag team champions at Wrestlepalooza!

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Stacy Keibler

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,389 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Welcome to BWA Raw!
    Live from California

    #BH: Greetings and salutations to our fans all around the world to what I guarantee you will be a blockbuster edition of BWA Raw
    #JD: Yep, if you thought last week was something special just wait for the big announcements we have in store for you today
    #BH: Jerry Lawler has already said on that tonights main event will see the man who will face our BWA World champion take on Jack Brisco
    #JD: Its gotta be the same person who attacked Jack and the champ last week right?
    #BH: I can't tell you that but my sources are telling me that won't be the biggest surprise of the night!
    #JD: Dang, what a show this will be... and the action is starting already

    BWA tag team champions Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs The Jackson brother

    The tag champions are in fine form tonight and quickly dispatch with the local brother team they are pitted against. It's the Burning Lariat from Kobashi that leads to the pinfall victory. Despite that he doesen't look to pleased

    Winner:Misawa & Kobashi

    After the match Kobashi grabs the Mic says he is sick of facing nobodies and asks who is going to step up and challenge them for their BWA tag team titles at Wrestlepalooza, who... He is interrupted by music which is completely new to a BWA arena and yet when the two wrestlers make their way out they are instantly recognized as The Sheik and Abdullah The Butcher
    Abdullah: This is The Great Sheik and I am the man they call the Madman from The Sudan, Abdullah The Butcher. We will show you the respect you deserve... by taking those belts away from you at WrestlePalooza!

    Misawa Grabs the Mic from Kobashi: Ok your on!

    Abdullah: wha ha ha ha The Shiek: aloo, aloo!

    #JD: That might have been a mistake by Misawa
    #BH: Yeah I don't think those two even know the meaning of the word respect, they are like polar opposites to Kobashi & Misawa
    #JD: Well it looks like our first match for BWA Wrestlepalooza V has just been booked either way
    #BH: Here look at this, it'l show you you just what kinda guys we are talking about

    Backstage interview with Jerry Lawler
    Scott Stanford tries to ask about the altercation with Vader last week and his match tonight but once he mentions the big man he gets cut off.

    Lawler: Vader, Vader! I tell you when that man was born his father tried to collect on his accident insurance. He is a walking accident waiting to happen and I assume his being here is nothing but a mistake too because when I signed on to come to the BWA I was guaranteed 3 things. 1, I could book the show here. 2, I could still wrestle once I didn't just put myself in title matches all the time and 3... that this place would not be like goddamn MNG. I left that waste of humanity Vader behind in MNG productions for a reason so unless he got himself a BWA contract unbeknownst to me then he better slink back to that cesspool and not return.

    Lawler then walks off heading towards the ring as Stanford points out he actually has a match up next


    Jerry Lawler vs Abdullah The Butcher

    The two are having quite a good match with the commentators being particularily impressed by Abdullah and how he hasnt resorted to his sual cheating tactics but eventually Lawler seems to be getting on top and perhaps is going for the finish when he starts climbing up to the 2nd or 3rd turnbuckle to presumably go for a diving elbow or fist drop when out comes Vader!. The big man makes his way straight for Jerry and looking intimidating as all hell with his huge head gear on causes "The King" to hop down off the turnbuckle and whilst clearly intimidated make his way away from the ring

    Winner Via Countout: Abdullah The Butcher

    Abbie does celebrate the win but the focus is clearly on Vader who is now in the ring and removes his headgear before grabbing a Mic
    Vader: Lawler! you chicken get back here now!....(waits a moment but it's clear Lawler isn't coming back)... I got myself a BWA contract before you ever left that cesspool as you put it. Why? to get away from you!

    It was Vader time, everyone knew it but you would never book me in a title match. Hell it's been Vader time for a hell of a long time, just ask the huge Japanese stars on this roster, they all know what im all about cos I was like Godzilla in that b!tch and destroyed all in my wake. I beat Antoni Inoki so bad there was a riot for gods sake. You Lawler, you were the reason MNG fell apart after last years wrestlemania season I won't let you do it here too. You can't book this fed into the ground if I put you there first!
    A promo airs for the newest episode of the monday night wars talking about how these federations continiously raided federations such as Beyond Chaos, MWF, PWC, JCW and the LWE for talent

    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Jerry Brisco w/Frank

    Again Nakamura's behaviour is quite erratic throughout this bout and very hard to predict but the most impressive thing is how he seems to be able to counter almost anything Brisco tries. This not only hugely frustrates Jerry but also his brother Frank at ringside who is so annoyed at his brothers disappointing showing that he leaves and heads to the back. This distraction means the already off his game Brisco climbs onto the turnbuckle and starts shouting after his brother which is where he gets caught in a huge superplex which Nakamura follows up with his El Niño Springboard moonsault off the turnbuckle. He doesent stop there though and instead lifts up his opponent before hitting a GTS on him for the 3 count.

    Winner: Nakamura

    After the match Nakamura grabs his Hardcore title which until recently he had been talking about being far more prestigious than a normal US hardcore belt because it meant he was the King of Hard Style wrestling. Then while kneeling in ring with it in his hand he starts cracking it against his own skull! He does so several times while the arena is in stunned silence. Luckily for him hardcore titles tend not to be made of the most valuable and strongest of metals and the thing breaks right down the middle after one particularly strong head shot. then as he looks up with blood dripping from his face and says "I have evolved beyond this title, I have a grander purpose now and a bigger target which I too will break" before bursting into laughter.

    #JD: Jaysus what the hell was all that business with his Hardcore belt? and that was CM Punks move he did to win the match?
    #BH: Yeah I think someone is clearly trying to send a message
    #JD: Well lets see if Punk has anything to say about him
    #BH: Right because now we are going to take you to highlights from the 1st hour of the ongoing UFC press conference with CM Punk, Dan Severn, Ronda Rousey & Others. Why will we do this live on BWA raw well there is some huge news here for BWA fans!

    The Highlights from hour 1 included
    * UFC have signed a cross promotional deal with the BWA starting with BWA Wrestlepalooza V
    * They never did this with WWE or any other promotion for fears of the feds legitimacy.
    * This deal does not currently include any involvement from CM Punk who has no interest in returning to a PW ring
    * He says that Nakamura is beneath him and that his stunt last week was laughable
    * Ronda Rousey spoke about how she is a big wrestling fan but left the press conference early

    #JD: Now that is huge news
    #BH: It sure is and we will hear more about that with hour 2 of that press conference a little bit later tonight

    Jesse Ventura in ring promo
    Ventura: I hold before me a copy of the local daily news paper and a copy of the British Daily Mail for today. they both run a story about me your future president and the sexiest man in the BWA, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, I'm international news baby! They both say I won't be watching that piece of propaganda crap American Sniper - check - They both say that Chris Kyle can't be considered a hero if he is a lying sack of Sh!t - check - and they both say that his widow owes me 1.8million dollars - now thats a big cheque haha

    Unfortunately I won't be letting her settle things outside of court and like most women who want something from The Body behind closed doors (he winks to the crowd) as... I have standards! and afterall I would describe her as... middle America not like you surgically enhanced beauties here in California but i'll come to you a little bit later ladies, I gotta beat some fool first (throws the paper out of the ring)


    #BH: I don't care if he won his case or not, that is one disgusting human being
    #JD: I just hope his opponent is able to shut his mouth for us... oh no
    #BH: Surely after the beating he took last week he shouldn't have been medically cleared to compete

    Jesse Ventura vs Yasuhiro Kojima

    Kojima impresses to begin with thanks to his technical approach but after a few clubbing blows from Ventura it is clear that Kojima is still feeling the effects from last week when Nakamura attacked him after their match. As a result it isn't long before what is essentially a clothesline from hell such is the ferocity he delivers it with that Ventura keeps him down for the 3 count

    Winner: Jesse Ventura

    Ventura celebrates flexing his muscles infront of a group of women in the front row as the crowd begin to boo. He gets turned down by a few of hem then after one flips him off he grabs the mic and says "I wasn't talking to you lady, i'd rather take a ride on the titanic than get with you afterall that thing only went down on 1500 people"

    Then after being heard to exclaim ill take this one he tries to lift a girl over the railing only for a scuffle to break out as she also turns him down but he doesent take it well and tries to force her to come with him. This all stops though as The California crowd erupt as “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts blasts out and Ronda Rousey! appears on the ramp way.

    She orders him to release the girl emphasizing that she said no. Ventura obliges but mostly cos his attention is now drawn to the 27 years old California native he walks around to face her at the other end of the ramp and says "it's okay baby you can have "The Body" all to yourself tonight". Rousey just shakes her head and charges down the ramp and with what almost looks like a spear takes him down and then immediately starts laying into him with rights and lefts. Ventura was almost in too much shock to even try to stop her and after security pull her off him he just backs away from her and up the ramp to the back. The crowd are loving it though and chant Rouseys name.

    #BH: Thats my kind of woman!
    #JD: Wow "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey just showed up on BWA Raw
    #BH: and you know what, I've a feeling that won't be the last we will see of her

    Looking forward to the upcoming PPV the announcers then show a graphic of the now official first match up made for BWA WrestlePalooza V where The Shiek & Abdullah The Butcher will take on Mitsuahru Misawa and Kenta Kobashi for the BWA tag team titles. They then announce that the next match will see the BWA debut of The Shiek as he will take on the third member of the Aces of the Universe and the BWA World Heavyweight champion.
    Todd Pettengill interviews BWA world champion Hiroshi Tanahashi and asks him if he has any comments about the attack he suffered last week, his match tonight and if he knows who will face Jack Brisco in tonights main event and then.

    Tanahashi: "Last week a coward attacked me under cover of darkness. I don't know who that man is but perhaps he will be fighting Jack Brisco tonight and I plan to be at ringside to give him the opportunity he never gave me and to look him dead in the eye." Pettengill tries to push him on what he will do or say to him then but Tanahashi says he has a match to prepare for and that we will find out later.

    The Sheik vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Unfortunately for the fans in attendance this one dos not get a chance to develop into a proper match as 5mins in Abdullah The Butcher who is in The Sheiks corner takes a fork out of his shorts and stabs it into the foot of Tanahashi in the ring. The match is immediately thrown out as a result.

    Winner via DQ Tanahashi

    Misawa & Kobashi immediately come running down the aisle and all four men brawl for a few minutes until eventually the Japanese superstars allow the dasterdly duo to get away so they can go check on Tanahashi who is in ring recieving medical attention.

    #BH: I knew those 2 couldn't be trusted
    #JD: Jesus yeah who carries a fork around with them... well except me so I can always enjoy my 7/11 super salad on the guy
    #BH: cmon dude nobody is interested in your sponsors, I just hope the champ is ok, you never know what you could catch from something Abdullah stashes in his shorts
    #JD: well I bet they are interested about the goings on 1km down the road from us today where the UFCs press conference is almost finished
    #BH: good point lets get the latest news from there

    Back to the just finishing UFC press conference for a recap of the 2nd hours news
    the highlisghts included that:
    * As part of the UFC BWA cross promotion a number of UFC competitors will fight at Wrestlepalooza V
    * The Venue for Wrestlepalooza V is announced as The Tokyo Dome, apparently the UFC head honcho has tried for Vegas
    * UFC legend Dan "The Beast Severn" is announced as one of these competitors
    * The First officially signed cross promotional bout is announced as Ronda Rousey vs Jesse Ventura!

    We then go live to the press conference which has almost finished. They are just about done answering questions about the controversial issue of Rousey fighting a man when out of nowhere Shinsuke Nakamura jumps up onto the table they are all sat behind runs along it and connects with a Boma Ye Knee strike to Punks skull! The international media go crazy and there are constant camera flashes as chaos ensues with a mass of humanity converging keeping Nakamura from further attacking Punk. In fact the cameraman covering the event for the BWA is knocked over and the feed is cut so we return to the rather shocked looking team of announcers.

    #BH: Holy Sh!t what is going on
    #JD: I really can't believe it!
    #BH: Some huge new there and as always Nakamura has to insert himself into the headlines.
    #JD: We will have to leave that discussion for the post show though as it's main event time!

    Tonight's main event

    Before the match begins Brisco comes out then all the lights go out as they did last week before what again sounds like the Godzilla march theme plays for a moment the announcers think it may be Vader given his comments earlier before the lights return and Samoa Joe's music fully kicks in as The Samoan Submission Machine is revealed!

    Samoa Joe vs Jack Brisco

    The announcers cannot stop talking about how Joe is undefeated for the past 18 months straight while he was in TNA but now the hottest free agent in all of Pro Wrestling must have signed for the BWA ahead of all the other suitors. He is in there against a 2 time NWA champion though and things don't go all his way in one hell of a hard hitting contest. For such a big man Joe goes at one hell of a pace and it is when he performs a Suicide dive transitioned into a elbow smash to the outside on his opponent that everyone sits up and takes notice.

    It's also at this point that Hiroshi Tanahashi with his foot heavily taped up comes out to the rampway to watch this bout. Still on the outside Joe 100% takes the initiative in the match by delivering a sick release German suplex that send Brisco head first into the ring apron. Brisco looks out of it as Joe rolls him into the ring but the assault continues with multiple suplexes including Dragon and Belly to Belly suplexes. Eventually a muscle Buster results in a very decisive victory.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    As we go off air we see Joe and Tanahashi stare down each other while Joe smiles a sinister smile and makes a belt gesture around his waist
    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    Jack Brisco

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!
    Live from Chicago

    The show opens with Jerry "The King" Lawler standing in the middle of the ring, at his feet is a brown sack.
    Lawler: ""Last monday night was a big night here in the BWA, the first matches for Wrestlepalooza V were announced, the challenger for the BWA world title at Wrestlepalooza debuted, The Wrestling Observer's Best Box Office Draw Rhonda Rousey was here on Raw and The BWA signed a massive cross promotional deal with the UFC!"

    The Chicago crowd start chanting "CM Punk, CM Punk.."

    Lawler: "Ahh yes the elephant in the room, CM Punk... Last week a BWA superstar attacked the non BWA Punk and almost put our UFC deal in doubt (The crowd booo). This man thinks of himself as being some sort of god, he thinks he can do what he likes and get away with doing whatever he likes but oh no not in my house! (The crowd cheer)

    I had a lot of things suggested to me for how to handle Mr Nakamura but i've settled on a three pronged approach. First thing is that he will see action later tonight against a man who has a point to prove and the second thing well thats a little surprise I have in store for him after that match and trust me Chicago you will love it but for now I want to concentrate on the final thing I will do to him and that is strip him of the BWA Hardcore title. This should come as no surprise to anyone who watched last weeks show but honestly this has been a long time coming.

    Last year at BWA Wrestlemania Terry Funk and Bruiser Brody fought him for this belt and since them similar greats have desired the belt and yet the champion has always treated the belt as below him. Even back during his days as a member of the Aces of the Universe, The King of Strong Style always looked down on this belt (he holds up the brown sack). He thought that the number one promotion in the worlds secondary title should not be a harcore title and... as much as I hate to say this... I honestly agree with the man. Which is why I want to introduce to you the new belt that will replace the hardcore title... The BWA Intercontinental championship!
    he reveals this belt from within the bag

    And who you ask will be able to see to it that this championship is treated as the prestigious title that it is, well how about a man that says it represents more prestige than the world championship... Pat Patterson!

    Patterson comes out and actually looks to be getting a little emotional looking at the Inter-continental title, no doubt the great ovation he got from the audience here in Chicago helped too. He goes to thank Lawler for once again allowing him to wear the IC title with pride but Lawler has to stop him there apologizing if he gave him the wrong idea and saying that Patterson is actually one of two men who will compete at WrestlePalooza V for the honor of wearing that championship belt. The other man Lawler says will be none other than the legendary...Gorgeous George!

    Patterson looks stunned as his Wrestlepalooza opponent makes his way out to the ring. However when he arrives in the ring Patterson actually looks happy and taking the microphone addresses George and everyone in attendance. He says how he always looked up to Gorgeous George and he was inspired by him as a young wrestler. Everything he did left a young impressionable Patterson in awe from the resplendent capes he wore to his ring entrance which was a bonified spectacle. Patterson said the bravado and showmanship he showed was unheard of at the time and he couldn't help but laugh at how he antagonized the fans. Pat finishes up by saying that it will be a true honor to go to to toe with him at Wrestlepalooza and then reaches out to shake his PPV opponents hand.

    George looks at him in disgust before swatting away his hand and saying, "god you really are one hell of a fag!"

    Patterson jaw dropped. They say never meet your hero and well it just got worse and worse the more George spoke, he called Pat "gods abomination" and said that he will happily smack some sense into him as he takes the Intercontinental title. Patterson looked like he was about to lose his cool but Gorgeous George did not relent asking what does one call a gay french canadian (just like Pat) bread... a A f*guette!

    thats it Pat snaps and the two begin to brawl around the ring. Lawler tries to separate them but he has his own problems to deal with as the in ring fighting had distracted him from Big Van Vader who came through the crowd and now attacked him from behind in the ring and in doing so knocks both Lawler and Patterson to the mat. The big man and Gorgeous George then continue the assault on their downed opponents until security forces them to stop. perhaps the damage has been done though as both men look a sorry state as they are helped to the back

    #JD: Before the show started Lawler told me he wanted to try and top last week here tonight and I was wondering how that was possible, but I must say that was one hell of a start.
    #BH: that was great but no offense, shut the hell up, considering our main event tonight is the Wrestlepalooza main event contract signing i've already heard enough yakity yak and I wanna see some wrestling already... someone tell them to start the first match!

    Match 1: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Jerry Brisco

    The champ is in action and gets a great reaction as he comes out to face the younger Brisco brother who has been impressing in 1 on 1matches recently. He almost gets the win too when he locks in the figure four leg lock early on and Tanahashi struggles to get to the ropes. The champion proves his worth though...

    Winner: Tanahashi


    Mitsuharu Misawa w/Kobashi vs Abdullah The Butcher w/The Sheik

    Winner via DQ Mitsuharu Misawa Fireball DQ


    Lawler backstage is confronted by Kenta Kobashi...makes the tag title match at Wrestlepalooza a no DQ match!

    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Jack Brisco

    Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

    Jerry Briscoe tries to console his brother but Jack pushes him away and stomps up the ramp once again enraged at how he can't get the job done.

    Nakamura post fight promo: Calling Punk Chicken, even a women who wasn't challenged answered the call, calls him the B!tch in the UFC

    Punk appears, GTS! Severn chokes out Kojima
    flanked by Severn & Rousey
    UFC promo

    Handicap match: Vader vs 2 local wrestlers

    Winner: Vader

    Ad Break

    CM Punk & Samoa Joe - first title defense will be Vs you

    Ventura vs Local MMA fighter (Man)
    Jesse The Body Ventura - Ron Burgandy esque caveman style promo on why he won't face a woman

    Ronda Rousey - it's booked your fighting and your going to get your ass kicked by a girl if you have the cohones to fight me.

    Kojima challenges Severn

    Contract Signing: Tanahashi vs Joe

    Tanahashi talks about the lack of respect Joe showed with his attack on him arrival in the BWA. Joe points out that he doesent give a damn about respect and that after Wrestlepalooza he won't be the one bemoaning a loss because he showed too much respect to his opponent, that will be Tanahashi. Joe won't show him any respect, he is here for one thing and one thing only to beat him and take the title

    In that case I will have to beat some respect into you just like Kobashi (at ringside) did...Joe announces Joe vs Kobashi 2 for next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭jmolloy

    I draft these guys

    The Midnight Express: “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton and “Sweet” Stan Lane

    But... The BWA enjoyed doing business with Beyond Chaos so much when we acquired Abdullah The Butcher & The Sheik that we have gone back for seconds
    The Midnight Express >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey

    the BWA welcomes Ronda to it's ranks

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher

  • Advertisement
  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭McLoughlin

    The UFC is in the house!
    CM Punk, Ronda Rousey, Dan Severn promo

    Vader vs The Shiek vs Abdullah The Butcher w/Lawler on commentary

    Misawa w/Kobashi vs Jack Brisco w/Gerry, lil bro fights back - Gerry Brisco snaps

    Winners: Mitsuharu Misawa

    Ventura retorts
    Pat Patterson w/Ronda Rousey vs Jesse Ventura
    Gorgeous George w/Stacy (fawning all over him) cut a scathing promo on Pat Pat

    Tanahashi vs Nakamura w/CM Punk on commentary

    Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi II

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,172 ✭✭✭Ridley

    I wish They'd get around to making a show that's somewhere between Superstars and ECW. Every so often defend the US/IC/tag titles on there as the main event, or #1 contender matches, have mini fueds, reference the show on Raw/Smackdown like They used to for Heat on PPVs.

    Doesn't have to be a third brand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Event: Wrestlepalooza V

    Venue: Tokyo Dome

    Opening Match
    Dan Severn vs Yasuhiro Kojima
    This match will set the tone for tonights PPV. It's USA vs Japan, UFC vs Pro Wrestling, Punks Buddy vs Nakamura's follower and thats before we talk about the men themselves that will kick off this PPV. Severn a 2 time NWA world champion and former UFC superfight champion wants to prove himself to everyone in Pro Wrestling whom he believes don't hold him in as high a regard as he deserves. Kojima similarly is enraged that American audiences don't recognise his greatness and believes that beating the man from the UFC is a perfect way start proving to them that he is second only to Nakamura in terms of greatness.

    Intercontinental title match
    Pat Patterson vs Gorgeous George w/Stacy Keibler
    The 1st ever Intercontinental champion Pat Patterson recently came out and coming out as a gay man in the professional wrestling industry is not the easiest thing to do but it sure was a huge weight off his shoulders. Combined with the fact that he recently signed a BWA contract Pat has spoken about how this is the happiest he has ever been. He thought nothing could improve things but then when Jerry Lawler told him he would get a chance at Wrestlepalooza V to once again hold the IC title there was only one thing he thought could make it better and that was if his opponent was the man he idolized... Gorgeous George.

    The old saying rings true with this one though you really should never meet your heroes because as Patterson would tell you, you'll only be dissapointed. George along with his manager, the long legged beauty Stacy Kiebler have arrogantly ran down Patterson and don't seem to care what kind of heat their homophobic slurs cause. They are sure the IC title is coming their way and thats all that matters to them

    Brother vs Brother
    Jack Brisco vs Gerry Brisco
    The Brisco Brothers were a highly successful team, amassing over twenty tag team championships over the course of thirteen years together and Gerry Brisco thought it would be the same when they both came to the BWA. Unfortunately though it wasn't long before he found himself back in a familiar place... In big brother Jack's shadow. Jack Brisco is a former world champion and has often been described as probably the greatest champion of the 20th century and yet in singles action it just hasn't clicked in the BWA for him. Loses against main event players like Shinsuke Nakamura Samoa Joe and Hiroshi Tanahashi have...

    BWA Tag Team Titles No DQ Tag Match
    Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa vs Abdullah the Butcher & The Sheik

    MNG Bad Blood personal feud
    Big Van Vader vs Jerry "The King" Lawler

    Cross Promotional inter-gender Bout
    Jesse "The Body Ventura vs "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey

    Cross Promotional Bout
    CM Punk vs Shinsuke Nakamura

    BWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Samoa Joe

    Now that the preview of the main show is over we go live to the arena for the pre-show main event
    Bra and Panties match
    Torrie Wilson vs Stacy Keibler

    Winner: The Audience

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    Abdullah The Butcher
    The Sheik
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Gorgeous George
    Yasuhiro Kojima
    Stacy Kiebler
    Torrie Wilson

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    (My draftee in this round is someone I was sure TSC and his Hollywood themed promotion would snap up.

    He was in a number of movies most notably Predator & The Running Man
    He is currently a major heel in the states for successfully suing the widow of the "American Sniper"
    He was a Navy Seal and went to Vietnam
    He has his own TV about conspiracy theories
    He was the 38th Governor of Minnesota
    He has even publicly contemplated a run at the white house in 2016

    Therefore he has buckets of potential for storylines and thats without mentioning how great a commentator and announcer he was. The guy argueably would have been a huge star (he was but coulda been even bigger) in the ring too if not for injury forcing him to retire early

    of course he is.....Jesse "The Body" Ventura

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
