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Israeli soldiers convicted for using Palestinian children to check booby-traps



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,920 ✭✭✭Einhard

    3: "If you don't immediately condemn Israel, anti-Israeli's label you an apologist/scumbag"
    Lazy straw man argument, which in itself ironically/hypocritically labels all anti-Israeli (for lack of a better term) posters, as irrational and dishonest, and is a very thinly veiled way of trying to discredit their arguments through attacking credibility.

    4: "This was the action of individuals, the individuals were convicted, Israel should not be critcised, it is exploitative to do so, stick to the topic at hand etc."

    To label criticism of Israel from these topics as exploitative, is to slur the posters criticizing Israel, and try to lazily dismiss their arguments without acknowledging/engaging them.

    Eh yeah, ok. Except for the fact that nobody in this thread has so far labelled anyone "pro-Palestinian" or "terrorist supporters", whereas one of the first posts in response was the snide "In before the friends of Israel arrive". It seems it's ok for one side to dismiss all contrary opinion in such a manner though. How convenient for you that they also happen to share your POV on the issue...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,759 ✭✭✭✭dlofnep

    Nothing new here. Israeli soldiers have a habit of using Palestinians as human shields.

    When the Israeli Supreme court banned the use of Palestinians as human shields back in 2005, the IDF went apeshít about it and appealed to have it reversed. Since the ban, there have been countless accounts of Palestinians being used as human shields. It's quite clearly that Israeli actions towards their soldiers is not enough, because they continue to do it.

    The IDF are slime.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭KyussBishop

    Einhard wrote: »
    Eh yeah, ok. Except for the fact that nobody in this thread has so far labelled anyone "pro-Palestinian" or "terrorist supporters", whereas one of the first posts in response was the snide "In before the friends of Israel arrive". It seems it's ok for one side to dismiss all contrary opinion in such a manner though. how convenient for you that they always happen to share your POV on the issue...
    You don't have to label anyone pro-Palestinian, or 'terrorist supporters', you were implicitly labeling people critcizing Israel.

    You argument mentioning the poster who said "In before the friends of Israel arrive" is similar the second thing in my last post:
    2: "Well it's not like the Palestinians haven't done the same":
    If true, this doesn't make it any less newsworthy, and (to take it to a length which hasn't been said) if such an argument is applied to imply hypocrisy, for not mentioning that Palestinians may do the same thing, then that is a false argument because:
    - Nobody has made the claim saying Palestinians don't do the same, and there is nothing said to imply people hold them to a different standard
    - Even if it were hypocrisy, that would not invalidate an argument, or make this less newsworthy; it stands by itself
    - Israeli crimes are more frequent, on a larger scale (thus far more disproportionate), and show a far greater level of inhumane treatment than Palestinian actions, Israel are also the oppressors in this conflict; thus Israel will (rightly) get far more negative attention
    Lets adjust that a bit:
    - I didn't make the claim that anti-Israeli posters don't do the same, there's nothing to imply I hold them to a different standard
    - Even if, by not mentioning the post you quoted, I was being hypocritical (which I wasn't), that wouldn't invalidate my argument; it stands by itself
    - Pro-Israeli posters use false arguments and dishonest tactics in their posts on a far larger scale, and show a far greater inhumane attitude towards people (Palestinian civilians) than anti-Israeli posters (who almost never show similar disregard for Israeli's, minus the inevitable tiny handful of idiots); thus pro-Israel posters will (rightly) get far more negative attention, due to the content of their posts

    NOTE: I don't like using the anti-Israel/pro-Israel labels, but it's the simplest way to state what I'm saying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,920 ✭✭✭Einhard

    You don't have to label anyone pro-Palestinian, or 'terrorist supporters', you were implicitly labeling people critcizing Israel.

    I did no such thing. At all. Have you read this thread?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭KyussBishop

    You did, implicitly:
    Einhard wrote: »
    SugarHigh wrote:
    I'm not an Israeli supporter by the way it's just that in this specific case I don't see how it's the state of Israel that's at fault because of the actions by 2 rogue soldiers.
    Oh but you are. You have a relatively nuanced view of the incident at hand, and don't use it to reflexively slam Israel, so therefore you're a "friend of Israel" and an inhman scumbag. That's how it works here you see.
    My (indirect) reply, which you quoted in your reply to me:
    3: "If you don't immediately condemn Israel, anti-Israeli's label you an apologist/scumbag"
    Lazy straw man argument, which in itself ironically/hypocritically labels all anti-Israeli (for lack of a better term) posters, as irrational and dishonest, and is a very thinly veiled way of trying to discredit their arguments through attacking credibility.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Einhard wrote: »
    And while we're at it, let's send a link to every member of the Irish Armed Forces of that sailor convicted during the summer of providing drug lords with the co-ordinates of naval patrol vessels. I mean, if the two Israeli soldiers are representative of the institution they served, then surely all Irish soldiers are in league with drug dealers? By your logic...

    Yeah because this is an isolated incident :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,920 ✭✭✭Einhard

    Yeah because this is an isolated incident :rolleyes:

    So Israel is damned when it does, and damned when it doesn't. The OP links to a story about soldiers being investigated and convicted by Israeli institutions, and yet somehow it's a cause to condemn the state of Israel? I really don't get it. I mean, there are plently of reasons to be critical of Israel and her policies, but this jumping on every single situation and story to do so is somewhat tedious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,020 ✭✭✭BlaasForRafa

    - Pro-Israeli posters use false arguments and dishonest tactics in their posts on a far larger scale, and show a far greater inhumane attitude towards people (Palestinian civilians) than anti-Israeli posters (who almost never show similar disregard for Israeli's, minus the inevitable tiny handful of idiots); thus pro-Israel posters will (rightly) get far more negative attention, due to the content of their posts

    Complete and absolute bull.

    Anti-Israel supporters are forever attacking the poster not the post and attempt to invalidate posters opinions by using phrases like "apologist" and the like. Anti-Israel supporters frequently use hyperbole in their posts and strawman arguments to attack Israel. There are important things to be talked about regarding the middle east but the vitriol from the anti-Israeli side makes rational discussion all but impossible sometimes.

    Your own post is hypocritical by trying to portray pro-Israel supporters as monolithic and inhumane and attacking their character whereas anti-Israel supporters are apparently pure of heart and even handed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    Well, its a good start. Now they just have to prosecute all the other instances of the same happening.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,759 ✭✭✭✭dlofnep

    Anti-Israel supporters are ...

    Well, there's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    So what? It's a damn war. People do messed up things. It's not as if it's a peaceful place. Psychopaths can do more stuff during a war than if we were all sitting around being happy and loving.

    A war you say? If there is indeed a war going on then shouldn't the boody RULES OF WARFARE apply? Or are these just to give you peace of mind but they are in fact to be ignored? And before you start screeching and squawking about how Hamas fires rockets into civilian areas and the whole "sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander" cliche I would remind you that "I was only following orders" or "well the other side does scummy stuff too, y'know!" explanations are no excuse for war crimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,779 ✭✭✭speedboatchase

    What an annoying and stupid thread this is. I'm glad people feel the need to create a new anti-Israel thread to validate their own views every day but this particular story actually shows IDF in a fairly productive, positive light. Good work guys! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    What an annoying and stupid thread this is. I'm glad people feel the need to create a new anti-Israel thread to validate their own views every day but this particular story actually shows IDF in a fairly productive, positive light. Good work guys! :D

    And yet you keep posting in these threads.........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    No matter how many times that the IDF are exposed for their barbarism and cruelty, people simply shrug it off as an isolated incident...the antics of a couple of bad apples. Well I'm pretty sick of seeing these systemic "isolated incidents" day in day out. The IDF commit war crime on a daily basis and then scream "anti-semitism" or "terrorist sympathiser" if they are criticised. The IDF routinely abuse Palestinians. Pregnant women and pensioners are left to die at checkpoints when they are trying to get to hospital. Don't know if anyone remembers that charming footage of a bunch of Israeli soldiers holding down a Palestinian and breaking his arms with rocks. The problem acting with the utmost cruelty towards kids:

    They are sick. Plain and simple.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭KyussBishop

    Complete and absolute bull.

    Anti-Israel supporters are forever attacking the poster not the post and attempt to invalidate posters opinions by using phrases like "apologist" and the like. Anti-Israel supporters frequently use hyperbole in their posts and strawman arguments to attack Israel. There are important things to be talked about regarding the middle east but the vitriol from the anti-Israeli side makes rational discussion all but impossible sometimes.

    Your own post is hypocritical by trying to portray pro-Israel supporters as monolithic and inhumane and attacking their character whereas anti-Israel supporters are apparently pure of heart and even handed.
    I rarely see a thread on this topic, where the arguments defending Israel's actions are not very well deconstructed by people condemning their actions.
    Criticizing the posters for what they are defending, is not out of bounds, and is not wrong (it is necessary even, as some peoples viewpoints on these issues are quite disgusting, and that deserves to be pointed out/criticized); to use that in itself as your argument is wrong though.

    From some (not all, as you could misread my previous post as saying) of the actual posters defending Israel, you will come across a range of arguments/tactics designed at obfuscation, deflecting arguments back at people ("they do it too", "why don't you mention their actions too?" etc.), straw men, painting it all as a "necessary evil" etc., diminishing condemnation, other arguments like "we're not in a position to judge", "we don't know the facts on the ground" etc. even though available data gives plenty of justification for judgment, and craploads more.

    The list of purely dishonest arguments used is quite large, and they are usually arguments which the posters must consciously know are dishonest, and it makes me (and really should make others) think about what it is exactly that these people are defending: usually, the murder and oppression of an entire population, and in some threads, the deaths of specific individuals.

    If some of these posters must be entirely conscious of the dishonest arguments they are making, and defend that kind of stuff, what does that say about them as people, and what are their motives for that? (if their arguments require being knowingly false, that implies they know what they are defending is wrong)
    I know it's possible (paradoxically) for even the nicest people, who if you knew them in person you know would never harm anyone, can hold totally repugnant views like what has been expressed in past topics on this discussion; I still personally find it quite sickening though, and think there should be much greater personal criticism of those people.

    Another thing to add: How many anti-Israel posters have defended any actions which would lead to the death of Israelis or others? If there are some, there are only a tiny proportion, whereas defense of actions which lead to death (or diminishing of criticism of such actions) are routine for posters defending Israel.

    By reading my posts, it could be read that I'm attributing this to >all< posters defending Israel (or other arguments to all those criticizing); I'm not, what I'm pointing out is that it's a simple observation that posts defending Israel, and a greater portion of the posters defending them (not all of them), express views which are more ugly and reprehensible than posters criticizing/condemning Israel.

    Related to the topic, here's a great article about the UN report on the flotilla deaths, by Glenn Greenwald: (U.N. Report finds Israel "summarily executed" U.S. citizen on flotilla)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    SugarHigh wrote: »
    To be fair there really shouldn't be any need to defend Israel on this because it's not like it's an official policy to use kids as shields. The people who did this were convicted by an Israeli court so it's clear most Israeli's do not find this exceptable.

    If someone in the Irish Defense Forces was to go mad and start killing kids should the whole of Ireland have to defend it self?

    I'm not an Israeli supporter by the way it's just that in this specific case I don't see how it's the state of Israel that's at fault because of the actions by 2 rogue soldiers.

    If it was an isolated incident, I'd agree, but it isn't.

    It is illegal of course, but seemingly condoned by some commanders on the ground.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Mousey- wrote: »
    from ops source
    It is reportedly the first such conviction in Israel - where the use of civilians as human shields is banned.

    theres always one egit that does somthing so wrong and new, that a ban has to be put in place against it.

    "why are ya doing that"
    "well, theres no law against it"

    Actually it was banned because it was SOP for the IDF for 30 years.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,479 ✭✭✭✭philologos

    Hang on. Israel convicts people of injustice? - Fair play on the court for ruling this way. I hope Israel continues to take such action in the case of wholly unjust behaviour in the IDF. As I see it this is a positive rather than a negative reflection on Israel.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    Nodin wrote: »
    Actually it was banned because it was SOP for the IDF for 30 years.

    It would be SOP in many armies if they thought they'd get away it with.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,670 ✭✭✭✭Wolfe Tone

    It would be SOP in many armies if they thought they'd get away it with.
    So the soldiers in "many armies" are scum then?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    Well, at least they were convicted - credit to the Israelis where its due.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,860 ✭✭✭✭Zebra3

    Every day Israel breaks international law with its illegal settlements in the Golan, the West Bank, and East Jeruselam.

    Every day the Israeli Defence (snigger) Force commits war crimes by backing up these illegal settlements on occupied territory.

    And people want us to commend it for this phantom trial? :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    MUSSOLINI wrote: »
    So the soldiers in "many armies" are scum then?

    War is a scummy thing my young friend.

    But no, soldiers in many armies aren't scum.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,670 ✭✭✭✭Wolfe Tone

    War is a scummy thing my young friend.

    But no, soldiers in many armies aren't scum.
    Would you class soldiers who use children as human shields as scum then?

    I notice that you have not chipped in with your personal thoughts yet, merely saying that Israel has deemed it illegal you then appear to attempt to defend said scumbag soldiers by saying that most soldiers and armies would do so if they were allowed.
    You said that the soldiers were idiots, are they so simply because they broke the "rules"?

    Do you think they should be allowed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    MUSSOLINI wrote: »
    Would you class soldiers who use children as human shields as scum then?

    I'd class soldiers convicted of using children as human shields as scum.
    MUSSOLINI wrote: »
    I notice that you have not chipped in with your personal thoughts yet, merely saying that Israel has deemed it illegal you then appear to attempt to defend said scumbag soldiers by saying that most soldiers and armies would do so if they were allowed.
    You said that the soldiers were idiots, are they so simply because they broke the "rules"?

    For a mere child yourself you've a way of twisting things!. Btw, I'm not slagging you off. But as your are not of military age yourself you'd be classed as a child.

    In reply to Wes I said "most armies", and its the truth of it. Personally I think its a scummy thing to do. Civilians are non-combatants and would be treated as such and afforded every protection possible from the conflict.

    MUSSOLINI wrote: »
    Do you think they should be allowed?

    Do I think they should be allowed us children as shields?.. Do I not make myself clear on this point?.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Jakkass wrote: »
    Hang on. Israel convicts people of injustice? - Fair play on the court for ruling this way. I hope Israel continues to take such action in the case of wholly unjust behaviour in the IDF. As I see it this is a positive rather than a negative reflection on Israel.

    I'll await the sentencing before making that judgement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,020 ✭✭✭BlaasForRafa

    By reading my posts, it could be read that I'm attributing this to >all< posters defending Israel (or other arguments to all those criticizing); I'm not, what I'm pointing out is that it's a simple observation that posts defending Israel, and a greater portion of the posters defending them (not all of them), express views which are more ugly and reprehensible than posters criticizing/condemning Israel.

    I would say that you could possibly be imposing your own bias when you look at what posters say.

    On the last two pages alone you have anti-Israeli posters calling ALL IDF personnel "slime", "scum" and "scumbags". I don't see any pro-IDF posters calling all palestinian equivalent names on this thread.

    The majority of the vitriol in this board and the politics board that gets laid down is very firmly from the anti-Israeli side, as is most of the emotive and irrational posting. As you said there are exceptions but I find that your attempt to paint one side as somehow devious and underhanded not only to be trying to impose a stereotype but to the just plain wrong and not particularly helpful to the debate.

    Too many times on these threads the anti-Israelis have just tried to shout down any dissenting voices to that of the orthodox view which seems to form here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,020 ✭✭✭BlaasForRafa

    MUSSOLINI wrote: »
    Would you class soldiers who use children as human shields as scum then?

    I notice that you have not chipped in with your personal thoughts yet, merely saying that Israel has deemed it illegal you then appear to attempt to defend said scumbag soldiers by saying that most soldiers and armies would do so if they were allowed.
    You said that the soldiers were idiots, are they so simply because they broke the "rules"?

    Do you think they should be allowed?

    I think for a PIRA supporter to be lecturing anyone on the laws and rules of warfare is extremely rich.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,494 ✭✭✭citizen_p

    the actions of two soldiers dosnt define an army.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Mousey- wrote: »
    the actions of two soldiers dosnt define an army.
    See the links posted above. This isn't an isolated incident.
