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Biggest chancer customers you have dealt with?

  • 01-09-2010 3:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 770 ✭✭✭

    First off I'm not sure if this is the right area for this so mods can feel free to move it.
    Anyone working retail ever delt with someone that you know is chancing their arm?
    This guy came into us with a Music CD claiming he bought it here and it was faulty and wanted a cash refund. The funny part is it had a sale sticker on it from another company :D He tried to argue he bought it here but I kept pointing to the sticker on it.

    Another time someone wanted a cash refund on something our company didn't even stock :D.

    Anyone else got any stories?



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,486 ✭✭✭✭Cookie_Monster

    yeah, group of travellers buying 4 cans and the kid trying to walk out with a crate on the sly.

    I caught him rapid thou :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,808 ✭✭✭✭chin_grin

    yeah, group of travellers buying 4 cans and the kid trying to walk out with a crate on the sly.

    I caught him rapid thou :)

    Crate of what?

    "Ah don' worry, Ih only Hugo Boss boss."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,515 ✭✭✭✭admiralofthefleet

    an elderly woman in bewleys years ago, she ate 90% of a danish and then complained to me that she didnt like it. she didnt get a free one

    another woman complained that her tea was too cold and when i pointed out to her that she had stood talking for 20 mins before sitting down she blew a gasket saying the boilers were broke so i used a temperature probe to show her the water was 97 degrees, the perfect temp. for tea

    in the years ive been working with the public i have always found that the more well to do customers are the biggest chancers

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,252 ✭✭✭deisedevil

    in the years ive been working with the public i have always found that the more well to do customers are the biggest chancers

    That's pretty much spot on.

    Had a seriously well to do woman come in to a butchery I used to work in when I was a yungfella. She had bought 250 quid worth of striploin off us on sale. She had eaten half of it over the space of a few weeks and then she came in to say she didn't like it and that it must have been a bad batch and that she wanted more. She didn't have the other half with her, She wanted the same amount in total in weight of what she had got before for free and she wasn't going to even bring back in the rest of striploin she had frozen. I told her she could forget it.

    The manager gave it to her. He said she would drive every other well to do customer out of the shop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    A woman whose 5 year old dropped his new PSP down the stairs christmas morning tried to tell me it was within her rights to expect a refund or replacement, lulz.The thing was in bits inside in the box but she just couldnt get why I wouldnt give her a brand new one, only a week old, still has the reciept, going to Joe Duffy, blah blah blah.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭Gyalist

    Once had a customer come to the till with a brand new pair of sneakers that he claimed that he'd bought as a present for his son but his son didn't like them so he wanted to have his money back. I asked for proof of purchase and he claimed that he couldn't find his receipt. I checked the box for our barcode but couldn't find it. When I opened the box I knew instantly that he couldn't have bought it as it was new season stock that had only arrived that morning and wasn't yet on sale. He knew that he'd been rumbled so he said that he was going to his car to look for the receipt and, of course, he never came back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,949 ✭✭✭The Waltzing Consumer

    krudler wrote: »
    A woman whose 5 year old dropped his new PSP down the stairs christmas morning tried to tell me it was within her rights to expect a refund or replacement, lulz.The thing was in bits inside in the box but she just couldnt get why I wouldnt give her a brand new one, only a week old, still has the reciept, going to Joe Duffy, blah blah blah.

    Mean! ;)

    Ha, when I worked with games consoles, we always gave replacements for accidental breakage, sure it has a guarantee for the year anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 617 ✭✭✭k99_64

    'One of your barmen just dropped my pint bottle of bulmers I want another one'

    Me: 'we dont sell pint bottles'

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,324 ✭✭✭mojesius

    Used to work in a restaurant and we had these infamous regulars called 'the steak family'. You'd bring out their food, check back on them, everything would be fine, then one or more would pipe up a few minutes later when their food was nearly finished and demand to speak to the manager.

    Cue either new steaks, free drinks/desserts or a discount on the bill. Used to happen every weekend no matter how perfect the food or service was, they were always gaggin for a freebie and were extremely rude about it.

    Eventually, one of waiters asked them, upon complaint time, why they kept coming back to the restaurant, as they had a problem on every occasion.They complained to the manager about him, manager was sick of their shyte and just said 'in fairness, he has a point'. Never saw them again. They cost the restaurant a fortune during their stint.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,339 ✭✭✭El Horseboxo

    I worked in Xtra Vision during college and i had a fella come in with the a box set of the Sopranos. He said his son bought it the other day and shouldn't have been served it as it is over 18's. He was getting a bit mad about the whole thing. So i asked for the receipt to see who sold it to him but he said his son lost it. It was still wrapped in plastic and just to avoid a scene i said fúck it and would exchange it as he wanted something else. I began the process and searched for it on the computer. And then i noticed that it hadn't even been released in Ireland yet. Looked up the release date list and it was 3 weeks away. I told him this and he said his son definitely bought it in here.

    So i looked in the back in case we got them early and someone sold one by mistake. Nothing and no sales history on the computer. And then i notice a Best Buy sticker on the back down the bottom. And it had a price tag of 45.99 US Dollars. And to top it off i noticed some white stuff along the plastic seam. He had glued the wrapper back on to it. The disc were scratched when i looked at them. So i pointed all this out to him and he grabbed the box set and left.

    I thought that was the end of it but he comes back into the shop later on with a piece of paper cut out in the size of a receipt and the box set typed on it with a date and price and an Xtra Vision logo at the top. I just broke my bollix laughing. He actually went home and printed out a receipt that looked nothing like ours and had a date and time on it when the shop wasn't even open. He had 10:30 or something but we didn't open till 12 on Sundays. Can't believe he thought it would work. If the discs weren't scratched i would have exchanged it for effort. Chancing bastard.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭Gyalist

    in the years ive been working with the public i have always found that the more well to do customers are the biggest chancers

    That's been my experience as well. I have friends who own a restaurant near BT and they do great business with "the ladies who lunch". They have no problems spending large amounts in BT then demolishing a bottle of wine in my friend's place and then claiming that the wine was off. I once witnessed a scene where a group of three well-known society women ate their meal then tried to weasel out of paying by claiming that the peaches in the dessert were canned and not fresh as stated on the menu. They created such a fuss with the manager in front of the other customers trying to embarrass him into reducing their bill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 875 ✭✭✭triseke

    i used to work in a shop that sold things for babies, ie clothes blankets etc. One evening i was on the floor on my own and a woman came into the store. She went to the back of the store. About 5 minutes later i went back to see if she needed help. She had a duvet set in her hand and proceded to tell me

    "oh hiya, i was here earlier on and i was talking to a blond girl" I named several of the blond staff and she she identified the assitant manager's name.

    "oh yes. thats her. I was talking to her earlier about returning this item. I bought it for a friend of mine but she has since lost the baby, and in the fray ive misplaced the receipt. The manager told me to come back with the item this evening".

    Now, of course i was shocked at this. I had not been long in the job at the time and thus did not know how to take a return item. I called the manager in the office who came up to the floor.

    When the woman saw the manager she told me that she had to get something from her car and would return in a few minutes. She never came back. It was only when i spoke to the manager that i found out that this woman is notorious for doing this. She will go to the back of the shop, pick up an item, tell a sob story and get the money back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 428 ✭✭wayne0308

    I had a person come into an internet cafe once, now I had seen this person looking for change not 5 minutes walk from the shop just that morning.

    She came into the shop and looked around for a bit and picked up a yellow snack and put it on the counter and went to hand me a 200euro note. I tried to explain that I had no change for that kind of money, she didn't seem to have much English, and she must have taken it as an insult and started screaming stuff at me.

    I didn't even take the note off her as the shop only had a 45euro float and it was a slow day so there wouldn't have been more than 80euro in the till. So I have no idea if it was actually fake but I would say so.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,739 ✭✭✭✭starbelgrade

    I worked in a shop once...

    Nah, didn't really. Just made that bit up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Plagued with sales calls from NTL but far too polite to tell them to get lost.
    Since I was spineless I'd make excuses

    "Oh I can't sign up with NTL, we have Chorus already"
    "That's great sir, NTL have taken over Chorus and we are rebranding to UPC. Now let me confirm your details while I check our Chorus database "

    Busted! :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,821 ✭✭✭RxQueen

    Do anyone else notice when customer dont get his/her own way , they always say:

    " Well my Husband is a journalist and im a solicitor, so we are going to take this to the papers and sue you"

    who knew that so many journalist and solicitors marry!:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭Gyalist

    wayne0308 wrote: »
    I had a person come into an internet cafe once, now I had seen this person looking for change not 5 minutes walk from the shop just that morning.

    She came into the shop and looked around for a bit and picked up a yellow snack and put it on the counter and went to hand me a 200euro note. I tried to explain that I had no change for that kind of money, she didn't seem to have much English, and she must have taken it as an insult and started screaming stuff at me.

    I didn't even take the note off her as the shop only had a 45euro float and it was a slow day so there wouldn't have been more than 80euro in the till. So I have no idea if it was actually fake but I would say so.

    That was a well-known scam by the Roma women a few years ago. They'd buy something small with a 200euro then suddenly change their mind once they gotten the change.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,239 ✭✭✭✭WindSock

    Working in XtraVision, my friend had someone say;

    'this film is really crap, I want a refund'

    Well, duh.

    I also worked there too and there was a different prick who always wanted credit on his account for some reason or another. He was a miserable cnt who never used to come up to me at the counter as I wouldn't suffer him. Everytime he came in, it was something different. 'Videos put in the wrong boxes', 'the trailers are a bit fuzzy', ' I thought it was x amount for x days... weh, weh weh'

    I agree completely with Admiralofthefleet. It's always the well to do ones that are the biggest chancing sons of bitches. I don't mind people who try their hand but when they have a sense of inheritance attitude to match they can fk right off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭PeterIanStaker

    Years ago when I was in school I worked part time filling cars, carwash etc. So one day this guy wants to get his 4x4 Range Rover washed, which we duly did. We used to charge for Car, Jeep, Van etc, and he went ballistic at me (an apathetic teen with greasy long hair, at the time) for charging him for a 4x4 wash, insisting the vehicle was insured as a car. I got the manager, who just let him off with paying for it as a car, but the gob****e went to a lot of effort to save the £1.50 difference between a car and a 4x4. And yes, he was well to do in a suit and tie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    WindSock wrote: »
    It's always the well to do ones that are the biggest chancing sons of bitches.

    "Did you need a college degree to get your job?"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,324 ✭✭✭mojesius

    Another one from the restaurant, seen many times. Table of underagers would come in, try to order drink. No ID, no drink. They'd all order cokes, bring their drinks to the toilet with them and return with extremely pale cokes, thinking they were really smart. I'd take it off them saying 'that coke doesn't look right, let me get you a fresh one'. The shock on their faces was hilarious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,324 ✭✭✭mojesius

    "Did you need a college degree to get your job?"


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭Gyalist

    WindSock wrote: »
    I agree completely with Admiralofthefleet. It's always the well to do ones that are the biggest chancing sons of bitches. I don't mind people who try their hand but when they have a sense of inheritance attitude to match they can fk right off.

    99% of the time it's women, and they start it at a pretty young age too. In my business we get the teenage girls who buy a top and wear it out on a Friday night then try to return it on Saturday for a different one despite the original top being caked in fake tan and makeup and reeking of perfume.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,239 ✭✭✭✭WindSock

    "Did you need a college degree to get your job?"

    No one ever asked me that question, unfortunately. I was working there while I was in college during the day. I always hoped some fkhead yummy mummy with snot and chocolate stuck to their shirt tried it on :pac:

    Insead of letting their 'angels' run riot around the shop and wreck the place :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 875 ✭✭✭triseke

    mojesius wrote: »
    Another one from the restaurant, seen many times. Table of underagers would come in, try to order drink. No ID, no drink. They'd all order cokes, bring their drinks to the toilet with them and return with extremely pale cokes, thinking they were really smart. I'd take it off them saying 'that coke doesn't look right, let me get you a fresh one'. The shock on their faces was hilarious.

    thats brilliant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,324 ✭✭✭mojesius

    triseke wrote: »
    thats brilliant!

    Sometimes, you'd have to repeat the procedure dozens of times per group of teenagers, I just found it funnier everytime watching them getting more enraged!

    Plus, it's way easier than getting a call from Mumsy the next day complaining about how 'ill' their darling daughter was after their meal last night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 658 ✭✭✭MIRMIR82

    I worked in a shop once...

    Nah, didn't really. Just made that bit up.

    Ah starbelgrade - thats a weak one!;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,700 ✭✭✭tricky D

    emo!! wrote: »
    " Well my Husband is a journalist and im a solicitor, so we are going to take this to the papers and sue you"

    The comeback for "I know my rights, I'm a solicitor" is "If you really knew your rights, you'd know you're wrong, so you're not a solicitor as this stuff (usually invitation to treat or repair/replace/refund) is 1st semester stuff. Btw, it's illegal under the Lawyer Act to make a false claim about being a solicitor, shall I call the Gardaí?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,515 ✭✭✭✭admiralofthefleet

    happened to me in work last saturday as well

    a fella came up to the carvery and said to me 'im the other chefs nephew he said i would be looked after for a dinner'. i asked him who's son he was as i know the other chefs family very well. his face dropped and he walked away mumbling under his breath

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    There was a bit of a scam going betting on dogs when I was working in the bookies. People would use really **** hand writing where you weren't sure whether they had written €5 or €50. They would do this just as the dog race is off, and wouldn't put the money down until they saw how their dog was doing. If it was doing **** they'd put €5 down, if it was doing well they'd put €50 down. We just told them to **** off, we don't take late bets, especially when it comes to the dogs. There is a phrase for all of this but it is escaping me right now.
